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6 people are needed to play this game. One person is the reader. They will read the questions. The other 5 people will pick a game piece and place it on Start/LevelOne. The Reader will read the the 6 questions under LevelOne. Whoever answers the question first gets the card. After the reader reads all the questions, whoever has the least amount of cards is out. The other 4 advanced to LevelTwo. The same goes for all the levels. Finally, whoever has the most cards at the end of LevelFour moves up to LevelFive and wins the game.

1. The reader decides who answers the question first. 2. If you think someones answer is wrong, you can challenge it 3. In the case of a tie at the end of a level, the people who are tied will participate in a Challenge. To do this, the reader draws a card from the Challenge pile. The reader reads the card outloud. Whoever wins the Challenge on the Card advances up a level. The loser is out

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