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DRAFT 4-23-2012



YEAR 2012 (This can change)

INTRODUCTION My farm consists of ??? acres of blueberry in production. The blueberry is both hand and machine harvested. The harvesting season begins around June and ends around August. I hire approximately ??? employees during harvest, along with family members who also participate during the harvest season. These many ???? employees are involved in hand harvesting. My operation is visited from time to time by personnel from several agencies including the USDA/NRCS, MSU Extension, or the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and sometimes by other Hispanic growers since I often allow agencies to conduct trainings and meetings in my farm. These meetings rarely take place during blueberry harvesting, so entry by these individuals to blueberry fields at harvest is limited. However, in the event such individuals or any other visitors enter my blueberry fields during harvest, they are made aware of and must follow my farms policies for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP). These individuals are asked to sign a visitors log. Following, is a description of the GAP and GHP Standard Operating Procedures that I am implementing on my farm, and must be followed by my employees, visitors, or by any one who may come into contact with the fruit to ensure a safe and wholesome product.

FARM MAP AND FIELD LOCATION (Include Map of the farm provided by USDA-NRCS, or hand drawn map to Identify fields and or blueberry verities)

FLOOR PLAN OF THE PACKAGING HOUSE FACILTY (Indicate flow of product, storage areas, cull areas, employee break rooms, restrooms, offices) This may or may not apply to our growers.

TRACEABILITY G-1 and G-2 (Need Documentation) G-1) My production fields are identified on the farm field-map and are numbered as field/lot 1, 2, and 3 ???. I keep product from each field separated by blueberry variety, depending if the fruit will be for fresh market or for juice production. My product is taken to the packaging facility after harvest every day?. The packaging facility identifies my product with a bar-code or a tag that is placed in each box/tote of fruit that comes from my farm. Mock Recall (Need records and or document this activity) G-2) I contacted ????? on ????? and told him/her that I was calling to find out to where they ship my product and how often they ship it, and or if it stays in storage for more than one day. I asked if they have a system in place to identify (bar code or other unique identifier) my product that allows them to trace back the product to my farm in the event of a food safety recall. The packaging facility provided me the following information: My product is shipped (daily?) to ???? and it is tagged or identified by a bar-code that traces the product back to my farm. Enclosed are documents (obtain copy of bar codes/tags/shipping document) obtained from the packaging facility that support this information. The information indicates that the packaging facility will be able to trace the product back to my farm in the event of a food safety recall. If needed, I am also able to further trace the product back to a production field/area within my farm because I keep track of production fields by field number, harvest date, and by keeping tags on the boxes I send to the packaging place. (this may or may not be the case for our grower) Write down if the mock recall worked or if it did not work.

WORKER HEALTH AND HYGIENE (GAP Inspector will verify by eye-sighting and observation if employees are following these practices). (G-3) I make sure that enough Potable water is available to all workers for drinking, and for hand-washing in fruit harvesting/handling areas prior to and when they return to work after a break or after using the restroom. Potable water is replenished as needed from Walmart??? (need records-store receipt). I post signs in visible areas to instruct employees to wash their hands before and after returning to work, for example, if an employee takes a break, the employee must wash his/her hands before returning to work. I supply all toilet/restroom or field sanitation facilities with potable water, antibacterial soap, and single use towels for hand washing. I instruct my employees during training that the TOILET PAPER MUST BE PUT IN THE TOILET AFTER USE AND IT MUST NOT BE LEFT IN THE SOIL/FLOOR OR IN AN OPEN CONTAINER. (I placed a sign in the toilet area to remind employees of proper paper disposal). My toilet, restroom, and field sanitation facilities are serviced and cleaned on scheduled basis by (company name), or person (name). Need to provide cleaning log records. (G-4) Proper sanitation and hygiene Policy It is the policy of this farm that all employees and visitors must follow proper sanitation and hygiene practices. Farm employees must wash their hands before harvesting blueberries and after using the restroom. It is strictly prohibited to urinate and or to defecate in the field. Workers and visitors must use the designated restroom facilities. Employees must wash their hands before returning to work (NEED A SIGN IDICATING SUCH). (G-5) Employee sanitation and hygiene training Training on proper sanitation and hygiene practices is provided to all staff at the beginning of the harvesting season (training needs to be documented). The training includes a video and presentation about hygiene practices recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Once the training is complete, employees sign receipt of training (see signing sheet).


Employee name Date Trainer Training material used

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

(G-11) Policy for Smoking and eating It is a policy of this farm that it is strictly prohibited to smoke and or eat in areas where harvested product is handled. Smoking and eating must only be done in designated areas away from harvesting and product handling facilities.

(G-12) Policy for workers with diarrheal disease or symptoms of other infectious diseases It is the policy of this farm that employees with diarrheal disease or symptoms of other infectious diseases must be kept from working in harvesting areas or from handling fresh produce to avoid contamination and spread of disease. Employees showing such symptoms will be placed in other farm activities that do not require product handling.

(G-13) Policy/procedure for handling or disposition of food or produce contact surfaces that have come into contact with blood or body fluids It is the policy of this farm to discard any food or produce along with harvesting containers that have become into contact with blood or body fluids. Employees must inform the person in charge of such incidents to make sure such contaminated products are properly discarded.


(G-14) Policy for workers with cuts, abrasions, and other injuries Employees with signs of cuts, abrasions, and other injuries must obtain prompt treatment with clean first aid supplies. Open cuts must be covered with water resistant bandages before employees are allowed to harvest or handle harvested product. (May need a first aid kit).


(G-15) Only properly certified and or licensed personnel are allowed to apply pre or postharvest regulated materials (NEED RECORDS, copy of certification card or firms license). I do not apply non-regulated materials in my farm operation. In the event that I need to do so, I will obtain the proper training to handle such materials. (Need record of training if when applicable).


FARM REVIEW (PART 1) Water Usage 1-1 What is the source of irrigation water? (Pond, stream, well, municipal, other, specify if other). IDENTIFY THE SOURCE How are crops irrigated? (Flood, drip, sprinkler, other, specify if other). Water Quality Risks (needs document, such test results) 1-3 A water quality test was performed to determine the quality of water used for irrigation at ??????? on date ????? and the results are ???? (Need documentation of this activity, such as papers from the laboratory, if the results only say negative it needs to explain more than that, ask if lab can say that water is safe for irrigation). A water quality test was performed to determine the quality of water used for chemical application or fertigation method at ??????? on date ????? and the results are ???? (Need documentation of this activity, such as papers from the laboratory, if the results only say negative it needs to explain more than that, ask if lab can say that water is safe for irrigation.



Same water source may be used for both irrigation and chemical application, if this is the case, open paragraph with this statement. 1-5 If necessary, I take steps to protect irrigation water from potential direct and non-point source pollution (DESCRIBE STEPS HE WIIL TAKE). Sewage Treatment 1-6 I maintain and make sure that the farm sewage/septic treatment system is functioning and operating properly and I make sure there is no evidence of leaking or runoff. In the event of malfunction I correct the problem promptly. There is no municipal or commercial sewage treatment facility adjacent and or close to my farm that can pose a water or other type of contamination risk. Animals, Wildlife, Livestock (see brochure being developed) Most of this section will not apply to our grower production farm. 1-8 to 1-10 Crop production areas in my farm are not located near or adjacent to dairy, livestock, or fowl production. Manure lagoons are not located near or



adjacent to my crop production areas; I do not use manure in my production and therefore, manure is not stored by my farm operation. 1-11 There is no livestock around my production area so the possibility of livestock to access the source or delivery system of crop irrigation is non existent. In the event that this episode changes in the future, I will take the appropriate steps to limit livestock access to water sources. Measures to Reduce the Opportunity for the Presence of Wild or Domestic Animals (Need record of it, develop a record sheet for when monitoring happens and if wild life is seen what is done to prevent entrance to production areas) MAY USE WILD LIFE BROCHURE I monitor crop production areas during harvest??? Times a day? or morning, mid evening, or ask growers which times of the day deer, or other wild animals may be present during harvest and use that time as the monitoring times. If the presence of wild or domestic animals is detected, I use de following practices to deter them from the production areas. Noise (whistling), chase them out of the area, use of repellents, or other devises? Ask grower how he would keep wild life out.



Manure and Municipal Bio-solids (MAKE THIS A TAB) (this activity may not apply to our growers but ask them to make sure), if it does not, write the following statement. Option A & B: Raw manure/Composted manure 1-14 to 1-21 I do not use raw manure, composted manure, treated municipal biosolids of any kind as soil amendments in my farm operation. (ask growers to make sure it is true). If growers answer is yes to manure or compost use, answer Option A, B, or C, otherwise it does not apply, just leave the above 2 sentence statement, but make it a policy statement. Option C: No Manure/Bio-solids Used (Policy)


It is the policy of my farm operation that no raw or composted manure, or treated bio-solids be used as soil amendments in my production areas. Soils (Needs Record) 1-23-24 My land has always been in agricultural (blueberry production). I am not aware of any possibility of soil contamination based on the land use history. (ask growers if his soil has been tested for contaminants or if when he purchased the land it indicates that it was always in agriculture production (Need record of this, maybe the farm records would suffice, I will ask to Bob this, or if growers may need a land use


risk, or would Kyles farm-A-Syst suffice this, if so, include it as a record). 1-25 Ask growers if they have tested the soil from the area that floods for potential microbial hazards. If not, growers may need to do so if they want that area certified. Traceability (Needs Record) 1-26 Each production area in my farm is identified by??? Number? Letter, to enable traceability in an event of a food safety recall (see farm map).


Field Harvest and Field Packaging Activities (PART 2) Field Sanitation and Hygiene 2-1 I conduct a pre-harvest assessment on the crop production areas to make sure all the possible risks and sources of contamination are minimized or eliminated. Risks and possible sources of contamination are noted and assessed (DOCUMENTATION IS NEEDED FOR THIS ACTIVITY). (I may need to develop a check list for this that includes employee hygiene training, toilet facilities, water test, and proper policies are in place, this needs to be documented). Field sanitation units are placed in an area that create no potential risk for product contamination and are accessible for servicing. To the best of my knowledge, toilet units comply with state and federal regulations.

2-2 to 2-4

Policy for Major Spill or Leak of Field Sanitation Units or Toilet facilities 2-5 It is the policy of this establishment that any major spill or leak of field sanitation units or toilet facilities must be promptly reported to the person in charge for proper clean up. The area will be secured and employees will be kept out of the area. The spill or leak will be contained in a way that it minimizes the risk of contamination of any production areas. The toilet servicing company will be promptly contacted to aid with the proper clean up effort (may need the contact number in hand). Ask growers if it is ok to handle the situation like this or if they will do something different). Filed Harvesting and Transportation 2-6 and 2-7 Harvesting containers and bulk hauling vehicles that come in direct contact with product are cleaned (daily, ask growers what is practical for them) and kept as clean as practicable. Hand harvesting equipment (containers) and implements (knives, pruners, machetes, etc.) are kept as clean as practical, and are disinfected on a scheduled basis (this activity also needs documentation; ask growers what they do to disinfect, or what they will do). Harvesting containers are inspected for damages, and damaged containers are discarded properly. Harvesting equipment that comes in contact with product is kept in good working condition; light bulbs and glass on harvesting equipment are monitored and are protected to avoid contamination of product or field. Harvesting equipment is inspected during harvest for foreign objects such glass, metal, rocks, or other dangerous toxic items, and if found, they are removed promptly.

2-8 to 2-10



Policy for glass or plastic breakage and possible contamination during harvesting operations

It is the policy of this establishment that care must be taken to prevent any glass or plastic breakage. In the event of a breakage incident, it must be promptly reported to the person in charge for proper clean up and removal to prevent contamination of fruit during harvesting. 2-12 Policy in case of product contamination by chemicals, petroleum, pesticides or other contaminating factors

It is the policy of this establishment that care must be taken to prevent any contamination by chemicals, petroleum, pesticides or other contaminating factors. Such substances must never be stored and or handled near harvesting areas and or fruit. In the event of an incident, it must be promptly reported to the person in charge for proper handling, clean up, and or removal to prevent contamination of fruit during harvesting. 2-14 Policy for harvesting containers and totes

It is the policy of this farm that harvesting containers and totes must not be used for carrying or storing non-produce items during harvest season. My employees are informed of this policy before employment. 2-15 Water applied to harvested product. In the event that water is needed on harvested products, it will be water that has been tested and is microbially safe (NEED LAB-TEST RECORD).

2-16 and 2-17 Efforts are taking by instructing employees to avoid excessive dirt and or mud from product and or containers during harvest. If containers become dirty, they will be cleaned to prevent dirt or mad from getting in the harvested product. Transportation equipment that is used to transport harvested product from the field to the storage or to the packing/processing plants is maintained clean and in good repair. 2-18 Policy for coverage of harvested fruit during transportation from field to storage or packaging/processing plant

It is the policy of this farm that harvested product must be covered during transportation from field to storage or packaging/processing facility. (Driver will be instructed in this policy). 2-19 and 2-20 I do not currently package product, but if in the vent that I do, I will only used new or sanitized containers for packaging product. Packaging materials will be properly stored and protected to prevent contamination. In the event this is done, this activity will need to be documented.



My product is distinctively identified by ??? when it moves out of the field so it can be traced. Need to document how it is traced or will be traced (ask growers). We just may go back to traceability part and use the same.


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