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Name _________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Teacher ___________________________________________________________________ Fourth Grade Science

Indicators: 4.4.3: Compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions (including wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature) and patterns. 4-4.4: Summarize the conditions and effects of severe weather phenomena (including thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes) and related safety concerns. 4-4.5: Carry out procedures for data collecting and measuring weather conditions (including wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature) by using appropriate tools and instruments.

Weather Assessment- Weather Conditions and Patterns 4-4.3 1. When temperatures drop below 0 OC (32 OF), the water droplets that make up clouds can freeze. What can happen when this occurs? A. B. C. D. The droplets break the cloud apart. It begins to rain. The droplets fall to the ground as snow. The Sun shines brightly. 3. Which of the following weather conditions would make you put on a heavy, warm coat and gloves?

Use the data table below to answer the following question. Average Monthly Weather Data Daily High Daily Low Precipitati Temperatu Temperatur on re (F) e (F) (inches) 48 41 3.3 73 59 2.5 88 75 7.2 68 61 2.8

4. Lin knows there are four seasons and that each season has its own weather conditions and patterns. She wants to make a chart about the patterns of weather. Which shows the correct order of weather patterns for a typical year beginning in January? A. cold, snowy warm, wet hot, dry cool, crisp B. warm, wet cool, crisp hot, dry cold, snowy C. hot, dry cold, snowy cool, crisp warm, wet D. cool, crisp cold, snowy hot, dry warm, wet 5. Which of these best describes the weather during the summer in South Carolina? A. B. C. D. Cold and dry Hot with chances of snow Hot with chances of thunderstorms Cold and rainy

1 2 3 4

2. The weather in South Carolina in late summer is hot and usually rainy. Which row of data could be the weather averages for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the month of August? A. B. C. D. 1 2 3 4

6. Which type of precipitation occurs most often during the year in South Carolina? A. B. C. D. Rain Snow Sleet Hail

7. A dangerous weather condition that occurs during the summer and fall in South Carolina is _____. A. B. C. D. an air mass a blizzard a hurricane a warm front

Use the satellite picture below to answer the following two questions.

8. The direction that the wind is blowing from can often affect the temperature. Which wind direction would most likely bring cooler or cold temperatures with the wind? A. B. C. D. East North South West

13. The weather satellite picture shows a large storm that forms over warm ocean water. All of the following are conditions that come with this storm EXCEPT: A. very high wind speeds B. high waves at the coast C. a funnel-shaped cloud D. flooding 14. Very strong winds blow in a circular pattern around the center of the storm as shown in the satellite picture. What is the center of this storm called? A. B. C. D. The funnel The eye The front The wall

4-4.4 9. Thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes are different kinds of storms. Which is correct about all three storms? A. B. C. D. They all happen in the spring. It is best to stay inside when they occur. They all involve snow. It is okay to watch them from a window.

10. If a severe thunderstorm warning is given, the conditions that may happen in the area of the storm are all of the following EXCEPT: A. lightning B. lots of rain C. strong winds D. sleet 11. Which of the following precautions should be taken in a thunderstorm? A. Stand near trees B. Stay indoors C. Stand still D. Do not take a nap 12. A hurricane forms over _____. A. dry land B. cold ocean waters C. warm lakes and ponds D. warm ocean waters

15. It was spotted at sea by satellite. It was tracked by radar as it came from the southeast Atlantic. It had winds faster than 75 miles per hour. A warning was given that it would reach land in 24 hours or less. When it struck land there were dangerous winds, torrential rains, and flooding. What was it? A. B. C. D. a tidal wave a tornado a hurricane a severe thunderstorm

16. If a tornado is coming, which of the following would be the safest place? A. B. C. D. Flat in a ditch In the pool Near a window Under a tree

17. Hector made the list below to help him identify different types of storms. He observed some recent severe weather and recorded what he saw. Severe Weather Checklist High winds Yes Snow No Lightning Yes Funnel cloud Yes Heavy rain Yes Dark clouds Yes What type of storm did Hector most likely observe? A. A thunderstorm B. A tornado C. A hurricane D. A blizzard 4-4.5 18. Which instrument measures wind speed?

22. Julia wants to know which direction the wind is blowing. Which tool would best help her in her investigation? A. An anemometer B. A telescope C. A thermometer D. A wind vane 23. Use the picture to answer the following question. This simple instrument could be used to measure _____. A. precipitation B. temperature C. wind direction D. wind speed

24. Using the thermometers on the right, find the difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest readings in the three cities. A. 30 degrees B. 25 degrees C. 65 degrees D. 90 degrees

19. Which tool is used to measure wind speed? A. Anemometer B. Rain gauge C. Thermometer D. Wind sock 20. A student is using a compass to find out which direction the wind is blowing. Which of the following would be best for him to observe to help him find the direction of the wind? A. A flag on a pole B. The temperature on a thermometer C. Birds flying above the trees D. The shadow of a building 21. The weather instrument shown on the right is used to measure _____. A. air temperature B. precipitation C. wind direction D. wind speed

25. The picture at the right shows a thermometer in a room. What is the temperature of this room? A. 19 oC B. 20 oC C. 21 oC D. 22 oC

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