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2) How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

We found that within our film opening we have adhered to the conventions of the teenage social group through the use of drug abuse. Towards the end of the opening a small packet of, what is implied as, drugs is dropped, this creates the narrative of drug use within the rest of the film. This then represents the youth in a negative light, which we have done purposely to contrast to the beginning of the opening. Meaning that the opening presents a young happy, indie girl who would not appear to be involved in the usage of drugs, hence the contrast when the drugs are introduced. As well as the use of drugs we have used a well-known indie song to go along with our opening which represents the positive and happy side of the youth today. Finally we used a young main character around the age of 16 which we thought our aimed at audience could then relate to. Therefore representing both the negative and positive aspects of the teen social group through the use of drug abuse and juxtaposing indie song choice.

4. Who would be the audience for your film opening? As a group we decided to aim our film at older teenagers to young adults, which is why we have chosen to certificate the film as a 15. We feel that this is an appropriate audience for our film due to the hinted drug abuse found towards the end of the opening. We find that the inclusion of a young female character fits the intended audience choice as being a young adult to older teenager, viewing the opening, they may be able to relate to the main themes within the opening as oppose to a younger audience.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this film opening? A range of techniques have been learnt from doing media studies and just some of these include: -Transitions -Sound bridges We used various transitions during the making of our production companies at the beginning of the film opening and we also used transitions for our titles. A sound bridge was created within the first two clips of our opening, which enhanced the verisimilitude of our overall film opening. Flipping a clip was also used in order for us not to break the 180 degree rule and in order to not break the social realism given off of our opening. Tracking and panning movement techniques were also used to help the opening flow better and to add a variety to the types of shots used overall.

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