OT Practice April 23 Issue

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in the ever-changing
health care environment
uAl Con
April 2629
indiAnApolis, in
Practical Benefits of Research
International classification system
CE Article: Telehealth as a Service
Delivery Model News And More!
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VOL UME 17 I SSUE 7 APRI L 23, 201 2
Be an 9
Occupational Therapy
Helping the Profession
Thrive Within a Competitive
Health Care Market
Pamela E. Toto notes no one can better
advocate for the profession than we, the
practitioners. Winning advocacy begins
with the person in your mirror.
Connecting to Clinicians13
The Practical Benefits of
Occupational Therapy Research
Andrew Waite speaks with academic
program directors and clinicians about
the reciprocal and mutually rewarding
relationship between academic theory
and clinical practice.
Discuss OT Practice articles at www.OTConnections.org in the OT Practice Magazine Public Forum.
Send e-mail regarding editorial content to otpractice@aota.org.
Go to www.otpractice.org/currentissue to read OT Practice online.
Visit our Web site at www.aota.org for contributor guidelines, and additional news and information.
OT Practice serves as a comprehensive source for practical information to help occupational therapists and occupational therapy
assistants to succeed professionally. OT Practice encourages a dialogue among members on professional concerns and views.
The opinions and positions expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily those of OT Practices editors or AOTA.
Advertising is accepted on the basis of conformity with AOTA standards. AOTA is not responsible for statements made by advertisers,
nor does acceptance of advertising imply endorsement, official attitude, or position of OT Practices editors, Advisory Board, or
The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. For inquiries, contact the advertising department at 800-877-1383, ext. 2715.
Changes of address need to be reported to AOTA at least 6 weeks in advance. Members and subscribers should notify the Membership
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or make the change at our Web site at www.aota.org.
Back issues are available prepaid from AOTAs Membership department for $16 each for AOTA members and $24.75 each for
nonmembers (U.S. and Canada) while supplies last.
Chief Operating Officer: Christopher Bluhm
Director of Communications: Laura Collins
Director of Marketing: Beth Ledford
Editor: Ted McKenna
Associate Editor: Andrew Waite
CE Articles Editor: Maria Elena E. Louch
Art Director: Carol Strauch
Production Manager: Sarah Ely
Director of Sales & Corporate Relations: Jeffrey A. Casper
Sales Manager: Tracy Hammond
Advertising Assistant: Clark Collins
Ad inquiries: 800-877-1383, ext. 2715,
or e-mail sales@aota.org
OT Practice External Advisory Board
Tina Champagne, Chairperson, Mental Health
Special Interest Section
Donna Costa, Chairperson, Education Special
Interest Section
Michael J. Gerg: Chairperson, Work & Industry
Special Interest Section
Tara Glennon, Chairperson, Administration
& Management Special Interest Section
Kim Hartmann, Chairperson, Special Interest
Sections Council
Leslie Jackson, Chairperson, Early Intervention
& School Special Interest Section
Gavin Jenkins, Chairperson, Technology Special
Interest Section
Tracy Lynn Jirikowic: Chairperson, Developmen-
tal Disabilities Special Interest Section
Teresa A. May-Benson: Chairperson, Sensory
Integration Special Interest Section
Lauro A. Munoz: Chairperson, Physical
Disabilities Special Interest Section
Regula Robnett, Chairperson, Gerontology
Special Interest Section
Missi Zahoransky, Chairperson, Home &
Community Health Special Interest Section
AOTA President: Florence Clark
Executive Director: Frederick P. Somers
Chief Public Affairs Officer: Christina Metzler
Chief Financial Officer: Chuck Partridge
Chief Professional Affairs Officer: Maureen Peterson
2012 by The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
OT Practice (ISSN 1084-4902) is published 22 times a year,
semimonthly except only once in January and December, by
The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc., 4720
Montgomery Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814-3425; 301-652-2682.
Periodical postage is paid at Bethesda, MD, and at additional
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Mission statement: The American Occupational Therapy Asso-
ciation advances the quality, availability, use, and support of
occupational therapy through standard-setting, advocacy, edu-
cation, and research on behalf of its members and the public.
Annual membership dues are $225 for OTs, $131 for OTAs,
and $75 student members, of which $14 is allocated to the
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$142.50 for individuals and $216.50 for institutions. Subscrip-
tions in Canada are $205.25 for individuals and $262.50 for
institutions. Subscriptions outside the U.S. and Canada are $310
for individuals and $365 for institutions. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for
delivery of the first issue.
Copyright of OT Practice is held by The American Occupational
Therapy Association, Inc. Written permission must be obtained
from AOTA to reproduce or photocopy material appearing in
OT Practice. A fee of $15 per page, or per table or illustration,
including photographs, will be charged and must be paid before
written permission is granted. Direct requests to Permissions,
Publications Department, AOTA, or through the Publications
area of our Web site. Allow 2 weeks for a response.
CE Article
An Introduction to
Telehealth as a Service Delivery
Model Within Occupational Therapy
Earn .1 AOTA CEU (1 contact hour or NBCOT
professional development unit) with this
creative approach to independent learning.
AOTA 92nd Annual Conference 17
& Expo, Indianapolis
in the ever-changing
health care environment
News 3
Capital Briefing 6
Medicare Part B Outpatient
Therapy Cap for 2012
Practice Perks 7
Understanding ICFs Connection
to Occupational Therapy Services
Evidence Perks 24
Collaborations That Work:
Using Evidence for Policy
Social Media Spotlight 26
Updates From Facebook, Twitter,
and OT Connections
Calendar 29
Continuing Education Opportunities
Employment Opportunities 41
Questions and Answers 53
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N e w s
Association updates...profession and industry news
Conference Blog
Will Keep You
hether you work directly
with clients, educate
students, investigate
science, or want to advance your
career, attending AOTAs 2012
Annual Conference & Expo in
Indianapolis from April 26 to
29 is a unique, one-time-a-year
chance to build your knowledge
and inspire your practice. Check
out the blog, at http://otconnec
tions.org/blogs/conference, for
the latest videos and bulletins
to stay on top of the big event,
even while its happening. And,
remember, if you arent yet
registered, you can do so on site
in Indianapolis.
OT Month Is Just
the Beginning
ooking for ways to celebrate
and promote occupational
therapy this month and
beyond? Check out suggestions
at http://aota.org/Practitioners/
New this year, we have
launched an initiative to gather
stories from clients who want to
share the positive experiences
they have had with occupational
therapy. We will use these stories
as testimonials on our Web site
and to help promote the profes-
sion in other venues.
Submissions should be no
longer than 250 words, and
should include the persons
name and contact information.
We will work with submitters on
editing their stories if necessary,
and we are happy to interview
those clients who are not com-
fortable writing.
Please encourage your
clients and patients to share
their stories by contacting
Communications Director Laura
Collins at lcollins@aota.org with
a finished piece or a request for
an interview.
Visits Scheduled
for Fall 2012
s required by the U.S.
Department of Education,
this serves as notice to the
public of upcoming accreditation
visits and the opportunity for
written third-party comment.
Written comment concerning
accreditation qualifications for
the institutions or programs
listed below (i.e., determining
whether a program appears to
be in compliance with Accredita-
tion Council for Occupational
Therapy Education [ACOTE

accreditation standards or
ACOTE accreditation policy)
may be submitted no later than
20 days prior to the programs
scheduled on-site evaluation to
Sue Graves, Assistant Director
of Accreditation, AOTA, 4720
Montgomery Lane, P.O. Box
31220, Bethesda, Maryland
Receipt of the third-party
comment will be acknowledged
and processed according to
ACOTEs Policy on Third-Party
Comment, which includes send-
ing a copy of the comment letter
to the director of the occupa-
tional therapy or occupational
therapy assistant program
named in the letter.
The following programs are
scheduled for on-site evalua-
tions in fall 2012. All programs
will be evaluated under the
2006 ACOTE Accreditation
September 10 to 12, 2012
Alvernia University (OT), Read-
ing, Pennsylvania
Brown Mackie College-Kansas
City (OTA), Lenexa, Kan-
sasinitial on-site evalua-
tion as a primary location
September 17 to 19, 2012
University of Hawaii/Kapiolani
Community College (OTA),
Honolulu, Hawaii
Metropolitan Community Col-
legePenn Valley (OTA),
Kansas City, Missouri
September 24 to 26, 2012
Concorde Career College-
Memphis (OTA), Memphis,
Tennesseeinitial on-site
University of Southern Indiana
(OT), Evansville, Indiana
October 1 to 3, 2012
Sanford-Brown College (OTA),
Hazelwood, Missouri
South Suburban College of Cook
County (OTA), South Hol-
land, Illinois
October 15 to 17, 2012
Mountain State University
(OTA), Beckley, West
October 22 to 24, 2012
Eastern Kentucky University
(OT), Richmond, Kentucky
October 24 to 26, 2012
University of Findlay (OT),
Findlay, Ohio
October 29 to 31, 2012
Inter American University of
Puerto Rico-Ponce Campus
(OTA), Mercedita, Puerto
Ricoinitial on-site
November 5 to 7, 2012
University of Mary (OT), Bis-
marck, North Dakota
Neosho County Community Col-
lege, Ottawa Campus (OTA),
Ottawa, Kansasinitial
on-site evaluation
Stark State College (OTA),
Canton, Ohio
Leaders Wanted
OTA is excited to con-
tinue our commitment to
leadership development by
offering an updated Leader-
ship Development Program for
occupational therapy manag-
ers who want to cultivate their
power and influence in their
practice setting and within the
profession. The future viability
of the profession demands that
we have solid and skilled leader-
ship at all levels of the profes-
sion. This program will assist in
meeting the Centennial Vision
strategic objective of build-
ing the professions capacity to
influence and lead. It is open to
occupational therapy practition-
ers (OTs and OTAs) with more
than 5 years of experience who
are currently in management
positions. Special consideration
will be given to practitioners
new to their rehabilitation/
school-based occupational
therapy manager/director
The expected outcomes of
this program include:
n Increased leadership and
management skills
n Ability to cultivate your
power and influence at your
n Increased confidence
n Increased ability to think
n Increased ability to advocate
for the profession in multiple
n Clear and strengthened
relationship with AOTA
n The creation of a leadership
Applications will be accepted
from May 15 to June 15. For sub-
mission requirements and other
details, please go to www.aota.
First Ever
OT Mental Health
Briefing Held
OTA held a Congressional
briefing on March 19 in
support of the Occupa-
tional Therapy Mental Health
Act, which would add occupa-
tional therapists to the current
list of behavioral and mental
health professionals in the
National Health Services Corps
(NHSC), making them eligible
to participate in the NHSC
Scholarship and Loan Repay-
ment Programs.
The briefing had more than
30 attendees representing more
than a dozen Congressional
offices as well as the National
Alliance of Mental Illness and
the American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation, and provided details
about why Congress should
enact the mental health act.
For more information on the
briefing, look for the name of the
act in the Advocacy Highlights
section on the home page of
AOTAs Web site, at www.aota.org.
Virtual Chats
ont miss the upcoming
pediatric virtual chat on
violence prevention on May
14 at 2 pm EST. All chats are
recorded and can be accessed at
any time. For more, visit www.
New Position
he position paper on
Physical Agent Modalities
was recently revised by the
Commission on Practice and
adopted by the Representative
Assembly Coordinating Council
for the Representative Assembly.
This document is posted in the
Official Document section of
AOTAs Web site, at www.aota.
Practitioners in the News
Hanna Hyon, an occupational
therapy student at the Univer-
sity of the Sciences in Philadel-
phia, was recently awarded a
Fulbright Scholarship to work in
South Korea for 1 year.
In Memoriam
Ann Patricia Grady, PhD, OTR,
FOTA, died peacefully on March
18, 2012, from complications of
a stroke. She was surrounded by
many loving friends and family.
Grady spent her early years in
Connecticut, graduating from
the College of New Rochelle with
a bachelors degree in sociology.
She then attended Columbia
University, where she earned an
advanced certificate in occu-
pational therapy. She received
a masters degree and doctoral
degree in human communica-
tions from the University of
In 1957, Grady began her
career as an occupational thera-
pist at Newington Childrens
Hospital in Newington, Connect-
icut. She moved to Colorado to
accept a position as the director
of the Occupational Therapy
Department at the Childrens
Hospital in Denver, Colorado,
working there from 1966
through 1993. Throughout her
career in occupational therapy,
Grady was always a pioneer in
new treatment approaches and
innovations for children with
disabilities. Her passion was the
importance of family-centered
care and including all people in
their community of choice for
living, working, and playing. Dur-
ing her years as a clinician and
administrator/leader, Grady also
taught in the graduate programs
at Colorado State University
and the University of Colorados
Department of Pediatrics.
Grady served the profession
in several capacities on both the
state and national levels. From
1977 through 1979, she served
as speaker of AOTAs Repre-
sentative Assembly. In 1987,
A O T A B u L L e T i N B O A r D
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Evaluation: Obtaining
and Interpreting Data,
3rd Edition
J. Hinojosa, P. Kramer, and P. Crist
valuation, which promotes a
greater understanding of the
people occupa-
tional therapy
serves, is the
foundation of oc-
cupational therapy
practice and pro-
vides evidence
to guide best practices. This new
edition of the classic text focuses on
the role of the occupational therapist
as an evaluator, with assessment
support provided by the occupational
therapy assistant. Chapters discuss
the various aspects of a comprehen-
sive evaluation, including screening,
evaluating, reassessing, and
re-evaluating, and they reaffirm the
importance of understanding people
as occupational beings. $59 for
members, $84 for nonmembers.
Order #1174C. http://store.aota.org/
The Reference Manual of
the Official Documents of
the American Occupational
Therapy Association, Inc.,
16th Edition
American Occupational Therapy
his updated collection of
official documents consists of
must-have information for occupa-
tion therapy clinicians, educators,
and students compiled into one
handy, frequently updated reference
work. Its a valuable resource for
occupational therapy clinicians
and managers and provides a solid
grounding in the profession for stu-
dents. $55 for members, $78 for
nonmembers. Order #1585. http://
Lets Think Big About
Wellness (CEonCD)W. Dunn
Earn .25 AOTA CEU (3.13 NBCOT
PDUs/2.5 contact hours.
ccupational therapy has a lot
to offer the public. This course
explores the official documents and
materials that support occupa-
tional therapys concept of wellness,
review examples of interdisciplin-
ary literature on wellness, and
explore strengths models from
other disciplines as a way to inform
bigger thinking. It also examines oc-
cupational therapy practices, designs
an action plan for embedding health
and wellness perspectives into
current work, and considers how
we can expand our influence to the
public. $68 for members, $97 for
nonmembers. Order #4879. http://
OT Manager Topics
D. Chisholm, P. Moyers Cleveland,
S. Eyler, J. Hinojosa, K. Kapusta,
S. Phipps, and P. Precin
Earn .7 AOTA CEU (8.75 NBCOT
PDUs/7 contact hours.
his new course presents supple-
mentary content from chapters in
The Occupational Therapy Manager,
5th Edition, and provides addi-
tional applications that are relevant
to selected issues on management.
It focuses on six specific topics with
individual learning objectives, and
it is strongly recommended that
participants read each of the six
chapters in the book to enhance their
learning experience prior to studying
the selected CE topics. $194 for
members, $277 for nonmembers.
Order #4880. http://store.aota.org/
Bulletin Board is written by
Jennifer Folden, AOTA marketing
she was elected as Association
vice president, followed by her
election as president in 1989.
She has served as vice president
of the American Occupational
Therapy Foundation (AOTF)
and is a lifetime honorary mem-
ber of their executive board.
She has been recognized by the
Association and Foundation for
her many contributions to the
profession. She was named a
charter member of the Associa-
tions Roster of Fellows in 1973;
was the recipient of AOTFs
Meritorious Service Award in
1986; received the Eleanor
Clarke Slagle Lectureship in
1994; and was granted the
AOTA Award of Merit in 2000 for
service, leadership, scholarship,
and global contributions to the
profession. Grady authored or
co-authored many publications,
including the book Children
Adapt with Gilfoyle and Moore
and more recently the book
Mentoring Leaders with Gil-
foyle and Nielson.
Grady was known and
respected as much for her
gentleness and love of people as
for her substantial professional
and personal achievements. She
is known by many as a mentor
and a leader. We have lost a
dear friendshe will be greatly
Contributions in her memory
can be made in her name to the
American Occupational Therapy
Ellie Gilfoyle
Linda M. Schuberth, MA, OTR/L,
SCFES, died peacefully in Tow-
son, Maryland, after a long illness.
Schuberth received a bachelors
degree from Temple University
in Philadelphia in 1977 and a
masters degree in occupational
therapy from New York Univer-
sity in 1982. From 1985 to 1987,
she was an assistant professor in
the Department of Occupational
Therapy at the College of Allied
Health Professions at Temple. In
addition, she served as assistant
director and senior clinician at
the Kennedy Krieger Institute
(KKI) for 22 years.
Schuberth and her husband,
Kenneth, were instrumental
in establishing the Helen L.
Hopkins Award at Temple Uni-
versitys Occupational Therapy
Program. In 1987, she received
the Outstanding Alumni Award
from the College of Allied Health
Professions at Temple. In 2010,
KKI established the Linda
Schuberth Lecture Series in her
honor. Schuberth contributed
to numerous textbooks and
publications on the subject of
pediatric feeding and swallowing
disorders. The latest was a col-
laboration with Jane Case-Smith
for the feeding disorders chapter
in Occupational Therapy for
Children (6th ed.).
Always a supporter of AOTA,
Schuberth served as a member
of AOTAs Specialty Certification
Program in Feeding, Eating, and
Swallowing from 2004 to 2006,
and as a reviewer for applicants
to AOTAs Board for Advanced
and Specialty Certification from
2007 to 2009.
Current and former KKI
therapists and AOTA colleagues
described Schuberth in turn as
exuberant, professional, col-
laborative, fun, and inspirational
to friends, family, and colleagues
alike. She requested contribu-
tions in her memory be made to
the KKIs Occupational Therapy
Kristin Brockmeyer-Stubbs,
MS, OTR/L, and Marcia S. Cox,
Andrew Waite is the associate editor
of OT Practice. He can be reached at
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c A p i T A L B r i e f i N g
he Middle Class Tax Relief and Job
Creation Act of 2012 (H.R. 3630),
passed by Congress and signed
by the President on February 22,
2012, makes a number of changes
to the Medicare Part B outpatient
therapy cap landscape for the
2012 calendar year. The law
n avoided the scheduled 27.4%
cut to the Medicare Physician
Fee Schedule;
n extended the therapy cap
exceptions process through
December 31, 2012;
n expanded the therapy cap to cover
hospital outpatient departments
(HOPDs) as of October 1, 2012;
n reiterated mandatory use of the KX
modifier for claims above the cap;
n called for a manual medical review
of claims over $3,700; and
n set in place rules for the collection
of functional data beginning
in 2013.
AOTAin coalition with other
provider associationsis working
with leadership from the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
on implementing these changes.
The 2012 statutory cap for occu-
pational therapy is $1,880, and the
combined cap for physical therapy
and speech-language pathology is also
$1,880. This is an annual per benefi-
ciary cap amount tallied beginning
January 1 of each year.
The therapy cap applies to all Part B
outpatient therapy settings and pro-
viders: private practices, skilled nurs-
ing facilities, rehabilitation agencies,
and comprehensive outpatient reha-
bilitation facilities. For the first time,
the therapy cap will also be applied
HOPDs. Dollars toward the cap for
HOPDs will accrue as of January 1,
2012, but will not be counted for cap
purposes until October 1, 2012. CMS
is still working out its implementation
plan for this, but agency officials did
tell AOTA that it would not retro-
spectively review any above-the-cap
claims with dates of service prior to
October 1 for the purpose of therapy
cap-related denials.
Congress also emphasized the impor-
tance of the KX modifier for above-
the-cap claims in the new law, and
AOTA reminds providers that even
though this requirement has not been
uniformly mandated or adhered to in
the past, claims without the modi-
fier may be automatically denied by
contractors going forward.
A new threshold for additional review
was set by Congress at the higher
level of $3,700. Therapy claims that
exceed this amount over the course
of the year will be subject to what the
new law states is a manual medical
review process. Congress
intent was to put in place
another point to determine
necessity of therapy. These
additional reviews will not begin
until October 1, 2012, and no
guidance on how Medicare will
proceed with such reviews has
been released as of this writing.
AOTA will be advocating for
Medicare to adopt a process
that is not overly punitive or
burdensome to providers and
that includes peer reviews of claims
by occupational therapy practitioners.
Occupational therapy documentation
should always thoroughly describe
the clinical reasoning applied, inter-
ventions provided, and the outcomes
achieved. Congress has, however,
chosen to ask for additional data.
Beginning January 1, 2013, CMS will be
required to collect additional data on
therapy claims related to patient func-
tion during the course of therapy in
order to better understand patient con-
ditions and outcomes. The use of the
word function presents opportunities
to showcase the results of occupational
therapy. AOTA will be working with
Medicare to ensure that any additional
data collection requirements will be
reasonable and will reflect the value of
occupational therapy.
AOTA will continue to meet with
both CMS and our coalition partners
in the weeks and months ahead, and
we will share information on our Web
site as it becomes available. n
Jennifer Hitchon, JD, MHA, is AOTAs regulatory
Medicare Part B
Outpatient Therapy Cap for 2012
Jennifer Hitchon




Understanding ICFs Connection to
Occupational Therapy Services
Lisa Mahaffey Donna Colaianni
For the last few years, I have noticed
references to the World Health Orga-
nization (WHO) and the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health (ICF) in occupational therapy
publications. What are these references
and what is the connection to occupa-
tional therapy services?
The WHO was founded in 1945 as part
of the creation of the United Nations
(UN) and with the primary responsibil-
ity of coordinating international efforts
related to health. The ICF is a clas-
sification system of health and health
domains that was developed by the
WHO in 2002 in an attempt to quantify
disability globally at an individual and
population level, and to affect clinical
decisions, social policy, and research.
According to Imrie, the ICF suggests:
Disability is the variation of
human functioning caused by one
or a combination of the following:
the loss of a body part or func-
tion (impairment); difficulties an
individual may have in executing
activities (activity limitation); and/
or problems an individual may
experience in involvement in life
situations (participation restric-
tions). (p. 292)
Thus, the ICF acknowledges that
all people at some time in their life will
experience a decrease in their health
and abilities, making the concept of
disability a universal human experi-
ence (see also Figure 1).
The ICF is congruent with many
perspectives in occupational therapy,
including concepts outlined in the
Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework: Domain and Process,
2nd Edition (Framework-II).
example, both the ICF and occupational
therapy view participation in activities
as an important factor in health.
addition, both the ICF and occupa-
tional therapy share a perspective on
recovery that goes beyond remediating
Also, a focus on the
interaction between the person and the
environment is common to both the ICF
and occupational therapy.
However, in contrast to occupa-
tional therapy perspectives,
the ICF
focuses on an individuals observed
performance to the exclusion of the
individuals subjective experience of
meaning within his or her occupations.
In addition, the ICF does not address
the concepts of self-determination and
autonomy, or an individuals ability
to make choices that influence his or
her life. In other words, what a person
is observed doing is not necessar-
ily what he or she would prefer to
do or would choose to do given the
opportunity. The ICFs conceptualiza-
tion of environmental factors has also
been criticized as one dimensional
when compared with more complex
occupational therapy perspectives on
the influence of the environments and
Due to the congruence in con-
cepts within the ICF and occupational
therapy, the Framework-II, beginning
with its 2002 incarnation, uses termi-
nology similar to the ICF.
Gray has
argued that the use of the language is
international and that interdisciplinary
classification systems such as the ICF:
Can also support the profes-
sion of occupational therapy in
its struggle with identity and
professional recognition, at
p r A c T i c e p e r K s
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health5
Health Condition
(Disorder or Disease)
Body Functions
& Structure
Activity Participation
Environmental Factors Personal Factors
Contextual Factors
times spawned by the use of the
term occupation [by providing]
an opportunity for occupational
therapy to make use of a more
global language to describe [practi-
tioners] expertise, and to link that
expertise to concepts more familiar
to the larger international health
care community. (p. 26)
Continued use of ICF-related termi-
nology as outlined in the Framework-II
in occupational therapy practice can not
only promote quality care, but it can also
expose occupational therapy to a wider
interdisciplinary audience. n
1. Imrie, R. (2004). Demystifying disability: A
review of the International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health. Sociology of
Health and Illness, 26, 287305.
2. American Occupational Therapy Association.
(2008). Occupational therapy practice frame-
work: Domain and process (2nd ed.). American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, 625683.
3. Gray, J. M. (2001). Discussion of the ICIDH-2 in
relation to occupational therapy and occu-
pational science. Scandinavian Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 8, 1930.
4. Hemmingsson, H., & Jonsson, H. (2005). The
issue is: An occupational perspective on the
concept of participation in the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and
HealthSome critical remarks. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59, 569576.
5. World Health Organization. (2002). Internation-
al Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health (ICF). Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
6. Wilcock, A. (2003). Making sense of what people
do: Historical perspectives. Journal of Occupa-
tional Science, 10(1), 46.
7. Kielhofner, G. (2002). A Model of Human
Occupation: Theory and application (3rd ed.).
Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
8. American Occupational Therapy Association.
(2002). Occupational therapy practice
framework: Domain and process. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 609639.
Lisa Mahaffey, MS, OTR/L, is an assistant professor
in the Occupational Therapy Program at Midwestern
University in Downers Grove, Illinois, and a member
of AOTAs Commission on Practice.
Donna Colaianni, PhD, OTR/L, CHT, is an assistant
professor in the Division of Occupational Therapy
at West Virginia University in Morgantown and is a
member of AOTAs Commission on Practice.
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ccupational therapy practi-
tioners, take note: We, the
practitioners, are our own
best advocates for the profes-
sion, which for some years
now has been fighting for recognition
and reimbursement within a crowded,
competitive health market. In an era
when comic book plotlines dominate
television and movies, the everyday
individualturned-superhero meta-
phor may be apt. Within each prac-
titioner lies special advocacy powers
that, combined with even the smallest
efforts of others, can be a strong force
for success.
The need for wider appreciation
and understanding of our profession
has long existed. In 1996, L. Kathleen
Barker from Bayville, New Jersey,
happened upon a stray copy of an
AOTA publication. After reading the
publications feature stories high-
lighting the benefits of occupational
therapy, this average citizen was
compelled to write a letter to the
editor (see Get the Word Out on
p. 10), praising the profession of
occupational therapy while simultane-
ously admonishing practitioners for
not doing a better job of promoting
such a wonderful health care service.
Sixteen years later, we find that while
we have made strides in terms of
occupational therapy awareness,
we still have a long road ahead.
The United States is on a trajectory
to be in debt more than $16 trillion
through the 2012 fiscal year.
care costs are a primary contributor
to this projected deficit. Advances
in medical technology afford us the
opportunity to live longer, but private
and public health insurance provid-
ers are burdened with the associated
costs of both acute and chronic care.
As a result, there is an intensifying
scrutiny on health care providers to
reduce waste, excess, and duplication
of services. Shrinking reimbursement
Be an occupational therapy
Help the Profession
Thrive Within a
Health Care Market
No one can better advocate for the profession than we,
the practitioners. Winning advocacy begins with the
person in your mirror.
10 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
sources have already affected occupa-
tional therapy practice in the form of
arbitrary limits for service coverage,
authorization requirements for equip-
ment, and the need for additional
documentation to provide care. In
practice settings where reimbursement
is shared among a health care team,
occupational therapy may be in direct
competition with nursing and other
rehabilitation providers for reimburse-
ment funds.
For many years, occupational
therapy practitioners were afforded the
luxury of being the only health provid-
ers with a primary interest in activities
of daily living (ADLs). Todays health
care system, however, mandates a
focus on participation as a key indica-
tor of successful intervention. Conse-
quently, ADLs have suddenly become
a buzz phrase understood and used
by a multitude of health providers,
reimbursement sources, and consum-
ers. ADL deficits no longer generate
an automatic referral for occupational
therapy services.
In addition to the numerous poten-
tial definitions for the word occupa-
tion, the fact that occupational therapy
spans such a broad range of practice
areas and populations makes it a chal-
lenge to succinctly define yet wholly
encompass the essence of occupational
therapy to those outside of the profes-
sion. It is no surprise that occupational
therapy is regularly confused with
other rehabilitation services.
There are some common errors made
by occupational therapy practition-
ers related to advocacy for both our
individual practice and for the pro-
fession. One of the most critical but
perhaps least obvious errors is what
ethicists define as a sin of omission.
The burden of challenging your boss,
your colleague, your employer, or your
practice site on a clinical issue that
you believe to inhibit best practice
in occupational therapy is daunting
for many practitioners. Examples
might include being discouraged from
engaging in occupation-based practice;
being told that certain medical condi-
tions such as a vestibular disorder or
impaired cognition can only be treated
by other disciplines; or even having to
use documentation that you feel does
not reflect the unique, skilled services
of occupational therapy. Accepting the
status quo, going along with the major-
ity, or simply doing nothing seems the
path of least resistance. However, when
such actions result in a direct, negative
impact to occupational therapy service
delivery, offering a protest at that time
is a necessity.
Another error in self-advocacy
for occupational therapy practition-
ers relates to underselling the value
of our services. Because so much of
our skill set is displayed through tacit
knowledge, outside observers and
even occupational therapy practition-
ers themselves will often erroneously
attribute clinical decisions to common
sense. For those practitioners who
fail to recognize the skilled, critical
thinking that has guided their actions,
they are also then unlikely to share the
evidence and knowledge in their verbal
and written communication that sup-
ports their choice of skilled interven-
tion. Recognizing and being able to
articulate an evidence-based rationale
for clinical decisions is a necessary skill
for occupational therapy practitioners
who are part of an interdisciplinary
Figure 1. Occupational Therapy Toolkit
Tangible Resources
Handouts defining occupational therapy
Goal sheets for clients that link intervention and
Evidence briefs
Electronic references
Pencils and pens
Jar openers
Adaptive equipment catalogs
Intangible (Mental) Resources
Short and long definitions of occupational
Evidence bytes
Real life examples
A position on the role and scope of occupational
RepRinted fRom OT Week, July 25, 1996, page 58
team. Without this skill, occupational
therapy practitioners may inadver-
tently find themselves in the position of
frequently deferring clinical judgment
to other disciplines for critical client
decisions such as falls risk, educational
aptitude, or the potential to return to
community living.
Occupational therapy practitioners
are taught to be team players and to
feel comfortable working in groups.
Although this is a positive skill, it may at
least partially explain why occupational
therapy practitioners sometimes defer
leadership opportunities. Being another
face in the crowd may be a comfort-
able position, but avoiding the limelight
does have its consequences. When
occupational therapy is represented by
other disciplines on key decisions, there
is a risk that the final outcome will pro-
vide the greatest benefit to those who
were present and part of the decision-
making process.
Occupational therapy practition-
ers will frequently refer to they in
reference to occupational therapy
professional associations and host
an expectation that someone else is
advocating for their best interests, but
there are no secret superheroes for the
profession. We are the Association.
Advocacy begins with the person in
your mirror.
If the picture thats been painted by the
threats to our profession and the com-
mon errors in advocacy seem grim, then
take heart. The good news is that we
already have the tools to both survive
and to thrive as occupational therapy
practitioners. In any dire situation,
those who survive are usually those who
are the most prepared. To effectively
advocate for occupational therapy, we
must make an effort to organize our
skills for success.
The first step to success is to begin
to own our identity. The Web site
www.all-acronymsc.com lists 149 mean-
ings for OT. In addition to the term
occupational therapy, off topic, Old
Testament, and overtime are just a few
of the most popular meanings. Owning
an identity first requires assurance that
you actually have an identity. Thus, tak-
ing effort to use the term occupational
therapy and to avoid the OT shortcut
is critical for recognition. Names matter.
Whether you are working with a client,
introducing yourself to an administra-
tor, or sharing a coffee with a neighbor,
call yourself by your professional title.
Nametags and business cards are simple
props that easily allow you to share
your professional identity. If a client or
colleague confuses you with a different
discipline, politely correct him or her
to ensure that you are recognized as an
occupational therapist or occupational
therapy assistant.
Once you appropriately iden-
tify yourself, the next step typically
requires defining what you do. Describ-
ing occupational therapy can be a formi-
dable task. Consider the following Dos
& Donts:
n DO prepare an elevator definition
(brief, 20 seconds) that is limited to
one or two sentences. Consider your
audience in determining what areas
of practice to emphasize.
n DO prepare an unabridged defini-
tion (2 minutes maximum) that
explains the purpose and role of
occupational therapy. Avoid describ-
ing only one treatment population or
area of practice. Use examples and
choose words and phrases that your
audience will understand.
n DONT be too narrow in focus when
defining occupational therapy.
n DONT describe occupational
therapy by relating how it is different
from another profession.
n DONT use too much technical jar-
gon in your description (for example,
who knows what doffing socks is
outside of occupational therapy?).
n DONT be too wordyMake your
Share Your Story
OTA has launched a new initiative to gather stories from
clients who want to share the positive experiences they have
had with occupational therapy. We will use these stories as
testimonials on our Web site and to help promote the
profession in other venues.
Submissions should be no longer than 250 words, and should
include the persons name and contact information. We will work
with submitters on editing their stories if necessary, and we are
happy to interview those clients who are not comfortable writing.
Please encourage your clients and patients to share their
stories by contacting Communications Director Laura Collins
at lcollins@aota.org with a finished piece or a
request for an interview.
Clients who have benefited from occupational
therapy services can easily become our biggest
allies, but engaging them in the advocacy process
first requires preparing them for this role.
12 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
They say it takes a village to raise a
child, and so its no surprise that it will
take an army of occupational therapy
promoters to keep the profession
thriving. Clients who have benefited
from occupational therapy services
can easily become our biggest allies in
this process, but engaging them in the
advocacy process first requires prepar-
ing them for this role. For clients to
be advocates, it must be clear to them
that occupational therapy, specifically,
was the service that enabled them to
reach their goals. Clients who may
serve as future occupational therapy
advocates should also be able to con-
nect the dots between the occupational
therapy intervention and its impact on
their ability to participate in their daily
lives. Lastly, clients may need to be
empowered to spread the word about
the benefits realized through occupa-
tional therapy. If they are not aware
of the threats to occupational therapy
services, it might not
occur to them that
we need their vocal
Recruiting clients to
serve as occupational
therapy advocates is an
easy task when clini-
cians employ a consistent
practice approach that
appropriately represents
the domain of occupational
therapy. As an occupa-
tional therapy practitioner,
there should be a visible
pattern to your assess-
ments, to the services you provide,
and to the techniques you employ.
Using an occupation-based approach to
service delivery is a prime example. A
consistent focus on occupation allows
clients, caregivers, and other health
care providers to readily recognize and
consequently understand the benefits
that occupational therapy provides.
If clients are going to be recruited
to serve in the infantry for this army of
occupational therapy advocates, prac-
titioners must be willing to enlist as
the leading officers. Leadership comes
in many packages, ranging from active
leaders to active doers. Not every
occupational therapy practitioner is
suited for every leadership role, so it is
important that practitioners recognize
their strengths to seek opportunities
that match their talents. For example,
someone with great organizational
skills may prepare an occupational
therapy booth for a community health
fair, whereas someone with strong
speaking abilities may volunteer for
career day at a local high school. Every
occupational therapy practitioner must
consider an active role, adopting the
goal to have a voice and be heard.
Armed with this information, the next
step to becoming an effective advo-
cate is to create your own advocacy
toolkit (see Figure 1 on p. 10). This
toolkit will allow you easy access to
resources that promote occupational
therapy. Consider filling the toolkit
with both tangible and intangible
resources. Handouts, giveaways, and
goal sheets are low-cost items that can
promote occupational therapy while
reinforcing the link between our title
and our services. Mentally preparing an
elevator definition and keeping current
with evidence bytes supporting the
efficacy of occupational therapy will
provide you with an arsenal of informa-
tion when a sudden opportunity for
advocacy arises. Once your toolkit is
assembled, the final step is to be sure
to use it! Set goals for yourself and/or
your occupational therapy team to use
specific strategies or to reach specific
populations to increase occupational
therapy awareness. Just like check-
ing your smoke detector batteries
or changing the oil in your car, make
the effort to regularly review your
resources, updating, modifying, or add-
ing to your collection as the health care
industry, reimbursement trends, or
even your practice setting changes.
Those who have realized
the benefits of occupational
therapy services frequently
describe their occupational
therapy providers as angels
or magicians. There is no
mystery behind the potential
impact of the services we
offer, and there is no trick to
helping occupational therapy
become a widely recognized,
desired health care service.
Advocacy is the key, and it
begins with us. n
1. U.S. Government Debt. (2012). Recent U.S. fed-
eral debt numbers. Retrieved from http://www.
Pamela E. Toto, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOT, is an assis-
tant professor in the Department of Occupational
Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh. She has
more than 22 years of clinical experience, primarily
working with older adults, and has held a variety of
occupational therapy leadership roles at the state
and national levels. Most recently, Toto was elected
to AOTAs Board of Directors. This article was
adapted from a short course presented at the 2011
Annual AOTA Conference & Expo.
f O r MO r e i N f O r MAT i O N
COOL: Leadership and volunteer Opportunities
Fact Sheets on the Role of OT
Resources for Clients and Patients
Want To Do Advocacy?
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AOTA CEonCD: Lets Think Big About Wellness
By W. Dunn, 2011. Bethesda, MD: American Oc-
cupational Therapy Association. (Earn .25 AOTA
CEU [3.13 NBCOT PDUs/2.5 contact hours].
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Once your toolkit is assembled, the final
step is to be sure to use it! Set goals to
use specific strategies or to reach specific
populations to increase occupational
therapy awareness.
Discuss this and other articles on
the OT Practice Magazine public forum
at http://www.OTConnections.org.

esearch used to intimidate
Jeanne Riggs, OTR, CHT. A
hand therapist at a clinic at
the University of Michigan,
in Ann Arbor, Riggs always
had an interest in reading journals, but
she could never quite connect to the
data cited or the methods used. They
seemed almost a step removed from her
work as clinician.
Then she got connected to the
Practice-Oriented Research Training
Program (PORT), led by Susan Mur-
phy, ScD, OTR, assistant professor in
the Physical Medicine and Rehabilita-
tion Department at the University of
Michigan and a research health science
specialist at VA Ann Arbor Health Care
System. Though Murphy is also an occu-
pational therapist, she is a researcher
what some clinicians see as being on
the opposite side of the professions
Murphy doesnt think of the profes-
sion in that way, which in part is what
led her to develop PORT. The program
helps clinicians engage in research,
helping them overcome common barri-
ers, by providing them with knowledge
and resources using a mentor and team-
based approach to clinical research.
Clinicians receive training in research
fundamentals and learn the steps to
develop their own research studies.
When entering PORT, which more
than 60 clinicians have completed in
the programs 5 years, participants are
required to come up with a question
that has arisen during their clinical
Clinicians have burning questions.
Actually, what makes it so nice in this
program is that they often have better
research questions than researchers
do, Murphy explains. Their questions
are very contextual and specific to their
practice. And they want to know what
works and what doesnt work.
Riggs research question was
extremely practical. She is a splinting
specialist and has taken continuing
education to learn dynamic forms of
splinting, even visiting the Mayo Clinic
to learn from therapists working with
joint replacement patients with dynamic
splinting. The problem is, not all occupa-
tional therapists are splinting specialists,
and when patients receive a dynamic
splint at a place like Mayo and return to
their hometowns, to their local thera-
pists, many of those therapists are not
Academicians note the reciprocal and mutually
rewarding relationship between academic theory
and clinical practice.
Connecting to
The Practical Benefits of Occupational Therapy Research
14 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
able to adequately work with the splint.
Static splints, on the other hand, are
more universally understood. Anecdot-
ally, Riggs had heard that static splints
were just as effective as dynamic splints
despite being less expensive. Riggs
wanted to find out if these anecdotal
reports were accurate, and if so, encour-
age the use of static splints to make
things easier and cheaper for everyone.
In PORT, Riggs learned how to
conduct her study. Her own clients
served as her subjectsshe gathered
data on measurable outcomes pre- and
post-operatively and compared results
of patients who received static splints to
those who received dynamic splinting
following joint replacement. She found
that the anecdotal claims were sup-
portedusing dynamic splints provided
no real advantage to the more basic
option. Riggs research
was even published in the
July-September 2011 issue
of the Journal of Hand
Now, because of Riggs
first-hand experience in the
world of research, she has
a much better grasp of that
part of the profession, and
she sees how it can directly
benefit clinicians.
I am less intimidated
by it now, Riggs says. Its
such a process, all the steps
to getting a paper pub-
lished, and I never imag-
ined how many steps there
were, but I definitely appre-
ciate research now. I feel
better able to read journals
with an educated eye and
understand how and why
[research] is conducted.
The Michigan program
and its ability to combine
the academic and clinical
worlds seems to run coun-
ter to a common belief
that academia and practice
dont typically mesh.
The traditional view is
that information flows from
the ivory tower of academia
down from research to
schools, and then to prac-
tice. That attitude tends to
be inculcated in students;
that they are supposed to go and carry
out what the latest evidence dictates,
and thats the way its supposed to be,
says Steve Taff, PhD, OTR/L, associate
director of professional programs at
Washington University in St. Louis.
But perception and reality are not
In my mind, it is not simply a one
directional flow. Its a reciprocal relation-
ship. I think the theory, science, and
research that come out of academia
canand shouldinform practice, but
the reverse is [also] true. Practitioner
experience can be critical to re-frame
what evidence means in the everyday
lives of people, and can be extremely
valuable, especially in studies more
translational in nature. Taff says.
The connection between academia
and clinical settings has become even
more critical as the profession moves
toward evidence-based practice.
Fortunately, those in academia are not
perched high in their towers look-
ing down on practitioners. Not only
do many academicians cherish their
clinical experiences, but they also rely
on those experiences to assist them in
their teaching jobs. Those in academia
also understand that if the profession
is going to move forward, it will be by
connecting to clinicians rather than by
ignoring them.
Kathy Sessler, MSHS, OTR/L, national
dean of Occupational Therapy Studies
at Remington College in Florida, wanted
to be an occupational therapist since
she was a young girl. And her reasons
are not unlike those of many who enter
the profession.
It actually came about when I
was in the sixth or seventh grade.
My grandmother, who had diabe-
tes, ended up getting gangrene in
one of her toes and had to have
a below-the-knee amputation.
I helped her. I was real close to
her because she lived next door
to me, so I helped her learn how
to put on her prosthesis and use
the walker for getting around
the house, Sessler recalls of her
experience falling in love with car-
ing for others.
Then, after I graduated from
high school, I went to an orienta-
tion day at the Medical College
of Georgia, and thats where they
told me about OT, and I said thats
even more cool [than physical
therapy]. Because it seemed to fit
my personality more. I am an arts
person, more creative, and OT is
more looking at the whole person
and not just the physical part.
Thats what perked my interest,
and I just went for the OT.
After more than 15 years in
the clinic, Sessler decided to
enter academia to pursue new
Rachelle Dorne, EdD, OTR/L,
Master of Occupational Therapy
Entry-Level program director at
Nova Southeastern University in
Florida, also left a clinical career
for academia. But that doesnt
I think the theory, science, and research that come out
of academia canand shouldinform practice, but the
reverse is [also] true. Practitioner experience can be critical
to re-frame what evidence means in the everyday lives of
people, and can be extremely valuable.

mean she abandoned practice. Far
from it.
I dont feel like I have left OT in any
way. At this stage in the game, my best
role is to inspire younger potential ther-
apists about the value of occupation-
centered and client-centered therapy
and looking at culture, Dorne says. I
am very interested in delivering indi-
viduals culturally sensitive and appropri-
ate care, and really just melding young
practitioners as opposed to delivering
direct care all the time. I feel like I can
have greater impact [as an educator].
Taff, too, sees how academia is not
too far separated from practice.
When I first left practice [first in
management and now in academia] my
concern was that I would miss being
a clinician; that I wasnt going to have
the kind of clinical career I envisioned.
But what I realized quickly is that you
can never be totally removed, because
in order to make sound curricular
decisions and offer faculty professional
development opportunities that inform
their teaching and research, you cant
be distanced from clinical practice;
you just cant. If you are, you would
be doing [students] a disservice,
says Taff.
Clinicians who enter academia even
find similar satisfaction between teach-
ing students and treating clients.
When you are teaching and you see
that spark in their eyes like, Oh, I got it,
that just makes you feel really good
like youre making a difference, Sessler
says. Its pretty much the same kind
of thing in the clinic, because you see
a patient do something that you have
been working on and finally: Oh they
picked up that cup. Thats great; they
finally did it. We have been working on it
for so long, and now they can do it.
Many academic programs have a
philosophy geared toward blending the
theory of academia with the practicality
of the clinic.
Terry Peralta-Catipon, PhD, OTR/L,
program director of the Master of
Science in Occupational Therapy at
California State University Domin-
guez Hills, designed a curriculum that
teaches students why they are doing
something without losing sight of how
to actually do it.
My philosophy is that we want to
strike a balance between theory and
practice, because we dont want it to be
too theoretical, although we have a lot
of theory. We also dont want it to be too
practical or a medical model, although
we have that as well. We want to strike
a balance, and have multiple opportu-
nities to experience and apply them,
Peralta-Catipon says. So I hire faculty
who are full-time clinicians and full-time
academicians or someone embedded in
theory. As the program director, I think
its key to hire people with teaching
styles that blend it all together.
The University of Minnesotas
Program in Occupational Therapy in
Minneapolis also seeks staff who have a
foot in both worlds, says director Peggy
Martin, PhD, OTR/L.
Half of our PhD-level faculty are
involved in some sort of clinical prac-
tice. I encourage it, and we support the
involvement with clinical settings, Mar-
tin says. Part of the facultys purpose in
their involvement with clinical set-
tings is to have more practically based
research agendas and also to develop
more fieldwork opportunities.
As a result, University of Minnesota
students are involved with CarFit pro-
grams, are co-investigators on research,
and have continued clinical connections
after they graduate.
At Nova Southeastern University,
leaders want faculty with clinical
experience because students seem to
connect to them more easily.
We have to consciously pick people
who are going to have cred with the
community as well as with the students.
Because we know that if we dont get
out in the community, the students are
going to say you guys arent real thera-
pists, Dorne says.
To stay connected, Nova South-
easterns faculty are involved in health
fairs and medical missions, where they
perform screenings on children, adults,
and older adults in south Florida and
Jamaica as part of an interprofessional
health care unit. Faculty also supervise
students at local clinics and at the on-
campus school for children with autism.
Meanwhile, Washington University
hosts an annual scholarship day in
which masters and doctoral students
present their work to the community
and conduct open forums, allowing
local clinicians to ask questions of the
research and dialogue with students,
Taff says.
The Washington University occupa-
tional therapy program is constantly
trying to build bridges between aca-
demia and practice.
We have clinicians who come in as
guest lecturers and lab instructors. We
have clinicians who sometimes act as
co-instructors with our faculty, Taff
says. Thats one way of getting clinical
experience back into the classroom.
We also establish relationships with
fieldwork sites, and what feedback we
get from our fieldwork educators we
try to incorporate in our classes. They
tell us, Heres something that your
students are struggling with in actual
practice. They have the knowledge, but
they are not integrating it well enough.
And those are practicing, experienced
clinicians giving us their viewpoint
about what we teach and how it actually
works in practice.
f O r MO r e i N f O r MAT i O N
AOTAs Evidence-Based Practice and Research
Evaluation: Obtaining and Interpreting Data,
3rd Edition
By J. Hinojosa, P. Kramer, & P. Crist, 2010.
Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press. ($59 for members,
$84 for nonmembers. To order, call toll free
877-404-AOTA or shop online at http://store.
aota.org/view/?SKU=1174C. Order #1174C.
Promo code MI)
The Reference Manual of the Official Docu-
ments of the American Occupational Therapy
Association, Inc., 16th Edition
By American Occupational Therapy Association,
2011. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
($55 for members, $78 for nonmembers. To
order, call toll free 877-404-AOTA or shop online
at http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=1585. Order
#1585. Promo code MI)
Occupational Therapy Assessment Tools:
An Annotated Index 3rd Edition
By I. E. Asher, 2007. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
($65 for members, $89 for nonmembers. To
order, call toll free 877-404-AOTA or shop online
at http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=1020A.
Order #1020A. Promo code MI)
Discuss this and other articles on
the OT Practice Magazine public forum
at http://www.OTConnections.org.
16 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
Taff notes that as OT is becoming more
scientific and more evidence driven,
more evidence based, the easy assump-
tion to make is that the gap between
academia and practice is going to widen
even further.
But he dismisses that notion.
I dont agree with that because I
think now, more than ever before, its
not just in academia that we are con-
cerned with evidence-based practice. I
know clinicians are, too. We all under-
stand the necessities of measureable
and evidenced outcomes as well as some
of the extraneous factors that affect us
realistically, like reimbursement.
Thats why Murphys PORT program
is such a great example. It demonstrates
that giving clinicians and academicians a
glimpse into each others worlds will bol-
ster the quality of services occupational
therapy can provide.
If clinicians are engaged in research
and observe how research answers their
questions and improves their clients
outcomes, they may be more likely to
incorporate research into their clinical
reasoning and client discussions. Ideally,
funding for research would address
these critical knowledge gaps, Murphy
co-writes in the American Journal of
Occupational Therapy (pp. 167168).
The proof of PORTs effectiveness
can be seen in how each side seems to
embrace the value of collaboration.
Riggs, the hand therapist who com-
pleted PORT, knows how research and
academia can improve her profession.
I feel like in our role as therapists,
we really need that proof that what
were doing is valid and proven in the
literature. I think patients appreciate
that what were doing is proven.
Martin, who spent more than 20
years in practice before switching into
academia and research, says she knows
from her own research how practice
shapes effective studies. Its the ques-
tions. I think I was able to bring a dif-
ferent level of background to this whole
system that was looking at, How do we
go about approaching services for kids
with disabilities and how do we evaluate
their effectiveness? I was able to bring
a whole different sense of understand-
ing about what everyday life was like
for those families who had children with
these disabilities because I spent so
many years with them in practice.
We are only as good as our practi-
tioners who can step with us, she says.
If our goal is to impact practice, and
we are putting research out there that
doesnt really impact practice because
clinicians dont read it or understand it,
then we are not meeting our goal. n
1. Murphy, L., Kalpakjian, C., Mullan, P., & Clauw, D.
(2010). Development and evaluation of the Uni-
versity of Michigans Practice-Oriented Research
Training (PORT) Program. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 64, 796803. doi:10.5014/
2. Riggs, J., Lyden, A., Chung, K., & Murphy, L.
(2011). Static versus dynamic splinting for
proxima interphalangeal joint pyrocarbon implant
arthroplasty: A comparison of current and
historical cohorts. Journal of Hand Therapy, 24,
3. Lin, S., Murphy, S., & Robinson, J. (2010). Facilitat-
ing evidence-based practice: Process, strategies,
and resources. American Journal of Occupation-
al Therapy, 64, 164171. doi:10.5014/ajot.64.1.164
Andrew Waite is the associate editor of OT Practice.
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Visit us at Booth 711
Welcome to
92nd Annual
& Expo, we will
together celebrate
therapy, share cutting-edge
knowledge and experiences
with our professional commu-
nity, and rekindle old friend-
ships and forge new ones.
Believe it or not, we can
count on one hand the number
of years remaining until 2017,
when occupational therapy
turns 100 years old. For nearly
a decade, AOTA has been
strategically developing and
enacting our Centennial Vision
on many fronts as ways of ulti-
mately enhancing occupational
therapys influence on human
health and society. Conference
is where all the victories we have
earned during the past year
both on individual and collective
levelstruly come alive.
As an extension of the
Centennial Vision, in 2010
I launched my idea for put-
ting Occupational Therapy in
High Definition. For the last 2
years, OT in HD has sought to
empower all of usresearchers,
practitioners, administrators,
and students alikewith the
requisite attitude for fulfill-
ing the Centennial Vision. Yet
while a revamped attitude is
indeed necessary for achieving
our vision, it is by no means
Evidence, as it takes shape
in both scientific research and
everyday clinical practice, is
and will be as equally impor-
tant as attitude. Becoming and
being grounded in scientific
evidenceand the authority
and power that it garners in
turnwill be critical through-
out our journey to 2017 and
Please attend my annual
address at Conference to learn
more about how we can look
through the dual lenses of
attitude and evidence to start
seeing Occupational Therapy in
High DefinitionThree Dimen-
sion. See you in Indy!
Florence Clark, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA,
AOTA President
Online and Onsite
n Read the Conference blog for
coverage and updates before
and during the Confer-
ence, to link to Conference
videos, and more, at http://
n Use the Twitter hashtag
#AOTA12 (end your tweets
with #AOTA2012 to follow
and contribute to all Tweets
related to the Conference):
n Friend AOTA and follow Face-
book updates: www.aota.org/
n Questions? Go to the
Information Booth in the
Registration area, visit the
Member Resource Center
in the Expo Hall, or look for
any AOTA staff member.
We are here to help!
AOTA Marketplace
and Member
Resource Center
n Member Ribbons
n Fact Sheets
n Membership and Benefit
n Cyber Caf Internet
n Board and Specialty
Certification Kiosk
n Advocacy Updates
n OT Perspective on Health
Care Reform
n OT Brand Information and
n Free Take-Home Items
n Daily Prize Drawings
in the ever-changing
health care environment
AnnuAl ConferenCe
& expo
April 2629
indiAnApolis, in
in the ever-changing
health care environment
AnnuAl ConferenCe
& expo
April 2629
indiAnApolis, in
ANNuAL cONfereNce
& expO
April 2629
indiAnApolis, in
continued on page 20










18 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
2012 AOTA Annual Conference Corporate Sponsors
AOTA Thanks Its Conference Corporate Sponsors!
Please join AOTA in specially recognizing and thanking these generous supporters of AOTA and
the OT profession by stopping by their booths during your time in the Exhibit Hall.
Platinum Level
Conference Tote Bag
Gold Level
Conference Program Guide
Welcome Ceremony
Booth 600
Booth 624
Presidential Address
Lanyards and Program Directors Breakfast
Booth 533
Booth 814
Annual Awards
& Recognition
Ceremony and
First Timers Orientation
Booth 227
Thank you for your generous support!
To all
Silver Level
Transportation Zone
SIS Network Reception
Poster Sessions
SIS Fun Run and Walk
Assembly of Student Delegates Meeting
and Students Unconferenced
Bronze Level
Booth 124
Booth 807
Booth 801
Booth 524
Conference Tote Bag Stuffer
Booth 609
Program Directors Meeting & Textbook Expo
Booth 606
Booth 1415
ASAP Reception
Affiniscape Inc.
Audio Visual
Mary Washington
Touro College
Food and Drink Station
Shepherd Center
Booth 901
Tech Day
Quinnipiac University
Booth 626
Touro University Nevada
Cyber Caf
Boston University
Booth 633
Casamba, Inc.
Booth 1330
Chatham University
Booth 25
Miami Valley Hospital
University of
Southern California
Booth 1032
Booth 907
Expo Hall Pocket Guide
Booths 701, 705, and 813
20 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
AOTA Press and
eet the authors and
purchase copies of many
your favorite AOTA Press
publications and AOTA CE
products, including new items
on cognition, mental health,
productive aging, home modifi-
cation, driving, and writing. Test
drive AJOT Online at HighWire,
and preview new CE on falls
prevention, autism, and manage-
ment. Get your OT Month gear!
OT Practice
Photo Booth
Meet the Editors and
Get a Cover Photo
id you ever
want to get on
the cover of
OT Practice?
Heres your chance!
Visit the OT Practice
Booth in the Expo Hall during
exhibit hours to meet the editors
of OT Practice, ask questions
about upcoming articles and
coverage by the magazine, and
have a fun photo taken of you
and friends on your very own
cover of the magazine!
2012 Conference Schedule at a Glance
continued from page 17
Expo Hall
Thursday, April 26: 5:30 pm to
9:00 pm (unopposed)
Friday, April 27: 11:00 am to 5:30
pm (unopposed 12:00 pm to
2:00 pm)
Saturday, April 28: 9:30 am to
2:30 pm (unopposed 11:45
am to 1:45 pm)
Special Interest
Section (SIS)
Wednesday, April 25
SIS Networking Reception
(7:30 pm to 9:00 pm).
Get your Conference started off
right with this favorite informal
event. Come meet and network
with new and experienced
colleagues who share your spe-
cialty interest. Free admission.
Cash bar and snacks included.
Friday, April 27
SIS Roundtable Discussions
(12:30 pm to 1:30 pm). Each
of the 11 SISs will hold small
group discussions extended to 1
hour by popular demand. Tick-
ets are free and included with
Conference registration, but
they must be obtained in advance
at the Information Booth in the
Registration Area for the session
that you wish to attend. They
will be available on a first-come,
first-served basis beginning
on Thursday afternoon. Half of
the tickets will be given out on
Thursday afternoon and half on
Friday morning.
Saturday, April 28
SIS Buzz Sessions
(8:30 am to 9:30 am
and 10:00 am to 11:00 am)
Back by popular demand, the
SISs have selected a topic of
current interest in their practice
area for a brief presentation and
facilitated discussion. Included
with Conference registration.
Special Events
Wednesday, April 25
Doctoral Network Reception
and Annual Meeting (6:30 pm
to 9:30 pm). The panel will
provide helpful ideas on all the
issues involved with pursuing a
doctoral degree, including the
rewards and realities of study,
qualities to look for in a doctoral
program, the mentoring pro-
cess, staying on track through
the process, and achieving
career goals.
Informal roundtable mentor-
ing sessions will begin at 6:30
pm, followed by the formal
reception and meeting at 7:30
pm. $30 per person. Includes
Thursday, April 26
First-Timers Orientation (7:15
am to 7:45 am). Get the tips you
need to make the most out of
your first AOTA Annual Confer-
ence & Expo during this fast-
paced, 30-minute presentation.
International Breakfast (7:30 am
to 9:00 am). This presentation,
featuring Sharon
Brintnell, will
highlight the key
elements of the
World Report on
Disability and
align its principles and recom-
mendations with the World
Federation of Occupational
Therapys position on occu-
pational justice and human
rights. $35 per person. Includes
Welcome Ceremony and Keynote
Address by Joseph Coughlin
(4:00 pm to 5:30 pm). Hear
about the outcomes and expec-
tations of Coughlins research
and the translation of research
into practical application for
occupational therapy and aging
Keynote Q&A
Joseph F. Coughlin, PhD, director of AgeLab at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will deliver
the keynote address at Conference. AgeLab is the first
multi-disciplinary research program created to under-
stand the behavior of the aging population, the role
of technology, and the opportunity for innovations to
improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. Coughlin
recently spoke with OT Practice associate editor Andrew Waite.
Waite: If members take one thing away from your keynote
speech, what do you want it to be?
Coughlin: The aging of the population is going to be a great
opportunity, but its not going to be an opportunity based upon the
story of more. What we have to think about is not just more older
adults who need the services. It is more older adults who expect new,
better, and engaged services. So I think this is a great opportunity for
a growing market place, but its also a time for the OT professional
to think how they can reengineer their profession to be ready for that
next generation of old.
Waite: Do you have any examples of working with OTs?
Coughlin: I think about OT in the home. Your kitchen becomes
an extreme sport because as you age it is almost impossible for you
to do the things you always did, like cutting vegetables, for example.
I really do believe that OT is positioned correctly as a way of not just
addressing injury or just natural declines in aging, but as a way of
staying well, and thats vital.
Waite: Technology is a huge piece of AgeLab. How can OT prac-
titioners relate?
Coughlin: OT [practitioners] need to think of technology in a [few]
ways. First, what are the new devices and tools that will help them
with their craft to engage the user in safe yet effective ways of build-
ing back what disease, accidents, and age may have taken away?
Second, how do [they] creatively use technology to engage people
to do the exercises? Third, and this is the little bit of a reach, the OT
professional is trained to be quite literally hands on. In a world where
the aging population is increasingly rural, increasingly distant, how
do we use technology to enable an OT to provide tele-occupational
therapy support to rural places?
For more on Coughlins insights, visit www.disruptivedemographics.com.
2012 AOTA & AOTF Award Recipients
wards Ceremony to be held on Saturday, April 28, from
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at CC Exhibit Halls FG, followed by
a reception (tickets $35 per person) at JW White River
Ballroom B-D that includes hors doeuvres and cash bar.
Award of Merit
Paula Kramer, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Eleanor Clarke Slagle
Lectureship Award
Glen Gillen, EdD, OTR, FAOTA
Roster of Fellows
Jeanine Beasley, EdD, OTR, CHT
Salvador Bondoc, OTD, OTR/L,
Gerry Conti, PhD, OTR/L
Leslie Freeman Davidson, PhD,
Carole Dennis, ScD, OTR/L
Gail Fisher, MPA, OTR/L
Catherine Gardner, MPA, OT
Kristine Haertl, PhD, OTR/L
E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L
Amy Lamb, OTD, BS, OTR/L
James Lenker, PhD, OTR/L
Teresa A. May-Benson, ScD,
Nancy Vandewiele Milligan, PhD,
Janet M. Powell, PhD, OTR/L
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L
Cynthia Cyndy Robinson, MS,
Laura Schluter Strickland, EdD,
Margaret Swarbrick, PhD, OTR
Eve A. Taylor, PhD, OTR/L
Debra Tupe, PhD, MPH, MS,
Jennifer L. Womack, MA, MS,
Roster of Honors Award
Jeanne M. Rehr, BA, COTA/L
Recognition of Achievement
Coralie Corky Glantz, OT/L, BCG,
Nancy Z. Richman, OTR/L, FAOTA
Jodie K. Williams, OTR/L, MHA
Lindy Boggs Award
Pamela Sue Roberts, PhD, OTR/L,
Health Advocate Award
Christopher Callahan, MD, FACP
Jeffrey L. Tomlinson, OTR, CSW,
Certificate of Appreciation
Virginia and Roland Dykes
David D. Gale, PhD, FASAHP
Cordelia Myers Writers
Elizabeth A. Barstow, MS, OTR/L,
Jeanette Bair Writers
Cynthia Lau, PhD, OTR/L, BCP
Special Interest Section
Quarterly Writers Award
Leonard N. Matheson, PhD, CRC,
Matthew B. Dodson, OTD, OTR/L
Timothy J. Wolf, OTD, MSCI,
Academy of Research
Anita Bundy, ScD, OTR, FAOTA
Sherrilene Classen, PhD, MPH,
Dorothy Farrar Edwards, PhD
Annette Majnemer, PhD, OT(C),
AOTF/Patterson Award for
Community Volunteerism
Evelyn Jaffe, MPA, OTR/L, FAOTA
A. Jean Ayres Award
Shelley E. Mulligan, PhD, OTR/L
Grace Baranek, PhD, OTR/L,
AOTF Service
Nancy Snyder, MS, OTR/L
Certificate of Appreciation
Jane Case-Smith, EdD, OTR/L,
AOTF Meritorious Service
Melissa Oliver, MS, OTR/L
continued on page 22
Expo Grand Opening and Recep-
tion (5:30 pm to 9:00 pm). Join us
in the Expo Hall and socialize
with colleagues, enjoy free hors
doeuvres and drinks from a
cash bar, meet AOTA leaders
and staff, and explore hundreds
of great exhibits. Included with
Conference registration.
Students Un-Conferenced (8:30
pm to 10:30 pm). Networking
opportunity exclusively for
students. Includes cash bar
and entertainment. Open to all
registered student attendees.
Name badge required.
Friday, April 27
18th Annual AOTF Breakfast With
a Scholar, featuring Lex Frieden
(7:30 am to 9:00
am). Frieden will
reflect on the
and aftermath of
the Americans
With Disabilities Act. $50 per
person. Includes breakfast.
Proceeds help support AOTF
research, scholarship, and lead-
ership programs.
Presidential Address by Florence
Clark (11:15 am to 12:00 pm).
Clark will address
members on her
vision of a profes-
sion devoted to
practice. Included
with Conference registration.
2012 AOTF Research Colloquium,
featuring moderator Lisa Tabor
Connor (2:00 pm to 5:00 pm).
The perfect follow to a Presi-
dential Address on evidence-
based practice, the Colloquium
will focus on the current state
of evidence for cognitive
assessments and interventions,
what needs to be done from a
research perspective, and how
to implement what is known
into clinical practice. $35 per
person. Includes refreshments.
Town Hall Meeting: Centen-
nial vision Progress and Issues
Facing the Profession, with
AOTA Leaders (2:00 pm to 3:00
pm). Take advantage of this
excellent opportunity to ask
questions, share perspectives,
and contribute ideas about the
road we must take now and
beyond occupational therapys
Centennial anniversary in
2017. Included in Conference
Centennial vision Session, with
virginia Stoffel (3:30 pm to 5:00
pm). Grassroots
efforts in having
a strong voice
in public policy
and legislation,
research using technology to
solve everyday life challenges,
and building a Centennial
culture across all practitioners
and organizations will provide
concrete and inspiring models
that can be replicated across
the country. Dont miss your
chance to learn more. Included
with Conference registration.
Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture,
with Karen Jacobs (5:15 pm to
6:30 pm). Learn
how to success-
fully promote the
profession with a
commitment to
communicate our
value through words, images,
and actions. Included with
Conference registration.
2012 AOTF Gala (8:00 pm to
11:00 pm). Feast on sumptuous
food and enjoy connecting with
friends and colleagues before
the Dancing With the Stars
(Indy-Style) competition. $115
per person; $45 per student.
22 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
continued from page 21
93rd annual conference & expo

San diego
april 2528, 2013
Participation in the AOTF Gala
supports the Foundations pro-
grams to advance occupational
therapy education, research,
and leadership, and your dona-
tion is tax-deductible.
Cognition Workshops (8:00 am
to 11:00 am and 2:00 pm to 5:00
pm). In connection with AOTAs
forthcoming official statement
on cognition and cognitive
rehabilitation, these two work-
shops (WS 200 and WS208) will
explore the theory and applica-
tions of occupational therapy
for cognitive rehabilitation and
how these approaches may be
applied to specific populations.
Check the Conference Guide for
more information on these and
other workshops.
Saturday, April 28
Plenary Session with Robinette
J. Amaker (11:15 am to 12:00
pm). This session
will enlighten
you on changes
in U.S. Army
therapy, includ-
ing developments in behavioral
health, mild traumatic brain
injury, amputee rehabilitation,
and polytrauma. Included with
Conference registration.

AOTAs 92nd Annual Business
Meeting (12:15 pm to 1:15 pm).
Learn about the Associations
progress toward the Centennial
Vision and how you can become
involved in our continued prog-
ress. Included with Conference
Annual Awards & Recognition
Ceremony (5:30 pm to 6:30
pm). Join friends, family, and
colleagues as we gather to pay
tribute to those whose achieve-
ments have enriched the field of
occupational therapy. Open to
the public.
Annual Awards & Recognition
Reception (6:45 to 7:45). Join the
recipients in celebrating with an
evening of mingling and sharing
of good wishes. $35 per person.
Includes hors doeuvres and
cash bar.
Tech Day. Attend one or all
three highly popular Tech Day
sessions to experience interac-
tive exploration of high- and
low-tech products that enhance
client participation in occupa-
tions across the lifespan. Due
to the popularity of Tech Day,
look for a new room layout and
signage that will direct you to
the products that interest you.
AOTPAC Night: KaraOTe Idol Iv
(7:30 pm to 10:30 pm). Got tal-
ent? Prove it. Send your name
or the name of your group to
aotpac@aota.org to participate.
Join your friends and colleagues
and cheer for our contestants
at the annual celebration and
contest mixed in with dancing
and music. $40 per person. $25
per student. Includes cash bar
and snacks.
Sunday, April 29
AOTF Scholarship of Teaching and
Learning (8:00 am to 11:00 am).
This program will focus on ways
to foster collaborative research
that provides evidence for best
practices in education. Included
with Conference registration.
Tickets can also be purchased
on site in Indianapolis. n
14 West: Contemporary,
14 W. Maryland St., 636-1414, $$$$
Adobo Grill: Mexican,
110 E. Washington St., 822-9990, $$
Ambrosia: Italian,
15 E. Maryland St., 635-3096, $$$
Barcelona Tapas: Spanish,
201 N. Delaware St., 638-8272, $$
Bazbeaux: Pizza,
333 Massachusetts Ave., 636-7662, $$
Bella vita Ristorante: Italian,
49 W. Maryland St., 822-9840, $$$
Bourbon Street Distillery: Cajun,
361 Indiana Ave., 636-3316, $
Buca di Beppo: Italian,
35 N. Illinois Street, 632-2822, $$$
California Pizza Kitchen: Contem-
porary, 49 W. Maryland St., 217-1291, $$
The Capital Grille: Contemporary,
40 W. Washington St., 423-8790, $$$$
City Caf: Breakfast/Brunch,
443 N. Pennsylvania St., 833-2233, $$
Claddagh Irish Pub: Irish,
234 S. Meridian St., 822-6274, $$
The Eagles Nest: Contemporary,
1 S. Capitol Ave., 616-6170, $$$
El Sol de Tala: Mexican,
2444 E. Washington St., 636-1250, $$
Fogo de Chao: Brazilian Steak-
house, 117 E. Washington St., 638-4000,
Harry & Izzys: Contemporary,
153 S. Illinois St., 915-8045, $$$$
Hoaglin To Go: Breakfast/Brunch,
448 Massachusetts Ave., 423-0300, $$
India Garden: Indian,
207 N. Delaware St., 634-6060, $$
Indianapolis Colts Grille: Sports
Bar, 110 W. Washington St., 631-2007, $$
King David Dogs: Fast Food,
135 N. Pennsylvania St., 632-3647, $
The Libertine Liquor Bar:
Contemporary, 38 e. Washington St.
631-3333, $$
MacNivens Restaurant & Bar:
Pub grub, 339 Massachusetts Ave.,
632-7268, $
McCormick $ Schmicks: Seafood,
110 N. Illinois St., 631-9500, $$$
Mikado Restaurant & Sushi Bar:
Sushi, 148 S. Illinois St., 972-4180, $$$
MosA Place for Steaks: Steak,
47 S. Pennsylvania St., 624-0720, $$$$
Mortons The Steakhouse: Steak,
41. E. Washington St., 229-4700, $$$$
The Oceanside Seafood Room:
Seafood, 30 S. Meridian St., 955-2277,
One South: Contemporary,
1 S. Capitol Ave., 616-6160, $$
Osteria Pronto: Italian,
10 S. West St. 860-5777, $$
Palomino: Contemporary,
49 W. Maryland St., 974-0400, $$$
Papa Roux: Cajun, 222 E. Market
St., 634-9266, $
Patachou on the Park: Breakfast/
Brunch, 225 W. Washington St.., 632-
0765, $
P.F. Changs China Bistro: Asian,
49. W. Maryland St., $$
The Rathskeller: German,
401 E. Michigan St., 636-0396, $$$
Scottys Brewhouse: Pub grub,
1 Virginia Ave., 571-0808, $$
Sensu: Sushi, 225 S. Meridian St.,
536-0036, $$$
Shulas Steak House: Steak,
50 S. Capitol Ave., 231-3900, $$$$
St. Elmo Steak House: Steak,
127 S. Illinois St. 635-0636, $$$$
Tavern on South: Contemporary,
423 W. South St., 602-3115, $$$
Turners at the Canterbury
Hotel: Classic, 123 S. Illinois St.,
634-3000, $$$$
Weber Grill Restaurant:
Barbecue, 10 N. Illinois St., 636-7600, $$
Keys to symbols:
$ = Entrees priced below $10
$$ = Entrees priced between
$10 and $20
$$$ = Entrees priced between
$20 and $30
$$$$ = Entrees priced above $30
29 32 13 14 19 10
2 15
NOTE: This information was accurate at press time
but is subject to change. For more information,
visit the hospitality booth in the Registration area.
Many more suggestions on restaurants and local
attractions may also be found at www.yelp.com,
www.urbanspoon.com, and www.visitindy.com.
24 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
e v i D e N c e p e r K s
vidence-based practice (EBP) is
useful not just for clinical practice.
Increasingly, evidence supports
important policy and regulatory rec-
ommendations and decisions. Most
recently, AOTA policy staff col-
laborated with AOTAs EBP Project
staff and an outside consultant to
highlight high-quality evidence that
supported a comment letter related to
health care reform implementation.
The starting point was the new
health care reform legislation that
requires everyone in the United States
to have health insurance beginning
in 2014. To facilitate this and help
improve insurance access, choice,
cost, and coverage, state-run health
insurance purchasing exchanges are
to be established, with insurance
plans participating in these exchanges
required to cover, at a minimum, a
package of essential health benefits.
Although habilitation and rehabilita-
tion are included on the governments
list of 10 essential health benefits, the
Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices (HHS) is responsible for defining
these terms. In its Essential Health
Benefits Bulletin released Decem-
ber 16, 2011, the agency outlined its
intended regulatory approach to the
task and requested comment on how
to define habilitative services
specifically, the advantages and disad-
vantages of including maintenance of
function in the definition.
The bulletin made clear that
evidence will need to be used from
this point forward to demonstrate to
HHS (as well as states and insurers)
how occupational therapy is effective
in regard to issues of maintenance,
particularly for people with develop-
mental or other disabilities. In addi-
tion, it will be necessary to show how
occupational therapy is effective in
habilitation, which is defined as devel-
oping new skills or abilities rather than
regaining lost skills or abilities.
Examples of the type of evidence
sought include research on the impact
of ongoing occupational therapy for
children with cerebral palsy or Down
syndrome, and literature describing
occupational therapys role in transi-
tion for children and young adults with
In formulating their strategy for
developing the comment letter, AOTA
policy and EBP Project staff discussed
the proper parameters in defining
maintenance and habilitation and
the importance of making sure that
evidence was gathered for all relevant
populations. For children with physi-
cal and developmental disabilities, it
was important to consider transitions
during the school years as well as the
transitions from school to adulthood.
Although a child or young adult may
be able to participate in a particular
school or at home, an individuals
changing needs will benefit from the
assistance provided by occupational
therapy during periods of transition
to new environments. During adult-
hood, these same adaptations to new
environments take place when an
individual is aging with a disability.
These changes may include the need
for occupational therapy services to
promote safety with existing equip-
ment, update equipment if needed,
and prevent secondary disabilities
that can occur over time. In addi-
tion, understanding the evidence of
maintenance is critical to determining
how long the effects of an interven-
tion should be expected to last, and
to understand when appropriate
follow-up may be needed to maintain
participation over an extended period.
Lastly, occupational therapy practi-
tioners need to understand and build
evidence to support the best ways for
community-dwelling older adults to
maintain an active, healthy lifestyle as
they age.
Separate from the policy implica-
tions, the studies on interventions
provided during periods that might be
traditionally considered maintenance
provide valuable information for those
in clinical practice. For example, a
Level I randomized controlled design
examined the impact of assistive
technology (AT) on individuals aging
Collaborations That Work
Using Evidence for Policy
Marian Arbesman Deborah Lieberman Jennifer Hitchon
e v i D e N c e p e r K s
Evidence supports important policy
and regulatory recommendations and
decisions. Most recently, AOTA policy staff
collaborated with AOTAs EBP Project staff and
an outside consultant to highlight high-quality evidence
that supported a comment letter related to health care
reform implementation.




with a disability (e.g., polio, rheumatoid
arthritis, cerebral palsy, stroke, spinal
cord injury).
Those in the interven-
tion group received recommended AT
and home modifications that were paid
either in full or in part as a component
of the research study. The control group
had access to the standard health care
available in the community. The results
indicated that there was a significant
group by time interaction for scores of
members of the intervention group on
the Functional Independence Measure,
suggesting that they had a slower decline
in function over 2 years as compared to
the control group. In addition, those in
the treatment group were more likely
to use the AT to maintain independence
rather than using personal assistance.
Another Level I randomized controlled
trial compared active wheelchair checks
by an occupational therapist to user-
and caregiver-driven checks for adults
using manual wheelchairs.
After 1 year,
the number of individuals who were
accident-free was significantly lower in
the intervention group (who received
occupational therapy checks) compared
with the control group.
The results of the searches show that
valuable and respected evidence exists
to support occupational therapy inter-
ventions in habilitation and maintenance
function; however, they also highlight
the need for more research in these
areas. Occupational therapy practition-
ers provide high-quality client-centered
interventions to children and adults
throughout the life span that enable
them to continue to participate in mul-
tiple environments despite changes that
may take place internally and externally.
The results of research in the areas of
transition and maintenance periods are
crucial to this aspect of occupational
therapy practice.
The impact of the comment let-
ter cant be determined yet given the
agencys planned subregulatory approach
to putting this legislation into effect, but
weighing in with our comments is our
best shot to impact the final EHB pack-
age. To view the full text of the comment
letter, produced through the collaborative
efforts of AOTA policy and EBP Project
staff, and to follow further developments
on this and other policy issues, go to
www.aota.org/news/advocacynews. n
1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Center for Consumer Information and Insurance
Oversight. (2011, December 16). Essential
health benefits bulletin. Retrieved from http://
2. Wilson, D. J., Mitchell, J. M., Kemp, B. J., Adkins,
R. H., & Mann, W. (2009). Effects of assistive
technology on functional decline in people
aging with a disability. Assistive Technology, 21,
3. Center for Functional Assessment Research
at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
(1993). Functional Independence Measure (4th
ed.). Buffalo, NY: Data Management Service of
the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilita-
4. Hansen, R., & Tresse, S. (2004). Fewer accidents
and better maintenance with active wheelchair
check-ups: A randomized controlled clinical
trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 18, 631639.
Marian Arbesman, PhD, OTR/L, is president of
ArbesIdeas, Inc., and an adjunct assistant professor
in the Department of Rehabilitation Science at the
State University of New York at Buffalo. She has
served as a consultant with AOTAs Evidence-Based
Practice Project since 1999.
Deborah Lieberman, MHSA, OTR/L, FAOTA, is the
program director of AOTAs Evidence-Based Prac-
tice Project and staff liaison to AOTAs Commission
on Practice. She can be reached at dlieberman@
Jennifer Hitchon, JD, MHA, is AOTAs regulatory
counsel. She can be reached at jhitchon@aota.org.
April is
OT Month
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and order your
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products now!
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26 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
s O c i A L M e D i A s p O T L i g h T





Dementia and Initiation
CarolineOT Posted on march 16, 2012 at 4:33 am
i have a patient with dementia who is not following any
commands with either verbal, tactile, or visual cues. patient
is also severely retropulsive when attempting to assist with
supine-sit or sit-to-stand. Have spoken with family and
previous care providers for ideas that could help but noth-
ing forthcoming at present. meds have been reviewed. Has
anyone come across this and have any suggestions?
Ron Carson replied on march 16, 2012 at 1:22 pm
my initial thought is the patient is frightened. Have you
tried a VeRy gentle and slow approach? maybe just some
gentle stroking on the arm, followed with some soothing
sounds. i bet if you establish Some rapport (even if its
barely minimal), your patient will be more able to participate.
Conversely, you may not be of any assistance to improving
the patients condition. Sad to say, but possibly true.
For more of this discussion and to view other posts, go to
www.OTConnections.org. New user? Click on Users Guide
in the upper right hand corner of the Web page.
lasue replied on march 17, 2012 at 5:01 am
i make observations as to how patient responds to their
environment. i also question staff if they have noted
patient responding positively or negatively to various sen-
sory input (sounds, light, textures, foods, etc.). i try to ap-
proach patient that way. Sometimes a visual impairment
causes patient to react negatively when approached.
jbossemelgosa replied on march 26, 2012 at 4:12 am
Some patients w/neuro involvement retropulse. it is com-
mon w/ parkinsons disease and w/some CVa patients.
your patient may not be able to control it. try tasks to
reach forward, which require your patient to flex the trunk
while sitting, strengthening the flexor muscles. also, teach
the steps to sequence supine to sit to stand to the care-
givers so that all of you are on the same page. if you are
each giving different instructions to the patient, he/she will
not be able to develop a consistent habit. Scooting to the
edge of the chair and leaning forward before standing will
be important w/all caregivers even if you have to help the
patient get into position.
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otConsulting @Kbeinsotc: Great efforts on the
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fb.me/138zvfcyb 22 mar
elderCarelink.com @eldercarelink1: How do you
know when occupational therapy is needed?
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american occupational therapy association
Hes kind of a superstar. Triple amputee Iraq vet shares
his rehab experience with OT students. Check it out.
Triple Amputee Iraq Vet Speaks to OT Students
Checking the pulse otconnections.aota.org
Back in 2008, a young man was on the cover of Esquire
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legs. The 2008 feature focused on Bryans recovery and
his journey of finding the right orthotics and prosthetics
or as Esquire put it ... march 27 at 3:24pm
85 people like this. 40 shares
Bobbi amaker Bryan, youre terrific! thank you for your
american occupational therapy association
Rehab, Day 1: The first day consists of 60 minutes of
occupational therapy... Stephanie Deckers road to
recovery! http://ow.ly/9oxg4 (video & blog)
Tornado Mom: Dont Take a Moment for Granted
march 22 at 11:00am
74 people like this. 30 shares
arin mcCullough another great reason why i am becom-
ing an occupational therapist!!:) march 22 at 11:08am
Renee laCour im an ota student and this story gives me
a window into the great things that i will be a part of soon.
thank you for sharing this story. :-) march 22 at 12:54pm
Jana Cason Very powerful! She will live life to its fullest and
inspire others to do the same. ot in action. march 22 at 7:27pm
P-5988 Visit us at Booth 635
Visit us at Booth 132
c A L e ND A r
To advertise your upcoming event, contact the OT Practice advertising department at
800-877-1383, 301-652-6611, or otpracads@aota.org. Listings are $99 per insertion and
may be up to 15 lines long. Multiple listings may be eligible for discount. Please call for details.
Listings in the Calendar section do not signify AOTA endorsement of content, unless otherwise
Look for the AOTA Approved Provider Program (APP) logos on continuing edu-
cation promotional materials. The APP logo indicates the organization has met
the requirements of the full AOTA APP and can award AOTA CEUs to OT relevant
courses. The APP-C logo indicates that an individual course has met the APP requirements
and has been awarded AOTA CEUs.
Indianapolis, IN Apr. 2629
AOTA 92nd Annual Conference & Expo. The 2012
AOTA Annual Conference & Expo will be a vibrant
gathering of occupational therapy practitioners,
educators, researchers, and students. Focusing
on science, innovation, and evidence, these 3-1/2
remarkable days will provide attendees with con-
tinuing education up to 24 contact hours through
advanced-level learning in Pre-Conference Insti-
tutes and Seminars and more than 700 educational
sessions; inspiring special events such as the Presi-
dential Address, Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture, and
Plenary Session; and numerous networking oppor-
tunities to connect with colleagues and leaders.
Register online at www.aota.org/conference.
Hanover, MD May 1718
The Impact of Disabilities, Vision, & Aging, and
their Relationship to Driving. Course designed for
driver education and allied health professionals who
wish to apply their knowledge of the different types
and levels of disabilities to the driving task. Course:
DRV 509. Call 410-777-2939 or visit our Web site at
Chattanooga, TN Jun. 212
Lymphedema Management. Certification courses
in Complete Decongestive Therapy (135 hours),
Lymphedema Management Seminars (31 hours).
Coursework includes anatomy, physiology, and
pathology of the lymphatic system, basic and ad-
vanced techniques of MLD, and bandaging for
primary/secondary UE and LE lymphedema (incl.
pediatric care) and other conditions. Insurance and
billing issues, certification for compression-garment
fitting included. Certification course meets LANA re-
quirements. Also in San Francisco, CA, June 212,
2012. AOTA Approved Provider. For more information
and additional class dates/locations or to order a free
brochure, please call 800-863-5935 or log on to www.
Orlando Florida Jun. 2529
Building Blocks for Becoming a Driver Rehabilita-
tion Therapist. A comprehensive live workshop for
the therapist who has little or no experience in driver
evaluation or driver rehabilitation, is developing a
new driving program, or is joining an established
program. Guidance for the clinical and in-vehicle
portion of a comprehensive driving evaluation is
taught within the OT Practice Framework. Hands-on
with evaluation tools, equipment, vehicles, and real
clients. Instructors: Susan Pierce, OTR/L, SCDCM,
CDRS; Carol Blackburn, OTR/L, CDRS. Contact
Adaptive Mobility Services, Inc. at (407) 426-8020
or visit us at www.adaptivemobility.com.
Kansas City, MO Jul. 2728
Introduction to Driver Rehabilitation. Course
designed for individuals new to the field of driver
rehabilitation. Topics include program develop-
ment, driver training, adaptive driving equipment,
and program documentation. Course will also em-
phasize collaboration with mobility dealers and con-
sumers and families. Contact ADED 866-672-9466
or visit our Web site at www.aded.net.
Kansas City, MO Jul. 2728
Application of Vehicle Modifications. Course
designed for those desiring knowledge of adaptive
driving equipment as well as the process for pre-
scribing and delivering such equipment to individu-
Continuing Education
Philadelphia, PA Starting June 7, 2012
Sensory Integration Certification Program Sponsored
Course 1: June 711 Course 2: July 1216
Course 3: October 48 Course 4: December 711
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www.wpspublish.com or call 800-648-8857
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30 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
als with disabilities. Contact ADED 866-672-9466 or
visit our Web site at www.aded.net.
Kansas City, MO Jul. 2931
ADED Annual Conference and Exhibits. Profes-
sionals specializing in the field of driver rehabilita-
tion meet annually for continuing education through
workshops, seminars, and hands-on learning. Earn
contact hours for CDRS renewal and advance your
career in the field of driver rehabilitation. Contact
ADED 866-672-9466 or visit our Web site at www.
St. Louis, MO Sept. 1215
Envision Conference 2012. Learn from leaders in
the field of low vision rehabilitation and research
while earning valuable continuing education credits.
Attend the multi-disciplinary low vision rehabilitation
and research conference dedicated to improving
the quality of low vision care through excellence in
professional collaboration, advocacy, research, and
education. Envision Conference, September 1215,
2012, Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark. Learn more at
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net, personal mentoring, and 2-day training. 2 for
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tive and Perceptual Impairments. Designed for
those working with individuals who present with
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evaluation and interventions include: poor aware-
ness, visuospatial deficits, apraxia, neglect, mem-
ory loss, attention deficits, executive dysfunction,
agnosia, etc. Instructor: Glen Gillen, EdD, OTR.
Contact GG50@Columbia.edu; visit our Web site at
www.columbiaot.org for more information.
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Occupational Therapy and Home Modification:
Promoting Safety and Supporting Participation.
Edited by Margaret Christenson, MPH, OTR/L,
FAOTA, and Carla Chase, EdD, OTR/L, CAPS. This
new SPCC consists of text, exam, and a CD-ROM
of hundreds of photographic and video resources
that provide education on home modification for
occupational therapy professionals. Practitioners
who work with either adults or children will find an
overview of evaluation and intervention, detailed
descriptions of assessment tools, and guidelines
for client-centered practice and occupation-based
outcomes. Earn 2 AOTA CEUs (20 NBCOT PDUs/20
contact hours). Order #3029, AOTA Members:
$370, Nonmembers: $470. http://store.aota.org/
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, and In-
tervention With Children and Youth: A Guiding
Framework for Occupational Therapy. Edited by
Susan Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. This important
new SPCC provides a framework on the role of oc-
cupational therapy in mental health interventions for
children that can be applied in all pediatric practice
settings. The public health approach to occupation-
al therapy services at all levels puts an emphasis
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32 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
on helping children develop and maintain positive
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(20 NBCOT PDUs/20 contact hours). Order #3030,
AOTA Members: $370, Nonmembers: $470. http://
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Early Childhood: Occupational Therapy Services
for Children Birth to Five. Edited by Barbara E.
Chandler, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. This course is an
enlightening journey through occupational therapy
with children at the earliest stage of their lives. Ex-
plores the driving force of federal legislation in oc-
cupational therapy practice and how practitioners
can articulate and demonstrate the professions
long-standing expertise in transitioning early child-
hood development into occupational engagement
in natural environments. Earn 2 AOTA CEUs (20 NB-
COT PDUs/20 contact hours). Order #3026, AOTA
Members: $370, Nonmembers: $470. http://store.
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: Consid-
erations for Advanced Practice. Edited by Marian
Kavanaugh Scheinholtz, MS, OT/L. A comprehen-
sive discussion of recent advances and trends in
mental health practice, including theories, stan-
dards of practice, and evidence as they apply to
occupational therapy. Includes content from several
federal and non-government entities. Earn 2 AOTA
CEUs (20 NBCOT PDUs/20 contact hours). Order
#3027, AOTA Members: $370, Nonmembers: $470.
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Dysphagia Care and Related Feeding Concerns for
Adults, 2nd Edition. Edited by Wendy Avery, MS,
OTR/L. Provides occupational therapists at both the
entry and intermediate skill leves with an up-to-date
resource in dysphagia care, written from an occupa-
tional therapy perspective. Earn 1.5 AOTA CEUs (15
NBCOT PDUs/15 contact hours. Order #3028. AOTA
Members: $285, Nonmembers: $385. http://store.aota.
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Collaborating for Student Success: A Guide for
School-Based Occupational Therapy. Edited by
Barbara Hanft, MA, OTR, FAOTA, and Jayne Shep-
herd, MS, OTR, FAOTA. Engages school-based oc-
cupational therapists in collaborative practice with
education teams. Identifies the process of initiating
and sustaining changes in practice and influencing
families/education personnel to engage in collabora-
tion with occupational therapists. Perfect for learning
to use professional knowledge and interpersonal skills
to blend hands-on services for students with team
and system supports for families, educators, and the
school system at large. Earn 2 AOTA CEUs (20 NB-
COT PDUs/20 contact hours). Order #3023, AOTA
Members: $370, Nonmembers: $470. http://store.aota.
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Strategies to Advance Gerontology Excellence:
Promoting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy.
Edited by Susan Coppola, MS, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA;
Sharon J. Elliott, MS, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA; and Pa-
mela E. Toto, MS, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA. Foreword
by: Wendy Wood, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Excellent
resource for gerontology practitioners today to help
sharpen skills and prepare for the spiraling demand
among older adults for occupational therapy services.
Special features include core best practice methodol-
ogy with older adults, approaches to and prevention
of occupational problems, health conditions that af-
fect participation, and practice in cross-cutting and
emerging areas. Earn 3 AOTA CEUs (30 NBCOT
PDUs/30 contact hours). Order #3024, AOTA Mem-
bers: $350, Nonmembers: $450. http://store.aota.org/
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Stop by booth #626 to speak to our faculty.
See program for QU faculty scheduled presentation times
Visit this AOTA Bronze Sponsor at Booth 626
34 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Low Vision: Occupational Therapy Evaluation and
Intervention With Older Adults, Revised Edition.
2008. Edited by Mary Warren, MS, OTR/L, SCLV,
FAOTA. Occupational therapy practice in low vision
rehabilitation services has changed significantly
since the first edition of Low Vision. The Revised
Edition helps practitioners maintain professional
competency by supporting the AOTA Specialty Cer-
tification in Low Vision Rehabilitation (SCLV) creden-
tialing process. Special features include first-edition
updates and revisions, new information on evalu-
ation, lessons related to psychosocial issues and
low vision, eye conditions that cause low vision in
adults, and basic optics and optical devices. Earn
2 AOTA CEUs (20 NBCOT PDUs/20 contact hours).
Order #3025, AOTA Members: $370, Nonmembers:
$470. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=3025
AOTA Self-Paced Clinical Course
Neurorehabilitation Self-Paced Clinical Course
Series. Series Senior Editor: Gordon Muir Giles,
PhD, DipCOT, OTR/L, FAOTA. This Series includes
4 componentsthe Core SPCC and 3 Diagnosis-
Specific SPCCs. The Core SPCC is highly recom-
mended as a prerequisite for the Diagnosis-Specific
courses. Each of the Diagnosis-Specific SPCCs
is based on a case study model supported by
key concepts presented in the Core. Core SPCC:
Core Concepts in Neurorehabilitation: Earn .7
AOTA CEU (7 NBCOT PDUs/ 7 contact hours).
Order #3019, AOTA Members: $130, Nonmem-
bers: $184. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=3019
Diagnosis-Specific SPCCs: Neurorehabilitation
for Dementia-Related Diseases (Order #3022 http://
store.aota.org/view/?SKU=3022), Neurorehabilita-
tion for Stroke (Order #3021 http://store.aota.org/
view/?SKU=3021), and Neurorehabilitation for
Traumatic Brain Injury (Order #3020 http://store.
aota.org/view/?SKU=3020). Each: 1 AOTA CEU (10
NBCOT PDUs/10 contact hours), AOTA Members:
$185, Nonmembers: $263. Call or shop online to
purchase the Core and/or 1 or more Diagnosis-Spe-
cific SPCCs together for significant savings!

NEW! Ethics TopicDuty to Warn: An Ethical
Responsibility for All Practitioners. Presented by
Deborah Yarett Slater, MS, OT/L, FAOTA, Staff Liai-
son to the Ethics Commission. Ethics TopicDuty to
Warn helps you understand your professional, ethi-
cal, and legal responsibilities in the identification of
safety issues in ADLs and IADLs as they evaluate
and provide intervention to clients. The importance
of using data from both objective and subjective
sources is emphasized as well to determine risk of
harm in performing daily activities. Course material
includes not only lecture format but also interac-
tive case studies and resources to enhance learn-
ing on this topic. Earn .1 AOTA CEU (1.25 NBCOT
PDUs/1 contact hour). Order #4882, AOTA Mem-
bers: $45, Nonmembers: $65. http://store.aota.org/
NEW! Using the Occupational Therapy Practice
Guidelines for Adults with Alzheimers Disease
and Related Disorders (ADRD) To Enhance Your
Practice. Presented by Patricia Schaber, PhD,
OTR/L. Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines
for Adults With Alzheimers Disease and Related
Disorders (ADRD) provides an evidence-based
perspective in defining the process and nature, fre-
quency, and duration of the interventions that occur
within the boundaries of this serious illness. This new
CEonCD course takes a further step on the topic
with Practice Guidelines principles presented in a
multimedia format highlighting concepts for occu-
pational therapy practice and case studies of adults
at different stages of Alzheimers disease. Earn .2
AOTA CEUs (2.50 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours).
Order # 4883, Member Price: $68, Nonmember
Price: $97. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4883.
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(REC #1204)
Presented by Alison Lane, Ph.D., OTR/L and Chelsea Hetrick
Pressure Mapping: A Valuable Resource
for Client Assessment and Education
(REC #1203)
Presented by Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS
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36 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
NEW! Autism Topics Part II: Occupational Thera-
py Service Provision in an Educational Context.
Edited by Renee Watling, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. The
second in an important 3-part CE series that offers
supplemental content from chapters in the AOTA
Press 2010 book Autism: A Comprehensive Occu-
pational Therapy Approach, 3rd Edition. Specifical-
ly addressing the unique aspects of occupational
therapy practice within the public school systems,
the course will enhance your ability to meet the
needs of children with autism spectrum disorders,
and their families, from early intervention through
elementary years and the transition process. Rec-
ommended Reading: Autism: A Comprehensive
Occupational Therapy Approach, 3rd Edition. Earn
.6 CEU (7.5 NBCOT PDUs/6 contact hours). Order
#4881, AOTA Members: $210, Nonmembers: $299.
NEW! OT Manager Topics. Authors: Denise Ch-
isholm, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Penelope Moyers
Cleveland, EdD, OTR/L, BCMH, FAOTA; Steven Ey-
ler MS, OTR/L; Jim Hinojosa, PhD, OT, BCP, FAO-
TA; Kristie Kapusta, MS, OT/L; Shawn Phipps, PhD,
OTR/L, FAOTA; Pat Precin, MS, OTR/L, LP. This CE
course presents supplementary content from chap-
ters in The Occupational Therapy Manager, 5th
Edition, and provides additional applications that
are relevant to selected issues on management.
The course focuses on six specific topics related
to occupation-based practice, evidence-based
management, evaluating OT services, continuing
competency, conflict resolution, and employee
motivation. Participants should read the selected
text chapters prior to studying the CE topics. Earn
.7 CEU (8.75 NBCOT PDUs/7 contact hours). Or-
der #4880, AOTA Members: $194, Nonmembers:
$277. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4880
Lets Think BIG About Wellness. By Winnie Dunn,
PhD, OTR, FAOTA. The focus of occupational thera-
py on living a satisfying life embraces a global view
about wellness. In this course, we will explore the of-
ficial documents and materials that support our con-
cept of wellness, review examples of interdisciplinary
literature on wellness, and explore strengths models
from other disciplines as a way to inform our bigger
thinking. Earn .25 CEU (3.13 NBCOT PDUs/2.5 con-
tact hours). Order #4879, AOTA Members: $68, Non-
members: $97. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4879
NEW! The Short Child Occupational Profile
(SCOPE). Presented by Patricia Bowyer, EdD, MS,
OTR, FAOTA; Hany Ngo, MOT, OTR; and Jessica
Kramer, PhD, OTR. Introducing The Short Child Oc-
cupational Profile (SCOPE) assessment tool, this
course provides a systematic way to document a
childs motivation for occupations, habits and roles,
skills, and environmental supports and barriers. The
SCOPE can be used with children and youth ages
birth to 21 in a range of practice contexts. Earn .6
AOTA CEU (7.5 NBCOT PDUs/6 contact hours). Or-
der #4847, AOTA Members: $210, Nonmembers:
$299. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4847
NEW! An Occupation-Based Approach in Postacute
Care to Support Productive Aging. A collaborative
project between the American Occupational Therapy
Association and AOTA Platinum Partner Genesis Re-
habilitation Services. Authored by Denise Chisholm,
PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Cathy Dolhi, OTD, OTR/L,
FAOTA, and Jodi L. Schreiber, MS, OTR/L. Course
reviews occupation-based practice with a focus on
postacute care practice settings for older adults.
Practical strategies to promote the practitioners abil-
ity to integrate occupation throughout the occupa-
tional therapy process are presented in an interactive
format to maximize clinical application, and real-life
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Visit this AOTA Bronze Sponsor at Booth 1032
38 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
scenarios illustrate the occupation-based approach
for facilitating productive aging. Earn .6 AOTA CEU
(7.5 NBCOT PDUs/6 contact hours). Order #4875,
AOTA Members: $210, Nonmembers: $299. http://
Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Life After
IDEA. Authored by Lisa Crabtree, PhD, OTR/L and Ja-
net DeLany, DEd, OTR/L, FAOTA. Explores the critical
issues of autism in adulthood and provides occupation-
al therapy practitioners with the knowledge and tools to
advocate for the health and community participation of
young adults and adults on the autism spectrum. The
course uses multiple sources and perspectives that
provide information, strategies, and resources. Earn .3
AOTA CEU (3 NBCOT PDUs/3 contact hours). Order
#4878, AOTA Members: $105, Nonmembers: $150.
Response to Intervention (RtI) for At Risk Learn-
ers: Advocating for Occupational Therapys Role
in General Education. By Gloria Frolek Clark, PhD.,
OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA and Jean Polichino, OTR MS,
FAOTA. Provides core components of RtI, the role of
occupational therapists at each tier, and case stud-
ies. RtI is being implemented nationally to ensure high
quality instruction and data-based decision making
within the general educational system, and content
highlights opportunities for occupational therapy
within RtI frameworks in public education. Earn .2
AOTA CEU (2.5 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours). Or-
der #4876, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers: $97.
Strategic Evidence-Based Interviewing in Occupa-
tional Therapy. Presented by Renee R. Taylor, PhD.
Begins with an introduction to the three basic types
of interviews most commonly applied in occupational
therapy practice: structured interviews, semi-struc-
tured interviews, and general clinical interviewing.
Through evidence-based examples of frequently
used interview-based assessments within the occu-
pational therapy literature, this course will describe a
set of norms and communication strategies that are
likely to maximize success in gathering accurate, rel-
evant, and detailed information. Earn .2 AOTA CEU
(2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours). Order #4844,
AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers: $97. http://store.
NEW! Everyday Ethics: Core Knowledge for Occu-
pational Therapy Practitioners and Educators, 2nd
Edition. Developed by AOTA Ethics Commission and
Presented by Deborah Yarett Slater, MS, OT/L, FAOTA.
Provides a foundation in basic ethics information that
gives context and assistance with application to daily
practice. Learning objectives include what is meant by
ethics, key ethical theories and principles, and the ra-
tionale for changes in the Occupational Therapy Code
of Ethics and Ethics Standards 2010. The course re-
inforces the value of self reflection on practice for en-
hanced competency and increased ethical behavior.
Earn .3 AOTA CEU (3 NBCOT PDUs/3 contact hours).
Order #4846, AOTA Members: $105, Nonmembers:
$150. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4846
NEW! Autism Topics Part I: Relationship Building,
Evaluation Strategies, and Sensory Integration
and Praxis. Edited by Renee Watling, PhD, OTR/L,
FAOTA. The first in a 3-part series on content from
Autism, 3rd Edition to expand occupational thera-
py practice with children on the autism spectrum
through building the intentional relationship, using
occupational therapy evaluation strategies, ad-
dressing sensory integration challenges, and plan-
ning intervention for praxis. Highlights include video
clips and strategies that will enhance the provision
of evaluation and intervention services. Recom-
mended Reading: Autism: A Comprehensive Oc-
cupational Therapy Approach, 3rd Edition. Earn
.6 CEUs (6 NBCOT PDUs/6 contact hours). Order
#4848, AOTA Members: $210, Nonmembers: $299.
Skilled Nursing Facilities 101. Christine Kroll, MS,
OTR and Nancy Richman, OTR/L, FAOTA. This new
course is designed to help practitioners better man-
age practice within skilled nursing facility settings. It
addresses the importance of documentation, require-
ments for different payers, significance of managing
productivity, understanding billing considerations,
and maintaining ethical practice standards. Earn .3
AOTA CEU (3 MBCOT PDUs/3 contact hours). Order
#4843, AOTA Members: $108, Nonmembers: $154.
Driving Assessment and Training Techniques: Ad-
dressing the Needs of Students With Cognitive
and Social Limitations Behind the Wheel. Miriam
Monahan, MS, OTR, CDRS, CDI. Occupational ther-
apy practitioners in the driver rehabilitation area are
challenged by students with Aspergers syndrome,
nonverbal learning disabilities, autism, traumatic
brain injury, attention deficit disorders, and lower IQ
scores. This new course is highly visual and creative
in addressing critical issues related to driving as-
sessment and training. Course highlights include
skills deficits related to these diagnoses, methods
and tools that address driving skills (including video
review), assessment techniques to determine the
readiness to drive, and intervention techniques for
developing specific social and executive function
skills necessary for driving tasks. Earn 1 AOTA CEU
(10 NBCOT PDUs/10 contact hours). Order #4837,
AOTA Members: $249, Nonmembers: $355. http://
Determining Capacity to Drive for Drivers with De-
mentia Using Research, Ethics, and Professional
Reasoning: The Responsibility of All Occupational
Therapists. Linda A. Hunt, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA.
Emphasizes the role of occupational therapy in the
evidence-based evaluation process and focuses on
the required professional reasoning and ethics for
making final recommendations about the capacity for
older adults with dementia to drive or not. Provides
the Multifactor Older Driver with Dementia Evaluation
model (MODEM) to both general practice and driv-
ing specialist occupational therapy practitioners who
work with older driver clients with dementia. Earn .2
AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours). Order
#4842, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers: $97.
Creating Successful Transitions to Community Mo-
bility Independence for Adolescents: Addressing
the Needs of Students With Cognitive, Social and
Behavioral Limitations. Miriam Monahan, MS OTR,
CDRS, CDI, and Kimberly Patten, OTL, AMPS certi-
fied. Addresses the critical issue of community mo-
bility skill development for youth with diagnoses that
challenge cognitive and social skills, such as autism
spectrum and attention deficit disorder. Community
mobility is vast in that it includes mass transporta-
tion, pedestrian travel, and driving, and is essential
for engaging in vocational, social, and educational
opportunities. The course is appropriate for occupa-
tional therapy practitioners practicing in educational
settings and in driver rehabilitation. Earn .7 AOTA
CEU (7 NBCOT PDUs/7 contact hours). Order #4833,
AOTA Members: $175, Nonmembers: $250. http://
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool (MO-
HOST): Theory, Content, and Purpose. Gary Kielhof-
ner, DrPH, OTR/L, FAOTA; Lisa Castle, MBA, OTR/L;
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Publication: OT Practice Conference Issue
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Issue Date: 4/23/2012
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Date: 01.10.12
focus on advanced clinical mastery,
clinical outcomes research, and evidence-
based practice.
faculty clinical specializations in autism,
neonatology, neuroscience, pediatrics, and
upper quadrant.
New career paths in private practice,
prevention and intervention, public policy,
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Supriya Sen, OTR/L; and Sarah Skinner, MEd, OTR/L.
Occupation-focused practice and top-down as-
sessment make occupational therapy unique when
assessing and documenting client services. Unfor-
tunately, therapists often turn to quicker impairment-
oriented or performance-based assessments. The
MOHOST occupation-focused assessment tool is
comprehensive and easy-to-administer with a wide
range of clients at different functional levels. This new
course teaches you how to use a variety of informa-
tion from ob-servation, interview, chart review, and
proxy reports to complete the MOHOST tool. Earn
.4 AOTA CEUs (4 NBCOT PDUs/4 contact hours).
Order # 4838, AOTA Members: $125, Nonmembers:
$180. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4838
Exploring the Domain and Process of Occupa-
tional Therapy Using the Occupational Therapy
Practice Framework, 2nd Edition. Presented by
Susanne Smith Roley, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA; Janet
V. DeLany, DEd, OTR/L, FAOTA. Explore ways in
which the document supports occupational thera-
py practitioners by providing a holistic view of the
profession. Earn .3 AOTA CEU (3 NBCOT PDUs/3
contact hours). Order #4829, AOTA Members:
$73, Nonmembers: $103.00. http://store.aota.org/
Sensory Processing Concepts and Applications
in Practice. Winnie Dunn, PhD, OTR, FAOTA. Ex-
amines the core concepts of sensory processing
based on Dunns Model of Sensory Processing.
The course explores the similarities and differ-
ences between this approach and other sensory
based approaches, examines how to implement
the occu-pational therapy process, and reviews
evidence to determine how to create best practice
assessment and intervention methods. Case stud-
ies and applications within school-based practice,
and knowledge and practice issues on the horizon
are also discussed. Earn .2 AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT
PDUs/2 contact hours). Order #4834, AOTA Mem-
bers: $68, Nonmembers: $97. http://store.aota.org/
Ethics TopicsOrganizational Ethics: Occu-
pational Therapy Practice In a Complex Health
Environment. Lea Cheyney Brandt, OTD, MA,
OTR/L, and Member-at-Large, AOTA Ethics Com-
mission. Explores organizational ethics issues that
may influence the ethical decision making of oc-
cupational therapy practitioners. Participants will
be introduced to strategies that will assist in ad-
dressing situations in which occupational therapy
practitioners may be pressured by an organizations
administration to provide services that are in conflict
with their personal or professional code of ethics.
Earn .1 AOTA CEU (1 NBCOT PDU/1 contact hour).
Order #4841, AOTA Members: $45, Nonmembers:
$65. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4841
Ethics TopicsMoral Distress: Surviving Clini-
cal Chaos. Lea Cheyney Brandt, OTD, MA, OTR/L,
and Member-at-Large, AOTA Ethics Commission.
Explores how the complex nature of todays health
care environment may result in increased moral dis-
tress for occupational therapy practitioners. Offers
coping strategies for reducing negative outcomes
associated with moral distress. Earn .1 AOTA CEU
(1 NBCOT PDU/1 contact hour). Order #4840, AOTA
Members: $45, Nonmembers: $65. http://store.aota.
Occupation-Focused Intervention Strategies for
Clients With Fibromyalgia and Fatiguing Condi-
tions. Renee R. Taylor, PhD. Presents a number of
evidence-based strategies for managing fibromyalgia
and other fatiguing conditions, such as chronic fatigue
40 APRIL 23, 2012 WWW.AOTA.ORG
c A L e ND A r
syndrome. Learners will become familiar with interdis-
ciplinary treatment approaches and how to work best
with other professionals treating these syndromes.
Earn .2 AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours).
Order #4839, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers:
$97. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4839
Pain, Fear, and Avoidance: Therapeutic Use of
Self With Difficult Occupational Therapy Popula-
tions. Rene R. Taylor, PhD. Examines strategies for
managing client pain, fear, and avoidance in occu-
pational therapy practice. Six distinct modes of in-
teracting based on the authors conceptual practice
model teach how to best manage these emotions
and behaviors so that treatment goals can be ac-
complished. The model is particularly useful when
therapists are having difficulty engaging clients or
sustaining active participation in therapy. Earn .2
AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours). Order
#4836, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers: $97.
Staying Updated in School-Based Practice. Yvonne
Swinth, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, and Mary Muhlenhaupt,
OTR/L, FAOTA. Provides information and practical
strategies on issues, trends and knowledge related
to providing services for children and youth in pub-
lic schools. Topics include IDEA 2004, NCLB, and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Ideas and ap-
proaches presented can be implemented individu-
ally or in collaboration with colleagues or members of
a school district team. Earn .15 AOTA CEU (1.5 NB-
COT PDUs/1.5 contact hours). Order #4835, AOTA
Members: $51, Nonmembers: $73. http://store.aota.
Hand Rehabilitation: A Client-Centered and Oc-
cupation-Based Approach. Presented by Debbie
Amini, MEd, OTR/L, CHT. Describes how to use the
occupation-based intervention to enhance hand re-
habilitation protocols without sacrificing productivity
or detracting from the concurrent client factor focus.
CD-ROM includes MP3 audio file of the entire course.
Earn .2 AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours).
Order #4832, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers:
$97. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4832
Available From AOTA
ASHT Test Preparation. This intermediate-level
course provides a comprehensive overview of all
topics related to upper extremity rehabilitation. There
are twenty-five PowerPoint chapters with over 2,000
slides and sample multiple-choice test questions
accompany each chapter. Earn 30 AOTA approved
contact hours (3 AOTA CEUs/30 NBCOT PDUs).
Order #4850, AOTA Members: $300, Nonmembers:
$450. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4850
AOTA/Genesis CEonCD
Seating and Positioning for Productive Aging: An
Occupation-Based Approach. Presented by Felicia
Chew, MS, OTR, and Vickie Pierman, MSHA, OTR/L.
Reviews seating and positioning from evaluation to
outcome, with a concentration on interventions. Infor-
mation reviewed will be applicable to a variety of set-
tings, including skilled nursing facilities, home health,
rehab centers, assisted living communities, and oth-
ers. Primarily addresses manual wheelchair mobility.
Earn .4 AOTA CEU (4 NBCOT PDUs/4 contact hours).
Order #4831, AOTA Members: $97, Nonmembers:
$138. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4831
The New IDEA Regulations: What Do They Mean
to Your School-Based and EI Practice? Presented
by Leslie L. Jackson, MEd, OT, and Tim Nanof,
MSW. Understand what the 2004 reauthorization of
IDEA and the new Part B regulations, released in
August 2006, mean and what impact they have on
your work as a school-based and early intervention
practitioner. This CE course is an excellent oppor-
tunity to update your knowledge on IDEA. Earn .2
AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 contact hours). Order
#4825, AOTA Members: $68, Nonmembers: $97.
Occupational Therapy and Transition Services.
Presented by Kristin S. Conaboy, OTR/L; Susan M.
Nochajski, PhD, OTR/L; Sandra Schefkind, MS,
OTR/L; and Judith Schoonover, MEd, OTR/L, ATP.
This course will present an overview of the impor-
tance of addressing transition needs as part of a stu-
dents IEP and the key role of the occupational ther-
apy practitioner as a potential collaborative member
of the transition team. It is an excellent opportunity
to update your knowledge about Transition Services
and practice opportunities related to this area of
school-based practice. Earn .1 AOTA CEU (1 NBCOT
PDU/1 contact hour). Order #4828, AOTA Members:
$34, Nonmembers: $48.50. http://store.aota.org/
view/?SKU=4828 Set of 3 CE on CD
s: The New
IDEA Regulations, Response to Intervention, and Oc-
cupational Therapy and Transition Services. Order
#4828K, AOTA Members: $144.50, Nonmembers:
$206.13. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=4828K
AOTA Online Course
NEW! Falls Module III: Preventing Falls Among
Community-Dwelling Older AdultsIntervention
Strategies for Occupational Therapy Practition
ers. Presented by Elizabeth W. Peterson, PhD,
OTR/L, FAOTA, and Elena Wong Espiritu, MA,
OTR/L. The third module in a 3-part series of online
courses on fall prevention, this course familiarizes
you with evidence-based intervention strategies
to reduce falls among community-dwelling older
adults that include both older adults who are well
and those who are living with chronic diseases.
Case studies with video clips are featured to pro-
mote application of the information presented.
It is recommended that participants complete
Falls Module I (order #OL34) first. Earn .45 AOTA
CEU (5.63 NBCOT PDUs/4.5 contact hours). Or-
der #OL36, AOTA Members: $158, Nonmembers:
$225. http://store.aota.org/view/?SKU=OL36.
AOTA Online Course
Falls Module IIFalls Among Older Adults in the
Hospital Setting: Overview, Assessment, and Strat-
egies to Reduce Fall Risk. Presented by Roberta
Newton, PhD, PT, FGSA and Elizabeth W. Peterson,
PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. The second module in a 3-part
series on fall prevention, this online course provides
an overview of the problem of falls that occur in the
hospital setting and focuses further on the identifica-
tion of older adults at risk for falls, the factors that
contribute to fall risks, and the assessment strategies
that involve occupational therapy expertise. Earn .2
AOTA CEU (2 NBCOT PDUs/2 Contact hours). Order
#OL35, AOTA Members: $158, Nonmembers: $225.
AOTA Online Course
Falls Module IFalls Among Community-Dwell-
ing Older Adults: Overview, Evaluation, and As-
sessments. Presented by Elizabeth W. Peterson,
PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, and Roberta Newton, PhD, PT,
FGSA. First module in a three-part series of online
continuing education courses on fall prevention.
The content of each module will support occupa-
tional therapists in their efforts to provide evidence-
based fall prevention services to older adults who
are at risk for falling or who seek preventive ser-
vices. This course is divided into two sections:
Prevalence, Consequences, and Risk Factors and
Approaches to the Evaluation of Fall Risk. Earn .6
AOTA CEU (6 NBCOT PDUs/6 contact hours). Order
#OL34, AOTA Members: $210, Nonmembers: $299.
AOTA Online Course
Driving and Community Mobility for Older
Adults: Occupational Therapy Roles, Revised.
Continuing Education

Assessment and Intervention
2-day hands-on workshop (1.6 CEU)
2008 Conference Schedule
San Antonio, TX Apr 19-20
Charleston, SC Apr 25-26
Tampa, FL May 2-3
Manhattan, NY Jul 17-18
Virginia Beach, VA Sep 20-21
Morganton, NC Sep 25-26
Chicago, IL Oct 10-11
Columbia, SC Oct 16-17
Sacramento, CA Oct 24-25
Orlando, FL Nov 14-15
For additional info and to register, visit
Host a Beckman Oral Motor Conference in 2009!
For Hosting info call (407) 590-4852, or email
San Francisco, CA Feb 29-Mar 1
Burlington, NC Mar. 14-15
Houston, TX Mar 28-29
Chicago, IL Apr 11-12
McAllen, TX Apr. 4-5
Assessment & Intervention Training
Two Days of Hands-On Learning (1.6 CEU)
Upcoming Locations & Dates:
Battle Creek, MI April 2728
San Antonio, TX May 1718
Kearney, NE May 311
Stafford, TX June 2829
Harrison, AR August 1617
Warrenton, VA August 2324
San Antonio, TX October 45
Miami, FL October 1314
For complete training schedule & information visit
Host a Beckman Oral Motor Seminar!
Host info (407) 590-4852, or
Continuing Education
SINCE 1941
Doctor of Education in Movement Science and
Occupational Therapy
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and
Master of Public Health: Dual Degree Program
AOTA Approved Provider of Continuing Education
We see the need, we meet it, and then we exceed it!
Join us on the road to the
Centennial Vision at
c A L e ND A r
Susan L. Pierce, OTR/L, SCDCM, CDRS, and Elin
Schold Davis, OTR/L, CDRS. Targeted to occupa-
tional therapy professionals in all settings who work
with older adults. Revised with expanded content
and updated links on research, tools, and resourc-
es to help advance knowledge about instrumental
activity of daily living (IADL) of driving and commu-
nity mobility. Earn .6 AOTA CEU (6 NBCOT PDUs/6
contact hours). Order #OL33, AOTA Members:
$180, Nonmembers: $255. http://store.aota.org/
AOTA Online Course
Elective Session 2 (2009): Occupational Therapy
for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities Under
IDEA 2004, Part C. Presented by Mary Muhlen-
haupt, OTR/L, FAOTA. An elective session in the
Occupational Therapy in School-Based Practice:
Contemporary Issues and Trends series, this ES2
replaces the previous Early Intervention: Ser-
vice Delivery Under the IDEA. The core course is
not required as a pre-requisite for this new elec-
tive session. Earn .1 AOTA CEU (1 NBCOT PDU/
1 contact hour). Order #OLSB2A. AOTA Members:
$29.95, Nonmembers: $41. http://store.aota.org/view/
AOTA Online Course
Occupational Therapy in Action: Using the
Lens of the Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework: Domain and Process, 2nd Edition.
Presented by Susanne Smith Roley, MS, OTR/L,
FAOTA, and Janet DeLany, DEd, OTR/L, FAOTA.
This course focuses on understanding occu-
pational therapy and the occupational therapy
process as described in the 2008, second edi-
tion of the Framework. This new course builds
on the original Framework course developed to
supplement the first edition of the Framework
in 2002. Earn .6 AOTA CEU (6 NBCOT PDUs/6
contact hours). Order #OL32, AOTA Members:
$180, Nonmembers: $255. http://store.aota.org/
AOTA Online Course
Understanding the Assistive Technology Pro-
cess to Promote School-Based Occupation.
Presented by Beth Goodrich, MS, MEd, OTR, ATP;
Lynn Gitlow, PhD, OTR/L, ATP; and Judith Schoo-
ner, MEd, OTR/L, ATP. The purpose of this course
is to provide occupational therapy practitioners
with knowledge of the AT process as it is delivered
in schools, and how it can assist practitioners in
considering the use of technology to increase stu-
dent participation in meaningful school-based oc-
cupations. Earn 1 AOTA CEU (10 NBCOT PDUs/10
contact hours). Order #OL31, AOTA Members:
$225, Nonmembers: $320. http://store.aota.org/
AOTA Online Course
Occupational Therapy in School-Based Prac-
tice: Contemporary Issues and Trends. Edited by
Yvonne Swinth, PhD, OTR/L. Gain an understand-
ing of and suggestions for service delivery and
intervention strategies in school-based settings
based on IDEA, the No Child Left Behind initiative,
the philosophy of education, and the Occupational
Therapy Practice Framework. The content of
the Core Session has been updated to reflect
the changes in the 2004 IDEA amendments.
Core session: Service Delivery in School-Based
Practice: Occupational Therapy Domain and Pro-
cess. Earn 1 AOTA CEU (10 NBCOT PDUs/10
contact hours). Order #OLSBC, AOTA Members:
$225, Nonmembers: $320. http://store.aota.org/
view/?SKU=OLSBC Elective sessions: After com-
pleting the Core session, choose supplemental
sessions to further enhance your knowledge for
specific school-based populations, types of set-
tings, and service delivery issues. Each provides
.1 AOTA CEU (1 NBCOT PDU/1 contact hour),
AOTA Members: $22.50, Nonmembers: $32.
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Shepherd Center
The Art of restoring Hope, rebuilding Lives
Located in Atlanta, GA, Shepherd Center is a world-renowned, not-for-profit
hospital specializing in medical treatment, research and rehabilitation for people
with spinal cord injury or brain injury. Due to ongoing expansion we have the
following opportunities available:
Full-time, Staff Therapist
The SHARE Initiative at Shepherd Center provides rehabilitation and community-
based care to U.S. military service members who have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The program utilizes Shepherds full rehabilitation continuum of
evaluation and treatment services for those who have sustained brain injury,
spinal cord injury or blast injury.
Full-time, Staff Therapist
Therapists for the Inpatient ABI program most commonly treat patients early in
their rehabilitation process following a traumatic, non-traumatic or stroke injury
guiding them through initial activities of daily living and mobility progressions
as well as cognition and language.
Full-time, Staff Therapist
The spinal cord injury program provides therapy interventions throughout the
continuumof care ranging fromICU, medical-surgical care, inpatient progressive
rehabilitation, day and outpatient programs.
Visit our website to learn more and to apply online at shepherd.org.
Visit this AOTA Bronze Sponsor at Booth 901
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Occupational Therapists
excellent wages & benefts
outstanding educational opportunities
employ your full scope of practice
relocation packages
temporary accomodation
bursary opportunities
To fnd out more email careers@albertahealthservices.ca or serach and apply for jobs on our website
Do you want to practice to your full scope? Do you want to be part of a dynamic team environment that
encourages professional development and active involvement in your job? Do you want your contributions
to be supported and valued? Then why not consider working and living in Alberta.
Joining our team of Occupational Therapists will afford you the opportunity to enjoy an incomparable
standard of living in whichever community you choose to work. Alberta does not charge Provincial Sales
Tax and has the lowest personal income tax of any province in Canada. Imagine spending time with family
and friends while enjoying Albertas frst class amenities and exploring the natural beauty of the province.
AHS values the diversity of the people and communities we serve and is committed to attracting, engaging
and developing a diverse and inclusive workforce. We welcome you to apply.
live | work | play
Aus in
Your next Occupational Therapy job is in Austin, TX
St. Davids HealthCare is an EOE/AA Employer, M/F/D/V
St. Davids HealthCare is located in the Austin area and covers
the healthcare needs of more than 1.6 million residents. We are
recognized for our accredited world-class neurology, heart and
vascular facilities, six medical centers with acute care hospitals
and trauma centers, urgent care centers, specialty hospitals and
services throughout Central Texas.
Dedicated rehab hospital
Neurology, heart and vascular, and joint
replacement centers
Advanced education courses and
tuition reimbursement
Visit www.OTJobsAustin.com or call
1-800-443-6615 to speak to a recruiter.
bonus and
for select positions
and facilities
Visit us at Booth 1309
For over 30 years, the long-term care division of Accelerated Rehabilitation Center has provided frst-rate rehabilitation services
under contract throughout Iowa. These services are ofe ff red in a variety of settings such as skilled nursing fa ff cilities, nursing homes,
hospitals, patients private residences (via home health agencies), and schools (via area education agencies).
The Accelerated teamof highly respected employees is empowered, educated, and enthusiastic. We support our colleagues profe ff s-
sionally and personally with competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefts package. A large percentage of our employ-
ees have been with Accelerated fo ff r more than 10 years. In fa ff ct, we consistently maintain one of the highest retention rates amongst
therapy providers98%. This employee loyalty, yy along with our demonstrated success, is testimony to the dedication and diligence
Accelerated will invest in your career.
Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers leads with a fo ff rward-thinkingPutting Patients First philosophy that is applied to all aspects of
our operations. This way of practice demonstrates the commitment fromour dedicated caregivers to the people they work fo ff rour
patients. Learn more about Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers today and discover full time, part time, and prn opportunities that
are available near you.
Putting Patients First E-mail: jobs@acceleratedrehab.com Phone: 877-97-REHAB Online: www.acceleratedrehab.com
Spencer, IA
Burlington, IA
Bloomfeld & Sigourney, IA
Washington & Winfeld, IA
Clear Lake & Forest City, IA
Up to $5,000 Relocation Assistance
Clinical Excellence
Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy SNF Home Health
Contract Therapy Division - Iowa
Visit us at Booth 1315
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
As of November 1st, 2 exceptional health care systems came together as 1. Provena Health and Resurrection
Health Care have now formed the largest Catholic healthcare system in Illinois , encompassing 12 hospitals,
29 long term care and senior residential facilities, numerous outpatient services and clinics, home health
services, hospice, private duty, comprehensive Behavioral Health services and more.
Provena Saint Joseph Hospital, located in Elgin, IL, is well-respected for delivering quality care
system and Be the ONE among the largest Catholic Health System to make the
Inpatient Occupational
Therapist Openings
(Acute & Rehab Unit)

Full Time, Part Time and
Flex Opportunities Available!
Visit our website to view available positions and apply online.
Feel the Dierence
Faith Makes
We celebrate diversity
in our workforce. We are
inspired by the knowledge and
level of care each individual brings
to the communities were
privileged to serve.
Were looking for people...
who are leaders, team builders and problem solvers.
who embrace our mission and core values.
who work with a passion for excellence and a drive for results.
who take pride in their profession.
who like to learn, to contribute and to achieve.
If youre looking for a challenging opportunity where you can
make a real difference in peoples lives...were looking for you!
The Occupational Therapist ( OT ) will:
plan, organize, develop, administer, direct, and supervise
occupational therapy treatment;
Be part of an interdisciplinary team;
Have initiative and be innovative
provide direct patient care;
do a comprehensive assessment, treatment planning and
provision of therapy;
Contribute to program development, quality improvement,
program assessment, and departmental policy and
procedure development;
Be eligible for state o.t. licensure;
Be a positive energetic professional;
Have graduated from an accredited school of occupational
Be eligible to take or has passed the examination for
occupational therapists administered by the nBCot;
Have successfully completed the national Registry
Be BClS certified.
Small critical care environment
professional advancement
flexible Scheduling
nationwide opportunities
and much, much more.
for more information or to apply, please contact:
Shondell thomas
office: 877-582-2004
fax: 717-635-3234
215 north avenue, mount Clemens, mi 48043
Select medical is a leading provider of specialty health care. Select medical currently
operates 111 specialty hospitals, approximately 970 outpatient rehabilitation clinics
and also provides medical rehabilitation services on a contract basis at nursing homes,
hospitals, assisted living and senior care centers, schools, private homes and worksites.
Be part of something special.
Be WellSpan.
Its time to build the occupational therapy career
youve always wanted.
We currently have openings for occupational therapists
in acute care and outpatient settings.
WellSpan Health is comprised of three hospitals,
including a Level 1 Trauma Center, and 11
outpatient rehabilitation centers throughout York
and Adams counties in south central Pennsylvania.
Qualified candidate will:
Have a desire to practice on an
interdisciplinary team focused on quality
outcomes and the patient experience
Work as part of a team in an integrated
health system
Have opportunities to learn and grow
through a clinical ladder
Collaborate with physicians and therapists
to provide patient care
Apply online at www.wellspancareers.org.
For more information, contact Deanna
Schwalm at (717) 812-7030 or
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Franciscan St. Anthony Health in Crown Point
has a vision for healthier communities, but it's
our staff who bring it to life. Our partnership
with The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, the
number one ranked rehabilitation hospital in the U.S.
according to U.S. News & World Report, strengthens
Franciscan St. Anthony Health's commitment to
clinical excellence and providing a continuum of
care for rehabilitation patients.
Occupational Therapists
Acute Care/IP Rehab and Outpatient
Full-time openings available. Bachelor's degree in
Occupational Therapy as well as licensed or eligible for
licensure in the state of Indiana required.
Experience the rewards that come with being part of
the Franciscan Alliance family, along with a competitive
salary and extraordinary benefits. To learn more
and to apply, visit: www.stanthonymedicalcenter.com

Occupational Therapist:
(Rehab and Home Health)
Occupational Therapist: Occupational Therapist:
Requirements: Graduate of an accredited
school of Occupational Therapy, current
licensure in NC and at least one year
experience as an Occupational Therapist
with good clinical judgment and skills;
Ability to function independently and to
provide guidance and supervision to COTA.
#1 in Employee Satisfaction with a 96%
response rate for 2011 within our system!
Freedom t o Work Freedom t o Work
wi t h t he Best wi t h t he Best
Various Positions in Baltimore, Maryland for Various Positions in Baltimore, Maryland for
Experienced Rehabilitation Professionals Experienced Rehabilitation Professionals
LifeBridge Health, located in northwest Baltimore, Maryland, seeks Staff
Occupational Therapy professionals for various practice areas.
OT provides assessments, treatment recommendations and treats referred
patients. One to three years of experience preferred, and new grads seeking a
mentoring environment are also encouraged to apply. PRN positions also available!
LifeBridge Health offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including:
Opportunities for Professional Growth
Supportive Management
Option to Participate on Workgroups
Individualized Mentor Program
Stable Team Oriented Atmosphere
403-b Retirement Plan with Employer Match
Free Parking, CEUs and more!
Visit www.lifejobs.org to learn more and apply.
Experience the Adventure!
Low cost
of living
180 day
school year
Your career with the Navajo County ESA is much more than a job, it is an
adventure! With great kids, great schools, and time to enjoy all northern
Arizona has to offer, we offer an experience unike any other!
Visit our website for an application and more information:
Salaries from
$68,000 DOE
Visit us at Booth 107
As I help my patients reach their goals,
Fox helps me reach mine!
Mimi Schiller Fox Physical Therapist
Patricia Cheney, MBS, OTR / L, BCG
Denise Crowley, OTR / L
Marvin Lawson, OTR / L, DRS
T 1 855 407 JOIN (5646) l W foxrehabcareers.org
SCHOLARSHIPS: Fox is proud to announce up to ten $10,000 scholarships to nal year OT students
interested in geriatrics. For more information, please visit foxrehabcareers.org.
I would like to recognize the following Fox clinicians for presenting at the AOTA Conference. We are
proud of their accomplishments and contributions to the health and wellness of our nations older adults.
Fox Rehabilitation clinicians are empowered to make their own treatment decisions, create their own
schedule to t their lifestyle, and capitalize on unique opportunities to advance their career. Fox offers
a number of programs and initiatives to enhance clinical excellence.
Fieldwork Education
New Graduate Mentor Program
Emerging Professionals Program
Driving Rehabilitation
Fox University
PACE Program
LSVT BIG Certication
Well done to all!
Tim Fox, PT, DPT, GCS
Founder & CEO
Visit this AOTA Gold Sponsor at Booth 814
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Constellation School Based Therapy &
Constellation Home Care have unique and
exciting opportunities for Occupational Therapists!
School Based Therapy OTs
Home Care OTs
For questions contact Tamsin Bosich,
Employment Manager at 203.663.6751
or tbosich@constellationhs.com.
Apply online at www.constellationhs.com.
Since 1991, TheraCare has been one of the premier multi-service health
care, rehabilitation, developmental, and educational organizations
founded on the principle of delivering promised performance.
We provide pediatric services within the five boroughs of New York
City, Westchester County, and the states of Connecticut and New Jersey
We currently have open positions (full time/ part time/ subcontractor)
for the following disciplines:
Occupational Therapy (OTs/ COTAs)
We offer competitive compensation, excellent benefits (full time only), 401k, ESOP,
excellent clinical supervision, and career advancement.
If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, submit a cover letter and
resume to:
Anchorage School District Anchorage, Alaska
Join a dynamic team of 30 OTs!
Competitive salary Great benefts
$3,000 signing bonus
for 2012-2013 school year
$2,000 salary supplement for SI or NDT
Contact Kate Konopasek at
or apply online at www.asdk12.org
amazing OTopportunities in
Low Vision Rehabilitation.
part-time position
allentown, pa.
Willing to train.
Call Ryan at 610-892-8767
School-Based OTsIL
Special Ed agency seeks licensed full/part-time OTs for
jobs in the Dundee, Aurora, Belvidere, and Rockford areas
for the school year beginning August 2012. Competitive
salary, excellent benefits, mentoring. New grads welcome.
Contact Mary Kolinski, Northwestern Illinois Association,
630-402-2002. Fax resumes to 630-513-1980 or e-mail
mkolinski@thenia.org. EOE
Visit us at Booth 1138
Want an Adventure in Alaska?
Immediate vacancies for Occupational Therapists in the
Fairbanks, Alaska School District
Up to $5000 relocation costs Competitive salary &
benefits 190 day contract (summers off!) Safe schools
No state/sales tax Permanent fund dividend
Doctoral level state university
Unparalleled outdoor recreational activities
Urban setting International airport
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
520 5th Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99701
Ph: (907) 452-2000, ext. 380
Fax: (907) 451-6008
E-mail: maria.mucha@k12northstar.org
Visit us at Booth 1424
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
University of South Alabama
The Department of Occupational Therapy,
University of South Alabama (USA) invites
applications for a 12-month Associate or As-
sistant Professor faculty position available
beginning August 2012. USA is a doctoral/
research-intensive institution located in the
historic southern city of Mobile on beautiful
Mobile Bay close to the Gulf Coast beaches
and a short drive to New Orleans. This in-
novative OT program is organized around
occupational performance areas and has an
outstanding reputation.
Minimum qualifications: Masters degree is re-
quired, doctoral degree in OT or related field
is preferred (required for associate professor
rank); eligible for licensure in Alabama; and
a minimum of 3 years of OT practice experi-
ence. Review of applications is ongoing and
will continue until the position is filled. Please
send CV and names of three individuals who
may be contacted for letters of reference to:
Dr. Marjorie Scaffa, Department of Occupa-
tional Therapy, University of South Alabama,
HAHN Bldg. Room 2027, 5721 USA Drive
North, Mobile, AL 36688. E-mail mscaffa@
jaguar1.usouthal.edu or call 251-445-9222
for additional information.
The University of South Alabama is an Equal
Opportunity/Equal Access Employer
ShapeTomorrows Healthcare Leaders
Nine-month Faculty, Masters of Occupational Therapy Program
Jeerson College of Health Sciences (JCHS) in Roanoke, Va. seeks a nine-month
faculty member to teach multiple sections of OT at the graduate level for our
Masters of Occupational Therapy Program. Candidates should have minimum of
three years' clinical experience as an OT in Physical Disabilities and Rehabilitation
(teaching experience preferred).
Our college is aliated with Carilion Clinic, a healthcare organization that is
committed to inspiring better health in our communities. JCHS oers numerous
associates, bachelors and masters degrees. Known for its abundant recreational
opportunities, four seasons and stunning mountain views, Roanoke is the ideal
place to call home. Visit www.jchs.edu, call Jason Bishop at 540-983-4039 or email
jabishop1@carilionclinic.org for more information.
Carilion Clinic is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Armative Action Employer.
JCHSOTFaculty2012:Layout 2 4/3/12 2:23 PM Page 1
Visit us at Booth 105
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Where teaching, investigating, and treating are activities of daily living and
the evidence for occupational therapy practice is generated and disseminated.
Faculty Positions
ARE YOU a leader or emerging leader in education, research, and practice? Con-
sider joining the faculty of one of the nations leading public research institutions.
WE NEED: An occupational therapist, with an earned research doctorate
(clinical doctorate considered) from an accredited university, and a mini-
mum of 3 years of clinical experience to: (1) develop and sustain an indepen-
dent/collaborative research agenda; (2) teach in our entry-level professional, post-
professional, and PhD programs. Rank and salary are dependent on qualifications.
WE OFFER: Opportunity to work with experienced researchers and doctoral stu-
dents; an interdisciplinary teaching and research environment, and extensive inter-
national opportunities. Pittsburgh is an affordable, progressive and friendly city to
live in.
TO APPLY: Applications accepted until positions are filled. For information con-
tact Drs. Elizabeth Skidmore (skidmore@pitt.edu) or Ketki Raina (kraina@pitt.edu).
Letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three profes-
sional references should be sent to: Christie Jackson, 5012 Forbes Tower, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260; (412) 383-6716; cmr77@pitt.edu. The University
of Pittsburgh is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Master in Occupational Therapy
Faculty Position Opening
College of Saint Mary in Omaha, Nebraska is seeking to fill a 12-month fac-
ulty position in the Occupational Therapy Program. The Occupational Ther-
apy program at CSM is a unique combined bachelors/masters program that
is growing rapidly. The position will require teaching, advising, committee
work, service, and scholarly work. Therapists with experience in pediatrics,
research, assistive technology, rehabilitation, and mental health are encour-
aged to apply. The position begins in mid-summer, 2012.
Position Requirements:
Licensed or eligible for licensure in Nebraska
3 to 5 years of experience with record of exemplary clinical practice
Evidence of commitment to OT and students success
Earned doctorate preferred; Masters degree will be considered
College of Saint Mary delivers graduate-level programs in education, organi-
zational leadership, nursing, and occupational therapy as well as a doctorate
in education. A womens college at the undergraduate level, CSM is co-ed at
the graduate level and enrolls approximately 1,100 students. For more infor-
mation visit the Web site at www.csm.edu/employment/.
Send letter of interest describing qualifications and experience along with
curriculum vitae and three references to Occupational Therapy Search, At-
tention: Robyn Kniffen, College of Saint Mary, 7000 Mercy Road, Omaha, NE
68106. College of Saint Mary is an equal opportunity employer.
School of Health Professions
Department of Occupational Therapy
1 University Plaza,
Brooklyn, New York 11201-8423
The Department of Occupational Therapy at Long
Island UniversityBrooklyn Campus is seeking to
fill a full-time, tenure-track faculty position. We are
seeking a seasoned educator with experience in
teaching (in class or online), a well-established re-
search agenda, and experience in student advise-
ment. Candidates with a research focus in health
and wellness promotion will be preferred.
Qualifications: Qualified applicants will have
an earned research doctoral degree and 5 years or
more of clinical experience. Eligaibility for state of
New York licensure required.
The position has a starting date of September 1,
Our department offers high-quality education to
students from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds,
using innovative teaching pedagogies that inte-
grate theory, evidence based practice, and ongo-
ing clinical experience through community service
and fieldwork education. Our faculty is committed
to teaching, scholarship, and service to the univer-
sity and the community. As an Equal Opportunity
Employer/Affirmative Action Employer, LIU seeks a
diverse pool of applicants.
For consideration please forward your letter of
interest, Curriculum Vitae, and three letters of
references to:
Supawadee-Cindy Lee, PhD, OTr/L, Chair,
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Occupational Therapy
Long Island UniversityBrooklyn Campus
E-mail: supawadee.lee@liu.edu
Brown Mackie CollegeTucson is seeking a full-time aca-
demic fieldwork coordinator for its Occupational Therapy
Assistant Program. This position will include teaching re-
The minimum educational qualification is a bachelors de-
gree. The candidate may have a masters degree. The can-
didate needs to be a COTA (certified occupational therapy
assistant) or an OTR (registered occupational therapist).
Qualified candidates should submit resumes to www.edmc.
on Facebook
Follow AOTA on
e Mp L O Y Me NT O p p O rT u Ni T i e s
Assistant/Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy
The Department of Occupational Therapy is seeking applications for a 12-month, tenure-track faculty posi-
tion in the entry-level Masters of Science program.
The Department of Occupational Therapy is a part of the College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS) that
includes programs in biostatistics, communication sciences, physical therapy, rehabilitation sciences, and
physician assistant studies. With fewer than 30 students per class, it is housed in new, state-of-the-art facili-
ties. CAHS has a strong working relationship with the ECU Brody School of Medicine, the College of
Nursing, the School of Dental Medicine, and the East Carolina Heart Institute offering many opportunities
for collaboration in teaching, clinical practice, and research projects. ECU is also an integral part of the
Vidant Medical Center, the regional medical center that serves 29 counties.
ECU (28,000 students) is located in Greenville, North Carolina, 90 miles from the beautiful beaches of the
Outer Banks. Greenville is the cultural, educational, medical, and economic center of Eastern North Carolina.
Required Qualifications: An occupational therapist with an earned doctorate in occupational therapy or a
related field, at least five years clinical experience, teaching experience in occupational therapy courses, and
initiated research interest focused on evidence-based clinical research. Candidates must be eligible for licen-
sure as an occupational therapist in the State of North Carolina.
Preferred Qualifications: Expertise in areas such as adult neurological diseases, mental health, or research.
Responsibilities: Teaching graduate courses, mentoring and advising graduate students through research proj-
ects or theses, actively pursuing scholarly research and funding, and engaging in service at the departmental,
college, university, and community levels.
The position is currently available. Review of applications will begin 04/19/2012 and continue until the
position is filled.
Interested candidates should apply to jobs 975006 and 975063 by submitting an online candidate profile,
curriculum vitae, a letter of interest, and a list of three references (noting contact information) to
www.jobs.ecu.edu. Questions can be directed to Mary W. Hildebrand, OTD, OTR/L at
hildebrandm@ecu.edu or 252-744-6191.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
OT Practice/AOTA
140120 605335
4.687 x 4.375 100 lpi
Assistant Professor/
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Department of Occupational Therapy
Please visit our website at:
The Springfield College Occupational Therapy Program invites applicants for a 9-month
full-time appointment as Assistant Professor to start in August 2012. The primary
responsibility of this position is to coordinate and administrate the fieldwork components
of the OT Program, teach pre and post-fieldwork seminars for students, and provide
support for students and clinical supervisors during fieldwork experiences.
Qualifications include: A minimum of five years of relevant professional experience and
a Masters degree, initial certification as an occupational therapist, and eligibility for
licensure as an occupational therapist in Massachusetts. Teaching experience in higher
education and administrative experience in healthcare or human service settings preferred.
The OT Department offers a five-year combined baccalaureate and Masters program
and an entry-level Masters degree program. As part of the School of Health Sciences
and Rehabilitation Studies, the OT Program has been successfully accredited by ACOTE
since 1991, has ten full and part-time faculty members, and enjoys exceptional teaching
and laboratory facilities.
To apply, send a letter of intent, current curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses,
phone numbers, and email addresses of three professional references to: David J. Miller,
PT, PhD, Dean, School of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Studies, Springfield College,
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797. Application reviews will begin immediately
and continue until position is filled.
Springfield College is an equal opportunity employer committed to enhancing diversity and equality
in education and employment.

Occupational Therapist Director
Eckert, Colorado
Colorado Licensed
Horizons Rehabilitation Center is currently look-
ing for a dynamic occupational therapist to join our
dedicated multidisciplinary team. Qualified candi-
dates must have current licenses, be team players,
preferably experienced in adult inpatient and out-
patient rehabilitation and long-term care, and have
computer skills.
Competitive salary
Excellent benefits
Strong mentoring and support
Opportunities for professional growth
Please apply by submitting your resume to:
Fax: 970-835-8560 or
E-mail: lgilbert@voa.org
School of Health Professions
Department of Occupational Therapy
1 University Plaza,
Brooklyn, New York 11201-8423
The Department of Occupational Therapy at Long
Island UniversityBrooklyn Campus is seeking to
fill two full-time, nontenure-track faculty positions
(NTTA). We are seeking educators with experience
in teaching (in class or online) and student advise-
ment. We are looking for one educator with expertise
in mental health/health and wellness promotion and
one educator with expertise in physical disabilities.
Qualifications: Qualified applicants will have an
earned doctoral degree or would be at the final stage
of completion of their doctoral degree. Clinical ex-
perience of 5 years or more and eligibility for state
of New York licensure required.
One of the positions is currently available and the
other position has a starting date of September 1,
Our department offers high quality education to
students from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds,
using innovative teaching pedagogies that inte-
grate theory, evidence-based practice, and ongo-
ing clinical experience through community service
and fieldwork education. Our faculty is committed
to teaching, scholarship, and service to the univer-
sity and the community. As an Equal Opportunity
Employer/Affirmative Action Employer, LIU seeks a
diverse pool of applicants.
For consideration please forward your letter of
interest, Curriculum Vitae, and three letters of
references to:
Supawadee-Cindy Lee, Ph.D., OTr/L, Chair,
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Occupational Therapy
Long Island UniversityBrooklyn Campus
E-mail: supawadee.lee@liu.edu
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Edited by Noomi Katz, PhD, OTR
Foreword by Beatriz Colon Abreu, PhD,
The translation of cognitive neuroscience
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At Conference this year, you might see some people wearing T-shirts that read brOT in shiny green letters. It has
nothing to do with sausage. Some people think its pronounced brot, as in bratwurst. Its not. Its a long O, as in
Hey, bro, listen up. And listening is exactly what the two young men behind brOT are hoping the T-shirts inspire. The shirts are
part of the brOT Movement, originally created as a way to draw more men to the profession (which is 91.6% women, according to the
2010 AOTA Workforce Study
). Josh Springer and Houman Ziai, the Thomas Jefferson University (TJU) occupational
therapy students who mobilized brOT, recently chatted with OT Practice associate editor Andrew Waite.
Waite: Whats it like being men in
occupational therapy?
Ziai: At this point I have kind of
gotten used to it. Its just working
with a group of different people,
and when I am with clients, it
really doesnt make a difference
who my colleagues are.
Waite: So why start brOT?
Springer: Houman [Ziai] and I
were in a survey course together,
and we read a couple of articles
written by [AOTA President] Flor-
ence Clark that really looked at
how occupational therapy could
become more powerful, what it
meant to be powerful, and how we
could become more diverse. One
of the challenges was to create
and support initiatives that advo-
cated for the Centennial Vision
and the promotion of the profession,
and that resonated
with me. So it started there.
Waite: Tell me about 2011 Student Con-
clave in Providence, Rhode Island, when
you introduced the T-shirts.
Springer: They seemed to catch on
really quickly. So when it started to
catch on, we started thinking, Well,
maybe we can make this something
really big. We talked to Florence Clark
about it and decided we are going to go
with this and that we would put together
a Web site [www.brotmovement.com].
Waite: How are you going to make this
into something really big and potentially
create scholarships, as it says on your
Web site?
Springer: Right now we are still in the
beginning stages. The big thing that we
are trying not to do is create a gender
barrier. Initially our mission was to
increase male awareness of occupa-
tional therapy. But, seeing that we want
to increase diversity, and as a profession
we want to become more powerful, we
changed our mission so that it incor-
porates all types of diversity. In terms
of scholarships, we would love to offer
those to individuals getting a degree
or graduate degree in occupational
therapy. We have thrown around the
idea of having different brOT programs
at occupational therapy departments
across the country as part of their
student organization. So we would have
a national organization with the main
chapter at TJU and then have differ-
ent chapters across the country. These
chapters would, similar to what we did,
ask for some sort of funding through
their occupational therapy department.
Waite: you have quite the vision.
Are you doing anything more with
brOT in the meantime?
Ziai: I am the chair of the 4th
Annual Philadelphia Intercolle-
giate Occupational Therapy Night.
Students from all the schools in
the area come. Its more than
300 students from OT and OTA
programs and different employers,
sponsors, and a couple of speak-
ers. BrOT will be one of the spon-
sors at the event. Well be playing
the brOT video and distributing
the promotional materials.
Waite: Why do you think it is a
movement worth supporting?
Ziai: Florence [Clark], when she
was first [learning about the
movement], noted that she heard
a story about an actresss son who
had autism. Previous therapy hadnt
been [as effective as the family had
hoped], and then [the son] went to a
male occupational therapist and that is
what put him over the top. [The male
bond] they formed really made the dif-
ference. Its the idea that we need to be
as diverse as the populations we work
with. Some people are going to be more
comfortable with a male; others will
be more comfortable with a female or
someone of different cultural back-
grounds. We need to have that diversity
in our profession if we want to best
serve our clients. n
1. American Occupational Therapy Association.
(2010). 2010 occupational therapy compen-
sation and workforce study. Bethesda, MD:
AOTA Press.
A &
uestions and Answers
Josh Springer (left) and Houman Ziai (right)







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Author Acknowledgement
The author would like to thank the following individuals for
their review of this article: Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L,
chief operating officer, Ultimate Rehab; Denise Donica, DHS,
OTR/L, BCP, assistant professor, East Carolina University;
and Marcy Buckner, JD, manager of State Affairs, American
Occupational Therapy Association.
This CE Article was developed in collaboration with AOTAs
Technology Special Interest Section.
Telehealth is an emerging service delivery model for occu-
pational therapy that uses information and communication
technologies to deliver evaluative, consultative, preventative,
and therapeutic services to clients who are in a different
location than the practitioner. This article defines terminol-
ogy related to telehealth, outlines benefits of implement-
ing a telehealth service delivery model within occupational
therapy, examines current evidence, and discusses consid-
erations and resources for legal and ethical practice using
telehealth technologies.
After reading this article, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate between key terms related to telehealth,
including eHealth, mHealth, health informatics, telemedi-
cine, and telerehabilitation.
2. Identify the benefits of using a telehealth service delivery
model within occupational therapy.
3. Recognize available resources, including official docu-
ments and practice guidelines, which can be used to
facilitate legal and ethical practice using telehealth
We are living in a time of rapid and unpredictable change.
Advances in knowledge and technology have made our lives
more interconnected and complex (Hinojosa, 2007, p. 629).
So began the Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture of 2007; 5 years
later, these words have even greater significance with the
arrival of telehealth as an emerging service delivery model
within occupational therapy.
Defined broadly, telehealth is a mode of delivering
health care services and public health utilizing information
and communication technologies to enable the diagnosis,
consultation, treatment, education, care management, and
self-management of patients at a distance from health care
providers (Telehealth Advancement Act of 2011, p. 4). As
it relates to occupational therapy, telehealth is the applica-
tion of evaluative, consultative, preventative, and therapeutic
services delivered through communication and information
Terms associated with telehealth include eHealth, mHealth,
health informatics, telemedicine, and telerehabilitation.
eHealth encompasses health-related information and
educational resources (e.g., health literacy Web sites and
repositories, videos, blogs), commercial products (e.g.,
apps), and health-related services delivered electronically
(often through the Internet) (Oh, Rizo, Enkin, & Jadad,
2005); mHealth concerns the use of mobile devices (e.g.,
smart phones, electronic tablets) for acquiring health-related
information, resources, and services (National Association
of County & Government Health Officials, 2012). Health
informatics is the use of information technologies for health
care data collection, storage, and analysis to enhance health
care decisions and improve quality and efficiency of health
care services. Under the umbrella of health informatics and
a subsegment of telehealth is telemedicine, a term used to
describe medical services delivered through communication
and information technologies. Similarly, telerehabilitation
is the application of communication and information tech-
nologies for delivering services by allied health professionals
(e.g., occupational therapy practitioners, physical therapy
practitioners, speech-language pathologists, audiologists).
Evolving Terminology Within Occupational Therapy
AOTA broadly defines telerehabilitation to include consulta-
tive, preventative, and therapeutic services (AOTA, 2010c).
However, shifting terminology has resulted in telerehabilita-
tion often being more narrowly defined in the literature as
rehabilitative services targeting individuals with disabilities.
As a result, there is increased consensus among experts in
the field that a broader term to describe the remote delivery
of occupational therapy services is needed, thus the growing
preference for the term telehealth. The Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services and other reimbursement entities and
legislators use the term telehealth to refer to health-related
An Introduction to Telehealth as a Service
Delivery Model Within Occupational Therapy
Education Article
Earn .1 AOTA CEU
(one contact hour and
1.25 NBCOT PDU).
See page CE-7 for details.
AOTA Continuing Education Article
CE Article, exam, and certificate are also available ONLINE.
Register at http://www.aota.org/cea or call toll-free 877-404-AOTA (2682).
services provided through technology. Using the same lan-
guage as these stakeholders may facilitate wider recognition
and reimbursement of occupational therapy services pro-
vided through telehealth technologies.
In Person vs. Face-to-Face Terminology
Many authors continue to use the term face-to-face to dif-
ferentiate an encounter delivered in person from a telehealth
encounter. Yet, technically, services using a telehealth model
that are provided through interactive videoconferencing
technologies can be described as face-to-face because they
provide real-time, face-to-face interactions between the
client and the practitioner (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2011).
Although the term face-to-face is not widely interpreted to
include face-to-face encounters provided through telehealth
technologies, a broader interpretation is possible without the
need to change regulation. This has significant policy implica-
tions. The seemingly insignificant differentiation in terminol-
ogy and its interpretation will likely have greater importance
as telehealth becomes a more widely used service delivery
model within the allied health professions.
Telehealth supports the professions Centennial Vision for
occupational therapy to be a powerful, widely recognized,
science-driven, evidence-based, globally connected profession
with a diverse workforce meeting societys occupational needs
(AOTA, 2006). Telehealth enables occupational therapy prac-
titioners to meet societys occupational needs through using
technology to (1) overcome access barriers to occupational
therapy services, (2) consult with expert practitioners with
specialized knowledge and skills, and (3) promote continuing
care and engagement in occupation within the contexts and
environments in which clients live. The benefits of using a
telehealth service delivery model within occupational therapy
align with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(2010), which is designed to restructure how health care
services are delivered, improve health through prevention and
wellness initiatives, and facilitate accessible and coordinated
health care services (Cason, 2012).
Overcoming Access Barriers to Occupational Therapy Services
The use of a telehealth service delivery model increased
access to care for veterans with traumatic brain injury
(TBI; Girard, 2007) and multiple traumas (Bendixen et al.,
2008). Telehealth technologies demonstrate potential for
the delivery of interventions for individuals experiencing
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental
health disorders (Germain, Marchand, Bouchard, Drouin, &
Guay, 2009; Gros, Yoder, Tuerk, Lozano, & Acierno, 2011). A
telehealth delivery model is also advantageous for conduct-
ing ergonomic assessments in situations where a client may
be hesitant to disclose a disability and prefers to be assessed
for work modifications discreetly. Baker and Jacobs (2010)
developed a systematic two-step program, the Telerehabili-
tation Computer Ergonomics System, which allows ergo-
nomically trained health professionals to provide explicit
client-specific workstation modification recommendations
based on remote assessment.
To overcome provider shortages, distance, or other
barriers limiting access, occupational therapists may use
telehealth technologies to conduct evaluations remotely.
Assessments that have been shown to be valid and reliable
when administered through telehealth technologies include
the Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills and the Canadian
Occupational Performance Measure (Dreyer, Dreyer, Shaw,
& Wittman, 2001); the Functional Reach Test and European
Stroke Scale (Palsbo, Dawson, Savard, Goldstein, & Heuser,
2007); the Functional Independence Measure, the Jamar
Dynamometer, the Preston Pinch Gauge, the Nine Hole Peg
Test, and Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (Hoff-
man, Russell, Thompson, Vincent, & Nelson, 2008); and the
Functioning Everyday with a WheelchairCapacity instru-
ment (Schein et al., 2011). Interview- and observation-based
assessments appear most amenable for a telehealth service
delivery model. The use of a professional or para-professional
to complete measurements requiring in-person assistance is
an option. Hoffman et al. (2008) used an in-person assessor
to read the dial for strength measurements (Jamar Dyna-
mometer and Preston Pinch Gauge) and convey the mea-
surements to the remote therapist. Similarly, Schein et al.
(2011) used an on-site generalist occupational therapist to
facilitate a wheeled mobility and seating (WMS) assessment
with a remote expert occupational therapist. Schein et al.
concluded that telerehabilitation could improve the quality
of WMS and other rehabilitation services, as well as develop
the skills and confidence of generalist practitioners in remote
rehabilitation clinics (p. 123).
Consult With Practitioners With Specialized Knowledge and Skills
Expert consultation through telehealth technologies dem-
onstrates promise for linking practitioners with specialized
knowledge to generalist practitioners. Remote consultation
may lead to increased access to quality health care services,
prevent secondary complications, promote health and quality
of life, and build capacity among local practitioners who may
have less experience with specific conditions (Hagglund &
Clay, 1997; Harper, 2006).
A telehealth model is especially beneficial for providing
expertise not otherwise available on an interdisciplinary
team. In this case, recommendations and services may be
carried out by team members who are available to work with
the client and/or caregivers within their natural environ-
ments under the guidance of the remote expert(s). Harper
(2006) highlighted the benefits of this model for conducting
team-to-team interdisciplinary telemedicine evaluations for
Earn .1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page CE-7 for details.
children with special needs. Benefits included comprehen-
sive parent and professional dialogue and real-time discus-
sion of evaluation results, treatment recommendations, and
coordination of care between remote evaluators and local
practitioners who would be working directly with the child
(Harper, 2006).
Telehealth technologies enable individuals with upper-
extremity prosthetic devices to receive expert consultation
and remote device adjustment from the device manufac-
turers prosthetists and occupational therapists. These
practitioners share expertise and knowledge with local
practitioners in order to enhance the therapeutic outcomes
for individuals with newly acquired upper-extremity devices
(Whelan & Wagner, 2011). Similarly, individuals with com-
plex spinal cord injuries may experience barriers to accessing
practitioners with specialized knowledge when discharged
from inpatient rehabilitation facilities. In this case, telehealth
technologies afford opportunities for tele-consultation with a
practitioner with expertise in the area of spinal cord injuries
(Hagglund & Clay, 1997). Through remote consultation with
expert practitioners, local practitioners gain new knowledge
and skills that may enhance their future practice.
Surprisingly, even interventions that are generally thought
to be hands on in nature may be implemented through a
telehealth model. Forducey et al. (2003) used telehealth
technologies (videophone) to mentor on-site practitioners
in delivering neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) with a
patient post-TBI residing in a long-term-care facility. The
participating practitioners were competent therapists who
had little or no experience with the NDT approach. The nurs-
ing home clinicians indicated that through tele-mentoring,
the patient made functional gains beyond what they thought
was clinically possible. The practitioners also reported having
acquired new treatment skills that would benefit their cur-
rent and future practice (Forducey et al., 2003). Recognizing
that not all occupational therapy services should be delivered
through telehealth technologies, further research is needed
to determine which occupational therapy assessments and
interventions are conducive to a telehealth service delivery
Promote Engagement in Occupations Within Context
Engagement in occupation is an important aspect of health
and quality of life. Occupational therapy practitioners evalu-
ate the complex interplay between client factors, activity
demands, performance skills, performance patterns, and con-
text and environments influencing occupational performance
(AOTA, 2008). Telehealth technologies afford the opportu-
nity to promote engagement in occupations within context
and in the environments where clients occupations naturally
occur (e.g., home, work, school, community). Though not
exhaustive, the following cited literature provides an over-
view of how a telehealth service delivery model can be used
to promote engagement in occupations within context.
Home and Community Environment
Cason (2009) and Kelso, Fiechtl, Olsen, and Rule (2009)
described the use of videoconferencing technologies to con-
nect a remote occupational therapist with caregivers and
children with special health-care needs participating in early
intervention services as mandated by Part C of the Individu-
als with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004.
Kelso et al. (2009) evaluated the usability and feasibility of
virtual home visits as measured by parent and intervention-
ist satisfaction with services. Based on the pilot study of
four families from a remote area of a large Western state, the
authors concluded that virtual home visits are both feasible
and beneficial (p. 339). Cason (2009) also reported a high
level of satisfaction among families participating in a pilot
telerehabilitation program. Although the telerehabilitation
program described by Cason (2009) used a state-designated
telehealth network site, newer and more mobile technologies
create opportunities to promote participation within context
by implementing telehealth programming where childhood
occupations naturally occur (Cason, 2011). Heimerl and
Rasch (2009) also designed a telehealth program to deliver
evaluation follow-up, therapeutic interventions, and consul-
tation with local practitioners to support therapy outcomes
for children receiving early intervention services. In reporting
the impact of 224 telerehabilitation encounters that occurred
from 2004 to 2006, the authors indicated a high level of satis-
faction among parents and providers. The authors concluded
that services delivered through telehealth are a viable alter-
native when in-person services are not available (Heimerl &
Rasch, 2009).
The home setting is also a natural context to promote
engagement in occupations for adults with disabilities.
Hermann et al. (2010) evaluated the efficacy of a telehealth
service delivery model to implement a functional electri-
cal stimulation (FES) program with an individual >3 years
poststroke. The clients occupation-based, task-specific prac-
tice of activities of daily living using a neuroprosthesis was
managed through telehealth technologies (computer-based
camera and free videoconferencing software). The authors
reported that the participant was able to engage in occu-
pations in his own environment as a result of a telehealth
service delivery model, thus leading to increased carryover
of skills (Hermann et al., 2010). Similarly, Clark, Dawson,
Scheideman-Miller, and Post (2002) reported on a case study
for an individual poststroke who received rehabilitation ser-
vices in the home environment through telehealth technolo-
gies. Outcomes included a cost-savings analysis indicating
caregiver travel savings ($8,217) and caregiver productiv-
ity savings ($11,256) over the 17-month tele-intervention
period. The authors concluded that using telehealth technol-
AOTA Continuing Education Article
CE Article, exam, and certificate are also available ONLINE.
Register at http://www.aota.org/cea or call toll-free 877-404-AOTA (2682).
ogies to deliver rehabilitation services in the home environ-
ment is a viable option and resulted in improved functional
abilities, minimized physical and language impairments, and
supported the primary caregiver (Clark et al., 2002).
A telehealth model for veterans with polytrauma (Ben-
dixen et al., 2008) and TBI (Girard, 2007) in the home envi-
ronment has also proven beneficial. Diamond et al. (2003)
used learning modules delivered through an Internet-based,
interactive tool (e.g., Virtual Rehabilitation Center [VRC]) to
deliver education, rehabilitation, and social support services
to individuals with TBI. Despite having cognitive impairment,
all of the participants learned how to effectively use all of the
modules on the VRC (as measured by performance scores).
Although the interventions were provided in the home envi-
ronment, the authors reported on a single case study within
the larger study in which the skills learned in the home
environment generalized to a community-based activity (Dia-
mond et al., 2003).
There is also emerging evidence supporting the use of
telehealth to provide therapeutic services and recommen-
dations in the home environment for adults with multiple
sclerosis (Finlayson, 2005; Finlayson & Holberg, 2007) and
for adults with chronic illness (Bendixen, Horn, & Levy,
2007) and mobility impairments (Hoenig et al., 2006; Sanford
et al., 2007).
School Environment
For children ages 3 to 21 years, a primary occupation is that
of student. Verburg, Borthwick, Bennett, and Rumney (2003)
described the use of telehealth technologies to support rein-
tegrating students with brain injury into the classroom. In
one case study reported by the authors, telehealth technolo-
gies enabled a student with a dual diagnosis of mild TBI and
paraplegia to overcome his fear of returning to school by
using interactive videoconferencing technologies to connect
and communicate with his classmates remotely prior to rein-
tegrating into school. Gallagher (2004) reported significant
improvement in parent satisfaction in the areas of timeliness,
accessibility, availability of school-based evaluations, and
ease in accessing the evaluation process when comparing the
use of telehealth technologies with an established diagnostic
clinic for the purpose of diagnosing attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder. Additionally, parent and teacher satisfaction
with occupational therapy and/or physical therapy using tele-
health technologies were uniformly positive and statistically
significant (Gallagher, 2004).
Work Environment
There are few studies in which telehealth technologies have
been used to promote engagement in the context of work.
Bruce and Sanford (2006) described the use of telehealth
technologies to conduct remote assessments in the work
environment. Schmeler, Schein, McCue, and Bretz (2009)
also described using telehealth technologies for vocational
applications. Baker and Jacobs (2010) developed a sys-
tematic program to evaluate ergonomic and workstation
modifications remotely in order to provide individualized
recommendations. Telehealth technologies present oppor-
tunities for occupational therapy practitioners to remotely
analyze work environments and provide customized recom-
mendations and modifications, education, and training to
promote health and eliminate risk factors for injury in the
Summary of the Existing Literature
In evaluating the potential benefits of using telehealth
technologies for delivering rehabilitation services, the World
Health Organization and the World Bank (2011) concluded in
their World Report on Disability that growing evidence on
the efficacy and effectiveness of telerehabilitation shows that
telerehabilitation leads to similar or better clinical outcomes
when compared to conventional interventions (p. 119).
Steel, Cox, and Garry (2011) came to the same conclusion
after conducting a systematic review of the literature exam-
ining the use of videoconferencing to provide therapeutic
interventions for people with chronic conditions. Evidence
indicated a high level of patient satisfaction with the delivery
method, lower levels of satisfaction among clinical staff than
patients, and confirmation that a therapeutic relationship is
possible with this service delivery model. While acknowledg-
ing a gap in the literature in the area of telerehabilitation for
physical conditions, Steel, Cox, and Garry (2011) concluded:
Good- and moderate-quality evidence indicated that the
clinical outcomes of therapy delivered by videoconferenc-
ing (or similar) are equivalent to those delivered in-
person. Evidence was found to demonstrate that patient
satisfaction with this means of treatment delivery was
high, with some people even preferring videoconferencing
to in-person contact. (p. 115)
Though emerging evidence suggests that some services
provided through telehealth technologies are comparable in
quality to services delivered in-person (Harper, 2006; Hoff-
man et al., 2008; Steel et al., 2011), a telehealth service deliv-
ery model is not meant to replace in-person occupational
therapy services when in-person services are available and
preferred by the client, or therapeutically indicated based on
clinical reasoning. A telehealth service delivery model is ideal
for improving access to underserved populations; individuals
living in remote, rural communities; or areas with personnel
shortages (Cason, 2009; Forducey et al., 2003; Heimerl &
Rasch, 2009; Hoffman & Cantoni, 2008; Steel et al., 2011).
The advancement and proliferation of communication and
information technologies and ubiquitous devices creates
Earn .1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page CE-7 for details.
multiple technology choices for remote service delivery.
Telehealth technologies may be classified as synchronous or
asynchronous. Synchronous technologies provide real-time,
live interaction between the health care provider and the
patient/client located at a distant site. Videoconferencing
technologies, real-time monitoring devices, and interactive
virtual reality are examples of synchronous technologies. In
contrast, asynchronous technologies (sometimes referred
to as store-and-forward technologies) involve recorded
data (e.g., video, digital photographs, data from asynchro-
nous monitoring and virtual technology devices, electronic
Many technologies for delivering occupational therapy
services remotely are commonly used by practitioners in
their personal lives. For example, interactive videoconfer-
encing capabilities are becoming increasingly common on
mobile devices (e.g., smart phones, electronic tablets). The
increased proliferation of technologies in practitioners per-
sonal lives may result in increased comfort in their use as an
extension of practice. However, practitioners must be equally
cognizant of the implications of using off-the-shelf devices
and software for delivering health-related servicesnamely,
the potential compromise of security, privacy, and confiden-
tiality of protected health information. Practitioners must
evaluate the risks and benefits of using various technologies
prior to considering their use for delivering occupational
therapy services remotely. Watzlaf, Moeini, and Firouzan
(2010) and Watzlaf, Moeini, Matusow, and Firouzan (2011)
provided excellent information and a useful checklist to
assist practitioners in conducting a risk analysis in the areas
of privacy, security, and HIPAA compliance for Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) videoconferencing software (e.g.,
Skype, Facetime). If practitioners and health care organiza-
tions determine that the risk associated with free or low-
cost VoIP software is too great, there is VoIP software built
specifically for telehealth purposes that may provide a higher
level of security and privacy. Regardless of the technology
used, it is incumbent on the practitioner to understand the
ethical and legal implications associated with using a tele-
health service delivery model.
In addition to concerns with privacy, security, and confi-
dentiality of protected health information, barriers include
the limited interoperability of devices, inadequate technology
infrastructure, inaccessibility of some technology for persons
with disabilities, and end-user (practitioner and client) inex-
perience and discomfort with technology.
Practitioners using telehealth as a service delivery model
within occupational therapy must ensure that the services
rendered remotely are of the same professional, legal, and
ethical standards as services provided in person. Clinical
reasoning guided by existing evidence should be used to
determine if and when a telehealth service delivery model is
indicated. Practitioners should seek out resources including
AOTAs Telerehabilitation Position Paper (2010c) and the
American Telemedicine Associations ATA Standards and
Guidelines: A Blueprint for Telerehabilitation Guidelines
(Brennan et al., 2011), which outline important administra-
tive, clinical, technical, and ethical principles associated with
telehealth. AOTAs Standards of Practice for Occupational
Therapy (AOTA, 2010b) and Occupational Therapy Code
of Ethics and Ethics Standards (2010) (AOTA, 2010a), are
also pertinent documents to review prior to engaging in prac-
tice using a telehealth service delivery model. Practitioners
must also explore licensure issues, such as whether addi-
tional licenses are required (if services are rendered to cli-
ents located in a different state than where the practitioner
is located) or whether telehealth is expressly disallowed by
a state licensure board. Cason and Brannon (2011) provided
information on legal and regulatory considerations associated
with a telehealth service delivery model addressing licensure,
using modifiers when documenting for reimbursement, mal-
practice insurance, and HIPAA compliance.
Currently, reimbursement for occupational therapy services
delivered through telehealth technologies is limited. Some
insurance companies reimburse for select services that
are provided through telehealth technologies as a result of
cost-benefit analyses that determined the use of a telehealth
model results in improved health outcomes and preven-
tion of secondary complications (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services [HHS], n.d.). In some states, insurance
companies are mandated to reimburse for services provided
through telehealth technologies if those same services are
covered when provided in person (American Telemedicine
Association, 2011). Some occupational therapy practitioners
are receiving reimbursement for services provided through
a telehealth model by individuals who pay privately, or
through contracts with independent schools, school districts,
agencies, or organizations. The Department of Defense and
the Veterans Administration provide funding for specific
telehealth programming for active military personnel and vet-
erans (Girard, 2007; Stout & Martinez, 2011). Medicaid reim-
bursement for services provided through a telehealth model
is limited for occupational therapy; any changes in Medicaid
reimbursement proposed by states must be approved by the
federal government. Medicare does not currently recognize
occupational therapy practitioners as telehealth providers,
thus reimbursement through Medicare is not currently an
option (HHS, 2009).
The changing landscape of health care and a shift in
reimbursement from a traditional fee-for-service model to a
coordinated care model may create avenues for increased
use of telehealth technologies to improve health outcomes
AOTA Continuing Education Article
CE Article, exam, and certificate are also available ONLINE.
Register at http://www.aota.org/cea or call toll-free 877-404-AOTA (2682).
(Cason, 2012). Proactively, practitioners must engage in
research to validate the efficacy of the service delivery model
within occupational therapy, educate stakeholders (e.g., con-
sumers, practitioners, legislators, reimbursement entities) on
the benefits of using this emerging service delivery model,
and advocate for expanded reimbursement for occupational
therapy services delivered through telehealth technologies.
In his Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture, Hinojosa (2007) called
on practitioners to become innovators in an era of hyper-
change. He encouraged each of us to adapt our practices to
meet the new realities of the world. Though not a panacea,
telehealth technologies can improve access, build capacity
among isolated practitioners through remote consultation
with expert practitioners, and facilitate positive therapeu-
tic outcomes. Initial evidence demonstrates efficacy of
telehealth as a service delivery model within occupational
therapy; however, there is need for further evidence and
professional guidelines. Practitioners using telehealth as a
delivery model for occupational therapy services must dem-
onstrate practice and technical competency, adhere to ethi-
cal and legal guidelines, and comply with pertinent federal
and state laws and regulations. By harnessing the power of
technology to improve access to occupational therapy, practi-
tioners are becoming innovators in an era of hyperchange! n
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Final Exam CEA0412
An Introduction to Telehealth as a Service Delivery Model
Within Occupational Therapy
April 23, 2012
To receive CE credit, exam must be completed by April 30, 2014.
Learning Level: Entry Level
Target Audience: Occupational therapists and occupational
therapy assistants
Content Focus: Telehealth
1. As it relates to occupational therapy, which term best
describes the application of evaluative, consultative,
preventative, and therapeutic services delivered through
communication and information technologies?
A. Telehealth
B. Telemedicine
C. Telerehabilitation
D. Tele-occupational therapy
2. Which term best conveys the use of a traditional service
delivery model in contrast to services provided remotely?
A. Face-to-face
B. Direct
C. In-person
D. Consultative
How To Apply for
Continuing Education Credit
A. After reading the article An Introduction to Telehealth as a Service
Delivery Model Within Occupational Therapy, register to take the
exam online by either going to www.aota.org/cea or calling toll
free 877-404-2682.
B. Once registered you will receive your personal access informa-
tion within 2 business days and can log on to www.aota-learning.
org to take the exam online. You will also receive a PDF version
of the article that may be printed for personal use.
C. Answer the questions to the final exam found on p. CE-8 by
April 30, 2014.
D. Upon successful completion of the exam (a score of 75% or
more), you will immediately receive your printable certificate.
Earn .1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See below for details.
3. Which benefits are associated with the use of a telehealth
service delivery model within occupational therapy?
A. Overcome access barriers to occupational therapy
B. Consult with practitioners with specialized knowledge
and skills
C. Promote engagement in occupations within context
D. All of the above
4. According to the research cited, which hands-on treat-
ment approach was effectively delivered using telehealth
technologies and telementoring?
A. Rood sensorimotor approach
B. Neurodevelopmental treatment
C. Constraint-induced movement therapy
D. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
5. Which notable organization concluded that using telere-
habilitation leads to similar or better clinical outcomes
when compared to conventional interventions?
A. World Health Organization
B. American Telemedicine Association
C. American Occupational Therapy Association
D. World Federation of Occupational Therapy
6. Which term best describes telehealth technologies that
permit real-time interactions between a health care pro-
vider and a client who is located at a distant site?
A. Virtual
B. Synchronous
C. Asynchronous
D. Store and forward
7. Which type of telehealth technology involves recorded
data, including digital photographs, video, and other
forms of archived data?
A. Virtual
B. Haptic
C. Synchronous
D. Asynchronous
8. Which term best describes occupational therapy practi-
tioners use of health literacy Web sites, health-related
applications (apps), health videos, and blogs to obtain
and disseminate health-related information?
A. mHealth
B. eHealth
C. Telehealth
D. Telerehabilitation
9. In addition to the Department of Defense and Veterans
Administration, which entities may provide reimburse-
ment for select occupational therapy services provided
through a telehealth service delivery model?
A. Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance
B. Medicaid, private pay by individuals and organizations,
and Medicare
C. Private pay by individuals and organizations, private
insurance, and Medicaid
D. Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and private pay
by individuals and organizations
10. Which assessments related to occupational therapy
have been validated for delivery through telehealth
A. Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills, Canadian Occupa-
tional Performance Measure, and Functional Indepen-
dence Measure
B. Jamar Dynamometer, Preston Pinch Guage, Nine
Hole Peg Test, and Functioning Everyday with a
C. Functional Reach Test, Unified Parkinsons Disease
Rating Scale, and European Stroke Scale
D. All of the above
11. Which federal entity excludes occupational therapy prac-
titioners as eligible providers of telehealth services?
A. Medicaid
B. Medicare
C. Department of Defense
D. Veterans Administration
12. Which AOTA official document provides administrative,
clinical, technical, and ethical principles associated with
the use of telehealth?
A. Telerehabilitation Position Paper
B. A Blueprint for Telerehabilitation Guidelines
C. Standards of Practice for Occupational Therapy
D. Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Ethics
Standards (2010)
AOTA Continuing Education Article
CE Article, exam, and certificate are also available ONLINE.
Register at http://www.aota.org/cea or call toll-free 877-404-AOTA (2682).

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