IVY League

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IVY League : the name generally applies to the 8 Ivy League schools = the

most selective colleges (= universities) in the United States of America : Brown (Location: Providence, Rhode Island) Columbia University (Location: New York, New York) Cornell University (Location: Ithaca, New York) Dartmouth (Location: Hanover, New Hampshire) Harvard (Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts) Pennsylvania (Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Princeton (Location: Princeton, New Jersey) Yale (Location: New Haven, Connecticut)

The Russel Group is the equivalent of the American Ivy League of prestigious universities.

Cambridge University Oxford University Warwick University Leeds University Birmingham University Manchester University Edinburgh University Bristol University Kings College London

= a graduation cap

=> when you graduate from College ( = a college graduate)

to graduate (from) = tre diplom / terminer ses etudes to drop out (of University) = abandoner ses tudes

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