Weather Assessment Clouds and Weather Tools

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Name ________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________ Teacher ___________________________________________________________________ Fourth Grade Science

Indicators: 4-4.2: Classify clouds according to their three basic types (cumulus, cirrus, and stratus) and summarize how clouds form. 4-4.5: Carry out procedures for data collecting and measuring weather conditions (including wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature) by using appropriate tools and instruments.

Weather Assessment- Clouds and Weather Tools 1. The children were given cotton balls to make clouds on their pictures in art class. These large, puffy, fair-weather clouds are called _____. A. cirrus B. cumulus C. stratus D. thunderheads 2. What usually happens to a cumulus cloud before it rains? A. It starts to break apart B. It becomes wispy and feathery C. It forms layers D. It appears dark and thick 3. Bill was watching the clouds. How can he tell the difference between a cumulus cloud and a cirrus cloud? A. Cirrus clouds have fuzzy edges. B. Cumulus clouds are shaped like teardrops. C. Cirrus clouds have sharp edges. D. Cumulus clouds always appear black. 4. Which of the following types of clouds look like wisps of hair and are found very high up in the sky? A. Cirrus B. Cumulus C. Rain D. Stratus

5. When stratus clouds appear in the South Carolina sky, the weather that day will most likely be ____. A. cold B. mostly cloudy C. fair D. stormy Use the chart below to answer the following question. Cloud Formations Cloud Name Appearance Cirrus Cumulus Cumulonimbus Stratus Thin, feather-like Fluffy, dome-shaped flat bottom Thick and dark, tall Flat and wide layers

Special Characteristics Forms high in the sky, made of ice Forms quickly and high in the sky on warm days Extends high into the sky, Top is made of ice, rain cloud Forms low in the sky, Blocks light

6. Which cloud formation says it may be a pleasant day but too dark to take good photographs? A. cirrus B. cumulus C. cumulonimbus D. stratus

Jared observed a cloud in the sky and made the following notes: 1. very low to the ground 2. looked like a blanket across the sky 3. rain fell from the cloud 7. What type of cloud did Jared see? A. Cirrus B. Cumulus C. Fog D. Stratus 8. Which sequence shows how a cloud forms? A. liquid water evaporates Sun warms water vapor vapor condenses clouds form B. Sun warms water vapor liquid water evaporates vapor cools clouds form C. Sun warms liquid water water evaporates vapor cools and condenses clouds form D. water evaporates heated vapor condenses clouds form 9. Clouds form as a result of which stage of the water cycle? A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Precipitation D. Runoff 4-4.5 10. Hector made the list below to help him 11. Which instrument measures wind speed? identify different types of storms. He observed some recent severe weather and recorded what he saw. Severe Weather Checklist 12. Which tool is used to measure wind speed? High winds Yes A. Anemometer Snow No B. Rain gauge C. Thermometer Lightning Yes D. Wind sock Funnel cloud Yes Heavy rain Yes 13. A student is using a compass to find out Dark clouds Yes which direction the wind is blowing. Which of the following would be best for him to observe What type of storm did Hector most likely to help him find the direction of the wind? observe? A. A flag on a pole A. A thunderstorm B. The temperature on a thermometer B. A tornado C. Birds flying above the trees C. A hurricane D. The shadow of a building D. A blizzard

14. The weather instrument shown on the right is used to measure _____. A. air temperature B. precipitation C. wind direction D. wind speed 15. Julia wants to know which direction the wind is blowing. Which tool would best help her in her investigation? A. An anemometer B. A telescope C. A thermometer D. A wind vane Use the picture to answer the following question. 16. This simple instrument could be used to measure _____. A. precipitation B. temperature C. wind direction D. wind speed

18. The picture below shows a thermometer in a room. What is the temperature of this room? A. 19 oC B. 20 oC C. 21 oC D. 22 oC

17. Using the thermometers on the right, find the difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest readings in the three cities. A. 30 degrees B. 25 degrees C. 65 degrees D. 90 degrees

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