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My Interesting Experience

Last my experience when pass senior high school. That time before I and my friend accept announcement letter, all my friend feel afraid because really after examination, our teacher give we a notice if that not pass the examination ,the pass letter announcement sent to the house by self. but that time pass announcement .my teacher said it cancel to send because many student not pass the examination . I and my friend really feel afraid and arrived that time received announcement letter , I receive the letter , my friend there are look so happy, but there are that6 sad because not pass the examination . After that, I walk to the bedroom for open the letter. I open the letter , I really happy because I pass the examination, thats time that we waiting, we really happy we paint our uniform, and I ask sign to my friend, and we going to Jember, suddenly I fallen from the motorcycles, but I not feel sick, because I pass examination After that I and my friends next our trip to Watu Ulo beach, I and friend resting for a minutes because we felt bury tired, but although that we really happy this day. So we continue take bath in the beach until afternoon. After take bath and play we meeting our money for buy snout and drink after that we return home. Till home announcement to my parent if I pass the exam, my parent look so happy, knew if me pass the exam, I really happy makes my parent happy, but this not the and my trip, because I will get good future and more since, and I will always make my parent happy, till the and my life

Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah bahasa inggris Yang Dibimbing Oleh : Ibu Nimatul Masruroh

Oleh :

Oleh : Muhammad Syaefudin Nim: 083092039


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