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r-eins are distinguished by the direction in rv blood, not by the 02 content or other charre blood they contain. Arteries carry blood rrttr'ord capillaries, and veins return blood to :apillaries. The only exceptions are the portal '::r-blood between pairs of capillary beds. The ', ttn, for example, carries blood from capillary .sti\-e system to capillary beds in the liver (see : ,ur the liveg blood passes into the hepatic nduct blood toward the heart. - -..11 r'ertebrates contain two or more muscular ' ;irambers that receive blood entering the ; atria (singular, atrium). The chambers re-


?it:,:te 4?.4 Single and double circulation

(a) Single circulation




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Artery- 6 =l:
Hear t:

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-::nping blood out of the heart are called h. number of chambers and the extent to : ieparated from one another differ substan:r,ifrs of vertebrates, as we will discuss next. ::: differences reflect the close fit of form to :-res from natural selection.

(Ar-L Ventrrcle (V)


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:i ':1

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Oxygen-rich blood Oxygen-poor blood




complete circuit, an arrangement called rtion '::;:r1 ..i.ii,*::;. Blood entering the heaft ;lr '.rlr before transfer to the ventricle. Contracpumps blood to the gills, where there is a =,:Le -' - rllo the blood and of CO2 out of the blood. ' , :::. gi11s, the capiilaries converge into a vessel .:r---rich blood to capillary beds throughout the
:r- ra'-lms to the heaft.



and sharks, the heart consists of two chama ventricle. The blood passes through the

a single crrculatory

Bony fishes, rays, and sharks have a single circuit of pump-a heart with two chamb

(b) Double circulation

p4 ,\

:.--l:.'ron, blood that leaves the heart passes :r',-.,-rrl beds before returning to the heart. . -,'.: through a capillary bed, blood pressure .'-i,. ior reasons we wili explain shortly. The --'i.:!ire in the gills limits the rate of blood ,: -: :ne animal's body. As the animal swims, ,:r:r;;.ion and relaxation of its muscles help


-1:-:.'.i\ sluggish pace of circulation.


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