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The program includes accumulator, shifter and MAC (multiplier accumulator component) unit. All these units have two common signals namely inA and inB. Both these signals are of 40 bits. All kind of processing is done on these two signals. Input signal function key fn decides which kind of operation is to be done on the signals. The size of this function key is 4 bits. All the modules are controlled by special input called op. The size of op is 3 bits. Based on the value of this signal, appropriate module is selected and respective operation is performed on that particular signal. Each module is explained in detailed one by one.

ALU/ACCUMULATOR has 2 inputs namely inA and inB. ALU unit is selected when op input is 000. Value of function fn decides mode of alu operation. Output of ALU (aluout) is of 40 bits. The ALU output also has four flags dependent on the current instruction: carry, zero, negative, and overflow.

SHIFTER input has 3 signals namely inA, inB and shEn. Shifting unit will be selected when lower 2 bits of op are 01 and when shEn is 1. The higher bit of op decides which signal is to be selected. 0 for inA and 1 for inB. Value of function fn decides mode of shift operation. Output of shifter is shtOut and shtFlag.The size of shtOut is 40 bits whereas shtFlag is of 1 bit. Value of shtOut and shtFlag depends on the operation performed on input.

MAC (Multiplier Accumulator Component)

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