4160 Chapter 12 Quizzes

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The behavioral and contingency leadership theories adopt more of a transactional and less of a transformational perspective of leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

Path-goal theory has its roots in the expectancy theory of motivation. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Score: 0/10 Feedback

Telling, selling, participating, and delegating represent the four leadership styles identified in: Student Value Response A. path-goal theory. B. transformational leadership theory. 0% C. leadership competencies theory. D. Hersey and Correct Answer Feedback

Blanchard's situational leadership theory. E. implicit leadership theory. Score: 0/10

Which of the following statements about leadership and gender is TRUE? Student Value Response 0% A. Male leaders tend to use the participative style more often than do female leaders. B. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of taskoriented and peopleoriented leadership. C. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of participative leadership. Correct Answer Feedback

D. Sex stereotypes influence the evaluations that subordinates assign to their leaders. E. All of the above are true. Score: 0/10

One problem with path-goal theory is that: Student Value Correct Answer Response A. it has very little research support. 100% B. some elements of the theory have not yet been studied. C. it ignores the possibility that the best leadership style depends on the situation. D. it overlooks Feedback

the two dimensions of leadership identified in the behavioral perspective of leadership. E. it ignores team dynamics as a possible contingency of leadership. Score: 10/10

According to path-goal theory, which leadership style or combination of styles would be most effective for people who are skilled and experienced in the job? Student Value Response A. Directive and supportive leadership B. Supportive and participative leadership 0% C. Directive and participative leadership D. Participative leadership Correct Answer Feedback

E. Supportive leadership Score: 0/10

The behavioral perspective of leadership focuses on the effectiveness of participative and achievement-oriented leadership styles. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 100% Score: 10/10 Feedback

Leadership competencies identify leadership potential, not leadership performance. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to research on the behavioral perspective of leadership, which of these leader behaviors include showing mutual trust and respect for subordinates and having a desire to look out for their welfare? Student Value Response A. Task-oriented Correct Answer Feedback

100% B. Peopleoriented C. Achievementoriented D. Transactionoriented E. Participationoriented Score: 10/10

Shared leadership is the view that anyone in the organization may be a leader in various ways and at various times. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

The competency perspective of leadership indicates leadership: Student Value Response A. performance. 100% B. potential. C. behavior. D. contingency. E. transformation. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback


A major review in the late 1940s concluded that a consistent list of traits could not be distilled to identify effective leaders. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to the implicit leadership perspective, leaders have a difficult time getting due credit for their efforts because attribution errors cause followers to attribute organizational outcomes to the environment rather than the leader. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 100% Score: 10/10 Feedback

Shared leadership roles are formally assigned by the team. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback


According to research on the behavioral perspective of leadership, which of these leader behaviors include defining and structuring work roles, clarifying employees' work duties and procedures, and pushing employees to reach their performance capacity? Student Value Response A. Achievementoriented B. Participationoriented 100% C. Task-oriented D. Transformational E. People-oriented Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

The behavioral perspective of leadership focuses on the effectiveness of participative and achievement-oriented leadership styles. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 100% Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to research on the behavioral perspective of leadership, which of these leader behaviors include showing mutual trust and respect for subordinates and having a desire to look out for their welfare? Student Value Response A. Task-oriented 100% B. Peopleoriented Correct Answer Feedback

C. Achievementoriented D. Transactionoriented E. Participationoriented Score: 10/10

Self-confidence is one of the seven main categories of leadership competencies. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

Which of the following statements about leadership and gender is TRUE? Student Value Response A. Male leaders tend to use the participative style more often than do female leaders. 100% B. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of Correct Answer Feedback

taskoriented and peopleoriented leadership. C. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of participative leadership. D. Sex stereotypes influence the evaluations that subordinates assign to their leaders. E. All of the above are true. Score: 10/10

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model states that the best leadership style depends on: Student Value Response A. the readiness of followers. B. the availability of leadership substitutes. Correct Answer Feedback

C. the leader's capacity to walk the talk. D. the leader's integrity, weight and other traits or competencies. E. none of these 0% conditions. Score: 0/10

Organizational behavior research indicates that transformational leaders produce _____ followers, whereas charismatic leaders produce ______ followers. Student Value Response A. unskilled, 0% skilled B. directive, participative C. empowered, dependent D. real, fictitious E. servant, commandand-control Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Research indicates that university students value task-oriented instructors over people-oriented instructors. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE Feedback

B. FALSE Score: 10/10

According to the implicit leadership perspective, we are more likely to believe that a leader is effective if the leader looks and acts consistently with our prototype. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

Reward systems and employees' skills are substitutes for task-oriented leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Score: 0/10 Feedback

Transformational leaders 'frame' their vision by: Student Value Correct Answer Response A. encouraging employees to participate Feedback

in the search for a new corporate strategy. B. describing the strategic vision in the form of a quantitative formula. C. behaving in 0% ways large and small that symbolize the values that he or she is articulating. D. acting persistently and consistently towards the strategic vision. E. none of the above. Score: 0/10

Servant leadership is most closely associated with: Student Response A. path-goal leadership. B. the implicit leadership Value Correct Answer Feedback

perspective. C. the competency 0% perspective of leadership. D. the behavioral perspective of leadership. E. transformational leadership. Score: 0/10

Path-goal theory argues that: Student Value Response A. leadership is relatively unimportant in organizations. B. participative 0% leadership is the most effective style of leadership. C. supportive leadership is best where the employee's job is highly satisfying. D. great leaders are born, not made. E. the most effective leader behavior Correct Answer Feedback

depends on the situation. Score: 0/10

Which of these is NOT explicitly identified in the textbook as a leadership perspective? Student Value Response A. Attitudinal B. Contingency C. Transformational 0% D. Implicit E. Competency Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Which leadership theory or perspective explicitly includes the participative style? Student Value Response A. Competency (trait) perspective B. Transformational leadership theory C. Implicit leadership perspective D. Path-goal theory 100% E. All of the above Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

According to path-goal theory, supportive leadership is desirable for employees who work in teams with low cohesiveness. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Score: 0/10 Feedback

Transactional leaders are mainly change agents. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

Fiedler's contingency model of leadership states that the best leadership style depends on: Student Value Correct Answer Response A. the leader's 0% emotional intelligence. B. the level of situational control. C. the leader's Feedback

level of servant leadership. D. the leader's knowledge of the employee's job. E. all of these conditions. Score: 0/10

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model states that the best leadership style depends on: Student Value Response A. the readiness 100% of followers. B. the availability of leadership substitutes. C. the leader's capacity to walk the talk. D. the leader's integrity, weight and other traits or competencies. E. none of these conditions. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback


The two dimensions of leadership highlighted in the behavioral leadership perspective are also specifically identified in: Student Value Response 100% A. path-goal theory. B. transformational leadership. C. implicit leadership perspective. D. leadership competencies perspective. E. all of the above. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the view of shared leadership? Student Value Response A. Anyone may be a leader if given the chance. 0% B. Leaders should share their power and responsibility to avoid selfserving bias. C. The most effective form of leadership is the sharedCorrect Answer Feedback

type. D. For organizations to move from autocratic to democratic institutions, shared leadership must be implemented. E. Leadership is broadly distributed rather than assigned to one person, such that people with the team and organization lead each other. Score: 0/10

Effective leaders have "leadership motivation"; that is, they are motivated to be leaders. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to the textbook, charismatic leadership differs from transformational leadership.

Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10


One problem with path-goal theory is that it is an extremely simple model of leadership relative to other leadership theories. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

Expectancy theory and goal setting are the two main concepts behind the implicit leadership perspective of leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

According to path-goal leadership theory, directive leadership should never be applied to either experienced or inexperienced employees.

Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 100% Score: 10/10


One implication of the leadership competency approach is that leadership is found among senior executives rather than people in lower-level positions. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

Which leadership theory or perspective adopts the view that leaders are agents of change? Student Value Response A. Transformational 100% perspective B. Path-goal theory C. Implicit leadership perspective D. Behavioral perspective E. Leadership substitutes Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback


Which leadership theory or perspective explicitly includes the participative style? Student Value Response A. Competency (trait) perspective B. Transformational leadership theory C. Implicit leadership perspective D. Path-goal theory 100% E. All of the above Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Which of the following statements about path-goal leadership is true? Student Value Response A. According to path-goal theory, leaders only use on leadership style at any given time. B. According to path-goal theory, leaders might simultaneously use two or more leadership styles. 0% C. Leaders frequently garner more Correct Answer Feedback

support by using coercion techniques. D. All of the above are true. E. Answers B and C only. Score: 0/10

According to path-goal theory, supportive leadership is desirable for employees who work in teams with low cohesiveness. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to the path-goal theory of leadership: Student Value Response A. great leaders are born, not made. B. the best leaders possess high levels of emotional intelligence. C. directive leadership is Correct Answer Feedback

ineffective when employees are experienced and work in routine jobs. D. leaders are 0% considered effective by followers when they act and look consistently with the perceptions and stereotypes that followers hold of ideal leaders. E. achievementoriented leadership is the most effective style of leadership. Score: 0/10

Effective transformational leaders build commitment towards the strategic vision by using words, symbols and stories that inspire and energize employees to adopt the vision as their own. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Feedback



Many view charismatic leadership as being the highest degree of transformational leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

When team cohesiveness is low, leaders should use which of these styles? Student Value Response A. Directive 100% B. Supportive C. Participative D. Achievementoriented E. None of the above Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Expectancy theory and goal setting are the two main concepts behind the implicit leadership perspective of leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response Feedback

A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10


Servant leadership emphasizes the notion that: Student Value Response A. employees are paid to serve their leaders. 0% B. leaders should have servants to perform the work. C. employees are servants in the organization, so they should place organizational objectives above their personal needs. D. All of these. E. None of these. Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Transformational leaders 'frame' their vision by:

Student Value Correct Answer Response A. encouraging employees to participate in the search for a new corporate strategy. B. describing the strategic vision in the form of a quantitative formula. C. behaving in ways large and small that symbolize the values that he or she is articulating. D. acting persistently and consistently towards the strategic vision. E. none of the 100% above. Score: 10/10


Suppose that you are the new supervisor of a unit of employees who work in non-routine jobs. These employees are highly experienced and confident in their work. According to path-goal

theory, which leadership style would be most appropriate in this situation? Student Value Response A. Directive B. Participative C. Supportive 0% D. Abusive E. None of the above. Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Effective leaders are good at perceiving and expressing emotions, as well as regulating emotions in themselves and others. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

Fiedler's contingency model of leadership suggests that the best leadership style depends on the degree of power and influence the leader possesses in the situation. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback


What is the relevance of emotional intelligence in leadership? Student Value Response A. Emotional intelligence is one of the most frequently identified contingencies of employees when choosing the best leadership style. 100% B. Emotional intelligence is one of the competencies of effective leaders. C. Emotional intelligence is the psychological condition that makes people want to believe that leaders make a difference. D. Researchers who conduct leadership studies tend to have a higher level of emotional intelligence than researchers who study Correct Answer Feedback

other organizational behavior topics. E. Emotional intelligence is not relevant to the study of leadership. Score: 10/10

One view of charismatic leadership is that it refers to: Student Value Response A. personal traits that provide referent power over others. B. the same features as transactional leadership. C. the same features as leadership substitutes. D. the people- 0% oriented behaviors in the behavioral perspective of leadership. E. any situation Correct Answer Feedback

where followers attribute positive things to leaders who do not really deserve this credit. Score: 0/10

According to research on the behavioral perspective of leadership, task-oriented leaders tend to: Student Value Response 100% A. establish challenging goals. B. develop mutual trust and respect for subordinates. C. listen to employee suggestions. D. do personal favors for employees. E. do all of these things. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback


Path-goal theory states that effective leaders have high emotional intelligence, integrity and motivation to become a leader. Student Value Correct Answer Response 0% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 0/10 Feedback

According to path-goal leadership theory, directive leadership should never be applied to either experienced or inexperienced employees. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 100% Score: 10/10 Feedback

Implicit leadership theory explains differences in leadership practices across cultures. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Score: 0/10 Feedback

Attribution theory is a major component of which of these leadership perspectives?

Student Value Response A. Trait perspective. 100% B. Implicit leadership theory. C. Contingency perspective. D. Transformational perspective. E. Behavior perspective. Score: 10/10

Correct Answer


Charismatic leadership refers to: Student Value Response A. personal traits that provide referent power over others. B. the same features as transactional leadership. 0% C. the same features as transformational leadership. D. the peopleoriented behaviors in the behavioral perspective of leadership. E. any situation Correct Answer Feedback

where followers attribute positive things to leaders who do not really deserve this credit. Score: 0/10

Cultural values shape the expectations that followers have of their leaders. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

Which of the following statements about leadership and gender is TRUE? Student Value Response A. Male leaders tend to use the participative style more often than do female leaders. 100% B. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in Correct Answer Feedback

their use of taskoriented and peopleoriented leadership. C. Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of participative leadership. D. Sex stereotypes influence the evaluations that subordinates assign to their leaders. E. All of the above are true. Score: 10/10

According to path-goal theory, which leadership style or combination of styles would be most effective for people who are skilled and experienced in the job? Student Response A. Directive and supportive leadership B. Supportive Value Correct Answer Feedback

and participative leadership 0% C. Directive and participative leadership D. Participative leadership E. Supportive leadership Score: 0/10

One apparent problem with the transformational leadership perspective is that it still implies a universal rather than contingency approach to leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response A. TRUE B. FALSE 0% Score: 0/10 Feedback

Leadership competencies identify leadership potential, not leadership performance. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback


Effective leaders: Student Value Response A. influence, motivate, and enables others to contribute towards the success of the organization. B. use power and persuasion to ensure that followers have the motivation and role clarity to achieve specified goals. C. arrange the work environment so that employees can achieve corporate objectives more easily. D. do all of the above. E. do only 'A' 0% and 'B'. Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback


According to the implicit leadership perspective, we are more likely to believe that a leader is effective if the leader looks and acts consistently with our prototype. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

The concept of leadership prototypes is a main part in which leadership theory? Student Value Response A. Competency theory. 100% B. Implicit leadership theory. C. Fiedler's contingency perspective. D. Transformational perspective. E. Path-Goal theory of leadership. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Servant leaders try to understand employee needs and facilitate their work performance. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

Transactional leaders: Student Value Response A. improve efficiency. B. build a strategic vision to change the organization. C. represent an unrealistic stereotype that followers have of great leaders. D. possess all of 0% the competencies of great leaders. E. none of the above. Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

Effective transformational leaders 'walk the talk' by making meeting agendas, work schedules and other executive symbols, patterns and settings more consistent with the strategic vision. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to path-goal theory, which leadership style or combination of styles would be most effective for people who are skilled and experienced in the job? Student Value Response A. Directive and supportive leadership B. Supportive 0% and participative leadership C. Directive and participative leadership D. Participative leadership E. Supportive leadership Score: 0/10 Correct Answer Feedback

The competency perspective of leadership indicates leadership: Student Value Response A. performance. 0% B. potential. C. behavior. D. contingency. E. transformation. Correct Answer Feedback



Which of the following competencies is NOT a characteristic of effective leaders? Student Value Correct Answer Response A. Effective leaders have a high need for social acceptance. B. Effective leaders have a strong belief in their leadership abilities. 0% C. Effective leaders have a high level of emotional intelligence. D. Effective leaders have a high degree of integrity. E. Effective leaders have above average cognitive intelligence. Score: 0/10 Feedback

According to the path-goal theory of leadership: Student Value Response A. great leaders are born, not made. 0% B. the best leaders possess high levels of emotional intelligence. C. directive leadership is ineffective when employees are experienced and work in routine jobs. D. leaders are considered effective by followers when they act and look consistently with the perceptions and stereotypes that followers hold of ideal leaders. E. achievementoriented leadership is the most effective Correct Answer Feedback

style of leadership. Score: 0/10

Many view charismatic leadership as being the highest degree of transformational leadership. Student Value Correct Answer Response 100% A. TRUE B. FALSE Score: 10/10 Feedback

According to path-goal theory, the environmental contingencies include: Student Value Correct Answer Response A. task structure. B. locus of control. C. team dynamics. D. All of the 0% above. E. Answers A and C only. Score: 0/10 Feedback

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