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1. A group of N stations share a 56-kbps pure ALOHA channel.

Each station outputs a 1000-bit frame on an average of once every 100 sec, even if the previous one has not yet been sent (e.g., the stations can buffer outgoing frames). What is the maximum value of N? Answer: With pure ALOHA the usable bandwidth is 0.184 x 56 kbps = 10.3 kbps. Each station requires 10 bps (1000/100 = 10 bps), so N = 10300/10 = 1030 stations.
2: Let G = 0.5 [frames/slot] be the total rate at which frames are transmitted in a slotted ALOHA system. What proportion of slots will be collision free? What proportion of slots will be collision free when the system is operating at its maximum throughput? Proportion of slots that will be collision free = P[0 frames arriving in the datalink layer in a slot] Assuming Poisson process for the arrival time of the frames, P[0 frames arriving in the datalink layer in a slot] = eG = e0.5, which equals the fraction of slots that will be collision free for G = 0.5. The value of G maximum throughput condition in slotted ALOHA is given by G = 1. Based on the aforementioned analysis, we calculate the proportion of collision free slots as

P[0 frames arriving in the datalink layer in a slot] = eG = e1 = 0.368, which equals the fraction of slots that will be collision free for G = 1.

3. A large number of stations in a slotted ALOHA network generate 50 requests per second on average, where the requests include originals and retransmissions. Suppose the duration of a time slot is 40 ms. (a) What is the probability that the message is successfully transmitted on the k-th attempt? (b) What is the expected number of transmission attempts needed for a successful delivery? Answer: G=2 requests/slot Pk=e-G(1-e-G)k-1 E=eG

Suppose a CSMA/CD network is operating at 1Gbps, and suppose there are no repeaters and the length of the cable is 1km. Determine the minimum frame

size if the signal propagation speed is 200km/ms. Answer: Since the length of the cable is 1 km, we have a one-way propagation time of t = (1 km) / (200 km/ms) = 0.005 ms = 5 ms So, 2t = 10 ms. If we have 1 Gbps, we can calculate the amount of bits transmitted in 10 ms. Let L be the minimum frame size, then 10 ms = L/(1 Gbps) = L/(1000 bits per ms) So L = 10,000bits. So the minimum frame size should be 10,000 bits. =========================

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