Todd Long Fires Back

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 25 April 2012 Contact: Lou Marin (321) 228-2800 Lou@ToddLong4Congress.


Congressional Hopeful Todd Long Fires at Grayson for Taxing the Poor
Alan Grayson posted an email blog yesterday with quotes from Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith claiming these patriarchs of capitalism favored the principles behind a progressive income tax. Grayson quoted Smith from his "Wealth of Nations, stating, It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion. Todd Long, Republican candidate for Congress's 9th District, responding saying "Grayson yet again proves his willingness to distort the facts and say anything to satisfy his hunger for more government control of the income of free Americans... Jefferson and Smith were both against taxing income and in favor of a system that taxed luxuries. Thats the clear context of Smiths quote. Long has been a huge proponent of the FairTax and Herman Cains 9-9-9 tax plan, which eliminates our current 73,000+ page outdated tax system and the IRS. These plans move away from reliance on taxing income, allowing every American to keep the entirety of their paychecks as well as to pay taxes only when you purchase new goods and services. Long states, ...If Grayson truly cared about the poor, he would be fighting to end our current oppressive system that makes everything the poor have to buy more expensive, and he would advocate for something similar to Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan or the FairTax which uses a prebate to truly keep the poor from being taxed. The pre-bate is a monthly government payment to all Americans including the poor to offset the cost of taxes on basic necessities such as food and medicine. Its estimated embedded, hidden taxes raise the cost of goods by as much as 30 percent. ###

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