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Practical Questions

slides : pylorus , gastrooesophageal junction , liver H&E , circumvallate papillae , sublingual galnd , lip , Appendix aw large intestine mosh mota2aked,, Oesophagus Photos: submandibular , duodenum , Gall Bladder, illeum, rectoanal junction >>> identify fundus >>>>fundic glands oxyntic cell >>>> identify NO.1

jars : carcinoma lower end of the oesophagus, pigmented stones slides : mucoid carcinoma , Bilharzial hepatic fibrosis

H.nana , couple schistisoma mansoni , taenia egg , female ancylstoma duodenale , giardia lambia cyst.

1)the solution colour is salmon yellow and the indicator is topfer's solution question 1 - PH is....... 3 2 - this indicates ....... free acidity 2) alpha amalyse test is used to determine diseases ........ and " ......... (parotitis and acute , chronic pancreatitis )" 3) 2 Beakers - salmon pink & pink which one shows free acidity, what is the indicator then mention principle of A Amylase bta3

Selenite F Broth - identify mention 2 bacteria causing GASTROENTERITIS >>>> salmonella and shigella mention 2 charachteristic biochemical reaction for one of them >>>> urease -ve and indole -ve

1st Set submandibular gland - identify pointed and mention parasympathetic nerve supply piriform fossa - identify , mention sensory nerve supply trunk : inferior mesentric artery - identify only mandible - identify the bone ..... and marked at coronoid process - identify and mention structure attached Liver - identify the organ - pointed at renal impression - mention strcture related - right kidney Stomach - identify the organ pointed at fundus - identify & mention blood supply" short gastric men splenic" 2nd Set Liver >> porta hepatis and mention 2 structures passing genioglossus and it's nerve supply identify >> abdominal aorta mandible >> pterygoid fovea >> structure attached lesser curvature and mention structure attached Parotid duct , where does it open? 3rd Set Bone : digastric notch medial surface of mastoid process>> attached structure posterior belly digastric parotid duct ..muscle pierced by it>> buccinator body of pancreas>> arterial supply (pancreatic branch of splenic artery) stomach - identify the organ -Point at posterior surface - peritoneal sac related to it = lesser sac Rabbuna Yusahhil.

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