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Flow Control

C Programming Language

Statements and Blocks Conditional structure
If-Else Else-If

Iteration structures (loops)

While-do Do-While For

Jump statements.
The Break statement The Continue statement Goto and Labels Return and Exit

The selective structure


Statements and Blocks

{ statement1; statement2; statement3; }

Conditional Structure: If and Else

Being used to execute a statement or block only if a condition is fulfilled.
if (condition) statement

We can specify what happen if the condition is not fulfilled by

if (condition) else

statement1 statement2

Iteration structures (loops)

While-do loop Do-while loop For loop

The while loop

Format: while (expression) statement

The do-while loop

Format: do statement while (condition);

The for loop

Format: for (initialization; condition; increase) statement;

Jump statements
The Break statement The Continue statement Goto and Labels

The break statement

The break statement can leave a loop

The Continue statement

Causing the program to skip the rest of the loop in the current iteration

The goto statement

The exit function

The selective structure: Switch

The selective structure: Switch

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