Aegiphila Caymanensis: Cayman Islands National Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 3.T.1.13 Terrestrial Species - Plants

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Cayman Islands National Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 3.T.1.

13 Terrestrial Species - Plants Aegiphila caymanensis

Rev: 19 March 2012


Aegiphila caymanensis Moldenke Taxonomy and Range Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida, Order: Lamiales, Family: Verbenaceae Genus: Aegiphila, Species: caymanensis Aegiphila is a tropical American genus of about 150 species (Proctor 2009). Aegiphila caymanensis is a species unique to Grand Cayman. Until quite recently, Aegiphila caymanensis was regarded as possibly extinct. Known only from a historical specimen collected in the eastern interior in 1891, it was rediscovered in 1979, but not recorded since. In 2005, following Hurricane Ivan, a single specimen was blown down from the tree canopy in the Spotts area, Jasmine Lane, Grand Cayman. Status Distribution: Species endemic to Grand Cayman. World population known only from a single individual in Spotts. Conservation: Critically endangered CR A2ab+3b+4ab;B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)c(iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v) c(iii);C1+2a(i,ii);D (The Red List, Burton 2008a).

For Reference and Acknowledgement: Cottam, M., Olynik, J., Blumenthal, J., Godbeer, K.D., Gibb, J., Bothwell, J., Burton, F.J., Bradley, P.E., Band, A., Austin, T., Bush, P., Johnson, B.J., Hurlston, L., Bishop, L., McCoy, C., Parsons, G., Kirkconnell, J., Halford, S. and Ebanks-Petrie, G. (2009). Cayman Islands National Biodiversity Action Plan 2009. Cayman Islands Government. Department of Environment. Final Formatting and production by John Binns, International Reptile Conservation Foundation.

Section: 3.T.1.13 Terrestrial Species - Plants - Aegiphila caymanensis Page: 1

Legal: Aegiphila caymanensis currently has no legal protection. Pending legislation, it would be protected under the National Conservation Law (Schedule I). The Department of Environment would be the lead body for legal protection. Natural History Aegiphila caymanensis is a scrambling woody vine or liana, which inhabits the tree canopy of forest and woodland. Aegiphila caymanensis bears bunches of pale, cream-colour flowers, however, when not in flower, its tree-top habit makes it difficult to detect. Associated Habitats and Species for Aegiphila ASSOCIATED HABITAT PLANS 2.T.4 Forest and Woodland Current Factors Affecting Aegiphila Extreme range limitation: known only from a single individual in the vicinity of Jasmine Lane, Spotts, Aegiphila caymanensis will be especially prone to localised environmental perturbation. Historic collection suggests the species may still also occur in the east interior of Grand Cayman, but there have been no records in recent decades. Habitat loss: clearance and development of unprotected habitat. It is likely that adjacent development and roads construction has already seriously impacted this remnant population. Conservation propagation: a conservation propagation programme was recently established at the QEII Botanic Park, based on cuttings taken from the single known wild individual. Detectability: the tree-top habit of Aegiphila caymanensis make this species difficult to detect, and may mean that other specimens exist, as yet undetected. Landscaping potential: the tree-top habit of Aegiphila caymanensis may limit the potential for incorporation into formal landscaping schemes, unless it can be trained in form. Opportunities and Current Local Action for Aegiphila A conservation propagation programme is established at the QEII Botanic Park, based on cuttings taken from the only individual known in the wild, 2005. In addition to containing the only known specimen of Aegiphila caymanensis, the Jasmine Lane Forest also holds the natural world population of Pisonia margaretae; compounding the conservation significance of this area. SPECIES ACTION PLAN for Aegiphila OBJECTIVES 1. Stabilize population of Aegiphila caymanensis and maintain or raise Red List status from critically endangered. 2. Preserve in situ populations of Aegiphila caymanensis. 3. Develop inter-situ cultivation and conservation programme for Aegiphila caymanensis. TARGET 2015 2015 2012 ASSOCIATED SPECIES PLANS Pisonia margaretae

Aegiphila caymanensis PROPOSED ACTION Policy & Legislation PL1. Pass and implement the National Conservation Law. PL2. Implement the Endangered Species (Trade & Transport) Law. PL3. Protect Aegiphila caymanensis under Schedule I of the National Conservation Law, through establishment of conservation regulations.




MEETS OBJECTIVE 1,2,3 1,2 1,2,3



2006 2006 2006

Section: 3.T.1.13 Terrestrial Species - Plants - Aegiphila caymanensis

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Aegiphila caymanensis PROPOSED ACTION PL4. Reduce the threat of a catastrophic loss of the remaining population, through involvement with the Millennium Seedbank Project. PL5. Promote amendment of the Planning Law, to facilitate rapid imposition of stop-orders on illegal developments and provide a responsive and effective enforcement mechanism. PL6. Strengthen the Development Plan on Grand Cayman, incorporating a long-term vision for the environmental, social, and economic development of the Islands. SM1. Use the Environmental Protection Fund to establish a protected area / management agreement with landowners of the land adjacent Jasmine Lane, to protect Pisonia margaretae and Aegiphila caymanensis population in situ. SM2. Collect seeds under Millennium Seedbank Project protocol and bank at Kew, with replicate collection for local conservation propagation. SM3. Establish local conservation propagation programme and introduce Aegiphila caymanensis to private gardens and landscaping schemes through the Native Tree Nursery. SM4. Implement associated HAPs. Advisory A1. Promote use of native plants in landscaping, through maintenance of existing vegetation and use of Recommended Planting Palette in new developments. A2. Targeted awareness of the need for the National Conservation Law and the Endangered Species (Trade & Transport) Law.



TARGET 2010 2010





Safeguards & Management CC DoE RBGK QEIIBP QEIIBP DoE RBGK NT, MP DoE CIG 2010 1,2




SM3. REPORT: (2012) Native Tree Nursery operations temporarily suspended. Sales insufficient to cover running costs. DoE 2015 1,2,3



2009 2006

1,2,3 1,2,3

Research & Monitoring RM1. Survey and map remaining populations of Aegiphila caymanensis. RM2. Determine natural fruiting period, and collect seeds. RM3. Collect seed under Millennium Seedbank Project protocol, including voucher specimens and in situ habit images, and transpose into searchable electronic format, linked to Field Collections Database. RM4. Investigate tissue culture as a mechanism for conservation propagation. RM5. Investigate potential for establishment of an exsitu contingency population of Aegiphila caymanensis within a protected area in Grand Cayman. RM6. Reassess IUCN Red List status of Aegiphila caymanensis locally. CP1. Raise awareness of the unique nature of Aegiphila caymanensis and other endemic flora and fauna. CP2. Raise awareness of Aegiphila caymanensis with a childrens competition to think of a common name for the plant. CP3. Subject to SM1, develop and deploy in situ interpretation related to the value of the Jasmine Lane Forest. DoE NT DoE DoA OS DoE DoE DoE NT QEIIBP MP CN GC OS SB LCN RBGK QEIIBP DoE IntC NT, CN 2010 2012 2012 2008 2010 2015 2 2,3 3 3 1,3 1

Communication & Publicity 2008 2

CP1. REPORT: Aegiphila caymanensis featured in Red List of Flora (Burton 2008a) DoE DoE MP DE NT CN 2012 2012 1,2,3 1,2,3

Section: 3.T.1.13 Terrestrial Species - Plants - Aegiphila caymanensis

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Aegiphila caymanensis PROPOSED ACTION CP4. Raise awareness of the value of native landscaping, and promote the use of Aegiphila caymanensis. CP5. Utilise native flora and fauna, and associated preservation efforts, in the international promotion of the Cayman Islands.







References and Further Reading for Aegiphila

Burton, F. (2007). Wild Trees in the Cayman Islands (2nd edition). International Reptile Conservation Foundation, USA. ISBN 978-1-4276-2168-9 Burton, F.J. (2008a). Threatened Plants of the Cayman Islands: The Red List. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew: Richmond, Surrey UK. Burton, F.J. (2008b). Vegetation Classification for the Cayman Islands. In: Threatened Plants of the Cayman Islands: The Red List. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew: Richmond, Surrey UK. Proctor, G.R. (1984). Flora of the Cayman Islands. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XI. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Her Majestys Stationary Office. London. ISBN 0-11-242548-8. Proctor, G.R. (2012) Flora of the Cayman Islands. Kew Publishing. 736 pp. ISBN: 9781842464038

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