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A Note on the Student Edition of CSIM 20

You have purchased a copy of CSIM 20 Student Edition. There are a few important limitations in the Student Edition that you will need to be aware of when building CSIM models with this version of the toolkit. These limitations are intended to restrict the size of models that can be constructed with the toolkit, while still allowing an otherwise full CSIM experience. Most students will never encounter these limits in the scope of modeling work done in a classroom setting. The limitations are as follows: maximum number of simultaneously active processes is 1000 maximum number of process classes is 5 maximum number of events is 100 maximum number of mailboxes is 50 maximum number of in-flight messages is 1000 maximum number of facilities is 100 maximum number of servers (at all facilities) is 200 maximum number of storages is 100 no 64-bit support

Note: The "max_" functions in CSIM 20 Professional Edition can be called to change these limits. These max_ functions have been disabled in the Student Edition.

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