Agenda Leadership 3 26

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CODE OF COOPERATION Listen as a team member. Speak from awareness. Celebrate uniqueness. Speak Freely. Mind the schedule.

*__Attendance *
___________________________ _(attached)__________________ ___________________________ ______________

Leadership Team BERTIE MIDDLE SCHOOL March 26, 2012 Media Center @ 3:15
PURPOSE: Become an active participant in revising schools mission statement, and DESIRED OUTCOME (S): By the end of this meeting, participants will have 1. Plan to include students in Connect-Ed 2. Plans for EOG Rally Night 3. Review Discipline Information and include any plan of action

WHAT (Content)
Welcome and Purpose Code of Cooperation Agenda Decision Making Plan Connect-Ed (Make a List of Students and Message) Plans for upcoming EOG Rally Night Other / (Review information about discipline and include any revisions ) Develop next steps

HOW (Process)
Present Clarify Check for Agreement Present Clarify Present Clarify List Plans Present Clarify Check for Agreement Present Clarify Check for Agreement

All C. Mizelle

TIME (Minutes)
3 min Timer/Recorder B. Hargett- Time M. Sauls- Recorder 15 min Timer/Recorder 20 min Timer/ Recorder


All All All All

What should the messages say? Who will be doing the messages? When will this take place? List of Dates / Messages / Students Date: Duties: Plans: Updated information? Plan of Action to Implement Changes Prepare Information to be shared Next Meeting Date: April 30, 2012

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