Potential Market Share 100% Guarantee Due To No Competitors

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My 1st Slide Potential Market Share My 2nd slides (ane aku nda tau subheading nya apa) 1st

month (we plan to get a contract and deal with the car dealer to buy our product, this is to avoid failure) Price = $350/piece Volume = 1,000 pieces/month Sales = $350,000/month 100% guarantee due to No Competitors

3rd months after (we plan to start direct selling) Price = $380 / piece Volume = 1,000 pieces/month Sales = $380,000/month

The reason why the price is increasing because at this step we are doing direct selling where people usually buy in small quantity. 6th month or year after (we plan to conduct a road show) Price = $400/piece Volume = 1,000 pieces/month Sales = $400,000/month

The reason is we have upgraded the function to loudspeaker version. 12th months or 1 year after (we introduce it to other country) Price = $420/piece Volume = 1,800 pieces/month Sales = $756,000/month

This is due to we have upgraded the version of map, it is support all maps and to cover the cost of production on exporting process.

Statistic on Price Level

$450 $400 $350 $300 1st Month 3rd Month 6th Month

12th Month

Statistic on Production
2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 1st Month 3rd Month 6th Month

12th Month

Statistic on Sales per Month (Price x Volume)

$450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 1st Month 3rd Month 6th Month

12th Month

Thats all from my side.

GPS Satellite

You Cell Phone

Advance Tracking Device in vehicle receives GPS coordinates in real time and...

...Sends them to you Cell phone

Advance Tracking Device inside

This is yg si sai minta. Idun knw cna ea pnya plan fr this. Nonetheless, just include it.

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