Civil War Presentation Rubric

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Civil War Essay/Speech Rubric

Student Name: ____________________

There may be some factual errors or incorrect analysis, but the content is mostly good. The analysis may be lacking in amount or quality.



Information is all factual and relevant to the topic. Analysis of topic is incorporated into the essay. It is more than just a retelling of history; it is an analysis of how and why the topic is important and relevant to study. A list of sources is handed in that cites where the information came from. It does not have to be in NoodleBib or proper bibliographic format, but that would certainly benefit the essay and speech if it was. Very few grammar or spelling mistakes, if any


Essay Content /20

There may be multiple Severe errors in facts or factual errors in the essay information make the essay or relevant information may unreadable. be lacking from it. There is no historical analysis; it is just a retelling of history.

List of Sources /5

A list of sources is not turned in.

Spelling and Grammar /10 Speech Content /15 Speech Delivery /10

Some grammar or spelling mistakes, but the paper is still readable.

Major errors in grammar Overwhelming grammatical and spelling greatly affect mistakes make the paper the ability to read the paper. unreadable.

Information is all factual and Information is of good relevant to the topic. quality but may be lacking Analysis of topic is some analysis. incorporated into the speech. Excellent delivery eye contact, volume, fluency, and gestures are outstanding. Good delivery eye contact, volume, fluency, and gestures are good.

Some factual errors in speech regarding topic or analysis of topic. It is simply a retelling of history.

Many factual errors make the speech difficult to understand or historically inaccurate.

Acceptable delivery A number of difficulties in speaker may have presenting make the speech problems with one or more difficult to understand. aspects of the delivery.

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