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~ Name: ~ ~~~~~ ~ war -- Export the application as a stand-alone WAR archive ~ ~ Synopsis: ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ play war [app_path] [--deps]

[--%fwk_id] --output=war_path [--zip] ~ ~ Description: ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Package a snapshot of the Play framework and the application hosted at the app _path directory as a WAR package. ~ If app_path is omitted, the current directory is used. ~ ~ All required modules are included as well. ~ ~ You can then deploy the created WAR to a Servlet container like Tomcat or Jett y. ~ ~ Options: ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ --output, or -o: ~ The path where the WAR directory will be created. The contents of this directo ry will first be deleted. ~ ~ --zip: ~ By default, the script creates an exploded WAR. If you want a zipped archive, specify the --zip option. ~ ~ --%fwk_id: ~ Use this ID to run the application (override the default framework ID) ~ ~ --deps: ~ Resolve and install dependencies before running the command. ~ ~ --exclude: ~ Excludes a list of directories (separator is ':'). ~ Example: --exclude .svn:tmp:logs:target ~

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