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Running Head: Bivariate and Multivariate Tables

Bivariate and Multivariate Tables

Nadiyah Edwards SOWK 300 Tuskegee University February 18, 2012

Rs Attitude about Rap by Rs Age Rs Agecat3 (IV) Attitudes about Rap (DV) Like Rap 27 9.8 124 Dislike Rap 45.1 6 1.7 153 44.2 8 1.0 446 55.1

Bivariate Hypothesis:

An individuals age as an impact on rather or not they like rap music. The older a person may be can mean they would less likely to like rap music. Teenage to young adults would be most likely to like rap music. The content of rap music is most appealing to youthful individuals.

Rs Attitude about Rap by Rs Age Controlling for Rs Race Rs Race (CV) White Rs Agecat3 (IV) Attitude about Rap (DV)

Rs Agecat3 (IV) Attitude about Rap (DV)

Like Rap

18-29 17 7.8 101 46.1

30-39 2 .7 132 45.7

40+ 5 .7 386 55.7 Like Rap

18-29 9 23.7 16 42.1

30-39 4 10.3 13 33.3

40+ 1 1.2 43 51.2

Dislike Rap


Multivariate Hypothesis:

An individuals age as an impact on rather or not they like rap music. Black Americans are more likely to like rap music in comparison to any other race. The older a person may be can mean they would less likely to like rap music. Teenage to young adults would be most likely to like rap music. The content of rap music is most appealing to youthful individuals.

Bivariate Discussion:

27 percent of 18-29 year old individuals like rap more than any other age group. An individuals age as an impact on rather or not they like rap music. The older the individual may be can mean they are would be less likely to like rap music. Teenage to young adults would be more likely to like rap music. The content of rap music is most appealing to youthful individuals.

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