Rasolofoarinivo Alphonse, Madagascar, HIV/AIDS and Care Work - Summit 2012

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Rasolofoarinivo Andrianantenaina Alphonse

President of the Ambalavao Communal Council (Madagascar) Second President of the Ceertified Organizers Association in Education about Environment

1 - How did you go about identifying the problem (what)?

The HIV/AIDS is an universal plague which threatens the human life (several millions persons suffering from AIDS) . In Madagascar, the rate of prevalence of the HIV/AIDS is not considerably high. But in the Ambalavao Commune HIV/AIDS has never existed. Problem / The cases of STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases ) give alarm into 2005.

AGES 2005 2005

Age category 15 years old to 24 years 25 years and plus

Case of STD 19 26

The STD constitute an " open large door " for the AIDS Virus . For this reason there fight against the STD propagation proves impossible to circumvent in the Ambalavao Commune. " Prevention is better than cure " Activity: Prevention stopping the STD propagation in order to avoid the HIV/AIDS. N.B/ Statistical : raised from the Base Health Center in Ambalavao.

Base Health Center in Ambalavao

2 - Is this issue important (why)?

The importance of this problem is focused on the Prevention which is based on stopping the STD propagation which can involve the HIV/AIDS. This problem developed because of " RISK PLACES " discovery.

Analamandry hotel in the Analamanga Park (Ampangabe quarter)

My Dream HOTEL (Anosibe quarter)

Forest Station " Sisaony "

Truck parking

On this, thoughts arise at my spirit: " Never put till tomorrow what you can do today." from where The best defense , it is the attack." All these problems encouraged me to urge voluntarily to emit a project of PREVENTION counters the HIV/AIDS by the means breaking the STD propagation .

3 - How are you going about addressing the problem?

To tackle this problem: -- To present the problem to the local authorities in order to ask the approval from the town councilors and the authorization from the Mayor. -- Descent into the 15 quarters for sensitization (300 sensitized and convinced families.) -- Meeting with the truck-drivers and their fellow-members (once per week , 15 to 20 persons sensitized by meeting) -- Education as regards reproduction by the doctors of the CSB of Ambalavao (876 High-school pupils and schoolboys of more than 15 years were sensitized ) -- Creation of the cultural activities to support sensitizing.

Office of the Commune of Ambalavao

Cultural activities (Topic directed towards the fight against the AIDS)

Contest of poems and folk dances

Tournament of female basket

Tournament of male Foot ball (Soccer)

Hiragasy (traditional Song and dances)

4 - What is the time frame for the project?

It acts of one long-term plan. the project begins into 2006 (for one unspecified duration) and lasts until so that the STD are broken. We considered that the 30% of the Ambalavao population will be detected into 2015.

5 - Who is the key target? Who is involved? What partnerships have been developed? Are women and men equally involved? Are their concerns equally taken into consideration?

Principal targets All population, in particular the young people who count 61% of the population, partners of the truck-drivers) Participating / Organizers, citizens, scouts, local Committee of fight against the AIDS, Partners : Commune, SAHA, AJMM, CSB II, UNO, Mpanazava. Women and men are implicated in an equal way. Their interests were taken equitably in consideration.

Targets :men, women and children

targets: the young people (61% of the population

6 - Resourcefulness: What financial, human and other resources were mobilised? How are these being efficiently utilised?
Partners Mode of contribution

Financial Contribution/year Commune

AJMM CSB II UNO (scouts)

material contribution Streamers, Wiring for sound

Folders Folders, books, posters, reviews Folders, reviews, posters

200 000 Ariary (95,24$)

288 000 Ariary (137,14$)

Material support offered by UNO

Folder offered by the AJMM STREAMER delivered by the Commune

7 - Monitoring and evaluation: How do you go about tracking progress and taking corrective action where this is needed?
Every six months / Meeting of the organizers, partners, local authorities, representing association of the women and young people for evaluation .They also study FEED BACK of the cultural activities used for sensitizings (creativities)

Lifting of the colors before the meeting

8 - Results: What results have been achieved?

The cases of the STD decrease each year

AGES 2009
Men Women

Men Women

Men Women

.24 years old

15 years old







25 years old +

Rise of 60% on the preservatives sale at a local pharmaceutical dispensary. Women and men look after themselves easily shameless in the Base Health Center (case of the STD) 137 detected people on June 07 2011 including 82 women NB / No case of STD among these detected people. Development of a Communal Plan of Fight against HIV/AIDS from where adoption of a Budget allocated to fight against the STD 1 000 000 Ariary/ year = 476 $/year

Local pharmaceutical dispensary

Men and women look after themselves shameless together at the doctors.

9 Impact: With reference to the 28 targets of the SADC Protocol on

Gender and Development please say which of these targets your project is helping to achieve and how.

ARTICLE 27:Reinforcement of the strategies to fight against the AIDS . Eradication of the discrimination about the patients Assumption of responsibility of the persons suffering from AIDS by the State. Suggestion: Application of the severe sanctions to those who reject the patients 10 Effectiveness: Is your project effective? If yes, why do you think so? Credibility and effectiveness of the project: Justified by: -- positive results seen above. -- Acquisition of the indeed dynamic partners

11 - Sustainability and replication: is the practise sustainable? Can it be replicated by others?

the practice of this project could be used by other local communities even if it is about one long-term plan with condition that the problem is identified as a preliminary. 12 - Lessons learned: What lessons have been learned in this process? How are they being applied?
Ingeniousness, creativity and the mastery of technical plea from the organizers. To act initially, the partners will come afterwards. Mutual aid ,massive and effective participation of the women and the men together. Achievement of the duties of each person in charge. The local authorities conviction before starting the Project.



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