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Vol: 2012:7 26 April to 10 May 2012

Brisbane Edition Telephone: (07)3870 3234

The Most Popular Parents Publication in Aus
Mob: 0406 2222 59

Oh No! Theres No Room atand centresKindy! the doing it tough Anguished parents
IN BRISBANES west, child rearing has become like a competitive sport, so scarce are vacancies in some day care centres and kindies. An uneven spread of child care and kindy services in Brisbane is causing anguish for parents and centres alike, with some services hopelessly oversubscribed while others struggle to survive.

Recently, in some areas dozens of parents were queued up from before dawn in an eort to get their children a berth at a local kindy for 2014. Meanwhile, in other suburbs, early learning and day care businesses are struggling to survive because of competition against state-built centres they say werent needed. Critics have blamed poor analysis and political interference with creating a problem they say could have been avoided. After its re-election in 2009, the Bligh government sought to increase participation of Queenslands 53,000 kindy-age kids in an early learning programme from 29 KindyNews brings Brizzys parents of kids per cent in 2007 the lowest in the aged seven and under a collection of upcountry to 100 per cent by 2014. beat, entertaining, and fun kid-related newsy Since then, theyve built 102 bits and pieces to make you smile and enjoy. state-owned kindies, out of We are circulated in your area, we email the 240 originally promised by copies to our subscribers each week and are a 2014. By 2011, the government popular meeting place for parents at announced that it had exceeded its targets, with 69 per cent of We want to hear from you for stories and your own news. Email media@kindynews. com or telephone us at (07) 3870 3234!

Many parents struggle to secure places in early learning programmes for their kids.

four-year-olds already enrolled in an early education program delivered by a qualied teacher. But its where theyve been built that is causing dramas for parents, with critics of the program and even some beneciaries pointing to glaring ineciencies. What are your experiences with kindy? Why not let us know on our Facebook Page, or through our blog at!

Snags Ahoy, Arrr!

LETS PARTY! ... Natalija (2) and Lilyana (6) of Milton enjoy the sausage sizzle morning at Oce Works in Milton. Pirate Sarah from Imagine That Parties, and KindyNews reporter Sam were on hand to add to the party atmosphere!

C&K Association of Queensland Early Childhood Conference 2012

Dont miss out on the C&K Early Childhood Annual Conference. Register Now! The rights for all children to experience their childhood will be the central theme at this years Conference. Date: Friday 25 to Sunday 27 May 2012. Registration closes on May 13 at 5pm. Where: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Contact: 3552 5333

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Some Really Funny Jokes

Q: What did the hat say to the scarf? A: You hang around and Ill go ahead. Q: What award did the inventor of the door-knocker win? A: no-bell p rize! (Tom, 6, Milton) Q:What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you? A: Pick them up and roll them back to her! (Ben, 7, Indooroopilly)
Email your Really Funny Jokes to

WITH concern over the childhood obesity rate soaring, its no surprise that parents are eager to teach their babies and young children to be active. Theyll nd no shortage of options if they decide to enroll in a class.

Does Your Baby Need to Hit the Gym?

Theyre in the Business of Fun!

Dont be Afraid to Learn to Swim

By Sue Ward Owner Get Set & Go Swim School KindyNews Swim Coach There are many reasons why adults cannot swim. But the two most common are the fear of drowning or the lack of opportunity to learn. Fear is generally the result of a negative water experience as a child. The lack of opportunity is often representative of older generations some overseas cultures and those who live in remote areas. It is never too late to learn. Like children, adults who are learning to swim require small learning groups and a caring teacher who provides a calm and non-threatening environment. A learner adult appreciates the skills to be broken in small parts for easy adaptation. To overcome ones fear or to learn a new skill, particularly if it has been a lifetime dream, gives one the feeling of great accomplishment. Learning to swim not only opens the doors to a great many water sports and activities, but also, as parents, grandparents and carers, it is essential that we can swim to better protect children from the dangers of the water. Sue has been teaching kids and adults to swim for almost 2O years. To arrange lessons, contact her at 3300 0444.

Chains and independent centers around the Australia run programs where parents bring babies and toddlers to e n c e . a play setting to practice climbing, Kids encounter enough diverwalking, crawling and balancing sity in a typical home environment under the supervibuild sion of an instrucThese classes to helpshe says.motor skills, But tor. Many of these ingrain the idea of these classes ingrain companies are expanding nationally physical activity the idea of physical and even globally. into kids from a activity into kids from a young age, which is But how soon young age, which important.When conis too soon to in a steer young chilis important ductedpose safe setting, they no harm dren to physiand can be a fun thing for parents cal tness? And is it safe? Laura Berk, a child-development to do with little ones, she adds. professor at Illinois State University GYMBOREE Play & Muin the US and author of the book sic has been fostering creaChild Development, says while there tivity and condence in chilis no evidence that gym classes help dren ages 0-5 for over 30 years. babies acquire physical skills more To gym with your baby, on 3878 2468. quickly, they can be a positive inu- call Elaine

BOUNCEY, BOUNCEY... Parties are always better with a jumping castle. To book one, call Meaghan at 1300 586 723.

Youre Still Breasfeeding!?

By Pinky McKay PA E DIAT R I CIAN Scott Dunlop says most in his eld would recommend breastfeeding for between six and 12 months. There are no medical benets. My personal feeling is that children who breastfeed for that long tend to over-identify with their mother, and so can struggle to separate, Dr Dunlop said.

WHY Choose Brisbane Jumping Castles (BJC) for your next party? Heres Why: BJC services all of Brisbane and other areas on request. It is owned and operated in Brisbane, (deal with someone local. The bookings oce is open from 8am - 6pm. BJC doesnt just have bouncer castles. Our castles are Jump & Slides or Large 5 in 1 Combos - so your kids can have more fun. All castles are fully maintained and checked for safety before and after each use. BJC has $10 million public liability insurance cover. BJC prides itselfs on being friendly and reliable for your special day. Most castles come with sun shade covering; Each castle comes with a ground tarp for protection; All castles come with safety mats at the entrance, and can double up to keep your kids socks clean and dry; Safety is an absolute priority for Brisbane Jumping Castles. All electrical equipment is tested and tagged. Safety switches will be used on electrical equipment. Blue Card Reg No 376804/1 To Book a Jumping Castle, call Meaghan at 1300 586 723.

To overcome ones fear or to learn a new skill, particularly if it has been a lifetime dream, gives one the feeling of great accomplishment.

I wonder if Dr Dunlop and colleagues who share his beliefs actually know any kids who have breastfed beyond 12 months or even six months, seeing he seems so unsupportive to breastfeeding women. While it may not be everybodys cup of tea, to breastfeed beyond babyhood, I would like to explain a thing or two to those ignorant health professionals and

journalists who sensationalise and create fear about what is a normal, natural, biological need for infants. I would also like to oer support to women who choose to breastfeed their babies beyond that acceptable six or twelve months that Dr Dunlop mentions. You see, I have been there, breastfed older babies (yes, a 3-year-old is still an infant they arent supposed to be independent of their mothers, just yet!). I have also copped the sort of ak that these men are dishing out and some came from women. Although extended breastfeeding raises eyebrows in our culture, the world average age for weaning is 4.2 years. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the rst six months and that infants continue to be breastfed for up to two years and beyond.

Pinky is a best-selling author and sought-after public speaker. She also regularly appears on major network TV stations. You can also read her columns at

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