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Product Criteria Cards

Friendly Letter (Written Communication) Format includes heading, salutation, body, closing, and signature Tone is appropriate for audience Length is sufficient to meet grade level expectations and to clearly communicate ideas Game (board or video) There is a clear and relevant goal to the game. The players are able to beat the game in one sitting. The design and graphics are relevant to the topic. You have included clear and specific written directions.

Model/Diorama All parts are clearly labeled. All parts are relevant and help the audience to understand the purpose of the model. The scale is proportional and explained. The model is clearly explained through an oral presentation.

Script for Skit or Play Follows a specific sequence - uses transition words effectively. Stage directions are written clearly using theatre language correctly. Appropriate vocabulary is included. Length is sufficient, and meets grade level expectations.

Interview The person being interviewed is someone whose view on the topic will be valuable. The questions asked of the interviewee are relevant and further your knowledge/opinion of the topic. The questions and responses are recorded for the viewer/reader to see. You are able to come to a conclusion at the end of the interview based on the information gathered. Website (add a page to their site) Includes appropriate headings/titles for pages or parts of pages Text features are used effectively and correctly Images are appropriate to topic and add to the audiences understanding The website is easy to navigate

Brochure Layout is attractive and appropriate for audience and purpose It is folded with information on each panel Information is organized by topic/idea There is evidence of a clear Introduction and conclusion

Data Analysis/Table/Graph Includes a title and labels Data is accurately represented Your data is organized and easy to understand You choose an appropriate method for representing your data Scale is appropriate to information and grade level expectations Includes a key and/or explanation of important details Visual Art (Collage, Picture Postcard or Drawing) The topic is clearly explained through an oral presentation. A common theme/purpose/message is evident. There are details included to support the purpose. If appropriate, the labels and clear and thorough.

Photostory There is a clear beginning, middle, and end. The images, music, and narration all share a common theme related to the topic. The included text features enhance the audiences understanding. The topic is clearly stated and well supported. Map

Includes a title and key Important landmarks and locations are clearly labeled Is drawn to appropriate scale

Cartoon Book/Comic Strip There is a clear beginning, middle, and end. The images and dialogue share a common theme related to the topic. The included text features enhance the audiences understanding. The topic is clearly stated and well supported.

Poem, Song, or Rap Can be based on existing poem, song, or rap Rhythm is evident Format and style match lyrics or poem content Appropriate vocabulary is included Length is sufficient to meet grade level expectations and clearly communicate ideas Podcast

Time Line There is a title. It is in chronological order. Important/Relevant events are included. Text/Graphic features are used effectively and correctly.

The speakers voice is clear and consistently heard throughout the entire length of the audio. Follows a specific sequence - uses transition words. There is evidence of a strong introduction and conclusion.

Video/Vodcast Scenes, and graphics, are relevant and synchronize with audio. Content flows in a specific, coherent sequence Transitional slides, graphics and words are used to organize thoughts and adhere the vodcast together Timing is an appropriate length Voices and faces are appropriately animated Powerpoint/Prezi - Slideshow Presentation Text features are used effectively and correctly. Images are appropriate to topic and add to the audiences understanding. Follows a specific sequence - uses transition words. There is evidence of a strong introduction and conclusion.


Text features are used effectively and correctly. Images, videos, and audio are appropriate to topic and add to the audiences understanding. There is a clear structure and space is used effectively.

Blog/Penzu/Journal Postings provide comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the topic. Postings reflect the authors unique personality through expressive and carefully selected word choices that bring the topic to life. Uses a consistent organizational structure that is easy to follow and places the most recent posts at the top of the page. Updates blog as often or more often than required; all posts are date-stamped.

Social Media Thread Organizes thread in a manner that invites thought and inquiry There is an obvious centralized theme, question, or concern Writes responses that are consistently positive, thoughtful, respectful, and succinct while providing a meaningful addition to the discussion. Responds to new posts in a timely manner

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