2-7 and 2-9 Tif Agenda

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CES Benchmarks

Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership

TIF PD Agenda Goal Focused Groups February 7th and 9th, 2012 Items to be Discussed


Reflection/Follow-up~ (5 min) Speed Circle - Share out something youve learnedwhile observing your peer -that came as a surprise! Post-Conference with Danielson Tool (1 hour) - Evidence Sheet - Post-Conference Form and Questions - Professional Conversation Feedback~ (30 min) - Examples/non examples sort - Concept Attainment - General Information (Wiggins, ASCD, other resources) - Implications for Communicating with Peers Post-Conference with Peer Feedback~ (30 min) - Feedback Process Form

Reflection ~ (15 min) - Considering the process of the Peer Observation (pre-conference, observation, collection of evidence, post-conference), what are your general reflections? - What, So What, Now What? Follow-up~ (40 min) - Consider next steps and plan accordingly - Be prepared to share implications for practice

Looking Ahead:
Feb 21 and 23: Grouped by Goal Focused Groups~ follow-up

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