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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Military Situation
- Upon a UN-monitor-tour in Homs, Al-Assad regime withdraws its forces from the governorate, and deploys troops in Daraa, which fired its artillery and tanks against the city amid crackdowns and detention campaigns. (1) - A huge explosion rocked the Mezzeh military airport. The explosion was followed by heavy gunfire and clashed between Al-Assad's forces and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Homs district of Al-Nazariya near the LebaneseSyrian borders.(1)(2)(5)(9) - An oil pipeline was blown up in Deir Az Zour's Abu Hamam district.(5) - Several explosions were witnessed by the Damascus's eastern neighborhoods of Rukn Al-Din, Al-Muhajeerin, AlQaboun, Al-Sabinah and Sahnaya, as well as the Latakia's southern region of Al-Raml.(9) - Al-Assad's forces bombed the Deir Az Zour's districts of Al-Ashira, Al-Shaitat and Al-Bokmal, and stormed AlBasatin district after a blast heard in Al-katef neighborhood.

Statistics 21th/April Martyrs: 28

Political Stances International

- The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a Russian-European draft resolution on Saturday that authorizes an initial deployment of up to 300 unarmed military observers to Syria for three months to help bolster a fragile ceasefire. The resolution calls on President Assad's regime to cease all violence, as well as allowing the UN observers to use helicopters during their mission.(1)(2)(3)(4)(7)(9)(11)(12)(14)(15)

- The US Ambassador to the UN Security Council Susan Rice warned that while Washington supports the resolution, it may "not agree to renew" the UN monitoring mission at the end of 90 days.(1) - Mark Lyall Grant, British Ambassador to the United Nations warns that Al-Assad regime would face "strong sanctions" in case it failed to comply with obligations. (4)(7)(9)

(1) (2)

- France's Ambassador to the UN Gerard Araud said, "The Security Council wants to send the observers as quickly as possible but at the same time, we have to take into account the danger for the observers. It is the first time that the UN is sending in a war zone observers, because there is still fighting...there is still violence."(1)(3)(4)(7)(9) - Neeraj Singh, spokesman for the UN observer team in Syria, said "Two observers will permanently remain in Homs."(9)(16) - China's Ambassador to the United Nations Li Baodong emphasizes the need to respect the will of the Syrian people, calling on all sides to fully cooperate with Annan's plan.(9) - The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov considered that the UN Security Council draft resolution on increasing the number of observers in Syria will allow stabilizing the ceasefire.(16)

- The government security forces deployed roofs of the Hama district of Al-Arbaeen's schools. They heavily fired their machineguns amid gunfire heard in Al-Ghab plain. The Syrian Army's tanks were seen roaming in Kafr Nabouda.(1) - Colonel Riad Al-Asaad, commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), announced his rejection of the Russian and Chinese representatives in the UN-monitor mission.

Asharq Al-Awsat The London-based Al-Hayat (3) The Kuwaiti Al-Watan (4) Al-Quds Al-Arabi (5) The Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal (6) The Syrian Al-Baath (7) Reuters (8) AFP (9) The Qatari Al-Jazeera (10) The Israeli Haaretz (11) Washington Post (12) wall Street Journal (13) The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth (14) The Guardian (15) The Telegraph (16) Russia Today

- Colonel Malik Al-Kurdi, the FSA second-in-command, considered the period of time spent by the UN monitors in observing the ceasefire and the UN-Arabi envoy Kofi Annan's plan is added to the other grace periods given to the Syrian regime over more than a year to continue killing the Syrian innocent people.(1) - Hossam Eddin Al-Awak, an FSA commander, announced that the Syrian opposition started receiving light weapons from abroad, but without financial support.(1)

Political Mobility
- Bahia Mardini, member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), announced that establishment of a women organization, which aims at boosting the Syrian women role in the political process in Syria.(9)

Edited by Abed Alrhman Alsarraj This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion.

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