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Name _______________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ Teacher ___________________________________________________________________ Fourth Grade Science

Astronomy Assessment (Results of Earths Titled Axis, Suns Effect on Earth, Properties of the Sun)
4-3.4 Explain how the tilt of Earths axis and the revolution around the Sun results in the seasons of the year.
Use the diagram below to answer the following question. 6. During which season is the northern hemisphere tilted toward the Sun? A. Summer B. Fall C. Winter D. Spring 7. During the winter months the Earth is _____. A. tilted closer toward the Sun B. tilted farther away from the Sun C. spinning slower than in summer D. spinning faster than in summer 8. During which two seasons is neither hemisphere of Earth tilted toward or away from the Sun? A. summer and winter B. winter and spring C. fall and winter D. fall and spring

1. The motion of Earth around the Sun most affects the ______________. A. timing of tides B. length of a month C. cycle of the seasons D. phases of the Moon The diagram represents Earths orbit around the Sun. 2. About how long does it take Earth to make one complete orbit around the Sun? A. 24 hours B. 7 days C. 1 month D. 1 year 3. A year is the time it takes _____. A. the Moon to make one complete revolution around Earth B. Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun C. Earth to make one complete rotation in on its axis D. the Sun to make one complete rotation on its axis 4. What causes the seasons of the year? A. The tilt of Earth on its axis B. The rotation of the Moon around Earth C. The spinning of Earth on its axis D. The northern and southern hemispheres 5. Which of these is caused by Earths revolution around the Sun? A. day and night B. the Moon phases C. the water cycle D. the seasons

9. The seasons on Earth do NOT depend on which of the following? A. The tilt of Earths axis B. The distance between Earth and the Sun C. The revolution of Earth around the Sun D. The number of daylight hours 4-3.5 Explain how the rotation of Earth results in day and night. 10. What causes day and night on Earth? A. Earths rotation on its axis B. The Suns revolution around Earth C. Earths revolution around the Sun D. The Suns rotation on its axis 11. Which is true of the day-night cycle on Earth? A. All parts of the Earth are in sunlight at the same time. B. As the Earth rotates only the part of the Earth lighted by the Sun experiences daytime.

C. Each time the Earth revolves around the Sun, one day has passed. D. It takes the Earth eighteen hours to complete one day-night cycle. 12. Which of the following is the result of the rotation of Earth? A. Cloud formation B. Day and night C. The seasons D. Weather 13. Based on this picture, what is it like in South Carolina? A. Hot and cloudy B. Rainy C. Day D. Winter

A. B. C. D.

it heats up Earths surface it provides energy for plants it is stored in fossil fuels such as coal it reflects light from the Moon

15. If the Earth moved farther away from the Sun, which of these would probably happen? A. There would be no Moon. B. There would be no tides. C. There would be colder weather. D. There would be more seasons. 16. What does the Sun provide that is needed by life on Earth? A. heat and light B. oxygen and water C. water and light D. water and heat 4-3.2 Compare the properties (including the type of surface and atmosphere) and the location of Earth to the Sun, which is a star, and the Moon. 17. Which of these best describes the Sun? A. An object that is close to Earth B. An object that reflects light from the Moon C. An object that orbits Earth D. A ball of hot gases

4-3.3 Explain how the Sun affects Earth. 14. All of the following are ways the Sun affects Earth EXCEPT:

18. Which of these best shows that Earth revolves around the Sun as the Moon revolves around the Earth?

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