Essay 2 - Hoa

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TASK 2: ESSAY 2: Saturday, April 14th, 2002.

International travelers can cause problems in the countries to which they travel. On the other hand, international travelers can bring real advantages with them. Are the problems international travelers cause greater than the advantages they bring ? With the general decrease in travelling costs, international travel is becoming more prevalent. For a variety of reasons and with greater frequency, people are travelling to other countries. International visitors bring their own range of behaviour and customs to the countries they choose to visit outweigh the negatives. It is easy to see many bad impressions a minority of tourists leave in the minds of the people of the host countries. Firstly, the hotel which they have left is usually in a complete mess. They are always loudly arguing in public places. Secondly, they dont obey or respect local rules. For example, some visitors take photos in places where it is not allowed. Furthermore, some tourists wear indecent clothes when they go to the church or temples. All of them are poor advertisement of their countries. However, the far greater impression international visitors leave is a good one. Firstly, there are a lot of economic benefits. In fact, the more foreign people visit a country, the more money is injected into the local economy. Some service industries are established not only in the modern city centre, but also in remote areas. The local people have a lot of job opportunities and increase their income resulting from selling their products such as jewellery or souvenirsSecondly, local people will see things from a different perspective. Foreign people represent different cultures all over the world by communicating with them, we can have new and greater knowledge about the world. Therefore, local inhabitant will have accurate actions to improve their life. In conclusion, problems can arise from international visitors, however, the benefits they bring to the countries they visit are greater. As they will continue to impact the country to which they travel, each individual should make sure the impression they leave behind is a good one.

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