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10 ,2008


Total Marks : 64

Chapter # 7,8

Time : 1 HR

ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS,(Each Part has 8 marks) QUESTION # 01 Differentiate between Discrete& Continuous probability distribution. ,also give example? Also define trial,outcome,random experiment,,Bernoulli trial,binomial experiment a) A fair coin is tossed 5 times.What is probability of getting ? i) Exactly 3 heads ii) Atleast 3 heads iii) At the most 2 heads c) In binomial binomial distribution ,mean and standard deviation were found to be 38 and 5.6 respectively.Find n and p. QUESTION # 02 a) Given the discrete probability distribution :P(X=x)=4CX *(1/2)CX *(1/2)C (4x).Find the complete probability distribution for x=0,1,2,3,4 b) Five balls are drawn from a box containing 4 white and 7 black balls.if X denote the number of black balls drawn,then obtain the prob.distribution of X.find mean and variance of this distribution and verify the result using the formula. QUESTION # 03 a) Define continuous random variable .what is probability density function? Write down its properties ? b) A random variable has probability function given below : X 1 2 3 4 P(x) 3/10 4/10 2/10 1/10 Find : I) Mean of X, ii) Var(x) , iii) C.V , iv) E(5X+7) , Show that v) E(5X+7) =5E(X)+7 c) A committee of size 5 is to be selected from 3 female and 5 male members .Find the expected number of female members on the committee?

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