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Classroom Management A system I have used within my internship year.

The class will be organized into teams based upon thematic units (ex. French cities, African francophone countries etc.). Teams receive euros for positive behavior and lose euros for negative behavior. Teams with the most euros at the end of the period will be rewarded. This systems fosters a sense of classroom community and self/classmate awareness.

Receiving Euros *Students receive euros for using the target language, remaining quiet when others speaking, fast transitions, volunteering, etc.

Losing Euros *Students lose euros for speaking when teacher or others are speaking, negative comments towards classmates, electronic device use*, using English during directed target language use activities. *Also cell phone temptation will be removed according to school policy.

Discipline for unacceptable behavior: *Unacceptable behavior such as being disrespectful to students or the teacher, electronic device use, confrontational behavior will result* with the:

Three strikes system: 1) First offense is a warning 2) Second offense is a phone call home 3) Third offense is a write up and a meeting with the principal and/or parents. *Any malicious behavior skips straight to three. Serious circumstances will also skip to three.

Classroom Organization Binders Students will be directed to keep a binder for their French studies with a section for -warm-ups (commenons) -homework (les devoirs) -vocabulary (vocabulaire) -grammar (la grammaire) -artifacts -assessments

Use of Target Language (French) I believe in a classroom that meets ACTFL standards specifying use of the target language for 90% of communication. Students will be asked to use French every opportunity they have and will not be penalized for mistakes.

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