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Drama-Types of Roles

By: Nirvan Sinha In drama there are 3 types of roles. Role Take, Role Play and Role Create. Role Take: Role Take is when you are given a character to play and you change yourself so that you are that character. During role play you use stereo types. Stereo types are what you think of a certain group of people. Stereo types arent always correct. An example is girls like pink. My sister likes purple which isnt what the stereo type said. Role Create: Role create is when you turn yourself into a trustable character. During role create you use dramatic techniques in a way that it seems that the situation you are in is real and so that the audience believes the scene. Role Play: Role play is when you pretend to be someone in such a way that you overdo it. When an audience sees role play they can easily understand it is make believe and is just a fake situation. During role play there are usually bits of humor and laughter so that the audience can take a laugh.

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