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w M M l M b y with aacutaul rate Way and tnaJsht and te|

baptNg mow of the day. MtQy cloudy aad continued cool tomorrow, aad sunny and cool Sunday, Set weather, page 2.

tiBEDW Red Bank Area

CopyrightThe -Red Bank Register, l a c , IMS.

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25,750 DIAL 741-0010


VOL. 88, NO. 83
luutd duly. Monday thrauih rrldir. tutud Clui Pwu


Hughes Spends Busy Day in County

By WILLIAM HENDERSON RED BANK - In between bites of chocolate eclairs, spaghetti, candy and cake, Gov, Richard J.. Hughes spent his 12 hours in Republican Monmouth County yesterday giving his election rival several sharp "needles." The governor, who said early in the day: "I'm not going to gay anything bad about my opponent Wayne Dumont, Jr.," did use the GOP candidate as his chief target when he traveled the county from north to south and back again. Hughes, who told The Register he had only three hours sleep Wednesday night, started his criticism of Sen. Dumont when he spoke to members of the Red Bank Rotary club in the Molly Pitcher Inn. "New Jersey's medical, school system is expanding. My opponent sheds a tear over it and any other lurid things which usually come out three weeks before election," the governor said. Rebuild Shore "Dumont voted against an appropriation to rebuild the Jersey shore. We did the job and fooled the pessimists. I don't think Dumont has done much for the shore, besides come down here and cuss out the clams." "My friend Beadleston (Republican Alfred N. Beadleston, RMonmouth) was upset when I accused my opponent of being against the shore. And if all the bills Dumont tried to push through the Legislature were passed it would cost us a billion dollars. Beadleston knows this." The governor, remarking about the state being deprived of air and water pollution bills, said: "We would have had $70 million worth of construction for sewerage but for them." About narcotics, he said: "I want a law giving life sentences to anyone pushing dope but they say It's too tough a measure." He finished this talk by saying: "It is important that the voters of New Jersey think about the itate first rather than which party they normally vote with. 1 want New Jersey to be a giant among the states. My opponent (See HUGHES; Page 3) '

More Ground Fighting Is Reported

V.C. Downs 2 US. Planes

SAIGON (AP) - More fighting area Tuesday and Wednesday, was reported today at the special The sources said the camp 210 forces camp at Pie! Me, and in- miles northeast of Saigon, which formed sources reported two U.S. the Viet Cong have been stack' Air Force Skyraiders were shot ing since Tuesday night, came down. under mortar fire last night. U.S. jets It was feared that one of the pounded the Viet Cong around Sky raider pilots was captured bythe camp continuously. the Viet Cong, sources s a i d . The camp regularly is garriThe other pilot was wounded soned by about 300 Montagard slightly but was rescued. tribesmen and 10 or 12 American Eight Americans were killed advisers. U.S. helicopters lifted the several companies of Vietnamese In two helicopter crashes I n in yesterday, and it was believed their way to the outpost to re- tion paid off for South Vietnam- after reports that a Viet Cong then the siege had been lifted. inforce the beleaguered defend- ese forces. company or battalion up to Up to 500 Men ers, . About. 600. government troops 550 men were operating there The attackers were estimated An American television camera- swooped down on a. small Viet The government troops seized to number up to 500 men. U.S. man, Charles Burnett of Los An- Cong Xoni.Ohua, a small number of arms, captured advisers in the camp reported geles station KTLA-TV, was re 35 miles southwest of Saigon. three Viet Cong suspects and de- GIVE US A HAND Go/. Richard J. Hughes gives camseeing at least 90 enemy bodies ported wounded while accompany' They killed 4J of the Communist stroyed 23 Sampans in nearby paign poster boosting Democratic Assembly candidate in the barbed wire around the ing the rangers. He was one of guerrillas,.captured 19 and came canals, but enemy casualties In Pat McGann, Jr., to Debbie Barrett, 8, pf Church La., that phase of the action were camp and on the ground beyond. three newsmen with the unit, out with only a few wounded yesnot known when the fighting died Middletown, after he left Red Bank welfare board office U.S. officials said the garrison Another was Associated Press terday. . and the government troops pulled on West Front St. photographer Eddie Adams. had suffered light losses. Reconnaissance units and out. . ' Unconfirmed reports said a unit In the Mekong Delta over- ranger battalion pushed into the of Vietnamese Rangers" fought whelming strength and speed ac- area in the flooded plain of reeds (See VIET NAM, Page 3)

Dumont SupportsIrwin DeathPenaltyFor Slayers of CopsOn '58

our Withholds Comment SlatedTomorrow

Probe Significance
Ij. anticipated in the immediate future." As one of several recommendations, the jury called on the freeholders to "provide proper jail facilities immediately." , "..'.,.' . A site for a new jil has been acquired but construction Is not slated, until 1967-68. the'freeholders purchased, in 1958, a former A. & M. Karagheusian rug mill plant and converted one building into a rehabilitation center to house minimum security

TRENTON (AP) State Sn. of criminals." The bill would reWayne Dumont Jr., the Repub-quire gun dealers to check with lican candidate for governor, police to sf it a prospective purMr. Irwin, who was a witness before the present jury as it aid today he would support leg- chaser is registered as v. narconcluded taking three days of testimony Wednesday, said be has a criminal islation to make the murder of cotic* 'iiict, may have a statement later1. The jury has Indicated it will a poUeraan performing hli du- record, U s been committed to a prisoners..."-;._ - ' ' ' ' v " ; : . - : " ' . : . " . . ' ' : . . - - ' * - - ' mental institution or belongs to make a report of its findings on Monday. ties punishable by death. A gymnasium;* the ranter has been, nseil occasionally for The Daily Register learned Wednesday that the jury has a juvenile detention cntr. It was thete that two 17-year-olds. At the tame time, Dumont rebeen informed of the seven-year-old presentment which, like escaped Sept.. 8, partially fueling the inv<stlgaUonv peated that be ! "violently op- sive by tl federal government. the present inquiry, Wai triggered In ptri By 'in escape O f Principal attention in, the proHe, however, has t e e n directed posed" to Democratic Gov. "As a lawyer, the governor prisoner!. to statements by Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell, the board's only Richard J. Hughes' bill to curb knows full well the difficulties Democrat, i about reports of narcotics traffic among jail sale e[ guns. , The presentment said the jury had been informed that Involved in drafting legislaprisoners. . . . . < :"';!'" An pfWuty tookie patrolman tion of this type," Dumont said. "plans for new facilities are being made and that construction wa* shot and killed last week in "He knows that in seeking a Newark. Dumont said only the worthy objective which til dethreat of the death penalty could cent men and women support, it stop such crimes, Hughes has is important not to trample on the rights' of our citizens and also endorsed the idea. Dumont said he opposes subject innocent persons to arSOUTH AMBOY-Shore trains ' Hughes' bill to ban gun sales to rest." were back on schedule'this mornundesirables because it Is not a ing after a tugboat 'pulling three Hughes has charged that Dugood bill. barges hit the railroad * bridge He said the bill would "dis- mont cahjout against the bill over the Raritan River at 8:33 arm good "citizens and p l a c e in return for support by a gun MARLBORO - , The township lage Homes plans 620 houses on permit a medium size develop-throughout the 30 square miles Grubb, Jr., Vice Chairman Ger- last night. A spokesman said this them even more at the mercy dealers' group. Planning Board unveiled its pro- half-acre plots, would be zoned ment, perhaps up to 50 units, of township ar?a, edging toward ald A. Bauman, Secretary Philip morning's fog had not formed at posed Master Plan last night as for minimum three-quarter acre a spokesman said, but no more. a probable census of 14,000 in S. Iriglis, and John Lamberson the time of the accident. - attended. They said the plan All trains Were halted at the 1985; copies were put in the mail for residential lots. The other half-acre limit would had unanimous approval. bridge for 2% hoursi and' buses delivery to all residents today Half-Acre Minimum be in Marlboro Village, on both A map and an accompanying . Medium Density were used to carry stranded Subject of long controversy over Only two sectors would allow sides of Rt. 79, where very little statement' were revealed at a "This plan," said.Mr. Legier, passengers between here and which a change in the form half-acre lots, the smallest, and future construction Is- envisioned. press conference at the horne ol "is the accumulation of many Perth' Amboy to resume" their of government turned two years these are in areas almost totally Currently, Marlboro has a pop- Edward Legier, Board Chairman. years of debate, on what kind train fides. , " ' , . *: . ; ago, the plan wciM preserve longbuilt up. In one, at the north ulatkra of 9,210. The .plan would Four of the board's other eight of community, we should be. It By 11:30 p.m.) the southbound standing rural characteristics end of Rt. 79, open land might average 1.1 homes per acre members Mayor Walter C provides', we think, for .medium racks over the river "were'bads ahd permit only a. modest populaIn use, and rail traffic wa density, ' ' ; . tion rise in the foreseeable future. " is about 10 per cent moved over them In both diLONG BRANCH - After In-, the job probably also would be The plan, as drafted or later i; developed now. That means that rections, r .''" , ' \ terviewing an applicant from decided i t that time. revised, must be adopted by Feb. we still have the. raw material The northbound tracks were, re? Wisconsin for more than two The council interviewed two 1 to conform to an order of 1 undisturbed td make' whatever paired at 4:40 a.m. today, and hours last night, Mayor Vincent applicants last Saturday, one Superior Court Judge. Elvin R the only delay by - commuting kind of (own we want." J. Mam said the City Council from Virginia and the other Simmil| in the township's hassle may reach a decision on filling frdm. northern New Jersey. The with the developer, U.S. Homes A series of public meetings is time this morning was a few cilities are planned in the industrial MARLBORO - Here are the highlights of the vacant city manager's post candidate from Wisconsin was and Development Co, connection to trunk lines feeding into regional planned to discuss the proposal minutes caused by a slow speed the proposed Master Plan for land use in Marllimit on the bridge. by Monday or Tuesday. prior to. adoption. boro Township: systems. originally scheduled to attend But, without drastic change, i Mayor Grubb.said the Planning The bridge was open to let The applicant, whose name re-the Saturday1 meeting, but a offers no compromise to U.S Business, Commercial and Quasi-Public Town Center To be situated at Rt. 520 mains undisclosed, is one of 28 prior appointment caused his ap- Homes which seeks to build 1,200 and Wyncrest Rd., in the approximate geoSuch development is to be reserved for special Board believes it reflects deci- the tugboat through when the who sent resumes to the city pearance to be postponed u n t i homes on half-acre lots in the graphic midpoint, away from heavily traveled use permission in residential zones, subject to sions of a majority of the people accident occurred. Operator^ ridge and one of three who were in- last night. ordinances. Four neighborhood shopping cen- He said past elections over a were untble to lock the b i " highways. A municipal building, library and southwestern sector. period of years show a desire to after the collision. ters are pinpointed. terviewed by the council. recreation facilities would be provided. Mayor Maiza said the counci All of the land owned by U.S Mayor Mana said he would would interview other applicants Homes would be mapped tor Residential Development Northeast secBuffer Zones Open space strips are pro- maintain Marlboro as a rural call a special caucus meeting of if the present candidates were one-acre "medium density" re* tion, with its hilly, wooded terrain, one and posed between zones; to preserve property municipality but to equip it with improved local roads and arterial the council Monday or Tuesday not acceptable, but added that Idential use under the Planing two-acre minimum lots; central portion, mevalues. to try to arrive at a decision. "before we drag this thing on Board proposal. Similarly, an dium density, one-acre and three-quarter acre . Circulation Plan Integration of an im- highways for tccess' to urban He said the question of Council- too long I feel maybe we can proved local street system with expanded centers. area west of Rt. 79 and north lots with garden apartments to be permitted as man Henry R. Cioffi receiving make a decision at this date.' of School Road West, where Vil- a special exception use. High density, single arterial highways is a key objective of the Zoning has been the principal family homes of less than a half-acre are topic of local argument for more banned. Half-acre lots are provided across the Proposals are made to extend several tlian nine years.. The Planning southern end. of the township, for its full east-west roads to tie in with north-south links. Board recalled this evolution of breadth. FREEHOLD - Sale* of nearti nd set lip an orderly flow of local traffic, e v e n t s : ' . . . - -.. - . Industrial Development One thousand 195M1 avoiding travel on main highways for.point11.5 million bi county bonds . acres of prime land is reserved with direct to-point trips within the township. Parts of October,. 1958 - The township's .S per cent. interest was <a$ access to Rts. 9, 79 and 18 (proposed) and the main roads would be relocated, In time, to basic residential zoning was fixed nounced by the Monmouth Coun? railroad right of way. expedite traffic. , ' - . ' . at half acre building lots. ty Board of Freeholders yesteijWater and Sewer Utilities - Municipal fa(See HIGHLIGHTS, Page 3) (See MARLBORO, Page J) dy' ,' ' j-. The j.puithM^r, vto*. { biddejr LONG BRANCH - The legal by the Appellate Division of the might pertain only to Hoboken among 1 companies, was Utt 2 staff of the Better Government Superior Court which ruled on and Vlneland because the amendFidelity. Union Trust Company] League will meet tomorrow to May 28 that Plan A Includes run- ment was passed after those muNewark. It will take 11,498,000 in dadde upon a course of action in olfs. bonds and will pay the county nicipalities had already adopted light of a state Supreme Court Two of the }hre attorneys forgovernments Under the Faulkner $1.5 million or a $2,000 premium] decision apparently restoring the league yesterday said they Act. The bonds ,w,ill -provide - long" runoffs to Plan A of the mayor- would, have to study the case Mr. Golden said his Immediate term' financing" for 'vocailo'nfl touncil form of government un- further, but Indicated that'. they decision was based only on the schools, beach1, projects,.njafl der the Faulkner Act. felt the ruling might not pertain condensed version of the court's UNION 8.EACH - Mayoral Other points of benefit he To have a man on the job thrwigh the- manager by "nil site, bridge work, park lands ani at all times for - daily contaci making residents aware of their legal fees. The repayment schedThe league, whose purpose is to the Long Branch) situation. opinion and that he had sent for candidates.. Alfred T. Hennessy, made were: a Democrat, and Charles H. To provide for centralized with tht public. resjJpnsibHltles. to change the form of govern- Attorney Julius J. Golden said the full text of the: opinion. ule extends through 1997. . >i ment In this dty, had been con- the court decision,- which de- The court decisions are based Hart, his Republican 'opponent, purchasing. -To reactivate i n t e r a s -rJTbVkeep the town on a firm It was the first bond sale aui A ai 'one of two clared unconstitutional' a . 1956 on the case of Batistlch vs. Bren- last night kindled an issue that k In financial basis. ' sidering Plan thorized by the freeholders thil i FulKTline Mayor practical mayor-council alterna- amendment to the Faulkner Act nan, a dispute concerning Plan will burn until after the Nov. 2 year. In October, IBM, the board Mr. Hennessy, now serving m sold its largest single Issue 'In tives to the present council' abolishing runoffs under Plan A, D, similar to Plan A, In Hobo- election. borough clerk,' told the spars history. $1,718,000, at 3.2 per cqn| manager .form of government. The issue centers around Mr. ken. Automoblla group that he would serve, as a interest.- - . - , : The group had discarded runHart's contention that this muTo Read Decision !'.{ off elections as wastes of money If you're thinking-of a car, think Irving M. Telchvm, a member nicipality needs a . borough adPage Page full-time mayor. of McCarthy Chevrolet. 291-11Q1 He contended that he \ willing ASK WELFARE REPORT and detriments ta the candidacies of the. league^ legal committee, ministrator. , Hli Democratic op- Allen-Scott ... Herplock ; :.. of qualified persons. With tbl in -Adv. said he would not comment until ponent is vehemently opposed to Amusements 1 1 to sacrifice certain benefits MIDDLETOWN - Republican M Home and Garden . mind, members had narrowed Special Meeting . he had read the full.decision. He t h e i d e a . Movlo, Timetable 18 to serve' his community. Township' Committee' candidate the field of acceptable altarna- Of the Holmdel Twp. commit- said the Supreme Court's deci- Their debate was part of a Births He pointed out that many oth- Joseph Malavet, In a political ReObituaries : 2 y tlvei to Plans, A and E of the has been called by Mayor Al- sion was not circulated in the I Religious Services tee iilii forum sponsored by the Union Jim Blihop 12 er municipalities .operating un- lease, has asked , Township mayor-council forms, fred C. Poole for the purpose of weekly legal advances until af- B e a c h Businessmen's Asso- Bridge ;.; .. ._!.'. 8 Sylvia Porter ...:,. _. I der a w" 1 Committee*man Edward J. Rotti 1 Unanimous Decision discussing sewer business and ter the legal committee hid met. ciation at Memorial School. an administrator are dissatis- (or a report,on the recent Pa(| John Chamberlain ,.. I Sports However, a story In yester- other necessity business. Oct. 26, City Attorney Louis R. Alklns Mr. Hart asserted a manager Classified .;.;...: :....:...:.. Stock Market i.......... 4 fled. He noted South Orange- rick Sweeney vt(ar caw. Th day's Regjsttr disclosed that the 198), 8 p.m. Township Hill, Holm- who confirmed the contention would benefit the town in many Comics an example. -..,_.:,.; v : SueoeMful Investing GOP candidate said taxpayarf; itato $upremt Court on Oct. 4 del. Mr. Hnnsy"t running mates hava a right to a rtatonaUa a w that Plan A now seemingly inMl " l Crossword Puule >.,;_ II, N Taltvkh* hid upheld a unanimous; decision l?ta S. Ely, ark*Xdv. i (See CHARTER, Page 3) cy of government. Editorials ^ -.. !_' .1 ' f Women's News ' (Sea UNION BEACH, Page 3) planation in the

FREEHOLD Monmouth County Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin withheld comment yesterday on whether a 1953 Grand Jury presentment about county jail conditions has any significance in the current jury probe of the Jail.

EATONTOWN - Republican' H. DanskJn, and Sheriff Joseph county candidates will be es- A. Shafto who is also seeking corted on their rounds of poli- re-election. ticking tomorrow by a motorThe motorcade will form at cade manned by the .Monmouth 9:30 a.m. at Ravine Dr., MataCounty Young Republicans. wan borough. Stops will t * The sound1 truck used by the made a,t the Airport Shopping New Jersey Young Republicans Center, Rt.- 26, Raritan Town* will,head the'parade of cars. ship;.. Middletown : The guests will include R|ch-. Center; Prospect - Ave., Liul* ard R. Stout, Monuiouth, and Silver; >Seari Roebuck parking William T. Hlering; Ocean, sen- lot. :Rt. i Neptune, and termiatorial candidates from the nate at :the .county GOP camnew-fifth senatorial district; paign: headquarter* in the Assemblyman Alfred N. Bea-- Monmouth Shopping Center, dleston,. R-Moninputh; his; nin- here. t 3:30 p,m. ning mates tor the Assembly, )' * ' im-mn m Joseph Azzollna and James Coleman; freeholder nominees Joseph C. Irwin and Benjamin

Would Hold Line on Population Increase

Span Fixed On Rariton, Trains Roll

Board Unveils

See Early Decision On City Manager

Highlights of the Plan




CityCharterStudyCounsel To Weigh Issue Tomorrow

County Sells Bonds For 3.5 Per Ccart ;

Says Borough Needs Administrator

New Union Beach. Issue Kindled

Today's Index

' V T,

ft /

' '


2-frtdiy, 0*>b 22, 196S THE DAILY REGISTER


FEENV SERVICES JAMES J. REILLY, SR. TENNENT State Police said the Judiciary Committee, some GEMINI I ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - LINCROFT Funeral services esterday that a man who was have been set lor Mrs. Dorothy CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. I enators said they would be surJames J. Reilly, Sr., 56, o( 36 ;illed while walking on Main prised if Johnson resubmlts it Leonard Ave., died at Riverview E. Feeny, 49, of 34 Hilltop Cir., St. in a dense fog here early Gemini 6 astronauts Walter M. next year. Kennedy is chief Hospital yesterday. Born in New who died Tuesday in Riverview yesterday had been hit by a car ichirra, Jr., and Thomas P.! iponsor o[ the Morrissey nomina1 ind then run Over by a truck. Stafford get their last major tion. York, he had lived here 17 years. Hospital. will be offered in St. A Mass medical checkup today before He was an engineer at Marlboro! Leo the Great Catholic Church, The victim was tentatively Moflday's planned high-speed After Congress quits for this Hospital. identified as a New Brunswick chase after a fleeting target in /ear, the President can give Church, here, tomorrow at 11 Surviving are his wife, Mary a.m. Burial, under the direcresident but his name was with- >pace. Morrissey a recess appointment. Bennett; Reilly1; .three sons, James ion o! the John E. Day Funeral held pending positive identifier The Senate would have to pass The physical examination was >n the nomination next year, J . Reilly, Jr., of Navesink, John Home, Red Bank, will be in Mt. ion. expected to be over in early W. Reilly of East Keansburg, and Olivet Cemetery, Middletown. At about 2 a.m., according to ifternoon. Then the astronauts hough, and Morrissey would Thomas M. Reilly, at home; two have to resign his $20,000-a-year Trooper Vincent O'Donoghue plan to run through phases of the daughters, Mrs. Teresa Eldridge MRS. HAROLD CHRISTENSEN car driven by Frank Thunder, 24 [light is a spacecraft simulator. post as a Boston municipal of Marlboro, and Mrs. Patricia NEW YORK-Mrs. Anna Chrisjudge with no certainty he would of 441 Middle Rd., Hazlet, struck Koeser of Atlantic Highlands; tensen, 54, of 19 Bowne Ave., V^ the man while he was walking The weather report for the be approved. light remains satisfactory. .- two brothers, John A. Reilly of Atlantic Highlands, N. J., died in the middle of the street.Schirra, a Navy captain, and SAL NOT] -. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., and Trooper O'Donoghue said tha Stafford, an Air Force major, yesterday in Presbyterian HospiWilliam Reilly of Oceanport; one tal here. Mr. Thunder drove off but re- ipent most of the time in the NOTICE / sister, Mrs. Marian Sonberg of Born in Yonkcrs, N. Y., she MONMOUTH COUNT* COOT urned to the scene about 15 'light simulator, yesterday KUILIUKIATU'H COURTH COURT ' Palisades, and 17 grandchildren, had resided in Atlantic Highlands ' minutes later. Notlct to Creditors lo F r a t o i sharpening up for the attempt to CUhni Agftliut Estate Mr. Reilly was a member of| 12 y,ears. She was the daughter In the meantime, a van-type [ind and dock with the orbiting ESTATE OF ESTHER CHARX, DE--St Agnes Catholic Church and its of the late Patrick and Nora GroCEASED. ruck driven by Lincoln Chal- Agena rocket. Pursuant to the order of DONALD Holy Name Society. ant, 30, of Upper Darby, Pa. ;an Starr, That's the main objective o! .. CUNNINOKAM, Surrogate ol Ui County ot Monmouth, this day made, v: Arrangements will be made by Sunviving are her husband, ran over the fallen body. on Uie application of tne underiirneil, John J, Condon Funeral Home Harold Christensen; a daughter, Mr. Chalfant proceeded aboul :heone or two-day flight that The Mor-tmouth County Natlonll Bank, will blast off Monday at 12:41 Bank, Sole Executnr'oJ the estatfl Red .' Atlantic Highlands. 200 yards farther along on Main ol the gald Esther Chark, deceased, Karen Christensen, at home; and noLlce hft-reby St. to the state police barracks a.m. (EDT) an hour and 41 saidt deceasedgiven to the credttorj MRS. C. J. KIRKPATR1CK two sisters, Mrs. William Burton PLANS Wall Township Mayor Joseph N . Ehret, left, and township Planning Board and reported the accident. A: minutes after the target rocket ol Sole Exacutor to present to the laid their claims under and Mrs. George Francis, both of Chairman George Mueller, center, are shown plans for ths proposed $400,000 New is sent aloft. iath wlUiln six months Irom thli date. police arrived back on the scene, ABERDEEN, Md. Mrs. Es-Yonkers. Dated: Octohw 18lh, 1965 ther Ann Kirkpatrick, 49, of 354 Arrangements will be made by Jersey Natural Gas Co. facility thars by W . Daniel Williams, company president. Ths Mr. Thunder returned. THE MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. Red Bank The victim was taken to Fitkin CONGRESS Graceford Dr. died in the U.S (By: A. WIIiLTAM DAVIS, |posten Funeral Home, Atlantic announcement was made at a joint mse-ting of company officials in Beau Rivage AaslHiant trust Officer) Hospital Neptune, and was dead WASHINGTON - Congress Public Health" Service Hospital Highlands. 53 Broad Strttt Restaurant, there, yesterday. on arrival. Baltimore, Friday. Hed Bank, New J e m y pushes toward adjournment toDr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman day, still faced with final de- Messrs. Bole Executor The wife of Rev. C. J. KirkParson*!, CanEona, ALBERT BENKERT, SR. county physician, said the first cisions on federal pay and sugar Blair & Warren patrick, minister of the Church MELBOURNE, Fla. - Albert 18 Wallace Street crash caused internal injuriei legislation. of Christ, she was a former Lit- Benkert, ST., 63, died in Brevard Red Bank, New Jerity Attorneys and multiple fractures but thai Senate Republican Leader tle Silver, N.J., resident. Mr. Hospital yesterday after a long fS1.2t the man probably was still alivi Everett M. Dirksen predicted Oct. !, 20, Nov. 5, U Kirkpatrick was minister of theillness. WALL TOWNSHIP - The New expansion to better serve the for a "co-operative attitude," Red Bank, N.J., Church of Formerly of Laurence Harbor, .Jersey Natural Gas Company yes- firm's customers. which encouraged the site selec- when run over by the truck. NOTICK flatly Congress would finish its MONMOUTll'tOUNTV ONMOUTll i' Police made no charges pend work today, while other congres-"' Christ from 1962 until August N.J., Mr. Benkert had lived here terday announced plans to build The complex will contain busi- tion. KUimoflATK'S COURT They were former Arlington, Va seven years. Notlco to Ornlllors l o FreKnt a $400,000 service center here. ness offices, storeroom and a ga- The new facility will be thi ing completion o( an investiga sional leaders said the end would Claims Atntnnl rage. ' residents. come by tomorrow at ttw latest. ESTATE O P OBORGKKstato R . CROBcompany's customer service head- tion, Mr. Benkert was a member of The new facility will be conSurviving are a daughter, Mrs, the As the session drew near a DKK. DECEASED. order of DONALD Protestant Community structed on a 12-acre, Rt. 34 "The decision to build here," quarters for central and southern Pursuant to the Thomas Morris of Obin, Tenn.; ! Church, Laurence Harbor. said Mr. Williams, "was made J. CUNNINQHAJ1, Burrofate of till close, the Johnson administration County of Mor/mouth, this day made. tract, south of the Collingwood a foster son, Leon Nason, at Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Circle. after an extensive study, which Monmouth County and for north taw money denied to start two on the application of the underslfned. ol home; a brother, George W. Gib- Emma Bankert, of Melbourne showed this location will be theern Ocean County. It will replaci of its "Great Society" programs Orace E. Herbert, sole Executrix, Rthe estate of the snld George W. Daniel Williams, company center ol our customer growth the present center on Rt. 35, : s o n of Pittsburgh, Pa.; six siswhen both houses accepted the Hchroeder, deccasm!, notice Is Hereby Beach, Fla.; four sons, Albert president, said the move is part oredltors said deceased Oakhurst. Construction is ex v ter, Mrs. Alma Craigo and Mrs Benkert, Jr., of Holmdel, Ronald in 1985. . ." decision of Senate-House con- given to Uieto the saidoffiole Eiecutrix to present - Goldie Scott of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Benkert, of Anchorage, Alaska, of an over-all plan for continued He praised township officials pected to begin next spring. their under oath within f i x ferees to drop appropriations re- morrtha claims this date. from Made Martin of Dunbar, W. Va. Gordon Benkert of West Orange, quests at this time for rent sub- Dated: October I t , 1963, Mrs. York Ragle ot Nitro, W and Allan Benkert of Wrightson; ORACE E, HERBERT. sidy and teacners corps pro3!<8 North Centra) Park, Va., Mrs. Velma Wright of a daughter, Mrs. Eileen Saccone Chicago, Illinois. LONG BRANCH Plans foi grams. But the action scarcely Bole xecjtrlx. Charleston, W, Va., and Mrs, New Kochelle, N.Y., and of the Mardi Gras parade and cele- dimmed the luster of a Congress Beymour R. Klelnbtrg, E s q . . P e a r l Callahan, also of Charles- 15 grandchildren. which has given President John- & Church Street bration came one step closer Keansburg, New Jercey, ... ton, and several nieces and Services will be from Merj Attorney. finality last night when the Mar- son practically every major bill v nephews. Oct. 22, 20, NOV. 5, 11 gJT.SO di Gras Committee of the Ex for which he asked. Cracken Funeral Home, Union, ;.-.... T h e funeral was In the Arling- Monday. Burial will be in Hollychange Club met with commit NOTICE ton Funeral Home, Arlington wood Park, Union. MONMOUT11 COUNTY ties from various service organ' SURKOfiATE'M COURT VOTING RIGHTS ,,.-.Va., with Ray Chester, minister Notice la Creditors t o Fretrnt ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - R e - ther strained political climate, I a lot of experience In trouble- zations and the city's schools. Clalnii Aln.l Kitl of the Washington, D.C., Church WASHINGTON In a rare publican council candidate Rob- reasoned that without the co-op- shooting other types of commer- Joseph E. Sirianni, ohairmai legal move, the federal govern- ESTATE O F JOHN HENRY COOK. of Christ officiating. He was as(ALSO KNOWN ert B. Long has agreed to attend eration of the water commission- cial scale plants and pilot plants of the Mardi Gras committee, ment has asked the Supreme JR.> DECEASED.AS JOHN H. COOK. 1 'slsted by William N. Scott, min "ister of the Church of Christ, New Tersejl Cloudy and cool Tuesday night's Borough Council er and council as a whole, my which should be of help in ouisaid a final meeting will be he] Court to declare constitutiona J. Pursuant t o the order of DONALD CUNNINGHAM, next Thursday night, again i the controversial provisions of County of MorJmouUl,Surrogate C4 the thU day made, McLean, V*., former minister today and tonight with occa- meeting "to present comments suggestions and test programs present problem. t h i undersigned, the Greater Long Branch YMCA Uie U-week-old voting rights law. on the application of Administrator of sional rain. High today in 60s. and suggestions for the improve- would become so distorted in an of the Eatontown, N.X, Church William 1. Klalsky, "I hope that by working to Low tonight in upper 40s over ment of the water supply." ttie ectate o l the, aaid John Hlnry attempt to discredit me as to gether we can solve this prob Broadway. of Christ. Burial was in ArlingAnd the Justice Department ( a i m known aa John H. the Interior in low 50s coastal He made his intentions known become unworkable. I felt it The Mardi Gras parade oi urged the court to stop what it Cook, deceased, notice Is hereby Cook, Jr.) flven ton National Cemetery. to Uie creditors ot said deceased to areas. Cloudy and cool on Satur- in reply to a letter sent last would be better to let public lem once and for all. I wi Saturday, Oct. 30, begins at called offorts of three southern present to the said call urday, high in 50s over the in-week by Mayor Russell W. Mor- pressure make the issue so im- you to arrange for the plan! p.m. at Oakwood Ave. on Broad states Alabama, Louisiana claims under oath Administrator their within alx mosUll MRS. GRACE V. THOMPSON date terior and near 60 along the gan inviting him to the meetingportant that Council would hear visit before the meeting anc way and travels the length o and Mississippito obstruct en- b oDm t e thlaOctober Mth, 1905 a d: would also appreciate your makLONG BRANCH-Mrs. Grace coast. WILLIAM 1. KLATIKY to be heard on the subject of op- me with a more co-operative at- ing available to me at the plan Broadway to the Old Stadium forcement of the new law. vfffhompson, 70, of 65 Branch 31 Fisher Place Marine crating the municipal water titude. Red Bank, New J e n s y Because of the importance of the results of your recent analyti Grounds. Ocean Ave. . port Ave., died yesterday in MonAdministrator Cape May to Block Island: plant. "Contrary to the comment in cal and test work." There, prizes and trophies wi! the case and in order to as-Messrs. Klatslcy A Hlmetmar :. mouth Medical Center. at be awarded. After the ceremoniei sure a final decision before 3 East Front Btreet She was a resident of Long Small craft warnings displayed15 "I accept this offer with plea your letter, I do not claim to The mayor, in his letter b Red Bank, New Je-raey Attorneys .Branch 25 years, having been 8 a.m. Northeasterly windswith sure," said Mr. Long's letter," have superior knowledge. What Mr. Long, indicated that the de a dance for junior high schoo primary elections in the three 25 knots through Saturday I X It students will be held at the YMC states next spring and summer- Ocl. 32, 29, Nov. 5. 12 as well as your offer of a guided I know is readily available in :born in Jersey City. She was thehigher gusts. Occasional rain signer of the water plant,, a rep and a dance for high school stu Attorney General Nicholas KatzNOTICE -; daughter of the late David *nd and fog through tonight. Visibility tour through the water plant for any modern textbook on the deMONMUITH COUNTY the Supreme myself and a few others who aresign, construction, and operation resentative of the construction dents will be held at the Nation enbach asked Melisa Kneringer. HUKKOUATK'8 COURT one to three miles, locally Below of municipal and industrial water company, al Guard Armory, Ocean Ave Court yesterday to assert orig!)? Rough's Noll to Creditors ta Frnml - Mrs. Thompson is survived by one mile. Cloudy with visibilities also interested in the water prob- plants. Cltlmt AgalHI Estate censed water p plant operator! Prizes will be awarded for thi inal jurisdiction. p lem. I have visited the plant y'i brother, Leroy Kneringer of above five miles on Saturday. ESTATE OF WELLINGTON BRUNNER, DECEASED Hasbrouck Heights; a nephew, High temperature in the past twice in the past six months, but "I also know how recom- would be at Tuesday's meeting. prettiest, funniest, most origina Pursuant lo the order or Donald J. welcome the opportunity to have mended techniques compare with "They all feel, as we do, thaand ugliest costumes. 'N-NINO-HAH. Surrogate ol the Counand a niece. MORRISSEY 24 hours at Long Branch 62 ata guided tour." what we are actually doing in there is always something new ti Grand Marshall of the paradi ty of Monmouth, this day made, on Services will be at 10 a.m.1:30 p.m. yesterday. Low 58 at tha undersigned, our plant. . Furthermore, I have be learned," the letter stated. WASHINGTON - Francis X tne application ofAdmlntetr&tor of the will be James Dean, presiden Francii X. Moore, - tomorrow in the Woolley Funeral 6:30 a.ra. today. Small craft In the mayor's letter, referof the and Morrisssy'J nomination to be a eilatedeceased, notice Wellington Stunof the state Exchange Club, ner, li Home. Burial will be in George warnings were posted at the ence was made' to a recent statefederal judge is dead for this to the oredltora of said hereby (Ivan deceased to ; Washington Memorial Cemetery, shore, ment by candidate Long and his present to the n l d Administrator thilr session of Congress, but the claims under oath within alx monUu running mates, Edward G. WaiParamus. TIDES White House says President from tola date. der and Arthur P. Listander, that DEATH NOTIOB FRANCIS X. MOORB, Sandy Hook Johnson has no plan to withdraw 272 Rutledge Drive, Ernest O. j New J e r s e y Society of Arch: IDWARDS. Matilda Duch. of 29 Van TODAY High 7:04 p.m. and Mr. Long "has proposed solu- N E W A R K it. Middletown. N. J, derbllt Ave,, lieonixdo, formerly o! tions (to the water problem) but Bostrom, Iincroft, has b e e n tects. Administrator '"Newark. N. J. on Tuesday, Oct. IB.low 12:54 p.m. Still, after Sen. Edward M. Dated: October u, IMS --M05. Beloved wife ot Walters mother named chairman of the Archi- Mr. Bostrom lives at 252 Park council would not listen." TOMORROW - High 7:31 a.m. of Mr*. Robert Maifttr, Mrs. Jamej Kennedy (D-Mass), electrified Uessra. Sorenson A Moore, tects for Hughes. fig First Avenue, No Proposal Seen view Ter., with his wife and tw Feeler. Mrs* Curt Ludlorr, Mrs. SMthe Senate yesterday by moving Atlantic Highlands, H. J, Wftrd Smith, Walter, Jr., James, and and 7:50 p.m. and low 1:22 a.m.' The mayor disagreed, stating The announcement was made children. He has offices in Ret Attorneys Robert XlwanU enS inter of ES- and 1:46 p.m. to send the nomination back to Oct. 22, JS, Saw o, 12 (M.n r.-wud DeJCh, Sr, Funeral from thi 'a very careful check of coun- yesterday by Herman C. Litwak, Bank and East Orange. SUNDAY - High 8:15 a.m. and Huokley Funeral Home, 809 Second ; Ave.. Ashury Park, on Saturday, Oct. 8:33 p.m. and low 2:07 a m . andcil records shows no proposal state chairman. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS ATLANTIC CITY - Dr. Wi Substitute Teacher - .-23, at 9:30 a.m. High Mass of Requiem Sealed lilrln for the repair o[ approxfrom you, either in writing or Under Governor Hughes' lead" i n the Church ot the Holy Spirit at 10 2:36 p.m. liam W. Ramsay, co-ordinator c imately 1600 eq. ft. of roofing at tha .m. Interment, Mt Calvary Cemetery Bletfman School, Aroad Street. Eaton, For Red Bank and Rumson verbally, at any meeting." the federal Elementary and SecList Is Increased ership, New Jersey is the first Neptune. Rosary Friday at 8 p.m town. N. J will be received by the In addition, the mayor's letter state in the nation to undertake Friends may call at the funeral norm bridge, add two hours; Sea BOARD OF EDUCATION on Monday ondary Education Act of 1961 today and tomorrow. 8, 1965 at o'clock WEST LONG BRANCH - November tlinp In the8:00purpose P.M. Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long stated that "a further check of a comprehensive statewide plan for the N. J. State Departmen prevftillnK All room School, Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- council members does not sup-co-ordinating all state construe-1 of Education, has addresser. Seven persons were added to of the ML VetterN. J. Grant Aver.ue, Entontown. port your contention that you tion and development programs a workshop session of the 13tlShore Regional High School's Bpeclficallonfl and bid forms may be lands bridge, add 40 minutes. have privately offered any sug-to provide orderly growth," Bo-j obtained at the office of the annual convention of the Nevsubstitute teacher list by the Grant Avenue, Eatontown, N.Secretary, SATELLITES J. Jersey State Federation ( Board of Education last night, The owner reserves the right to reECHO I at 6:49 p.m. today, gestions. You know that in thestrom said. ject all bids and lo waive any Inseveral conversations we have MATAWAN - Plans for th Boards of Education here. They are Austin Faccone, Mrs formalities. south of New York City, 21 de- in the past few months the A graduate of Upsala College had A certified grees above horizon, moving SE. subject of the water plant opera- and Cooper Union School of Artconstruction of a new Trinit; Speaking on the rising cos: Georgia Makens and Mrs. Fran payable to Uiecheck or money order Board of Education In PEGASUS I Monday at 5:26 tion, or any facet of municipal and Architecture, Bostrom is Episcopal Church will be unveilec of education, Dr. Ramsay sai ces Kaye, all of Long Branch; the amount of 10% ot Uie bid Is required ai security for Est. 1938 the nationwide state and Iocs Miss Donna Goldstein of Key- work and acceptance completion of a.m. 13.74 degrees above horizon, o p e r a t i o n , has not been consultant to the design commit-here Sunday. the by the Bofcrd Rev. Carroll, B. Hall, rector . moving SW to SE. lorctay A. Hcndinon, Prop. tee of the Middletown Planning the church, now at 142 Broai tax increase causes many ta: port, Mrs. Doris Garrison of of Education. OF EDUCATION broached." BOARD payers to look to the federal go' Little Silver, Mrs. Judy Grigolet Grant AverAte Board. He is president of the St., announced that constructio What Long Said to of Neptune, and Mrs. Ann Eatontown. New Jersey ernment for financial aid. BLAST BURIES HENRY R. CIOITI, Secretary details will be disclosed at 4 p.m "There is a legitimate quei Saxenmeyer of Asbury, Park, Ocl. 22 Mr. Long's reply was this. Monmouth County Chapter of the Xfl KAWAIiPINDI, Pakistan (AP) "Regarding my failure to speak in the Regional High School ai tion," he said, "as to wherhe Eighty workers were buried last out directly to council in the past ditorium. . mounting costs of education cai night when an explosion col- concerning my suggestions for He said the new building wi be met by states and localities, lapsed a canal bridge at Tila water improvement, I was inbe situated on a four-acre tra' More than 2,000 school c Bund, 100 miles west of Rawal hibited from doing this by the in the southern part of the Jx>r ficials, business officers an pindi, trie newspaper Jang re- attitude reported to me that the ough. The Red Bank architectura guests are attending the session ported. water commissioner was strongly firm of Kobayashi. Bostrum an which ends tomorrow. Convenient Terms MONMOUTH MEDICAL The first report said there were opposed to my doing anything Kaplan has completed the plan Long Branch B A K U GUILD MEMORIALS a number of deaths, but detailed until after I became a member and architectural rendering: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watkins These will be shown at the Su information was lacking because of council, S Chapel Hill Road (nee Gail Homer), 303 Whale- day session. the mishap occurred in an iso- "Taking this to be the attitude aid Hwy. 35, Red lank pond Rd., Eatontown, daughter, Sucetuer to Mount Memorial Homt lated jungle area. of council as a whole, in a ra- Wednesday. Rev. Hal] said the building pn gram is the first undertaken I. Mr. and Mrs. William Glaus the church since 1850. The recto NEWARK (AP)-The New Jei (nee Ruth Tommarazzo), 8 Ravine declined to answer any addition; sey Selective Service announce FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dr., Matawan, son, Wednesday. questions on the project sino yesterday there were 213 coi Mr. and Mrs. John Strosyk he wants parishioners and oth< scientious objectors in the sta (nee Georgia Smarr), 84 Poplar interested residents to receive ful during the year ending Oct. Ave., West Long Branch, daugh- information Sunday. an increase of 34 for the saiti' RUMSON Eight-year-old ter, yesterday. RED BANK Q E. FRONT STREET period a year go. 310 Brood SrrMt R*d Bank. N. J. Mark Germain, son of Gerry G. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bolin The 213 objectors amount onl Germain, 5 Heathcllff Rd., suf(nee Julia Travers), 54 Pacific to 7/100 of one per cent of t > h fered first, second and third de- Ave., East Keansburg, daughter, 462,374 classified registrants begree burns on 30 per cent of yesterday. tween the ages of 19 and 26. his body in a leaf fire accident Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jag- WEST LONG BRANCH-Shon State Director Col. Joseph Avel last night. Regional High School teacher Wi! la said the additional 34 objectoi The boy was taken to River- ;ard (nee Dorothy Nicolaus), 919 iarti DiGiacomo was named th represent an Increase of 20 pe: view. Hospital by his father Rayraere Ave., Wanamassa, son, school's bowling coach last nigh cent over the 1S64 period whei around 7:30 p.m. Because of a yesterday. by the Board of Education, there were 179. JAMES A. shortage of beds, HARRY C. F. ROBERT F. Rumson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calabrese He replaces Ronald Gottuk, al Avclla did not give any reaso (nee Barbara Meyer) 15 Vine Ct., First Aid so a teacher, who resigned th> for the increase. : 19 to transfer htm to Monmouth Long Branch, son, yesterday. $159 per year bowling post. He also announced that som Harvey Taylor (Frank McLaughlin was namec 7,000 persons will be given pn Medical Center, Long Branch. freshman backfleld coach at $20 induction physicals during Nc his condition as serious this morn Port Monmouth Rd., East Keans per year. vember. daughter, yesterday.

Man Killed, Struck By Car, Truck

National, World News in Brief

JV. J. Natural Gas Plans New Plant

Long Is Ready to Disclose Water Supply Suggestions

Long Branch Mardi Gras Plans Pushed


Heads Group For Hughes

State School Boards Hear Dr. Ramsay


To Announce Church Plan In Matawan


DIAL 747-4887

The Adams Memorial Home

Objectors Gain In Draftee List

Boy Suffers Worden Funeral Home Severe Burns

Day and Night Phone . . . 747-0557

School Appoints Bowling Coach

John E. Day
Oppaiit* Molly Pltchtr Inn



Beauty... Quality... Craftsmanship In Enduring Memorials

Vfett oar display. S M p Ing varMy of guaranteed mcoo.. L- nwnto . . . an ranontMy prletd. < Com* in any time.
"Th< pnebnu kapiaka, Inlo kAfcft tr

A ptnOMirMtf MMMfMtf, CW*<] l MlKt l l

nmltt, < lay mm than utoay wordt. S M Mr ( B A R R E
ittlV ' atom CilM M M I H M I M , kackri by tkt l

toduifry'i itrmgMf MMMifft u r m m .

85 Riverside Ave.
C. SIDUN, Mgr.

Red Bank

lUllobb Slue* 127


Wdl and Locinl. W. Long Branch IRANCH OmCI AND OUTLAY 222*0300


15 cooper Rd., MlUdlitown oil Rl. 35 ol Hudon'i Comir MI4JW
Convenient Terms 747-JSd)




FREEHOLD - A testimonial to lepublican Board of Freeholders omy and made ft one of * e MatBRANCH - Two Infant baby's routine Is important, he Monmouth County's healthy fi- ook over the county administra- est growing counties in the itate. deaths Wednesday brings the In- added. nancial condition was voiced last Jon in the early 1930's, it was "In seeking re-election, Benfant mortality to 26 this year in Asked what generally transnight by Freeholder Director Jo- jractically bankrupt, with its em- jamin H. Danskin and myself 1 Mpnmouth County that have mits the disease, Dr, Gillmn stand on our record which Is ployees paid in scrip. seph C. Irwin. been investigated b)i the county (with no allusion to the recent The veteran Republican, who is "Since then, successive Repub- one of performance not promise, oases) replied: physician's office. seeking election to his 10th three- ican administrations, including and we don't believe the voters Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gillman, "Adults haive, through their year term, credited the county's aurs, have put it on a sound fi- of Monmouth County are going county physkdan, said this yes- y e a r s , developed immunities fiscal strength to policies of the nancial basis and opened the doors to be misled by the smear tactics terday In response to questions and unknowingly act as carriers. or the influx of new industries of our opponents in the closing Republican-controlled board, fter the two Long Branch in- "These small babies, have hich have strengthened its earn- days of the campaign." He said: lants had died from what was no immunities whatsoever. Hiey "In a rapidly growing populacome Into the world from a safe diagnosed as bronchogenic pneution area, such as ours, there birth and then they are turned monia. will always be a need for. new loose into the atmosphere filled When asked obout general and improved facilities in our symptoms, not relating to these with infection. county institutions but these must "One sneeze in the face of one two cases which are under roube planned and constructed withtine investigation, he answered of these babies when he Is 'inout imposing an undue burden on that parents must be very ob- haling is enough to transmit the >rowth. It is estimated that tiie taxpayers who must eventually servant, watching for the slight- disease. FREEHOLD The Mon- jlant food and hamus value in pay the-bill. est irregularities in their infants. "I firmly believe that anyone "No township, borough, munic mouth County Shade Tree Com- :he leaves from a full grown Some of these symptoms, he who comes in contact with an ipality or county can grow great mission urges use of falling ree amounts to about $15. continued, are deviations from infant that is less than one year Leaves can be composted tad by words alone, but it must be leaves for fertilizer and warns the infant's normd routine, re- old should wear a mask." done by careful and proper plan' that burning leaves contaminate used to improve garden and fusal of wader or, depending on Immaculate homes, c l e a n lawn soil. .Some cities now com. ning on a sound business basis the air. the baby's resistance, a fever. clothing for the infant is not which is the program your Re- In an advisory in the com- post leaves for use in their Out observation and knowing the enough, he said. Most of the inpublican freeholders have adopted mission's October newsletter, rks. Leaves also make an exfants that have died have come and which is responsible for the Superintendent David C. Shaw jellent ir.ulching material. ' from spotless homes, he related sound financial condition we are draws on advice from Mrs. Rob- "Tine burning of leave* is It makes me feel so badly to ert Gorsuch, a member of the wasteful and pollutes the air, in today. look at these dead children from ON RED BANK TOUR On his trip through the Lucy Sportswear plant, Red Bank, "Under the statutes of New Middletown Township Shade tree and. In fact, is generally prohib(Continued) ited." such clean homes," he said, adCommission: Gov. Richard J. Hughes, right, greets Mort Blumenthal, left, general manager and Jersey we are permitted to bond "Autumn coloration is out1958 The real estate firm of ding: Monmouth County up to $38 milWebb & Knapp, New York, com- "The parents do the best they James LoBiofido, local representaive of Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, from lion but our bonded indebtedness standing this year," she notes, menced purchase of options on can," Dr, Gillman said, "with Red Bank. has been held to about $8 mil- "A drive through our county an board land areas for development what they know but they1 have especially into the pine lands lion. bousing. An advisory referendum got to know more. They should "We have been able to conserve will reveal a symphony of color was held at which voters demand- take courses on infant care your finances and to deposit In hard to match anywhere. ed upgrading generally to one whenever they, are available. the banks of Monmouth County "But soon the leaves will fa acre, but nothing was done. (Continued) "A woman goes through all over $5 million from time to by the tons. Leaves contain cer1961 With no action being this suffering in child birth. It's wants it to be a midget state, a time from which we will receive tain essential minerals for plant taken tg a result of the refer- just too much to lose this baby MIDDLETOWN Mayor "Erpigmy state." this year more than $43,000 In endum, which had been non-bind so soon alter birth." nest G. Kavaiek last night cominterest which will be applied Hughes had coffee and an eclair ing, at least four major developmended the Library Board for its to your 1966 budget expenses. here. Cites Difficulties em started acquisition of land decision to establish a branch Not only are these tragedies WASHINGTON (AP) Conva- The governor then made a hur- HAYNEVILLE, Ala. (AP)-An "A growth of more than 100,000 (Continued) and options, aggregating 8,000 distressing to the parents, he lescing President Johnson, back ried trip to Raritan Township for ttorney for Collie Leroy Wil- in the population of Monmouth are Joseph B. Cunningham anc .ibrary in Port Monmouth but acres. said, but also to the doctors. home in the White House, signs a Green Acres tract dedication kins, Jr., .youthful Ku Klux Klan County in the last decade ha Charles W. Barker. Thomas J, irged it to change its position 1982Under pressure from res Rapid transportation does much today the highway1 beautification and then came back to Red Bank member charged with slaying a made it necessary ' OT us to pro- Perno is an Independent coun- regarding a site for a new cen:ral library. Idents, She former Township Com. to spread these viruses and it bill passed by the House on the for a stop at the factory housing white civil rights worker, says vide one new wing for our court cil candidate. The board favors the Spruce will "drop some bombshells house to house the many new __mlttee negotiated with Herbert H. is difficult for the doctors to eve of his gall bladder operation. the Lucy Sportswear firm. South judicial facilities needed for a Mr. Perno, self-described as Dr. site, which has an asking Smith Associates, Trenton, mas- cope with them. Before this trial is over." Many of those who helped get Bridge St. worker and not a speaker, saic price of $45,000. The mayor, fater planners, to draw a master Four-month-old Francis Mill the bill throughhis wife Lady During the informal visit Defense Attorney Arthur J. growing county. plan. We must also provide for ex- he is confident that Mr. Hennes- vors using township-owned ptopman, son of George and Marie Bird, congressmen, conservation- Hughes had chats with general Hanes, former mayor of Birm 'Before a contract was signed, Millman of 91 Cooper Ave., was ists and garden clubberswere manager Mort Blumenthal and ingham, told newsmen Thursday penditures in the field of ad- sy would serve the best interest! ;rty. however, the firm was directed one of the infants that d i e d invited to the afternoon ceremony Mrs. Katherine Smith, Long he planned to call few defense ditional educational facilities, new of the community if electee Mr. Kavaiek also said the board should establish a lincroft branch Branch, and Mrs. Stephanie Li- witnesses. "Once the state is libraries, parks and recreational mayor. to prepare, and did submit, a pro- Wednesday. The parents discov- in the East Roof. posed cluster home development ered the dead baby in its crib Hie President had made this senko, Red Bank, who operate through, I Intend to wrap up my areas, sewer surveys, hospitals, Henry T. Dehler and Samuel and suggested that the old case in a couple of hours. The welfare and a blood bank for our R. Wilson, Mr. Hart's Republi- Lincroft School be used if and ordinance, or planned community at 10:19 a.m., when the police his last item of business before sewing machines. can running mates, fully en- when the Board of Education dedevelopment ordinance. jury may have this thing by people. Better Conditions were summoned and the infant his surgery Oct. 8, and he made 1983 On Jan. 17, after peti rushed to the Monmoufh Medi it his first official ceremonial act In a brief speech, the governor noon." "Then, too, we have plans foi dorsed the administrator propos- cides to abandon it for school purposes. Hanes then added that he the construction of a new jail, al. tions bearing 1,240 signatures had cal Center where it was pro- on his return to the White House. said: Mr. Wilson remarked, "An ad- He said he believes tine school been presented requiring a two- nounccd dead. Facing four to six weeks of "Working with President John- would have some "bombshells," a new children's shelter, improvethirds majority of the Township The Woolley Funeral H o m e recuperation, Johnson was eas- son, we helped pass bills benefit- iut declined to say with what ments for the John L. Montgom- ministrator is a necessity as he board would;consider turning it Committee to vote favorably for here prepared the body for ship- ing back to workwith the possi- ing immigrants and minorities. they would deal. ery Medical Center, funds for will always be around to servi over to the Library Board when passage of the ordinance, it was ment to the Kish Funeral Home bility of a lengthy Texas ranch Like the federal government, our Earlier, Attorney Gen. Rich- several of which already have the community." there is no further need to use withdrawn, for classrooms. Philadelphia, Pa. No Price Tag stay while he regains his strength. state administration wants to help mond Flowers said the state had been allocated. For others, plans Just two weeks earlier, negotia- About two hours later another "He would like to go to Tex- New Jersey residents equally as one final witness before complet- are being made. Mr. Barker supported Mr Uoni had been concluded to en- infant was pronounced dead at as," White House Press Secre- much. We are strong now for ing the prosecution against Wll- "I'd like to remind our Demo Hetmessy's view when he noted gage the Smith firm as the town- the Medical Center, Michael S tary Bill D. Movers reported, but better working conditions and bet sins, who is charged with kill- cratic opponents that when "In Mr HMinessy, we have ing Mrs. Viola Liuzzo of Detroit ship master planner. The state Edmonds, the seven-week old announced no plans. ter compensation for employees." man whose knowledge of the last March 25. Department of Conservation, son of Charles and Majorie Ed community is far broader than Coming home yesterdayafter Hughes then went to plants in FBI ballistics expert Marion which was providing 80 per cent mondsof75FirstAve.They called two weeks in Bethesda Naval Neptune City and Bradley Beach. E. Williams will seek to link a any1 administrator you coulc it the money through federal aid, the Long Branch First Aid Squad Hospitalthe President conducted He told workers in those places: .38-caliber pistol allegedly used hire. Elect him and you get (Continued) had signed a contract with the which rushed the Infant to the afternoon conferences on(interna- "The people of this state don't in the murder to the 21-year-old volves runoffs, yesterday said, administrator without a fane; firm. center at 12:05 p.m. tional affairs with Secretary of have to settle for second best. klansrnan. price tag." concerning Mr. Golden's comWEST LONG BRANCH - The The Ciliiens Committee orga. The Flock Funeral home here State Dean Rusk and Secretary They are entitled to the best Wilkins, a Falrfield, Ala., me- ments, that "this is a matter ol A second issue to develop W Jackson Construction Co. of Deal J nized and started a move, which is in charge of the arrange- of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler and that's the Democratic party." chanic whose first trial on the interpretation which should even- Florence Ave., now. a count} last night bought-two lots .on was adopted by voters in Novenv ments, from his bed. He likened his opponent, Dumont, murder charge ended in a hung tually be resolved by the Legis- road from Stone Rd. to Broad- Palmer Ave, from the borough ber, to change the form of govern His chief surgeon, Dr. George to defeated Republican presiden- jury at the same 133-year-old lature." ' way.- ... . : ; for $17,000, rounding out its hold-" . ment fror Township Committee C. Hallenbeck of the Mayo Clinic tial candidate, Barry Goldwater. courthouse, was identified by th Mr. Hennessy declared, "Th< ings to M lots on 45 acres, i!,:. . to Plan E,'mayor-council, under Plan A is non-partisan while in Rochester, Minn., had come to ""Wl tthehfo Eat 'n whole thing is>a setup." The firm proposes to build cuestate's key witness Thursday as Plan E, the other mayor-council the Faulkner Act. ' stay with Johnson in the White In Asbury Park^ Hughe's told Mrs. Liuzzo's slayer. I9& New officials were electgovernment form now under con- He was referring to his beli family homes,on'the land. ..Its House as long as "the President reporters: that local Republicans application for a major subdivi(Continued) Gary Thomas Rowe, a 35-year- sideration by the league, Is partf ed and a new Planning Board escommitments from the Repub sion now goes back to the Plan"The trouble with campaigning old Klansman who has been an san. tablished. The Smith firm, how- Educational FacilitiesTwelve is there." is that I never have time to eat." FBI informer for five years, said League leaders yesterday con- Bean dominated County Board ning Board for approval. ' ever, continued its work under potential school sites are pinThe building company was the He took a candy bar from his Wilkins emptied a pistol into the tended that they were aware thai o* Chosen Freeholders. earlier assignment and completed pointed for expansion of the local jacket pocket and munched on it, woman's car after a high-speed Plan E under the council-man* His opponents denied It wag only bidder for the two lots.;'. work on a proposed master plan public school system on a neighThe Borough Council also Sold The governor stopped his car auto chase on a dark highway. ger form does not have runoffs, political move, saying the; geared to half-acre, plots and borhood concept. (Continued) in a primarily Negro neighbora much higher density than the No sites are listed for high Documents circulated by the proved that new ideas am a small piece of land to Joseph new board would accept. group had said that Plan E en- methods could "achieve tangibl Calabretta for $400. Mr. Calabretschool purposes as the plan is Vietnamese commanders and hood to talk to people on the ta, of East Lakevlew Aye., 1985 In January, the board conceived with Marlboro remain- senior American advisers are street One man told the govertailed runoffs, but Carmen 'Scag- results. received the Smith plan, rejected ing part of the Freehold Region- braced for a final Viet Cong push or: Hone, league secretary, yester- Mr. Wilson suntaned up thi bought the plot, adjacent to his day said the group had been ap- GOP view when hestated, "Unior home, for the minimum price'set It and started to work on the a i District which plans a high in the Mekong Delta before the "Housing conditions in this area ~ " are lousy. What are you going Beach needs new peopli by the governing body. map and plan now completed. school at Rts. 520 and 79 in the rainy season' ends. - . . prised of the error. The council adopted a resoluU.S. Secretary of Defense Rob- to do about it?" U.S. Homes obtained final ap- township next year. Mr. Scaglione and Joseph M. with new ideas to bring new lift tion creating a five-man recreaproval for its project from the Except for the Central School ert S. McNamara said last week Hughes answered that the Pingitore, league president, said to the community." tion commission. The commisformer Township Committee In on Rt. 79, the plan expects that that the Viet Cong's monsoon man's landlord should be warned the error had been corrected by A third issue, the sewer prob December, 1963. but has been ultimately existing school loca- offensive was defeated in its ob- and if he didn't straighten mat- NEPTUNE Republican State Mr. Telcher at a group meeting, lem, was accented when Mi sion will operate throughout the . . " ..'.". bogged down in litigation with the tions will be abandoned as the jectives - to cut Viet Nam in half ters out he should be jailed. Committeeman Edward Broege, arid that Plan E, together with Hennessy declared, "We are sit year. How Come? new form of government ever buildings become out of date and to destroy the regular governand George D. Jewell, Oceanport, all other council-manager plans, ting on a time bomb that ma; ment forces. lince. "How come we don't see you told high school students and finally had been discarded be- go off at any time. Our lack and are replaced. Meanwhile about 700 South-Ko- until election day?" another their parents yesterday of the cause the group wanted no part sewers could lead to a serioui Last February, the developer Recreation and Conservation rean troops landed at Qui Nhon, Negro asked the governor. responsibility of young people to of a government including a city epidemic." _ _. _ won a favorable ruling in Superior Court but it has been under ap- Burnt Fly Bog, on the western 260 miles northwest of Saigon, "I've been to Asbury at least take an active part in political manager. Mr. Dehler claimed that cost end at the Madison Township and 1,300 others waited aboard 100 times," Hughes said, shaking RARITAN TOWNSHIP - f h e peal, Meanwhile, the Township party activities. The chart which had stated of labor and material have -risei Planning "Board last night "AcCouncil has adopted an interim boundary, would be preserved as ship offshore for heavy weather the man's hand. Speaking before the group in that Plan E includes a runoff 15 per cent since I960. cepted an application for a speone-acre zoning plan which Judge a wildlife sanctuary and water- to let up. The governor then went to the the old post office building, Mr. was "not official In any way,' Mr. Hennessy pointed out th cial use permit from Ernest Elvin R. Simmill has ruled will shed. Assurance is provided for South Korea is sending a dl- home of Dr. Lorenzo Harris, 1033 Broege described the efforts "The onljj item holding up tbi Shoonmaker for a proposed JBOMr. Scaglione said. die as of May 12 when the conn free flow of streams and green- vison of 15,000 combat troops to Bangs Ave., Asbury Park, where through the years by the GOP project is a paltry sum of $3 mil bed nursing home on Middle H i , cil is to have passed a new space is planned along the pro- South Viet Nam. A 5,000 man-ma- a reception was held in his honor. Board of Freeholders to aid in Originally, all council-manage: lion. Unless Uncle Sam gives 1 roring law or revert to the old posed Rt. 18 as well as between rine brigade landed at Cam Ranh A spaghetti dinner followed in expanding educational facilities, forms were dismissed on the $1.5 million, we won't have sew- near Azee Dr. The application separated zones. A golf course, Bay in Central Viet Nam two was referred to the Zoning Botrd Amerigo Vespucci Hall, Long particularly for mentally retarded grounds that they entailed run- ers at all." half-acre plan. expected'to be privately devel of Adjustment. ' offs. Branch. The governor ate hearti- children. Tlie proposed master plan, oped, is proposed for Rt. 79 and weeks ago. Mr. H a r t favors borougl The board also accepted an In the Philippines, Foreign ly and had two helpings of cake. He also cited the freeholders' board members said, is entirely Spring Valley Rd. financing of the project at a cosi application for a 2.9-acre (Ob'I won't have anything to say programs to improve services to Secretary Mauro Mendez told the product of the Planning Board of about $2,000 per house. TICKETED IN CRASH division on a 14-acre lot owned newsmen Manila was being con against my opponent at this mo- Monmouth County's residents; with the aid of the Smith firm MIDDLETOWNAngelo Florio, All candidates were dasap by Harry B. Seaman, 1 Glenn ATTEND CONFERENCE sidered as a rest and recreation ment but Paul (Kiernan) could programs to improve the counas consultant on planning prin 43, of 19 Johnson Ter., received pointed at die poor attendance Way. Holmdel. Purpose' of ^ie dples. SHREWSBURY-Mr. and Mrs center for U.S. troops on leave after I leave," Hughes chided. ty's economic, social and recre- a summons for careless driving Mr. Hennessy spoke for all when suMivision would be for the sjUe Whi! the board rejected the Carl Mill, 40 Willow Ct., have from Viet Nam and the 7th fleet. 'But I do repeat that Dumont is ational atmospheres and .at the from Patrolman Ernest Volk- he declared, "This poor showing of the land. ,r first plan presented to it, Mr. returned from a four-day visit The United States suspended no friend to you people at the same time maintain the county land last night at 7:25 after hie indicates that people are fed up tegier said, the board does not to New York City, where they servicemen's holiday flights from shore." operations on a sound fiscal basis. car collided at Rt. 35 and Har- with po(itics." Redouble Effort have any quarrel with the Smith attended the diamond anniversa Viet Nam to the British colony of Mr. Jewel, told the young peo- mony Rd, with one driven by Moderator Henry Snyder sak firm. It was merely carrying out ry business conference of Sun Hong Kong last September after He added that: "I want you to ple they must shape and main- Raymond Daly, 36, of Jerse; "The people who should hav its original instructions from a Life Insurance Co. of America. Communist China charged that redouble your efforts for your tain the two-party system which tty. been here tonight didn't come former board. Under the new Conference activities included Hong Kong was being used as a candidates. I hope we can at- has made our country the greatplan, he added, the firm has co- business meetings, a reception base for tie American war effort tain a victory for all the peo- est and most successful experiin Viet Nam. operated fully. and a dinner-dance. ple." ment of self government in hisHughes then rode to Newark tory. for two more dinners. He had Broege and Jewel] asked the expected to go by helicopter but gathering to support Freeholders the craft was grounded by heavy Joseph C. Irwin and Benjamin fog. H. Danskln and Sheriff Joseph Red Bank 250 Shrewsbury Ave. He later returned to Freehold A. Shafto. for a Democratic rally and then 291-9065 741-2139 journeyed to the VFW Hall, Princeton, at 1 a.m. today, the Keansburg, where he reiterated governor, tired and thirsty, said: his earlier speeches and took an "The law doesn't permit three other rap at "my opponent." successive terms for governor Officials and the general com' so I won't be doing this again In mittee members consisting of 1969." Walter Wall, Baifcara Murphy, Mrs. Ruth Caddie, Thomas O'Brien, Harry Gruber, Florence Anderson and Harold Lovett, did a fine job in arranging the rally for the governor. Hughes wound up his long cant' palgn day with a "hello" to members of the South Belmar RED BANK RR STATION Democratic Club in Doolan'l Village Barn, Spring Lake CUSTOM PLANNING

fioiinty Physician r Probes Infants9 Deaths




hum Hails County Fiscal Health


They're Useful, Board Saye

Don't Burn Leaves


LBJ Signs Hughes Road Beauty Bttl Today

Klan Trial 'Bombshells' Said Coming

Mayor Urges Library Unit In Lincroft '



Contractor Buys 2 Lots


Viet Nam

Republicans Urge Youth Participation

Nursing Appeal Made





TID'S NIGHT, Former Engliihtown Mayor Theodore Narozanick, who resigned arlier this year when he moved to Freehold, receives gift from hii successor, Mayor Jacob Soldfine, right, last night at testimonial dinner ai Mrs. Narozanick stands by. Mr-Naroxaniek, Monmouth County budget director, was' honored at the Amar(ean Hotel, Freehold, by officials and friends In both the Engllshtown local government and'Monmouth County administration. . .

Heights, The attendance was excellent, especially for a midnight rally. Assemblyman Patrick J. McGann, Llncroft, rode with the governor all day, and the other Democratic candidates were on hand. County party chairman P. Paul Campl and Paul Kiernan, Sr, organized all the meetings, and John Crowjey, Union Beach, arranged the county schedule tor the governor. ' "Leavingforborne In Morven,


No Minimum


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Llbarfcl Twins to 7 Yaws

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of JMS. 71M thartt h*v peri odiciUy run up to higher levels tad I think you should watch from NASD u upradmtttly S:M p.m. BM art fart* W o r k Start* Monday clotWy and it your stock moves Inter-dealer quMatfou do BO* Include null markup, markdown or * * * * * " * l t o * * v e higher, I would eliminate it. For your $2,000 investment, I tin., Monday when the road will would go only into conservative Include approximate markup. be paved. BANKS growth situations. Winn-Dixie Bid Asked Wv. Vincent Maccioli, traffic co-orStores and General Foods are two 3.00 its dinator, has asked residents to iuch issues and I commend them Belmar-Wall National 11 Central Jersey Bank* .30 park their cars on the side streets to you. 27' Eatontown National Bank for three days starting Monday. Q). "I am the treasurer of an Farmers 4 Merchants .04 investment club with 17 mem- First Merch. Nat'l Baak .Mplusstk. Work will begin at the Bath bers, We have been in operation First National Bank ol Spring Lake 1.50 Ave. Intersection and will con 44 E. spoi By ROGER E. SPEAR for one year and thus far have First NftUontt Bank of Toms Rivet (x) .71 tinue north on Third Ave. contributed $169 per member, If First State Ocean County to Broadway. Q) "My husband has not been Should we sell or hold it? We an eighteenth member were to Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 ! well Hie past three years and wehave $2,000 to nvest and would join us, would he contribute the Monmouth County National* 55 (nt> .18 have only a medium income. Our like to regain our losses. What aforementioned $160 or would he M. J. National Bask do you suggest?" j . L. pay one-seventeenth of the club's Ocean County National major asset is our own three375 3.00 family home. We bought Com- A) Please accept my sympathy worth? What would be the situ- Peoples National, Keyport ISO Peoples National Bank ol Lakewood monwealth Oil at IJ'4; when it on your husband's illness and onation if a member withdrew?" Sea Bright National 130 1.15 began to go down two years ago the poor advice j w received. ago C. W. 84 SI we sold at a loss. We were ad- Cinerama is highly speculative, A) If >O decide to enlarge your Trust Co. of Ocean County SO !U INDUSTRIAL vised to replace it with Ciner- has operated at a deficit in re- club, you should regard yourselama at liVt, now down to 3. cent years and In the first hal ves as an open-end investment Alkon Industries Brockway* trust in minature. It your individ Laird I ual shares in the dub have in- Monmouth Capital (i) creased in value, you must take Monmouth Electric cognizance of this fact and tf Monmouth Park* (x) Cash they have decreased, that aspect N. J. Natural Gas* must also be recognized. When Rowan taking in a new member, deter- Spiral Metal U. S. Homes mine the present net asset value Walter Read* Starling of your entire fund. Divide this Winslow Tel. 5/16 13/1 by 17 and the new member will (x) Dividend (at) Plus Stock "Paid this year coma in on equal terms with the old. The same procedure should (Mr. Spear cannot answer allal] questions possible in his colbe followed if a member quits. mail personally1 but will answerumn.)

Ottofer 22, 1965 "THE. DAILY BECISTER



Successful Investing


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rasp pparhmltv by the m*-i prepare h r year j Eveikat, Saturdays -\t V*ar ctomriMta :

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ReUtr Me., Yfed. 7 P.M.! Saturday A . M . I I Neesj LCOfO AND NOLAN KOADI, MATAWN-NMr wlw on* M LN wotek* ht^moittr .A., M.A.-oMrt Wta, (WKtof M . , W . M .

We challenge them all to SAVE YOU MORE!


Low Priced Issues Help Set Records

NEW YORK (AP) - Heavy creases and also by a compn activity In low priced issues mlse agreement between Eastern highlighted the stock market's and Western roads on the split renewed advance to record highs ting of coast-to-coast revenue whereby Eastern roads woul yesterday. Volume was 9.18 million shares gain and Western roads lose mil compared with 8.23 million lions in revenue annually. The Associated Press averagi Wednesday. " The Dow Jones Industrial av- of $0 stocks rose 1.0 to a ne erage rose LSI to a record 950.28. high ot 351.7 with Industrials u| At its height for the day, this 1.2 to a record high, rails up average was up 3,68 at the end to a high for the year and utili ot the first hour. Late selling by ties up .4. Standard & Poor's 500-stock a traders trimmed gains. erage advanced .16 to a record Alt the popular averages were 91.94. in gear. Unlike the previous two sessions, when more stocks de- Twelve ot the 15 most activ clined than advanced, gainers stocks advanced and three d yesterday were in the plurality. clined. Of the volume leaders, Of 1,414 issues traded, $30 rose seven sold below (20 a share, and 531 fell. New highs for the reflection of high public panic year totaled 109 and new lows patlon In the market, analyst said. 15. A parade of increased earnings Lehlgh Valley Industries wa and raised dividends provided the most active stock, up % fodder for optimism In Wall 6i/8 on 260,200 shares. Street. In addition, President Sperry Rand, written up Johnson returned to the White some quarters as a turnaboi House following his hospHsKia situation, rose ft to 16H as set ond most active stock. tion. A September rise for new or- Curtis Publishing spurted 1% ders in durable goods and the % as third most active. II hike in copper prices also made the stock market picture rosier. The Dow Jones railroad average climbed to another record high, re-affirming the peak in {the industrials. The rails were helped by some dividend inYesterdays closing stocks:
15 ACF Ind 30H Adams Ex Air Prod Mi Air Redua 69 A1HJ Cp 1OH AUeg Lud T Alleg Pw 27U Allied Ch B AMIS dial 4 """ Alcoa TOH Am Alrlln Am Brk Bh 85 Am Can BTU Am cyan 83 Am M TiJ 1BH Am Hot 11H Am Smelt Am Std Am Tel Tel Am Tob Amp Me IB"* Anaconda Armco SU Armour Armit ck Ashl oil Atehlion UK All RellnAvco Com Babcock W Ballo * Oh Bajuk CIS Bel * How Bendlx 63H Batn BtMl 3> Boeing Borden 13% Borg Warn Brunswk Bucy Erie Bulova 2J>4 Burl Ind M',4 Cut, JI 31H Cater Trtft Celanese CKe * Oh Chrysler Cities Svo Coca Cola Cols Pal Colum Oaj Coml 8olv Con Rtili Cont Can Co-Op Beag Corn Pd 53 J4 Corning O Cm Zll Cruo Btl Curtln Wr mv> Deere Del k Hud 42 33 Dent Sup Doug Alrc Dow Chera Dreaa Ind Du Pont 2 Duq Lt 3214 East Kod 110 Bnd John 2T!i Erlt Lack <i Firestone FMO CP Ford Mot Oen Accent 2 oen cigar Gen Dynam *6i Kite 4 Oen Fds S< Den Motora ma Oen Pub i n O Til A El 35 Oen Tire aa Pac cp 47>4 dinette tl'i Olen Aid US Ooodrlch Ooodytar draee Co Qt Att> arejrhonnl 2 Gulf Oil Hamm Pap Hero Pdr III Cent Ind Inr nanri so*i Int Bui Hch 52 7 it Int Harv JgU Int Nick E>l<i Int Paper 31^ Int El ft Tel Si' I-T-E Ckt Brk 5J; JohniMan it 61' Jonea * L J o y Mtg W Kaiser Al 37 121' Kennecott 65 Kopp-ri 73' Kreue, " Kroger 3i Leh Port C 17' Leh Val Ind u>r Olajj Lib McN*L L l i i A My LIHon tnd Mack Trk Magnavox Marath Oil Martin H Mlsonlte Merct MOM Minn MiM Mo Pac A Mont Ward Nat Blsc N Ca>h Reg Nat Dair Nat Dairy Nat Distill Nat Qypa Nat Steel NY Central Nla M Pw Ko Am Av Nor Pac Nwit Alrlln Norwich Ph Outb Mar Owena III Pan Am Param Plct Penney JC Pa Pw*Lt Pa nft Pepaico Perktn Eltti Phil El Phlll Pet Pit steel Pub Bv E t a Pullman RCA Reading Co Repub Stl Hevlon Reyn Met Rey Tob Rob Controtl St Joa Leut Bt Reg pap Sears Bcwb Shell Oil BlnelMr Smith, AO socony Sou Pac Sou n? Sperry Rd Btd Brand Stdl O Cai H Btd Oil KJ Stuilebaker Tejaeo Ten o Bui Textron Tldewat Oil -Tranaamer Un cH>lde Un Pao Un Tank C Unit l i r e Unllta c s US Lines US Plywd US Rub Vi smelt UB Itml Viuto Mt Waiworth Wnn B PIC Wn Un Tel Wfili E| White Mot Woolwth Xtrot Cp Yn,it h*T

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No FAMILY should be without this life line of

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nterest in Ontario mining proprty was underlined by the copper price boost. Texas Gulf Sulphur, prominent in the same area, rose H4. SCM Corp., which reported a big jump in sales and earnings, was high in early trading but sank to a net loss of 2% at 47 Active low-prioed Issues Included: Hallicrafters. up 1 ^ at 10%; Marquardt, up % at 16%; Hoffman Electronics, up 3% at i; Fairchild Hiller, up 1 at 13%, and Great Western Financial, off Vi t 12. General Motors advanced 1%, Standard Oil (New Jersey) %, U. S. Gypsum 1% and U. S. Smelting 1%. Prices on the American Stock Exchange showed an irregularly higher edge. Volume was 3.74 million shares compared with 3.4 million Wednesday. Muter Co. was active and up 1% at B'/(. National Video "A" rose 3% and its when-Issued stock 2'^. Corporate bonds were a little stronger in moderately active trading. U. S. Treasury bonds were mostly unchanged.


Raefinq siding Rom MlrioM Porch tiKlewni D*rmn M>d*m klrtlwii



If your kartroem *ttal msdtraliatiN *r If VM tod an wan baihnMRt, phorw u< for eompleH J f falls and frtt tsriaiaM. Out contracror, our wa ertw, do*i tin tnrlrt lob. Mot* oav ttat.


"Where You Save Does Make a Difference" Mniibci Fedruil Home Loan Bank Syjtem

Meeting Advanced
WEST LONG BRANCfa - Next month's meeting ol the Shore Regional High School Board of. Education will be held in the school Wednesday, Nov. 17, Instead of the originally scheduled Nov. 18


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" i c Vb l a s t s , i s Staill,. ' * . . "

I^^Byj^J^B^^HII^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I failing 'o register charge, a d ||&j^^|^^^HH^^^^^^H^V' ^ ^ ^ H K n

H H H I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H S W FffZJSL " Il^Pm^HKffll^B f S

O the charge o possession, j8Pfi^^^L/7^^^^^^^^|RHBH^9^^^^H n f c e o f r a to o t e ga d *$L2j|^ffj"*4HP^9Hfl^H^^^^ h c o ci n f h r n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H H E " * | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | Jury, and remanded him to the Mfl|^^^|L TrallEBlIllffll^HIL^L^L^L^L^B ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H custody o the county in default | ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ - _ ^ t f f l H B J H | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B f ^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^^H f w.jw ' J^^^^^H^MBHHHJ^^^^^^^^H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B B f i ^ ^ ^ H Dorothy D Dangler o 1 0 Nor- I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H f 5 ^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^H night as a cafeteria worker.

See new Clicker Jacket - it protects you from


and rain resistant :

^I^H^^BSS^aSlSa^ ~J^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m S S | 3 | | U l f E | ^ B | i | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H School Board o Education last PREPARING to b ordained as a minister in the First f
Presbyterian Church of Red Bank Sunday is Ivan Barker, M " H . W > C ^ ^ 8 ^ left, shown with Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster. ptor o f signed the post, will receive $ . 0 the church. 15


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WHITE CANE WEEK /J#|f/.S R 7 A/l f ^/Y/7 ?I f f / 1 0 7 i
Purpose is to raise funds fordol flJt ""<*, "'"-v. New York, may be was graduated in June.


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Friendly crowds are flocking to friendly Giant-Killer Headquarters to see the 4 new lines of'66 cars that challenge the "Big 3" with
quality built In, not added on. And they come out smiling every time. , '
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M r-xHe-dazxte R m lr (yes. R m l r) v H S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B k ^ m a be a be l outperforms every other car In Its class. i^HfiS^L^L^L^L^LBa^sS!i^^^

("Do Rogues really come with rally stripes?" ^ ^ H ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l | w 9 ^ f c f e L . "No, but with the big new engine they drive ^^^^IB^S^L^L^L^L^LlL^HS^ff?!) that way.") More standard horsepower ^Vi^H^S^^^i&SESK thertCorvairiValiantl Falcon! And you, too, ^mSSEmlKml^BBSSS} Mustang!See the Rogu&and the eight (3S^Ss|^8@Sii^^^V^

M thRg e M e ou.


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Miiuoni), roomy Rambler doesn't cramp your ^ ^ H M i ^ i ^ . ' , iyto,oryourlegs,oryourfamlly,oryour j f ^ ^ ^ ^ ' f V ^fc. ' pocfcetbook. Has surprises you won't flnd^-^amaii^iy^Lm^aaL^, ^ f e i In Falrlane, Chevelle, Belvedere, flBS^^S|^H^HHBfeBsBam^ Coronetl And wait till you see the ^ ^ ^ B B S S ^ ^ L ^ L ^ S B P ' ^ > ^ * ^ t k ^ ^ aeven other'68 Rambler Classics at ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H B ^ 9 B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ | ^ 9 l b j

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Nowyou can have your tint luxury car-while you're ^ J J - J J ^ ^ ^ till young enough to enjoy It. Has cbll-sprlng seats, x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ IlkeCadlllac Double-Safety brakes, like Cadlllacw^^rjB(^ ^ ^ S ^ L ^ i W


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N W Y R CITY - Philip A. ' J ^ ^ W ^ p i f "^T" E OK


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C'ty ' romJunc> 1962 to . : February, 1963. Since then he ' > f has been doing consultant work. Uhooia Whip Club in machin* washable, wash-and-wear cotton . . .with' etot'o^'sc^cT'degree8 from S l n 6 o l l a r . " * hort-point ifyU. Cho'on."Trump Club" in combed cotfon 1

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The Register's Opinion

Aid for Crime Victims
Is there not an injustice when plus the habit of authorities in large sums of public money are spent grabbing the money and property of in the effort to rehabilitate criminals offenders for themselvesled to abanwho commit violent acts while no donment during the Middle Ages of the provision is made to compensate the idea of compensating (or buying off) innocent victims of their violence? injuried parties. The number of ofHave not the victims suffered because fenses punishable by death in England of the inability of government to pronumbered 223 in 1819. tect them as they go about their lawNineteenth C e n t u r y reformers ful pursuits? sought unsuccessfully to revive comNew Zealand and Great Britain pensation for crime victims. But the began limited crime compensation shift in modern attitudes has centered programs last year. In the United more on the treatment of criminals States, California is the only state rather than their victims. We have now providing some compensation for rejected barbaric punishments and, victims of violent crimes and for famiwhile punishment and the protection lies of murder victims. (The act creatof society still is basic to our legal ing such a fund under the state's deapproach, the emphasis has been inpartment of social welfare was signed creasingly on reforming the offenders in July.) In June, a U.S. senator from and returning them as useful members Texas introduced a bill to establish of society. a federal Violent Crimes CompensaBut more concern is also in order tion Commission that would operate for those who have suffered grave or only in areas where the U.S. Govlasting injury as the result of criminal ernment exercises general police powviolence. The relief that comes only er. He expressed the hope that state governments would move in this to the destitute through welfare programs, and the scant possibility of redirection. covering damages for bodily injury In ancient times, the penal codes through civil suits against criminals, of Babylon, Israel, Greece and Rome required criminals to compensate their provide no satisfactory answer. Surely the protection of the law extends bevictims. In England, the 7th Century yond the often unsuccessful effort to laws of King Ethelbert listed payments prevent crime and to apprehend and required for criminal violence, ranging imprison those who commit it. from 100 shillings for a murder down to sixpense for a smashed toenail. . What of the victims whom the The concept of sin and punishment law did not protect?

A GuyV Entitled To A Jury Of His Peers, Ain't He?"

Jim Bishop: Reporter

Days of Hupmobiles
The new 1966 automobiles are on the road. They are unli formly attractive and, even though I am not a worshipper, of cars, I'm conscious of the fact that no American automobile is a bad buy. The engineers and designers may alter the grill work, or add a soup-plate-sized tail light, but the beauty and efficiency of the car remain high. The price inches upward as labor and materials rise in cost, and almost everything except the wheels is "optional" equip-' ment, but the American automobile is so good that foreign governments and the rich pay double and more to get them. In Europe and Asia, the cars for rent are often Fords and Chevrolets, rather than Pugeot and Simcas. Next month, a book costing $35 will be published by Viking Press. 'It Is called Automobiles and Automobiling and it weigh* BISHOP about the same as a spare wheel. The publishers kindly sent an advance copy, and tears of nostalgia dampened the pages. And yet, as I said, I am not sentimental about cars. I think of them as something which, with luck, will get me to where I want to go. I neither pamper nor abuse the beast; it is fed and groomed and forgotten. On the other hand, I have a long memory. Once upon a time, a kid In blue knickerbockers and black stockings sat on the curb In front of Sulz's drugstore on Bergen Avenue and listed the passing vehicles by name. There were Chandleri and Chalmers and Stutz' and Hupmoblles and Franklins and Cords and Packards, Auburns and Stars and Kissels. All gone. Dead. Finis. In the late teens, a member of out gang, Fred Grimsey, bought a Pierce Arrow for about the same price as the new book. It was ancient and elegant with headlights staring out of the fenders. It had a tool box on the i running board and big black leather seats. . The group piled in, and Grimsey moved the car off is splendor. We stood and looked at the gaping pedestrians and. took bows. A few miles out, Fred discovered that the car was trailing water. We stopped. The radiator leaked. We gave it more water and it poured out the bottom. Fred wa in despair. Someone suggested that we stop at a stable and pour some oats in the radiator. "That will seal it up," he said. It sounded great. So we piled in and stopped at a barn and bought a bag of oats. They weren't easy to pour Into tot radiator. In a short time, the heat of the water swelled the oats and Grimsey had no leaks. "Genius" we all said to the genius who had suggested it. Four days later, Fred unscrewed the radiator cap and was astonished to find flowers growing. He hunted vainly for the genius, vowing to kill him. Later I bought a Graham-Paige with slanted grille and drove my father through a fog to a funeral. It was so thick that it matched my wits. Dad said "There is a bridge dead ahead." I nodded. "Don't worry," I said. "I'll find it." I did. I hit the steel abutment and the engine came up in our laps. That was $300 shot to hell and my father said we almost look the play away from the man who was being buried.

Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth

It's No Laughing Matter

Charging that the problem of eliminating sex discrimination on the job is in danger of being turned into a national joke, Labor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz insists that it is no laughing matter. Then why was it put into the Civil Rights Act, as though sex discrimination belonged in the same prejudicial category as discrimination on the basis of face, color, religion, or national origin? All the talk of hiring male night club "bunnies" and female stevedores stems from the absurdity of trying to repeal a fundamental law of nature by act of Congressof pretending that women- aren't better suited for some kind of jobs and men for others in spite of all visible evidence to the contrary. Oh, there are many exceptions, which cause the quiz panelists a great deal of trouble in* trying to determine what's their line when a sweet young thing does turn out to be -a stevedore or something of that sort and the handsome brute the equivalent of a bunny. But by and large,- Adam and Eve haven't really changed their nature since the Garden of Eden. And to eliminate sex differences in our economic system would make it too mechanistic to please most men and women. This is not to say that men and women should, not get equal pay for equal work and have equal opportunity in business and industry, which Mr. Wirtz cites as the major problem in eliminating sex discrimination. But it was the proponents of this equal rights clause in the Civil Rights Act who turned it into a laughing matter by insisting that the law ignore what men and women, boys and girls have always noticed most.

5th Boom Back-to-Back Auto Year

The U.S. automobile industry is heading industry pervades our economy. One of every for another 9,000,000-plus sales year. 1966 six businesses in our country is automotive already is shaping up as the fifth, boom and the motor transport industries account : for one of every seven jobs in the U.S. By "back to-back" year for autos. itself, the auto industry helps determine the "The blistering fourth quarter production degree of activity and prosperity in indusschedule reflects the optitries ranging from steel to glass, from rubmism" of the automakers ber to upholstery fabric, from aluminum to for 1966, "Ward's Quarterradios. ly" will say in its fall issue next month. The magazine The forces telegraphing another great also will forecast "an inauto year are both fundamental and powerful termediate size car market (barring an unforeseen catastrophe at home explosion in the '66 model or abroad.) year"with a full 25 per Personal incomes are climbing month afcent of the all-time record ter month to unparalleled highs, most middleproduction of 2,631,200 U.S. income families are in a comparatively compassenger cars scheduled fortable debt position and, while credit is not PORTER *or t h e October-December as easy as it was a few years ago, auto inquarter to be in the nine car makes with stallment loans are not hard to get. the 115-117-inch wheelbase. Consumer confidence is very high and "The current rate of new automobile buy"trading up" is as abundantly obvious In the Ing plans we are measuring projects to well auto industry as it is in almost every other over a 9,000,000 new model year for new sphere. The amount of optional luxury equipcars," the market analysis firm of Sindlinger - meat available to car buyers is dazzling and and Co., reports in its latest survey. indling:>,s< "adto'Buyer* are buying the equipment with er estimates auto buying plans for the next enthusiasm. Today's intermediate size car six months at 7'/i per cent ahead of this time represents yesterday's compact. The coma year agoand last year's buying plans bepact has long since been "decompacted." came this year's peak sales. Junking of old cars is backing up both A 9,000,000 auto sales year has become a the new and used car markets. About 6,000,new "normal," emphasizes James M. Daw000 jalopies are to be scrapped in 1966and spn, economist for the National City Bank yet close to 50 per cent of all autos on our of Cleveland. This total of sales would absorb roads will be seven years old or older. about 6 per cent of our^ after-tax personal inThe trend toward multi-car ownership is comes, "a reasonable share" of our disposstrong and getting even stronger. In millions able incomes and comparing with the 6.29 per of homes from coast to coastparticularly cent we've spent on "autos and parts" in where there are teenagersless than two cars 1965, the 5.92 per cent we spent in 1964. is an actual hardship. There are also millions It will be a year of intense competition; more of us in the prime car-buying years. the awesome fourth quarter production schedFinally, despite what Ward's calls "garule makes this a certainty. "Even General bled headlines," auto prices have been kept Motors sources privately admit the competicompetitive. The intermediates, which have tion will be tough," says Ward's Quarterly, emerged from smaller models, "have yet to adding, "Each of the auto makers will pretty spout a general price rise." well know their Market position by the time It's awfully early for predictionsbut the the fourth quarter schedule is eaten up." auto industry apparently Is still rewriting evThis, of course, is far more than a simple story about a 6ingle industry. The auto - ery record on the books.

Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington

Charles A. Lindbergh used to drive around Englewood, N. J., in an electric Franklin. It made no noise, did nothing, went nowhere. Frank Sacchetti and a group of kids bought an old crate in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. It had no fuel pump and worked on a vacuum principle. When they chipped in to buy two gallons of gasoline, they did well until the car started up a hill. Then the vacuum sucked air and the car coughed consumptively and died. Frank was no fool. He went back down the hill, turned the automobile backwards, and went up the hill in style. My father had a Hupmobile with a rumble seat and, when the master cylinder of the hydraulic brakes broke which was frequently we sailed right through traffic cops whose faces froze in horror. Every ride was a mystery trip. My mother used to sit in the front seat with her hand on a rosary. When dad first learned to drive, he went to New London, Connecticut, and decided to make a U-turn on the main street. He didn't know how. A traffic cop watched with his hands on hips as Dad went back and forth, forth and back. At last he approached and leaned on the window ledge. Steam was jetting from my father's ears. The policeman turned on a ghoulish grin. "You know what, mister?" he said softly. "What you need is a big field." Then there was the Texan who wanted to be buried ii his air-conditioned Rolls-Royce. As it was lowered into the ground, one of the gravediggers shook his head in admiratton. "Man," he said, "that's living" . . .

Ask Assassination Inquiry Cost

The four congressional members of the special commission that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy are asking for a financial accounting of the year-long inquiry. No report has ever been submitted to the seven-member commission which formally concluded its work in September, 1964. The bipartisan group of legislators (two Democrats, two Republicans) decided, after discussing the matter for some time, that a detailed financial accounting should be presented and made part of the official records of the commission. It was their understanding this would be done before the commission disbanded. But for some unclear reason, nothing camp of that. So in identical letters to Chief Justice Earl Warren, chairman, and Lee Rankin, general counsel, who was solicitor general in the Eisenhower administration, the four congress ona ' ' leaders have requested that the commission be reconvened for the express purpose of receiving and acting on a comprehenSCOTT sive financial statement. They also proposed that an announcement be Issued on the final disposition of the huge mass of documents, transcripts, exhibits and ether material, and their availability for study by authorized individuals. This also has never been done. All the commission's records are In the custody of the U.S. Archives, on historic Pennsylvania Avenue halfway between the Capitol and the White House. The legislators are Sens. Richard Russell, D-Ga, chairman of the Armed Services Committee; John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky, former ambassador to India; Representatives Hale Boggs, D-La, majority whip, and Gerald Ford, R-Mich, minority leader. In addition to Chief Justice Warren, the other members are Allen Dulles, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and John McCloy, one-time chief of the World Bank. EMPTY GESTURE-Corigress is on the verge of adjourning, but that Committee on Standards and Conduct, set up by the Senate early this year as a direct outgrowth of the ensational Bobby Baker disclosures, Is still little more than a title. It has neither a chairman nor staff, and has done nothing. In late August, at the repeated Insistence of Son. John .Sherman Cooper, K-Ky, whose resolution cretd the committee, a meeting Owing to the illness of Sen. Eugene McCarthy, D-Minn, selection of a chairman was postponed and still remains unfinished business. Cooper has again repeatedly sought a meeting, but without results. Sen. John Stcnnis, Miss., senior Democrat, has been heavily occupied with running the Armed Services Preparedness Committee. As a consequence, he has lacked the time to convene the "Ethics Committee"as it is popularly known. When and if it will meet and organize l anyone's guess. It could well be not until Congress reconvenes next January. Other committee members are' Senators Mike Monroney, D-Okla, Wallace Bennett, R-Utah; James Pearson, R-Kans. FEDERAL AID SOARSIn the last fiscal year, 1965, the Office of Education appropriation more than doubledto $1.5 billionfrom $700 million in 1954. In the current fiscal year, 1965, the appropriation again more than doubledto about $3.3 billion. This is more than 20 times the federal budget for education only a decade ago . . . Presidential Assistant Douglass Cater says, "President Johnson believes that education must be the cornerstone of the edifice he calls the Great Society" . . . Help for parents is analyzed', along with a general review of the problems of higher education, in a new book, "Crisis in College Finance?" by Roger A. Freeman of tf)8 Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Events of Years Ago

50 Years Ago
Calvin Parker of Highlands had some dental work done as a result of a pugilistic encounter with a Highlands girl two years before. In a friendly way, Mr, Parker had challenged Miss Bessie Foster, daughter of Justice Stephen W. Foster, to a boxing bout. Miss Foster was pretty good with her mitts and loosened one of Mr. Parker's teeth. Two years later, he had it replaced with a "store tooth" because it still gave him trouble. The Borough of Matawan held a public meeting to discuss whether to form a lake by damming Matawan Creek.

John Chamberlain: These Days

High-Handed Deedsin Hungary

Next year is the 10th anniversary of the brave but unsuccessful Hungarian Revolution. Ironically, it could also be the year in which a Hungarian Communist, Karoly Czatorday, who helped Khrushchev suppress the patriotic uprising of 1956, becomes president of the General Assembly of the United Nations. This would amount to bestowing the blessing of the "world parliament" on a Hungarian Communist government which still refuses to release political prisoners who were mere teenagers when they stood up against Khrushchev's CHAMBERLAIN tanks back in 1956. mize" their barbaric killings in Budapest 10 years back. The claims of the Red Hungarians to Important office in the UN are mighty peculiar when one considers that the Communist government in Budapest holds it high treason for a Hungarian to make an appeal to the UN in writing. There Is, for instance, the case of Tibor Pakh, a Hungarian author whose great, grandfather was one of the heroes of the now legendary mid-Nineteenth Century Revolution of 1848. Five years ago Tibor Pakh addressed a memorandum to the UN asking for intervention in behalf of the 1956 revolutionaries who had been taken to Siberia or left to languish in Hungarian jails. Somehow the memorandum, which should have been kept confidential, fell into the hands of the Budapest government. Pakh/was sentenced to death lor "high treason" for making his appeal in behalf of human rights. The death sentence was later commuted to 15 years in prison. A sixtyone-year-old man, Pakh Is now being kept on a bread and water dietthe so-called "fourth ration" which costs two dollars a month, one-half of the charge being saddled on the prisoner's relatives. Pakh can't get any action from the UN. Nor can eight young prisoners of the Budapest government who were minors when they took part In the 1858 uprising. Despite three petitions for clemency, the eight are still kept behind bars. The mother of one of them, Mrs. Helen Dorosy, who now lives in California, petitioned Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State, to intervene on behalf of her son, Bela Uvicselc. Rusk managed to obtain a lawyer for the boy, but the Hungarian government remained unmoved. The same government remaim unmoved about the 75,000 Hungarians, including 7,000 girlt, who were exiled to Kazakstan in Siberia. The UN, of course, Is not supposed to interfere with domestic Justice, or injustice, in non-colonial nations. But there has been plenty of agitation in UN sessions for Interference in the internal affairs of non-colonial South Africa. The irony Is that South Africa is a truly sovereign nation, while the Hungarian government still derives Its sanction from Soviet tanks. If this Isn't "colonialism," the word has no meaning.

The Shrewsbury Power Squadron, organized In July, received its charter from the United States Power Squadrons at a meeting In Molly Pitcher Hotel in Red Bank. Red Bank kids were agog at the prospect of being guests of Gene Autry at lunch and the New York rodeo show in Madison Square Garden. The management of the Strand Theater planned to chose two patrons to make the trip. The sixth annual banquet of the So and So Club of Sea Bright was held at the Blue Door Tearoom in Asbury Park. John DiFiore ol Red Bank, who spoke fluent Italian, was chosen by Monmouth County Republicans to address ItalianAmerican Republican groups on a statewide buis.


Dually v* held. But outside of a general icunlon about the icop* ind function! of rat W y , notiilng wu dona.

The story behind the push to advance Karoly Czatorday to a supreme position of honor in the UN goes back to Pope Paul's 6FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1965 visit. Prior to the Pope's decision to come MJ Broad St., Red Bank, N.T. to the United States on his mission of peace, 876 Rt. aj. Mlddletown, N.J. the Yugoslavs were touting their ex-foreign 30 East Mala St., Freehold, N. J. minister Koca Popovic, a diplomat who also 279 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. happens to be a poet, for the presidency of the twentieth UN General Assembly. Popovic Estab. 1878 by John H. Conk and Henry Clay is a Communist, even though of the dissident Published by The Red Bank Register Incorporated Titoist variety, and the point was quickly M. HAROLD KELLY, " raised that It would hardly be appropriate Publisher and General Manager to have a Communist welcome Pope Paul to the UN. So Popovic obligingly withdrew his Arthur Z. Kamln, Editor candidacy. To provide the proper setting for Thomas J. BIy William F. Sandford the Pope's visit, the Italian Foreign Minister executive Editor Associate Editor Frank W. Harbour Charles A. Johnston Amintore Fanfani was installed as president MlddUtoyn Bureau Mgr. Freehold Bureau Mgr. of the General Assembly after bringing him Member of the Associated Press back from an Interrupted tour of South The Associated Press In entitled exclusively to th* uss America. for lepubUcatlon of all the local news printed In this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. As a consolation prize for the CommuMember of American Newspaper Publishers Assoc. nist bloc in the UN, the Hungarian Karoly Czatorday was made chairman of the GenMember Audit Bureau ol Circulation eral Assembly's political committee, more The rte4 Bunk Register, Inc., assumes no financial formally known as the First Committee. In responsibilities for typographical errors In advertisements, but WN ceprltit without chtrgt. Mint part ol *ti stiver* the normal course of events Czatorday would I tlicment In which Uie typographical error occurs. Advertisers have a very good claim to promotion as will plrHse notify tho management Immediately of any error trrifch mny occur, president of the General Assembly next year. The Asians might dash his hopes, for they Tliti newspaper assumes no responsibility* for statacan present the -argument that it Is their manta of opinion fn letters from Its readers. turn in 1966-97 for the job, which has been Subscription Prlcts In Advance
finals copy i t founts', I cents; 13 roonfha419.00 monttis-jia.M L i u Uiaa I months ptr by mall, 10 cents i month*U.00 3 monlhi-lt.M month fLW


held successively by an' African and a European. But the Communists very much want the post tor a Hungarian If only to "legiti-

"How do you orque t h o i one?"

! EatontowntoGeti $10 Million Ratable

BATONTOWN Answering re cent Democrat charges ot ination and Indifference to boroug problems, Republicans here lav announced a planned $10 millio tax ratable. Leon B. Smock, Jr., Borough ouncil president, disclosed plans > a large industrial park on the r )-acre tract east of Hope Rd. urchased in August from the orough by-Donato Construction ;o, of New Shrewsbury. Mr. Smock said the new project vill rival Monmouth Shopping ;enter, another $10 million rat ible. . "Together, the two developnents are expected to improve Eatontown's already enviable portion of having the lowest per capita municipal operating costs imong the 53 Monmouth County communities," the council president added. He called the industrial park "another municipal safeguard to protect Eatontown from spiralling tax rates. . .evident in other communities."

ridtf, October 22, 196S-7 THE DAILY REGISTER

Labrecque Hits GOP Statement

'Next Door' Headquarters For Demos

SILVER - Mrt. Eleanor Ingram, Democratic can didate for mayor, and Gordon M. Lifcwin and Raymond J. Florian, Democratic candidates for borough council, will open their headquarters in tha Markham Place hopping center tomorrow.

awewed valuation. He tald: I "The Democratic party, has pur-l sued a consistent platform since) 1961 and our position on these ASBURY PARKFive hunted Boards, will attend the "Salesa- participat* in a que*tti questions are a matter of record: realtors from Monmouth, Middle rama" to be held at the Berkeley- answer period. We promised to adopt a master sex, Ocean and Mercer Counties, Carteret Hotel Monday, William This is one of four lemi plan. In 1964 we adopted it. We comprising District 4 of the New C, Longstreet, Jn, of Spring being held throughout the tat# promised to create a Civl Rights Jersey Association of Real Estat Lake, vice president of the disunder the sponsorship of the N trict, has announced. Commission. In 1965 we created RED BANK Councilman Theit and it has worked fruitfully saries may approve of all these It will be an all-day session Jersey Association. Mr. Lonj odore J. Labrecque, Jr., said to better community relations. achievements and may want tt with the Monmouth County Board street is in charge of the arrangi ast night he is still waiting for' Republican statement on the We promised to create a central see these programs move ahead of Realtors as the host organiza- ments for the local meeting. All of these programs receivec issues of the current campaign. purchasing system and in 1965 some support from the Republi- tion. we adopted it.' Gary Gariepy of Motivation As- Southern Hills in Tulsa, Okli Speaking at a Democratic gathcan members of council. The pub sociates, Barre, Mass., one of the 3 regarded as an outstandla jnng in the home of Donald Pu- Repeating the Democratic ohal- lie has a right to know wha nation's top training executives in golf course. It was the scene t jals, 79 Herbert St., the council- lenge, Mr. Labrecque said, "For these Republican candidates pro the . of real. w ~ . * , will de- the 1965 U. S. Amateur and at estate, ..... ~ .,, c field . man referred to a GOP advertise- all the public knows, our adver- pose to do When in office." liver the principal address, and 1959 U. S. open was played thert; ment in Wednesday's Register ^< saying: "They have furnished us withli RBK ONE-DAY INDOOR platitudes about apparently being I for property owners and for lower I axes, but they offer no sugges-II ions as to how to do this and I take no positions on the matters [ which will vitally affect the tax I

500 Realtors To Meet On Monday

base and the tax structure tori

Mrs. Rosa L. Slade Gragg

Th Democratic headquarters Borough Council, which comwill be right next door to the Re- prises a 5 to 1 Republican mapublican headquarters, jority with a Republican mayor "We are pleased to open head- intended to announce the industrl quarters next to the local Re- ai center on a non-partisan basis publican headquarters because Mr. Smock went on. since the Republican candidates "However," he added, "the have refused a public debate, recklessness of recent politics this is apparently as close as we RED BANK Mrs. Rosa L. His speech pointed to the fact campaign statements by Demowill be able to get to them," the Slade Gragg of Detroit, president that in 1965 the Democratically cratic Council candidates Melvln Democrats said, , emeritus of the National Associa- controlled Mayor and Council kept I J. Kohn. . .and Mrs. Jean Ir the local purpose tax rate from I Republican candidates for bor- win prompted an earlier an- tion of Colored Women's Clubs, increasing but 1 cent per HOOP Washington, D.C., will be guest ough office are incumbent Mayor nouncement. speaker at the 40th anniversary Charles W. Stephens, Councilman "With hysterical charges of dodinner of the Ministers' Wives Robert W. McCabe and Thomas ing nothing, both' candidates atof the Seacoast Union Nov. 4 al Judge. tempted to pervert the borough's 7:30 p.m. in Crystal Brook Inn, reputation," Mr. Smock said. Eatontown. The council president, an 18- Mrs. Gragg, born in Hampton, year veteran on the governing Ga., received a bachelor ol arts body, is not u? tor re-election degree summa cum laude, and this year. Robert B. Dixon, an was the ranking member of he incumbent councilman, and Dan- graduating class. She later atiel H. Kaufmann, Zoning Board tended Tuskegee (Ala.) Institute, of Adjustment chairman, are Re- Wayne State University in LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Elmer publican candidates for the two Detroit ano the University of Michigan at Arm Arbor. Whitney, 75, of the Jane Court open council seats. Credited with a long list of Apartments at 336 Third Ave. was achievements, Mrs, Gragg wa told yesterday by Magistrate Staninstrumental in providing s ley Cohen that she cannot reYouth Center at Bethel A.M.E, taliate for alleged aggravations Church by negotiating the purby operating her radios and TV chase of a new $20,000 parsonage get at maximum volume. and converting the old parsonagi Daniel D. Curtis of the same into a Youth Center for the partment house charged that she church and community; financed had operated her appliances a EATONTOWN Republican and constructed (1925) home ecofell volume on Oct. 4. She claimed Assembly candidate Joseph nomics and manual training facilthat he was overly neighborly by Azzolina yesterday hailed Drew ities for Rosenwald School Build calling her "dear" and by as- University's decision not to re- ing at Acworth, Ga., and suciisting her on a number of oc- new in 1968 the contract ol ceeded in making the Frederick casions. James Mellen, political scienci Douglass Home in Washington a But Magistrate Cohen termed teacher who favors a Viet Cong shrine through an act of Congress the acts as acts of a gentleman victory in Viet Nam. in 1962. She also presented i He admonished her and fined he Mr. Azzolina, who attended 1962 to the White House a Mar$20, which was suspended. Drew r.nder a U.S. Naval of- shall portrait of Abraham Lin Thomas J. Howarth, Jr., of ficer-candidate program, said he coin, the first gift to be give a Negro organization .Medford Lakes and Gary 0 . Hou- is "more proud than ever to by ae) of 520 West End Ave. were have attended a university which NACWC. fined $30 each for careless driv- does not hesitate to stand up an Mrs. Gragg has received 12 ciing. Anthony Evanoski of 385 be counted." tations from various organize Wirburton PI. was fined $23 for The candidate from Middletown tions, including being name< also stated that: "I am sure m; 'One of the First Ladies o tpeediqg> . feeling is shared not only by the Colored America" by Crisi men in the street, but by many Magazine in 1942; "Outstanding Drew graduates, particularly Service to the City" by thi those who now serve or have Detroit Commission of Publi served in the armed forces, Welfare in 1950, and "Leaderam sure, to that both the Amer- ship" award in 1962 by the Naican Legion and the Veterans of tional Association of Colorei Cel. Gerald P. Lerner and sons Foreign Wars, who have adopted Girls- Clubs. Bruce and David of Falls Church, resolutions condemning Rutgers Elected in 1964 to serve a Va. were recent house guests ol Professor Eugene Genovese am I t . Col, and Mrs Dale Stuck, Mellen and their kind welcom vice president of Carver Me709 Sycamore Ave. Col. Lerner is the action by Drew University. morial Park, Mrs. Gragg this year was unanimously elected former chief of staff at Fort "If Drew University, a private president emeritus of the NationMonmouth. Airman third clas school, does not hestiate to let al Association of Colored WomBruce Lerner left from here for the world know that Mellen's en's Club, and named executive duty in Ankara, Turkey. statement's are totally Irrespon- director of the George Washingsible and contrary to everything ton Carver Museum. She was apMr. and Mrs. John Ewald, 36 Drew stands for, how does Gov. pointed .is a member of the DeCarlton Dr., have returned from Hughes justify his defense oi fense Advisory Committee on Bal Harbor, Fla., where they at- Marxist - Socialist Genovese' Women in the Services (DACOWtended die American Gas As- similar statements at our state ITS) and President Johnson sociation convention. university, an institution sup- named her in 1964 to serve on ported by the families of men the National Citizens Committee for Community Relations. Mr. and Mrs. George Nugent, dying to day in Viet Nam?" 18 Cloverdale Cir., attended Par1 ents Weekend last weekend al tehlgh University, Bethlehem, Pa., where their son George is a senior.

Mrs. Gragg Will Speak AtCBI

the property owners in Red|| Bank." Mr. Labrecque and Councilman || Daniel J. O'Hern are being dialenged by Joseph J. Falvo and I William S. Anderson,, the Repub-I lican candidates for/council. MrJ Labrecque is chairman of coun-|| cil's finance committee.

O O 0 O




SAT. ONLY, OCT. 23, 1965





. Admission 75-with this ad 50*


Woman, 75, Told to Tune Down TV

Open 9:30 to 9:30, Sat. to 6

Mellen Firing Wins Praise Of Azzolina

recapture the warm nostalgia of

True Colonial Charm

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Superbly Crafted Early American Specially Priced tor this Event!

This collection oi luxury sofas and dbaks is deep rooted in the Colonial Heritage. Lovers of Early Americana will find in tim groap an indefinable charm tfaat will never go out ol style. Many betifel-ce*eiBg tAoooc tnm.



Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Xoache, Jr., 253 Riveredge Rd. were guests at a dinner party Saturday celebrating their recent EATONTOWN - Leo Wein25th wedding anniversary. Mr stein, judge of the Juvenile and and Mrs. George Mazzoni, Morris- Domestic Relations Court, and town, wore the hosts. Other guests Dr, Stanley Lofchie, coordinate Jncluded, Mr. and Mrs. William of consultation services, who i Bernholz, Fines Lakes: Mr. and associated with the Children's Mrs. Robert Picton, West Long Psychiatric Center, here, an Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Richard nounced at <he Monmouth County Bobbe. Dover; Mr. and Mrs. Wal-Mental Health Board meeting tha ter Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff a workshop will be given in the Morris, Mr. and Mrs. James field of juvenile delinquency. Brown, Lake Parsippany, and Mr. The first series of workshop and Mrs. George Mazzoni, Jr. will be attended by the juvenile White Meadow Lake. officers of the local police departments. Mark Lewis) son of Mr. and Judge Weinsteln said, " T h e Mrs. Gerald Lewis, 53 Meredith court is endeavoring to establish Dr., celebrated his 13th birthday a participating program directed at a family dinner party Satur- toward an educational approach day, Guests included Mr. and in the attack on juvenile delinMrs. R, Lawrence Rapp and quency. It is felt that this workfamily, New Shrewsbury, and his shop will be of great assistanc grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. in helping those taking part in Charles B. Rapp, Reading, who the work and DrableiRs involved. The court is pleased with the fi were weekend guests. response of the local munlclpa administrations in the county," Barbara Henshell, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Justin Henshell, The first meeting, to be con 42 Riverdale Ave. West, celebrat- ducted by Dr. Lofchie, is taking ed her seventh birthday earlier in place this morning in the library October with a. party. Her guests of Children's Psychiatric Center. Included Laurie Trillhaase, Lisa This program has been madi Muench, Cathy Berry, Susan possible through the auspices ol Stout, Loretta Cain and Denise the Monmoulh County Menta Health Board. Hill. ^Kelley Popp daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Popp, 29 Edison Ave., had luncheon party Oct. t to celebrate1 her fifth birthday. Attending were Carol Bitterbeck, Lisa Gwnther and Sherrl Deniurley, SPEAK TO PUPILS HAZLET - The North Centervllle Fire Department, in observance of Fire Prevention Week, was Invited to Sycamore Drive School recently. Chief Larry Larson, assisted by Tony Longc and Jim McKay spoke to th< Memben of * e board of di- children of the kindergarten, rectors of the Garden State Skat. first and second grades on the Ing Club entertained club mem- importance of fire prevention. bers at a progessivB dinner Satur day. Hosts included Mr. and Mrs. If you use your electric mixc Fred Barton, Jr. ) Cloverdale when adding the dry ingredient Cir.; Mr. and Mrs. William J. (such as flour and leavening) to Neil, 180 Cloverdalo Cir.; Mr. an a cake batter, uae low speed.

Workshop Jury Awards On Juvenile Hurt Children Delinquency Verdict

FREEHOLD A jury deliberated nearly five hours yesterday after a three-day trial before awarding two East Keahsburg children $500 for injuries suffered in an auto accident. Superior Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill presided. At the same time the jury ruled that the father of the youngsters was guiltless in causing the accident and held that the olher motorist in the two-car collision had no cause for action against him. Floyd Johnson brought the sui on behalf of his children, Jame and Janice, against George Jur genson, Port Monmouth, as a result of an accident Dec. 21,1962, at Port Monmouth Rd. and Ocoan Ave., East Keansburg, The Johnsons were represented by Edward W. Wise, Jr., Red Bank, Mr. Jurgenson, by John Manglni, Asbury Park.

139 *299

Egg Market
NEW YORK ( A P ) - ( U S D A ) Wholesale egg offerings ample on large, light on smaller sizes. Demand fair to good yesterday, New York spot quotation follow: Standards 38-40; checks 28-29 Whites Extra fancy heavyweight (4 lbs. mln.) 44!-46; fancy medium (41 lbs. average) 38-40; fancy heavyweight (47 lbs. min.) 43<45; medium (40 lbs. average) 3738; smalls (3d lbs. average;


Browns Extra fancy heavyweight (47 lbs. mln.) 46^4-48; fancy medium (41 lbs. average) WfriWi, fancy heavyweight (47 lbs. min.) 44Hsmalls (36 lbs. average)


Bmigi ytmr pmnekm it rn^M 7**ap to IB numtim to pay em tmr txlmdti Poy mmt Plan, fully inturtd jar your pntec. fion. No Down Pmymml required.

Mrt, Gordon' Montgomery, U Overheating _the batter is likely FtUHeld Dr.. mid Mr. and M M to citiM turintlj In tha finished Sell Fasti The Dally Register
, TFairfleldDr. ke,



Lt 2-1010


8Friday, October 22, 1965
LYONS PROMOTED ORLANDO, Fla. Thomas A. Lyons, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lyons, Millbury, Mass., has been promoted to staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force here. Sgt. Lyons is a medical special 1st assigned to duty supporting the Military Air Transport Service wliich provides global p.irlift for the nation's military forces. His wife. Joan, is the daughter of retired Army Lt. Col. and Mrs. Howard C. Morrill, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.

Bridge Column

The Hand
South detler Neither tide vulnerable NORTH * Kit)8 <? 6 3 O A3 * AKQJ85 WEST EAST 4>9543 * A72 S 5 ' > V J 1072 0 J 109 62 O Q874 * 1062 * 94 SOUTH A QJ6 <? A K Q 9 8 4 0 K5 * 73

but Ettt would (M Mi trump trick tad the tot of iplt. DAILY QUESTION' Dealr> i t your left, bide one club, and partner doublet. The next player passes, and you hold: SpadesA 7 2. Herts-J 10 7 2. DiamondsQ 8 7 4. Clubi 9 4. What do you jay? Answer: Bid one heart. Prefer a response in a major suit when partner doubles for a takeout. Partner should be interested In the major luits when he doubles. BACK MRS. GERAN
MATAWAN At a meeUni

Some of us suffer from the feel- ten of hearts. This wat nich a ing that everylxxly knows jus afe play that it cost East his ump trick and allowed South what we are doing. This m a y b all right if your life is an ope: 3 make the slam. book, but it's a dangerous at Runs Clubs tude for a bridge player. South won with the king of South took the king of dia- learts, and West's discard told monds, cashed the ace of hearts rim the whole story. South led led a diamond to the ace anc1 I club to dummy and continued returned a trump from dummy, to lead high clubs. East eventueering significantly at East as illy ruffed, and South over-ruffed e did so. and drew trumps. South then South meant nothing special by showed his hand, conceding one South West North East !e his lit' performance. He was spade trick. If East had not 1 V Pass 3 * Pass 3 C ? Pass 4 A Pass an actor, and thought this was -uffed, South would have discard4 N T Pass 5 S> Pass a good chance to practice an odd ed all of his spades. 6 V A l l Pass leer or two. This is an occupation- East would defeat the slam if Opening lead < J > al hazard for bridge players who he played a low trump calmly practice their art in Southern paying no attention to the stage California, and East should have business. South would play the known it. king of hearts, not daring to fi rould over-ruff with the queen Worry about his trump trick nesse. East would eventually ruff persuaded East to put up the a club with the ten, and South ALBEE PLAY "Who's A f r a i d of Virginia Woolf," controversial, brutal and often deadly humorous play by Edward Albee, opens Nov. 6 at the Center Drama Workshop's theatre in the Long Branch Jewish Community Canter. Shown rehearsing are the only four characters in the play, left t o right, Ivan Kaiman of Matawan as Nick, Raymond Arlo of Long Branch as George, Zipporah Epstein of Long Branch as Martha and Pat Bliss of Deal as Honey.

Monday night in Republican Headquarters, Jackson St., the local GOP County Committee endorsed Mrs. Charles Geran ai candidate for Tax Collector.


Virginia Woolf to Visit Shore

"How come everybody doesn't eat it?"
Not everybody knows this bread is sold only at A&P. But now you do. We guarantee you'll like it or your money back.
LONG BRANCH "Who's Nov. 6 at the Center Drama ter, Second and Bath Aves. Afraid of Virginia Woolf," the Workshop's theater in the Lons? Because "Who's Afraid" is of play by Edward Albee, will open Branch Jewish Community Cen- more than usual length, curtain time will be 8 p.m. sharp for each performance. Tickets mav be obtained at the center or by writing or telephoning for reservations. Other performances are scheduled for Nov. 7, 13, 14, 20, MEXICO CITY (AP) - Four From there they will take to and 21. young Americans are taking a he sea in their duck and hope The play, a bitter though often year off from college to tour to reach Medellin, Colombia, by humoro'js experiment by an in Latin America on a goodwill Dec. 13. They will spend Christ- consistent but often brilliant poettrip in an Army surplus duck mas in the wilds of Veniuela, turned-playwright, is the only sue cessful Broadway hit ever to be Albert S. Beke of Trenton heading for Maracaibo. N.J., Jeff Weinstein of Mount Then they hope to visit Colom- rejected by the Pulitzer Advisory Vernon, N.Y., and Bryant Mon bia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Ar- Board of Columbia University for the Pulitzer Prize, despite the turiol of San Jose, Costa Rica gentina, Uruguay and Brazil. are from Drew University, in From Rio De Janeiro they fact that its committee of experts endorsed the play for the prize Madison, N.J. Steven Gjuresko plan to return to New York. in 1963. of Weston, Conn., is a studenl "The proceeds will be put inat BecMey College, in Wes As a result, no Pulitizer Prize to a scholarship fund for worthy Virginia. He is 21, the others 20. for drama was awarded in 1963, Latin American students who They call themselves the Interand two jury men, John Gassner seek an education in the United America Student Expedition, a and John Mason Brown, resigned States," they said before leaving nonprofit organization "with th in protest. for Guatemala. purpose of bettering relations The play, however, did receive between the United States and a number of other major awards. those nations oj Central and The Center Drama Workshop South America." will be the first semi-professional The four students took almost group anywhere in this country a month to get to Mexico City or abroad to present the play. from Connecticut. The amphibious duck travels over land a about 40 miles an hour and wil be used on the water from Panama to Colombia. NEW SHREWSBURY The llhelr Itinerary calls for them Junior Garden Club of the Garden Club of New Shrewsbury will to continue to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua plant bulbs in the village triCosta Rica, and to Panama angle Tuesday at 2:15 p.m. Beautification of the triangle at City by Nov. 26. Sycamore and Tinton Aves. and Firehouse Rd. has been adopted as a civic project of the club. Members matched a contribution of the borough Shade Tree ComFAIR HAVEN Troop 24 hon-mission for trees to be planted ored five Star Scouts Monday there. The project has also been night. Mayor Eugene Magee pre- adopted by the Juniors. sented the Star Scout awards to At the first meeting of the year George Bseder; Fred Becker, at Tinton Falls School, the juRobert Loversidge, Roy My,er, niors elected Deborah Blake president. Gail Morris will be and Arthur Reedy. vice president; Rose Mary RogAs part of this Count of Honor, ers, secretary, and Robert Blake, Peter Kendrick, Craig Maloney, treasurer. and Frank Reedy were invested Mrs. Kenneth Roonan is adviser as Tenderfoot scouts. for the junior group which wil! Troop 24 is sponsored by the be open this year to sixth, seventh Lions Club and led by Scoutmas- and eighth graders. In addition to ter Frank Reedy, assisted by A civic projects, she plans to help Hook and Walt Hulien. girls earn Girl Scout and 4H Troop 24 recently attended the badges. They will study horticulQuail Hill dedication ceremony ture, flower arrangements, conn Manalapan. Troop 24 was one servation and nature study. They o! 10 honor troops selected with- will also prepare gifts for hosin the county as being an out- pitals and nursing homes. standing camping troop. Last year the Junior Garden Plans are under way, for a 20- Club received an achievement mile Appalachian Trail hike dur- award from the Garden Club of ing December. New Jersey, Inc. Anyone interested in joining the club is invited to participate in the bulb planting project Tuesday.

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Solve any hauling problem with * U-Houl rental trailer at low rate*. Choice of tlzta to lit your Job. Hitch furnished.


MONEY to finance oil those reeded Fall horn* Improvements is available ot low bonk rates ot ony First Merchants Community Office. Get estimates . . we'll arrange a Home Improvement Loon that permits you to borrow up lo $3,500.00, with up to 5 years to repay.

Juniors Set To Plant At Triangle


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For the first time in the shore area, a COMPLETE health program is offered you by Trade Winds. Our new gymnasium which mte> sures 24 feet by 94 feet, will give you complete health and exercise programs. In separate facilities for men and women, we offer you Steam Cabinets, Massage and Exercise Tables, Adjustable Upright Rollers, Vibrator Belts, Manual and Electric Bicycles, Pulley Weights, Bar Bells, Isometric Bars, Punching Bags, Medicine Bad, Rowing Machines and much more.

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Candidates At Meeting Of Club

MATAWAN At the meeting of the Matawan Borough Republican Club, candidates for mu nlcipal, county and state offices attended and spoke to members. Mayor Edward E, Hyrne announced that all accounts are up-to-date and that the books are balanced. He said his plans for the future of the borough were to do things that would last. The roads should be repaired in a way that would not necessitate yearly patching, he said. In I960, the population of Matawan Borough was 5,097 and now It Is about 8,000, he added. He stated that 40,000 pieces of paper pass across the desk of the tax collector and borough treasurer each year. Mayor Hryne said it was an honor to have Senator Wayne Dumont, candidate for governor, come to Matawan. The sales tax that Dumont is advocating will cover items other than essentials, he asserted. Food, medicine, clothing, farm supplies and Items already taxed will not be included. Vernon A. Ellison, candidate for council, indicated that In the year Mayor Hyrne and the council had control of the borough, they had accomplished many things and hope to do more.


Trod* Wlndi often you e full year-round swimming program, regardleu of weather conditions or outside ternperaturei. The pool hen a new filter system and th water It continuously filtered and heated to a constant 78 degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature to a comfortable 82 degrees average . . . Th deck area with built-in radiant heating assures you of a constant and comfortable temperature in the pool area and locker room.

On Duty Daily from 1-9 P.M. JACK LEROY - MASSEUR


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WHICH INCLUDE ALL OUR FACILITIES ADULT CHILDREN (4+o I I !nel.) $ WOO $ 40.00 FAMILY RATES (Includes adults and children, ragardlsu of aga. AH must be members of Hie same family). Family of two Family of three Family of four Family of five Family ef ilx or more $111.00 $180.00 $171.00 $1M.OO $200.00

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Includes the teaching and Improvement of the elementary swimming strokes. BACK STROKE BUTTERFLY BREAST STROKE FREESTYLE

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FIRST DEGREE SLATED KEANSBURG - The Bayshorelj Council, Knights of Columbus, II will hold a first degree in honor of Pops Paul VI Wednesday in II
council hall. j "



11A-M. to 12 MIDNIGHT

'Deihocracy in Action9 At Tinton Falls School

NEW SHREWSBURY - It attitude was one of solemnity WM a first at Tinton Falls School and an awareness of the importWedneiday, the election of eighth ance of the act. Robert I. Price, grad* d a i s officer!. principal, expressed the hope the It itirted as tn outgrowth of students will carry forward their the social studies classes in the good attitudes to adulthood. newly departmentalized eighth One little girl jammed the magrade. Mlii Donna Freeman, chine and was "locked in" for social studies teacher, suggested about five minutes, refusing to the Met and the students took give up her secret ballot to Miss over. Freeman or even to Mr. Price. No one wts eliminated for low Finally, Howard Haynes, Janitor, marks or poor past performance. prevailed and set the machine The only qualification for nomi- right. nation was a petition of S signa- These will not be empty ofO tures. A slate of 41 candidates fices. The newly elected officers resulted. will manage the mazaglne drive They launched a campaign, which provides much of the painted posters, printed tags and money for the eighth grade trip made speeches. Ken Field had to Washington, D.C., which they such porters as '.'Follow Field will plan. And they will serve for a Finer Financial Future.' as the basic committee for the Linda Wright tried a play on eighth grade graduation party. word: "You can't go wrong Miss Freeman beamed as she with Wright." Some were Influ commented on the "good nature enced by television and national and honest campaigning" which advertising: 'To have a high made up this two-week campaign lift, you need a (Beverly) Mil- where each dty there was ter"; "You'll Love Lucy (Cap- another good election idea." regllone) as treasurer"; "Us A question on the ballot proTerryton (Tegnazian) voters vided the name for another first: would rather fight than switch." the Tinton Falls School newspaAnother took his slogan from a per. The "Tinton Falls Filer," recent national campaign: "I on the stands today, announces Like Mike-Bader." the names of the winners: RayThe candidates could make no mond Fryson, president; Debbie campaign promises, except hard Elsenberg, vice president; Marwork. Randy Jackson cam- Jorle Westlake, secretary, and paigned for treasurer saying he Randy Jackson, treasurer. would safeguard a full treasury, The slate included Bob Billings, not empty pockets. Raymond Mike Burke, James Hollman, Fryton drovs home his mei- Thomas Jennings, Richard Mi' sage with "one more thing, vote one, Paige Morgenthal, Wendy (or Raymond Fryson." Schweers and Terry Tegnazian, The county library in Freehold president; Michael Bader, Bar supplied a film on voting pro- bara Beard, Diane Casteliini, cedurea and the county provided Paige Conklin, Michael Foulke, voting machine. Each class Chris Harris, JoAnne Hofford, went to the gymnasium and Peggy James, Earl Morris, Jean voted fn turn. Row by row the Norris and Linda Wright, vice students went to the "election president; Marian Bouchee, Lauboard" to have their names ra Finucane, Peggy Dunbar, checked, sign the book and hind Terese Gray, Marcy Henry, VirIn their number. ginia Mast, Csrol Mosher, PatriOne hundred fifty-eight itu- cia Reynolds and Shirley Smith, dents voted. There were no ab- secretary: Louise Capreglione, i sentee ballots and no abstentions. Kenneth Field, Glna Froehlich, Some approached the voting ma- Joan Gilbert, Lucinda Hubbard, chine with a careless flick of the Beverly Miller, Nancy Morris, hand, some were embarrassed, Mark Schutt and Kathy Sldori other couldn't waft The main treasurer.

Gas Company Agrees To '66 Rate Decrease

NEWARK - William F. Hyland, president of the state Board of Public Utility Commissioners, yesterday announced a reduction in the rates of the New Jersey Natural Gas Co. The company serves customers in Monmouth and Ocean and parts of Morris and Cape May Counties. Their gas bills will be reduced by $240,000 annually. The new rate schedule resulted from conference! initiated by the PUC in recent months. The board conducts such conferences each year to review utility rate structures throughout the state, and lower them where possible. After its talks with New Jer-


Friday, October 22, 196S-4

under ite jurisdiction are befog reviewed, he said. QUEEN CONTEST MIDDLETOWN-The Veterans of Foreign Wars will sponsor a "Veterans Day Queen Contest" tonight at 9 o'clock in the post home, 1000 Rt. 35. A dance will follow with music by "The Mix," a local band. The VfW announced it to in need of marching units to participate in the Veterans Day Parade, Sunday, Nov. 7. Tomatoes that are to be broiled are easiest to handle if they are cut into halves rattier than slices.

rate reduction about 18 months ago, he aaid. The hew schedule will also affect about SI commercial and insey Natural Gas, the company Justrial customers in an effort to filed and the PUC approved a ittract industry to the area. new schedule to take effect with Some 46 apartment house ownmeter readings taken on and af- ;re will save approximately, $37. ter Jan. 1. 000 annually, ind a lower miniResidential customers affected mum monthly charge will save will be those using more than 35 commercial and industrial nine therms per month. A therm isers $33,000 annually. is 96 cubic feet or 100,000 BTUs. Mr. Hyland said the gas rate The company1 expects 38,000, or change is the third such reducabout 26 per cent, of its home tion approved by the PUC this owning users to benefit. They will year. Recently the board aprealise savings of up to $4.50 per jroved decreases aggregatyear. ing $498,000 annually, and t h e The decrease will not affect ate structures of other utilities customers using gas for heat or air conditioning, a company spokesman said. Those customers benefited from, the last


DREW 1,200 The "Lost Souk" draw 1,200 teenagers to the Wast End Casino last Saturday. Red Bank Producer Norman Seldin, left, is congratulating the English group's manager, Josef Shefilcy, on the wcctit. For tomorrow night's dance in the Casino, Seldin has engaged the "Fluorescents" and -the "Links and Chains." Doors open at 8 p.m. and record albums will be awarded in a dance contest.


1.45 sin


W f t fix i p ysar boms? W to odd on txlra nan? 1" qaickly orraagad. Uw nMsl

Hlgkwoy 35, Mlddbtown
Hwy. 34, Arioitle Highlands

Coupon food 'til October 23. I f i S .

Newberrys Downtown Red Bank


471 - 2400


Hospital Mortgage Burning Set Sunday

The Keyport and Raritar Township High School bands ant Boy Scout Troop 135 of SI John's Methodist Church, Hazlet will participate in the activities. The clergy will be represented by Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor of St. John's Methodist Church, Hazlet; Rev. Cornelius Kam pastor of St. Joseph's Catholi Church, Keyport; Rev. Harlar Perry, pastor of the Third Bapist Chur:h, Matawan, and Rabbi Moms L. Rubenstein of Temple Beth A'.im, Matawan Township. HAZLET - Tho "Fall Fair' Manuel Gale, board of trustees of Faith Reformod Church, Mi vice president, will be master of die Road and PooJe Ave., will ceremonies. D. Louis Tontl, b* held tonight from 7 to 10. p.m. board president, will give nd tomorrow from 10 a.m. progress report. 4 p.m., it was announced by Mrs, A plaque commemorating the Carlton Jetsup and Mrs. Frank event will then be unveiled. Hlavacek, co-chairmen. The public fa invited to attend. Features will be a car wash held by the Senior Youth Fellow ship from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to morrow, under the direction < Paul Gormory and an attic au tion, from 11 a.m. to noon, with John Jonai, auctioneer. Theme for the fair will be an "OU-Faihloned General Store" featuring a cracker barrel, pump- EATONTOWN-Leo Welnstein the Juvenile an kin comer, and pony rides for judge of the children. Boy Scouts and Cubs Domestic Relations Court, ani Dr. Stanley Lofchie, oo-ordinatoi nd Girl Scouts will man booths featuring hand-made and crea- of consultation services, who i associated with the Children' tive items. Psychiatric Center here, told the Booth chairmen are Mrs. Monmouth County Mental Health Bruce George, Mrs. Bob Pratt, Board of a workshop to be give Mrs. Jonathan White, Mrs. Theo- in the field of Juvenile delindore Muller, Mrs. Joseph Low- quency. nstein, Mrs. Robert DeJonge, The first series of workshops Robert Erbig, Mrs. Richard will be attended by the juvenile Flagg, Mrs. Ralph Tuttle, Mrs. officers of local police depart' Robert Buchbinder, Mrs. Georgi menta. Richards, and Paul Gormory, Judge Weinstein said, "Thi James Elliott, CwJten Jeasup, court la endeavoring to estaband Mil. Fred Myers. lish a participating program directed toward an educational approach in the attack on luvenil delinquency. It is felt that tftii workshop will be of great assistance in helping those taking part in the work and problems involved. The court is pleased with the fine response of the local municipal administrations FORT MONMOUTH. - Thi in the county." IMS parade season here will The first meeting, to be concome to a close tomorrow morn- ducted i>y Dr. Lofchie, was Ing, with a garrison review open scheduled for this morning in the to the public, on Greely Field. library of Children1* Psychiatric Adjutants call is at 9 a.m. "enter. Ceremonies will honor For The program has been made Monmouth personnel receiving possible through the auspices of decoration* or retiring front the Monmouth County Menta federal service. Health Board. This will be the sixth parade Of the seaso* on the post, a School Safely Patrol monthly feature on the main ' parade grounds which started on Has Been Organized Armed Forces Day, in May. HAZLET - The Sycamore Siturday'i review was reached' Drive School Safety Patrol has Tiled from an original Oct. 30 been organized under the direction of Robert Zollciewci, faculty lilting. ' Brig. Gen. William B. Latti adviser. Will be 'taking' his first parade The duties of the safety patrol at Fort Monmouth. The new nclude assisting teachers maincommanding general of the A m y tain order on achool grounds and Electronics Command, who re- to see oWldren to and from ported Oct. 1, will be reviewing school safety. The seventh and eighth grade offiotr. itudents who comprise the safety ittrol ire Unda Pendergut, MATAWAN DANCE MATAWAN - Cardinal New- :ptln; David Mulllns and man Oincll, Knights of Colum- Jouglas Leininger, lieutenants, bus, will'sponsor a dance, to- Randall Thomas, William Benfer, morrow at 8:30 p.m. In Oak ennis McGrath, Rebecca HarShades flrj house. Music will be Ing, Kathryn Russell, Bernadlne by Dick Williams and his or larnell, John Dewland, Holly cbestra. A buffet will be served. lunslcker, Edward Klewl, Frank V. Jimtj Vena is chairman. iiano, James Petrsne, Charles toe, Arleen Herring, Rhondi Tb. IHlry R.H,Ur Anthony DWiilo u d M. Nidl HOLMDEL - A mortgage burning ceremony will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Bayshore Community Hospital Sunday at S p.m. at che hospital site, North Been St.

f!R Be Held
At Hazlet

Church Fair

sale! broadioom bargains even bigger

When you see these fine quality, deep rich broadlooms and look at the prices, you'll know you're getting a good buy. But you won't know how much of a good buy! Because of the recent broadioom pile-up somejhave been reduced-twice! Others were being held for December clearance but must be moved right now to reduce Inventory! Still others are of a quality never meant to be reducedl Prices on all are low enough to make this sale a "must". SB. YD.

Delinquency Workshops Explained

continuous filament nylon pile in exciting pebble-tone tweeds t decorator's choice wool pile in dramatic colors high loop




Review to Close Fort Monmouth parade Season


Heavy cont. fil. nylon pile velvet. No cushion needed; all rugs have thick foam back, Exciting tweeds in orange, tropic green, aztec, cherry red, bluegreen and gold.






tnd M M . Joseph Ctarnedd from Selte, ^ r f ' Hartshorns Rd., l o Sale* by MLS Up Butler. Mr, Curneckl Is t teach cust. Mrs. Irvrin F. Cortelyou of Stiea of residential propertle* er for the Eatontown Board of the John L. Minugh Agency, by the four Multiple Listing SerEducation. Mrs. Czarnecki, also Rumson, handled negotiations vices affiliated with the Mona school teacher, is the former Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P . raouth County Board of Realtors Virginia Mellaci of Navesink. O'Neill of Red Bank have purset another new high record in They have one child. The former chased vacant land at Rumson the first nine months of 1965, Judge of 11 East Wilson Or., owners, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Win- Rd. and Sycamore La, Rumson, Kenneth L. Walker, Jr., president Middletown> have purchased a ton, have purchased a home in on which they plan to build of the board, reported today. home at 17 Rumson Rd., RumNorth Jersey. home. Mrs. Elizabeth T. Randal son, from Mr, and Mrs. Harlan Total transactions during this of Rolston Waterbury's office, E. Cecil, who a r e moving to Mr. and Mrs. Walker Elliot period, he said, totaled $32,683,Red Bank, negotiated the sale Pompano Beach, Fla. Mr. Judge have moved from New Mexico 160 as compared with $27,332,493 for the former owner, Joseph G is with the Prudential Life In- to their home at 2 Pelican Rd., in the same period a year ago, McCue. surance Company in Newark. Oak Hill, Middletown, w h i c h with all four services showing. they purchased from Mr. and Charles L. Waddell of the Bowsubstantial gains. ers agency handled negotiations. Mrs. Edward Izzo, whq, h a v e 1 Laboratories in Holmdel, and Also reported by Mr. Waddell moved. to Philadelphia. Mrs. Members of the Red B a n k Area Multiple Listing Service re- has been living in an apartment was the purchase of property at Theresa D. Smith of Walker and ported 14 sales this week in thein Red Bank. Mrs. Theodora S. 61 Davis La., River Plaza, by Walker, Middletown, negotiated greater Red Bank area, includ- Bowers handled the transaction. Mr, and Mrs. Peter F . Lynn, the sale. Mr. Elliot is with Westing four by Philip J . Bowers and Also sold by Mrs. Bowers was who have moved here from Mor- ern Electric, a new split level at 82 Pelican ristown. Mr. Lynn is with Bell Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cpker Co., Red Bank. SET JUST ONE CONTROl Mr. and Mrs. Dorm Baker Rd, in Oak Hill, built by Harold Telephone Laboratories in Holm- from Madison have purchased a FREEHOLD - Sodding can With Thit All-New Fautetf have purchased the large colo- E. Harrison, builder, to Mr. anddel. The former owners, Mr. andhome at 98 Park La., Fair Haconvert a barren lawn area into nial home at 244 Kingfisher Dr., Mrs. Michael D. Williams, for- Mrs. William R. Gear, h a v e ven, through Mi's. Mrs. Dormoved to a new home in South othy Rodgers of the Russell M. a lush carpet of green within in Oak Hill, Middletown, former- merly of Red Bank. Mr. Wilday, reminds County Agen ly owned by Mr. and Mrs, Ray-liams is a stock broker with Mer- Jersey. Borus Agency, Fair Haven. Mr. Marvin A. Clark. mond G. Leugers, who have rill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Coker is an engineering consul- Seeding, the most common Mr. and Mrs. J . de Capriles John H. Folk moved to Allentown, Pa. Mr. Smith in Newark. tant. The former owners Capt method used in establishing Baker is with Bell Telephone Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy G. from Chappaqua. N.Y., have and Mrs. David M. Corderman, lawns, is used successfully durpurchased a home at 41 Fish ing the spring and late summer Hawk Dr. in Oak Hill, Middle- have moved to Fairfax, Va. town, formerly owned by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Tower, early fall seasons. It is bes Jr., have moved from Hacketts- adapted for use during the late and Mrs. James Cobb, who have town to their home at 248 Fair summerfall season. moved to Pennsylvania. Mr. de Haven Rd., Fair Haven, pur- But sodding can be successfully Capriles is vice president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Mrs. chased from Mrs. Lois Wegel, employed at all times of the IF YOU BUY BEFORE NOV. 15 the Barbara Schrieber of the A. Fred who has moved to Spring Lake.year when sod is available, says BRIELLE Directors of the Manasquan River Golf Club, Inc. Maffeo Agency, Fair Haven, ne- Mr. Tower is with Bell Tele- Dr. Henry Indyk, Rutgers turf Monmouth County Board of Real- the Manasquan River Yacht Plumbing - Hatting phone Laboratories at Holmdel. specialist. Consequently, lawn tors have electid John H. Folk, Club and a past president of the gotiated the sale. GE Appliances A p p s Lorin B. Van Nest of the Redestablishment can be extended 2d, of this place as president of Monmouth County Independent 141 l i t A Av... Atlantic Highland* A t l i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fink- den Agency, Red Bank, nego* h o 291-O1M into periods of the year when the board for a one-year termInsurance Agents Association. enstaedt, formerly of Locust, tiated the sale. beginning Jan. 1. seeding becomes difficult. have moved to their home at 20 MIDDLETOWN. N. J . The estate of the late Edward On slopes and terraces where Mr. Folk succeeds Kenneth L. Bellevue Ave.. Rumson, w h i c h Only minutes away e r e modem public and parochial tctiooli (within Heavey on Tan Vat Rd., Locust, quick establishment of a cover is Walker, Jr., of Shrewsbury and walking distant*) . , . hnists ol wanhlp of oil faiths . . . shopping they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Kath- critical in protecting the soi beoeme the 27th president will antu-t . . . golf courses anil ottur ncnatlonol facilities , , . t h i Mrs. John J . McCarthy, who was purchased by Cardm State Parkway and elder malor highways . . . and famous Miss Mary against erosion, sod can be used of the board since its organiza Jersey Shore m o r n . have moved to New Monmoubh. erine Ward Glover, Minturn Ward, and Daniel Ward effectively. tion iti 1937. Mr. Finkenstaedt, a lawyer for Mr. Folk, who has been vice General Electric International, president of District 3, will be purchased the home through G. succeeded in that office by GerTruxtun Glazebrook of Glazeald Murphy of Sea Girt. The othbrook Associates, Rumson. er'vice presidents, all of whom Mr. and Mrs. William Nesbitt, have been re-elected, are TheoII who have been living in Mondore W. McGinness of Eatontown, mouth Beach, purchased a home District 2; Paul P. Bova of Midat 57 South Woodland Dr., Fair dletown, District 3; Merritt R. Haven, formerly owned by Mr. Lamson, Jr., of Freehold, Disand Mrs. H. D. Nelson, J r . , who "Tho> Hawthorn*" Colonial 2.StO!Y trict 4, and Harold F . Dowstra have moved to Short Hills. Mr. of Red Bank, District 1. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Nesbitt is an independent food Mr. Folk, who has been in the View oj the Arden (Hi-Level) Custom-Styled Colonial 2-Story . . . Splll-Uvet service consultant, and made real estate business in the shore and Ranch* Homes on Estote-Siu %-Acra Plots. the purchase through Mrs Helen area for 30 years, is the head of Ullimes (City Water, O m , A. Stewart of Glazebrook AssoThe Folk Agency, Inc., with ofEtc.) Paved Roadsl cures and sidewalks Installed by BuildHciates. ices at 601 Higgins Ave., Brier. No Assessments. Mr. and Mrs. Riohard Blum of elle. He was born in Brooklyn Shrewsbury Shores is located on one of tfiB MODEL HOME OPEN II Buffalo, N.Y., have moved to but soon afterward his parents DAILY AND WEEK BUDS most beautiful natural sites in N . J . , overtheir home at 11 Buttonwood moved to the shore area. He atDIRECTIONS: Garden Slots Rd, Middletown. They have one looking the broad and historic Shrewsbury Parkway to Exit 117 (Keyporttended Manasqusn High School Matowon) to Routo 35. Follow child. Mr. Blum is an executive WATERFRONT property on Point Rd., Little Silver, inRiver, less than one mile from the Atlantic and Blair Academy, and later Route 35 past Lily Tulip Cup ( a c c o u n t representative for scribed window of which dates it to "a pleasant day, Plant and Klnney Shoes on Lehigh University. Ocean, !n a tree shaded park-like setting American District Telegraph. nil; continue to Cherry Tree Sept. 2 7 , 1853," has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. He is married to the former Lcne, pait H H i o n Station John L. Keelan, Jr., of The Mcin the city of Long Branch. on right; turn right on Cherry Gowen Agency, Red Bank, ne- William A . Guerry, former owners of Holly Tree Farm on Wary Louise Witemeyer of BethTree Lane to Deyomhlrt Ct. lehem, Pa., and they make their and Model Homes. ; gotiated the sale for Mr. and Seven Bridge Rd. The Guerrys are presently living in ome at 612 Oceanview Rd., BriMrs. Ronald K. Thomas, who Japan, where Mr. Guerry is on assignment for the Marine KASTNER-MIRANTI SST lle. They have a married II have moved to Connecticut. MODEL HOME TELEPHONE 471-5171 Also reported by Mr. Keelan Paints Division of Amoco Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. aughter, Mrs. John MacAulay. Ranch Model Is All-Electric Home with Baseboard Heal. Mr. Folk is a member of the Ranches - Bi-levels - Cape Codt I1 was the sale of property at 124 Robert Kemp, son-in-law and daughter of the Guerrys, | Garden Rd., Shrewsbury, to Mr. are occupying the house until their return. Formerly called Brielle Chamber of Commerce, from $17,900 Io $25,000 10 HOUSES SOLD ''Welcome," the property was donated as a museum to All wttfc city m m , !ly wattr, ildfwetkij M I D D I J E T O W N Rustic Manuutt, pwui ttraels hd athar utiiWtt | Youth Friends Association, an organization dedicated to or, new housing development on irfpiMfor. the promotion of peace, culture, art and education, by Harmony' Rd., has announced the sale of 10 homes in the first its founder, Johan J . Smit, Sr., a retired diamond meriection, which, when completed, chant, who died in April. Negotiations for the property Fumbfwd models for your Inspection vill comprise 39 homes. The CARRY were handled by Lawrence J . Schilling, Little Silver, who tract itself will contain 158 homes. 6 cu. ft. Compressed Bale listed the property with members of the Red Bank Area Edward Sukoneck of Maplewood Dhtctfeltll is the builder; the Berg Agency, South on Garttan Stile parkway 1o EXIT-105 Proceed M t t Multiple Listing Service. here, is exclusive sales agent. pait Eitontown Circle (Shopping Center) on Monmouth Park


Multiple Listing Reports 14Sales

Instant Lawn Is Possible By Sodding

Sore $1000!

County Realtors Elect Folk to Presidency

George C. Koeppel & Son.


Brighf Acre Open Daffy 8 a.m.to6 p.m., V/ei. and Frf. fill 9 p.m. Sun. till 5 p.m.


CASH N ^ 9 9


-mrrrrrr-rrrrry / / rmmmrrmr

Highway, left on Branchport Ave., right on Atlantic A Y * Alternate Routa: South on N. J. #35, left at Eatontown Circle (iit) onto Monmouth Park Highway. Proceed u above.


Atlantic Av,r near Bnnchpoit Av.

25' HITCH 'H SWEEP 6150 28" PARKERETTE LAWN SWEEPER 35.95 20"LAWN SWEEEPER 28.95 25" LAWN SWEEPER New 3O" Sweeping Width
We believe riiese to be the lowest prices on Parker Sweepers. We will guarantee to refund purchaser any difference if competition advertises at a lower price. Offer good for three weeks.

the hamiltonian
the only apartments in New Jersey with private marina/ private ocean beach, cabana club & individual terraces!
Town House luxury. Surfside excitement. Private terraces in every apartment. All at the newest Hamiltonian residence, HAMILTONIAN at M O N MOUTH. Typical Hamiltonian appointments include color-coordinated KELVINATOR refrigerator-freezer, oven and r a n g e . . . individually-controlled heat and air-conditioning... dazzling fashion bath (1V* baths with built-in vanity in 2-bedroom apartments)...master TV and FM antenna system, plug-in telephone outlets... built-in clothes hampers . . . teen-age rec room plus adult party room. You're less than an hour from Newark and Manhattan via the Carden State Parkway, express trains or express buses. Just a few minutes from Downtown Red Bank and the M o n mouth County Shopping Plaza.



. . . ON ALCOA

Combination Storm & Screen

50 LBS. 10-6-4 50%

A A 50 LBS. 10-6-4 t T Y 60% 50 LBS . . . 10-6-4 100% . . . 2.99



Between the Atlantic and the Shrewsbury...
On one of the choicest quarter miles on the New Jersey coastline! To one side is your private marina . . . just a few hundred feet to the east is the pounding surf and your own private beach I





Flnl or Second Hter

ffuffuce a/mm





Itfs the year-round vacation at the near-town location!


4 and 5 rooms from






Unique Y~Shape Concept
gives every apartment a private terrace and a water edge view I

Including heat, hot water, afiwnditioning and oft-*treet parking! ArthllKU-lnglnem:





DIRECTIONS: Follow Ru-r,ion Rd. (County Rt. 520) eait to Sea Bright; then touth on Ocean A v e . t o Park Rd., Monmouth Beach; right t o the Hamiltonian. RENTAL ACENTQN


NDMf n w ranMUVUY M y a r t SflMeley A.M.-SHD M l . WeAwwtay mi PrWoy HI t *.M. "aWweta Vonere'a ami ItwaMtl'"

'-PHONEi 232-8120





Snug Harbor Offers Twct New

TOMS RIVER Th <ren*-|quaUty home in th Jersey fhore en's looker rooms, pool*id lunchformation of eMs a r m from a area. eonette, tennis,< basketball, handresort into a suburban yar- The two new models are outball and ihuffleboard. round community ii triced, at growths of Mr. Tully's effort* Snug Harbor ii one of the fev least In part, to the construction, in this direction. Both includel communities on the eastern sea plans of James J. Tully, builder; fully insulated foundations, ceil- board whose lagoon settings in FREEHOLD Judging from of Snug Harbor, for a 500-home ings and walls, and all-electric dude fully, bulkheaded lots in thi his year's acorn crop, there'll waterfront community, inc!uding|basefboard heat, purchase price, >e plenty of shade from future fully bulkheaded lagoon settings. One of the new models, the Model homes at Snug Harbor )ak trees, says Austin N. Lentz, COLTS NECK Mr. and Mrs. 34. Howeli Township, was purouthside of the Colts Neck FreeMr. Tully is introducing two: Lido, features three bedrooms, a on Fischer Blvd., Toms River, extension forestry specialist at George Schweitzer of Millington chased by Joseph Manzo from old Rd., has been purchased by new models to his already es- paneled family room with 28 feet are open for inspection daily and he Rutgers College of Agricul- have purchased the two-family William De Jonge of Florida. 1r, and'Mrs. Thomas Deardon, tablished community this week' of window area, large paneled weekends to t p.m. ure and Environmental Science. dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. Iilmensee. also reported rtio have moved here from Wilend. living room, ceramic tile bath, And there should be a lot ofWeir on Heyers Mill Rd. George the sale of two lots at Montrose on, Conn. The negotiations were landled by Mr. Conroy. The new mod;ls, he said, offer all-electric science kitchen, and. at, healthy squirrels, he adds. V. Iilmensee, Jr., handled the Rd~ SIK j C e d a r D r to P e t e r P e louvred door laundry cove. the potential buyer a wider setillo. Two four-bedroom colonial Suggesting that people as well negotiations. lection of year-round homes in The other, the Biscayne, in! squirrels can benefit from Also reported by Mr. Iilmensee homes will be constructed by Mr. suburban surroundings with all eludes a paneled family room icorns, the forester offers direc- was the sale of 26 acres on Obre PetiUo. the advantages of a resort home. and paneled living room, science ota for planting acorns to grow Rd,, to Thomas Smith and Jake Also reported by Mr. IilmenBielen, from William and Violet "We knew about the plans of k i t c h e n w i t h adjoining dining, into trees. see was the purchase of seven , room, two bedrooms, ceramic some of our earlier buyers in White oak acorns germinate Alvino. The transaction was hand- lots on Westgate Court., by Jotile bath, concealed- laundry Snug Harbor," Mr. Tully, said, n the fall, so plant these as soon led by Mr. Iilmensee. j p and Anthony Mallozzi from jMeph P. Foley "which Included the desire to room, extra storage space and NEW SHREWSBURY Thiris you harvest them, he says. Commercial property on Rt. | Montrose Estate, Inc. The teen new Girl Scout leaders an< eventually use their summer covered portico entry. He adds: transaction was handled by Mi erytic fib*r assistants have been installed ii residences for year-round Jiving." Many of the residents in Snug Coopers Entertain chael W. Conroy. "But store red and pin oak The new models Include re- Harbor started out by using their the neighborhood, according tc OfMSTRAN) corns until spring and then Visitor from England The former home of Dr. and New Fall Carpeting finements accenting year-round! homes for summer vacations. Mrs. E. N. McCartney, neighbor- FAIR HAVEN - Joseph P. >lant them. Mrs, William Pearce on the Foley has joined the Russell M. living to satisfy the needs and Later they took advantage of the hood chairman. in a Rainbow of "Put the acorns in a can con NEW SHREWSBURY - Mrs : desires of those who were look- iyear-round construction of the The neighborhood Is (till 1 Borus Real Estate Agency as a talning layers of wet sand and John Hemmings of South-EndHOME DECORATION Fall Colors . . . ing for a moderately priced homes by using them as week- need of a junior leader for 4 licensed real estate salesman. on-the Sea, Essex, England, reMr. Foley has resided for the corns. Then bury the container cently spent a few days here as MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The end retreats during the winter. girls on the waiting list. Qn Display at n well drained soil in the gar Gradually, they increased the New brownie leaders includ past five years with his wife the guest of Councilman and Shade Tree Commission has anPatricia and th?:r three children len just below the frost line. MONMOUTH time they, spent in Snug HarborJMrs. Eynon Brown and Mrs Mrs. Francis Cooper 1024 Syca nounced it will conduct an active "Dig up your acorns about| program to encourage the decorat until now they have become year- {Jackie Martell, while new as- 137 Kemp Ave. Ave. riarch 15 and plant them CARPET ation of area homes during the He is a parishioner of Nativity] $ sistants are Mrs. John Locket! round residents. During her stay with Mr. and ourths of an Inch deep. Christmas season. The contests HWY. 35, OAKHURST Mrs. H. L. Greene, Mrs. C. J Catholic Church, where he is a! "Keep wire cloth over your Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Hemmings Cited by present residents as will be held in several categories. PHONI reasons they moved to Snug Har- Dammann, Mrs. Mary Ann Macmember of the Holy Name So- seedbed or you're likely to think made two trips to the World's Morton Gudel, 25 Ferland La., 222-2272 or 131-3402 Gregor and Mrs. Paul Johnson ciety, and has been active in hat your acorns failed to germl- Fair. bor are such factors as direct! 1 |may be contacted for further in Far Shop a t Home Service access to the Garden State Park Mrs, Daniel Renshaw has takthe production of several shows late. Without wire protection, A dinner party "al fresco ormation. I was given in her honor by Mr. way and other major arteries for n over a Junior troop, assistec for fund-raising purposes. Mr. iquirrels will get them. ease of commuting, modern shop- by Mrs. J. C. TVvenport am Foley is associated with the Mon-] "Oak trees grow fast. A year- and Mrs. Cooper. Among the ping centers, vacation and leisure Mrs. Harry LaTm"ky. Mrs. Iol mouth Players and has been seen >!d tree should be six to 12 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank facilities including fishing, hunt- Field is another new Junior as n their productions during the inches tall. At the end of the Cooper and Christopher, Eatonpast three years. ing and boating, and use of a sistant. iecond year it may reach three town; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prior to joining the Bores feet, and grow two feet or more F r o s t and Charlene, K e i t h , private beach club. Mrs. Eugene Kodadek Is Agency, Mr. Foley was an ac- year after that." Aimee and Peter, Middletown; Home purchasers In Snug Har- new cadette leader, a n d Mrs count executive with the Gill-PerThis may be y e n soleriee Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Green, bor receive free family member- Nathaniel Morgenthal Is an as na Company, radio and television] Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis fe e larger SWIM. < . sistant. and many other* I FOUND NOT GUILTY ship in the beach club for their representatives in New York City. Salvato and Lewis and ConCALL TODAYI first lull season. The club fea- The neighborhood has set up was responsible for selling ad- FAIR HAVEN - Ralph A. stance. New York City, and Mr. He tures an Olympic-sized swimming two patrol leaders' workshops vertising time to the major ad- Cole, 229 Hance Rd., and Mrs.and Mrs. Joseph Larkin and Betfor Friday, Nov. 5, and Friday vertising agencies (or the use of pool with a supervised children's Dorothy E. Watson, 57 East Ber- ty. Ann and Peter, New Shrewswading pool, a supervised chil- Nov. 19, from 7 to 9 p.m. a their respective clients. He was MEMBER ;en PI., Red Bank, were found bury. t i l IROAP ST. 20*1 KT.H dren's play area children's Beekman House of the Reformed formerly sales manager with the] lot guilty of careless driving MULTIPLE LISTING SHMWSIURY MIDDLITOWM HWY. 35, EATONTOWN Oh"-ch. nursery orosram. men and wornBoiling .Company, also of New:harges in Municipal Court Ever team split pea soup 'with SERVICE 7414212 *71JI11 The cookie sale for Juniors York City. iresterday. cream of celery soup? and Cadettes will begin Satu: day, Oct. 30. Mrs. B e r n a r FURNITURE CO. Schwartz will again be chad Rumson Cub Pack 11 KEYPORT, N . J . man. Others on the neighborhood Inducts 10 Bobcats 264-0181 committee include Mrs. H X RUMSON - Cub Pack 11, met] Heavy Gauge .032 or .027 Cone, brownie organizer and con- in Forrestdale School. More than sultant; Mrs. Michael Badal, ju- 50 parents attended. One Piece Construction nior cadette and senior organ: Ten new Bobcats were in Baked On White Enamel ier;' Mrs. J. K. Bartlett, junio: ducted into the pack. They are Only Four Homes Left and cadette consultant; Mrs, William Brister, Robert Shea, Aluminum Siding H e r b e r t Schweers, secretary Chris Thorpe, Charles McDon4- and S-Bedroom Colonial Mrs. John Hirce. uniform ex- ald, Larry Low, Steve Karinja,

Good, for People, Squirrels



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change; Mrs. Arthur Fountain, Jeff Thomas, Charles Morhouse, community service; Mrs. EuMark Smith and Steven Howard. gene Kodadek, fair representa- Tom Keating received a Wolfl tive; Mrs. Leroy Miller, cam] award and became the first representative; Mrs, William member of the pack to move up Windrow, field adviser, and Mrs. on the pack advancement ladder James Blowers, district ohair built by Assistant Cubmaster Andrew McDerby. man. William Wilson, cubmaster, an-] nounced the pack will hold a father-son hike at Fort Hancock

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BEESUEY'S POINT - Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., chairman of thi New Jersey Highway Authority has announced the mastei plan for the Garden Stale Art Center at Hdmdel will be unveiled! at a news conference Tuesday |Nov. 16. The authority operates the Garden State Parkway1 and will build] the cultural center at Telegraph Hill Park. Present at the news conlerenc will be architect Edward Dure Stone and his staff. They wil show a nwdel of the $1.6 mitlio complex. The master plan was to havi been completed by June 1, but changes have caused delays Mr. Stone is working on the design for the first phase of construction, a 4,500-seat amphitheater to be ready by next summer.

Who needs 6 thermostats?

Methodists Baptized; 17 Join Church

OAKHURST Baptized i t the First Methodist Church Sunday were Cheryl Dawn Barcalow daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BarIcalow; Theresa Lynn Fox daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fox; John P. Hall, Jr. and Laurie Lynn Hall, children of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hall Brenda Kay and Karen Kay Mar ihugh, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marihugh; Robin Lynn Romig, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Rontld Romig; Tlm-I othy Townley, Kelly Anne and] Francis Joseph Tyger, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Tyger, and Marie Dawn Wolcott, diugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolcott. Accepted as members were Mr and Mrs. John A. Sohweitrer, iWayside; Mr. w d Mrs. John P Hall, Neptune; Mr. and Mrs, Richard Barcalow, New Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rom-I Ig and Mr. and Mrs. George Ty-j ger, Oakhurjt; Mrs. Joseph Crest,' West End; Dr. and Mrs. Henry Teyker, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick1 Garonl and John and Thomas Burdge, West Long Branch. POSADA ENDORSED HOLMEDL At a recent rally in town hall, John Rellly, Demo-1 cratle candidate for State Senate; Patrick McGann, Benedict R. Nicosia and Samuel Sagotsky, Democratic candidates for state Assembly and Paul Kiernan, Democratic candidate for county sheriff, gave their endorsement to Pat P. Posada Jr., Democratic candidate for Township Committee, The candidates discussed state and local Issues n the campaign. Mr. Posada hanked the candidates for their attendance and' for their1 support. Ned Monty? Sail those thing* you really don't naed with i Dally Register Classified Ad, Call now.

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.12-Eridty, October 22, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER

Schedule of Religious Services

Copy Deadline
All religious newi for Inclusion in the Friday Schedule of Religious Services must be in The Register office by noon of the preceding Tuesday. HOLY COMMUNION EPISCOPAL Fair Haven Holy Communion will be celebrated every Sunday at 8 'oclock The 9:30 service will be Holj Communion the first and thin Sundays and morning prayer thi second and fourth Sundays. TRINITY EPISCOPAL Red Bank Holy Eucharist will be eel brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Churcl school and the family servio with Morning Prayer and addres will be at 9:15 a.m, Morninj Prayer and sermon by Rev. Ca on Charles H. Best will be at a.m. Holy Eucharist will be eel brafed at 8 and 10 a.m. o Wednesday. The service of heal ing will be at 3:30 and 10:30 a.m The Sewing Group will mee! at II a.m. There will be a business peoples luncheon in the parish hal Thursday from 11:30 a.m. unti! 2 p.m. The inquirers class will meet at 8 p.m. Children's confirmation clasi will be held Friday, at 4 p.m. A 8 p.m. the Triangle Club wil meet. PRESBYTERIAN Red Bank Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webste: will preach Sunday at the 9:11 and 11 a.m. .services on "Th< Challenge of Other Faiths." A 12:30 p.m., young adults wi meei. At 4 p.m., the ordinatioi service of Ivan Barker will bi held. At 7 p.m. Junior and Senio High Fellowships will meet. Tonight, at 7 p.m.. Senior Cou plea Club will meel. Monday, 9:30 a.m., Praye: group meets. Tuesday, 1:15 p.m., board ol deaconesses will hold a meeting At 8 p.m., meeting of the Ses sion will be held. Lois Circle meets at 8 p.m. at the home o the Misses Harriet and Ruth Les ley, 129 Monmouth Blvd., Ocea, port. Thursday, 10 a.m., Women' Association will hold an activ: ties day. HOLY COMMUNION EPISCOPAL Holy Communion will be celebrated Sunday at 8 o'clock. Th 9:30 family service will be Hoi Communion and sermon by Rev Charles R. Lawrence. Churc school is at 9:30 a.m. The 1 o'clock service will be Mornln Prayer and sermon. The adult discussion group wi meet Monday at 8: IS p.m. Wednesday morning at 9:30 midweek celebration of Hoi Communion and healing. Thursday, the Feast Day o; Saints Simon and Jude, Hoi) Communion will be celebrated a 9:30 a.m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Navesink Services on Sunday will be: 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion; 9: 30 a.m., Holy Communion an church school; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer with sermon by the rector. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude. The Episcopal Churchwomei will hold their annual rummage sale in the parish house-on Sat urday, Oct. 30, from 9:30 a.m to 3 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Red Bank "M any man be in Christ, he is a new crea'.ure: old things are passed nway; behold, all things are become new." These words of Paul to the Corinthians will be the Golden Text for a Bible lesson on how spititual renewal leads men to the discovery of their real identity and eternal being. The thought is brought out in thesi lines from the Christian Science textbook: "Being i: holiness, harmony,, immortality. It is alread; proved that a knowledge of this, even in small degree, will uplift the physical and moral standard of mortals, will increase longevity, will purify and elevate character" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 492). Sunday's subject is "Probation After Death." Church and Sunday school are af 11 a.m. Testimony meetings are Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The reading room i open from noon to 4:30 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST Oceanport Rev. Paul N. Smith will preach Sunday ct the 11 a.m. service. Bible school is at 9:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship meetings are at 6:30 p.m. The film, "Just a Stranger," will be shown at the 7:30 evening service, The hour of Faith meets Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The Women's Missionary Fellowship will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Edward Green, New Shrewsbury. CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL Rumson Sabbath eve services will begin at 8:30 p.m. Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff will preach. Cantor Sidney Soharff wjll ohant the liturgy. Raquel Schwarz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Schwarz, will celebrate her Bat Mitvah and will chant a prophetic portion. Rabbi Rosoff will deliver the charge to Raquel. Sabbath morning services re at 9:15 a.m, for the junior congregation and at 10 a.m. for the adult services, Rabbi Rosoff will conduct the service and Cantor Scharff will chant the liturgy. Sunday morning services will be at 9 a.m., followed by the Talmud Class conducted by Rabbi Rosoff. Religious school will meet at 9:30 and at 11 a.m. High school department wil! meet at 11 a.m. Monday evening the B.I.T.'g and the Pre-U.S.Y will meet at 7 p.m. Thre will be a meeting of the board of trustees on Tuesday evening, at 8. Daily evening services will be at 7:30 p.m.

ST. AGNES CATHOLIC Atlantic Highlands ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL Sunday masses are scheduled for 6:30, 7:45, 9, 10, and 11 a.m .. Belford and noon. Tomorrow a roast beef dinne: will be sponsored by the St The sacrament of baptism I administered every Sunday at Agnes' Guild at 5 p.m. p.m. Arrangement] are to be The 19th Sundiy after Trinity: made at the rectory at least two 7:40 a.m., Matins; 8 a.m days previous by one of the parFIRST METHODIST Holy, Eucharist and sermon, U.- ents. Red Bank T.O. ingathering. 9:30 a.m. Sunf Rev. Wayne Conrad will preacr Eucharist and sermon U.TO. in Dally masses are scheduled for at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. service; gathering. 3:30 p.m. E.Y.C 7 and 8 a.m. On Saturdays the on "Bringing the Work of Chris group leaves for Christ Church, early mass is said at the convent for the public to Completion." Holy Communio Toms River. will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m The sacrament of penance Is A.M. E. ZION Services include Matins am Church school is held at 9:30 an administered on Saturdays from Red Bank Holy Eucharist on Monday at 11 a.m. Intermediate Youth Fe: 4 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m, a.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, and CHURCH OF CHRIST CENTRAL BAPTIST and on Mondays at 8:30 p.m. lowship and Methodist Youth Rev. Thomas K. Coursey w 11 Friday at 9 a.m.; and WednesRed Bank Sunday school will be held t The Miraculous Medal noven preach at the 11 a.m. ser: lowship meet it 7 p.m. day at 10 a.m. At the H a.m. service Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Pastor Harry W. Krafi Tomorrow, at 8:30 a.m., th vice. The sacrament of infant bapAltar Guild will meet Tuesda; Evangelist Ed Rockey will preach will preach at the 11 a.m. servii Women's Society will hold a Com tism will be observed. ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC at 9:30 a.m. on "Before You Judge." James on "A Letter to the Family. munion breakfast, Keansburg Elliott will lead the prayer and Evening service will be held al Monday, 7:30 p.m., churdST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Sunday Masses will be at 7, FIRST METHODIST read the Scripture. Wayne Slifer 7:30. Pilgrims, Pioneers, Ambas school workers will attend a leadEatontown I, 9, 10, 11 and noon. Matjwan will preside at Communion, as- sadors .ind Baptist Youth Fel ership school. Women's Eocietj Daily Masses will be celebrated Holy Eucharist will be celeSunday services are at 8:45 anc METHODIST sisted by ' Gary Black, Willard lowship meet at 6:30 p.m. executive board meets at 8 p.m tt 7 and 8 a.m. except on first brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Family Eatontown Emmons, Rod Ensminger, Wednesady, 7:45 p.m., Midwei Tuesday, 10 a.m., prayer an 11 a.m. Rev. Donald Phillips wil: Fridays when hours will be tt service and sermon by Rev Sunday services will be held al study group meets. The discus preach on "Oracles of God." Sun 6:30 and 8 a.m. Thomas Oakes, Keith Sherman, prayer meeting Is held. Stanley M. Woolley, Jr., at 10 10:45 a.m. Rev. Eldrich C. Camp sion group meets at 1 p.m. day schoo] is at 9:45. At 7 p.m., On Holy Dtys, Masses will be a.m. Church school meets at 10 and Win Riggen. Charles Whittle bell will preach on "The Besl Wednesday, 9.30 a.m., Bibli Sr-Hi M.Y.F. meeting will be CHRIST METHODIST will lead the closing prayer. offered at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 1 a.m. For The Worst." Church Schoo class meets. At 8 p.m., Bisho] held. Fair Haven At the 6:30 p.m. service, Mr. a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. No chil- Wednesday at 9 a.m., H o l y meets at 9:30 a.m. Hockey will speak on "Who Cru- Sunday school will be held Prince A. Taylor will speak o dren are permitted at evening Eucharist celebration followed REFORMATION LUTHERAN Sunday at 6 p.m., Intermediati "Christian Faith and our Com cified Christ" Budolph Garrity 9:30 a.m. Observing Laymen' Mass. TRINITY EPISCOPAL by healing service of unction. West Long Branch Youth Fellowshij mon Ventures." will lead the prayer and read tin Sunday, Charles Durning am Methodist Confessions will be heard SatMatawan Sunday school meets at 9:15 Donald Koehler will speak at th< meets; 7 p.m., Senior Methodis Scripture. Rod Ensminger wil urdays, first Thursdays, and on Thursday,, 7 p.m.. Married Cou JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Sunday services are: 7:45 a.m, a.m. At the 9: IS and 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 6ervice on "Go, Inqui Youth meets; 7:30 p.m., eveninj lead the closing prsyer. pies' Bible class will be held. Fair Haven Matins and Holy Communion; 9: the eves of Holy Day, from services, Rev. W. Robert Oswald On Tuesday afternoon, women Concerning the Book." Adul study. 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to "The Future in the Light of 15 a.m., Family Eucharist an will preach on "Faith, ForgiveMonday: 8 p.m., teacher trainof the.congregation will visit pa- membership class will meet 8:30 p.m. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Bible Prophecy" will be the Bi- ness, and Healing." church school; 11 a.m., Mornin tients at Marlboro State Hospital 3 p.m. Missionary program- wi ing session. Baptisms will be administered ble talk to be delivered Sunday Red Bank Prayer. be at 5:30 p.m., with Edwai A group meeting in connection Sunday Masses are celebrated Holy Communion will be cele every Sunday at 1 p.m. Arrange- at 4 p.m. by William Chafey, as- with Every Member Response Poitras, Korea, speaking. PRESBYTERIAN CALVARY BAPTIST at: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and noon. brated on Wednesday at 9 a.m ments should be made a week sociate minister of the Hights- program will be held Sunday, Eatontown Monday, 8 p.m., pastoral n Daily Masses are celebrated al on Thursday, the Feast of St In advance of the baptism. town congregation. At 5:15 Bible Monday, and Wednesday evenings Red Bank lations committee meets. Sunday services will be held a Rev. Edward A. Corrlgan 1 discussion will follow. Rev. Robert P. Ball will preach Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., trustee; 11 a.m. Rev. Robert W. Ree< 7 and 8 a.m. Simon and St. Jude, at 9 a.m at 8. Sacrament of baptism is ad on Friday at 6:30 a.m., and on pastor and Rev. Eugene M. Re- Tuesday at 8 p.m. discussion Church school staff meet! Sunday at the II a.m. service. will meet. will preach the sermon. Churci Commission beck and Rev. Frederick A. Val- groups meet at Kingdom Hall, 58 ministered Sundays at 12:45 p.m Saturday at 8 a.m. Sunday school will be held at stewardship and finance meets school meets at 9:45 a.m. Unite Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sacrament of penance is ad- Tuesday, 8 p.m., school of re entino are assistants. Firman St., Fair Haven; 144 Sev- Senior catechetical class meets 9:30 a.m. The Missionaries wil! 8:30 p.m. Presbyterian Youth meets at ministered Saturdays from 4:3( ligion will be held. enth Ave. Atlantic Highlands; 27 Friday, at 6:30 p.m. p.m. present a musical program at 3: EMMANUEL BAPTIST D e l a w a r e Ave., Riverside Junior catechetical class meets 30 p.m. B.T.U. and B.Y.F. will MONMOUTH REFORM Wednesday, 9 a.m., sewing Wednesday, at 8 p.m., then to 6, and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Atlantic Highlands Novena devotions in honor ol committee will meet. Warden Heights; and 10 St. Mary's PI. Saturday at 9:30 a.m. meet at ( p.m. will be Bible study in the mansi TEMPLE Rev. and Mrs. William Ham- 1 Cedar St., and 37 Drummond the Miraculous Medal are hek and vestrymen will hold a meet Calendar for the week: Shrewsbury mond, missionaries to Bolivia Ave., Red Bank. every Monday night at 7:30. Monday: 8 p.m., Flower Club Sabbath Eve services will bi OLD BRICK REFORMED ing at 8 p.m. The Perpetual Novena in hon Adult confirmition class meets will be the guest speakers Sun Thursday at 7:25 p.m. the Min- KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN Marlboro ; wilt meet. held tonight at 8:30. Rabbi Rich day. Services are at 11 a.m. and istry School meets, following the Middletown ; Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible class ard F. Steinbrink will preach Rev. John Hart will preach a or of St. Anthony is held ever) Thursday, B:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. A prayer meeting preSunday school is at 9:15 a.m. p.m., prayer service. "Jewish, American, Reform the 11 a.m. service Sunday oi Tuesday night at 7:30. Children's confirmation class cedes the evening service at 7. service meeting. Rev. C. Roger Burking will preach . Friday: 7 p.m., new members Aio and Adjectives tor You "Union or Unity." Church schoo High school of religion class is will meet Friday, 6:30 p.m, Church school is at 9:45 a.m. ST. DOROTHEA'S CATHOLIC at the 8 a.m. matin and 10:45 class; 8 p.m., teachers meeting. Children." A religious school opei meets at 9:30 a.m. Youth Fel held every Monday night at 7:30. Saturday, 8 a.m., a corporat a.m. services. Eatontown Devotions in honor of the Bless- communion and breakfast will be The young peoples' group meets house will be held immediate lowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. at 6 p.m. Sunday Masses are celebrated Weekday church school will : be Miriam Circle meets Tuesday ed Virgin Mary are held every held. following the service. ST. JAMES CATHOLIC There will be a meeting of thi In the family center at 7:30, 9 held Tuesday, at 4:15 p.m. morning after the 7 o'clock Mass Red Bank The religious school will mei 8 p.m. Pioneer Girls guides, helpers a Bible study will be Thursday and 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Couples Club wi during October. FISST.rPRESBYTERIAN Sunday services include: Re- tomorrow at 9 a m. committee women Monday, at Daily Masses will be in the evening, at 8 o'clock. Matawan cited masses with hymns, 8 and The ad,u!F study seminar Iec hold a Halloween Party. p.m. chapel at 6:30 and 7:30 a.m.; REFORMED Sunday services are at 9:30 am 9:15 a.m. and noon in the church tore series will begin Sunday at Mid-week prayer service i: Saturdays at 8 and 8:30 a.m. New Shrewsbury and 9:45 and II a.m. in the audi- 8 p.m, Congressman Abraham ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL II a.m. Sunday church schoo Wednesday, at 8 p.m. The sacrament of baptism is Rev. Isaac Rottenberg wi meets at the same hours. Little Silver torium; recited masses at 5:45 Multer will speak on "The Jew The Pioneer Girls meet eacr administered Sundays at 1 p.m. Schedule for Sunday: 8 a.m preach Sunday tt the 9:30 and and 6:45 a.m. in the church, and in Government." week as follow.]: Explorers oi Confessions will be heard Sat8:30 a.m. and 12:1$ p.m. in the The Sisterhood will meet Mon Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. services on "Conform BAYSHORE COMMUNITY Tuesday at 6:45 p.m., Pilgrims urdays and the eves of holy days auditorium; sung mass at 10:30 day at 12:30 p.m. Family service with Holy Com- ty and Freedom." Sacrament East Keansburg on Thursday at 3:30 p.m., and at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to a.m. in the church. Hebrew classes will be held munion and sermon by, Rev. Stu- of baptism will be observed at At the II a.m. service Sunday Colonists on Friday at 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Sacrament of baptism will be Tuesday t t 4 p.m. The ninth art F. Gast; 11 a.m., Morning the 10:30 a.m. service. Church Rev. Richard R. Schwartz wi On Tuesday, Novena devotion administered at 1:30 p.m. Sun- grade class *>" be in recess this Prayer and sermon by Rev. Gast. school meets at 10:30 a.m. preach on "The Character o CHRIST CHURCH in honor of the Miraculous MeSacrament of baptism will be ad- Family Covered Dish Dinner wi! Christ." Sunday school meets a day. week. : Middletown dal will be held following the be held at 5 p.m., followed by 9:30 a.m. At 6:30 p.m. the ChrisSacrament of penance will be Hebrew and confirmation class, ministered. congregational meeting. Senioi tian Teeners will meet. At 7:45 Schedule for Sunday: 8 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Mass; at,3:30 p.m., administered Saturday at 4 and es will meet Thursday at 4 p.m Hi Fellowship meets at 6:30 p.m p.m. the Soldiers of Christ will Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Hoi catechism classes will be held in 7:30 p.m., and daily from 7:45~to ST. LUKE'S METHODIST Monday, 6:45 ,-.m., eighth grade meet. Communion and sermon. Seventh the family center for children in 8:15 a.m., and after the novena FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Long Branch the Vail Homes-New Shrewsbury service Monday. Runison Rev. Courtney Howard wi confirmation class meets. Junioi Tonight at 8:30, the Men's Club and eighth grades will attend church: 9:30 a.m., Church school, section. Daily mass is held at 6:25; Rev. Harvey C. Douie, Jr., wi preach at the 11 a.m. service on Hi Fellowship will meet at 7:4! will meet. Wednesday at 8 p.m., h i g h 7:15 and 8:15 a.m. preach Sunday at the 9:30 and "Praying Always." MYF meets p.m. Wednesday at 1 p.m. the Wom- except for seventh aed eighth Novena devotion in honor of a.m. services on "The Meanin, at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m., a work daj en's Guild will sponsor a card grades; 10:25 a.m., office of school of religion will meet. Mary's Miraculous Medal will be of Reverence." Church schoo A week of prayer and self de will be held. Bible study fellow party in the church hall. Morning Prayer for all children, Thursday, 3:30 p.m.. CateMonday, 8 p.m., with benedio will be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m nial will begin with a spiritua ship meets at 8 p.m. except seventh and eighth grade chism classes for children in the tlon of the Blessed Sacrament Senior high church school will hour, Monday, at 1:30 p.m. \rfio will attend church school Eatontown section will b held. REFORMED following. 11:15 a.m., office of Morning be held at 10:30 a.m. "Christmas ST. GEORGE-BY-THE-RIVER Middletown Monday, at 8:45 p.m., a n d in October" will be held at FAITH REFORMED FIRST BAPTIST EPISCOPAL Rev. Earl D. Comptcn will Prayer. Thursday, at 8:30 p.m., adult re- p.m. Hazlet Long Branch Runison preach at the 11 a.m. service Tuesday, 8:15 p.m., Episcopa ligion courses will be held at Red Monday, 8:30 p.m., men's bowL Sunday school will be held al Schedule for Sunday: 8 a.m Sunday on "Sunday Was Made Churchwomen will meet. Sunday school will be held t Bank Catholic High School. High ing team meets. 9:30 a.m. Chaplain Griffin, U. S Holy Communion; 8:30 a.m., For Man." Sunday, school will Thursday, 8:30 a.rrC Holy Com- 6:30, 9:30, and 11 a.m. Rev. Theoschool of religion will meet Thur* munion will be celebrated. Epis- dore C. Muller will preach at the Tuesday, 10 a.m., prayer fel- Navy, will be the guest speakei Morning Prayer and church meet at 9:30 a.m. day, 7:39 p.m., in Cabrini House. lowship wil] be held. The session at the 11 a.m. service. school; H a.m. Morning Prayer The Dorcas Circle will meel copa] Churchwomen will hold a 9:30 and 11 a.m. services on "How Grammar school of religion will study group. will meet at 8 p.m. Much I All" Senior Youth FelTuesday, 8 p.m., deacons wi and sermon. Tuesday at 8 p.m. be Saturday at 9:30 a.ra . Oct. 29, at 7 p.m., Christia meet. lowship meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 9: Members of the congregation Education dinne,- will be held Prayer meetings will be hek a.m., Holy Communion will be will meet at t!ie church tomorBAPTIST Tonight at 7 o'clock and toPRESBYTERIAN Wednesday at 9:30 p.m., Thurs celebrated. Leonardo morrow at 10 a.m. the fall fesrow at 9 a.m. for a work day. 1 Shrewsbury ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL day at 7:45 p.m., and Friday al Sunday school meets at 9:4i tival will be held. Sunday services will be conRed Bank 6:45 a.m. WAYSIDE METHODIST Monday, 2:30 p.m., weekday, ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL a.m. Rev. William Carr wil ducted it 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. Tomorrow at 10 a.m. there wil Asbury Park Keyport ' ' preach at the 11 a.m. service oi school is held. John R. Collins will preach on be confirmation instructions fo FIRST METHODIST Sunday school will be held i Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., adult Bi Sunday services are: Morning "Little By Little," and at th "God and The Tumbling Walls children. At 5 p.m. the acolytes Oaihurst 9:45 a.m. Rev. W. Winfield We. Prayer, 7:45; Holy Communion, 7:30 p.m. service on "Curing th ble class meets. of Nationality and Race." will meet. The Junior Episcopal Dr. John D. Blair will preach will preach at the 10:45 a.m 8 a.m.; family service and aptain." At 6:15 p.m., Junioi Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Young Churchmen meet at 5 p.m. at the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services service on "Whit's In a Name church school, 9:30 a.m.; Holy Baptist, .senior Baptist, and sen- board of Christian education wil BAPTIST Sunday services will begin witli on "The Hand of God in His- W.S.C.S. will sponsor a Quiet Da Communion, 11 a.m. ior High Baptist Fellowships meet. (Southern Baptist Convention) Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. Sung tory." Church school will be helt service at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 7 p.m., confirmation There will be Holy Communion meet. Lincroft Matins, Holy Eucharist and ser- at 9:30 and 11 a.m. At 2:30 p.m Monday,, 8 p.m., official boar on Wednesday, at 9 a.m.; Thurs- Tuesday, at 3 p.m., women' class will be held. Rev. Martin R. Haire, chap- mon are at 9:38 a.m. Sunday an Acoljrte Training Course wil meets. day, Feast Day, </ Saints Simon missionary1 society will meet. lain of the North Carolina Bap- ichool begins with the famil; be held. Youth Fellowship will hold and Jude at 8:30 a.m., and FriOLD, FIRST CHURCH Wednesday, at 8 p.m., midweek tist Hospital, Winston-Salem, service at 9:30 a.m. , Monday, 8 p.m., the trustee; Halloween party, Oct. 29, at 7:30 day at 6:30 a.m. prayer and Bible study is held, American Baptist Convention will preach at the 11 a.m. and Holy Eucharist will be said oi will meet. Women's Society o! p.m. United Church of Christ 7:30 p.m. services Sunday in the Wednesday and Thursday at V Christian Service executive board fou may have passed l y (his TEMPLE BETH AHM Middletown GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN Lincroft School. Sunday school a.m. quiet place many times-hat will meet at Uie home of Mrs LUTHER MEMORIAL Matawan Ttvwnship Keyport Sunday school will be held at is at 9:45 a.m. Training Union The adult confirmation class Edward German, 5 Cheryl La jiavenever entered it.Yethere LUTHERAN Sabbath Eve services tonight Sunday services will be held 9:30 a.m. Rev. H. Webb Leonard meets at 6:30 p.m. meets on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m at 8 p.m. in this peaceful room, ready (Missouri Synod) are at 8 in the Strathrnore Ele at 8:30, 9:45, and 11 a.m. Church will preach at ths 11 a.m. service for you to read, is a book that New Shrewsbury A rummage sale will be held mentary School. The board of ed school will meet at 9:45 a.m on "Breakthrough to People." ins freed many thousands by the W.S.C.S. on Tuesday, a( Sunday school meets at 9 a.m, ucation will hold its annual re Senior Luther League meets al Tuesday, 8 p.m., board of dea YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE FIRST from fear and worry-has p.m., Wednesday at 9 a.m., Rev. Daniel D. Reinheirrier will ligious school consecration ser- p.m. cons meet. preach at the 10:30 a.m. service. vice. Rabbi Morris L. Rubinstein Monday, a ICW work nigh given them renewed courage and Thursday at 9 a.m, S H O W I N G I N THIS AREA OF . . . Thursday, 8 p.m., autumn conTuesday, 8 p.m., Luther Me- will preach on "Consecration." will be held. and strength to go forward. gregation meeting will be held. morial Women's Society, meets. REFORMED It can do this for you. Adult services will be held to- Tuesday, at 7 p.m., church Thursday, 8 p.m., adult infor- morrow morning at 9 in the First league bowling meets. Colts Neck The place is the Christian FIRST SPIRITUAL CHURCH Sunday service will begin at II mation group will meet. Science Reading Boom; the Aid building, followed by junior Wednesday, 7 p.m., LCW exec A FIATURI L I N 6 T H DRAMATIC OF DIVINE ROSE .m. Rev. Samuel La Penta wil book, Science and Health. congregation at 10 o'clock. utive committee will meet. Belford MOTION PICTURI IN COLORI ireach. Church school will be a FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD with Key to the Scriptures Sunday school classes will be Friday, 7:30 p.m., Jr. Luther i:30 a.m. Shrewsbury at 9, 10 and 11 a.m. in the Strath- League will hold a Halloween Meetings are held Sundays and by Mary Baker Eddy. Sr.-Hi Bible class will mee Sunday school will be held a more School. Hebrew school class- party. Senior Luther League will Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Rev. Phoebe Jtop at a Christian Science Sunday at 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. At the 11 a.m. service es are scheduled for -Monday hold their party at 8 p.m. In the Dailey is pastor.

HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN FIRST BAPTIST Red Bank Red Bank Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge will Sunday school and family ser preach at the 11 a.m. service, vice will b held at 9:15 a.m. A Rev. Lee A. Morris assisting. the 11 a.m. service, Rev. Haro]< Church school meets st 9:45 a.m., Hornberjer will preach on "Thi Too, is a Necessity." preceded by lay leaders prayer meeting. At 5:45 p.m., Jr. Hi and Monday, 8 p.m., council meet! instruction Sr. Hi BYF groups will meet. Confirmation Evening service will be at 7:30 Saturday, at 10 a.m. p.m. CHRIST EPISCOPAL Women's Fellowship will meet Shrewsbury Monday evening at 7:30. Sunday celebrations of th Sr. Hi's will meet at 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist will be at 8 aj* Tuesday, at the parsonage. 9 a.m. Church school and tin Midweek service will be held adult group discussion will b Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock held it 10:30 a.m. The 11:15 a Middlers will hold a Halloween service will be Morning Prayei party tonight i t 7:30. The Jr and sermon by Rev. Ronald G BYF will hold their party tomor Albury. row at 2 p.m. The adult confirmation class at 8 p.m. on Monday. PILGRIM BAPTIST The Ba^ar workshop is Tue: Red Bank day from 10 s.m.-3 p.m. Sunday school meet* at 10 a.rn The confirmation class fo: Rev. H. L. Morgan will preach young people is Thursday at at the 11 a.m. service. B.T.U p.m. will meet at 6 p.m. Father Albury will hold a speBible class meets Monday, 3 cial celebration of the Holy Eup.m. charist on Thursday at 9 a.m. Prayer meeting will be held commemoration of St. Simon am Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. St. Jude. Sunday school teachers wil Holy Communion will be cell meet Friday, 7:30 p.m. brated Friday at 9 a.m.

in this quiet place.,

abookmay be read that can free ymi from fear


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SYCAMOREM " " t t t t s r - SHREWSBURY

BIBLE BAPTIST .Hazlet Donald Tshudy, New Monmouth, will be guest speaker Sunday at the Jl a.m. service. Church WESTMINSTER ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL school meets at 9:45 a.m. EvePRESBYTERIAN Highlands ning service will be held at 7 Middletown Sunday services at 8 and 10 o'clock. a.m. are morning prayer and Rev. Harlan <-. Durfee will CHRISTIAN SCIENCE sermon except on the third Sun- ireach on "Creative Tension," Midweek prayer service will be SOCIETY day of each month when both iunday at the 9:15 and 10:45 held Tuesday, 8 p.m. Atlantic Highlands services are Holy Communion. i.m. services. Church school will TEMPLE SHALOM Church service and Sunday Church school meets during the >e held at the same times. Senior , Matawan Township METHODIST chool are at 11 a.m. Wednes10 o'clock service when children JPY meets at 7 p.m., Junior Sabbath Eve services will be day's testimony meeting la at Navesink emaln with their parentg for JPY meets tt 6:30 p.m. IS p.m. Reading room hours Rev. Gilbert Fell will preach the Eucharist. The office of eve- Senior U'PY will have t hay held in the First Aid Squad buildire TusKby from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, i t 9:30 a.m, on "The ning prayer li read tt I o'clock. 'ids tomorrow, t 7 p.m. Ing; Church St., at 8:30 tonight. nd following th* Wednesday Mule That Kept Going," Church Dally servlcei will be held u Men'* Bible study group meets Rabbi Sheldon Gordon will offil Mrvice. chooj will meet t t 10: .m. announced. ciate. Monday, tt J pirn.

Covenant life class will meel rlonday at 8 p.m. Adult Bible class will mee Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Marlboro State Hospital visits are at 10 i j n . a n d ' 2 p.m; Communicant's class will meet Saturday1 at 9:30 a.m. .

Rev. John Deegan will preach on "Is Payment en Demand with God Possible" A gospel film wil be shown at 7 p.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m., a women's >rayer meeting will be held. At 10:30 a.m. woman's missionary council will mejt. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Bible study 'ill be held. Friday, 8 p.m., Young People's lalloween party will be held.

ihrough Thursday,. parsonage. The Sisterhood will meet In the Saturday, Junior confirmation First Aid building Tuesday at lass meets st 3 a.m., senior con 8:30 p.m. ' irmatlon class meets at 10 a.m

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-4. Strongboxes O.MUkflSh 10. Take u cn' own 11. Bum II. Australian parrots 14. Timothy 15. Stud hone 16. Digraph 17. Biblical city 18. Faithfully SO. Swallow 32. Places 33. Blunder I St. Urgent % maritime call 25. White ii ant: P.t W 2T. P u t of a chum \i SO. Understand k 32, Greek letter SS.Word of dligutt % $ U, Allowanca for weight 35. little girl 86. Decline i\ 38. Dishonorable 14 W. Spacea between M - eye and bQl of bird* 41 0.BHmctlonry: abbr.

AC86M LOutuag . tool

liitBtiA at . 'wbMtfr O.0od of pleasure*.

Sunday, there will be an adult ducatlon meeting at the home of There will be a Woman's Misflr. and Mrs. Martin Graham, sionary Council rally on Monday lumson. Rabbi Henry Lieber- in the Assembly of God Church, nan, will preach on "The Rea-Freehold. ons for the Jewish Laws, Cusomj and Traditions." The course, "Adventures in There will be a business and Christian Living," will be taught rofessional luncheon at the syna- Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Trinity t> i & i ogue from 12:30 to 2 p.m. on Episcopal Church, Red Bank. Wednesday. I & Thursday there will be a slster- The missionary mass meeting % 12 ood board meeting at 8 p.m. of the Camden District of the AME Zion Church will be held ft Is METHODIST BAPTIZED in Wesley AME Zion Church, PAIR HAVEN Baptized Burlington, Thursday at 11 a.m. it n u n d a y at Christ Methodist FIRST UNITARIAN ihurch were Dia>ie Elaine Brow- The Senior Luther League of ii Llncroft Infant daughter of Mr. and Grace Lutheran Church, FreeRev. Harold R, Dean will Irs. John Brower, Church St.; hold, will present the film, preach1 at the 10:30 a.m. service lichele lkonomou, daughter of "Martin Luther," Sunday, Oct. $: 14 Sunday "Crisis in Black and lr. and Mrs. Michael lkonomou, 18 31, at 7:30 p.m. Youth FellowWhite." Church school ii at 10: J temp Ave.; O. H. Hallenbake K ships of the Freehold Area jl a.m. nd Mrs. Doris Schenck, *U of churches have received special '^ The Liberal Religious Youth air Haven, and William J. Hu- invitations to attend. The pro\\ 14 group will meet Sunday at 7:8C t, Port Monmouth. % gram will be open to the public. p.m. M The Women's Club will meel 4 In the home of Mrs. Robert Smith % 26 Briarwood Rd., Fair Haven M on Tuesday at S p.m. The final session of the Intro duction to Unitarianism discus< sion group will meet on Wednes, day at 8:30 p.m. in the hon< of Rev. and Mrs. Harold Dean MATAWAN - Mrs. Everett ". . .We had in mind the selec- Holmdel-Keyport Rd., Holmdel. E. Carlson, 31 Edgemera Dr., tion of a person with Mrs. Carl The book discussion group wil has been named as the Demi' son's qualifications, backgroun meet Thursday at 8:30 p.m. ocratlc write-in candidate (or and interest in the community. - the pott of tax collector. ". . .1 am confident that voters GRACE LUTHERAN She is the former Mary Devlin, of both political parties will see Freehold the wisdom of supporting Mrs. Sunday school will be held * a native of the borough and Carlson and welcome the oppor- 9:15 a.m. At the 11 a.m. service graduate of both Matawan High School and Red Bank Business tunity to fill this office with such Rev. David G. Volk will preacf a responsible person" Institute. . on "A New Suit of Clothes.' Pastor's class will be held at She has served as a secretary p.m. in various companies in this area Wednesday, at 8 p.m., churcl and as.clerk in the Matawan school staff meeting will be held post office. Thursday at 4:30 p.m., seventt Democratic municipal leader grade catechetical class meets John R. Fiorlno said in announcConfirmation class will meet a ing Mrs. Carlson's selection: 1 p.m. Bl-PartUan Effort Friday, 7:30 p.m., a Halloweet "When both tickets were faced party sponsored by the Lutherat with vacancies attet the deadline Church Women will be held. for printing ballots, the Democratic committee suggested a cooperative bl-partisan effort to support a candidate for this most Important office.

18.0*11P'Wia1 ;:niM'M^ iure H H u::iii!;i; i 1. Mystery!klMfJIJII'."'-! f.'l*U 4LTJrvivi, Hi I'll 1 T % ^Nt^nMi Ui-lt-iM.j!' meal ......... Lji t .Ki! l'.ini 21. Brent LBunn HPfJi-iH 1 1 33 expanse 24.Kotp HMUMIIHsi HHB S. Absent S5. Arma- BHHiawn CIDHH 3. Conflict dillo rarawHH cii-iBHia 4. Denoting a 26. StairTaatariai** atatwar tribe of way Franks posts 5. Embellish 27. Most 35.Wio 37. Dude 6. Exclude terrible 28. Lives 38. Founder ot 7. Slender flnlal 29. Ascend Persian religious 8. Flinty 31. Artist* 11. Pal sect stand


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-'1 ' J '' f I * ' ' . t ; 1 '.*,' Mi >

Religious News
a i m OF aunty LUTHERAN
Mtttwan Township Smutty school will be held at 0 a.m. in the Strathmore School. Rev. Richard A. Weeden will preach at the 10:30 service on "Easy Does It." Luther Lewie meets at 7:30 p.m., at thefparsonage, 138 DeerfleM U. / Evangelism committee meet: Tuesday, at 8 p.m., at the par sonage. Eighth grade confirmation class meets Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., the parsonage. Church school staff meet! Thursday, at 8 p.m., at Matawan Regional High School. Saturday at the parsonage, sev. enth grade confirmation claw meets at 9:30 a.m., ninth grade confirmation class meeti at 10:30 a.m. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Red Bank Sabbath leivicei for juniors and seniors are 9:30 a.m. with Rabbi Henry Lieberman conducting. Sunday school meets at 10

Church Notes
The Monmouth Convocation oi Episcopal Young Churchmen will mettt Sunday at 6 p.m. in Christ Episcopal Church, Toms River. There will be a mission pageant and service in St. Mary's Cathedral, Trenton, Sunday at 3 p.m.

Saturday, Oatobtr 2) Prtun*.For You and Youn a T h ) " "
educational program as a hobby or as a steppingstone to advanced job opportunity. l a P.M., new friends and stimulating group activities enliven the social scene. If entertaining at home, keep It simple so you can enjoy the fun, too. Lt your guests give you a hand in the kitoben.

THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, Octobw 72, 1965-13

Youth Groups Will Conduct Service Sunday

LONG BRANCH - Youth Sunday wlir be observed At Fifst Baptist Church, with the young people's groups taking charga of the evening progr&nf Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Advisers to the groups are Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dangler and Mrs. Suzanne Chlldem. Participating in the rally, are Herbert Henningsen, 3d, Bruce Eddlngs, Alicia Yancis, Diane Wyckoff, Walter Dangler, Jr., and Rev. Homer Trioules, pastor of the church. Serving on the welcoming committee are Linda Privette, Carol Dangler, Peggy Griffin, and Barbara Henningsen. On the cleanup committee are Lillian Sanders and Susan Bacon. Featured will be a film with lecture by Rocco Caponigro, assistant to Monmouth County sheriff, dealing with pornography and obscene literature..

The Day Under Your Sign

Arlti. lorn Mr. 11 to Apr. I V'our nind U In top form ind pnwrtn fi aiiured provided you mile* the more. Taunt. April JO 4a M. 20 Voii.will U bl to a p t vltk UN litutllM If Jttl *t down lo brut ucki. Sminl. My 21 to June 21 Trr to oYtivotne & tendency to worry about other people'* if* fairs. Cnc*r. Juna 22 to July 21 Th[| la a. rather dull day. but eventrtc; nay brine someone to liven things up. A BubiUntUl profit tin to made if you are alert to an unumal opportunity. Virgo. Aug. 22 to Sapt. 22 ReitrictWe facton are prtetlcall/ nil now, m set |oinearly. Libra. Sept. 21 to Oct. 22 Concentration ia difficult tinder current riyu eo byftau detail Jot*. Scorpio. Oct. 23 to Nor. 21 Don't be uptet by anide com. menu-of othera u your con* aclent ia. clr#r. S.glttariu.. Nov.M to Dae.:I Aspect! ate nod for beginning a study project or other 'ere. atjre pursuit. Capricorn. D * c 2 2 to Jill.20 GatMr loved CAM about you and enjoy aa oM-taehicned potluck dinner. Aquarius. Jan, 21 to Fab. If Get competent counsel before committing yourself to ft long. term obligation. Fiscal. Fob. 20 to March 20 There'a not amtfc t> recommend this day except ttat it'l prelude lo a batter one.

LM. July 12 to Auf.'2l

1965. hltiaben Nonpaper Syodlcata


Mrs. Carlson Seelts Office






TO DISCUSS PROJECT EAST KEANSBURG - Bay shore area residents will meet Sunday, at J p.m. in Badistadt's Half, Bray Ave., to discuss rea lofts for the delay In the Bay shore erosion project. All Interested persons are invited.

Imagination Lack Hit


Route 35 and Hew Moranouth Rd.

I New Shrewsbury!
at Route 35 Ave.

EATONTOWN Problem concerning school growth, a l a d of industry and other tax rata bleu, and inadequate sewer facil Ities face the. boroujgh, accordinf to a statement released by Democrat council candidates Melvir J. Kohn and Mrs. Jean Irwin Addressing a meeting of th< Eatontown Democratic Clut Monday in iDemocratic, head Paul A. Cameron,,,, quarters. Monmouth Shopping RAHWAY Paul A. Cameron Center, Hie candidates accused of 20 Heathcliff Rd, Rumson, ha B o r o u g h Council of "letting been named vice president in progress pass It by" and o charge of corporate development showing "no imagination ii of Puralator Products, Inc., here, meeting t h e s e pressing probJ. D. Abeles, company presi- lems." dent, announced that Mr. Cam- "We can no longer sit b a d eron it responsible for acquisi- and be quiet," the Democral tions, market research and de- hopefuls said. "We have revelopment and international op- mained quiet while the enormous erations In 15 countries. potential of the borough has A native of Wilmington, Del. been stifled by the inaction and Mr. Cameron is a World War I cdmplacency of a few people. . . Air Force veteran and is a for- "The election of Robert Dixon mer president of Feedback Con- and Daniel Kaufmann (Republl can candidates) will only per trols, Inc. petuate this small clique which stands for Inaction." TOP COACH KANSAS CITY (AP) - The Big Eight has three of the nation's top 25 coaches in care* won-lost records. Miss Faith White, daughter of Nebraska's, Bob Devaney is No, Mr. and Mrs. James White, Rey1 nationally with a 63-15-5 record, nolds Dr., celebrated her fifth Missouri's Dan .Oevfne is No. 3 blrtMay at a party In her home with 76-22- and Jack Mitchell of Oct. 14. Attending were Anne Marie Moag, Barbara and Lynn Kansas is 25th with 7O-H-6. De Marco, Angela Calise, Rita Leslie, Donn and Jimmy Zadoromy and Annette White.

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Mrs. Thomas Laugesen and Mrs. Theodore Voonhees attended die fall council meeting and luncheon of the Monmouth County Council of PTA in the Cobblestones, Middletown, recently. Mrs. Teresa Murphy, Boston, has returned after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs,' Ralph Norwood,' Throckmorton Ave. Also a guest in the Norwood home last weekend was Mrs. Norwood's sister, Mrs. Vincent Griffith, Bronx.

Enjoy Your Carpet Wliile Yon Pay For II, Jurt Charge I t - CONVENIENT





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Dr, and Mrs, Norman D. Thetford, South St., returned last week after spending several week in Europe. Mrs. Fred S. Morris, Eatonrest Dr., entertained at luncheon recently for Mrs. James A Crean Mrs Joseph A. DrilcOll, Mrs John W, Gulre, Mrs. O Edward Anderson, Mrs, Earl ~aimer, Mrs. E. Calithu and Miis Jesse JeUleSon, all of Long Branch. . Mr, ind .Mrs, John Papa and sons, of Belleville, visited Mrs. "'apa's mother, Mrs. Thomas Sweeney, High St., last Sunday. DRAMA GOES TO SEA NEW YORK (AP) - Dramaat-sea is being '.rtted as an entertainment Innovation for trans-Atlantic travelers. A condensed version of Noel Coward's "Quadrille," done i t alernate performances In English ind French, has been presented aity during autumn trips ot the Uner, France. N The company said that stage laya previously proved popular an cruises and it was decided to Insert thorn on regular crosilngt nto the usual shipboard array of movies, television and bingo.

C oa.






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Re-elect aovemor Hughes

M .Ut|*t.tll|IMUM> MMn^

TOE DAILY REGISTER 14-Friday, October 22, 196S

Alumnae Pick Fund Chairman

Ins and Outs of Status Is Igor's New Game

EDITOR'S NOTE Whether you're "in" or "out" in New York is a question of growing concern to lots of people. Just who and what decides has never been discovered. But one man now feels he is in position to be the social arbiter of the new young social set.

FREEHOLD - Mr. and MM. Harry E. Lange, 267 Sunrise PI..
Belford, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday at party given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hetem and family at the American Hotel here. Mr. and Mrs. Lange were married in their former home on Campbell Avenue in Belford on Oct. 18, 1925. They have seven grandchildren. Mr. Lange is now semi-retired. He previously owned and operated Harry's Super Market, Campbell's Junction, Belford.


By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON nailing the switch in "the right thing to do." AP Newsfesturei Writer "Bad manners are 'out,' " Igor NEW YORK (AP) - Igor Cas sini is a self-styled social arbitei says. It's gross bad manners to who believes that a good man; talk about money. Ostentation is people are like sheep and he, a: bad manners. Publicity is in bad Miss Joan Coyne, Red Bank, editor of a sophisticated nei taste, unless, of course, it is for president of the chapter, reported A CROOKED PUTTER magazine called Status, is wil business reasons such as the proon the college's spring benefit Miss Judith A. Cohen Miss Janet D. Peterson LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) ing to lead the flock into chi motion of my magazine." held in the Lincoln Center philWhen he was a gossip columpastures. Paul Franke of Louisville, the harmonic Hall. She said 2,300 His rod Is his staff and it wi nist, Igor was known as Ghighl Kentucky amateur golf ghammembers of the alumnae, reprecomfort them, providing them among the high flying "Jet Set." pion, uses a crooked putter. sentatives from Canada, South with the secure knowledge of ("I coined that expression, but Franke stands away from the America and the United States, it's out now. I'm calling these ball on putts and holds the club KANOFF-COHEN College, New Brunswick, where what and who is "in" or "out. attended the event. people 'The Restless Ones.' ") If something is not in, it wi io the Wade rests squarely on Miss E. Louise Bolger, execu- M1DDLETOWN Mr. and she is a June candidate for a be just as soon as the magazin At the same time he operated the ground. tive secretary of the alumnae, Mrs. Jack Cohen, 53 Conover bachelor of arts degree. She is says it is1} The onetime New a public relations firm until Unwill be guest speaker at the Ave., Riverside Heights,u an- majoring in Spanish. York society columnist the cle Sam chastized him over his chapter meeting Nov. 10 at 8:30 nounce the engagement of "their Mr. Kanoff, a graduate of Okla known as Cholly Knickerbocke Dominican Republic account, p.m. in the home of Mrs. Wil- daughter, Miss Judith Ann Co- homa University with a bache- makes this very clear. Thing! feeling he should have registered liam C. Fay, 3d. Spring Lake. hen, to Kenneth R. Kanoff, son lor of science degree in pharma- work out that way when you ar as an agent for a foreign governHer topic will concern the recent of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kanoff of cy, served in the U. S. Army in ment. social arbiter. Korea. He is associated with development and expansion of the Passaic. "I was the one to launch the In his Status magazine Igor several firms in North Jersey. A June wedding is planned. Philadelphia college. discotheques and promote th writes a chatty column, ChollyThe bride-elect, an alumna of twist," lamented Cassini in hi: style. For Instance he points out Middletown GUENTHERPETERSON Sell Fasti The Daily Register Red Bank and that a French mob at a Paris zoo schools, is attending Douglass WEST CALDWELL - Mr. and small but well appointed office was very mad at a leader of Classified. Mrs. William T. Dowd recently. He paced the gray Mrs. David L. Peterson, 6 Cool carpeting, drawing on a fashion- England's gambling'set for feed(The former Patricia Callahan) idge Ave., announce the engage- able cigar-like cigarette, a very Ing the ostriches 5,000 franc bank A LITTLE EXTRA . . . ment of their daughter, Miss fashionable smoke or certain]; notes. CAN GO A LONG WAY Janet Dorothy Peterson, to First soon will be. He's sorry now James Baldwin, a contributor Lt. Otto 3. Guenther, U.S. Army because those discotheques got in his maiden issue, is "in" beHe is the son of Mr. and Mrs out of hand. cause he is controversial, topiOtto Guenther, 42 Washington TUTORING PROGRAM cal. "Those places are full o 1 St., Red Bank. 'In' and 'out' are not who PREPARES shaggy-haired boys- and girls 1 A summer wedding is planned kookie clothes." (These are sure belongs to what party group, but ALL STUDENTS ALL ADULTS EAST KEANSBURG - Miss eturn, they will reside in KeansMiss, Peterson, an alumna of t o b e f 'out" momentarily becaus what is 'In' as far as the world Hlgklr xpritcd Imrnicron Fully ctrtWti Patricia Ann Callahan and Wil burg. James Caldwell High School, is social arbiter Cassini plans tc itself goes like racial rights," PHONE 566-2222 the arbiter defined. "Status is liam Thomas Dowd were mar- The bride was graduated from a senior at Trenton State Col- say they are.) not a society book not at all." ried Saturday in St. Catherine's Red Bank Catholic High School Raglittr Men,, Wad. 7 P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. -12 Neon lege. On the Market and the Berkeley Secretarial Smack In the middle of a col- Catholic Church. Lt. Guenther, an alumnus of LLOYD AND NOLAN ROADS. MATAWAN-Nnr Routu 19 and 9 4 plans to sound th lage of 13 candid photos of him The bride is the daughter o School, East Orange. She Is emRed Bank High School and-West He also p L H Woliky, HiMmwnr BA., M.A.RoMri Prlct, Dlrtctor B.5., ED.IV f era Maryland College, is in the "out" knell for the "debutante self, Cassini states the aims of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Calla- ployed in the Procurement Divi- Classical Ballet Technique han, g Taylor Ave., East Keans- sion of Fort Monmouth. U. S. Signal Corps stationed at game. It's a mass, public dis- the publication. Contemporary J o n ZENITH REMEMBERS T H E HAHD-Or-HCARINO bridegroom attended Fort Ritchie, Md. At Western, play of girls, like cattle, on the "My book Is not for ordinary burg. The bridegroom is the T h e Tap-Acrobatic t o * people, only people bored with son of Mrs. William T. Dowd, Mount St. Michael's Academy, he received a bachelor of arts marriage market." RED BANK IN 201 East Bergen Place degree In business administra- Marina, his 16-year-old daugh the banality of the world, the Woodside, L.I., and the late Wil- Bronx, N.Y. He is anapprentice ter, is too Intelligent and sophis ones who don't mind accepting liam T. Dowd. steamfitter, employed by Corter tion. 741-2208 ticated to want a debut, he said the facts as they are." Rev. Thaddeus Wojciehowski, Company, New York City. EVEGLASS New Tanned, blue eyed and curl; Who knows just what the facts pastor, officiated at the double IN-THE-EAR Auxiliary to See haired Cassini also has a son are? ring ceremony and celebrated g y BEHIND-THE-EAR Alexander, 12. They share 7966 "We do," he said unhesitating. Football Game town house in the socially re- Later he adds what might seem the Nuptial Mass. The bride was given in marKEYPORT - The First Aid spectable Gramercy Park area contradictory to the quibbler. Squad Auxiliary is sponsoring a with Igor's brother Oleg, once "What Is really 'in1 is for the riage by her father. She wore a gown, designed by Marie, ol bus trip to see the New York Mns. John F. Kennedy's official individual to be able to live life Jets play the San Diego Charg- couturier. Igor was widowed the way he wants with courage satin peau de soie styled with long pinted sleeves and sabrina ers tomorrow evening. two years ago. and no fear of criticism from or- neckline. Lace appliques acTickets are available from aux- "The world is full of people ganized society." cented the fitted bodice, hemline iliary and squad members. The who love to be told what to do,' And If Cassini says it is. It and chapel train. Her six-tiered donation includes admission to Igor said on the eve of the birth must be. French illusion elbow-length vei Zenith's Mlcro-Lithic Circuit is sealed airtight to protect its the games and bus fare. The' of his new status publication. He was attached to a pillbox of lace transistors and resistors from dust, foreign material, and erodbus is scheduled to leave from was wearing beltless gray conappliques. She carried a cas ing moisture. Then all other vital connections are also sealed to the First Aid Building, Broad St., inental slacks, moccasin shoes, assure better performance...more dependable hearing help. cade bouquet of white fuji chry at 6 p.m. Mrs. John Bamrick is i skinny gray tie and a custom See us for details and demonstration today. Ask about santhemums. made pink, faintly striped shin chairman of the trip. Zenith's after-purchase protection. Miss Sharon Callahan, at with his initials embroidered in Mrs. John Schanck is in charge home, was maid of honor for her surprisingly modest size. of selling holiday fruit cakes. AUTHORIZED ZENITH DEALER "Some women wear French MIDDLETOWN - For two days sister. Her floor-length A-Iine fashions whether they are right Nov. 19 and 20, members of the gold peau de soie gown was JAMES F. SMITH, Optician Next time you are planning to or not for them because they Middletown Reformed Church will styled with a long-sleeved bodice brpil skewered meat outdoors, lack individuality. They just tarn to tne"jteHi(rtB-business of with sabrina neckline, front plei' 11 WHITE ST., RED BANK 741-5070 or 741-5075 you migM try wrapping the cubes have to follow." ;torekeeping,"and self to the pub-and Watteau pane!. Four tiers Over 25 years a t Brood and Monmourh Streets of meat with bacon. The same (Earlier Igor had decreed that lic hundreds of hand made arti- of circular veils were held by. her trick also works with shrimp that those welt-seamed, thigh high cles, a variety of home baked matching pillbox and she carried ' RED BANK styles by Parisian Andre Cour- goods, and unique items for the a cascade bouquet of bronze and croto.n reges worn with baby bonnets holiday season. The bazar will chrysanthemums and boots are "in" because "my be held in the Educational Build- leaves. brother, Oleg, believes very ing of the church, Kings Hwy. The bridesmaids, who were atmuch in the new fashion mood;") Hours will be Nov. 19 from 10 tired in Kelly, green gowns of "People will buy a Picasso, a.m. to 9 p.m.; Nov. 20, 10 a.m. identical design and matching pillboxes, were Miss Veronica not a good one but any atrocity, to 4 p.m. because it's "in" rather than be- Mrs Rodney F. Plimpton is Comey and Miss Margaret Keatcause they have any inner judg- general chairman, and Mrs. Rolf. ing, East Keansburg, cousins of the bride. They carried cascade ment," added Cassini. H. Paulsen, vice chairman. bouquets of yellow chrysanthe"Take Louis XIV furniture. All The 15-member committee mums, yellow pompons and crothe millionaires raced to buy it elected to expand the bazar and ton leaves. until all their houses looked the add a great many new items to same. meet the demand which in pre- Thomas Langan, Woodside, But pacesetters Oleg and Igor vious years was stated greater L.I., cousin of the bridegroom, saved the day by selecting medi:han the supply. There will be was best man. Ushers were Laweval Florentine furnishings, i seven "shoppes," including the rence Fay and Joseph Fernan dez, Woodside, L.I. Timothy Village Pantry, Holiday Mart, Start Your Child Purcell, East Keansburg, cousin 'pecialty Gifts, Toys, Candy, Parof the bride, was ring bearer. It's so easy to lighten a heart and el post and coffee shop. As an added feature this year, A reception followed In Buck bring on a smile! A tVagrant bouquet Jiere will be a collection of se- Smith's Restaurant, East Keansburg, after which the couple left $10 per month or planter of the patient's favorite lected items on consignment, by by jet for Bermuda. When they special arrangement with Samuel Fru dillvtry. Frw tuning flower says, "Set well quick!" anko of the J. Yanko DepartFull Allewano If You Buy ment store, Red Bank. THE TUSTING Home cooked meals will be lerved at luncheon and dinner, PIANO COMPANY Phone 747-1832 n refreshments throughout both Bonn a Bond, Atbury Pork Jays. Amusements will be provided for the chidren, and Santa MATAWAN Miss Marjorle 775-0M4 Claus is expected to pay a visit. Costello, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Harold Costello, was honored at a surprise miscellaneous bridal shower at Don Quixote Inn, Rt. 34, Matawan, by Miss of course Joyce Costello and Miss Patricia OCEANPORT AVE. Costello, both of Matawan, and -L;f LITTLE SILVER NOW GOING ON IN BOTH STORES Miss Carol Ann Formaii, Englishtown.

RED BANK - Mrs. Patrick J. MoGann, Jr., Lincroft, was named chairman of the fund-raising committee for the Chestnut Hill College Alumnae Association, Monmouth Chapter, at its meeting this week in the home of Miss Janice Tyndall and Dr. Alice Tyndall, !27 Maple Ave. Members will sell Christmas cards.

To Marry Next Year



Patricia Callahan Wed To William T. Dowd



As bury Park

Set Dates For Bazar

Trust a "Lebanese" to Know Carpeting!


Cheer Up a Shut-in with a Bitof Beauty


Bride-Elect Is Honored




Ends of Rolls Remnants

Save Big Dollars Now on Famous Brand Carpeting on Display. Choose your Favorite color and pattern But hurry!., they won't last too long at these prices!


The charm of a living room M very often depends upon the choice of draperies or slip covers, and fortunately, you can always "shop" at Silberstein. Come see our very large collection of materials, take samples home with you and (tee exactly what they will look like in your living room. For a new experience in interior decorating, for expert advice, come see us. We will be glad to have you and atsltt you In any way possible.


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Irttrlor Pttlgn tomlhiw Dnqwrlti Sllpcovin Clbratln Our Uth Tear 21-21 Mutatis ft.. Rtd lank T4M711 '

Miss Costello wiUbecomt the bride of Christian Randolph Heuser, Jr., Saturday, Oct. 30, In St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Keyport. Attending were Mrs. Harold Costello, Mrs. C. Randolph Heuser, Miss Kathryn Costello, Mrs. Ralph Heuser, Jr., Miss Millicent Heuser, Miss Ann Churchman, Mrs. Helen Churchman, Mrs. Pat Dapolito, Mrs. Douglas Ward Mrs. John. Lindsay, Mrsi Carmen DeNardo, Mrs. Arthur Nixon Mrs. Floyd Bl)ss,.Miss Suzanne Cornell, Miss Susan Carlson, Mrs. J. G. McCormaek, Mrs. George Carnes, and Mrs. Carmen Messina, Matawan. Also, Miss Doris Norton, New AMERICAN BOSTON MEXICAN Brunswick; Miss Joan Sullivan, FRENCH GERMAN IRISH SCOTCH and Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Long Branch; Miss Patricia TImilin WESTERN HOUND DOG PLAIN and Miss JoAnne McCawley, TRY OUR DILICIOUS MISSILE 1URO1R Dunellen; Mrs. Richard Wil I Dtlmoiilco Stwk DlMtr M S Friday Spaclal Flih l u r p n Hams, Cheesequake; Mrs. Willlsm Costello, Wickatunk; Mrs. Pork Chop Dlnnr 1.45 Anthony Brlscese, West Keana ttrinp Dllatn M S ChlckM Dlnittn M S burg; Mrs. James Phelan, South All Dlmtn fervid wit* ftwdt Frl - Solad Rolli Amboy; Mrs. Douglas Forman, and Mist Linda Forman, Engllshtown; Mrs. Julius DeFellcei Cliffwood; Mrs. R. A. Kind, Old Bridge; Mrs. Nelson Taylor, Deal, and Mrs. Lewis Merrltt, S m l M xehiilvtly by Johnny Aetna's A Red Bank. NIWMAN SPRINftS MARKIT




' , i,( j**

n *..,

Want a quick barbecue sauce in which to ilnvmer frankfurters? Add a little brown iu|ar and vinegar t o - h l t

HWY. 35


O M Mil* Nwlh l I M Mmk^


Boutique Set For Oct. 28

Church Hall Calendar

Variety of Evenis in Week Ahead

MIDDLETOWN - Old First Church, Kings Hwy., will present "Salute to United Nations," a concert of folk songs by the Children's Choir Sunday at 7 p.m. CHURCH SUPPER ENGLISHTOWN A supper sponsored by Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church will be held Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. in Millstone Elementary School, Rt. 524, Clarksburg. THRIFT SALE LONG BRANCH - The annual thrift sale of Women of St. James' Church will be in the parish hall, Broadway and Slocum PI., Tuesday from 9 to 8 p.m. and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Esther Hall of Oakhurst, and Mrs. Donald Donaldson, of Wanamassa are co-chairmen, assisted by members of St. Martha's, St. Alban's, St. Cecelia's arid St. Mary's Guilds. Refreshments will also be available. ANNIVERSARY PINNER COLTS NECK-Court Marian, Catholic Daughters of America,' will hold its 11th anniversary dinner in Buttonwood Manor, Matawan, Monday at 7 p.m. Mrs. Raymond Rogers h chairman. Mrs. Frederick Koechlin is chairman of a pie sale to be held Sunday, Oct. 31, following Masses at St. Mary's Catholic Church. HOBBY NIGHT NEW SHREWSBURY - The Luther Memorial Women's Sooiety will hold a Hobby Night at its meeting Monday in Fel iowship Hall of the church, open to all women parishioners. ANNIVERSARY RED BANK - Rev. Elmer Patterson of the Maryknoll Fathers, will be guest speaker at the ,19th anniversary dinner of Court St. James, Catholic Daughters of America, Nov. in the Cobblestones, Middletown, at 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Patterson is here on leave from Korea. Mrs. Anthony Peduto is chairman, and Mrs. John: Schuster assistant chairman of the affair. CARD~PARTY RED BANK - The Women's Guild of Trinity Episcopal will hold its annual fall card party Thursday, Nov. 4, at 1 p.m. in Parish Hall, White Street. Mrs. Alfred Mathiasen, chairman, and Mrs. David Gardenier, co-chairman, will be as sisted by Mrs. Eugene A. Ken' ny, in charge of reservations, and Mrs. Oliver Stryker, treasurer of the guild. DESSERT BRIDGE FAIR HAVEN A dessert bridge and bazar will be held Monday, Nov. 15, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. in the church hall of Catholic Church of the Nativity, Ridge and Hance Rds., by the Rosary Altar Society. Committee chairmen selected for the event at the recent October meeting in the church hall were Mrs. E. Joseph Scherer, chairman; Mrs. Alfred Lankenau and Mrs. Edward Daubenschmidt, assistant chairmen; Mrs. Harry Knllfin and Mrs. Frank Leslie, sewing; Mrs. Philip Magulre, treasurer; Mrs. William Henderson, publilicity Mrs; William Tumulty, tickets, and Mrs. Laurence Toole, white elephant. Proceeds will go to the church improvement fund. Also at t h e meeting, Rev. Donald' E. Hickcy, pastor and moderator of the society, invested as members Mrs. William Asay, Mrs. Leonard Foreman, Mrs. Owen Gibson, Mrs. Daniel Grady and Mrs. Russell Stevens, Fair Haven, and Mrs. Richard Marshall and Mrs. Paul Scholl, Little Silver. A reception (or the membership followed the meeting. OFFICERS ELECTED FREEHOLD - Officers elected to serve two-year terms at a recent meeting of United Presbyterian Women were Mrs. Gilbert Landes, first vice president and program chairman; Mrs. Ernest C. Hampton, third vice president and world service chairman and Mrs. Harold Musgrave, corresponding secretsry. Mrs. James Memmot, secretary for missionary education; Mrs. E. Allan Hana, secretary tor social education; Mrs. Charles Ladd and Mrs. William Ollwerther, home members; Mrs. Stanley Gailbreath, inter-church relationship; Mrs. Edgar Hargls, Christian education, and Mrs. Ashton Buffett, chairman of the nominating committee for a three year term. Mrs. Herman Struve. Mrs. Kurt Konegen and Mrs. Earl Garrison were named circle chairmen. ^ .. . . . . . . . .# A playlet;'. waV presented' stressing the need of stewardship f.y Mrs. Struve, Mrs. Frank Hugus, Mrs. Gilbert Landes and Mrs, Judson S. Post. FREEDOM TOPIC FREEHOLD Mrs. Harold C. Mount spoke on "The Life of Freedom" at recent meeting of Circle Two, United Presbyterian Women, in the home of Mrs. Irving Owen, West Main St. Mrs, Frank Weeden was c&Aostess. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Louis Kinier, Montrose Rd., Colts Neck. Shadowbrook for Mrs. Larry 0. Dasjow, formerly of 56 Maida Ter., Red Bank, before 6he left Oct. 15 for Palo Alto, Calif. Guests included Mrs. Daniel Reinheimer, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. Samuel Price, Mrs. Dennison Smith, Mrs. Norman Inwright, Mrs. Robert Hoffman, Mrs. George Whitley, Miss Elrlo Muecke, Mrs. Robert Clark, Mrs. Milton Varian, Mrs. Albert Kooistra, Mrs. John Ayers, Mrs. Lambert Gieseke, Mrs. William Molteni, Mrs. Marvin Fichter, Mrs. Richard Thomas, Mrs. Richard Owen, Mrs. Walter Werner,' Mrs. Kermit Dunlap, Mrs. Gerald Halweg, Mrs. John McLearen, and Mrs. William Pink.

MATAWAN An Autumn Boutique, sponsored by the MaUwan Borough Auxiliary of the Bayshore Community Hospital, will be held at the home of Mrs. Warren Hutchinson, 13 Schenck Ave., Matawan, Thursday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Articles to be featured at the sale include knitted goods, crewel work and unusual Christmas items, made by the members. There will also be paintings and specialty foods as well as a wide selection of unusual candles. The committee for the boutique includes Mrs. Calvin Bell, Mr. Alfred Casagrande, Mrs. Jac Cushman, Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. George Younkheere. Sell Fast! The Daily Register Classified.

LAST YEAR'S PROCEEDS from the annual Hunt Race Meeting are distributed by Mn. Amory L. Haskell, Jr., left, sacretary-treaturer of the Monmouth County Hunf Racing Association, at a gathering held recently in ths Jockey Club at Monmouth Park. M n . Haskell presents a check to Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, Locust, who represents the Monmourh County Organization for Social Services, to to Jack 0 . Rhymer, Monmouth Council of Boy Scouts of America. A total of $3,200 was distributed to charitable agtnciss in the county.
When summer weather wilts crisp cookies, put them in a 300degree oven for a short time to re-crisp them.



10 A . M . - 4 P.M. 42-44 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Sponsored by: The Sisterhood of Monmouth Reform Temple

HAVILAND Dance Studio


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Co<!fetOLi ToJbfe/ by
AMERICAN PROVINCIAL . . Aa much at dome bealde your hearth ai the Did baltowi wan beiUe the roirmi urea of Uu aarly day). Twice aa uielul too! Ample apace for aervlnc dtinlu; aaiy to carry around with tta two hindlea-, concealed cocktail tray tor lervlni. and, of ratine, the auperb Burar Hill Pine, the authentic deilfn and old fuhloned caulcet maldnf wblch dlitlncuiahaa all Plymwood American Provincial [ Furniture. ' See our Many Othnr F l u Euly American f a n l r o n BaiindieUma Upkiilalere* Pine Ctury Naw Oa Dlaptyl

EST. 1939
Dance Education Classes lncl. , Acrobatics Ballet Tap J a n Folk

Phone 741-1820 75 McLaren Street Red Bank

Member Davar Maalera at America

HUNT MEET COMMITTEE members meet to discuss plans for the 35th annual Hunt Race Meeting to be held tomorrow on the Woodland Farm estate of Mr. and Mrs. Amory L. Haskell of Middlefown. From left to right are Mrs. Albert R. Kaupp and Mrs. Michael C. Guarino, Rumson, and Mrs. Siebren Reinalda, New Shrewsbury.

Everybody Buys Picture Frames FROM LOU COOPER

W must b doing somttfiinf right

That Little Old Frame Maker



* Classes or Private Lessons * WALK IN . . . DANCE OUT!


PHONE 747-9552 37 East Front Street Red Bank




EPISCOPAL WOMEN MEET ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Episcopal Church Women of St. Andrews, Highlands met recently in the home of Mrs. John Opfernunn, Navesink Ave. here, for a business luncheon Fashion Show meeting. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - SisThe group worked on articles terhood of Temple Shalom will for a fair to be held Dec. 7 hold a supper-fashion stow Tuesin the church. day at 8 p.m. in Diamond Jim's Restaurant, Rt. 34, Cheesequake. FAREWELL LUNCHEON Fashions will be by Elegance SHREWSBURY Women East of the Monmouth Shopping members of Luther Memorial Center, Eatontown. Mrs. Arthur Church, Colts Neck, gave a Axelroid is in charge of reservafarewell luncheon recently in tions.

MATAWAN - The Dorothy Toland Dance Studios presented enMATAWAN - Tickets are still John Brennan, Mrs. Frederick tertainment at the Marlboro available for a fashion show and Waitt, Mrs. Thomas Cole, Mrs. Township Citizen's Committeeball Ronald Nunziante, Mrs. JoAnn Saturday in Buttonwood Manor. Get. 55,.'at S p.rn.Tn Jhe Mag- Colot, Mrs. George Riordan, Mrs. nolia Inn, sponsored by the Ros- Daniel Gray, Mrs. Joseph Rein- The director, Mrs. Toland, colary Altar Society of St. Clem- er, Miss Dorothy Zalesko and aborated with Ken Morgan of the Morgan Ballroom Studio, Red ents Roman.Catholic Church. Mrs. Walter McBride. Bank, in presenting several disFashions will be shown by Mucotheque dances in: which the riel's, Keyport, and will feature and accessories will be Sharon dance guests participated, Includclothing, hats and accessories Gray, Mary Frances Murphy, ing the Alley Cat and the Hullyfor boys, girls and women. Michele Quinn, Kimberly O'Don- Sully. L'Image Salon, Strathmore nell, Karen Nunziante, Roy and Robert Knowles was master of Shopping Center, will arrange Kenneth Kaiser. ceremonies. Mrs. Walter Grubb, the hair styles and Mrs. Joseph wife of the mayor, was in charge D'Aloia, Lochslea Heights, Mata To Present Program of the program, assisted by Miss wan, make-up artist for Vivian Carol Holland and Mrs. Norman Woodward, will assist. LONG BRANCH The Cen-Janwich. Dancing was to the Mrs. Mark Clarkin it general ter Drama Group will present an Lancers from Matawan. chairman and her assistan informal program from their Young performers from the Tochairman is Mrs. Martin Hickey. repertoire at a meeting of Sis- land dance studios were Trudy Tickets may be obtained from terhood of Monmouth Reform Beaman, Eeverly and Donna Kerr, them at their homes, 10 Winter Temple Monday at 12:30 p.m. in Red Bank; Gail and Joy AdeskaPI., or 19 Winter PL, respective- the Shrewsbury Temple. Mrs. Jer- yitz, New Shrewsbury; B e c k y ly, both of Matawan. ry Izenberg, is program oharr- Wills, Little Silver; Linda Queen Models will be Mrs. Robert man, Sitters are available for Fair Haven; Barbara FitzGerald, Longo, Mrs. Robert Macco, Mrs. children of members or guests in Farmingdale, and Karen Koelsch, Keansburg. the religious school building.

St. Clements' Society To Hold Card Party

Students Entertain

ROUTE 34 COLTS NECK CALL 2 - 17M (lust South ot Frethold Rd.) Open Mon.-Thurf. 18 to Si Frl. S; Sat. H t? *




OAfLY 9 to 5:30FRI.'TIL* 468 Broad St., Shrt^ibury

(den), n. ( U i decanui, head of ten (monka, etc.) I. the presiding official of a cathedral. 3. t college of' ficlal in charge of students or faculty. 1. the member of a group who has belonged to It the longest.
(Wtbaun Naw World Wctlocmy)



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Tom Dean's Florist . . . the only florist owned.and operated by a member of the family that h u been synonymous with the finest floral arrangements for 66 years.

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Red Bank

Try Our Fresh Pressed Cider We are a certified Farm Mkt. Need fireplace wood? See I U !

Say Hughes Bypassed, Legislators at Parley

EATONTOWN Senate candi dates Richard R. Stout, R-Mon mouth, and William T. Hiering R-Ocean, hammered away yes terday at Gov. Hughes for no inviting them to an Oct. 21 round table discussion on the Central Jersey Expressway. "We are amazed at being by passed by the governor when he held the meeting in Matawar with his special task force," the candidates said. "It seems odd the governor didn't invite a single member oi the New Jersey Legislature tc discuss with him this vital sit' uation. And Bill Hiering and I are both flabbergasted that we, who in 1964 headed up the joint legislative committee on highways and transportation, were completely ignored by the governor," Stout remarked. ants our people to believe he es awake at night worrying bout the highways we need but lon't have. "His worry has him so con used he omits from his task arce the most knowledgeable in the highway picture. Per ;aps he is afraid we would ask d d ome embarrassing questions, ind perhaps his answers might irove to be more embarrassing 'nan the questions."

In-Patient Psychiatric Unit at Medical Center

LONG ERANCH With th dedication of an in-patient ps; chiatric unit Saturday, Monmout Medical Center will soon ape: Assemblyman Hiering had this a specialized area of the hos ?ital designed specifically foi to say: "Particularly noticeable was short-term care of the mentall' the absence from this meeting of ill. (ormer highway commissioner Monroe Eisner, president of th E. Donald Sterner, who for years medical center, said that "witl has stressed the need for such a mental health facility , as ai highways in the Monmouth-Ocean integral part of the in-patient pro rea and who is considerably gram at Monmouth Medical Cen more of an authority on the sub- ter, the people of Monmouth Counject than any individual on the iy will have available to them governor's so-called task force." comprehensive services that can Sen. Stout had even more to administer the full spectrum o medical care." say about the meeting: "We can only conclude from The treatment of the emotion the governor's haste in reading ally disturbed individual in th< his lengthy statement, and his community amid more familia: haste in leaving the meeting, surroundings generally causes that he is not so much concerned minimal disruption on the part o with our area's need for ade- the individual who fears beinj quate highways as he is with "put away," said Dr. William D Reilly, director of adult service! making an election-year i of the Pollak Clinic who wil pression on the public." serve as director of the new uni The Republicans said the port submitted in 1964 by their He added that the new unii Joint legislative committee will provide for certain emotionshowed conclusively that the New ally disturbed persons short-term Jersey department of highways intensive mental care close was guilty: of "mismanagement their homes. Early intensiv and fiscal waste." treatment greatly enhances th Hitring finished the statement chances of successful treatmenl by saying that "The governor he said. At the dedication, Mr. Eisnei acknowledged the people wh< were instrumental in making thi facility a reality, Among thes were the late Edwin Bry, a mem HEADQUARTERS her of the center's board of crnors; Walter Reid, Sr., the lat former president of the center; Maurice Pollak and the Polla family, who made possible th' center's out-patient psyohiatrii DELIVERED TO services; Dr. George Stevenson YOUR HOME WITH and Robert Raster. AUTOMATIC Among the agencies that supported the concept of an In-patient ill If PERSONAL CARE psychiatric unit, Mr. Eisner"minCall Today! tioned the Monmouth County Men. tal Health Association and th REE ESTIMATES County Mental Health Board am Edwin Gage, its president. George J. Bartel,. administra INCORPORATED - tor of ttie center, stated that thf 1 HEUWT ST. RED BANK new .unty, will K a r a t e as, any, oHw ' 741-0410 I unit of the hospital. Referral t< ;he service will be by the indi vidual's physician through one ol the center's 12 staff psychiatrists, The psychiatric unit will occupy a complete floor of th Betty ,B.lpc}j, Roberts Wing, In addition, .to the 20-bed unit, there is a .dicing 'room, a recreatio room, a. nurses,' station and rooms for specialized treatment, and care.,

ENTERTAIN MEMBERS HIGHLANDS - Mrs. George Selah and Mrs. Ethel Kollmar entertained members of the Past LONG BRANCH - A sympo- various personnel in the hospital of the nursing service and public President's Club ol the Twin- sium for head nurses brought 480 and the need to keep in direct relations departments at die cenlight American Legion Auxiliary chief nurses and nursing-service contact with patient care through ter. in Mrs S"lah's home 16 Bridge supervisors from 76 New Jersey actual bedside practice. She em...__,._, to. Monmouth - - - phasized the need for head nurses ., Medical hospitals . . . . Ave., Red Bank. to continue their education and Mrs. Kollmar, president, wel- Center Monday. comed Mrs. Jonn L. Dedrick, The day-long activities included to prepare themselves, 1 a past president of the legion a tour of specialized areas at the Dr. Van Note said the college Benmedical center in the morningils looking forward to providing FORT MONMOUTH auxiliary, as a new member. jamin R. Harvey, Jr. of 262 South Dinner followed the meeting and a lecture by author Jean!increased opportunities to the Lincoln D f l l d th ti Ave., Oakhurst, has and the birthd'ya of Mrs. De- Barrett in the Pollak Auditorium ^community in the field of nursing been named an education spedrick and Mrs. Stephen H. Fal- at Monmouth College in the af-ieducation. cialist in the Instructor Trainternoon. The symposium, sanctioned by ing Branch, U.S. Army Signal ler were celebrated. Mrs. Dedrick will entertain More than 400 toured the center the New Jersey Hospital Associa- School, here. the group on Monday at 8 p.m. facilities. Areas visited included tion, was held under the direction The former Radar Division in- L an operating room, the intensive in the Legion Hall, Bay Ave. care unit and the teenage unit Modeling for Deborah structor's transfer followed his being named "outstanding inin the Susan Greenwall Pavilion. 1 At' Monmouth College, they FREEHOLD A fashion show structor. ' an honor bestowed "in was held at-the regular meeting recognition of exceptional ability were greeted by George J. Bartel. administrator of (he medical of the Freehold Chapter of Deb- and skill" as a classroom teachcenter, and Dr. William. G. Van orah in the Jewish Community er. Note, president of the college. Center. Mrs. Bruce Scherer was , He is a lifelong Oakhurst resident and a graduate Of Asbury Miss Martha L. Sacci, assistant in charge of the program. The director of the new unit, administrator and director of Modeling were Mrs. Scherer, Park High School. He attended ir. Reilly, is a graduate of Hah- nursing service, introduced Miss Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. Law- Pennsylvania State College and emann Medical College and Jean Barrett, who spoke on the rence Bindler and Mrs. Jack Alt- is a graduate of Monmouth College. jrved his internships at Memorial role of the head nurse and led a man. Hospital in Wilmington, Del.; at discussion period Mrs. William Powell and Mrs. Mr. Harvey is married to the lellevue Hospital, New York, and Miss Barrett outlined the re- David Steinberg, president, are former Miss Carmtlita Strano of p , , it the Institute of Pennsylvania sponsibilities of nursing super- taking reservations for a group Interlaken. They are parents of a son and two daughters. visors, their relations-hips to the trip to Puerto Rico. -losDital. Philadelphia.

Symposium Draws 480 Chief Nurses



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In This Section: Sports, Amusements, Classified

Dia| 74I-00IODAY 741-1110 NIGHT
CopyrightThe Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965.

For Quick Results Use Our Want Ads





Marine Labs Ocean Fishing Project

SeeAbundance of Reef Materials

dition, the cost of enforcement of municipal ordinances regulating abandonment, and removal of junks is a growing expense to county municipalities. And in larger communities, the problem has reached the point where it requires the efforts of a police officer- or health' department official. ..'' Freeholder Marcus Daly - said this on the subject: "We're in a where we are 'spending hundreds of dollars for Green Acres, while at the. same time losing acres of open spaces to junk yards." No "Eternal Harvest" The Littoral Society survey blames the surplus auto wrecks on stepped-up car production, new methods of steel manufacturing CITY OF FISH The lunlctn wrack "Mohawk," eight milei off coast of Manaiquan requiring- less scrap metal, and the interruption of which it terms has become eitablished marine habitat, as indicated by photo, with abundance of the "eternal harvest" of produccatches reported by fishermen. "Mohawk" and "Pints," five miles away, are major ing, using, and salvaging for reNEWARK - Red Bank and veyed.. At Red Bank 733 were go- yond Newark, 25.3 par cent' to them parked at the station. artificial reefs in New Jersty. use of autos. Matawan have the busiest com- ing bevond Newark arid 168 to Newark, 3;4 per cent to points An 8:05 a.m. arrival in Newark "Cars are going out of service muter railroad stations at the Newark. At Middletown the on the line up to and including was the most popular first choice, shore, i survey of passengers figures were 302 and 37; at Little Elizabeth, and 2.8 per cent to followed closely by 8:25 a.m. and at the rate of more than five million per year,", the report boarding the Jersey Central and Silver 247 and 62. Bayonne branch stations. !:17 a.m. Pennsylvania trains taken on one Taking the shore line as a Some 82 per cent of the re- The responses represented 55 warns, "and, hew car production is almost at eight million and day last spring has shown. whole, the survey noted 68.4 per spondents used cars to get to per cent of the 7,174 passengers will go higher." A copy of the survey has been cent of the passengers went be- the station, and two thirds of on the day of the survey. The price of scrap metal salreceived by the Municipal Pubvaged from Junk cars and delic Service Co-ordinating Com livered to-foundries has dropped mittee, which represents the comto'$20 per; ton. It once was $38 muting public in the Red Bank to $43 per ton, It said. TRENTON For the secon of space for five years and $3 a The commissioner noted thai area. In summing up, the report preChairman August E. Roemer time in seven months, Stal foot for the next 20 years. Drive- under state banking law onl dicts that "considerable assisin and parking facilities will be $187,500 would be necessary to of Little Silver said the survey Banking Commissioner Chart' tance for artificial reef construcinitiate a new bank but that the will be jsed when the committee provided. R. Howell has .approved a chai Discussing capitalization, Mr. applicant had far exceeded the studies the tentative schedule for ATLANTIC HIGHLAiNDS-The people felt they were capable tire means all, without exception tion can be expected from counter for a new bank in Middli Howell said that ample funds minimum as a measure of sound the Aldene Plan which is expect- campaigacommlttee of the Re- of standing on their own feet." the GOP campaign committee ty Planning Boards and local regulatory agencies hard-pressed would be provided for the new banking procedure and practice. ed to take effect next spring. publican Dub yesterday chal- "If on the other hand, they deny went on. town Township. for solutions to the Junk car probMr. Howell announced yester bank to competitively serve the .Mr. Giordano and Stanley Under the plan. Central trains lenged the Democratic executive having been bossed, we'll agree ''We happen to know that every lem." day his okay of an applicatior credit needs of retail businesses, tohen, Long Branch, were at- will follow the Pennsylvania's committee to "name this horrible there is a lot of smoke, but it member of the Republican Mr. Clark said that "in addiperson whom you have tagged comes only fronv the feeble fire nicipal committee does not agre by the Middletown Banking Com- industry, and residents of its torneys for the new bank. John route directly to New York. you are trying to kindle. Bossism witti Mr. Stryker. You did not tion to federal aid tor a reef pany for a bank at 1250 Rt. 35, trade irea and to provide a E. Toolan, Perth Amboy, repre Of the 7,174 persons boarding with the handle of boss." cushion for the projected first sented the Keansburg-Middletown trains between ' Bayhead and In a release to The Register, can exist only when people per? poll the committee, so your con experiment, I would like to 'see about mile and a half north the cooperation of Monmouth National. the Navesink River bridge to Rei year loss. Perth AmbpyjMi the day of the the Republicans stated: "We mit themselves to be bossed,'* the tention is In error. Let's keep th record straight and say that you County officials, state legislators, Bank. survey, 1,755 got on at Red Bank, frankly have to namit we don't statement continued. and members of the state DeAj he had last April 1, the com 934 at Matawan, 618 at Middle- know who this terrible boss is to Refferring to a recent statement meant to say the chairman of the partment of Conservation and town, 518 at Little Silver, 452 whom ypu so frequently refer. by'the Democrats that a Repub- municipal committee agrees wit i missioner rejected arguments Economic Development." at Long Branch and 109 at Haz- We have asked you several times lican councilman had Indicated Mr. Styker. the Keansburg-Middletown NaCOHWM|C lnjpacf let. in the past to name him, but there were attempts by the Re- "And who Is the chairman yon - tional Bank, which has its main for some peculiar reason you have publican Club's board of govern- forgot* to mention?" the campaign "Since junk car ftnd-decreating office at Rt. * Kings High : ors to boss the Mayor and Coun committee asked.11 "He is Harvey fish supply problem^ are not paway, that there was no r.eed foi The passengers' were asked avoided doing so." rochial," Mr. Clark said, "they n additional banking facility It how they got to the station. Most "We would- like to know," the cil, but it hadn't worked, the H. 'BowteH, who in 1964, was eventually will have i n economic the township. of them drove. At Red Bank 553 statement went on, "and so would GOP campaign committee had masquerading a, a staunch Republican while ' openly talking impact on the county,' state, and parked at the station and 320 the people of Atlantic Highlands." this to say: Sees Quick Growth Ask The Officials ' "First, the Republican council'- against the party's presidential federal government." MIDDLETOWNThe Homeowners and Taxpayers Associa- were dropped off. At Middletown Instead, he" acdepted the con He indicated there i*a "ground"You might ask (Councilman man you "refer to is Richard candidate. He has a right to hi tion of Lincroft has asked the Board of Education to make 248 parked and 80 were driven, elusions of Thomas H. Barton, and at Little Silver 191 .parked Richard C.) Stryker and (Harvey Stryker, a close friend and busi- opinions, but one shouldn't carry swell of support" for the artificial management consultant from minor route revisions for a number of school buses as a safety H.) Bowtell, in fact you might ness associate of one of your the banner of proclaimed loyalty reef program from sttte and outand 101 were driven. New York, that the new bank measure, Edward Rosell, president, reported last night. in one hand and stab', its leade of-state fishing orgtoiMtons and There were few who walked ask the entire Borough Council candidates, James R. Snyder. could reasonably expect to al Board administrators are studying the request. and Harbor Commission, if any "Then, you mentioned that the to the back with" the othei. . , party boat associations. tract 8,214,000 deposits in its Mr. Rosell said the association, if it has to, may pay the 37 at Red Bankand Red Bank was the only station used by of them individually or col- entire Republican executive com- "While we're'on/the subject Mr. ClarJc stressed, however, first year, and over $6 million in cost of. rerouting. . more than a handful of bus-riders. lectively have ever been mittee.substantiates Mr. Stryker's of names, who is the chairman that utilization of junk cars for its third. At the same time, Mayor Ernest G. Kavalek and Mr. bossed," the Republicans sug- statement. Actually,. you meant of the Harbor Commission who fish reefs is not the panacea There were 51. It appears entirely possible, Rosell announced that the police department will have a squad Also of interest to the com- gested. "If they say they have, the Atlantic Highlands Republi also substantiates Mr. Stryker' for the increasing junk car preMr. Howell said, that the new car on Swimming River Rd., scene of a recent fatal accident, mittee, Mr. Roemer said, is the then they should apologize to the can municipal committee. How- statements,? Nons other than Mr, dicament and artificial reefs are . bank may receive $200,000 in de- every weekday from 6:30 to 9 a.m. not the cure-all foi fish scarcity." destination of the commuters sur- citizens pf the town because most ever, let us remind you that en- Bowtell." mand deposits and $200,000 The car was stationed on the road for the first time yester"It is onljt one approach out time deposits from municipal am day morning, and seven speeding tickets were handed out by of many .which must be taken in . school funds. police. the years to come," he stated. The car had been requested by the association. Joseph Fettner, who is to be But it is a step In the right The car has a loud speaker to warn children not to walk president of. the new bank, ha direction toward a solution." testified that.a net toss of $11, too far gut in the roadway, the mayor noted. Though using junk cars in buildThe association will meet with the Township Committee M A T A W A M TOWNSHIP - What makes matters worse is "I was. collecting I.O.U.s but Albert E. Allen, Republican ing man-made reefs never has 460 may occur the first year bu Oct. 28 to discuss general safety problems in Lincroft. liffwood Beach elementary the fact that it appears they wil little cash. party campaign chairman, said been tried before in New Jerthat a .net profit of $37,570 shoul Mr, Kavalek also announced that the county Board of Free- school students and their mothers have to take that walk for some "Other mothers would use the yesterday he would throw no ley, other methods, have. result in the second year an i holders is taking bids for installation of the much-promised have a long walk to get to and time yet. $59,180 'jy the third. bus for a few months and then stones at the. Democratic admin- The state Department of ConParents in the area with chil I wouldn't see their kids any- istration over this issue. . . torn school. Mr. Howell said hi regarded traffic light at Five Corners, Lincroft. servation and Economic Developdren attending Cliffwood School more. In the meantime, because "This is not a situation that is ment once experimented with one the projections as "reasonabl have been protesting the lack of I had reached cepacity, I wold going to.straighten itself out im- artificial reef and acted in an Md conservative," adding thai bounty Calls Bids school board-provided transporta- have refused service to other mediately. even if Mr. Fettner was toe advisory and supervisory capacity tion. people who might have become ; "While the Job of obtaining in a second reef Construction atoptimistic the proposed bank still On Lincroft Lights easements and getting sidewalks They contend the roads over good customers. tan demonstrate a reasonabl tempt, The Littoral Society report FREEHOLD The Mo* which their children must travel "I finally had to begin charg Installed wherever they are need- notes. promise of success. mouth County Board of Freeare hazardous. They cite these ing 54 each .nonth, payable in ed will Uja'i'tfia first consideration Upon Mr. HowelPs approval in holders will take bids Nov. 15 Reef Dispersed of a -Republican administration, advance,. and I insist that tjhe April, for a proposed site in the for installation of traffic signals RED BANK The Consent lumbo of New Shrewsbury, Mon- conditions: The first experiment involved There are virtually no side- child ride for the full 10 months. there will be a lot of 'time-conMiddletown Shopping Center, Rt. at the five-comer intersection on suming work .needed. Something the dumping of several loads o( five Club of Monmouth County mouth Regional High School stu- walks. Springs Rd., Lin35 and New Monmouth Rd., the Newman rubble masonry, rock, ashes, . V * K*>has to fee done'for meeting last night at The Old dents. The roads often ourve, preKearisburg-Middletown National croft. and cinders Into the sea three Young Morgenthal told club senting blind spots around which ttiat they'll stay with me for the b e f o r e t h l t t i m e Union House, 11 Wharf Ave. Bank appealed to the Superior miles off Layalette. Ths mater" D i l i : members he hopes for county- oncoming traffic cannot be seen. 0 months but if they drop out in i "Discounting^ Freeholder Charles I. Smifli, Court to reverse the action. ial was too thinly spread over the middle of the year I won support for lhe director of highways, said the endorsed a petition supporting wlde who might not want to negotiate the bottom, however, and soon There is a manhole along p r o v jd e service for them the next While the appeal was pending, signals will provide temporary U. S. policy in View Nam. which, he said, was spurred by the route that is minus its cover for easements because I don't disappeared, either covered by the Middietown- Township Zoning relief, pending construction of a year. believe this will be a serious sand or dispersed by water action, Salvatore Mazzone of Raritan r e c e n t y o u t h demonstra- and has had only a car seat ove Board of Adjustment, on July permanent setup which will inPart of Protest tions against the war in Viel problem. the. Job, will be lengthy state officials :theorlted.; .'; 19, 1965, rejected a requested volve new traffic patterns for Township, club president, was Nam and last week's Soviel it. Mrs. DelDuca said many moth; simply'because there are; many variance for the shopping r cen traffic flowing into Newman the first member to sign the doc broadcast praising the demon- The final hazard consider- ers had stopped sending their homes that sit right'.out next tit , .In the spring of 1961 the Cape May County'Party Boat Associaed the most dangerous by many ter location. The new bank filed Springs Rd. from Phalanx' and ument, being circulated by Pe strations and declaring the U. S. presents itself when toddlers children to school on the bus and the roadway.''. tion, 'under new site bid immediately. the Swimmlnj River Rds. , ' ter Morgenthal and Donna Pa Government are walking,with them to sclioo ; Mr. Allea quipped that If town- state, sank,seven unsuccessfu must cross Rt 35 at Cliffwood as part of their protest. She said .wooden In August, the Superior Court in proving Communist influeno ship- Republicans; were as rich i s Ave. K Appellate Division remanded the they intend to keep on walking Raritan Democrats, there would boat* p 35 :to.;sft*oc* length* off in them. Crossing Guard Cape May, adding: several thoucase to the commissioner for a The petition, addressed to Gen, There is a school crossing guard until the Board of Education pro? be no; problem. sand weighted auto t i r e s * ' ! , vides transportation or until the new hearing for a determination William Westmoreland, com- at the intersection but, to use '/We could simply.tease a bus But the experimental reef, could hazardous conditions are correct* on the new site. His present acfor these people." mander of ,U. S. forces in View the words of Mrs. Rosalie Del lot withstand the onslaught of the ed. tion follows hearings on the charNam, Is Intended to be distrib- Duca, 133 Laurelhurst Dr.: He.disclosed that the possibility ter and site applications. The Mr. Wehrle asserted that there had been considered until it was larch', 1962 storni and all the uted to our troops fighting there, "The guard has only two eye's new location, he asserted, is has been no noticeable decrease learned that such an arrange material was swept away. the young man said. That's Just not enough to watch more advantageous than the old.' In the number of children on his rnerit, would cost' approximately . Two underwater shipwreqks off the New Jersey coast have be"The purpose of the petition all those kids and all those cars us. The Incorporate i $2,000: for the remaining. eight come the favorite haunts of divis to show the country's suppor and trucks." "They're all paid up until the mart' Incorpjrators of the new bank, ths ers'and surface fishermen' the of our servicemen and U.S. poli- There is limited bus service end of the month. Those thaf Which would be capitalized at $1 provided by Frederick 'J.' Wehrle, "We; Just don't have that kind Pinta," junk. In- J963 arid the cy, and to .show that only have |eft jprobably will start rid? mHlIon, are Robert C. Stanley, of money/!, he admitted < .'". 'MohaWt,''"sunk"'in- 1935.; The small minority is carrying the Matawan Rd. ing asain Nov. 1. If not th J. Raymond De Ridder, Walter (anti-V l e t Nam) demonstra- The mothers have complained are other peoDle wsltng for spac? Pjfob|ems of this type con "Pinta" is; begiwiiiig'' to evolve Reade, Jacob R. V, M. Lefferts, ig children who l e within into, a .fish habiiat, bu( the "Molive to the Regional Board of Educas e ho tions on," he explained. John T, Lawley, Matthew J. Gill, ' tion and the Township Commit- for their children." ti r%lnile radiuslof their sphool lawk" 1s well-tstablished ias a John C. Giordano, Jr., and Arthur asked Conservative Club tee about the quality of this ser- A bus contractor can draw ap:; ' ,h>ye been < solved, too,; by 'mature.-habitat,!".; ..., Efros. Club members to take copies of vice. proximately $2,650 from a school squetng':,them Into.buses 'that The" wrecks .-alre. ..fl,vemiles board over'. a 10-month period, the- petition for circulation in The bank will occupy the first apart, about eight miles off the tome, from greater distances. They object to being obliged their home areas, stressing that o pay for transportation on days When he runs private service i t floor of a building to be erected Luther A, Foster, superinten- shores of Manasquan, in waters the rates quoted by Mr. Wehrlej he i wants bi-panisan support. and will pay a rental of $4 a when their children do not use dent of schools, voted that pos- 80 feet- deep." '. ".V . ' . . ' ' square foot for 4,500 square feet "It's not a partisan thing, it's he bus. There was some talk, he must maintain maximum ca- sibility .for Cliffwood Beach In its comprehensive documenaelty of 68 for the same 10 yiwftgajerj. American," the young student too, of Mr. Wehrle's attitude at afion of artificial reef construc, > , months In order to draw $2,320. said. bus stops. ej are no buses' coming tion undertaken by the Virgin No Relief Mr. Mazzone praised the two Mr. Wehrle had this to tay to from greater distances. All'of the Islands, Japan. Hawaii, and seven Meanwhile, neither the iohoo| states-4 New'York. Mary-. BARNEGAT (AP)-Four per The Register yesterday: children.attending the school live high school students, .saying: board nor the Township Commitona, last seen yesterday afterwithin two miles. The only, but land, Virginia,. Alabama, Texas, 'If most young people in this "I used to charge $l'per week Florida, and California one noon after they went clamming country lire like Mr. Morgenthal or each child who uses the bus. immediate relief for the parents he onr operated by Mr, Whij," point the Littoral Society's reIn Barnegat Bay, were found and Miss Palumbo, we h a v e But I have to make a living. I ' port make* clear-That is '*- New afc today, stranded In their 15have to show a profit as well as or their children. nothing to fear." A sidewalk construction proJersey Is lagging behind ths other foot outboard motorboat. cover my overhead. Teachtsr h Hired gram throughout the township coaitsl itstes In Its e'torts to preA Coast Guard cutter searchOld Wagon Farm Would Deduct with emohas's on the Cliffwood- WEST LONG BRANCH serve fish resources and encouring throughout the night (ound IT'S THB GOVIRNOR - - Gov. Richard J. Hughes has Halloween pumpkins. Indian "When children missed t day Cliffwood Beach area has Just bert Fure of Asbury. Park was age, their perpetuation. the dammars at 7:30 a.m. in a handihakei for Mr, Kathir!n Smith, Long Branch, and corn and-gourds-Apples now at )f school, the parents would de- come off the drawing board. In hired by the Shore Regional High marsh area near the shore. Mrs. SUphanl* Uitnko, fiitd Bank, during hi* visit to tha their best. Try our fresh pressed duct 20 cents. Often they wouldn't addition to finding a satisfactory School Board of Education list To catch up, Mr. Clark u y . have the money to pay and they meant of financing'tha project, night as a part-time mathematics we will need the support of fishCopper Kettle Antiques Lucy Sportiwearj Inc.,'factbry, South Bridge Ave.,Rd cider, Rt, 35, North of Middletown Would tell me that- they'd pay the task of obtaining easements eacher. H will, receive t i l per ermen, legislators, sod all unOikhurit. Back from buying Bank, ytterdy.'' looms, at monumental job. day." derwater tnthuslaatt, '" ' Adv. mi next weak. trip. C*K J|8We9.-A<!v. By JACQUELINE ALBAN Last of a Series SANDY HOOK - If funds are forthcoming for construction of an experimental artificial reef off Monmouth County's shore. Marine Laboratory officials here foresee no dearth of materials essential to its construction. John R. Clark, assistant director of the labs, reported yesterday that the facility is interested in Initiating a test reef building program utilizing surplus junk cars, building rubble, and sunken ship hulls to lure and harbor marine game fish in the irea. He noted that every year, the Army Corps of Engineers tows up to a dozen useless ships out to sea and sinks them. Would Do Towing "The corps has assured us It would be glad to tow those wrecks to this area for artificial reef construction," he said. As to obtaining junk cars for the project, Mr. Clark pointed to the Monmouth County Planning Board report on the growing junk car dilemma issued in September, and an analysis of the problem by1 the American Littoral Society, than 7,500 cars a year, the boan to be published sometime in its report points out. magazine, "Underwater Natural- In most cases, junk yards, which ist." once paid for abandoned cars now charge for towing them ofl In 10 Years In its report, the Monmouth borough d private property, ami County Planning Board predicted often refuse to handle strippec 1 that within 10 years, junk cars cars, since they depend on th will fill 240 acres a year in the sale of auto parts and accessorie: county. An estimated 10,000 cars for a profit. are nOw stored on 24 sites over 80 The report states;that the in acres, presently serving as auto crease in the number of jun graveyards. cars' abandoned on public streets The county's only modern scrap and parking areas, and accumumetal processing plant in Wall lated on service station sites, has Township, can dispose of no more become a major problem. In ad

Red Bank, Matawan Shown As Busiest Commuter Centers

Asked In Atlantic Highlands

State Again Approves New Middletown Bank

Who Is That GOP Boss?

PushLincroftRd. Safety Measures

Cliff wood School Bus Problem

County Conservatives Back U. S. Viet Policy

Find 4 Safe

18-FrWay, O t b r 22, 1 6 co e 9S


7-General HospitalSerial 11Planet Potrolchildren 13Dr. SpockDlscussjon 3:2! 2News Douglas Edwords >: 2Edge of NightSerial 4You Don't Soy IGame 5Chuck McCannChildren 7Young MarrledsSerial >-Worl(l Adventures 11BozoChildren 13-Who Speoks For New York? 4:00 2Secret StormSerial 4Match Game 7Never Too YoungSerial 9WhirlyblrdsAdventure 11Eighth ManCartoon 4: 4NewsNancy Dlckerson 4:31) 2Sea HuntAdventure 4FilmRise and ShineJack Oakler-90 mln. 5AstroboyCartoon 7Where The Actln l l 9Mike DouglasVariety 11Beachcomber Bill 5 - P o u l Wlnchtll-ehMdrw 7FilmWhile Frotlw Robert WagnerU mln. IISurprise Show 13Once Upon A Day !: 1Three StoooComedy 13CartoonsChildren 5:40 IJ Friendly GiantChildren 3:55 13Music Interlude EVININO <:M 4News-MacNell, Pressman 5Sandy BeckerChildren 9NewsJohn Wlnoate 11NewsWartin O'Haro 13What's NewChildren

f-nim-CrkltCory Grant2 hrs. IILloyd TiiaxlonVariety 13-EkctlvPiE duration 1:00 4HankComedy TammyComedy JHogan's Heroes 4ConvoyDrama 5-DetectlvesPolice 7Addams Family 1Hollywood a Go Co Utah Symphony 2Corner Pyle, USMC 5FilmEost of Eden Jomes Dean2 hrs., 20 mln. r-Honey West-Mystery 2Smothers Brother! 4Mr. RobertsComedy 7Peyton PieceSerial 9Arrest and TrlolDrama 1FilmTin Return cl Dr. X Humphrey Bogart40 mln. 2Slattery's People <-Man From U.N.C.U.E. 7Jimmy DeanVariety 2World At Tin 10:N I l - N F L Play-by-Play IJ-lntertilDMirnientary JNwJim Jnm

Complete Program Listings


Channel % . Channel 7


Channel 9 Channel I I .



: :

i :

i * MATINK 1 IVIHINSS 7 I. i30

ILove of LiltSrrlcl 4-JtopardyGame 7Donna ReedComedy 11CortoonsChlldrtn IJ-Eledronls At Work IMS 1Nw 11:N JSecrch tor Tomorrow 4 P M I OtficfGome S-Klna and OdleCartoon 7_Fo1tier Knows BMi 13Exploring Nature IJ:4J I-Guidlna LightSerial S-CortoonsChildren ll-Buckoroo 500Buck Weaver 11:15 * - N t w j F r a n k McGee

1:00 2MewsHyams, Murray 4PDQGame 7Ben CoseyDrama 9Divorce CourtDrama 1Scorlefl HillSerial 3Once Upon A Day 1:1] 5News k < 1:30 1A The World Turns 4Let's Make A Deol 5FilmRamono Lortrta Young5 hr. 2S mln. ;1FilmThe French Kv Albert DekkerWrnin. IJTime Now For Mustc 1:SO 13Hablo Esponol Language l:J5 4 - N e w s - F l o y d KolMr . 2.00

2PasswordGame 4Moment of TruthSerial 7NursesDrama aFilmAdventures In Baltimore Robert Young90 mln. 3:05 3Books That LiveEducation 1:25 3Exploring Science 1:10 2House PartyLlnkletter 4DoctorsSerial 7A Time For UsSerial J:4S 13All About You-Phyilolooy J:S5 SNewt . 7NewsMarlene Sanders


R 741-eaoo A E B N D

11Local NewsJohn Tlllman :1S 9Waller KlernanCommenl <:20 vSportsClure Mosher <:29 7Locol NewsBill Beulel 11WeatherVivian Farrar <:M 2NewsJim Jensen 9(.el's Go-GcVariety 11SupermanAdventure 13Portrait In Thought <:O 7WeatherKen Rabol



1To Tell Ttie Truth Another worldserial SPeter GunnMystery

2 FilmX...the Unkonwn Dean Jagser90 mln.


FEATURING tttrraan-Amerkon Culiiw Bavarian Millie Nlttly and Sunday afternoon Dancing Friday and Saturday Lunchtoni 12-2 DlnMri Banquet Faclliriti SCENIC DRIVE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS




ctaus IwfM lundmn wilt) tttmttrt family. Ptr Pttwn


CSS DANCE SUNSnow Whits 2:00: 4:00: Sand RED BANK piper 8:15; Joy In the Morning 6:30 J EditorialMichael Keating 7:00 10:10. CARLTONHlghhtown Country Club 2NewsWalter Cronklt Shlp o Fooli 2:00: 7:0(1: 9:30. f EAST BRUNSWICK 4NewsHuntHy, Brlnkley Havt you trltd Fridayt? They SAT. k SUNKldrile Show: Snow TURNPIKE5Soupy SalesComedy Whit! 2:00; Ship of Fool. 1:15: 1:30: are great fun alsm or couplet. INDOORA Rage to Live 7:30: 11:00 7Passport 7iTravel 10:00. 1.80, Incl. tax. Harry Uber 9Jets' Football Huddli 111 Take Sweden 9:20. EATONTOWN Ut. nlf Jo* Mucha. ComSAT. * SUNSpecial Kiddle Matlnei ItMagllla Gorilla COMMUNITYIIHJ this Wd., Oct. 27. annual 2:00; A Rge to Live 7:30i 11:00 13Compleot Gardener Lord or the Files 6:40; 11:20: DftvH 111 Take Sweden 9:20. 7:M qala Halloween ball. Many eoik Llis 8:15: Bituitlon Hojfloss 9U8. OUTDOORFRL SAT. & SUN.A 2Wild, Wild Weil turn* clouas ond awards. A l l BAT.Kiddle Show: Snowr White 2:0O; 4Ca.-np RunomuchComtdy 4:00: David & Lisa 7:50; 11:10; Lord Rage to Live 7:00; 10:30: I'll Tike 5Ouler Limits , OJM. h n M lru, f t o w t l Bweden 8:50. of th Files 6;16; 9:25. 7Fimtstonescartoon SUN.Kindle Show: Snow White 2:0O; SAYRE WOODS4:00: Situation Hopeleas 7:30: 9:40. Zoroa The Greek 7:00: 9.20. SAT.Snow White 12:00: 1:45; 3:3i: DRIVE-IN Zoom the Orcnk 5:30; 7:55; 10:15. Munlc Man 7:50: Gypsy 10:35. SUN.Snow White 1:00; 2:45; Zobra Smoking StctleM SAT.Cartoon Carnival 7:00: Ski Aere> of Frw Pariclngl Party 8:00: Sit. n t a d h u d 9:15: Dr. the Greek 4:50; 7:15; 9:15. Blood's Cotfln 11:25. Na btra Charg* 24-Hour Fhone Servlc! PERTH AMBOY SUNSet. Deadhead 7:07; 10:27; Ski Party 8:52. AMBOYS DRIVE-IN LONG BRANCH FRL ft SAT.Cartoons 7:00; Harlow BARONET 7:18: 11:53; A New Kind ot Love 9:53. Starts SUNDAY The Pawnbroker 2:30: 7:3P: 10:00: SUN.Cartoons 7:00; Harlow 7:1!; Supermarket 2:00: 7:10: 9:30. 11:53; A New Kind o! Love 9:53. SAT. & SUN.Snow White 2:00; 4:00; The Pawnbroker 7:30; 10:00; MAJESTICSupermarket 7:10; 9:30. Sgt. Deadhead 2:00; 6:45; 9:55; Ski Patty 3:25; 8:20. FREEHOLD She gave men SAT Kiddle Show: Snow White 12:00: REEHOLD2:00; 4:00; Ski Party 5:30: :3S; Sgl. atasteofUfe Ilea<lhea4 7:O0: 10:15. Sfrt. Deadhead 7:00; 10:00: Sit! P a r t ; SUN. Klddis Show: Snow White 1:43; that made 3:45: Ski Party 5:30; 8:3o: Bgt. DeadSAT.Snow White 2:00: 4:00; Sit. Deidbeu) 7:30: 10:30; Ski Pirty 6:00; head 7:00; 10:15. them hunger 9:00. WOODBRIDGE for more! SUN.Snow White 3:00; t:O0j Collector 1:50: 0:03. DRIVE-1NASBURY PARK FRI. A SAT.Cartoons 7:00; Ski Party 7:30; Sgt. Deadhead 9:15: CirLYRICcus or Horrors 10:50, ELIZABETH TAYLOR RICHARD BURTON Seance on B Wet Afternoon 2:00: 8:30; SUN.Set Deadhead 7:05; 10:30: Ski Umbrellas of Cherbourg 7:00; 10:30. Party 8:58. SAT.Kiddle Matinee: Snow White EVA MARE SAINT 2:00: 4:00: Umbrellas of Cherbourg 6:35; 10:05; Seanee on a Wet AfterINHWTINIUNSOIIOrrS noon 8:05. POOOIKtlOtl SUNUmbrellas ot Cherbourg 6:35: 10:05; Seance on a Wet Atternoon 8:05. n wuvtstofr AHO MAYFAIR PLUS SECOND BIS L O W STORY! . :age SAT. k SUNA Race to Llv 2:00; People said ftey were bo youngtomany-amMoo much in love to day apart, 4:00; 6:05; 8:10; 10:00. PARAMOUNT FRI. k SATSound ot Muto 2:30; 8:30. SUNSound or Music 2:30; 7:30. IT. JAMESFRI. & SATMy Pair Lady 2:30; J:30.

At The Movies

7NewsPeter 2SportsFrank Jennlnat



7140)9 Mat)BH ot 1M InlMi7*n4f:1S


MurltiM at ZiOO Ivtninas 7 one) t i l !


U E T N Q N A Q T W Moriim at 2:09 Evmln]> from PLUS CO-HIT




Luncheon Dinner Parties Cocktails Business Meetings Wedding Receptions Banquets

8UN.My Fair I^dy 2:30: 7:30. COUJNGWOOD CIRCLE iHORE DRWE-INCartoons 7:00; Once A Thler 7:30; Agent t*i 9:30: Incredible Shrinking Man 11:10.


I i p t r t Skoclnrl JNET MUROOLIN LY. Dally News HOWARD DA SUVA



SAT. k SUN.Agent 8 f i 7:00: 10:43: Once A Thicr 8150.

Putty Duke naicam



-NEPTUNE CITY NEPTUNE CITYThe Yellow Rolls Royce 8:50: Once A Thler 7:01); 10:45. SAT.KIrtdlB Show: Village of the Giants 2:00: Yellow Rolls Royce 4:30; 8:20; Once A Thler 0:30; 10:15. SUN.Village o't the Giants 3:3 8:31); 9:35; Hvmj > Wild Weekeni 2:00; 5:00; 8:00. , BRADLEY BEACH 'ALACE
FRI. 4 SAT.Ship of F o o l ! 2:11


442-0400 Starts Sunday Double Award Winner Cannes Film Nsrlval . . . almost a love story!

TONITE FROM 7 Saturday Matinee at 2 Sunday Matinee at 2

774-6272 Starts Sunday An American film which g o t ! further than matt foreign films dare to I Juliwk ^ Je"

Banquet facilities 542-0800 HWY. 35 EATONTOWN ^ 1 appetite Fort Monmourh


7:10; 0:40. SUNShip ot Fools 2:00; 4:30: 7:05 9:35. ALGONQUINShip or Fools 2:^0; 7:05: 9:45. SATMatinee: Snnw White 2:30; 6h: or Fools 7:05; 9:45. SUNMatinee: Snow White 2:00 4:10: Ship or Fnolsfl:M:9:10. BRICKTOWN BRICK PLAZAA Rage to Live 7:24; 9:32. SAT. k SUNKiddle Matinee: Sno1 White 2:00; 4:00; A Race to Ll' 6:00; 7:50; 9:55. LAURELTON DRIVE IN I'll Tafce Sweden 7:20; Rage to LI 9:15: The Brain That Wouldn't D 10:50. SAT. & SUN.Rage to Live 7:01 10:45: I'll Take Sweden 9:05.



Shlrley Eaton In "THE NAKED BRIGADE" LAST 2 DAYS "The Yellow Rolls Royee" also"Once a Thief"

tho collector


HITILY FROM DUSK Plus 2nd Frankit Avolon Hit In Color






North of Red Bank

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 ATLANTIC SUNDAY AT 5 and 7:30 Billie 7:00: 9:55: Olrls On the Bea 1:30. MON., TUES. AT 7:30 SAT.Girls on the Beach 2:00: Bll 3:30; Music Man 7:30: Gypsy 10-0 SUN.Girls on the Beich 2:00: Bll 3:30: Gypsy 5:00: 10:00; Huslc M 7:30. MIDDLETOWN TOWNA Rag to Live 7:25: 9:10. SAT. * SUN Snow White 2:00: Rage to Live 5:45: 8:00; 10;0O. m M S IWVEUHIS M VE CVERMADElB OT OI HAZLET IKHHIW. ittmaoH'- fsniifD n aim nu, LOEWS DRIVE-INFRL * SATCartoon 7:15: Bll . PLUS - 2nd l& HIT 7:22; 10:45; Rage to Live 9:10. SUN.cartoon 7:15: Rage to Ll 7:22; 10:45; Blllle 9:15. "LAZABBt. Deadhead 8:30: Ski Party 7:0 10:00. SATSnow White 2:00; 4:00; Sg Deacthlad 6:30; 9:30; Bkl PHrty !:C 11:00.

"CHORDOYOXES" Sizzling Steaks Sea Food


IP W '

All new, all live, not a cartoon, never before shown anywhere!

The greatest fairy tale ever told comes to life ...And it was never told more beautifully!




Presented in glowing, glorious ^ SHOWS BOTH DAYS of 2 and 4 P.M. ONLY!















NOW at 2:30* 8:30

< ^

mperb and


Unusual Cuisine
Superb food tervod with old-world charm and warmth. Enjoy a leisurely luncheon, gourmet dinner or a refraining cocktail in the Molly's


Gay Nineties Atmosphere"

All new, all live, not a cartoon, never before shown anywhere!



Direct From The "World's Fair" 3 Fabulous NICKELODEON PIANOS

SATURDAY Jack 0*vlntvocalist FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sam Baldonzopiana Tom Dalroi*ban|o


Static* on Wat Afternoon"





TV Programs
mk M o S n rtef, Martin rlsltJory Gront-j hrt. 11-Msrv Crlffln-Vorler/ 11:10 *-Weollier-Tex Antolne 11:11 4Locol Nivn-JIm Harh S-New. lt:25 1SporttFrank CJHon) 11:30 2Hfit*-The Rnwdlde Vor Tony Curtis 1 hr., 55 m(n. 4Johnny Carton J-Fllm-The Night Hoi O Thousand Ey$Edward G. Robhton-90'mln. 7-NlghtllttVariety 11:90 IIPaulng PoradeNeibllt 1:00 4NewsBob Teaaue 5-News 7FilmGun Croiy

&tSnSS^St l l - U e a l Iteue-Heport
t-Filffl-Houymoon In lall - Fred MocMprray-1 tir.,JO mill. tmLeave Her to Heaver* Gn T l t r m y - 1 hr., S! mln. 1:19 JFilmRenwo ond Julftl Leslie Howard2 hrl., 30 mln SATURDAY M0KNIN9 <:00 4-Modra Formw <:M 7Ntwl . . <:H 2Sunrise Semester 7Project KnowEducation 7.00 J-HOVJ You R""' Zulll 4-Agrlculturt U.S.A. 7FilmRodeo. Jom Nigh90 raln> 7:M 2Stiope U D ~ - E X M T I M 4-Cruujder RobNt > 7:41 11-Dovey And Gollatti I:M 3Contain Kangoroo 11Pinky LeeChildren 1:05 -fllrttKkiy HouseChildren 1:11 J-Newt And WMlti.r 0:M STopperComedy 7Oovey And Goliath 9-FllmJunsle Won. Butter Crobbe-M mln. 11PlnocdlloCortn"ni f.M 0 2HeckU And Jcckle 4JetsomCartoon 5Oiuck McCannChildren 7Cortoom 11Foreign Leglonw'-e T-Tennesste Tu)(Mlo-Corfoi>n> 4Atom Ant-^Cortoon* HLearn To Draw 10:00 2Mighty Mouse 4Secret Squirrel 7ShenanigansOilldrtn Continental Cookery U - T h l j u The LiftReligion 10:30 2LinusCortomv* 4Undwdoo--Cartooni 5Junale JimAdventure 7BeatlelCartooni 11En France Lnn"uaae 11:00 2Tom And Jerry 4Top CotCartoon SAstroboyCortoon 7CosperCortooni oRimCrlsli. Cory Grant2 hri. ll-Fronfters Of Knowtedgt 111* 3QuIcK Draw . 4FuryDrama S-Sdndy Becker-Children 7^-Porky Pig 11-World Of LifeRelljlon AFTfPHOON 12:00. ; J - S k f Klng-Adventura 4-Flrsl Look-children 4Flrsl L o k c 7B 7Bum BM BiMny 1InilghtRelig ion 1 J-LossleDrama 1-My Friend n i d u - D r o r M 4-Reieardi Prelect. / T ippty H t oou ' e-Filrrt-Crlslt. Cary Grantt hrs. IICairlrunfal Mlnlefuret 1: 2-News 4Prime On The Art> 5But IVbiterKnwestern 7American Benditond I I A P L Highllgjiti . 1:<! tLocal NewsAAort Oton ' t:M 2Turning PointPanel. 4-College Footballuse v l . Noire Dome IFilmme Moon l i Down. Sir Cedrlc Hsrdwlcke90 mln. llT-WImKing ol the zombies. Dick Purcell-M mln. 1: 2College Counterpoint 7Youth Wonts To Know IDial M For Music 7-McKeever-Comedy e-Fflm-O-lls. Cory GrantI hrt. 1126 MenDrafTW 1:10 2Eve On New York 5-film'Nenth Brooklyn Bridge. Leo Oorcey40 mm. 7FilmGenii of Darkness. German RoblesW mln. IIFilmJungle Jim. Johnny Welsimuller90 mln. 4:10 2 NFL Countdawn 4:10 SHorse RaceAqueduct

Mwlc J-Tr(tt Of.Olrlen O S i M r t O t immmyM* . L-mm-Skertoek Hmnmlfi*


Velce e | , ROttleMfM^yv nttfl tlMfMyv

J-Twenteth CejHu'ry t PTrMf M O R

. l o t tt>e SMert Against the fon ol Hercules. WrK Mrrh>-W mln.' 11-Klg Tin Tln-Oroma

f O r t Htaertt. Ioword G. MUntefir* o-Mikt DouptaoVorMtV IJ-Werklng With- Science 1JBooks That LKn *:55 4-NewsBob Wilson 10:0* 21 Love Lucy-Comedy



Francois I

4 - r H l m - S h l o j \t Wljllam H e u t n 1 hrt., mln. IITom Ewel-CneV J-twverWnt.rn 7-^ollyweoe: Poloce IINaked Cl!yDrama 10:00 ICummoWWeitern SFilmYellow Jock. Robert Menlgomery1 hr., 41 mln. eRimlrm ol a (oy' Tewn. Adolfo CellW mlii. 11CheckmateDrama 10:M 7-Ait Evetilng Witt Wrlghtaan And HuntMutlc 11 : N 1 NewtT6m Ounn 7New AnD Sewh IIcellete FtllRefill v l . : Princeton ,11:11 7Ueol Newi-tcott VIMenf 1I:JO iSportsJack Whllainr ll: 1-Fllm-Never So/ Gooottye. Red: HueVsn-1 hr., a mln. <-NewBill pyon 7-PllmRoily 'Round Ike Flog, loyl Paul NiwmonI h n . HimApenai un Dellnaiente. Jorge Solcedo-0 mln. 1V.40 4Weatner-^Frank Field 1): 4-Ucol Nem-Seoffrey Fond 5-Fllmr-Heoven Con Walt. ' Gene Tlemey2 hrt., 10 mln.

7MewsBid Own 10:25

4NewsEdwin Senmofl 7-Fllm-Oork Hmord


Featuring Hugh Garriry and his HOLLYWOOD PLAYBOYS and GO-GO GIRLS

5-Eye en New York. 4Bell Teltthene Hour IIStingrayChildren 7:00 >LosleDrama t - H l t t i AdventureThomas 7vojwae Oroma -Deati Valley Day* 11-Bloeropt\yOocumMilary ,7:J0 !-MyFovorlle Mortlon J~Walt Disney's World -Fllnv-Tlie Trolon Horu, Steve Reeves2 hrs. 11Universe Decumentary l:0t ! - I d SulllvonVariety 5-Mordi Ol Time 7-PBi-Orama 11-Fllm-OI Mice and Men. Burgess Meredlth-M mln.

4-Bronded-Weslern t-M 2Perry MasonDrama 4-BonomoWestern 5 - i f o r t Salute1H5 7-4=llmA Farewell 1o Armt. Reck Hudsont hrs., 45 mln.



9FilmThe Fench They Are o Funny RaceJock Btehownl hr.. 4S mln. 11Canadian FOMMII 10:00 2Condld Comero 4-Wackleet Ship-Comedy 5Breoklno PointDrama 10:M , 2-Whoft My Line? 11-Ooen en*-inlervlew 11:00 l-Ntvn-rHarry Reosontr 4-NewsBill Ryan S-Oplnlon In The Capitol 11:10 4-WHther-Frmlc Field 11.15 2 NewtDunn, Whltaktr 4-Loeol News-Georlrey Pond -V.l.p.'eBiography 11:10 2FilmDqrby't Rangers. Jomes Garner2 hrt., 25 mln. 4The SaintMvstery SFilmCry ot the Werewolf. Nino Fed!60 mln. -Ladles Of The Press 11EncounterRellalon 11:45 7-Newt And Sports 11:00 7 - U c o l News^-Seott Vlncenl tFilmLvcky Partnert. Moaald Caimann mln.' 11Omttnental Mlnlaturn 12:15 . 7WtroBon|our -Trlstesse. Jean Sefterg2 hrs.. - -'11*90 i - W l r o - H e Hired the Boss. Stuart Erwhr-l hr., 1] mln, S-WIre Senrice-Orarm 11-Blg Pldure-Army 1:N JSenate ReportCose *Newt And Weather 1:4] 4-Open Mlnd-Dlscuulon

5: ,

"Dine on the beautiful Navesink"

*'fiwsui dtejuM 9m


facilities for Banquets Weddings and Social Functions

2Fllm-A Connecticut Yankee In . Klna Arthur's c/rtling Cretby 1 hn. tSahara InvitationalGolf 7Wide World Of Sporh eChomplomhlp Bowling 11Peter Polomw* I:M *Sporhl In Action CheyenneWutem 11Rocky And Hit FrlendeCartoone EVENINS <:N ' . 4Nsw York Illujtroted 11SupermanAdventure : INewiScherer. MaeNell 5Soupy Sole*Corrtedy' 75hlvoreVariety : 9Flying Flsfterman 11Cloy ColeVorlety 7:W 2NewsTom Dunn 4-lt' Academle-flulj ' " TAtc Scope e-Fllm-The Mmtr Maker. J. Carroll Nttert-M mln. T. JSporH-Jack Whltakef 2Jackie Gleason 4FlipperDrama 5 - R i d America 509 * ' 7Stilndlg-Minlc IIFilmThe Creeping Unknown. Brian DonlevyM mln. 0:00 41 Dream Of Jeannle S-WrestllngWathlngton . .

MM . 4-Jhnhy CononVariety 1:00



e-Nevn And WeoHier 1:lr tNewi 1:11 I - F I l m - T h . Night ol Nights. Pot O'Brlen-1 dr., 15 mln. l l - P a l n g Parade -Film-V(ereolt ot London. Henry H u l l - * ) mln. 7_NewScott Vlncmt 1:40 7FilmThe Astounding Sht-Monrtor. Rofcert Clarke75 mln. 1; 5Community Dialogue J:l ! 2FilmThroe Secrete. Eleenar Porker5 hrt. 1:10 1FilmHome In- Indian?. Walter frennonJ liri. SUNDAY MOKNW0) <:S0 7-Nev I-*





IOwJltet*ier Program T-Sarch-RollBOn J:il I-Ught Tlme-Rellgloii


the CobbleStones

t-Folth To FoNn-itellglon 7Thlt It The Amwtr 7:45 11Oirlttooher Proomm 0:01 tAround The Corner J-*ttroboyCortoon 7-Falttt For TodoyReligion 11-Svongel Hegr-Rellglon 0:u 4-Llbrary Uom-Educttlon :] 0-Newt And Weather . 1:15 eChrlttopher Program 1:10 f - K I n g And OdleCartoon* 7For Thou Art Wltti Me e-Gotpel Tlme-Muile 11Lloy The Lion : t:4S 4-Jewlth Fourth R. > 11SopermonCortoon


2:00 -Fllm-PlmSprlnos. FnjncH Langiord-tSmln. 7Nem-Scett Vincent 2:15 7FilmDanger Itland. Peter Lorre(5 mln. 1:25 JFilmFor Me and My Gal. JodyGerlono-2 hrt. ' ' MONDAY' MORNIN0) <:N 4Education exchartoo 7-Nrwt ' . . . " . '4:10 -2Sunrise Semester 4Bwona Don In Jungle-La 7-Pro|ect Know-Education 7:00 i-NewtHyams, Penis 4-Today . 7-^nn SofternComedy 7125 J - B d l b r w - M i e K m r Keotfna ; '-T'SO " 3-Newt-Mike Wallace ' 5Survey Of The Arts 7Gole StormComedy
r : a


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the race program of five events brush obstacles, and the Mon- will b holding its 21st re- summer and setting a track he same thing is true of parking are chairmen of thi farmers* last Cup committee. Amory L. HiSkeU, Jr., 1 produce the' country's lead- mouth County Hunt Cup, a gruel- newal, while the Hunt Cup will record over Delaware Park's .paces." Mrs. Richard G. Metcalf is is chairman of the parking and ing hunt meeting competitors. ling test for timber horses over be contested for the 35th time. hurdle course. Highlighting the afternoon will a three-mile course studded with One of the 19 nominees, Beckys Last year Tuscalee was the lop chairman of the membership com- Mrs. Michael C. Guirliio Is chairbe the Monmouth County Gold post and rail fences. hurdler on the hunt racing cir- mittee. Mrs. Alfred F. King, Jr., man of the dlnner-dince comShip, owned by Harry B. Masi . Cup, a two-mile race over stiff The Monmouth County Gold sey's Grandview Stables, Pitts- cuit, winning the $1,000 United and Mrs. Harry B. Freeman, Jr., mittee, burgh, Pa., has been assigned Hunts Racing Association's hurdler division awards. Sixteen othtop impost of 161 pounds in the ers will compose the huge field Gold Cup event. if they all go at post time. Fresh front Sweep Gates Open 11 a.m. Fresh from a clean sweep of the steeplechase features during Another hurdle race and two the recent two-dy Rolling Rock events on the flat will fill out Club's meeting at Ligonier, Pa., the card on the Woodland Farm Beckys Ship is seeking a third course. Post time for the first straight triumph. In winning the race is scheduled for 2:30 p.m However, following a tradition Rolling Rock Hunt Cup, the 'chaser registered a third success established years ago, the gates in the race for his owner and will be thrown open to the public retired the valuable trophy. Fol- at 11 o'clock. lowing this score, Beckys Ship Fun for all the family will be won the $8,375 International Gold the theme for ths dy. Refresh Cup, one of hunt racing's most ment tents, pony rides for the children and music by the Hftmil imnortant events. Tuscalee, owned by Alfred H. ton Township Band are few of the features on the agenda. Smith Sr., of Upper Marlboro, Md., and Bampton Castle, owned Monmouth Park's president by Mrs. William C. Riker of Mr. Haskell, heads the Hunt Race By JACKSON CUNNINGHAM Rumson, share ttie second top committee. Also serving is Mrs SELECTION AVERAGE DIVES - Our football lcUon avweight of 160 pounds. The latter Amory L. Haskell, Jr., secretary- erage fell under the .800 mark for th first time this sisasbfi when was an easy winner of the $7,935 treasurer and ohalrman of the had five of last Saturday's 14 games tabbed Incorrectly. That we Fair Hill Steeplechase at Fair parking spaces and numerous irought the season's record down from .821 to .774 on an over-all other details. Mrs. Haskell, elated Hill, Md., in September. record of 41 correct, 12 incorrect and three ties. A neophyte over brush, Tusca- over the response, stated, "Al Another rugged week could be in atore with five or *lx indications point toward a reclee is a noted hurdler, winning games rated toss-ups among the 14 on the schedule. Th* the United Hunts Purse over the ord year. More membership sub- biggest game, of course, U Brick's trip to Neptune m who** small hedges at Monmouth Park scribers are on the roster and field the A Division championship should be decided tomorrow. Here's how we rate the weekend games: BRICK TWP. AT NEPTUNE It'l tough for Uf to go against Neptune after seeing them beat Long Branch and Middletown, while not getting a live view o! Brick's Green Dragons In action. Fred Warren and Larry -Clark make lor a poFREEHOLD (AP) The ex- "Such actions are contrary to tent 1-2 running punclr for Neptune arid the defeulvii play ot BEAUTY ON THE COUNTRYSIDE Tomorrow is the 35th annual Monmouth County Hunt Race Meet at Amory ecutive -vice president of Free- the rules of the Trotting Associa- the Filers has been outstanding. Brick's well drilled squad is L. Haslcell's Woodland Farm in Middletown Township. The scene above demonstrates the picnic atmosphere as hold Raceway said yesterday he tion as well as the rules of the reportedly smaller (ban Neptune's unbeaten team, but Ms race fans enjoy lunch and the beauty of the countryside shown in the upper portion of the photo. Post time is personally suspended four horse- Racing Commission and t h eflawless execution of plays should spring speedy Billy Hess Into the open enough lor the Dragons to score. In II bruiser, men from the harness track be- (Freehold) management." 2:30 and the gates open at 11 a.m. NEPTUNE, 20-13. cause they were attempting to Cronin, a resident of Short Hills form a group that would compete added, "I have striven for six CENTRAL REG. AT RED BANK Red Bank is coming off with the United St&tes Trotting years to produce the most honest two losses termed upsets. Maybe the Buccos were Just overAssociation. operation possible. I demand of ated, Even so, Tom Karlo's charges should have enough to The association is the govern- horsemen, owners, trainers and andle Central which has won only once and was routed by Toms RED BANK, 20-0. ing body in harness racing. drivers the same standards of River last week. John D. Cronin said In a state- conduct I do of any other track R. B. CATHOLIC AT HOLY CROSS (RIVERSIDE) - The ment yesterday that the four employee. I have sent other horse- visiting Caseys look to have an excellent chance to win this 'made representations I knew men out of here as a result of game, which Is scheduled for Sunday. Looking at Htlly Cross' 14-7 win over Mater Del, we lean toward the wlslats Caseyi to be false to other horsemen lumors I felt derogatory and I NEW BRUNSWICK Harry to chalk up their first decision. RED BANK CATHOLIC, 74. to give the impression that they will continue to do so." i J. Rockefeller, retired Ruts have influence with the Racing MONMOUTH AT MIDDLETOWN - A hard one to pick with ; director of athletics, will be honMonmouth at 2-2 and Middletown at 1-3. Monmouth beat Red Commission and with the Free ored by alumni and friends prior Bank last week and should be ready for a good effort. We glvs I to tomorrow^ Homecoming foot' hold Raceway management." the edge to the host Lions on their defensive play. MIDDLE! ball game against Columbia. The suspensions are still in TOWN, 13-7. , A bronze tablet of Rockefeller effect. J. P. STEVENS (NORTH EDISON) AT MATAWAN REG. 1 will be presented to Dr. Mason Freehold barred David and Stevens has given up but 14 points in a 3-1 season so far. . W. Gross, University president, Charles Howard of Crestwood, That makes us go along with the Middlesex County squad. j'representing/the University. The Ky., Sam O'Neil of Chattanooga, J. P. STEVENS, 2*7. I tablet eventually will be placed at Tenn., and Lou Puntolillo of Irvj the entrance^y to the Rutgers MANASQUAN AT KEYPORT - Manasquan has to win to Stay ington last month. Each owns j gymnasium. tied for the B Northern Division lead In a title race that should and drives trotting horses. A DIVISION go right to closing day. Keyport still hasn't won and shouldn't get I The "Tribute To Rocky" bears The Racing Commission said ASBURY PARK-William (Bill discussion late Saturday after- U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court after a two-hour public hearing Tomorrow's Games into the win column tomorrow. MANASQUAN, 20-6, I the following? inscription: Kunstler, One of the nation's to] noon with the other coaches, and of Military Appeals, U.S. DisBrick at Neptune ; "Great Friends of Young, DiRUMS0N-FA1R HAVEN AT WALL TWP. - Rllmson-FH Tuesday that as far u it was 2 rector of Athletics 1953-61, who civil rights lawyers, will be th moderator Clalr Bee, former LIU trict Courts for the Southern concerned the four have a clear Monmouth at Middletown got back on victory track last week, whipping Point Pleasant main speaker at the first Ameri' coach, now directing a school and Eastern Districts of New Freehold at Tom* River Ijfor more than 36 years devoted Beach, while Wall is coming off a JIM) walloping against Point record and could race in New JerSTANDINGS York, and the. U.S. Courts of sey. : and dedicated his life to men ofcan Basketball Clinic banquet al and basketball camp. Pleasant Boro. In a close one, RUMSON-FK, 14-7. W I T SHORE REG. AT RARITAN TWP. Shore just doesn't apjjj Rutgers. Presented by Friends." 8 p.m. Saturday in the Berkeley - Kuntsler, recently appointed Appeal for the Second, Fourth, The commission added that the and counsel for Jack Ruby in the Fifth Circuits. A 1916 Rutgers alumnus, Rocka- Carteret Hotel. . n Neptune (4-) _-. 3 0 pear to have the guns to stop the Rockets, who are tight In the contracts signed' by the drivers S feller was a three-sport athlete, The dinner winds up Satur Lee Oswald murder case In Dal- He has been a member ofempowered Freehold Raceway to Brick (14-1) :.. 2 0 middle of the B Northern title picture. RARITAN TWPi/'U-O. Yj served two separate four-year day's clinic sessions in Convetv las, Texas, is associate profes- Kunstler & Kunstler since 1949, bar them from racing without Toms River (J-l) MATER DEI AT POPE PIUS (PASSAIC) Both clubs 21 [r terms as head football coach, andtion Hall, featured by foui sor of law at the New York Law after receiving his LLB from explanation. Such contracts are Long Branch (2-1-1) have poor records with Mater Del 0-4 against Pope Plus' 1-3 1 [ served as graduate manger of of the nation's top collegiati School, and taught English at Columbia. He took his BA at mark. Mater Del'i games have been a bit closer, however, 1 common in New Jersey and other Monmouth <2-J) athletics, assistant director and coachesJohnny Wooden, UCLA Columbia for 14 years. He is aYale. as Pope Plus is coming off SM and 38-0 defeati. The Seraphs Red Bank (2-J) 1 states, the commission said. Dave Strack, Michigan; Dr, noted author, his latest work g finally director of athletics. to win their first on Sunday, MATER DEI, 13-12. 1 He has represented the Con- In his statement, Cronin said: Middletown ( W ) A resident of this city, he still Jack Ramsey, St. Joseph's, Phil- being "The Minister and the FREEHOLD REG. AT TOMS RIVER We thin* the ColoFreehold ( M ) ** gress of Racial Equality, the "I took these horsemen to the C. is active in Rutgers affairs, hav- adelphia, and William van Breda Choir Singer," the 'story of theNAACP, American Civil Liber Racing Commission so the cofnials have a chance for an upset in this one against the host InB DIVISION Kolff, Princeton. Hall-Mills murder case. r'ing recently accepted the chairdians, however. TOMS RIVER, 13-0. Tomorrow's Games ties Union, Dr. Martin Luther mission could look into the stoJmansMp of the 1965-66 Rutgers Wooden will actually lectun He has contributed to leading King, the Southern Christian ries not only for the protection of Keyport at Manasquan LAKEWOOD AT SO. FREEHOLD REG. - Lakewood ft Fund. tonight but will sit in on a panel law reviews, and national publi- Leadership Conference, and racing but for the protection of Shore at Raritan doesn't shape up as strong as Its 44 record Indicates, while j. t : the Rebels (2-2) got off to a slow start. With a good chase* many other civil rights groups. employees of Freehold Raceway. Pt. Boro at Southern cations and newspapers. to be wrong, LAKEWOOD, 1J-7. ' He is a member of the bar He is currently involved in "We learned several horsemen Jackson at Pt. Beach STANDINGS LONG BRANCH AT ASBURY PARK - One of the toughest associations of New York, and civil rights litigation in Missis- were attempting to form a new NORTH choices of the day. Much depends on how well the Branches' the District of Columbia, the sippi, Virginia, Alabama and organization that would be W L T Hal Brown has recovered from an Injured ankle suffered two Georgia. in competition with the United .2 1 Saturdays ago. We think Steve Strollo'g passes will make the Manasquan (2-1) Despite a busy schedule that States Trotting Association with Raritan ( M ) 2 1 difference. LONG BRANCH, 14-6. ' -: NEW YORK (AP) - Greei Bart Starr has been hitting includes demands on his time one purpose being to control li Matawan (W) 21 POINT PLEASANT BORO AT SOUTHERN REG. - It i Bay is a super team in th with the bomb and has thrown as an after-dinner speaker, he censing of horsemen. Shore ( M ) .......I 1 doesn't look like anyone Is going to stop the Panthers hi their jt league standings with the onleight touchdown passes, but the maintains an active Interest in "They made representations I So. Freehold (2-2) 21 drive to the B Southern Division champloaihip, especially \ perfect 5-0 record, but the Ni Packers' air attack Is sixth with sports. knew to be fa'.3e to other horse- Rumson-FH (2-2) 12 Southern. The long but ride to Manahawkln should be Point i tional Football League statistic 963 yards. St. Louis leads in A limited number of banquet men to give the impression that Keyport (<M) Boro's hardest Chore tomorrow. PT. PLEASANT BORO, 4 . ._ 0 3 that department with 1,282 yards. ) ; tell a different story. they have influence with the Ractickets is available to the genS It is startling to note that the JACKSON TWP. AT PT. PLEASANT BEACH - Pt. Pleasant j Vlnce Lombardi's Packers, SOUTH ing eral public, and may be pur- Commission and with the WLT Beach looks like the best bet of the day. PT. PLEASANT ./.' ways a fine running team with a: Packers, dedicated to the run, chased at Convention Hall. Freehold Raceway management. Ukewood (4-0) J0 BEACH, 18-0. :' attack that emphasizes the pow actually are gaining almost 2-1 Pt. Boro (4-0) 20 V- er sweep, are seventh in rushin; by the pass. Pt. Beach (2-2) .......2 1 -.with only 587 yards. Minnesota In total offense, the Packers f.the running leader, has 8f Central (i-3) J 2 x rank eighth with 1,550 yards, far l yards. Wall (1-2) _.12 PINEHURST, N.C. (AP) - Goldman scored a 3 and 2 vic- k () ( behind St. Louis' leading total of :urtis Person, veteran Memphis, tory over Dr. J. L. Hundley of Jackson (1-3) - ~ - 1 1,946 yards. Southern (1-2) 02 Tenn., golfer but a 55-year-old Orlando, Fla. Although Green Bay has OTHERS rookie eligible for the first time, Terrell ousted Col. W. Lanman yielded only 71 points, lowest in Tomorrow's Games stole the show yesterday1 in the Glenview, 111., 5 and 4. of the league, they are 10th in rush' /VVoNIGCWL BV second round of the North and "Brown shot par golf In a 6 and Central at Red Bank ing defense, fourth in pass deSouth Seniors Golf Tournament. 5 rout of Roland MacKenzle of Rumson-FH at Wall fense, and seventh In total deLong Branch at Asbury Plrk fense. The leaders in those three J. P. Stevens at Malawan He shot a five-under-par back Pinehurst. YOUR CAR IS departments are Baltimore with nine 31 to come from five down Eighteen hole semifinals today Lakewood at So. Freehold 401 rushing yardage against them Sunday's Games FICKED-UP & DELIVERED and beat George Haggerty of send Goldman against Terrell and and St. Louis with only 649 pass Mater Del at Pope Plus (PasGrosse Point, Mich., on the 19th Person against Brown. ing yardage and but 1,211 total saic) hole. RIVERSIDE yardage. R. B. Catholic at Holy Crow Medalist Dave Goldman of Dal- In 19 years as a coach, Red RECORDS San Francisco has given Its SHREWSBURY AVE. and HIRIERT ST. 100% REBUILT quarterback the best protection las, Tex., William S. Terrell of Auerbach's basketball teams R. B. Catholic (0-4) Charlotte and J. Wolcott Brown have won 384, lost 453. Auerbaoh Mater Del (04) 741 - 727 as the enemy has broken through ENGINES of Sea Girt, N.J., were the other is the only NBA coaoh who didCroydon Hall (0-2) to throw their passer only eight WUIIam Kunstler not play in league competition. Asbury Park <2-l-l> times for 64 yards. St. Louis' Over 200 brand new pass rush has been the best, parti IroloDtd getting the quarterback 2J times Fr 500-mile check for 208 yards. M1DDLETOWN If the sunand Mrs. Amory L. Haskell, Sr., Is out bright and beams on thetimber fans will not only enjoy foliage surrounding the race racing, but a beauty seldom seen course of the 35th annual Mon-at the "races." mouth County Hunt Race Meeting Staged annually for the benetomorrow on the estate of Mr. of Monmouth County charities, fit

Hunt Meet Tomorrow on HaskelFs Gourde

Cronin Says He Suspended Horsemen From Raceway

; Rockafeller ' To Be Honored I At RutgersU.

William Kunstler Speaker At Cage Clinic Banquet

Shore Conference Football

| Green Bay High in Wins, I Low in Field Statistics

Walcott Brown Is Golf Winner





Installation available UP TO $200

Cage Clinic Takes On International Flavor


ASBURY PARK-The first an- The featured speaker at the government agencies in the trainer for the Chinese team was iual American Basketball Clinic Saturday night banquet is WilIn the 1934 Olympics In Rome. field. :oday through Sunday in Convex liam F. Kunstler, civil fights atTang Is traveling on a 80-day iion Hall here, takes on an inter torney from New York, who Is !*./ Ch.v. .iyl. lational flavor with the aiv defense counsel In the Jack foreign specialist grant awarded World's Lamest and Finest the 611 MlnnrioO 111 1 ,.1 i - n Hay |,(M nouncement that Mlng-hsin Tang Ruby murder case in Dallas, by the Bureau of Educational NO MONEY DOWN . . . IM I,MT and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. 55j of Taiwan, Republic of China, Tex. Ckvrlanit I,MS Department of State. I,MT IATONTOWN, N. J . Phlladrlnhln j,o will attend the sessions. The clinic's Chinese visitor Is INMv York i,m i,m The clinic, sponsored by the this country to study physi- The 38-year-old assistant proAninMei .1,119 4M Optn evtry nit* 'til 9:301 rilauri in 73H !><*? Chamber of Commerce and the (Memo i,nii 175 1,(191 cal education techniques, par- lessor of physical' education at city's Development Committee, ticularly training programs, bas- Taiwan Normal University has will feature four of the nation's published articles on basketball and top coachesJohnny Wooden of ketball, also coaching techniques. training, coaching, history and SERVICE He Is examining the acaUCLA, Dave Strack of Michigan,demic side of physical education, rules, and was a referee in the Dr. Jack Ramsey of St. Joseph's community recreation, element- 19M Olympic Games In Tokyo. AAMCO OVERHAUL in Philadelphia, and Bill van ary and secondary school recreaCONSISTS OF He coached the Chinese team TO POLICY HOLDERS AND COMMUTERS t Sitlt Hints Bands * Clutches Breda Kolff of Princeton-^with > Sttlttt* O-Rlngs Lip Seals Clalr F. Bee of New York Mill- tion programs, and activities of In the 1962 Asian dames, and tha > Thrust Washers tary Academy, moderating a SHREWSBURY*RED BANK OFFICE me> iMludts OIL and LAftOR panel discussion Saturday afterSOOsyoHOOOmlltGuirairtM noon. IDEE Totting, KMm Tlt Wooden, whose UCLA Brulni| IrMtlod Ouoranlit md AVIIWM won the NCAA title for the secLIKTIMI OUARANTI1 ond straight year last March, will lecture at 8 p.m. Friday, then leave for other speaking engagements. BROAD ST. HIGHWAY 38, SHREWSIURY The others, along with a Shore 741*2400 area high school coach who led 'TRANSMISSION! U-DRIVE . . .Coll WILL I I OMN DAILY his team to a state title, will participate in the Saturday panel, 7/5-15lli, 222 3299,747-2121 after Strack, van Breda Kolff a: Ramsey lecture at Individual SATURDAY 1A.M, to S P.M. sessions beginning Saturday, morning. ~

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On the Gridiron
I usually listen to stories of big eaters with an amused smile became I know that my particular candidate, Herman Hickman, was the very best of all time. Herman, an All-America guard at Tennessee and an assistant coach for me before becoming head coach at Yale, was a 300-pound-plus wit from the Great. Smokies as well. It was he who coined the expression, "I'll ea anything that doesn't eat me." Herman was on a scouting trip for us in a Southern city and was famished one morning upon awakening. He picked up the phone tor room service and started ordering doubles of everything, double order of oatmeal, double order of scrambled eggs and bacon, double order of toast, large pot of coffee, an assortment rf jweet rolls. Then he paused a few seconds and continued, "And my friend here will have the same."

Brick-Neptune Victor Should Win 'A' Title

Neptune High and Brick Town- rough defense. Another rugged reehold Regional travels to defensive team, point wise. Stevens has given up 14 points in ship's Ocean County eleven play defensive star is tackle "Sonny" 'oms River. for what may be "all the marRevels, Who is listed at 220 in Monmouth Regional is coming o 'our games and they all came in bles" tomorrow in the leading the program, but appears to be big win over Red Bank while a 14-0 setback against Group 4 iliddletown has lost to Neptune, school Scotch Plains. high school football game in thenearer 250 pounds. Srick and J. F. Kennedy (Iselin) Southern Freehold (2-2), defendShore area. Hess Is Brick Threat ing Northern Division champion, When the final gun goes off on Brick's main offensive threat ifter opening with a win over should give fans a line on just Neptune's turf after the important is Bill Hess, a junior halfback. roms River. how good B Southern Division clash, the winner will have a foot Listed as 147 pounds in an early Freehold has played well in all leader Lakewood (4-0) is when in the door to the A Division season program, Hess still can three games despite losing each. they meet at Southern Freehold's The Colonials succumbed to Red championship, run up the middle, getting an asHome team listed first; selection bold. (TV) National TV field In an inter-division game en NBC. Neptune (4-0 )has not lost on sist from Brick's feared t r a p Bank, 13-0, before holding Neptune that won't affect the standings. ;o a 6-0 lead at halftime and then the season, boasting a 3-0 A Diblocking. Once past the line, not Today vision record on verdicts against many opponents can catch Hess, 'ailing to a second half barrage Another inter-division g a m e Tulane-Mississippi StateMiss. Slate by 1-touchdown margin Middletown, Freehold and Long who is expected to be one of theto lose, 31-6. Only a last minute pits Rumson-Fair Haven (2-2) Tomorrow Branch. The Green Dragons of area's top sprinters when the TD gave Brick a three-touch- from the North against Wall Alabama - Florida StateTide at home Seminoles may surwell respected coach W a r r e n spring track season rolls around. down bulge, 21-0, over Freehold Township of the South (1-2). prise. Wolf are also unbeaten, winning Besides Hess, fullback T o m ast week. Toms River is 2-1 in Games in the B Southern Divi,. Arirona State-New MexicoLobos win another after kayo of two A Division games (over Mid- Farmer (170) has been a strong 'A" play, losing to Middletown sion match highly-rated P o i n t UCh. dletown and Freehold) and ty runner. When Brick goes to thein its opener before beating Mon- Pleasant Boro (4-0 and 3-0) at ing another loop foe (Long air, quarterback Joe Morris does mouth in a squeaker, 14-13, and Southern Regional (1-2 and 0-2) Arizona-San Jose-Wildcats in lop-sided victory. Branch). Brick also tied Phillips- the passing with Hess and 180Red Bank, 19-13. Last week, the and Jackson Township (1-3, 0-2) Arkansas N. Texas StatePowerful Razorbacks have breath' burg for an over-all 2-0-2 record. pound end John O'Neill his fa-'ndians routed Central Regional, at Point Pleasant Beach (2-2, 2- ' r after Texas. Neptune Edge on Paper 14-0, in a non-loop encounter. vorite targets. ) Auburn-Southern Miss.Auburn back after Georgia Tech loss TIGER'S TARGET Middleweight champion Joey Neptune has the edge, at least In other A Division games, de' Two Key 'B1 Tilts Heading the list'of g a m e s Boston College - RichmondSoft spot on Eagles' schedule. on paper, in the team totals. The fending loop titlist Middletown Two of the three B Northern among non-Shore Conference Glardello is jarred by right thrown by Dick Tiger in Brown-ColgateRaiders mad after Princeton trimming. Fliers have scored 83 points and tries to get back into the winDivision leaders will be in action games is Long Branch at Asseventh round of last night's 15-round title fight in New given up but 18 for coach John Clemson-Texas ChristianClose one with Clemson as pick. column after three straight n top B Division encounters. York's Madison Square Garden. Tiger won 'the fight Bednarik while Brick has scored losses when it hosts Monmouth Keyport (0-4 and 0-2) is at Mana- bury Park, where teams w i t h Colo. State-Utah StateAggies have sturdier tools. with idential 2-1-1 records will Georgia Tech - NavyMiddie defense makes it close. and the title by unanimous decision. (AP Wirephoto) 71 and given up 39. Regional, which is 2-2 over-all squan (2-1) and Raritan Township meet. Harvard-DartmouthHigh scoring Green tops another Ivy foe and 1-2 in the A Division, and (2-2, 2-1) is host to Shore Re A game that won't count in Each team has played three Illinois-DukeIllini squares brief series at one-all. common opponents. Neptune won jional (2-2, 1-1). The third team the Shore Conference standings Indiana-Wash. StateWash. State takes another Big Ten rival. over Middletown, 12-0; Freevith a 2-1 loop record, Matawan pits Central Regional (1-3) at Iowa State-MissouriBoth In low-scoring ties last week; hold, 31-6, and Long Branch, 19Regional, hosts strong J. P. Red Bank (2-2) where the host Mizzoo pick. 12"in that order. Brick, in order Stevens of North Edison (3-1) in Buccaneers' will be out to reKansas State OklahomaSooners make it two in row with has tied Long Branch, 1&-19; Midi non-league encounter, bound after losses to A Division dletown, 18-7, and Freehold, 21-0 Manasquan will be fighting to opponents Toms River tnd Kansas-OklahomaStateCowboys make It big"afternoon fo: jet back on the victory side after MonmoutK Regional. Neptune has relied offensively State of Okla. being routed by Southern Free- In Sunday games, Red Bank on the running p o w e r of 215 Kentucky-GeorgiaKentucky's running talent key factor here. hold, 25-0, last Saturday. Raritan Catholic and Mater Dei b o t h pound Fred Warren and Larry L-S.U.-So. CarolinaBayou Cats keep going after upset ol Clark (180) and the passing of BRIARCUFF MANOR, N . Y . -goes into the Shore game off anseek their initial victories in five Kentucky. Monmouth College of West Long seven apartment houses in his Bruce Hoffman to lanky end Don Branch, N.J., posted its second important win over Matawan, 19- games. Red Bank Catholic travBy MURRAY ROSE MAHLAND-N. C. StateWolfpack not In Its best year. els to Riverside to play Holy NEW YORK (AP) Jabbing native land. "I was determined Irvin (6-2, 170). Irvin took over soccer victory in the Central Miami (O)-Ohio Univ.Easy reversal of last year's setback. oey Archer or even ancient to beat Giardello. Nothing was a starting end position in the FliMinnesota-MichiganToss up. Slight edge to Minnesota. Atlantic College Conference with- In J. P. Stevens, Matawan will Cross (3-1) and Mater Dei is in going to stop me. I went out ers' second game when Bob Siliugar Ray Robinson may be the out a loss this week by edging ie facing Middlesex County's top Passaic to meet Pope Ping ( M ) . Mississippi - VanderbiltMississippi breaks last year's tie. text title opponent for Dick Ti- with all I had from the opening va injured his ankle against Mid- Kings College, 3-2. Montana - IdahoVandals increase series lead. ger, the recrowned middle- bell I knew I had him in thedletown. Silva is still hobbled by Nebraska ColoradoCornhuskers are still 1-2 in country. first round." weight champion of the worl. the bum ankle and also has had The winners are currently 3-2-1 Northwestern - IowaHawkeyes due. "I wilj fight anyone my man- Lou" Burston and Jersey some problems with his knee. over-all. It was the first loss for (TV) Notre Dame Southern Calif.Trojans need their best. gers name because I intend to Neptune's other starting end, Kings in the conference. Oregon State - UtahUtah nips Oregon State short winning ecp busy," the 36-year-old Ni- Jones, Tiger's American repre- Bill Findler, has been one of th MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW Sophomore Barry Nathanson sentatives, mentioned Archer, Itreak. ;erlan said today as he ceie- Robinson, light . heavyweight standouts on Neptune's big, gave the Hawks the victory when Inside Covered Outside Dry or W e t Oregon-WashingtonOregon in close one. X. irated his clearcut, unanimous champion Jose Torres and juhe drilled a penalty kick into the 1 WORK YOURSELF AREAS Pacific-Air ForceFalcons move ahead after tie with Oregon dctory over defending champi- nior nets at 10:52 of the third period. middleweight champion Pem State-West VirginiaNittany Lions claw schizophreni on Joey Glardello at Madison Nino Benvenuti of Italy as posSophomore Mike Glenn played COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE Square Garden Thursday night sible opponents for Tiger. Mountaineers. an outstanding in the nets for Pittsburgh-Miami (Fla)Panthers can't cope with high-sco in their return 15-rounder. Monmouth. Another defensive Archer, the slick, 27-year-old lag Miami. busi- New Yorker who scored a constandout was freshman center "Fighting is my main Princeton PennsylvaniaMore assault on field goal marks b; ness," said Tiger, who 580 PATTEN AVENUE LONG BRANCH troversial decision over Tiger in BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, halfback Rickie Perozzl, an ex . Gogolak? the Garden a year ago, and Utah (AP) - Walt Arfons will Monrnouth Regional High School PhoM 222-8110 . Purdue-Michigan StateMichigan State to make it six in row Robinson, the 45-year-old, five- try again to fire his rocket-pow player as is Hopwobd.' Rutgen- ColumbiaScarlet Knights in a close one. time holder of the middleweight ered Wingfoot Express, on the Southern Methodist-Texas TechMustangs must not look aheac crown, are scheduled to fight in western Utah salt flats to a world ' to Texas. TODAY'S MATCHES Pittsburgh, Nov. 10. land speed record today. Moommilh l Henry Hudson Stanford-ArmySeries now two and two. Offer Wired His racer, driven by Bobby Loaf Branch J Mlddlf-towD U Syracuse-Holy CrossFloyd Little and Co. crush Crusader Shore fti Rfd Bank The promoter, Archie Litman, Tatroe, 28, of Grand Rapids, K.i. Frrrnold l IX Roto Tennessee - HoustonVols win after tough tie with Alabama Toms River at Freehold said in Pittsburgh he has wired Mich., went for the 536.71 mile Tex. A and M. BaylorRested Baylor beats Aggies. Blvervlew Aradmpy t OcttUJ an offer of $75,000 to Tiger to per hour record Tuesday but was 1 Neptune * Laketrood Texas - RiceLonghorns by a bigger margin than last year Jtcloon at Brick meet the winner. I points. STANDINGS From the opening bell, the In one run through a measNORTHERN DIVISION Tulu CincinnatiStrong passing again makes Tulsa favorite W muscular, aggressive, perfectly ured mile the racer could only U.C.L.A. - CaliforniaBruins batter visitors from up North. Monmouth (MM) 4 conditioned .Nigerian igrimly reach -138 m.p.h. 5 Vlllanova-West ChesterWildcats prevail in reighborhooi L i Branch (I-M> Kbore (3-i-S) c.l.i..-::.!-S' stalked the boxer;who had de- But two of its 25 JATO jet asHenry Hadw <4-M> J contest. throned him in Atlantic City, sisted take-off rockets fell out, Red Bank (5-1! :....> Virginia Tech-VirginiaCavaliers cresting along after big W Hlddletnm (0-7-1) 0 and others burned the wrong N.J., Dec. 7, 1963. . 8OUTHER.V DIVISION Va. victory. W He bombed Giardello to the way, damaging the racer's alumiWake Forest-North Carolina-Tar Heels take it. PI. Boro (SO) _. body, slowing the champ down, num skin. Neptune Wisconsin-Ohio StateBadgers pick up a win in one-sidec Freehold <!> .. _ _H (5-3-1) S and then worked his punches Arfons said the vehicle was reseries. Jackion (W) -... n up. It was a jabbing lead or a paired and the cause of the malBrick ( M l ) 3 Wyoming - Bringham YoungHigh flying Cowboys in romp. Toim IUver C M ) J thumping right to the ribs that unctioning rockets apparently 1 Yale-CornellBig Red Capitalizes on Ells' modest attack. Laienood (1-7-1) started off most of Tiger's bar- arrected. Bo. Freehold (0-a-l) 0 OTHERS rages, but it was the jarring, Rarllan ( I ! ) accurate left hooks that shook Ocean (3-fit Anbury Park (1-8) up Joey consistently and enWall (1-3-1) abled Dick to hammer the SI. Roit (V!) HOSPITALIZATION champ to the ropes. Paul Bryant started his foot- The defeat snapped Giardel- ACCIDENT and HEALTH ball coaching career as an as- lo's victory streak at nine for a 6.50x13 6.50x13 AUTOMOBILE nearly three-year span. His recsistant at Alabama, in 1936 and landed his first head coaching ord now is 98-23-7. Tiger, a pro FIRE 14 years, has a 52-14-3 record. Job at Maryland in 1945.

Tiger Wins Back Title

Hawks Win 2d Soccer Match, 3-2

Winter Boat Storage

Arfons to Try Again for Mark









Garden State Entries






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l t d CHBVT a . 9 ~ * ON iu-esrllnd*?, t u aim. Radio, wtilte-walli. three new Urea, s rpm record pUrar. dltlon, J1149. 2H4M8. Immaculate condition. ANNOUNCEMENTS 19M CHEVROLET B I L AIR - four B H 3 U , after 8 p.m. Only U.s6~Ctlt AUTOMOTIVE dooi atfttlon "if 0 *- V S . CUl LOST AND FOUND Dally transportation RHHAITLT PEUGIOT II.Q. LOST Blue OpalUM j*r*vkeet. Pel WANTED from Princeton to Tor f\UTOS FOR SALE two Btudctits Red AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE 1 FOUND Female Slamwe cat. Call of an 11 perion. N*m Jo-Jo. If Bank area. Leaving Princeton at 4:30 1964 PONTIAC IJt NANS All hlte 1961PLYMOUTH Sii-oyUnder, stick MONMOUTH MOTORS X K ^ p.m Win tspenael llbeialljr. 187' convertible, all power. HTM. Call 223- , d WT-HOS, ejlr Kwv. 39 812-2(14 Kslontown found pleue call 747-4735. Reward. 10O. 0119 or 264-1575. 5 p.m. 185S BUICK CONVERTIBLE Power teerlng etc. New top. Beat offer. Til 13 TRIUMPH-I961: TR3 Roaater. Original owner. Excellent condition. Only 30,000 mill). )<JU0. Call 291-2325. 1641 BONNEVIIXE CONVERTIBLE; Power Bteerlnf, power brakea. automatic. Radio heater, white-walla. Iramaculate. SI395 261-M99 after 8 p.m. 1M CHEVROLET Two-door Bel Air, all cylinder, itarMard allllt. Very clean Inalde and out. Four new ttrei. WOO, 28(-(667. VOLKSWAGEN 1959. BunrOOf e!M good tlrea. Radio and heater. Excellent condition. JW8263. 16T CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE X50 Call 747-MSO

DAILY REGISTER LOST 22Friday, October 22, 1965





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Claulc 770, automatic, R4H., PS. Air conditioned, 14,000 milel, Ilka new.

440 two-door hardtop, automatic, i Radio, haattr.


Claitic two-door ledan.

Clinic 4-dr., automatic, radio, htat*r, 9,000 mita. New car guarantaa. Impale V-8. Automatic, radio, heater, power ituring, power brakei. On* owner, low mileage. Two-door itatlon \jarjon 330, Cuitom four-door ledan. Automatic, radio, heater, like new.


1962 OLDS 88 1961 RAMBLER 1961 RAMBLER

Convertible, radio, Heater.

4-dr. tta. wgn., auto., R1H, power iteering. Power brekei, power rear windows.

Ambaisador, 4-door, automatic. Radio and heater, full power,


Two-doer i t d i n .

$1075 $ 695 $1250

Automatic; radio and h*at*r, 2-door H.T.




1963 FORD

Falrlant "500", automatic. Radio and heater, Ilk* new.


With snow plow, four-wheel drivt,







B T I B l j . sxctUtnt condition. black Interior with bucket m m """ iftsr :30 p.m. 11 CHBVROUJT WAOON Brookwood. ExctUerJl finish In and out. Fine e * n l o U condition. Ideal family business comMna-ttoa car, 642-0174. MERCEDES-BENZ 1B0D -y- 1M'.' 6unrool. radio reclining , e a t i and Texleatker. Call 809-M6-SMJ. A.k (or Bleve Kafka, doing to Europe, must lell. 1M0 roan aJOMUB _ Four-door Good running condition. XO or beat iO offer. 264-8(53. 18 IMPALA convertible - 4 . speed 301 h i . New tlrco. Mny titraa Days 949-3089. Mr. Hoffmann. IMS MERCEDES EENZ - No. 100


HMD FORD Studaird Kilrt 1300. Call 787-0216 WHITE 19*9' KARUAMN OHIA Convertlble. New top, dean. Over 30 miles per gallon. Call 747.3389. 1B63 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT Four speed. P&lomar Red. Call weekday* 8 to 5. 741-3760. 1860 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE _ White, automatic, power, dood oondi" 1. J795. Call 747-8036 aflor 6 p.m. SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION 1&55 Ford convertible, clean dependable. Good brakes, engine, tires. S175 741M03. * 1058 CHEVROLET WAOON V& Brookwood. Nine pasnenger. Radio, heater, whltewalls. Power steering, stick shirt. OrJe owner. tow mileage. Eicellenl condition. 741-4128.







t - svnm. sFBiS

1941 COUNTRY SQUIRE WAOON 1964 FORD-XL 600, two-ooor haRlto] Excellent oondltlon. new, tint. 30,000 One owner. 19,000 mllej. Cream wtt miles. CHI 741-8749. black vinyl roof, tlack bucket e*ti power iteerlni. A real btauty. U I 19S9 FORD V-8 stick. Clean. Radio, today. N.J.'l FrlendUe&t Car Dealai heater white-will tlrea. . M. Bchwurtz * Son. 141,, W. r 787-M73. St.. Red Bank. 747-0787. 1964 CORVAIR Automatic. Ajkinl 1963 VOLKSWAGBN~MICROBUS 51325. Cull Station woeon. Excellent condltior 671-1968. $1,100. Call 264-8964. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan. Red, 1961 RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE roof. Excellent condition. Beat Automatic, power steering, sood lire; offer. Call 747-0955. 80,000 miles. $375 taken It. 741-6511 1955 DODGE ' BEDAN A car you depend on. new rings, valves, 196* COMET White. ExcellerJt coi 1 bearing. ). Clean, nice looking. $150. Ion. $200 and take over Paymenti Corner or Ave., D, and Leonardvllle rtust sell. Being transferred. 74tl-WW lid,, Leonardo, ATTRACTIVE RED FORD Falrlai deluxe wagon, 1963. Automatic, rad 1B61 TUIlgllOISE RENAULT and heater. Three seats. Excellent (air Very clean. 5150 Ily car. $1,415. 671-2653 or 842-3560 Call 291-0643. after 8.





Friday, October 22, 1965-23 m rvntoimt STATION WAOOK CAlilLLAC IN*,, oenrvUM*. Low I N t HONDA - I D e t , low mlleas. uitomtlc, power sUsrlnf, tins-button convertible. ISDW. _ SS ***/, <3W. Itc.llent nndltlon, Eictllent condition. B20 or b u t otter. vlndonri, vood Urea. Rusted but good 741-03(2 before 12 noon. one ownsr. 531-OMO. ruuforUMon. 1225. 7*1-5810. MOBILE HOMES 1M1 TIMPEffT Two-door ipc-rti 1965 BULTACO METRILLA 957 HABOTOP OOKVERTIBLII Air coupe. Absolutely no cash needed 1992 WEBTWOO0 GOLD g&AI^-lOOO. 200 c.c. ondltioned. AU powsr. Just paJMd ID* down. Bank will finance at (9.70 two bedrooms, excellent condition. eipeetlon. Bicsllmt condition. UK. Alio weekly. Call coUeet PA 1-7100, OASIS Call 741-2221. rlflce at C500. Call 542-9428. .946 l*a Salle trantmisilon. Excellent MOTORS, Rt. 9, BayirevUH. ^5 MEOIXIDY HOUSE TRAItER edition. 1954 DODGE convertible. CHEVROLET 1959 Impala white 1966 HONDA 90 CC. bllck, 3 montilj rood body. Needs motor work. 130. 741-convertible. Red Interior. Radio and old. |100. Call after I p.m. 1961 three bedrooms. Hi bathi. Must 047. r. -.iS.,u titter 3 p.m. heater 8now tires Included. One owner. 842-1585. &56 FOR0 STATION WAGON Good W45. Call 741-7672. 1965 HONDA 150 cc. Cost 1502. Ask(More Classified Adi diUn. . Call 671-1611, after IB53 -CHEVROLET Standard siiift. ing $415. Four months old. Perfect conin very good condition Call, alter 6, On The Next Page) RAMBLER STATION WAOON 671-2877. dition. Call 747-4312 allot S. , full power. Need1 transmta* 1958 DODGETwo-door hard-top, V-8. vork. J1150. Call M3-9197 after 5. Power steering, radio, healer. V"V AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE .IERCEDES-BENZ 1S4, 220 SB loiv mileage. E i t t a snow tires. J2S0. edan. A carefully maintained one-own- 747-1631 r ca,r with standard tran-dniailon, I. B. Tei, Bunroof, AM-FM radio. 1963 PLYMOUTH SPORT FUflY > 'hlteWallfl. Immaculate. Please con- Golden Commando. "3&3," fo'H" < n t11" nct IS.T. Collins at Ber/zel-Busch, 28 floor. M. SCHWARTZ A SONS. 141 jrand Ave., EnKlewood, N.J. 567-1400. W. Front Bt.. Red Bank. 747-0787.
BEP - WIUl plow, 4-wheel drlte, 645. Call 291-1883 'AIJCOK DELUXE 1981 Rlask, whitsvall Urea, two snow tires, radio, heatr. Good condition. (600. 7+1-3360. B0 OLDSMOBILE WAOON Dynailc 8S. (660. Transportation c^r. Also M! Coupe lie Vine Cadillac Mske !fer. Call 842-1999. 957 PI^yfifOUTH Excellent paint iob, Eood condition, good tires clearj inIde. Sacrifice, Itso. Call 291-2468. C61 COltVAIR MONZA 900 Red, 3peed, radio, heater. S200 equity or >est offer and lake over payments, 'all 741-9&98. 860 T-BIRD Palm Beach pink. Full owor, whltewalls. urn. call 7t7-410S


THE PRICE IS RIGHT Hardcoafed English leaf her interior. Flip-up Top. Optional IRS
Tops 110 mites per hour.


1953 Ford >i ton pick-upOil! 291-1255 196B CHEVROLET TRUCK AND OAMP ER $3,490. r-n Wl-1883 I94fl DODOE n i ton Uuck with snow plow. Firat 200 lakes it. Call 842-9821. ONLY ONE LEFT 1963 Metro CM. 80 with 6-cyllnder engine and 7' walkIn body. Beautiful shape ar/d priced to ell Call Stan 747-0787. M. SchwarU A Sons 141 W. Front St.. Red Bank. 1981 JEEP-FOUR-WHim. DRIVE Pickup truck with aaowjplow. Excellent condition. 264-T783.








- . ^ t|(\f|r 1

l l l l W
** -

$53.55 If You Are About to Invest In A Mercedes-Benz

S41.91 S44.24

Jtrtiki 60 MPH in W/t seconds. Four-wheel Independent suspsnilon. D!t< brakei. Fastr than anything In her pries range.







CALL 462-5300









1st Ave.

CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH 291-9200 Atlantic Highlands



Special prices on all used cars to make way for 1966 BUICK TRADES . . . SPECIAL ATTENTION to assure you a quality used ear.

We have just received our allotment of '66 cars-a full line of PLYMOUTHS and VALIANTSfor







Ultra-Luxurious Chevrolets . . .


1964 BUICK, Elecfra, 4-door Hardtop .. $2695 1964 BUICK, LeSabre, 4-door Hardtop 2495 1964 OLDSMOBILE, 88,4-door Hardtop 2195 1963 BUICK, LeSabre, 2-door Hardtop ,. 1695 1963 FORD, Fastback, 2-door Hardtop 1595 1962 BUICK, Special, Wagon 1295 1961 BUICK, Special 2-door 1295 1962 FORD, Country Squire 1195 1961 OLDSMOBILE, F85,4-door Sedan. 1095 1961 FORD, Country Squire _ 995 1960 BUICK LeSabre, Wagon 895 FOREIGN 1964 OPEL, Rekord Wagon 1964 OPEL, Kadett Wagon 1964 OPEL, Kadett Sedan 1962 TR3, Roadster 1959*MERCEDES, Sedan :....: ...$1495 1295 1095 1095 695

"64 PLYMOUTH FURYFour-door hardtop ....$1995 '61 VALIANT V-200 Four-door, power % 695 '61 VALIANT V-200Hardtop ....$ 735 ; MANY OTHER USED CARS FROM $75 UP



The dealer who has friendly, neat employees, the best in sales, service and repairs, original parts and accessories, and a whole lot of good customers . . .



325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK





NEW SHREWSBURY, N. J. BROAD ST. KEYPORT Open,Evenings "til 9:00 P.M. 264.0198

Buhler & Bitter Inc.

THE DAILY REGISTER 24-Friday, October 22, 1965








MOBILE HOME FOR SA'LE ltM Zimmef, *2x8\ O . bedroom. Fur- 55 X 10 AMBASSADOR - Front Itltch. r% nished wall-to-wall carpeting. Excel- en. Two bedrooms. Furnished. BlttrM. lent condition. Must tell. (1292. Call 7S7-5DH 5122371.





in '66









PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 1963 CARRY C R A F T MAVKQM H- OUTBOARD PLYWOOD BOAT - KPISCOPO A M)NS, OKNIRAL CON- WANTED EipHneed oMrators on Oiloe - itus. Altfrrattoni, additions, TEMPEST OK UCMANS CONVER Boat T r a u r i Hemon Maroury controls, ateertm, TRACTING - and font. Pluterlng, i m i l i ntadla mioWni. tmrinleed (Uruni tl.75 per hr. wood, block TIBLB. Automatlo aliirt. Will pay c u h . IB* W from St.. <{><: Keyporl lutiti wo. cau mm*. patching. sheet rock, taping, Wood qualified oterlton. K e U r worst M Cull 711-5780 Thursday or Friday. 1 nilinr aoouitlc cifltrjfc. C*il aft* lay-offs. Apply In perion, Morris ManEND OF SEASON BAItOAIN - 2I 28' KINO SKIFF J0 h.p. Chrysler ufacturers 1 Jobnaon Ave., KaUwin. csbin cruiser. With 1863 Homellle mo- Imperial. 50. Or will trade for l i t ! Stand-up Bunks 181-04 It BOATS AND ACCESSORIES tor. "e- cover. held. 7*1-1>^56.Galley and model pick-up truck, Call 741-7181. anyS9(KI, HAIR STYLISTS time alter 4:30 p.m. ODD JOBS CLEAN ATTlCg CBLLAM Part-or full time. Experience neoeasary. YARDS 1963 28P REVEL CRAFT CABIN CRUIS- OHSAIRE SLOOP -- 18' trailer. Motor SAIL. BOAT SALES AND RBNTAl Call 9:307 p.m. 2BI-SS5: MO-B200, J41-3I7S. liflhtni; completed. Well equipped ER 210 Chrysler engine. Sleeps four. MONMOUTH MARINA i-rulHiriK and racing. Good racing Hfiiri. Galley Many estrfts. In very ATTICS. 0KU.A.K8 CLEANED U1U1I API'UCATIONB BEINO TAKEN fr ni J2 31111. Call 812.1999. :;uud i\mij:ti"'i. fall 2iU-31D5 after t > rmullnl. Free estimates. Call niter I counter and assembly work. Full and IMH CHUIS CRAFT 27'. 185 h.i>. part-llme Apply In person, HOREY |i.m. B M I offer. Slerl>fl I", dinette, Btandup haad. t>U* p.m.. all day Saturdny. Sunday. 7lT-:l'WJ I.A RUE Rt. j, Baiontown. ' NEW 1965 ;Himp, refrlgeniiur. depth [Imtpr, fill ELKCTHIC TRAINS "ervlcsd am BOAT KOR SALE 1M!>, cu canvaa, wlntitr covvr, arKhor. pilot and repulreil. Fre pick-up and delivery. COCKTAIL WAITREBB WANTliP .unit. IS rnift. Tr:iil,--r. Motor. CDI JOHNSON MOTORS i'o-j)llt s'-atH nidlo gromWI I'lBteB. crft- OAltY'H II.KCT1UC T11A1N SKItVlCE, Tor flve-riny week. Kvanlngs, Apply Ilitp top. Fully equipped. Asking :ilr, 4 life Jackets. Only used 13 hours. 1:17 Rlverbrook Ave. Llncrctt. Cn tit Monmouln Lanes, Lon( BrancJU Or 25'i IJlRCdl'NT Call anytime, (ioIi-tiiiT 1 2^1111 for appointment. 1 Cost over SIMM!, will sucrlllrr. 77f-23M. 717-9518. I'I.EASUHK BAY MARINA 580 Fatten Ave., long Brandt EXPERIENCED WAITRKSSKI JVAKT1941 30' LUHRS OWENS - Kacrlfk-e. Twill 85. COtTTURIEItEHKLENE iriumn > - Also cIsbwashArs. littt Diner, In excellent condition. Uany ex Drflsa D - Speclullsts in lit. J S , Keyport. dtl-WM. mllng ladder. illnKn tlnis. 7JT-58BT. SPORT FISHERMAN Foli SALE :i6' Eleo cabin ern;Ke jlras Including 1 hull. Motor In excellent condilloi sand outboard. J2I0O. Call LI S-89S7 THE WHAT-NOT ANTIQUE BHO Fly hritljp,; dual controls, Marine Gry tr:il lit $5011. Call a(lr 6 p. FIX IT YOURSKU.' Outboard mo- Will do antiquing; rerlnlihlnc atAl re JSa li-.p. r --I reduction. Miiny rxtms. ir'!i tors. $*J[) each. Two JohrworJ 16 h.p., pairing furniture by experts. 6 Center sacrifice. Make offer. Call l'*J2-i7i!t. two Bcolt )9 h.p., one Scolt 7 l i l i p . * ., Atlantic Hlfhllinll. TEMPORARY STEEL CRAFT With fly Call 291-3408 for fret estimate ..;<'. Dual controls. 1<5 h.p. Go<i Cull 222-8775. BTTENOS :ondltlor.i. Winter stomp.?; Included. W JERSEY SPEED 8KEFF In good AUTOS FOR SALE CLKRK-TIPIIITI l onatrate. A.sklnj; 5:,tV)(l Call 741-3:161) condition PBX Reasonable Will demuiv EMPLOYMENT KEY-PUNCH titrate, Call 672-0614. BOOKKEEPERS IV SffiAMAN OUTBOARD SKIFF AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED FEMALE Experienced. Local nreax. No tie Complete with -stewing. Mercury con charged. Please come in anrl register. trols and trailer. $500. Cull 747-40,7. 311'Main St., Asbury Psrk 313 Slate St.. Perth Ambpy SKIPF --" with~80~h".p. Valve Itiboard- mthoard motor. * FOR ALL SECRETARY Oood tynlit, shorthand 747-1369. Single needle lowing machine operator! reaulred. Diversified duties Must M lo work on luiltn' coati und car coati, ihls to AMuni responsibilities.' Hlfll MOTORCYCLES fi1 FISHING SK'FK . - FftBt. rellR nit keaworthy. Enclosed shelter cabin SHORE 0OAT CO.. INC,, 22 Brldfi school grsduatt. Prefer Red Bank resident. Write "A.Y." Box 5JO. Rd Sanlt. forward .163 en. in. Grey, two-lo-unr Ave., Red Bank (Eisner BulldiriRi, FULL TUNE-UP :eai\ frenli water cooled. New cabin, -JISBB' AIDES '"Apply in~pirion leeks, rlt>s, Jmil sawn frames, Profea- Ocean Urovg Numlng Home. 63 Clar HELP WANTED-MALE INCLUDING: _lonal overhaul on engine. Not a Av*., Ocean Qrove. 1'iiTome or varnish flowerpot. t3,850. SALESLADIES - For full-time Ciirint MEKDEO FACTOKY WOnKBRa And 681-24H* alter 6 p.m. or ail day Bat., * Oil change * Lubrication maa sfillnB season In luxury-typ and Bun, store. Apply with rcfertncei to "A.B. eaters for ruhbnr plant OpportUflUtlM * Clean points and plugi or advancement. We wld train. iUu(Box 520, Red Bonk. :r Chemical Cp.. UUcone DlvMoa* STORAGE AND SERVICE WAITRESS - OVER 21 Evenlni Ur* R d , UaUwni. Clean air filter Adjust only. Full or pArt-tlnit. Apply Jn perBAKER WANTED BtottmMB famiMOVING YOUR BOAT? son only. After 13 noon. Colony Retuutiming, carburetor Crosbte Bout tranportltlon. BoU rant. KUlge ltd. and Avi. o( Two Rlv-liar wKh roils, breads, etc. PKT job. good pay. Call aei-9711, moved anywhere Jn the state. Brake. * Clutch TRAN8IT MAN RKOiSTKUEl) NURSE Full tlm, Eiparlence raQulrad BOAT INSIDE STORAGE2. a It. Rood iajary, may llvt in, 0 a n Orove M8-S100 FOR ONLY Fireproof bulldttiK. Accessible' for re- Nurshtg Hpme 83 Clarlt Ave., Ocean work, crown Marine, Little Silver. rove. T.V. REPAIRMAN - m i l er H Days 7U-O8O1 NiKlltJ 5-3W8 Vacation! and holldaia W I * MATI.'ltK FEMALK -- For wattrvm time. Apply In person, Katontown s Telat>ay. iJiniUJAItl) MUTORH work Apply 1 u person, Dof Houai vision, 60 Hwy. 3D, EalorJlown. INSUHKll AND KTOItF.l) IN OUK R8Uiininf, llwy, J5, Mlddletuwn. . l.OCKKl) VAULTS. VKHV LOW KLEmitlClANB HELPER Apply U Ask for our winter itoraga plan ItATES INCLUDE: PART-TIME MANICURIST persor JUATONTOWN T E L I V H I O N ' M Tank Test Ins t'iieck Water Pump tt. 33. Eatontown. Flush Motor Olipek Clutch 741-5600 RolTI.lNtl LINB MBCHANIO'WANTHOUSE OF Check Ignition Hieck Linkage Kll-Eixpiirleiiceil. Preferably Itosllnj Clieck Carlmrator -- Cheek ProiK'lJtr SCHOOL DAYSiluiin adilcil | u n l irmchlnel. Ulrd k Co. 512.0311!. hub Molor Check Forwanl and Turn your spar* hours Into profitable YAMAHABMW Uevew onei with AVON'S liUp. Customer! tfl.L TIMK MALE HEht Complete Internal "rust proofing" ncceptance hlKhest In history Call 741 WANTED. Ulrd A Co. SalesServiceRentals 542-0.112 4343 or write Mrs. Margnret QulottB MAH1NB SUPI'I-IES BlVf-erything lor the Boatman, New Jer* P O. Box. 658, Ren Bant. : TV TECHNICIAN - Black and whlta Rt. I opp. Edison Lanes iey'1 largest marine supply house. YOUNG WORKING OIKL To III.and color TV. steady work* Call Svlnrud* SalM anil S#rvlc> in and tare for two-yearold biby svr* a7iwto THE BOATMAN'S SHOP 247-6364 for 24 Wharf Ave. 741-5780 Red Bm nlnKbath.. working moUitr, Own roomMAN WANTED FOR CJBNIKAl and Call M2-IHM. WORK In Red Bank Hardwire EDISON, N. J. tor^e. Write P.O. Bex lot, Rad Bank. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST For modftnJ nursing home. PuIHIme Y O U N G MAN WANTED - ixMrleeea* BUSINESS NOTICES mptoirment. Call 9 a.m. - & p.m. factory- work,.. Apply in) persoa, In PA 1-8200. ^REPLACES A SPECUIJTY AU lUlph F r l s d l l n r * Bros.. Loeusl at.. types ol masonry. CHARLES HOWBB. CLEANING WOMAN Eiperitnced, Keyport nonlractor. Call 747-4479. wllllnx worker CHII ~ To canvass, build dry eletaWG72U CLEAN CELLARS. VAMDS, OARAQBI Ing route. Oall Have truck. Lirht luulinj. Call aftir 7 L.P.K ANI> NURSES AIHES 3 p.m. 741H49. Full tnd parUfmi. For moflern nurs- ANITOR For cafeteria work. AMhr ing home. Call 9 s.rn. - 5 p.m. I Rumsnn-Falr Haven Reilonal HIKh PA 1*200 Ichool. Rumnon. AUTOS FOR SALE SOLICITORS For telephone work. Your own home. Cull between the (More Clwllled Ad houra of 7-9 a.m. andfl-Bp.m.. 787-7B31. MENTION THIS AD COUNTER OIRLr WANTBII Apply OB Th N o t Pf e) Colonial Donut Snop. S6 Newman WHEN YOU Bluings Kd., Red :Bar. HOUSEKEEPER five clay.v hours BUSINESS NOTICES ORDER ANY i:.10-6:.TO and all day Friday. Reliable. Call 391-2KH. NEW or USED FVLI.-TIUE WAITRESS WANTED Apply Paul's Colfee Shop. SIII on brand-new 1965 Mirathon Prospect Plaza. Little Silver. CAR and RECEIVE

Manpower, Inc.



8.95 to 12.95





Sedans anil Station Wagont

Main St. and Bedle Rd. KEYPORT

Monmouth County's New Car Credit Headquarters 60 So. Broadway 222-1461 Long Branch



Check These 1964 FALCON
Four-door, 6-cyl., automatic.

On siiiKli riPcMf n^wl-p- tnnrH|-- M,,.I have thorough knowledge of garment Const ruction and proautiion tpc UUIJU -*. Snlary cnmmensurnte with nhlllty. Apply in person, Morris Manufacturer!. 1



* Renovators EXPERIENCED OPEnATOM Katontown DreM Mfff. Phone 5(2.3555. * Pumps PART-TIME WORK - With full time * Gtn.ratort pay. Three evrnmgl a week. No delivery or collecum. call 747-O31S. * Chain Saws SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS - Full or part-time. Call lor Interview. UM700 Day or Wook Rtntal WAITRESSES Day or nlftit. Apply In person. Pleasant Valley lor.*, Hwy. 34. Holmdt!. 14J-M26. 8ECRETARY ~ Downtown R*d Bank taw office. Legal experience preferred. Rtate salary requirement', [amtly altuaSALES & SERVICE tlon and erprrlence. Write "A.R." Box 520. Red Bnk. Middletown BOOKKEEPER In chire of pT' Highway 35 roll. Experience preferred. Inqulr* 671-1073 rnornlnrs. Call 747-1373. REUASLE Eraclem maid wanted. Twice a week. Call (71-9286



Convertible, radio .haattr. Like ntkv, beautiful dark green.


Four-door sedan.



$1395 1963 CHEVROLET

Saptr Sport, 9-cyl., floor ihift.


$1495 1963 FORD

Convertible, B-cyl.. auto.

For individual, Butlneu ond PrDtHtlonol Men,

Par Month \

$2199 1964 FORD

500 XL, 2-dr. Hardtop.

1961 VOLKSWAGEN Black Karmann &hia coupe.

1962 VOLKSWAGEN Pick-Up.

1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe station wagon. Nine passenger.

$1595 1963 CHEVY II

Wagon, 6-cyt., *uto'matic,


Seeclol TwKloor


66 CHEvROLETlmpalo Two^ow Hordtr.$/7 66 PONTIAC Catallna TwiHioor Hardtop S88

$1999 1964 CADILLAC

Sedan DeVilla.

1961 DODGE Station wagon.

1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan. Turquoise,

1961 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Ghia Lavender.

1958 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan.

$3999 1963 CADILLAC

Sedan DeVille.

$1495 1961 FORD

Four-dr., 8-cyl., automatic.




; ; -

$2799 1963 RAMBLER




LEASING INC. 741-1234



I960 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof. Radio, heater.

1956 FORD panel.

I960 THUNDERBIRD Coupe. Power.

$1199 1962 CHRYSLER $1499 I960 DODGE

Two-door Hardtop.


$499 I960 DODGE

Station Wagon.

$495 1959 MERCURY






$599 I960 LARK

Station Wagon,

$495 1960 MERCURY


KOMBI Seats for Nine Passengers -SPECIAL-

SEDAN Radio, heater .SPECIAL.

$299 1959 PLYMOUTH

Four-door Sdn.


$595 1961 CHEVROLET



'65 TOYOTA Station Wagon * W

'64 VOLVO 544, Kid

'64 SPITFIRE Convertible 64 M G - I I 0 0 Sedan '64 RENAULT Dauphine

$1595 JII95 $IO9B

$199 1959 PLYMOUTH

Station Wagon,

Four door sedan.

$695 1959 FORD


Catalina convertible. All while, four-iptid on th* floor. Friday *nd Saturday.




$395 1955 CHEVROLET


'63 63 '63 62 61 '61 '61 '60

MS-1100 Sedan RENAULT R-B Sedan SAAB Station Wagon TRIUMPH TR.4, Graen VOLKSWAGEN Sedan ..: FIAT 1200 Convertible PEUGEOT 404 VOLVO 122-S, Four-Door

.-. .'. : ;,...;


:.:... ., '.

$ 9B0 $IOS0 JI0K JI495 } 895 $ 595 ( 791 ) tt$

$ 29S


'69 VOLVO 544 .: '58 VOLVp 544


1 595 $ 195


'62 CORVAIR, Automatic, Radio, Heater '6J FORD Falcon, Automatic, Radio, Heater '60 FORO Convertible, Automatic, Radio, Heater ..; } 99S $ |OJ $ 495

see us today




141 W. Front St. 747-0787

Red Bank |




119 E. Nwman Springs Rd. 74I.588A. JUd lank





TOE DAILY RI&ISTEt Tri4*r, Oeuim SO,





. are here to aerra jrou with top l o a m y pslnt. Cook and Dunn White BAH SlnM %tcu ill*. S . O MO D alnbow U s e , only Jt.M a. gal. u MMtMSURY TOWHSHII* elum*. Hent 1128. Meed l t j l , 3.S6 In over 400 colors. Red Eevll Celling White W.71 value now l l t t BEACH AGENCY, Broker. 1400 Rta. S. Mlddletown. 71-27!7, daily to S Super Kent Tone, rex. W , only 5.W geX Free delivery, too. kat. Sun. to B p.m. MORTGAGES


Private swimming pool and play area en property.


31 Broad SL Red Bank 741-7M0 Shopping on and adjacent to property. anything and FIRST AND USCONU UORTOAQU 'B BUY AND SELL highest prices. arjtUilni. the AVAILABLE Edwin I. Stark. Real 3all William dive Furniture, Inc., Hwy. Bus and train to Newark (40 min.) and Iytff SOLDERERS letate * M o r t | a n Consultant- 4-O33 J5. Mlddletown?7il-J213. Open evenings N.Y.C. (55 min.) til 9 p.m. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS Fine schools within walking distance. DINING BOOM SET Oood condition, INSTRUCTION illchen aet, studio couch, T-cushion Outafandlng features Include KELVINATO*. retrlgrol*r-(rae)iar, avw and f*ja> air, chest with mirror. 8T2-1&M. WIREMEN NATIONAL member or various truckindividually-controlled heat and sir Mndlllwiinj, csler-nwtdiM earartHa ifcs me assoclatloni. Is seeking 70 men to bottireom tlxturej, ond bulll-ln clothes hejmoar. >e trained for Immediate job openings JANITORS with MAJOR TRUCKING! COMPANIES lor local and over the roid work, (Second shift) paying I excels o! *!58 to $28S a week M with overtime. To qualify you mu*t complete a 3 week driver training PROGRAMMER. ANALYSTS program If accepted, training ex(ftneeai oan be arranged on a 24 month (IBM - 1 4 0 1 . 7330 TAPE) BAIN AND PAY LATER PLAN. Our OF ASBURY PARK Production or Inventory control background graduates oan look forward to top Including Heat,, Hot Water, Air-Conditiening yearly pay e>nd ft life-time <rf steady THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIANO mployraent In the booming trucking DISPLAY IN THB SHORE AREA SENIOR DRAFTSMAN ndustry. For Interview, send name, ige. address, phorJe number and hours Ule Dur rental-purchase plan at home, write to "A.A.", Box S!O, for planoe and organs ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINEES Red Bank. From $12 par Month 'RIVATE FRENCH LESSONS Open dslly til p.m. Bat. til 9 p.m. OFF SHREWSBURY AVE., SHREWSBURY TWP., N . J . EXCELLENT COMPANY BENEFITS ELECTRICIAN - INDUSTRIAL Grammar and or converaatlon. Oail Corner of Main St. a Mattison Ave. V 7M169 Experienced in 440-volt and 3-phaie electrical DIRECTIONS: Newman Springs R*d le Sftrswibury Aval left t* Sorkey Ave.; USED ORGAN SPECIALS right tt)O H., man lent on Crawford Jt. t medl aportment. IBM COMPUTER PROGRAMING - Bllverton Chord Organ Profit Sharing control, motors and wiring. _ _. IBM KEYPUNCH, AUTOMATION, Thomas Spinet Organ ~ ~ .i 1IB Agent: MITC REALTY. INC (raker jil-MM/741-UM/tAeelal Al. : M 4 M 29! TYPING COMPTOMETER. Day and 341 . UH Vaeariani and Holidays ; evening classes, co-ed, free placement Hammond Chord Organ S-4 PLANT MAINTENANCE MEN 49f> eervlce. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MA- laldwln Spinet Organ. 745 FOR SALE CHINES. M Broad St., Red Bank. Hammond Spinet Organ M-3 PETS AND UVISTOCK Must have elaetrieal, heating, air-conditioning, ' Haapltalliatlin Hammond Spinet Organ L1G2 741 717-itM. Hammond Spinet Organ 1133 ... 150 plgmbing, carpentry and masonry experience. GOINO AWAT7 HOUSEHOLD SALE Hammond Console Organ Iniuranca Boarding, batsini, grooelllrtg. Leslie epeeker 5 Fri. and Rat., MERCHANDISE Hammond Spinet Organ M101 . 1125 e p.m. Bedroom2) anJ 3J, 10 a.m. to BRIOOSOM KENNXli. T41-1S10. JUNIOR EXPED1TOR Employee Diieounti Hammond Spinet Organ M i l l ... 1150 china, plcturss. aet, chaise, glasmars, AKC BEAOIXI Three merrthi e.14. FOR SALE Material control or related experience. Miles, females. Paraaaent ( M a . W . Baldwin Console Organ . 11BS call attar I, 354-tlHO. Conn Theatre Organ (Console) _ IBM 46 HUBBARD PARK Leslie 95C epeaker 145 WHY WAIT? SAINT BERNARD 7 U P H Z * UVed SENIOR EXPEDITOR Leilie 314 speaker 293 H H old, AKC registered. A b e twoRED BANK We < u have ;our window ihadte Leslie 1MH speaker J65 year-oid spared femtU. Call HM771. Material control and strong vender eedy In lust a short time. Juit bring EMPIRE SOFA Bicellent condition. jour rollers In tor custom fitting. Our All Items sold with a guarantee areen velvet upholstery, revereible aeat OOIAJtt PUP - Oentls, e t u i ' s pt relations experience. irlces start at 98c ea. Pure white budget terms available. Haa Dapera. and ahois cushion. Call T47-8O87. eteel Venetian Blinds In standard sizes, 74I-iS00 L1VINQ ROOM iCTRugl, kitchen set, 2 lor 13.(0. Folding Doors 19.99 and up. PROCEDURES ANALYST OKRMAN SHBPHERD PVPS PR 5-9300 metal cablneta, trurJhs, tables, chairs, Reaaonabla. Call mornings. PROWN'S DOUBLE MAPLE DRESSER Maple bedroom tunlt-jn. 46S4433. 2U-O2X * Call or write Mr. P. S. Argyrii, 229-1100 33 Broad St. Red Bank 7I1-75CO bed, box-ipring. mattreia !nneraprirJ|, 13 ASSORTED slle storm windows, a mirror. Danish living room tablet, icreeru and doors, HO entire lot. 747- U s t n i KITTENI COM AisilaslEVENINGS AND SATURDAY INTERVIEWS ARRANGED THE OOLDKN DOOR :ive-plece kitchen set. Kay be bought 1377 netore 10:30 or after & T1TMM tlon. Reasonable. Call Outgronn clolhlng, elegant Junk, gift aparately. Everything, H78 IRWIN, luring day. Xt-l<40. Items. 771 River Rd., Fair Haven, 10 " Monmouth 81., Red Bank. 747-0011. to Tuesday through Friday. Saturday LADY KINUORI ELECTRIC 8T0VT DO rot; DLMONT TV AND OUTBIDS AERIAL Beautiful condition. Almoet new. 11 to 3. Oall Zenith radio Motorola, stereo phono 747-5713. OLD FURNlTURll - Antiques, china, grtph. S71-O9OT. 185 Monmouth Park Hwy., Wast Long Branch, N. J . HBA.VT H U N T i r T n l P a , taUJeVjwBf glusvaru, art objects and bric-a-brac, BNULROIKO. PRINTINO And deMARE Jump, willingly. toUlMe for mmerllato casn for anything and avery* veloplBt equipment 2i4i!',t. Also tpou, 229-1100 Extension 593 floods, photographic materials, cam- adult or Junior. |300. MJ-lOaJl, after t thing. RuecH's. I I Z u t Front S t . 7ilC l l avsnlngs after s p.m. ff7138M 4 Tiriton Av., Eetoitwni. HEU WAMTED-MALE Portable day, weefc BATSHORJ TV. WIRE FOX TBRRHR W W O i i " An Equal Opportunity Employer, M & F 3aureh St., Ksansburg. 787-4400. FRANKLIN STOVE MS, curio cabiUNPAINTED FURNITURE AKC F.1MUTE11ED net, (4>, Victorian marble-top dresser, H O I lALDSIIAN - Experienced. MEN WANTED - TO work In reSTORKS SCREENS 747-JO57 Apply TWO GROSSMAN SHOE T 0 M , i r u d shop, steady work, six-day wee* M, mahocany Oeorglar; type fireplace 2 5 * OFF CABH CARRI DIBCOUKT Assorted elzes. H eacn. Tot Cookman Avl., Ajbury Park, 775- IX. IT n r hour starting rate. Apply to mantle, trio eight solid: walnut dining OOLDIN RBTRHlVXll PTJPTOJ The Low Overhead Lumber Yard 542-0540-tvenlngS KREBTONB RETREAD *HOP, " HELP WANTE)>-MAI IMS. room chairs. | U 0 , new bedroom AKC oharBpron alrea. renalea HELP WANTED-^HALE Forrest St., Meluehen. RED BANK LUMBER sereins, *U,M, teakwood table1, I7>, 10 week*. 747-M7I. COLONIAL FACTORY WORKERS - Several open- AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC) 18th century Hvlnt room couoh, A-l, I i p e SALESMAN Experienced (or UrnDRV 0LEAN1NO MANAOBRSPOTBed Bank months oM, e a nice Inge In press department after short ence In Crirysler products - prafem r furrJMure store. Knowledge of Interlai TER To take full charge of leading, Comer Pearl and Wall it Etc. * ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS Sycamore RIlSCrL'S. gynamme Oreane, BEAaLE* I Biota coronated,r * ttmt. purebred pupa. training period, flood incentive Bern- Call Freehold Dodge. 4>-e334. Ave.; Lltue BUver. lecoratlnc helpful. Excellent selan aggresaive plant. Paid vacation. Blue THE ATTIC Buys and sell! a n y ARS BEAUTIFUL. Wrought Iron hinges r Inn. fclllt work. Apply ATCO CERilus commission. VI <-S449. Cross and Blue Shield. Reply "A.L." think of veiu*. ntlre household coa< and solid bottom with .cross bucks detLB (Formerly of H w . AMICS CORPORATION, Hwy. i j , K4y-AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION MAN Box 520, Red Bank, giving full partlcu- tents purchaasd. 33 Third Ave., Long altn. A quality door. 179 9 J INWE LIKE YOUR VOICE new Rt, FtaahelS, port. Rebullder first-class Experience al ars attl past employment, aajary open. Branch. CaJ St-tlW mornings only. BTALLED. other whits aluminum _ siL ua on thai phone, rree delivery on t/pes of automatio transmission. To DESKJi Hi up. FILES, tallies, cnslra, drri J3995, Installation optional. nesded Itemi. Try ua first. WANTED Santa Claus. Part-time. PART-TIME TELEVISION TECHNI. wages, etcelieni opportunity (or it IRISH BITTER PUP* Mahogany adding machines, typewriters, office ? p i 5 l y J n ""'<m 1(> a.m. to 10 p.m. CIAN Call 143-0403, after vanoement. Apply Aamoo Transmli red beautlee, elx reserved; only tore* PROWN'S PROWN'S equipment, e t c , at bariaki price*. Raw J.M. Fields, Hwy 35, Haflel. a p.m. slona, (M Rallroal Ave,, Aabury f a r ! available. AKC reiMerM. C b p l or used. AAC DESK OUfLIT. Rta. 3J Broad St, Red Bank 741-7GQ0 3?, Broad St. Red Bank 741-7600 atocV. Ready Oct. X Me>in7. 31, Oakhuret. 531-3890. TRUCK DRIVERS BEST TOP SOIL Bluesttae, toad INMKRSPRINO SAM, BSAUTIFU14 DOGHOUSES -* ICada of HELP WAfVTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE NINE JIFFY STORM SASH - i e gravel, land, fill dirt, etc. Eckel's Over-the-road truck drivers with a . AS IS, ETC. ALL SIZES. VAL- aturdy cypreee, litea tor all doajt. G. M. EXPERIENCE Truokln*,.Mornvllle. 581-9707. ; , minimum of five years dleael ex- 2MV4. Oood condition. (30, I..ITO tl4 WHILB-THlir LAW. Also aamcable crate*, iltea in stock perience. Apply AAA Trutklng Corp., FOR BALD Treea and shrutiriarr. for beetles, pointer.:, e e t KOfO'C KBK Upto$l25perwk Ml Kw York Ave., Trenton, N.J. Holly, apruce. dogwood, and1 Norway OUR OWN maples to M4" diameter, yewa and OPKN UNTIL 9. LIOUOR STORE SALESMAN Top working conditions area. Mature man, married, good Local AUimlnum storm and screen window ties. Fan clearance sale oahier' Broa BIX AD0RA3LI KTRXNa Freei to char, OH. DISHWASHER gowl homee. Call TH1. aflsr I ' acter, Send resume to "A.H." B o i 520, la real top quality at a very low price. Bouth Bt, Holmdel, opposite Bendli p.m. Five-day wk AnodlMd, too. 3 for |M> INSTALLED. 241(6' Red Bank. YOUNOSTOWN DOUBLE MINIATURE POODIiB Pup. A.K.C. KITCHEN SINK And cabinet, >40. OIL HEATIR WITH TANK 140. SEWINO ROOM SUPERVISOR Wi PROWN'S Three 7KH17 truck urea with, wheel). rYKldalre, 139. Feddera air conditioner, reiMarecL Airioot ItsnaeaaMa. t l need a working supervisor In a small Red Bank 741-75O0 t'. llmeeireader. 3-polnt hitch.. Vi ft. WO. Mrs. William Tanaey. <1 gscond Induttrtal sewlnt department of a larg- 32 Broad St. HALTIAlUaB KITTENi Really er firm. If you are an experienced KITCMEN CHAIRS RECOVIRalD - rotary mower. Two ft9Ix30 truck' Uzes. !L. Fair Haven. Mr. Fairbanks cute, Need a good home and someone operator and ready to ta6kle a work- Dinette seta and bar etoola, Monmouth Call Ttl-1542 S suptrvtoor'e Job. we want you, Dinette, 1I Uonmouth ( L , Rd Bank. THli BBST TIME TO PLANT FLOW- RUMMAGE BALI St. Janes 10 leva. Free. Call MI-UN, after 4. Hemorlal PirUh House. W Broadest., EXPERIENCED - Apartment super Thll Is a wonderful opportunity foi 741-8833. ERING SHRUBS IS NOWflreoiurr, Eatcntown- rrl.. Oct. 22, a.m.- , . IABRAD0R P U P P m Black. A.ltC. Intendent needed. Good position foi the right man. CharAce for advanceHurit..icnr,_0anSio atook. responsible man and wife. Must fur ment in both pay and position. Salary QUNS New and used. Buy. sell, Welcela, double mock-oranKe. 10. for W M 15. WINDOW SHADES own. Phone a2-<600, between 9 and 8 or trade. Shotguns, rifle*, etc. Han- Boms 3 for Jl. HM733. ilsh references. Oall 941-1774 aft* ny'a Sport Shop" Rt. W. I . Ksansburg, 0 B 1 A T DANE Fawn maw, eioudai :30 p.m. ALUMINUM SIDING FURNITURE SALESMAN - Etpsrl Call 787-OSOB. 98e WI wltA children. XKO retlstaret All EXPERIENCED MAN For servlc fnctd man wanted for full time posishots, teat offer. Oall rOL center. Must be familiar with al tion In large etore. Apply The Mart FUN LOOKINOT See these. Broiler Installed by aluminum mechanics. Bring your rolltrs. New shades put on 1ft and air gun for tire, muffler. (*n Furuiture aallerlea Hwy 35. Middle, J3.75. 8x10 Oilte pad. SS.50. golf clur- GUARANTEED for 20 years. Free esti- while you wait. Whits, grasn. Ivory. THRITE KAKOOMX sTTlTaWt' ~ 25c. Corner "what not," ki-'SO, paint mates. Our 36th year In business. Aleo custom made and better shades. Looking for homn. Kouaeorokerl. Oll erator, and all types of Installation town. night tables. M-75. dreseera, 14.80 l; In parson jnnly, Pep Bora, i n-owJ. Front St., Red' Bank. ,: = pt'iliii^eO. - WPrViGtt-HWMSf HUCTIO] udie couch I18.W, gateleg , table, i2.M, fireplace screen, {18, andlnna, 33 Broad S t B g ' - Red : Bank - Til-WOH g "Red Bank" "7sl-7J CO.. 671-1800. 'ART-TIUB Butcher or counte (12.90 sofa, . etc. RUSCIL'8, 29 E. man. For Saturdays. Babatoi, 506 Idali Front Bt., Red BaijL TRADE IN your old furniture with 00 PIANOS Save tlOO or more cm brand St.. Belford. Cell 787-9119. doira payment and c e t a new parlor new oonaole pianos. Coma see and POODLE tVP Mele. mute. teVan ELECTRICIAN or dining room eet u sale prices. WU- save. Lifetime warranty. Tenxer'a l l u - waata old. Oall GLASS BUTCHER Apply In person. New Biperlenced. Full time. Charles I! Uara Left Furniture Inc., Hwy Se. llc Store, K Main St., Lakewood. M4-3SH. man Springs Market, St Newmai Parker. Call 787-0808. need repUclnjT Btln In your *Iu- Mlddletown. 741-3213, open evenings till Springs Rd.. Red Bank. BABY NKEOC price. MANAOER For ahlpplng depart, minum frsm ind Prown'i will rplfccf p.m. Call glMB. Frea pickup, delivery. ment of fine retail furniture store, Becauia of our tramandout cjrowth wa naad axpariancaej parUSED OIL BURNERHot air, reason71-5433. Muit be capable and assume other able. Grill. 18x30. with Hand. 21 H i PROWN'S annal 46 meat thlt velyrna. clerical dutlei. Good salary for rle-rr 37K. Comoo Ironer, ISHxJJ. Never MATTRESSCT - Values to Vt. AU FTVEMONTHOLD Femajs uVman. VI 6-9449. * 32 Broad St. alias, factory rejeota. Some extra long. , Short-haired terrier t n t . WonkM Red Bank 741-7500 In Modern Bakaihop py. r n used. 291-3524. ^ " K / M n o t It.. Red JSi atou. Bo. Oall s n o m uh ant n-strt. MAN TO RUN LINEN SUPPLY TOP BOIL If you qualify you will receive top islary, vaettism and many Full job security guaranteed ROUTE Union scaled salary paid. HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS 10c and TEMPLE LUMBER CO., KUMSON up. Alio buttercup butternut snuaah AKC OOLDXN COLUS And Muit be hlEh school rfaduate. Must and acora Laurlno, Farm. Sycamore Call 842-1S0O other banafiti. Wa have new facilities, modern equipment, Send personal resume t nave experience In route worli. Apply Ave. New Shrewsbury. MERCHANDISE WANTED Oeffden State Towel Supply Co.. 24 DUNCAN PBYFE Dining room tabe, hence for advancement and work a 40-hour week. Can be seen "C.J.," Box 520, Red Bank Bastview Ave., Little silver. Call 747- BALDWIN OROAN 30 Chapln Ave., with leaf, six chairs. cMna and aide- POOL COTIR - For i t ' round POOL &778. between 1-3 p,m. dally, board. HOP. Call 741-7W8. Call after 7 p.m. Red Bank. BARBSR* WANTED Oood wafes MACHINI6T-T00LMAKER We havi steady jot. Call from I to 11^openlnjf.for a first d a i s machlrtil REFRIGERATOR 7 cu. rt white WOOD SLAT ACT HOW I Top dollarlpaU (or electric JM-SK0 anil loolmaker. Wldi variety of inter Excellent. In dally me. 20. LADDER and all p r U M i trains and toy catalogt WINDOW SHADES YOUNO MAN TO OPERATE DR1 tiling work wllh full benefiu Includlns 28 ft. extension, wood. Excellent. BB. 774-37ift : CLJDANINO WHEEL. No experlenci overtime Also opening for apprentice 747-1768. White, natural or gold ipstter. Retulir APARlMENt* Mutt ba experienced in lha operation of parti department. neceseary. ApQly Don41d'a Laundry, t< or machinist short on experience. Call MAQIC CHEF OAB RANOE - Auto- custom priced to 38". I10.W CASE for old toy trains, trolley o a n 2M-0800 , for appointment. Marlorf St., Red Bank. Wa naad a procjrattiva man who can manage, purchase) and and cast Iron toya m*A before tMOL FOUR ROOMS AND BATH Furmatic pilot. Excellent condition. 130. our iale price $3.98. While cuitom 74MJ99 aftsr > p.m. price 110.74 our iile price U N . nUhed or ._unfural*e4~ Wnw ?., marchandita. 70 TRACTOR TRAILER DRtVBRS MEN-FULL TIME PART TIME 747-5B81I Gfotd >pa.(ter custom prfc 113.43 our NEEDED FOR IMMEDIATE HIRI Our firm needs IS men to work days WILL PAY-4M up for fruited or floral H l g l l l a i u l a . s i f J . l W l ' " . " ~ TERMS TERMS TERMS ial price K.D8. There li no chtrfe leaded hanging donee. Leaded table M6NMOLTH1 and evenings. Must be neat and over AFTER TIUININO peclfcl nt. Quite a U I g . Steady work. Excelled pay. Call Nothing to pay for 7 months. Term No experience necessary. lampj, Tiffany ana art glsjs. oTl-JTOs. room apartment. See our AD under MAUE INOTRUO Sw-5514. to fit your needs. We have all types, STEEL CONSTRUCTION BEAKS To 0 a riOS be used In euiaO building, oall J8I- LBONAltDO DISH WASHER - WEEKENDS ONLY 31 Broad S t Red Sank 741-7JOO 4354, PROWN'S SBRVICB STATION ATTINDANT - Apply in person only. After. 12 noon. apartment. Tear round. KEROSENE S ACE Experienced. Full time, days. Prefera Colony Restaurant Rldie Rd. and Ave. 3] Broad Bt. fw experienced mechenlci naadad. We will train man in Sueboard Red Bank 741-7600 tENMORE For four or five P roome ANTIQUES - Painting! rlBATER bly married. For particular*, apply li of Two Rivers, Itumaon. paclaliiod work. Good lalary, medarn ihop and quipment. Eetatea purthajed and - - . >ereon, Llr>croft Xsio, Newmr NOROE REFRIOERATOR Pertt_ home. Ixoellent condition. |2S. Cal: 3003. The Hudson SBOTA IncT. I iprlngs Rd. Applicant mutt ba experienced. condition 30. 1 Wi"i PI., Keansburg. 747-1332 after t p.m. EXPERIENCED St.,. Shrewabury.. Apt 10. Call 797-28. I'VPHWHITERS, ADDINQ maCIUneS AUTOMOBILE M E C H A N I C SHEET METAL WORKERS ANTIQUE MART Ul makes naw or uied. auuantsed. Apply only lr Interested in steady Moved lo Brookalde and Monmouth Rd., Low u |2S. Barplco's. 101 Vonraouin SWAP OR EXCHANGE AND HELPERS year-rounrj position. Contact Ben ResOakhurst. St, Next to theater. 747-O4W. (Mm CbNlflttT Ate as at RAS8AS BROS. PONTIAC, 383 VANTIID Someone to move load TAHOGANY BEDROOM SET MaOOINO VICTORIAN? ALSO STOCKMAN Broad St., Red Bank. 741-oU0. of used lumber in hogany dining room set. Excellent con- lame. Oall S71-O44J. return for i t k of Visit the What-Not Antique Shop Oa tha) NeOt ftd) Metal man and paint man naadad. Naw body ihop with letait Qood opportunity. Steady work. Cal DRIVERWAREHOUSE MAN El dition. Both 1300. Firm price. Call 4 Hwy. 58. Leonardo. ZW-34OJ 2I2-45M or H2-30JS. " 141-447* af 74W7O. perlenced. Honmoutlt and Ocean Coui equipment ts work with. Alio apprantica naadad chance to ty delivery. Ovor 25. Established wan BUILDING MATERIALS IHOE SALESMAN Part tune. I : house. For appointment, call Mr. WI laarn ejood trade for the right man. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS YOU KNOW VAN terlence preferred. Call In person eon. . 671-5000. Roll rooflni 11.50 per roll Asbestos aidIID'I BOOTZRY, Little Silver Shop Ing 11.50 per bundle. Roof shingles Of course you do he has bsen manager of our Home Improvement tint Center. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRMAN o H M per bundle. Department for 20 years. Now Mr. Van young man mechanically MbHned. Ap 747-3023 UBCONTRACTOR!! WANTED Glahn hae a wonderful product, posply in person. Eatontown Television For re-rooflnf. 12 OAUOE BREDA AUTOMATIC SHOT albly the belt In the industry, at giant 50 Hwy 35, Ealontown. Call 7M-15JI GUN $128. Ventilated rib and oavlnge. Yes. "The Karey combination choke tubes. Five-shot. 842-O4M 12 p.m.storm windows and doors." We have 1 man naadad for naw and mad car make-ready. Training proMECHAKIC Experienced with OMl trucks. Apply la person, R. Helrrlcl HELP WANTED-Male - FemaJ QARAOE SALE ONE WEEK - O c t . been appointed New Jersey Dlstrlbutoi vided In appearance conditioning. Experienced men naadad, mil Son, S03 Laurel Ave., W. Keens 23-30 38 Sllverelde Ave., Little Silver. with savings to you up to IS per winbut will teach right man In G. M. ichoollna. Call Van or come iiirn Thl Dally Rerlaler dote not knowingly Mid-vlctorlan what-not shelf: arAlque, dow. you are Interested. In, he will be accept Help-Wanted ads from employ, 140. Mahogany 21" console T.V.. UOO.(lad ers covered by the Fair Labor man' One white table model 21" T.V., HO. HELP WANTED-Mtlt F4mal dsraa Act, which applies to employ, 741-24<5. mornings. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT rnent in Interstate commerce, If they 32 Broad St. Red Bank 7(1-7600 offer less than the legal minimum CUSTOM MADE REMODELED Beat offer, Hotpoln wate of , ! 5 an hour or fall to pay dlihwasher. RCA 40" double^oven gal time and one-half for hours over 40 TABLE PADS BONANZA SIRLOIN PIT range, sink aaiorted kitchen cabinets. a week. Contact the U, 6 Labor Also two Schlck electric Department's locsl office for more In, Protect your fine table. Free estlmatea. lawti mower. Curved glaae shavers and OPENING SOON china closet. formation. The address Is Federal Call 7411673. PROWN'S Grill men, broiler men, klkhen men, Bldg., Rooms 417, 418. 492 E . Stat MOVING, bus boys, cainlerl/ counter ejlrli, full St, Trenton, N.J. 08*08 Phone are 33 Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-T50C headboard, MUST SELLWalnut double Jensen speaker, imaginative or port-time. Apply In person to Bill code M-59338i WEDDING corrtaot paper panels. Entilah bike. Wolters, Rl. 15 ond Crash/lew Ave., HOUSEWORKER EXPERIENCED - FOR THE PERFECT and aU >c-Phonograph. Skis. 741-0633. 741-6200 NEW SHREWSBURY Mart or woman. Part-time. Good wages OOWM-Bridesmaid druses Mlddletown. ceasorlee with indivldusl personal eerfor right parly. Call 7U4707. Sa' vlce. Cell Dorothy Keith, Freehold. LAR0E OFFICE DESK Asking gW. Deluxe KerJmcrre Ironer, asking |(D. BARB alMPLOXHBNT A.OENOY Oall 26446S3. Qualified Personnel For quality Orders MUST SELL Almost new automat! 210 Broad Lorn Branch Jja-sVW washing machine, refrigerator, firs- NATIONAL CASH RJDOISTER - OB. National Caih Rat1itr, orlilnally | l , N a LOOKINO FOR A CAREER? Matun place set two matching living room now BOO. 747-3*50. men or women who care about chil- chairs. Many other Items. 741-B1M. dren for "llvlng-ln" child care program MUST SELL Craftsman 34" riding mower. Xaffly American furniture e t c , in children's institution. Four positions HALLOWEEN NEEDS now open. Orientation training, atl Costumes. Masks. Wigs. Candy. Party 33 Blghview otr., Micdlatown off a i nupervfilon while working. Telephone favors. Trick or Treat. Lanterns. Nolr Rd A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS ! Mre. Hood, 201-,38-Mll, fion. through makers, etc. EVERGREEN T R I E S - D I g your own. Fr., i a m . to S p.m. " to five ft. 11.2.(0. SOS Oak Hill Rd. PROWN'S 7%. GUITAR INSTRUCTOR In Keypcrt. Red Bank 741-7500 Vukt be over 17 nnd willing to train. 39 Broad St. Call 717-1123 or 2H-O179. OUR GUTTERS DRYER Frlgldalre 220, tlvs cycle, Adding Machine! Typewriter* General Contractors Plnlln| and Decorating two speed. Sxcellerft condition. 1100. cerry tlie rain' better, becaiits thy are Installed better. Heavy nJurnlnum ADDING UACHINEI - Typewriter! U BMITU BUajJERS - Pallos, al- CARL B. JONES Palnttnl and SITUATIONS WANTED-FemMi Call 741-7883. flutter in white, on* of th* bait lnvtit* old. rented, repaired. Berplco'e, 101 terattona. additions, garages. Call Sl- wallpapering. Fully Insured. For tree RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Tables, msnti you'll cvtr mtke. Tit* KittMonmouth i . Red Bank. 147-0485 17B5 or 741-7JK). chalrr and booths. Very good to e i mttM. estimate, call 747-3041. BABY SITTING by mature womert cellent condition. Personal interview* your home. Call SLATE 4 BRTOR only, no phone calls. HOWARD JOHN. 291-0658 Painting and Decoratlnc SON RESTAURANT, Rt. 35. Middle Air & Sea Travel Reservations Horn* Improveraenti Fully Insured 741-4339 17-0JU I WILL BABY SIT IN MY HOME. town. 31 Broad St. He* Bank 741-7600 Free Estimate OALL THANKSarviNOJ-dey weekend by HOMB OWNERSContractor, allaraFLOOR SPACB-HBATER 38,00 MOZART UPRIGHT ORAND PIANO 3M-3U4 l i a Oall air. Carillon Hotel, Mliml Beach plus tlona. addltlona, painting, inuonry. BTU Complete with new controls. Call 2M.M0S RELIABLE WOMAN-WKhes to takl 787-5155. Oranie Bowl Qame, 1153 complete, Small ioba too, 9M-OTU. Pearl and Bead Reitrlnglng care of ohllrlren in her home. Will all P i t m e n Travel Service 741-SUO. THE HOLMDEL ANTIQUE MART will BEDROOM SET ThomUvllle. I bond u dealrad, Call 747-NO*. pieces, pecan, {400. Lawior/ soft 4 H u n omrwHh spacloug limitation e Siding Corp. V Bxpertly on braldsd nylon. -$l.fM> a EXPERIENCED INSURANCE, OFFICE be closed for alterations until Novem* chair. Cttetom made slipcovers, threa Asphalt Pavlag Truly iaparalo) ellnln) rooms strand, Sterling olaapa from 78c. Tired of comfcutlng to New York? her 2. frultwood tables. French provinelal.* REUSSILLS'S, ! Broad SL, Red Call BM.W43 afler 7 p.m. TWO AND THREE YBARFloweringt l w . Call after p.m. U7-8H2. Individual (ronf and iar antrnea O E N B R A I J ASPHALT PAVING INC. CUB' ihruhft. Blacktop dnvswaya and parklna lota. All brtnls. Over llv00O eatlslfled T1B- Bank. MAPLE LAMP - Mall tlt>y Wlndowi In vary foom tomers. 10-30 year tuatanteea. REFINED Matnra house moUier. Welgela Pink and Rei and mattreae Bathlnatte, cafrlagl, her] Call for fie* estimate H3-IMS. oth^ 8107 or Adam Unimayer Hl-OSOt. Weekend elttlnge. Rthrenoes eiohtnted, Bplres Vn Houltel Whlti er baby nseds. In good condition. Cal Dream kltchan. with KELVINATOR r.Mer4tar.freeger Call 74MB4. Plumbing ft Heating spirit Prunlfolia White 23M5J9. Two eUmanr*ry (chaali naxt doorjutt l U p i .. Bplre& Anthony Waterer Pink Auto Body Repair Insurance from ialaniown Shopping Canler FOTsythla Yellow ANTIQUE MAHOGANY TABLE BePLUMBING - Heatln* ana bathroom SITUATIONS WANTED Male SPECIAL [7NO and body re' BXPBKT tween 1850 and 1840. Seal, eight people, f per dOL Pair, u ioderete prlcia. itoOAHthy ABILITY-SERVICE Dependability remodeling. c Hed' snd dreieer.' Man's work bench, , PRIVATE SWIM i RECREATIQN C L U | I4OHT IIAUL1N0 t ODD JOB! Your Choice Cnevrrjlst AflantlioMllhlands. 591-OM5. when you Insure your BOMS, AUTO, Mrs. C. Comey, U7 Locust Point Rd, CORRIGAN'S Dlok Seldeman (Cy) HOLLY ACRES NURSERY Locust. IRear house, first floor). or other llnea of Insurance through 117 Oakland fit. Red Bank T47-27M 741-W52 Ona mile west of River plaxa School HANDSOUB COUBINATTON' breeW.renl Auto and Truck Rental ARMSTRONG AGENCY. 141.4101), 741-24U eeoreiary. 74x50x12, Cherry wood. Bar. Roofing, siding & Insulation ORQAN Thomas. Excellent condl' gain, ISO. Oall 741-34J5. FINANCIAL A.Via Rent a new oar or truok, Low uon. Two-manual, Built-in Lealie spa Niinlng Home rates. Maple Ave., Red Bank. 747er. Call (71-34M. OL8EN 0 0 , D i e . Roofing, BELIEVE IT OR NOT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 0M. ne-IUt. Daily T s-m.-10 We buy right, even beiur In many HOLHDkL NURBINO HUM! - A Insulation Inittlleii a i d SHADE SALE EMPLOYMENT AQjBNCI - Well S cases than discount homli and chain credited for aklllad nurslni home for 10 years. 775-0708, 281, care. Hwy, 31, Holmdel. Mt-lKO. SlDINa - Alsco, Dupont Teaur and tablishad. Need personnel Daox BuUdin| Contractor Korf! V Sclllop ana fringe wlrvion smre). You benefit by our lowr prices. to obtain State license, 111-4747. ehadet on your roller, regular 11.71, Call today and g i t Vrie Delivery. Alooa. Work guaranteed. LOW B U I L D i n New Homes, toon adGROCERY. DELICATESSEN, MEATS, now S2.75, to 30." wide. Room darken* LOW you don't prices. Charge accounts. knock youraelf out. Odd Joba PROWN'S dlllooa, basement and attlo rooma, VEOBTABLXn - Established many In* ahadea, 3" actllop and fringe And Oilier kltchanf, garafl, repura and altera* H Broad BL Red n.nk 741-7800 yeire. Air conditioned buudlna 4ixW 11.18. Both washable. IH.W. ehedei Hute blacktop parking area. Bulldlm in stock from Mo 10 llofii. Berber! TJItsnrtuch. 741-Blol, MASONRY-JPatloa. steps, ildawalke, eQmpment, Inventory, Asking |530W 33 Brunei Bt. Red Bank 711-7800 HOUSE PAINTING, carpentry Kla. PROWN'S Rugi Cleaned Shampooed Reaaonable terms. BLUB SPRUCE TRIES, Two feel Dlamondi Bu|bt or Reityled aoneblt Rates, 747M3H or T3l-eaw. high. M each. Call FINLAY AGENCY IATOHTQWN, Y a71-341t DAVID * RICKIH8 Rug * Waxing 17" TELEVISION - Oaod condition, Lei ue buy the diamonds you don't Painting and Decorating Real Estate service. Ruga shampooed, fioora 877 0100 wHikmfaitmWWUM "(IAS ON" OAB BTOVJO All while, . wear or lei us restjli them (or you T(f-7J3 Asking |30. Call after 11:90, waxed In home or office. 2U-14S7. SBO. llolpolnt Ironet, 1J Both excsller/ -JMT. personally, neusslllei. U iroad I I QOINO SEPTIC TAJIK CLDAlflNI lllDE-ABEDIn A-l uondlllon, Ml oondlilon. M3-aMQ. L. a. HILX Painter Interior and Mterlor. No lobs too laras or too BUSINESS AND EQUIPMHNT TO three piece modem blende maple bed- COLOR TV Remote control, ROAT TaL AnMrerlng Servlc* small Very reasonable. Call S20-UU. EaUrtalnmeot room aulle, mm, three arM chaasia. Wrll.'p.o, Box M7, Long Branch, beOroom set, MS.M, air piece raapli walnut console, cabinet. 11" non-glare. conditioner, Perfect. Dual spaaHws, INTIRIOA AND EXTBR1OR I Al d t l O ri UBT V * / o u r secretary. N o naad B I A U n r SALON Owner leaving 110, mahogany eitenslon dropleal table Coat |7M, laoniic* al liW, One year to mlM ealls. M hour anawenng aUle. (tool loeatlott 1004 buslnan l i t , mahogany lBth oentury buffal.lM OM. u s i d very ivuia. i. m u n l o u Vlore WM more. RUBCIL't M E . Chrlslnua praaent during the aolw service. T41-4TO t o m price. Wrlle ''A.R." BOX MO, a t , Red Bank, Mwrttft, JPaU JtU-UOeV tttet p.m.



four and five rooms from






1500 HIGHWAY 35

























26-Fridty,'October 22, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER












Not for Sale
170 year Colonial. Leonardville Rd., near Golf Course. Long driveway. Privacy. Seven rooms, iy2 baths. Gas heat. New kitchen. Perfect condition for occupancy. Completely restored. Ideal for antique lover. References required. $200. H. H. BowLell,





Cute-as--button Cape Cod In Fair Haven. Four bedrooms, grade-level gameroom, fireplace, plumbing for second bath roughed in. Wonderful spot for young children, tree 6haded and JencM rear yardnear schools and only $20,300.

N. J.'s only apartments with


Luxurious appointments !n every apartment include color-coordinated KELV1NATOR relrifltrator-freeier, oven arid range . . . ind>viduaiiy-controlled heat and air condlllonlno . . . Vh baths . . . master TV ond FM antenna lystem . . . (een-oge recreation room plui adult party room. Ideally located between the Shrewsbury River ond ttie Atlantic Ocean. Your own privott marina and swim pool on the property. A few hundred feel away Is ttie ocean and yo u r own private beach. Just 10 mhules from downtown Re-d Bank or Long Brarvdi.

$11,900 Dining Room $85 Per Month


Converted Carriage Home close to River containing eight rooms and two baths in a delightful setting of tall trees and well maintained older homes. The area oozes New England Charm yet is walking distance to Fair Haven schools and shopping. Asking $39,500.


Lovely rancher nestled on a tree filled lot in one of our finei Owner Atlantic Highlands residential areas. Three master size bedrooms. Large living rooi and kitchen. City sewers. Plenty of storage space. Immedia1 possession at closing. Vets No Down Non-Vets $ HOUSES FOR RENT

APPLEBROOK RANCH Newly decorated. Thrfe bedrooms, two baUie, family room. Large lot with trees. Available Nov. 15. $240 r*r month. I'nfurnlslietl. One or two year lease BROWN ASSOCIATES, INC, 0 White Older home in very good condition. Formal dining room. Hugi On Urge corner in excellent Little Silver location. t., Red Bank. 741-2525. 4 and 5 ROOMS FROM Four bedrooms, 2]/, baths, paneled den, fireplace, set-to kitchen. Living room with fireplace. Walk to schools, buses am HOLMDELKETPOFtT AREA paneled bookcase-wall. Much more to tell. May We? RENTALS shopping. Aluminum storm sash included. We have the key. Asking $29,900. K. A. GEHLIIAIS. REAL ESTATE Vets No Down Non-Vets 291048! including heal, hoi water, oir cond'tbning ond oH-streef parking. SEA BK1OHT Five room unfur EWIM CLUB FOR TENANTS :heil. AviUlahlp Immediately. St>0 per month. Call 741-1144. FREE HEAT. COOKING GAS, HOT WATER AND AIR CONDITIONING MIDDLETOWN TWP. Six-room older OFF OCEAN AVE., MONMOUTH BEACH Colonial home. Two-car garage. I:n DIRECTIONS: Eosf on Rumson Rood (county Route 570) to ocean Avenue, Seo T.V, and phone outleta, 12 cu. ft. re mediate occupancy, $128 per mo. Ref Dock, Colonial Charm, eight tastefully restored room!, required The SIcGOWAN Bright; right (south) Jo Pork Rood, Monmoum Beach; right to Hamlltonian ot frlgerator, parking and walk-In itorag erences 3'/$ baths, 30' porch. Near excellent community. . Asking facilities. Spacious rooms, large closets AGENCY. 747-300(1. Monmouth apartments. Seeing is believing. Brand new listing. Four bedrooms, tiled bath Walk: to shopping plaza, buses, schools 167,500, Details and inspection require only a telephone call. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW AND QALiving room. Dining area. Eat-in kitchen. Excellent conditior PHONE: 222 - 8120 decoraled. Tile DIRECTIONS: Garden State Exit 11 RAGE Newly utilities. Rumson. bath. throughout. % acre lot, nicely landscaped. Many extras. Im Adults. $125 plus 812to 36, east on 36 to Airport Shopping U1B mediate possession at closing. APARTMENTS Plaza, turn left, then two blocks to APARTMENTS model apartment. From 35, (J M. RENTALS SEASONAL YEARLY Vets No Down Non-Vets $60 Fields) to Hazlet Ave., turn left on ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors RUMSON WaterEront furnished BED BANK 14RO Ocean Ave . Sea BrlEht S42-0O04. (iio apartment for single. $95 monthly. Middle Rd., straight ahead. 26M84& Several good lots on and near the water. Enter World of Y o u lease. Call B4M765. TEHRACE APARTMENTSFour-room THREE BEDROOMS 1!4 baths. PLL'SH APARTMENT LI VINOWhile studio apartment Immediate occupan- Nice liomewlth river rights. For rent ELECTRIC LUXURY or sale. Call 747-3225. you buy or build. RMucrd until June. cy. $110 per month. Call 741-4850. Month or week. Rivrrskip nnrt oceau HOUSE FOR RENT -view, CtmplMe family living. T.V., FOUR ROOMS Bath, VnTurnlshed bath. Red Bank. Call Six rooms arA1 199 Broad Street Red Bank, New Jersey ' 741-3450 heat, all utilities. M:-O505. Kef ripe raior, range, lieai and all utlll 747-1100 Anxious owner sacrificing his beautiful, five-year-old Colonii ties supplied. Adults. No pets. li!5 EATONTOWN trenl St.. Kc-Hiwburg, fc'Ol'K-BEUROOXt HOME IN BRIEL.LE home. 91,500 under market value. Three airy bedrooms, iy} baths MEMBER - MULTIPLE - LISTING 239 SPRING ST. ~ On large lot. Furnished, S3M COUNTRY CLUB "Our 92nd year of service" UNFURNISHED " Five rooms, bath Formal dining room. Large living room and kitchen. Attachei nth, XInlurillshpd, S225. 223-3(575. STUDIO Second floor. Furnish own heat, Ca! APART ME.\T3 & BWIM CLUB RUMSON RENTAL Unfurnished. One >arage. Many extras. altor 5 p.m. 74M849. ONE & TWO BEDROOM hlncK [rom grade school. Three-bedAll Buyers $2,800 Down 1 TINTON AYE. KING JAMES APARTMENTS Val-room house, J150. RUMSON Blossoming out with many attractive new listings. APARTMENTS ley Drive, Route 36, Atlantic Highland* Swimming In your own prlvata swim Three miles from Sandy Hoott Stati FOR RENT, FURNISHED Like Middletown 671-1001 Like new Colonial with access to river. Has five bedrooms, 3'/i from club right on the site . . . only minutes Park. Ore- and two-bedroom units thoroughbreds? Deluxe two-bedroom, baths, den, dinette, sun porch, screened-in porch and so on. AsDally 9 - 9 Saturday - Sunday 10 - 7 away from ocean bathing, white sandy Furnished or unfurnished. Swlmmiiif two-hath cottage. Basement, enclosed $97 sure your "family living." All school areas. Plus bus for transbeaches, fcod Moum outn FluoeleM elBCtrlc heating and cooktni Shopping boating, (liningone block from pool and recreation area. Pallo or bal porch. In the "rldins country." Air Center . . . cony, eich unit. Rent from H32, In-conditioned. $300 per month. References. plenty ot of! street parking. portation. Lovely l>/ acres. Priced at $68,000. the Weit fiata of Fort Monmouth . eluding iient and hoi water. 'J91-OT70 within walking dtatance of express MODEL PHONE 741-3953 buses to Newark and New York City. THE LODGE APARTMENTS Fin-FURNISHED FOUR - BEDROOM RUMSON Dandy and handy yep. Dandy two-bedroom ranch HOUSE Walk to railroad ilatlon. with GE ished, modern, STATEWIDE MANASEMEN ALL Electric kitchens AIR CON-Newly decorated, 3*j room apartment Waterfront. Available Immediately. 1200. with den. Full basement. Dandy because it's in good condition. range. G E refrigerator. GE laundromat, parkins DITIONING. Ample oH-atreet lighted ytar round. S1O4 monthly includes utili687-2700 On lovely treed lot. Handy because of location. Asking $25,000. paritlng areas. ties, 17 Collins St., Keansburs. 787-153:2 Joseph G, McCue, Realtor COMFORTABLE EFFICIENCY Apartment. Near business district a.) RUMSON Four bedrooms, four baths. Three-room cottage and Rumson KOOM APARTMENTS Sea Bright Apts. For Rent 30 Ridge Rd. 812-0U1 bus Hr.'e. For business man or (ONE-BEDROOM) greenhouse. A sight without equal. Asking $60,000. an. Red Bank. 747-4922. J122 MONTH RUMSON ESTATE AREA Modern MODERN THREE AND FOUR BOOM three-bedroom ranch. Den. Two full AN IMMACULATE THREE-BEDROOM, 21/4-bath Colonial. Near Furnished or unfurnished. Newl H R 0 0 M APARTMENT baths. Large, paneled family room wllh Member Multiple Lilting Service decorated. Good location. Heat Includi (TWO BEDROOMS) ness to schools, churches, shopping and river, makes this on* fireplace in basement Two-car overRent Marts at S85. 787-J962. $150 MONTH sized garage. 2H aore plot. Excellent Over two acres of beautifu sought after. Trees and shrubs. Sensibly priced t $33,500. vipw anfl privacy. Yearly leasfi. UrA RUMSON CARRIAGE HOUSE THREE ROOMSUpstairs, remodel F R E E HEAT & HOT WATER furnished. 1300 pur month. William Hall. property in estate area overlooking lake. Living room with fire completely redecorated. 10 Navesli 741-76S. Ave., Fair Haven. 741-8281. Renting Office on Premises. TAKE YOUR CHOICE place, dining room, den, gameroom, modern kitchen with wall CHOICE SUMMEK RENTALS On FOUR ROOMS T E L : M2-96M OT near river or ocean. Two to seven oven and dishwasher, four bedrooms and three baths, all room (Two bedrooms) very spacious. Asking $59,500. bedrooms from J1.200 up. GLAZE314 ROOMS DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank, Route BROOK REAL ESTATE ASSOC INC., IN FASHIONABLE <One bedroom) Realtors. Rumson. 842-1700. HEAT AND HOT WATER STJPPUE! 35 to Tinton Ave., turn right on TinSEA BRIGHT RIVER OAKS Gracious Cape Cod in excellent condition. Foui ton Ave., approximately 1,000 f t to FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Hill sec- bedrooms, two baths, fireplace in living room, full dining room, Country Club Apartment! and Swim T47-0100 3(2-3S2; Club. tion. Cosiest line (wc-bedroom, twoCENTRALLY bath cottage. With fireplace and ocean two-car garage, beautiful trees and shrubs. Asking $35,900. AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1 H v. Nicely furnished. Immediate ocEXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR RUMSON SHORE ESTATES AIR-CONDITIONED furnished large three-room apartmen RED BANK'S FINEST cupancy until June 30. J12S. F. A. First door. AdulU preferred. 6 E . Hlgl Well-kept garden apanment, two bed I & 2 Bedroom Suites GEHLHAU8, Heal Estate. 291-W8?. 24 A GREAT STUDIO Plus a most attractive home. (The horn land Ave.. Atlantic Highlands. rooms; ample free parking; complete hour telephone service. has five bedrooms and 4'/i baths). A huge piece of property in i RUMSON Three rooms, hath. _ kitchen with dinettes trr dining room; NAVESINK Unfurnished, three-bed- most attractive and accessible neighborhood. Ideal for a doctoi PRIVATE BEACH bus line; near school, ahoppltii tile bath; spacious rooms and clos^tt: RUMSON room, tn-o-story home. Available Im- or dentist with a large practice. Perfect for an advanced hobby 45 W. RIVER RD. churches. 65 B, River Bd., Mr. Julian exceptional value; Immediate or future mediately. Nice yarn. MEISTRICH 229-2103. PRIVATE POOL occupancy. 283 Spring St. 711-5672 842-1700 ist such as ceramics or art work involving classes. All in perfeel AGENCY. 741-5SS8. FURNISHED APARTMENT FC HIGHLANDS Two-bedroom apart* PRIVATE BOARDWALK- THREE BEDROOM RANCH Reccondition. Asking $35,000. ( R E N T ON RIVER Living rooi ment $80, utilities. 13 Huddy reatiou room, garage dishwasher, full 'Bedroom. Kitchen. Bath. UUlltlei. Se] Ave. PLUS . . . cellai. 10 years old. J140 a. month. RUMSON RANCH Pretty location, has three bedrooms, twi FAIR HAVEN Four-bedroom, two-bath Victorian house. 20# x i r a t e entrance. Call after 6 p . HIGHLANDS Furnished, newly dec233-M15. after 6 p.m. 222-1568 14' living room, 15' x 15' dining room with fireplace, large modern orated. First floor, private entrance. FroB tenant parking MIDDLETOWN - Three bedrooms. baths, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with dish THREE-ROOM furnished apartment $50 plus utilities Call 671-2923Full hRsement. Garage. Near school. washer, paneled den. Two-car garage and full basement. Excellen kitchen, den, master bedroom, and bath downstairs. Three bedDeluxe SE Appliances Utilities supplied. Business couple pri $125 per month. FURNISHED APARTrooms and bath up. Completely decorated this year. Asking ferred. Located Ocean Blvd., Atlani TWO-ROOM school system. Asking $37,500. MENT -- Private entrance. Ali utiii- Walk io Shopping, Highlands. 291-0596. $23,900. les Included. Two blocks from shopFAIR HAVEN Two bedrooms, RED BANK Brancn and Madlaoi Ding and transportation. Call 222-691!). restaurants, every urban balh. {125. Ave., spacious one and two-bedroon RUMSON Secluded carriage house. Beautifully remodeled. Five convenience garden apartment, starting at $110. A] TWIN GABLES 36 Riverside Ave., BEACH AGENCY. Broker. 1400 Hply a p t 24, Molly Pitcher Village Cou: Red Bank on river. 3H and tuur bedrooms, three baths, plus pool, tennis court and large flag35. Mlddletown. 671-2727. Open dlliy rooms unfurnished, Ev>room olPfift. Bus at your door direct or call Mr. Sam Lomazzo, 741-9115. 9-8. Sat. Sun. 9 to 6. stoned patio. Over two acres. Only $52,500. Ml-2399. RUMSON to N.Y.C. and all parts HIGHLANDS Hill section. Rent with 30 RIDGE RD. TOUR ROOMS FURNISHED Four rooms, private Reasonable option. Six rooms and bath. Oil hent. of N.J. entrance. 15 Third Ave,, Atlantic High671-08! W-53M 'urchase price $15,000. Rent may be lands. HIGHLANDS 3Mi room apart . applied against down' payment. S135. with bitii. Htat and electric larnlstiec ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - 3li-room IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ipartment. Fine section. Quiet house. No children. $80 a month. M Wo r FINLAY AGENCY i Third Ave. 291-9237. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER 6t. 566-53M. Real Estate 38 YEAR? EXPERIENCE 872-0100 RIVERFRONT Furnished two-bee LONG BRANCH Three-room fur711-7331 room ground floor apa.rlment. Adult! nished apartmenta. All utilities by 22 E. Front Sf. 741-0804 Red Bank UNFURNISHED Runwon converted All utilities Included, S125. Year roun month or for winter. A5TOR GARcarriage house on large estate. Three DENS, 31 Morris Ave. o r call 222-1347 84:-O276. If no answer call after 6. good sized bedrooms, large living room Marnbtr of Rid Bank Multiple listing Sarvict ir 222-S307. l with dinlnis area spacious kitchen. I i RBD BANKButton Parlt Aparttiems in all price ranges. 1201 Ocean Ave. taths. $225 a month. Lease required. Branch Avenue. 3 Sc 3(4 room apart, NEW LUXURY 2Vk ROOM APARTELWOOD A. ARSISTRONO AGENCY. mtnt Rent Includes all utilities ezcepl HE-NT Fully air conditioned, near SEA BRIOHT RHA'LTOR. 555 Prospect Ave.. Little Lovely to look at and spic and span throughout. Sparkling, white electricity. Call superintendent. 747-2685 all transportation, 21 Leroy Place, Red HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE "liver. 741-45O0. Bank. Call 7-11-1063 or 747-5366. 201 842-9883 FURNISHED Two rooms, utllltlei Colonial, beautiful trees and shrubs. Fair Haven's finest neighRUMSON COTTAGE Four rooms linens, parking. Reliable adults, no pel HIGHLANDS Three rooms furnished, all utilities. Call 872-9S92. 26 Naveslnk and bath. Unfurnished. Available Nov. borhood. Living room, den, double fireplace, dining room, 22' T41-2688 after 5 all day weekends. RED BANK We.. Rt 36. DELTJXE. enclosed porch with privacy. Three bedrooms, IVi baths. TwoDELX. LIVELY 2BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM 1. Call R42-O70T. P T E T PRFECT R LOVELY 3ft LARGE ROOMS All APARTMENT, $140. PERFECT FOR POUR ROOMS AND BATH Furcar attached garage. One of the best values available. Asking APARTMENTS mprovements, heat, Inquire Laun- UETIRED OR BUSINESS PEOPLE r.isheci cr unfurnished. Call after 4:30 Raalfor $37,500. Iramat Main fit, and Willis PI., DESIRING QUIET AND FINE SUR- p.m.. 671-2717. NEAR BROAD 3T Keansburs. Call Mr. Pacelli at 787-0G70. ROUNDINGS. .741.9030 BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM HOME FREE PARKING. Realtors Iniurors Please call us today for THREE MODERN ROOMS Fur- 132 SOUTH ST. 740-7633 Convenient to all transportation and. ilshed. All utilities. Rent $125. Call PAIR HAVEN Ranch. Owner xaBrand New 1 Luxurious I shopping. Very reasonable rent for this complete information. TWO APARTMENTS 5 rooms and area. Call 341-O3M. 231-0778. tirlng to California. Plot Ul'xl?S', l i r j t Member of Red Bank 4 rooms, unfurnished. Convenient locatreei. nice ihrubbery. Two larga badFURNISHED APARTMENT Very tion. Call 872-1895. You'll like doing business RED BANK Walk to train and bus. Multiple Listing Service roomi, expunslon attic, inclosed brteza* nice and clean. Modern kitchen. All Two bed'rooma, fireplace, picture winway. LarjB two-car ttrtgt. Many M private, 95 Herbert St., Red Bank. FOUR LARGE. BRIGHT Modern dows with river view. $115 a month. with us! and bath, In two-jfamlly OAK HILL" COLONIAL-Love- traa. Price $23,500. utilises. May bt viewed by RED BANK Thrpc rooms, bath. rooms, supplied, no children or house. P a y Heat pets. appointment. 74T-1B57. MIDDLETOWN ~- For t a n * family. ly four-bedroom home. One yea Excellent bUevel home. Thre* yaart Available Dec. 1, $90. Member Multiple Listing Service Reference required. 747-3633. Moor apartment, front and rear nUMSON Unrurnlshea. six rooms, young, 26' living room with fire young. Six bedroomi, three btthi, ranee, garage, rAwly decorated. Avail- THREE ROOMS Bath, living room, three bedrooms, one bath, two-car gailace. Large dining room. Pan- gameroom I8'x2r with fireplace. A able Nov. 1, $05. Call Bryan-Patterson hcflroom. kitchen. Hot water furnished. rage Hot water oil heat. J150 & month buy at J37.5W. See Mr. Crawford. 104 Herbert St.. Red Bank. '\gency, 316 Broad St., 747-O250. iled den. Country-style kitchen. NEW SHREWSBURY - Just ott Newon lease. Immediate availability. JOHN HOUSES FOR SALE FURNISHED ROOMS L. MINUGH, HEALTOR, 35 '.Rumsoti 'HREE ROOMS Ami balh, ._. APARTMENT FOR RENT Unfur14 baths. Two-car garage, Ful: man Springs Rd, Two DUnjalOWi (or the price of one. Live In one and rent ished. Couple only Adults. No pets. nished. 166 Shrewsbury Ave. Reel Bank Rd., Rumson. Dial 8C-35O0. RED BANK Furnished room. Rnitahle lor a couple". Could be seen SHREWSBURY Spacious, older type bus ar.M station. Separate entranc REDUCED Charming three- )asement. Hot water heat. Trans- one. All In good condition. Include! Herbert St. Red Bank. from 5 p.m. every day. Sat. and sun.home with excellent auijroundinga. Xioor. Bath, shower, lavatory. Refrlgeratoi erred owner wants offers. Price two-car garage and workshop. Good InRED RANK Furnished bed-living all day. bedroom, I'/j-bath home. Lincroft. vestment. Only $10,500. Contact 'Mr. step transportation to schools etc- Large closets Ideal for retired 135,500. kltcnenete, private bath. BuslDavis. Div Dining room, living room. Condi4-Room & 5-Room Suites room, persorJ. Call Bryan-Pntterson SEA BRIGHT Thrra room furnished 5306., 532-1611. Evenings liter 8. 7U- business gentleman. 747-2406. apartments. Reasonable yearly rental. BOARDING HOME Ocean Grov tion immaculate. $21,300. \gency, 31S Broad St. 747-0250. " R THE GROWING FAMILYO Call 812-0012 before 10 a.m. RUMSON Modern ranch on 2'.a 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors single and dDubl MIDDLETOWN - A VORTH LONG BRANCH Four rooms. older four-bedroom had tender loving care home that h n nores. TcwerJnff oaks. Unusual privacy. 3 meals ami laundry. Phone 775-167' INCOME PROPERTY IN RED ipacious throughout Iti schoolfi, stores and ocean. Hea,t Three bedrooms, tvo batiw, den. Two tome in lovely condition. 24' liv- 10 years. Family room play center water supplied. Freshly painted CLEAN MODERN R O O M COMMERCIAL RENTALS BANK Each apartment has fireplaces. Large paneled family room. $95. 741-0745. iceeps the Tile bath - Free TV ing room with stone fireplace, bedrooms, reit of the home neat. T h r i t Two-car garage. Unfurnished. $275 a fireplace In living room, dinthree bedrooms, living room, dinDally $3 per person TO INCLUDE AIR CONDITIONER LARGE 1 AND 1U ROOM APART- PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE - All month. Immediate occupancy. WILlarge dining room, commodious ing room, utility room. Immediate ocWeekly H5 per person ing room, kitchen, garage. $22,. MENTS With bath. N'ewly rurrflshed services. HOLIDAY OFFICE BUILD- LIAM HALL, 7-7688. Double occupancy amily room, modern kitchen with cupancy. Auk Ing (21,750. ING. Rt. 36, West Long Branch. Call lrfeg nil utimies. Call 22?-f>72S. 500. HOLLY HILL MOTEL Frta Heat and Cooking G a i P. F . Pasbjerg Co., 18 Beaver St. LOVELY COTTAGE Large tpaclous vall-oven and dishwasher, two FAIR HAVEN Four-bedroom. Cap* BBROOM cooperative apartment. Newark. Rt. 36. W. Keansburg rooms. Business couple or two to share. lefriiterator, air conditioner Included. walking flliUnci to baths, two-car garage. Large plot. Cod. Within mmaculPte condition. Call 291-1594. HUB* rooms. Formo! dining rooms LOVELY ROOM FOR LADY IN MID APPLEBROOK AREA - Digni schoola and thopplng center. Flreplact H W down. S6i a month includes utiliC 623-8700 in every apartment. Enormous walkRUMSON .(1) Six-room Colonial [Ire. DLETOWN With kitchen privileges fied seven-room ranch. Two Excellent schools. Priced to sel in living, room. Separate dining room. ies. Call 542-4912. Call Saturday or Sunday before 5. 671 In closets. Each suite has private Finished recreation room In bassmant. IP YOU ARE INTERESTEDIn a nlnce. three bedrooms, hot water oil. baths. Enclosed porch. Fireplace at $27,500. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT Iront and rear entrances. Master Two bath*. Ideal for growing family. brand new modern office spacft, well two-cajr garage. $150 mo. (2) Four-room 5424. Completely private reasonable. Call located ir ^io center o[ Red Bank, con- r o t t e n , rlrenlace c^s heat. ?10fl mo. Asking $20,500. TV onienno. Built-in wall oven and in living room. Nicely landscaped. 'B7-7218. IVER OAKS Immaculate tact us for further Information. THE (3) Four-room rurnished bungralow uncounlertop range. Minutes from til Jllt.'e 15. 1966, $110 mo All le'sses, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $24,900. Mon mouth Shopping Center . . . home, set among towering trees FAIR HAVENWell planned rambllnf 1ED BANK -~ Threp-room furnished DOWSTKA AGENCY. 7*1-8700. Convenient to Parkway, trains and ipartmcnt. All utilities. Convenient lo- UESIRABLK RIVER FRONT guile* No pets. Couples or small families brick rancher In a. plcturesqua neighHOUSES FOR SALE I I E N * K. BYRNE Realtor, 8 W SHREWSBURY - Nine-room Co Fireplace in living room, wain borhood. buses. n. A-rltilts only. 747-0332. Three bedroomi, thntOn first floor In th Tuller Butldtng. RiverN JRd.. RumBon. 842-1150. lonial. Six bedrooms. Formal din coting in dining room, kitchen bathi, formal dining room, flreplaci EANSBURGDOLL HOUSE AFART- Call 741-2U0. vith breakfast area, three bed In livinr room, lamlfy room off kltchElegant Swim Club and Tennis IENTS FOR RENT. Newlywcri or 25.000 SQ. FT. LJGHT manufacturing RUMSON Three-bedroom house .. ing room 17x18. Master bedroom sn. Full bnaement, two-car m r a i e . LET'S TALK TRADE :ouplt wltli one cltili.. Large rooms, lolta toe lease Can be leased separate- Sood condition. $125 yearly lease. FAIR ooms, paneled den, two baths screened porch. $35,000. Courts on ths Premises. flee quiet neighborhood. Convenient to ly, containing about 3500 o. it. per HAVEN Two-bed,room duplex. S110 RED BANK - Fully air-cond 17x20. Sundeck patio. $47,900. ull basement,, two-car garage Includes all utilities. McAUSTER verythlng. Ileaaanahlc. Call 787-0334. floor. 747-1100. DEAL RD. at Route 35, Oakdurst AGENCY, REALTORS 109 E, River tioned three-bedroom bungalow RUMSON Seeing is believing Immediate occupancy. $35,900. :EA BRIGEIT Winter rentftl, Bach- BEAUTIFUL BRQAU ST. Air tan- Rd., Rumjon. 842-1804. New kitchen and bath. Immacu Nine-room converted lor ajmrlmcnt. Two rooms nnd biUh. dltloned office. 1,000 nq. ft. to your carriage CRYSTAL & OKUN QUAINT MODERN BEAMED-CEILING late condition. Offered at $12,500 Itllitlea. S7lt. 8{2-0.r)1<). orilor. Reil Bank. 7(7-5305. house in excellent condition. Four \MER1CANX COLONIALThree COTTAGE On bus line and handy Realtor* IED BANK Three roon DIGNJFIED professional officca ap- to store. One bedroom; flagstone patio EATONTOWN Will build t extra large bedrooms. Living bedrooms. Two baths. Fireplaces r unfurnished. Adults, PrK I>roNlmatcly 650 sq. (t. 25 Reckless PI. wllh privacy. References required. Dog order 1,000 sq. ft. rancher with room with fireplace. Three baths. . living room and den. Modern :all 741-6421 or 512-2277. next to F1M Merchants Bank. 747-3730 Howe. $100 per month. HAROLD 776-7714 ountry kitchen with dishwasher. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE three bedrooms and full base- Two acres plus. $59,500. OFFICE SPACE IU Mlddlntown. LINDEHANN, Broker, Ealonlown. 5421103. ment. 100% aluminum exterior. "wo-car garage. Near excellent Three executive oNlces. reception ofAPARTMENTS 127 Oakland St. R e d Bnk [Ice, conference room. Central air-con- LINCROFT Weal location for i n chool. $24,900. (lltlonlnR, carpetlnB, excellent location, executive. Log cabin styled home. Ap- 10% down to qualified buyer. Ofand parking, offered for $250 pet proximately two wooded acres. Three fered at $18,500. 747-3445 month. Terms to be arranged. Contftc bed rooms, pine paroled rooms log Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. GRAND OPENING I GRAND OPENING! APPLEBROOK AOENCY 50 Hwy. 35 burning fireplace. See A. KOZiCKY. RED BANK Income property. Mlditlctown. C71-2DOO. P.EM, ESTATE, Rt. 35. Eatontown. Duplex with six rooms each side. Corner Bergen PI. REALTOR. 542-0223. Evenings and holidays call Full basement. Two-car garage, OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE Carl Pelursen. St2-2827. RED BANK A llttl* plnt will chsnjs Dili mthentlo Excellent condition. Offered a AVAILABLE Excellent business lo colonlu home Into t ihowplaci. If 640 Newman Springs Rd. calion. Call 741-3500. COZY. FURNISHED - Four-room cot- $22,500. you like intlquH nd wldl pftnk Call or write for a ocean. ConLincroft Center (loori; you'll rtgret not seelni Ulli OFFICE SPACE Shrewsbury. Park- tage. HJgli, overlooking for business complete brochure wonderful bay today. Asking KIMOi Inn. Air conditioned. Carripf'1 First venientlyor localed. to Ideal couple iwr> share, No pets. 741-7575 floor. Gracious building. 741-61H. Yenrly. 872-1166. OR TREAT Evsningi and Sundays STORE FOR RENT 37 Monmoulh PAIR HAVEN Older home Cm\MEMBER Yourlill to n upto-dlte modern CoPt., Red Bank. Inquire O&M BalM, venlent River Rd. location. Living lonial. Spotless throughout. J m t mt>v 23 aror-TnouUi St.. Red Bank. OF RED BANK room, dir/ing room, kitchen. Three sin741-7480 j W t In and start llvlni. Asklnj low REALTOR gle bedrooms, garage and toolshed MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 30 s. Both In excellent neighborhoods. Immediate occupancy. Unfurnlflheu $U0 HOUSES FOR RENT PCT month. HALL BROS.. IteaJtors. UCD BANK.-RUM8ON and tn 102 WEST FRONT ST. ROWELL AGENCY. Rs.ltor LITTLE SILVER Cape Cod. neduced ..round, complete liatinga, 813 River Rd., Fahr Haven, 741-7688. homes, Studio I- & 2-Bedroom SB to 1,175 Per llontn Sl,000 under F.H.A. value. Three, bed- arms, buainenes. Member multiple S3 Rlvenlile Ave., 7tl-no Rerl Bnk 741-2210 TUB BERO AQENCT 'ooms, living room, 10x8 dinette, modOPPOalla Molly riteher Inn aervica. L&rfi prUat* parking Luxury Garden Apts. MlildUtown ern kitchen, - attached garage. IM.000. WANTED TO RENT 24-HOUR SERVICE 671-1000 ON PRIVATE EBTATE - Chapel 11111 Member of Red Bank STILLMAN, Realtor Hd., Mhkllelown. l A'bout ihree mllei IV1DB SELECTION '"V RENTALS - WE HAVE an overflow of bona fide Blnl1 Included! Heat Hot ". Nwly decor, Furnished and unfurnished. Immedl prospects looking for two or Tour bedIS llvvy, 3S Shrewsbury I l l - a t m . " ? ,"', Multiple Listing Service itra. Well insulated modern noose. at occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHEH rooms. Call us for fast action to have Water Cooking Gas . roonu, Iwo bnllu, porch. K'Ve, RESTORED FARM. Linden P I . Red Bank. A8TBFULLY A AOEXCY oceanportt Av6.. O Ocesnport. your home rental. THE HERO FROM OVBft L a r a ! beamed.ceJJng kltch- electric heat. Furnished or unfurnhhld 747-O3HT AGENCY. Rt. 35, Mlddletown. 871-1000 CHARMING COLONIAL RANCH Air-Conditioner dining room with pi ate rail. At- Phone weekdays New York MU 7Secluded setting In excellent neighbor- EW 8HREWBBUUY Attractive ractlva living roorii with new brick 3 o or c t (1-0801. We.k.nds'an nveTOUR-BEDROOM. HV.-bath iiirnlslwd Off-Street Parking hool. Ne;u nchnoli nmt Knoil cttm- lire* bedroom ranch on over \ acre. replace Three bedrooms with beautl Imt 741-2933 or 7<7.2. home. Is Red BarJk. Living room, kltchFURNISHED ROOMS mutinR. Three bedrooms plus fireplace. ,*wo-nnr garage. Full baiemcnt. Finen and ilen. Garage. Li.rce lot. J/iltn a l wide-board floors; basement, ',4 Extras. Enrly occupancy. Asking llB shed reorrtatlon room, Two baUja. cm, 118 500. HAROLD L1NDEMANN, OIIllnoOM APAKTMBrTI for sale, A GREAT VALUE IN A FABULOUS LOCATION! month. HOLSTON WATERBURY, Realall homes. Bilbnlnwn. oil ht. Sfnltll FURNISHED KOOM leautlfu), new wall-to-wall carpeting n>ker, Eaton town. 842-1103, lor 16 W. Front St., Red Bank. 747- nlcn house. Gentleman For rent In a 000. Cull O71-37K). lpoilt. Call M5-D322. prclerred. UJ spacious living room arid dlnltif 3500. llrngln* living in your own luxury apartmani with the ocean MIDDLKTOWN Exceptional value In room. (20,000. Owner, C12-33I3, Spring; St., Red Bank. 747-350(1, N UNUSUAL RIVKPRONT PROPER. BETTBIl TAKE A LOOK W liave this split level home wltli Its many t your doonlp and a lata in your backyard! I l l fabulouil Y Ha* corne or/ tlie market. In " " " l < In Atlantic Hldhlands at CLEAN. NICELY FUR added features. Three bedrooms and Home, lour location, if fording mn]etlc view And to it 1ha value! You gt all tliii from 585 a month. Hugs COMMERCIAL RENTALS NISHBn. Close. In. Gentleman prefe den, living room, kitchen, recreation, MIDDLETOWN Largi lot. Many rooms large nd tiled hath. lilt hllli of M1<1 die town In all tholr J21.O0O each. OOMK 8KB US. PICK red. 747-2009. raomi with clour ipaca gilort Dream kitcham with torrm'caand utility room. Basement. 241 atB25-5IM. >lndor. 1H Keren with A large Colo- THE ONE YOU LIKE, B R. BNrDKR * CO., neoltors. IM First facad wood eabintti, KELVINATOR refngsrator-freeier and ROUM FOR BENT - 12 per week. tached garage, AH appliances Including AIR HAVEN Dutch Colonial, three, ifll (o match, among IR)! trtses. For Muld Bervlee. Atlantic Hotel, Fair Ha- dishwasher and freezer. Choice location adrooms, paneled den, llvlrfe room, oit who want paoloui, gracious livWELBILT ovan-ranga Caramic tiled bafhi Built-in TV and lovely 128x175' lot. Owner moving nlni room, 1 4 fcaUif, aluminum ild- ing. HAROLD UNDEMANN, Broker, ven. 741-9778 HAROL V out of state. 121,200. t 6423 phona, outlets Format dining roomi Spacious badroomt YOU HAVE T A r YEN for lll ttVsi g, garage, aood. bujr> 103 Harrison aatontown. 642-1103. l 10 h FURNISHED ROOM - Business rentle"" " ' * l ' U>-h*nj .with wall-to-wall tleiati Baomant laundry room . . . all _ ^ ^ man. Kitchen privileges. TV. 27 \ .'/iver. MIPDLETOWN The very heat In Ihll ve 711-1167, flDDLETQWN Oak Hill section. }or you.S I . " btdrooma,' foutth UnThrea || ly PL, Red hank. tht luxuriai you wantdrive out today and tea for yourielfl three-uedroom ranch horns Including MLTfl NECK Lovly tnrae-hedroom ;pB Cod. Two bedroomi, with ex- ilnislied. 1(4 uth, uugt Kitchen wltb garage, and SINGLE noOMS clean, comfort- fireplace In large living room, dining tome. Best buy In re. Owner want* >anlon ftttln, bument, nnauniR F1IA llnlni area. ljxSJ iimeroom. l ( x l 5 down, able reasonable. Gentleman preferred area, eat-In kitchen, unusually lovely tale. Immediately. Offered at I2B.6OO. ortgagf, V1200 p e r monlli pays til. V Kchio r <J",'C! " r " L A'* 1 "* 91411 l family room. Laundry room, attached Modern Offices Jufit completed. Cen- || 1)3 Wallace fit.. 741-5H02. Oarsje PP oln| mnl. ROL8T0N a BOCHB, nuAt/roR. LONO lofllr-v coats. Call 2H-071R. ' K R Y . i ' r !,. l t w , F r e n t tral Red Bank Bualnem District. FURNISHED ROOMS O e n t i e n W garage. Includes carpeting and dishDOrS 111). COLT8 NECK. washer. Priced to sell nt only Ml.- I'WO-BWnROOM co-o"oratlve 9MIKS5. OVBLY BLHVATION AND VIEW t., rted Bank. 717-3D0O anart1 Clean. Comfortable, call 500. THE BMOLKO AGENCY, REAL nent, with oil heat. {99,60 Includes all Pl'ieliraok III. Rnncli. UMillElnwn. Central Air Conditioning r 7(1-1023 ESTATE, in Main St., Kesnsburl. 787. Illltlei eirept heat. Call 7(1-1163 days. alf tcre. Tkres Ixclroomi with ftre- iKtiKs yoi;n oppoimiNm Beir Service Elevator OCEAN AVE., BRADLEY BEACH N. J. 774-4863 a barlaln r l&cfl Rnd dlnlnc room. Mlddlfl }2fl'i. >lck up nice trees. I J Oak Hill. Vastltd Private Parkins Spac* TWO FUIW18IIB1) ROOMS - WlThiw ova. 12-0064 after 4. mor, Ranch homt wilh RenL Heaflonablfl I block of Broad intl Wallace fits Call RUMBON _ To mttle estate on much IDDLKTOWN Nine-room split, four D I R C I T I O N I : Rt. M <oulh lo Rt. 3J. LEFT on Rt. 13 to tnd & Main SI. treplact rilnlmc room, den, tllr bl Inspect and Comptr* 74MIKj:_71_ Wallace Bt.. Red 'Bunk, wanted tree-lined street In fine arsa. ledrooms. 1% t a t h s . attached garage, R W en Moln S), to Dceon Pork Ave. l l l ilohl), Lefl en Oceon Por* Ly Lovely four- bed toom Co- ooms, two bstlis, celia/r two-etr An. to Oceon A w . ; lefl to OCEAN GARDENS. c*rpettni , Ara.p<(i. Many Mge, Enjoy your summMI n Arap<(i c*rpettni <(i. LARGE FURNISHED BOOM - p S Entrarw* hall, living room wJth fire* 'aU-to-tral! carpeting, circle driveway, nlnce, good slse.ri modern kitchen with mutlfiilly decorated. tJl.OOO. Owner. ira*. Owntr franaftrr(f, Ca 26f- SSi1".S S'W1; m m HAWJLf) || rent, it Wavwly PI Call dlnlni area, three, bedrooms and tIKd BMANW. Broker, Hatotvtown. MJRtntal Agent en Premim Every Day Red Bank. bath. Oairags. Oil heit. Dofirood. hick- '1-91W LABOB LIQHT llOUtUSKBBPINO ory and Mverftl U l | salt' tr*g. Walk RlViin P M Z X W,00. WM-room ATONTOWN Two awrtmnUi. Four (More Cluillled Ada 54 Broad St. Red Bank IROOM - Hot mJ eold w RENTAL A6ENT PHONE 775-6747 wUr In Uis to Kluida. 118.000. McALIfyrBR AO houit on atbllsln<rstrl,. NO 4r n n and batti vtih, xwo-o*r *ra, OjJJ. Hot-watw p " w " HM R1 cry. jJMoh, Jt u. Ris vilcnmtM. Oall (or lOTOlntmsot, Ultt- rttfw hno*. 7U-M0, bMt, Bltww p Bura On Tht Not >att> uuou AOBNOY. Wtm.


$95 UP

$13,990 Two Full Baths Five Bedrooms



$15,900 Custom Cape Cod Full Basement





Half Acre Lot Low Closing Fees



600 RIVER RD. FAIR HAVEN, N . J 747-4532


At Colonial Arms






















O C E A N gardens


IS IteM* " * "

noun* mm tux
*b M uaunvi. si,ao.
aMdltim. OUM M Ml servicei i

mutt* wok SAME

UCROT KJT - three tM tit betha. m u i M Mid overl m Mid fhtav, prlviuMdomain, Owner HOUSES FOR SALE
r KaiiffC Fully Insulated. troMift. Only UJ.eoo. ianwAN c o . Ruitore. :otlNTHY CLUB BejTATia Threeiidrootn (fourth unflnltMd) Oe.pi Ood > double lol 1SO0'. Bltli, Hvim room n >llh irtndow m l ) u d ilrepUct. Pinled (Unlrk airee. convenient ItlLChen. * , trees. llt.OOO. J O H N ,. MINUOH REALTOR. M Rumin A.. Rumion. DleU Sti-UM.

mum mm turn

mvm mm tia



Fridty, October 22, 196S-27



23 RIDGE ROAD RUMSON 842-0600 UMSON Just offered, a pretty four-bedroom home with a touch ' charm and character. It features a fireplace, a full dining room nd a small room that might be used as a fifth bedroom. There's basement too. You'll like the setting (big trees) and the' Iocson is ideal; a short walk to either school or bus line. See it this feek. Asking $23,500.


E. R. SNYDER & C O .
MEMBER TWO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES Ovtr 400 Pictured Listings in Office
US rirtt Avi,, Atlantic HliWtnde

Seautiful three-bedroom ranch. Alumlium itorms and BCreeni. wail-to-waa larpellnj. Dsalrable area. Convenient ociuon Call W-M0O. THE KIRWAN Realtors. IPACIOU8 CENTER HALL COLONIAL - Just right for Jurflor Executive wltli :rowlng family. Four large bedroom,, batha den plus 15x30 [amlly room, uil basement two-car garage on tH ere pa-rtlally wooded. Could add two nore bedrooms If needed. Aiklnf S3Q,flO RIGEY A6S0CHTE8 REAWOM 741-7741

vCIANPORT - Older, two-llory home locoted M I Mqln Street, first (Hwr contains encleted sunporch, living room, lining r o M , din ond kitchen wlm pantry, second doorthroe bedrooms and batlt. Two-car garage. Centrally located. Convenient to Dropping and but linn. An excellent buy osklng price ot 111,Mo,


OCEANPORT - Spacious spllMevel containing vestibule, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, tilt M m , finished temlly room and lavatory, plut lorgt, unfinished exponslon attic. Pull, dry bailment wltti stationary laundry tubs, one-car built-in garage, comblnatl6n aluminum term and :cren wlndawi throughout housi. Alklnj J,W0. Available to qualified vet wllti na money dawn except closing t i n ond to non-vet with 11,OT down plut deling ftet. 30-year mortgage ovallabll. '

We can offer you a choice of many new and alder home* In dlffirenl 10catlont. Each hot two, Ittrte, or four bedrooms ranging In price from DO,000 to U0,OM, several nave family rooms In addition, w e will take yaur present home In trad) wltti NO red tape or walling tor yours ta tell. Call ut today. Or drive out to our office.




NBW EHRIWBBUIVY Colonial. Foul bedrooms, three bithfe LaJte rooms ExceUent. 137,600. 7iT-S5J0.

'ORTH 1,000 WORDS We think this four-bedroom, two-bath umson home is so attractive we'd like to send you a picture of it. features a fireplace in the living room, a spacious dining room, Five Cornr. Middletown ind a kitchen with ample dining space. There's a screen porch too. 7l-J590 you'll call we'll gladly send you a picture and more details.
Asking $44,000.

(More ClasitRed Adi On The Next Page) HOUSES FOR SALE


EW SHREIV8BIJBY - Four-bedroom iree-bath ranch. Excellent condition. 33,000. CaJI 512^)263.


Member of Multiple Listing Service HOUSES FOR SALE
Homes like this i ard lo find; no down payments, losing. Six large rooms. Incloi ont porch. 1 V batha. 100x100 lot a ot water heat. 114,000. IDDLETOWN Perfect home fo; e large [amlly wanting room, plui ood location for till conveniences Sight rooms with finished basemenl nd utility room. Large landscape it. Priced to sell at .(21.000. No dow qualified vets, imall down pay mem F.H.A. buyer. IKANBBURG A home with Incom lelpi a lot! ! Call ua now to view tin ipot ! ! It's new ! ! It's all brick ! rwo-famlly I I It's easy to heat wit >aboard radiation ! ! Has two net errlgerators ! it can be yours wit inder easy F.H.A. terms with a 1091 own payment. Price ?25,000. Subjec P.H.A. and V.A. approval.




Rambling (our-bedroom ranch featuring living room, dining roam, IcitcKen, bath, 9s and electric utilities $15,900

'our-bedroom two-itory Colonial. For 1 [lining room, full basement. De iclied garage. Nicely Undacaped. 787 5(K) THE KIRWAN CO. Realtors. 'A1TING TO BE BOUGHT AND OWN R SAYS SELL Three-berlrooTT inch. Dining room, kitchen with din ]C area. Tilfd V/2 baths. Basement ( creened porch, attached garage. Weli indBcaped plot. Taxes $<70 $21,500 AWRENCE J. SCHILLING Raltor 'illow Dr. and Pa.rkr AY*., LittU liver. T47*4l2L

Brand Ntw Two-itory Colonial nicely lotoUd in LlncroH on landscaped fialf ocrt ploi. R u r bedroomt, IVi battw, dining room, gameroom, bartmtnt. Atractied one-car garage, S2&25O.

OCEANPORTPorloupcck Section Transferred owner must dispose of solidly built oil-brick ranch witti itone front. Large living room wltft stone fireplace, dining roorfi, Hire& bedrooms, modern kitchen end two tiled baths, Full baiement with steel beams, combination aluminum storm and screen windows and doors, onecar attached garage. Very desirable lot 100x175. Recently redecorated. Asking 132,500.

Beautiful thrsa-bedroom ranch with living room, alt-electric kitchen, cellar and garage. Convenient to elementary nd high schools, A real buy. 122,500

NEW SHREWS9URY - Ablenlit owner mutt tell below market volut dxir-beoroom Capi Cad with living room, kllohen, till bath. Canter property. For fail tale asking price at tlt,$OO warrant* yaur Immediate attention. Qualified vet absolutely no money dawn but dating fees. Non-vet only MM down plui dating f m .

Tnit four bedroom, two bath ranch in fine Shrewsbury location offer! value plufe. Exceptionally roomy ear-'n kitchen. Spacloui landiceped grounds. Many extras, SIMM. Hundreds of other lilting* from modest cottages to luxurious ettatet.


Independent Lilting Broken Specialists Since 1941 in Reel [state - Preperty Management - Mortgages

4 Thompson Ave.



LEONARDO 291-1800
] 4 Hour Service

INDEPENDENT LISTING BROKERS 287 O e e a n p o r t Aye.


Freehold Twp.
Luxurious hilltop homt. Panoramic view. Foul- bedrooms, 2 '/a baths, two fireplaces, twocar garage, intercom system, 40-ft. balcony, recreation room with parquet flooring, patio, city and well water. Walking distance to elementary schoof. $29,900

Little Silver
Early A m e r i c a n waterfront home on two acres. 150-foot waterfront . . . Convenient to schools, churches and shopping center. One mile from railroad station. Spacious living room, paneled den, two fireplaces, d i n i n g room, completely quipped kitchen, three bedrooms, 2 Vi baths, full cellar, two-car attached garage. Well constructed from plans by a noted architect. Cn be teen by appointment only. (70,000

,003 Hwy. 38

Union Btacl

Member Multiple Listing


E. Front St.

Red Bank 741-0700


Since 1938


3OUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Let ui ihow you this three bedroom ranc looking plush green, farmland. Eat n kitchen, two full baths, basemen irlih recreation room, two-car garagi Ixceptional buy at $20,600. IUQBY ASSUC1AT&S, REALTORS 741-7741 NEW HOUSE 1600 sq, ft. Thrai ledrooms, two baths, dining room Lreplace, garage, all B gU, sewers. Be ludnrt. ta56W

Little Silver
Lovely three-bedroom r a n c h with living room, modern kitchen, bath. Brand new, Nice location. Owner anxious to tell. Yours for only . . $16,000. I. , tutimniunrwwnisei

William G . Brown wishes to announce that the Brown and Overton Agency hat changed its name t o . . .



Must sacrifice this lovely eight roam split on exfra large lanscaped lot. Many extras besides four large bedrooms, garage, outdoor gas grill, we!I pump for lawn sprinkler, awnings and city sewers. EXTRA . . , for any qualified buyer who has Served more than 90 days In the service, this home can be purchased for as little as 1200 down.


Four bedrooms Three bithi Large game room Screened perch Asking JJ.MO

MS SCHANCK ROAD OFF ROUTE 9 Frertiold Township. N.J. TEL: 44Z-7070

Tal.: 462-7070

Specializing in complete Raal Estate Service covering Monmouth and Ocean Counties

Ns ($ Down

Commercial Manager RAY SMITH of Rumson Residential Manager JEAN PAUL LACKEY of Brick Town
For tithar Commercial or Residential Service Call Ut Anytime



FROM $24,500 TO $45,000
An elegant selling ol privacy featuring unique convenience ta strapping a r m , highway and railroad transportation, icliooli, houiti ) woriNo and Shore) recreation facilities. Some Homes available lor ImmeWate occupancy. MODELS OPEN DAILY MOON TO DUSK Model Phone 447-3539 or W1-0OJ0 DIRECTIONS: GARDEN STATE PARKWAY TO EXIT ?7, take rout, 3 ! east to mutt 35; turn right (loulh) 2 mllei to Sea Girt crouroaos shopping centen left on Laurel Ave. (opposite. Shehodl Rug Co.) l blocks to Old Mill Roail. Left to models. 12 blocks In back ot Old Mill Restaurant). Or Rl. 2! south to Sea Girt Crossroad! and primed us above.


Three bedroomt Two bitht Full basement Great beckyard Excellent condition Asking only JO.fOO


Thru bedrooms O n l bath Full basement Very nice Aiklng

741-2525 9 White Street Red Bank



Four bedrooms !'/> hethi . Country kitchen Peneled 'den Full heiement Only U.S00


Thtee bedreont Two ietht Urge reereetlan raem laiement Muit oe ield

Licensed Real Estaft Broker 3370 Hlgtitray 33 Hoilel 2M-O6M 542-2800 Dally 94, id., Sunday KM


Thraa Full baiamant dan tT.600


Fiva b*d*rboms Thraa baths Larg* dan Nle landscaping Asking 52,500

Oiily I,C

. ,

pplebrook Agency


Fiva badroemi Fiia battii Thrtt firtpljeas Gramhoui* Magnificent sitting Many axtras Offarad at 40,000

H I * National Association of Real Eslat* Boards sludld build' Itta, ordinance* "fof citlei, the impact of the automobile en city structure and planning and prophesied the stamMORE LISTINGS SHOWN pede to the suburbs. In 1913 it adopted a Code of MORE LISTINGS SOLD Ethics for its members, one af the early groups in the country ta do so. This Coda attempted to b r i n g the Golden Rule Into real estate transaction); to keep out the ignorant, incompetent and unscrupulous operThru The Rod Bank Area ator, and fo achieve control over reel estate pracMultiplei Liiiing Service tices. In 191* the AssociaSee Page 316 in the tion a d o p t e d the term Yellow Pages. "Realtor" for its members, In response to the need to identify members pledged to abide by a national cede of ethics.


Thraa badroomi, TWO baths $20,500 ..$2I,2SO $20,500


pplebrook Agency
112 AVE. TWO RIVERS 842-2900 RUMSON, N. J,


Thraa badroomi, ona bath

Four bedrooms, one bafh



(Fox Hill) Two bedrooms, I '/j bathi $34,800


(USED HOMES THAT IS) Don't wait to sail your prssant home before buying that new draam home. Walkar & Walker offers you the opportunity to trad* your present home through our Imperial Exchange Corporation "TradeIn Plan." It's quick, it's easy, and you get our "Home Trade-In Assurance Policy" to back it up!



It Mil twa-tamlly ht>ml with a bMulllul vlewl Fiva rooms and botti, wcti not. Two tcrecntd porches. Pmtot yearly g n u tor tini!,K. UnuiiWI a\

This n n t tour-bedroom homa is votont and raotfy for quick occupancy. Mahogany oansled llvlno room, dining, eat-In kitchen, IVi baths, garaoe, vary will londscaped, close to shopping and transportation, city sewers too- Make your offer today. Asking 117,500. Call 7I-]JII NOW!

at Tinron Fall* (New Shrewsbury)
Four models designed by a woman for easy, gracious living.


Transwtrrad ownar must laava this charmlno and Inmocultii* ranchlr, boasting ttyer, laroi living robm with flreplaci. spacious dining rwm, eat-In kltchtn Wltn dlsKmititr, t h r bidrooms, din, two battll, hokmttitf two-car oaropt. A bargain ot IM.W0. Call today I

Distinctive Hornet from $29|900



Beautifully kept tour-bedroom home wllti hoi wolir bastboord heat. Living room, dining, science kitchen, Jl-fHt gamlroom, v/t battii, basement and garage. Owner anxious for quick toll. Priced at a moderate 111,000. Make your appointment now. 4)1-3)11,

Coll to InstiKt this two-tomll/ horna with many u>n. Ara It t>ndm!nontly raildintlol, Idni lor r>rorlleml uia. prlctd rlphl f6r Incoma prt0trty. All accemfflowtloni Ovoilotil*. ll,9i.

Two story, lour bedrooms, JV baths, etnter holl with luxury wsodin lalrcait, eol-ln kitchen, laundry ftdlaeent, hunt l3S"x!38" living room, (amlly room complete with paneling, exposed beams ond maisive fireplace, separate dining room, full cellar, two-car garage, two furnaces, For ene month only, priced to sell,jit M


Tht landicaplng Is perfect, tti* homt U In A-l condition. Threo bedrooms, gamwoom,, ddn. VA battii, oaroset many txtrdl, You will n|oy oallino It homi for only 111,600.






On U ocr In txil Mlddlitown eita, wltti fruit trH. ChMrnil living rotm ond dining rwm, n-ft, klteMn ond tMt, Mmily room. Pull Msimtnt,,atta) twoor orogi. wati-fo-woii carpttt and ifieludM. TroMIrra owntr onxleut' tor toll, Asking ltt,M.


Three big bedrooms, formal d nlno room, 54-ft, living roenn, tl'tl. family room, garage, full bath and two half baths, one year new. Easy financing, many eKlral. U4.M0. 'W\ 471-M11 NOWI

Huge H' ranch, beamed family room with fireplace, "center hall, separate living raem plui dining room,. closed galore, three bedrooms, two tatfts, plui 33'xil't" master with huge bdacent bath including tub ond stparate loll shower. The ultimate M luxury llniihed In natural barn shakes thai never


2068 HIGHWAY 35

: need pointing. Priced at t)1,M0,

DIRICTIONS; Route 35 south to tycamcire Ave.i turn rljht ond continue to Tlnton Ave.i turn right and continue t Wiilshlre Dr. (aenns from new Lulheran Church)) turn rlh! to



V-ID-Year Me.rte.gei Avalleile


Model HouseCall \MMiX

er Mt-tMl

, Ocfofe 22, 1965 THE DAfLY REGISTER







ALL OF THE FOLLOWING HOMES OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SUNDAY I P.M. TO 5 P.M. # 1 MANNING STREET River Plaza section. A very lovely three-bedroom home. Full basement, at $14,950. Including closing costs only $450 down. $110 per month. #23 KEARNEY DRIVE A five-year-old three-bedroom bi-Ievel V/3 baths. Two-car garage. $20,000. Lots of extras. *30 CARDINAL ROAD (Oak Hill Section). An elegant two-story Colonial. Four bedrooms, living room with fireplace. Recreation room and den. Two<ar garage. Full dining room, science kitch'en. 2i/2 baths. $32,900. KEYPORT # 6 ST. GEORGE PLACE Six-room Cape Cod. City sewers, copper pipe. Insulated. Storms and screens. Full dining room, basement. Carport. $15,500. Only $500 down. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON SOME OF THESE ! VETS N O D O W N PAYMENT ALL FHA VERY LOW D O W N PAYMENT

JUST REDUCED Absent owner Is anxious to sel With beautifully restored COLO- four-bedroom home. Nice gam NIAL FARM HOUSE set far back room, living room, dining rooi from the road. Six bedrooms, 31, and modern kitchen. Convenien! baths, den. Sunroom. Detached to schools and transportation garage has studio above. Only $17,900. $47,500 CHRISTMAS PRESENT CARRIAGE HOUSE Treat yourself to the best presen you can possibly buy yourself am RUMSON. Four bedrooms, den, family, a home of your own. Yes 2VJ baths. Beautiful setting. Con- this one just came in today am verted from original with imag- you must see it, if you're lookini ination and taste. for a three-bedroom, two^batt 559,500 ranch in excellent condition There's also a 27x12' gamerooi TWO-FAMILY HOUSE for the children and entertaininj ynur guests. Yes, a fireplace, too Red Bank. Excellent condition in Choice area. Vacant. Hurry! $21, side and out. Roomy and im 900. maculate. $22,500 COLONIAL ELLEN S.

COUNTY OF MONMOCTM STATS 0F- NEW JERSEY Notice is hereby given that tea bids will be received, by the Board Cliosen Kreeholdera or the County Monmouth for ths Construction of Tral fie Signals at Newman Sprints Road Swimmin* River Road-MHdletowi Llncroft Road and Phalanx Ron Township of Middletown, County Mo).'.TK>iith' and opened and read In t-lie In the Hall of Records, Main Stree! " hold N. J., on Tuesdy Ni U old N. J., on Tuesday N 1965 at 2:00 o'clock, p.m.. Prevallln 5 Tim Time Plans, speclfi cat Ions and f r m cf bl p form cf contact and bond for th?- propos d b d f h work, prepared by H. Leroy Martin Monmouth County Engineer, have bee1 filed In tlie office of snld Enginee l Itie Hull of Records afgrc-mettloned may be Inspecled by prospective bi iler.i during business, hours. Bldde will tie furnished with a copy of plans and ^-peclficalions upon i>ropi notice to the. County Engineer RT lara, payable to the Monmoutti Couru 1r 1' irrr. B Bids must be made on standard pr< posal forms in the rnanr.'er designate therein and required by the upeciflc; must be enclosed tn sealed e 3 bearing the name and add re a of the bidder and the name of th work on Hie outside; addressed lo th Board of Chosen freeholders of th County of Monmouth and muat be ax comparvied by a bonding certificate an a certified check, drawn to the orde of t lie Monmouth County, Treasure for rot :ess than Ten UO'^i Per Oe of the amount t>ld and be delivered the place and on the hour abov' naml. The standard proposal form: will he furnished upon a[pllcatlon the County Engir.'etr, The right la reserved to reject i _ _ r li bids If deemed to tht Intere; of the County o( Monmouth ao to dc By order of the Board ot Cliosei Freeholders of the County of Mon mouth. JOSEPH C. IRWIN, Director WILLIAM L. ULJUCH, Clerk Oct. 22 $H.:
ent of a fee of F\vv ISS.OOI l.k

Police Asking Support In PayHike Question

RED BANK -Patrolmen1; Benevolent Association Local 39, seeking a 10 per cent pay raise for Red Bank police, yesterda urged a yes vote on the ballo question Nov. 2. Detective Capt. Irving L. Krakowitch issued the following release: "The word policeman to the average law abiding citizen usually brings a vision of a uniforme inconvenience with foot on bum per, summons bock in hand am a deaf ear to the multitude o reasons why1 we overparked "few insignificant seconds." Thii is one of the more healthy im ages. "Let us not assume this is th way he is seen by everyone and for just a moment, let's loo through the eyes of others Ti the petty thief, the policeman i; the guy who spoiled his chance: of stripping the cars in the darl recesses of the lot. The B & man (breaking and entry) know; that within a short time the polic will be compiling all facts an< evidence narrowing the odds for success in future attempts. The glue sniffer feels the eyes burning into his actions; the rapist and child molesier Know they are targets; the peeping torn casts nervous glances over his shoulder for fear a policeman will catch him. "We look with petty annoyance at the policeman when his menial tasks, such as traffic and parking, are carried out, but never look with fear. We have trained him, armed him, ordered him into dark alleys, demanded he be the person to apprehend murder suspects, rapists, robbers, burglars, call on him 24 hours a day and finally underpay him. "His work is not in an airconditioned office. It is on the streets and in the dark alleys where danger lurks at every moment. He is the first person called when trouble arises and the first one condemned when something goes wrong.

Realtor West River RA 842-3200 Member Multiple Listing Rumson

BROKER 1400 Route 35 Middletown
671 2727

Excellent taste and hard wort have been given to this beautifu home. Transferred owner no' must sell. Features four lar& bedrooms, master 12x22, 2 V baths, living room with attractiv bay window, beamed ceiling It family room. Porch, two-car ga rage, cellar. 2-zone heat. Fencec rear yard. Many extras. See thii today. $31,000.

Sure are the requirements of law enforcement, and, if one member of the profession comDaily to 8 p.m. Sat. Sun. to 6 p.m. mits some wrong, his guilt is Established 1932 All payments are approximate and subject to FHA and VA approval REALTOR shared by all, Law enforcement Reaitor$-lrmjror$ needs trained men. Neither high Oldest Real Estate Firm In Colts Neck NOTICE school nor college education alone NOTICE TO PERSONS IN Ml UTAH Multiple Listings will make a good law-enforcement SEIWIOE Oil FATIEMTS IN VK Rt. 34 462-3172 Colts Neck ERANS1 HOSPITAIX AMI T < officer. He must J)e trained in THi;iK RELATIVES AND FKIEM 741-6262 Fair Haven 113 River Rd. If you a m in the military nervlc W h e n buying or Selling in C o l t s Neck For quick results the techniques of enforcement, or are a patient In a veterans' hoa LEGAL NOTICE 741-7686 schooled in the legal responsicall t h e Realtor w h o knows t h e a r e a . pital ftnd destre lo vole, or tl you a IMMEDIATE POSSESSION relative or friend of a person w < h Member Multiple. Listing Service bilities of his job, and taught the ALREADY F.H.A. APPROVED In the mllltnry service or la COLTS NECK rudiments of human relations as patient In a vetornns' husjutai wh NOTICE OWNER'S SACRIFICE Five-bedroom, two-bath split level. Four-bedroom older home. you believe, will tieslre to vote In th JIONMOITH ( O I T J V Needs work. Five acres, mostly VETS-NO-DOWN they relate to law enforcement. ". elnl Election (nr the Borough SUKRUIiATK'S I ' m .tT Close to grammar school, parkway, and railroad station. Immedi wooded. Could be sub-divided. Nice location. $26,000. Choice Klver Plaza section, three-bed' Slirewsbtiry, County ot Monmouth Above all, he must learn selfKotlrn to Crrdjtors In I'resent room Cape Cod. Full basement, lnrgc bf held un Tuesday. December 7. 1965 ate occupancy. Center hall, dining room, recreation room, separate Cl&lim AKBlnit Kstatp control, lest he be baited into rooms. House In excellent condition. kindly write to the undersigned COLTS NECK laundry room, full basement, attached garage. Half acre plot. ESTATE OP ANNA PROCHAL. DENo closing lees. jnce maltlr.'g application for a mi some foolish deed. He has CEASED. FHA appraised at $23,350. Must sell this week. Reduced to $21,- Four-bedroom Southern Colonial. 2'A baths. All bedrooms extra '.ary service ballot to be voted Pursuant to the order ot DONALD J, achieved through schooling and ONLY $14,950 laid election to be forwarded to yo large. Spacious living room. Separate dining room, eat-in kitch900. Offers invited, call today. CUNNINGHAM, Burrotate ot th Coun,t you are In the military service * A3 LITTLE A3 $150 DOWN en. Paneled study with fireplace. Full cellar. Two-car garage, ire a patient In a veterans' hospital ty of Monmouth, this day made, on the training the status of a profesFAIR HAVEN COLONIAL - Now under construction. Center hall One acre lot. Asking $33,500. staling your name, age, aerial nurr application ot the undersigned, Franlf sional man. The average Red BEACH AGENCY Prochal, Administrator, ot the estate ol t>eir, home address and the address plan of unusual design, four bedrooms, 2V2 baths, paneled den with Uic aald Anna Prochal, deceased, no Bank policeman is presently being BROKER which you are stationed, or can COLTS NECK tice la hereby given to the creriltora cl fireplace, two-car garage. Excellent value for only $29,900. Hall H00 Hwy. 35 Middletown found, or If you desire Ihe mllltf laid deceased l o present t o t h t SELII paid less than a laborer. 671-2727 service, ballot for a relative or trlen Two-bedroom older home in very good condition. New baseboard Brothers Exclusive I Sat., Sun. & then, make an application under oat Administrator their claims under o&lh hot water heating system, new water pump, many other improve Open dally 9-R within six months from this date* for a to "Like yourself, these men have THHEE-BEDROOM CO-OP APAR' wardedmilitary service baJlotyour be foi Datedl October 6th, 1065. NEW RUMSON LISTING - See this choice ranch home on Warden ments. Low taxes. $13,500. to stating U J MENT Oil heat. Iiarge fenced yard, cation that lilm, is over tht families and own property. They FRANK PIIOCIUL, he or L Ave. Center hall plan, living room with fireplace, dining room, $71.75 per month paya all except heat, years and stating tils name serial num 133 Mayfalr Avenue, face the same rising costs Ju First $60(1 takes it. 542-4719. COLTS NECK huge paneled family room, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, two West Hempatead, br, horn* address and the LonR Island, Neff York. do and they must rely on the tiled baths, basement, two-car garage. On an "easy to care for" Three-bedroom ranch in excellent condition. Hot water baseboard NEPfl'NE FHA $750 down, Belle! nt which he Is stationed or can b AdmlnHtralor. ay.q closing costs. Three-bedroom spll funnel. Mayor and Council and the votlot. Owner bought larger home in town. Should sell quickly. Ask- heat, full basement, two-car detached garage and shop. Beauti- vH with fourth bedroom or ficn. Play Forms of application can be ol John A. Bplzzlrl, Sr., E s q . <UT Wyckolf Avp. fully landscaped acre with many varieties of shade and fruil room with bar, built-in TV, fit tained from the undersigned. ing $37,500. ers to help them maintain a Wyckoft, New Jersey. alt-to-wali carpet. Aluminum sl Dated: Ortolw 2R in5 rees. Non-development. Low taxes. Just reduced to $25,500. standard of living consistent with Attorney. nd screens. , Garage. Fenced yar<: JEAN W. FABRY LARGE TREE SHADED LOT On quiet Fair Haven street. Oct. 15. 22. 21). Nov. 5 J27.60 that enjoyed by the majority of $17.IK>0. Phone tor appointment. 775-flir Boroujrh Clerk 7G6 Broad Street ' Two fine homes. Live in one, use second for in-laws or taxpayer. Red Bank residents." NOTICE O F SF.TTI.l.MENT Shrewsbury, Mew Jersey HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Large home has seven excellent rooms, basement, and garage. OF ACCOUNT, A M ) DMECTIONS Oct. 22 Jio LOTS AND ACREAGE FOR mSTHIBUTION. Cottage has living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and bath. $20,000 ESTATE OF* LOUISE STEFFENS NOTICE RUMSON Choice rustic vicinFHA mortgage to qualified buyer. $21,500. DUNEMAN, DECEASED. MON.MIH'TH COUNTY ity. Spacious frame ranch. Heati H1DDLKTOWN Oak Hill sectim Hl'KlUMiATE'S COVIIT Notice Is hereby given that the acl ' i acres, cornw lot. 323' on Oak Hi Notice tn (rfttltors to Pteirnt lator fireplace in den, two bed Rt! Half wooded. Possibility o( t counts of the subscriber. AdmlnlitraW A T C H FOR OUR DAILY SPECIALS Claim* ARRtnHt Mutate trfx ot the pstate of said Eer*ased rooms, l'/2 baths, 3-ton central aii lots. Call 244-9718 ESTATE OF NORBERT E. TUKEK be audited and stated by the SurCOLONIAL conditioner, separate 114-ton air PIUME BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE DECEASED. rogate of ihe County of Monmouth and In Ponaupech. Oceanimrt. 100x120. Ci. Tursuant to the order of DONALD J, rfpnrted for srtllempnt to The Monconditioner in den, combinatioi water, fiiis, electric, Paved improve NEAR RIVER IUNNINGHAM. Surrogate of the Coun mouth County Court, Probate Division, screens and storm sash, hot air road. $1,500 pe-r lot. 8AMUE ty of Monmouth, thin day made, on thi on Friday, the 5th day of Nov*mbe Exclusive section offers oppo gas heat, master switched electri TEICHER AGENCY, 2fi7 Oceanpo application of trip undenlgnsd, Jane A. R . \%5, jtt 9:^0 iVnloek i.m., * Ave.. Ocean port. 5*2-3500 tunity for shrewd buyer or i L. Turck, Administratrix of the estat th County Court Housf, MonumeiA and lighting, rear grounds completely ester. Authentic Colonial h TINi'ON FALLS Wooded buildln of the said Norbert E. Turek, deceased Court StrtfIn Freehold, Now Jerse notice Is hereby given to the creditor at which time Application will t enclosed with 5' cyclone fencing ilte. Two acres Prh;e reduced. EATONTOWN - " I don't know has basics. Living room (fir of said deceased to present to the (&h mad* for uie allowance or Commis671-235*1 many extras, approximately >/ Administratrix ihejr claims under call sions and Counsel fees, and Directions why I took them. I can't imilace), dining room, kitchen, a within six months from thin date. !or Distribution. acre. $40,000. RUMSON Beautiful waterlront . LOVELY TREES AND SHRUBS - Fair Haven. Three-bedroom, den. ]>/2 baths, three nice sizec agine." Dated October 4th A. D. 1KU One acre with tall trees and bulk Dated; October 6. 1!)65. RUMSON - Interesting income heading. Priced 516.900. McALISTE freshly painted modern home. Two tiled baths. Basement. Hot bedrooms, garage, and worksho JANET L. TUREK, These are the words of Maris MARION E MCKENNA, 1R1 Rumaon Road. 231 LarayettB Avenue, .water heat. Breezeway. Garage. Within walking distance of fine 200' deep lot. Taxes under $40( property. Attractively renovated AGENCY. REALTORS. 109 E. Rive A. Lown, 26, of 19 Wertheim PI., Rd.. Rumson. S42-1894. Rumson, New Jersey. Peeksklll, N Y. I Fair Haven schools. Asking $21,900. Could be picture-book house. Ca Three-apartment frame dwelling Administratrix Administratrix. West End, convicted in Munici2 second floor apartments rented William O. Barnes. Jr., Esq. David W. Hanls. F>-iq., 6w. $21,000. REAL ESTATE WANTED pal Court yesterday of shoplift1180 Rnymond Boulevard, Counsellor Rt Law, IfeNJOYABLE LIVING IN A GARDEN SETTING among fruit trees steam oil, three-car garage, am Newark 2, N. J. 6S3 Main Avenue, ing $43 worth o! women's and 'and shade trees with outdoor fireplace. Three-bedroom, two-story pie grounds, very convenienl Attorney Piasaic, N. J . ' TWO FAMILY Oct. 15. 22, 29, Nov. 5 $25.71 Oct. 8, IS, 22, 29 J30.36 babies' clothes from Bamberger's HELP ACTION* home with small boat storage shed. Good heating. Full basement. area. $38,900. HELP us; our 12 salespeople need $17,000 Open porch. Two-car garage. $18,200. RUMSON - Very accessible. At- listing en your home. Monmouth Shopping Center store. . NOTICE tractive modernized frame l'/S- ACTION Is our motto-profesalonaj s e r This 13-year-old property contai Mrs. Lown, who toW MagisN0TICK MONMOtTII COUNTY WATERFRONT Rolling grounds and big trees. A charming wo four-room apartments. Eac story dwelling. Living room with vices are just a phone call awiy, CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION SURROGATE'S COl'RT Trade-InsExchanges rate William S. Throckmorton nine-year-old five-bedroom home. Three bjs^,. Fireplace... Many with separate heating system. fireplace, den, five bedrooms ^cmmercial and Investment r)rope>rt!ei BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF Notlco to Credllorg to Present she is under a psychiatrist's care, extras. Dock. Two-car garage. Early possession. Only $27,90C Municipal sewers, taxes $231 tiled bath, full basement, hot wa Member Two Multiple Listing Service! ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF Claims Against Estate WALKER & WALKER IALKS HANUFACTt'RESa CO., INC, ESTATE OF MADELINE AMBRO- was fined $100 and 'giver! six ter oil, detached two-car garage, Realtors PRETTY COLONIAL Attractively remodeled. Rumson Higl Many possibilities. Call now. The location of the principal office BINO DECEASED. months' probation. She was also large plot. Now $25,500. Shrewsbury Mlddlelowrt-Holmdel In thin State li at 173 Broadway, li Purauart to the order of DONALD J School. Four bedrooms. Two baths. Living room 22' x 24' wit! G61 Broad St. 206 Hwy. 35 the City of Long Branch, County CUNNINGHAM, Surrognti* of th( directed to continue psychiatric 741-5212 671-3311 lonmouth. fireplace, Large family room. Porches. Double garage. Lo County of Monmouth, this day made, treatment. WE NEK1> P"iv6 or six, x-3 bedroom The name of the agent therein an< the application of tin? unrirrslgiifd. taxes, 527,500. homes, furnished or unfurnished, from In charge therof, upon whom pro Anthony Ambroalno, Bole Executor Magistrate Throckmorton, who 258 Newman Springs Rd. $85 to $175 per month for Incomln ccas ngair*t this corporation may b of the estate of the said Madeline REALTOR-INSUROR RIVER OAKS Seven-room Colonial. Charming and in mi personnel. THE DEP.O AOENCY. B t served is A. Henry Giordano. Lmhroslno, deceasrd, notice is herr- has lately, handed down jail sen! 8 West River Rd. Rumson 35 Middletown. 671-1000 >y given to the creditors of nald d tences for convicted shoplifters, condition. 2 /$ baths. Fireplace. Two-car garage. Big lot. Fern Red Bank We. the subscriiiors, lie in e a!! ,. 747-300 the aald Sole WANTED Three and four bedroo: stockholders of GALES MANUFACTUR ceased to present tounder oath withIng. Flag patio. Transferred owner asking $33,500., Phone 842-1150 Executor their xplained that he would not do homes. Have executive personnel who ING CO., INC.. a corporation of tli< in six months cla.lmathis date. from MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING Interested In buying or renting. Slate of New Jersey deeming it advis ;o in Mrs. Lown's case because Dated: October 5th. 1W5. 24 Hours 7 Da 804 River Rd. 747-4100 Fair Haven, N. KOZICKY. Real Estate. Rt. 55, able and most fo; the benefit of salt ANTHONY AMBROSINO, of "mitigating physical 542-2223. corporation that ihe name shnuld b 7 Sliver White Road, forthwith dissolved, do hereby give BBBB Little Silver, New Jersey. ditions" and because she has two SEVEN GOOD REASONS consent to the dissolution thercor, AUTHENTIC COLONIAL on beautiful Sole Executor, Why we can sell your property HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE provided by Title 14 of the Revise* Messrs, Reussllle, Comwell, mall children at home. wooded lot. Colts Neck Area. Nine We have t h e sales force Statutes, and do sign this consent rooms. Four bedrooms, 2X~, baths, wood Mausner, Carotenuto & McGnzAi We have the advertising Harold England, who lives at the end that It may be filer! in th' paneled ramJly room with beamed . Homes that reriect me elegi 34 Broad Btreet We have the experience BEAUTIFUL YEAR ROUND HIGHLANDS-ON-HILL afflce of the Secretary of State of th' celling. Wood paneled den with fireRed Bank, New Jersey of yesteryear'! country manilons. the Surrey Motel, 269 Rt, 35, We have the " k n o w h o w " ".tate of N'ew Jersey. place a n i built-in bookcABe. Kitchen 1 Attorneys Lovely, three-bedroom ranch. Perfpi We have the prospects. WITNESS our handa thii 27th da Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29 OCEANFRONT condition. Gas heat. Full baseme |2D, was sentenced to 10 days in Uie . . . Exceptionally large and luxurlouj has center-top range, wall-oven, dishWe nave a trade-in p r o g r a m if March 1965 $16,500, Colonials In the estate area of Llttli washer and ceramic tile backsplssh beEnter into a foyer that says welcorr We work h a r d arAI g e t results county jail after being convicted NOTICE VERONICA CALESHU hind counters. Two-car attached ga- L E T ' S TALK IT OVER TODAY! 1 Sil Ihen Into a charming living ro ELI* CALESHU rage. The price is 542,900 for this new LEONARDO MONMOUTH COUNTY of drunk and disorderly conduct. with fireplace. Formal dining rn THE CURTIN AGENCY JAMES CALESHU . overlooking tho ocean. Ultra mod SURROGATE'S COURT Realtors Four-bedroom Cape Cod. Gas heat. Fu . . . Built by custom specialists an He will be credited with six days State of New Jersey: kitchen and powder room. Also 1 basement. Convenient to tranaportatlo: priced from X10.000. 231-1BO0 Notlrn tn Credit or n t o Preient 6s: PHILIP. J. BOWERS & C O . jfonanio paclous bedrooms, two baths plus already served awaiting trial. Lot 100x100. $17,000. Claims Atalnit Estate Real Estate for 71 yearn olher powder room. Two-car garag LOCATED AT HAVE CLIENTS N E E D H O M E S ! County of Monmouth: The Secretary of thp above ify...^ Magistrate Throckmorton levied ESTATE OF JACOB YANKO. DE 60 White St. Red Bank 741-7'.0O ' Wonderful beach. Lot 115x106. B Seven Bridge Rd,, Little Silver MANUFACTURING CO.. INC. ! EASEU passes door. Low taxes. Offered Selling your h o m e ? We need homes :ALKSduly -worn, on his oath fines and 30-day license suspen- $35,000. YOUR LAST CHANCE from 515.000 to $100,000 In Shrewsbury, being Ihe foregoing consent to, the eaya OR CALL 741-1200 that dis- Pursuant to the order of DONALD sions on nine drivers clocked at This lovely four-hedroom hnme must Red Bark, Rumscn, Little Silver, Mid- solution of said corporation hajj beer . CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the MOVE RIGHT IN Realtor be sold thin weekend. Nine rciuma and dle town and Colts Neck a r e a s . Also top signed by every stocWioiaer of i&ii County of Monmouth. thla day made, excessive speeds by a State Police B BB B Four bedrooms, ripn. Lovely ltvli basement. One of trie bent lawns and dollar for lots a n y w h e r e . F o r e x p e r t :ompany. i trie application of the undersigned, 291-1717 room, dining room, kitchen witfi dls FAIR HAVEN Gracious Colonial most beautifully landscaped properties courteous service call imuel Yanko and Leonard Yanko, radar team on Rt. 35. VERONICA CALE9HU washer. Two batha. Full baseme corner lot In beat residential ai in Mlrtdlefown. Three large willow the estnte of iald ADAMS AGENCY Secretary Executors, of deceased, notice the hereTwo-car garage. Easy terras. All Bank Building Atlantic Highland Three bedrooms, l',j baths, den, ttotibl xees for shade. Plus apple and peach They are Joseph L. Lindner, Jacob Yanko, Is Suhscrihrd and nworn to before 117,900. fireplace In living room and ilen. Larg rees, mnny beautiful shrubs, Moving >y given to the creditors of aaid de- r., 19, of 31 Partridge La., New me this 27 day of March, 1D65. Member North Monmoulh Jalousy porch. Two-car garage, ba away makes this lovely home available 3 Howard Ave. Seal tor :eased to preserA to the aald EiecuNew Shrewsbury A. Henry Giordano ELLA WILTSHIRE ment, Aluminum combination crei ror only $19,500, Worth much more. thefr claims under oath wlthl Shrewsbury, 915; John C. CosAn Attorney of Law of N. J . Multiple Ustlng Service . storms. Nice trees. Priced Realtor 741-5098 Oct. 8. 15. 22 $35.8| ill months from this date. rove, 25, of 1225 Turk Dr., Ocean537,500. STERLING THOMPSON 1459 Ocean AVP. Sea Brl Dated; October 5th, 1965. 2i-Hor Service AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 812-0001 port, $20; William F. Bourbeau, SAMUEL YANKO, NOTICE PHILIP. J. BOWERS & CO Ulddlt Open 7 Pays 121 Manor Drive, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS WANTKD: Raw acreage (Residential MONMOUTH COUNTY Keal Estate for 71 years Red Bank, New Jersey. 18, of 8 Lake Ave., Hazlet, $10; apartment house sites. Commcrlcal nr.hbtmpii, artlsls, wrJtrr's hiivu G White St. O Red Bank 741-72i LOCUST 8URR0RATE'S COUIIT LEONARD YANKO, SEE THEM N O W itos. Builder nnrl developpr will (1Mark L. Widerstrom 20, of 31 Chnrmln old Victorian live bedroo Dogwood H11U, iance and erect same on your property Dutch Colonial, contemporary f NotlfB to Crrdllorx tn Present year round home. One hour NYC. JIa COLONIAL SPLIT Woodbridge Ave., Metuchen, $10; . Kewburgh, New York. Nearly an acre. Seven-year-old three> ir will purchase from you. Remain f ranch homes tn beautiful country Clalrm Agnlnst Estate nlflcent marina, panoromic view N Executors. mrtner or sell outright. Wo asaunv bedroom ranch. Fireplace. Paneled mosphere, on Belmar Blvd. off Rt. MOVE RIGHT IN David I. Goodfan, 19, of 39 Sioux York skyline and Verazzano Bridgi Kameroom in basemenl. Garage. Cov- <T buy foreclosure. Commercial, homes, ESTATE OF ESTHER CHARK, DE- \lston Beekman, Jr., Esq. - Wall Twp, Excellent financing for qu Landacarred. termced E'irrlens. New eo FHA APPROVED AT $21,050 ered patio. Ideal country living. Im- land. etc. Principals only. Call now IRASED to the order of DONALD J. 10 Broad Street Ave., Rockaway,, $10; J. Roy . Ified buyers. 517,900 u|>. Mr. Masai per plumbing, electricity, ga?. Bas Almost new eight-room home pi Purauant : Red Bank, New Jersey. MACARTHUR DEVELOPMENT CORP, CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Counmediate occupancy. Asking 522,500. on premises. Phone 031-1461. board Iicnt. Excellent commuting. FIi finished paneled came room, flagato Owens, 23, a Fort Monmouth Attorney. T41-1144. 30 year mortgnge. 528,000. $3,000 casl patio, and over-sized garage, Ideal I r o( Monmouth, this day made, on Oct. I, 15, 22,- 29 S31.28 soldier, $15; Louise Cole, 28, of LONGSTREET Owner 201-201-3473 evenings nnd wee family living. Only a short walk lip application of tho undersigned, Th JOSEPH S. L A N S , REALTOR schools and commuting buse.i. ends. lonmouth County National Bank, Rer Multiple Memb -LEGAL NOTICE lien] NOTICE 14 Hemlock Dr., Neptune, $10; Main St., Hoimtlel 946-4237 BanK, Sole Executor of the estate ol " 312 Morris Ave. Spring La! CROWELL AGENCY, Raalto Member Multiple Llstirgg :e said Esther Chark, deceased, noCarol L. Burkhardt, 18, of 14 NOTICE NOTICE 449-5400 63 Rtvtrsitle Ave. 7-HO Red Ban! ice is hereby given t o the creditor S'OTICK TO PKItKONH DESIMN'G AB- f aid deceased to present to th 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS MONMOUTH COUNTY Sylvia Ter., New Monmouth, $10, Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn LAKEWOOD-FREEHOLD AJtEA HKNTKK BAMX)TS SURROGATE'S COUIIT and Joseph Ippolito, 44, of 169 'ARMSHOMESTNDUSTTUAL SITE: Three-bedroom ranch on excellent c < IT you are a qualified and register*1' laid Bole Executor tl.eir claims undei $112 MONTHLY PAYS ALL Notion to Creditors t Present TRANSFERRED-SACRIFICE KOLM PELCOLTS NECK ner lot. Two years old. Attached f otor of the State who expects to be >ath within six months from this dale. Claims Against Estatei THE MONMOUTH COUNTY Tichenor Ave., South Orange, $15. fust Hell this iarce vacant home with nt outside the State on Tuesday MARLBOROFREEHOLD AREAB Conli-mporary three-bedroom ranch. E rage. Two baths, full nrllar, all utllltl ESTATE OF LOl.'IBE D. GREGORY. NATIONAL BANK, Rpd Bank living room, large (lining room, hltcliDutch Lane Hi., RD 1, Mnrlboro cellcnt condition, full basement. Ha ^Dishwasher, refrlcerntor, washer a ;mhrr 7, 1965 or n qualified am DECEASED. Five drivers convicted ot speed(By: A. WILLIAM DAVIS, ?n. pantry, nnd P.O. Box 325, Freehold dryer included. $500 down to qimllfli titled voter 'who will lie wllhlr rence. Gas lamp. Large lot nnd beaut tached Rarngp, lull baaoment. Also dePursuant to the order of DONALD J. Assistant Trust Officer) On Evenings 536-OliS buy*r. 5'4fl> 30-yenr mortfraw. No el State on Tuesday, December 7, fully landscaped. N n i r achools, shop 5flx20fl' lot. Quiet city newerage. Near 3UNNINOHAM, Surrogate ot the Coun- ing paid fines but retained their 53 Broad Street dead-end street. Jng coatfl. Full price, {15,400, l%5 hut because o.r illness or phypiping and transportation. Asking $16 99C everything j y of Monmouth, this day made,' on the licenses: Red Bar*. New Jersey ; 462-4151 8 M is all you need to take :al disability, cr because of the obtppllcatlon of the undersigned, Mary ^vtr. call owner. 787-9216 Weisgold & Krupnick, Inc. icrvance of a religious holiday pur- Messrs. Sole Executor STERLING THOMPSON Gregory Sanford, Sole Executrix ot the Margaret A. Golding, 27, of Parson*), Canzona, J I T T L B SILVEIt RANCH ~ Pour nei (uant to the tenets of your religion, -state of the aalit Louise D. Oregory, AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS Blair A Warren Brokers nomH. LIVIIIE room, with flreplaci leceased, notice Is hereby given to the iO2 St. Clair Ave., Spring Lake, lfliHetown 747-560 STRATOMORE AT MATAWAN )r -tipcauae of renldent atlendance at ft IS Wallace Street l i v e l y four-bedroom, 2',i bath Colonial, ichool, college or university, will be 2213 Hwjr. 9 Lakevood 363-30: dining room, 16x11 kltcJien, den ( :redltors of said deceased to present Red Bank, New Jersey closed pnrch, 2'i baths, paniprnom rwo zone hot heating. Central to at the to the said Sole Executrix their claims 10; Louis J, Klein, 28, of 302 W A I T I N G TO BE BOUGHT air conditioning.wator includes washer, inable In cast your balloton Bald polling Attorneys basement, double garage, $36,500 Also ilace your district date.' oath within six months from Prospect St., Lakewood, $10; $31.21 underdate, Corner location. Newly decorated. Twc dryer, ewfira rerrfgerator and other extras. mil you desire to vote In tha Special Dct. 6, 15, 22, 29 this edrooms. Large room, dining room, U y J! - A approved. Asklne Election for the Borough of Bhrewi Shirley Schneider, 37, of' 63 Pineited: October 5, 1D85. , MonmouLh County, farmj, acreag* n Kitchen. Baaement with outside ei S23.500. Call 787-GOOO. THE KIItWAN iiury, County of Monmouth, to be hel NOTICE borne and commercial property. Man MARY CIREaORY SANFORD, wood Ave., West Long Branch, KIItWAN n Tuesday, December 7 1065, kindly irancc. Close to chopping and tran CO. Realtors. UT COUNTY real good buys. 73 Black Point Road, portailon. Taxes J284.5B. Price $12,000 write or apply in person to ihe un Clyde E. Donahue of 525 HunnoriATE'H c o m v r Rumson, N. J. .INCROFT ElRht-o-oom split. ThreerslKTifd :u on re retiuestlnc that a c! MERRITT R. LAMSON, INC, NDIICP to Creditor* to Present 8oln Executrix ueriroom, l',-bath. Lar^e leoreation A. FRED MAFFEO, AGENC Sairs Ave, Long Branch, $15, un absentee billot be forwarded to Claims Against Kitatr Louis At. Drazln. Esq., oom. Two-car pnrnfip Near schools REALTOn G O O D VALUE HEAL KSTATE AND INSURANCE i. Such request must ntate you) ESTATE OF MAROARET 2* Reckless Place, md Edward H. Crawley, Jr., 43, M West Main St. Fro H u m : mil fitoreii, In St. Leo's Parish FIIR hiniip address, and the address tr lAUGH, DECEASED. Three-bedroom ranch on large pint will- Fair Haven Red Bank, N. 3. 4B3-OHO full bnncmnnt, acrpens nnd fltorm win TBE-ftlFIC - Is all WB can my nl.on rmiftr lot, m mortfrnRe. Call 747-R.VWJ ft1ik:li !ild ballot Rhoulfl he Bent, nnd of 1576 Parker Ave., Fort Lee, Pursuant to thP order o( DONALD J. Attorney nws In excellent condition Is .lrfliiltcb tnia imtifliial right-room, center h ] fANY DESIRABLE HOUSES avnllahl must be signed with your nlnnatiire, UNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Coun- id. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5 S 10. OAK HILL ood value. Vacant and -wnitlng fo Colonial home. Spotless Inside- nnd o iiunliflecl buyers of j\ny racn o and state tlm rcamm why you will no :y of MonmmiMi. this dny made, on the on. 110,900. :o|or. Contact Shore OIliKenn for Ilettn lie able tr> votn at your usual pollinc ippilcatlon of the unrtorslfmect, Walte pacious living room, with hay wfntfo Very attractive threc-iicdroom, two-b;i Waldron W, Bishop, 20, of 120 absentee ballot uirge dlrlng room. Country kltchei luman O fRelations to help locate th place. No olvlUanforwarded to any will )avld Bauer. Snle Executor of th , ranch. Paneled den, full bancment, tw NOTICE ap1 CASEY'S AGENCY Willshlre Dr., New Shrewsbury, Hh connecting family room will -** . y o i i r ^ " i c e . No (ec. Cal bp furnlnhrd or car garage which backs \jp to ft ru MONMO1ITH COUNTY plicant unlfHH request therefore Is re- state ot thft nalri Margatel V. Bauer, Itor lecrnned, notics it hereby given to the am<d celling. Four !&rp<y bectroomj , nlnfj hrook with large trees. Wall-t HUnitOOATE'S COIIHT -5dtH for Infomnatinn or nnfllstnnc ceived not )es than 8 days prior to ^editors or mid deceaied to present was fined $25 for driving an unHwjr. 25, Hail i tiled batliB. Full basement. Twc WrltB wall carnetlnR throughout. This houai .tnltlple : Notlcft to CKdllom to Present tho election, and contains tha forego- ,0 the BAld Sole Executor their claims P-O' Box 797, Krd Bank. r RaraKe. I^ovoly Interior. Excelled registered vehicle and $5 for using Claims Analniit * f11""1 b e fllt]- y3g.50O- O H 284*7620. ,1TTIJK SILVER Six-room Cnpe Coi nchoom, orfered nt $31,000. Coil for ar 'AIR ifAVEN Small ai|-ycnr bun Ir.'g Information mler oath within six monthi from ESTATE OF JAMES Kntate alow. With living room, dining fcltchen, Dated: Ootobcr 20, IMS B. VAN MAT-license plates on the wrong car. , FOl'ft - JIKDROOM SHKEWSBUU" lireo bedrooms, bath, living rooi Ha date, Pl'ointment. ELWOOD R, DECEASED. vllh fireplace. Dining room nnd kitch THONO AnKNCY, Realtor,A. ARM inclosed porch, two smnll bedroom 3E\N W. PAHHY RANCH Bie house fnr little ni 'ated: October fl, 1005 f>55 n. Full basement. Quiet deadand. Ask ect Ave,, Llltle Silver. 74USO0. Proa nd batli, hot water oil heat, two-<:a Borough Clerk Pursuant to the Two batiiB, lnriffl kitchen, full hiism WALTER DAVID BAUER, CUNNINGHAM, order of DONALD J. :oiroge, secluded plot with shade fjrops r.'jr S1R.200. 747-4KM 766 Broad StTeet Btirrogate nt the la-rjjf Jot. nncxl buy at $18 000, ItED " 202 River Road. Bhrewflbury. New Jorney bounty of Monmoulh thla dny made, BANK - Nf-wman BprlngB it, /lew of river. JlO.flOO. JOHN L*. MINK1OHY ASSOCIATES, R L Red Bank, N. J . 'Allt HAVEN Nuw cUfitom-Dii, 3.1 H0.3S the application of thn undersl^nnil Ider, twotory liouae with four bed :GH, REALTOR.WOO. Rumson Rd Oct. 22 741-7711 Ix-room ranch. Largo full baaemtnt Solit Executor umaon. Dial S42-.' .. Monmouth County National Brink mn, ilvluB room, d'lnlng room, kite! eflirs. Wise, Wine, rieii Bank (formerly The Atlantic Highniwnn MUCK, YELUJW SHAKE? icnr PClinoln, sliopplnj; centers, clmrcl hath, dry bnacrncnt, oil hent, tw ItKAMS IX) COMB THUK L Call 741-3.J05. Wlclnnnnn A Bericli, NOTICE (>r HKTTI.KMISNT lands National Bank), Acting Executor , QHKEN' SHUTTERS TRIMMED 1 car saraRO, studied yiurd. 10 per cem :itchen. with1 color co-ordinated R,.,... OP ACCOUNT, lHS'l'llllllI'J'lON AND 205 Broad Bl., of the entate of th an Id James II. WHITK -~ On mmi'rii. irectt m-tlim H*EciAlTFOK^EWLYWBI)S OR. RE* >wn to quallflDd buyer. 119,050 JOHfi nces (a dream kitchen for mother) Red HfinH, N. J. lllHKCTIONM ANI> INSTRUCTIONS 'an Mater, deceaneil, notice la hernby With Inrne nwlmmlng pool nnd cyclnr: " E P COI7PLK - Imtniuiiilatp, MlNUriK ItHAt.rOR 35 Rumnoi parried by wrought Iron ralllmr lead Attorneys o r TIIK covnT. * fence, (iorKeciiM ftevnt-rnom home, e\ in flve-rrwuii nine]. In lovely setting. :!., Riimnon. Dial 812-MOO. K to n. Himlinn MxlC family flitting )ct. 15, '22, 29, Nov. ( J |2g.52 Iven to Ihe creditors of until tlecenned < prespnt to Ihe sultl Acting Executor trntico foyer three bedrooms, 2i, liaUia, i'<1 nt n Imv Million. Cull itHlsy. LKJfi SHREWSBUllV ESTATE OF nODERT E, BTEINE oom. Ornnlniin nnd itpacloun HvlnR Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roonan letr clnlmfl under oath within six ifppnrnte rt In 1 n K room, Ijir livhi IMVOOD A. AKMSTIIONQ AOENCY, Aving room 22 ft. with marble fIre- oom and dining room Four lirge bed- MANN, DKCRASKD. MONMOUTlf COIINTV lonthi from thin date, room with flrer>.an> Spnrloiw rjclux and sons, 845 Tinton Ave., were Itnr. 6.15 Propju'ct Ave,. Little 811- dace. FortreU dining room. VITBI HOOI oomn nnd 1% baths. A bemitirul, new Notice Is hereby given Ihat tho ReHUIIIMKMTR'N COUItT lated; October 8th, 106S kltflirn. Can't UP tliilillinititt for SM M M 741-45IK). *"r.iftl homo with n panoramic view counts of the fliibflcrilier, Executor of I l c d Barno room. Four mnster-slze guests at a special victory Mass Notlre (a Crrdltnrn lo l'rrsenk XUVOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCV, TIIH3 MONMOUTir COUNTY dream price ot *26,2JV), BLWOOD Urn RHtntc <\l nnld peceaned will he 11TLK SILVER I)tnlrah|e area bedroom*. 2H haHis, one witli tlreasin Ren 11 or. ft.\> Promujct Ave.. Little NATIONAL BANK, <!|alms Agalnat KaUte ARMSTRONG AOBNCY, Ileattor audited nnd staled by the Surrogate ot for the Notre Dame football team Kcollent condition. On bus linen. Full (x>m. Full baflenipnt. Two-car garage. Vcr, 7*1-450(1. Red Bank, (By: A . Prospect Ave., Little Silver. H I I ho County of Monmouth and reported ESTATE OK CHAnLOTTJC H. HAMiidncnpei]. Walk to schools, uliopplnK. 3nt> norn plug, I-AWJIENCM J. BCIIII for nettloment to The Monmouth Coun- LTON, DKCffiAHBD William DEVII. Asilitant Trust said at the Vatican Pavilion of yon Tlllfl ECONOMY MINDBD Jtln. Concrete BwlmmliiK pool, liiree I-INO, JlKAUrOR, Willow Dr. e ty Court, Probate Division, on Friday, Pursuant to the order of DONAL15 Officer) Five rom tastefully decornted. Cheer- Iff liLilnmrns, Uirue cloneLa. Two tlleil lnjrk*r Avr.. LtUlo Sllvor. 747-4121. the World's Fair the final day of IBA DRIQ'HT VIULA}0 Two-rnmlly Ihn 5th day of November A. D.. 11)65, 53 Broad Street ful living mom with flreplnw*. Dining CUNNINGHAM, Burroftt Of the i h . LniTKf cat-In kitchen. ForrnAl *he fair a.m., nt Red Bank, New Jersey JIBAHMINfl HOME . . louie wlUi living room, kitchen, two room, two hertroomt, tiled bath. JJaiteiiith, tills, day made, r room. Firrplacr. Full bascrnont. FAIH, HAVENOOLONPAff, living room edroomo ami hnth on encli floor, nt 9:30 o'clock Monument ths County our^y ot Mo Court Houflo, and Court Actlnjc ffixocutnr Urge nipnt. One-citr naraKP. litany PKIXJIJI th* application of tha underitgned, ji fli.m). 747-2320. 'Kh worhiliiff fireplace. Formal riinliiK rs ocean. $17,000. Also Adjoining ef Itrfotfl, Freehold, New Jersey, nt which clcn II. Ahell, Rolf Executrix, nf tha esar. Pillsbury, Carton TAXM $230. Aalclng pricB $17,000. World rx-.y new rancli wllh livlriR room lm AppllcntlorJ will be madn Tor thfl DarnHC 1B A Ruisell /I'ONTOWN - Four brdrooms, two wim. Sepainuto lelevislon room. Large flC'lnff. l-AWKKNCfi .1. BCJIIILLTNU, Mrs. William G. Suter, l H R I v itchrn nnd bnlli, *lfl,00fl, JOHN L. allowance of OornmlniilonH and Counsnl tntf, of the laid OiArtotte II. Hnmll- 9S P-Irat Avemin I tin, InrRp living room wltli fire nt-fn kilrhi.-n wllli t>reakfant rAwk, REALTOR, Willow Dr. and Parkci dfcflfiipil, noilCB eredge Rd., gave a coffee Tuesre. Excpllcrrt condHfon. In prim* urco lfLPRo bedrooms. Screened.In aiim riNtfOII, UKALTOR. M Rumson IM., feen, Dlntrllxition, and DlreDtiom and n, oredltorn of said in i.sreby given to Atlantic HiRhlnndn, New Jc.rt<-y Avn, IJlll* flllver. lil-Mtl. deceased to preniUructlcms of tlio ('otirt. Attoriinyn to. Walk to Port Mormimitli nnd iww er purtrh. Two-rmr garage witli ove-r- umson. m m 8-3.VK). nt tn the itald Bo.o Bxecutrlx their RUM8ON JVInclpnlA only. Near ten ibllc and iinroclilnl nchnnln, 1A>VT (nxm. ml nlomgr. Practically new wall :E3JVNSRIJIta Beautifully lnnflflcnprd Dated Heptrmbpr 27lh, A. 1). lfWfl, $;M.fl( day for her neighborhood to Inalma under ontli within RIK monthi nt. lf>. 'J't, 'Ifl. Nciv. fi TIIB MONMOUTH COUNTY His court* sn<l Catholic church. Eight ff.BOO. A. KOYAUKY HEAL ESTATE, wfili carpethifc, ntr-rondltlonrr tmill nmitculntn (our-room, two-ntory ln>ini>. O'Keefc, om Ihla dnte. I1 UWAV IIKARIN(l"l(OTirR " troduce Mrs. Shelia rwmi ColoMsI on nn ncr* of trftfn nnd N A T I O N A I J HANK, . II,V Entontown, 512-2323. HJvflnlnnii !o wall. Vrnetlftn blinds. Comblna- inlng room 1ms open atalratna. to Dated; Bfiptrmber 24th, rclty ffiven Hint r rtultllc h'lriiiK Democratic candidate for tax as.hoi I jr. Family nvim him numit wall nrul <Hy: A. WILLIAM DAViB, 1 Sunilnyn. Call Carl Petprion. fl!2- >n wlnij^wfl nnd awningn. 1*1 u extrnn, tennil fluor. W, IjBtllfl, psfl iirM, BuIII he hpld hy tho Plnnnlng Iioird flnthlp cak paneling, J!y Appointment uat be (ifftn to lie nppreclnttd, Ank- lge, pwfr. 100' frnntuKe, Only 916,Trust orrtcftr), lessor. n. D, No. "l. Ilox 2RO, HJO TowrJililp of MI'Mlrtnwn, N J., 74fiflW K F^..V)(I. Call 741-,Mf!l for nj>]>oIiA< Hntl Hunk, N. J. TjipniTMiion, Connecticut, Towniililp Unll on Mondny, Nov* 1, . MOO iiuwn FHA t nunllflrd liuver. fOmr(THT~^-~OeVan frnnT brlck~tv snl, Executor. fltrfe Exaeutrlx* Bt B P. M. to cnnildrr ttta -p? i i i , h haMinMiTM. ubjfct to . FHA approval. CHATEAU IIB). Hlvrt- rl(tli(p, Blx rooma, tllrd Mcaowan, Haling A I cat ion for tha following major sun. , I*.rnon, Cnion, lc living room, dlnlni room, Hi, Hrpnlacf, hpnted (tiit^pweji, hot rtKKHOU) - CiiBlotn built four-bed- .MALTY, HBAI# fcTATH, 21S Carr [cfiorff. oil, Mrs. Frank Woznak, St. Paul, 110*11 IvIMnn: Blair and Warren. rn, tour bedrooms dry Imset., KAl)urg. T8T-MM. Ar oil lipat, two-cnr gnirngt. Newjy iom Colonial on onn-Kcrn lot Eljht IB Wallan* Htrett LAWHBNCM J . SCHllr Tftll Tim ben, 33 Intl. U n r e ] Avfl. Minn., Is visiting her on-ln-lw c m t e d , ln*ld inrl out. Only U7.5W. omn, m bAthi, full bailment, and APPLBBnoOK HiK-room ra.nch, lit* Councilors at Law, Houts No. M, C t l Brook Profiuloot) Bldf., Had BarA:, Nw J * r y . OR, Wlltair I>r, na PrkLEON ZUOKSRB1AN, SeoreH-Ty and daughter, Mr. and Mr. H w e I1N J. MINUOW^IllIAWdH, M SS * * * * * " 130,900, OwtltT. bath, fireplace, oil, itlhwtftir, sJr to N J. Attornyi. D w n Rd.. ttumiL DM M3-3B0O. IddUtown Townifoip ntenjng ~ odm llffTOO a711749 Wi.MOct. 1, | , IB, tt *. J. t, " . 37.10 Ct. 31 '" tt, 48 Neville^t.







Shoplifting Brings Fine Of $100








New Shrewsbury
























































3-Fri<ky, October 22, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER

6. Moving ACROSS heavily 1. Vipers 7. Medieval 5. Dross of lyric metal 8. Secluded 8. Place of valley worship ' 9. Pack 10. Call to animal attract 11. Containing attention ore 12. Short tails 15. Sum up 13. Color 14. Sun 17. Things 15. Canadian let out 33. Eve's child river 18. LaiV 35. Moistens 16. Childlike 19. Of the walk 36. Single Middle 39. Injured unit Ages: 21. Value 38. Noah's written abbr. 2nd son 25. Pixielike 32. Domesti20. Roman 39. Epoch 26. Two-footed cate room 27. Periods of time 28. Spanish 1 gentlemen '/A u 29. Sways 5 31. Steps 34. Duo 37. Forbidden 38. Lady of B Ib 1/ Troy 40. Catkin SI 24 19 ao1'1 41,SJiarp mountain ii> 25 crest


; i



V/, V/,




42. Otherwise 43. Bulk


DOWN 1. Tropical dog 2. To cause to appear foolish 3. Caress 4. Relatives of Jrs. 5. Futurity verb


51 37







'VA as VA VA


horst and Dr. and Mrs. Herman Wapelhorst, -with their children, John and Stephen, of Union City ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard John- were guests. Other guests were son, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Mal- Jane, Nancy and Michael Lukach; Jcus, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Inglis, Jack, Lorrie and Cindy Vranken, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lukach, and Susan and Mark Inglis, MorMorganville, and Mr. and Mrs. ganville. Ernest Zienowicz,- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Rush, and, Mrs.| Robert Knowles, Wickatunk, were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Youngamong those attending a dinner man, Lloyd Rd.. and Mr. and dance Saturday at Buttonwood Mrs. Garrett Vandenveil, RobManor, Matawan. ertsville, attended the football Miss June Weh, daughter of game Sunday at Yankee Stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weh, Marl boro St., attended the World's The Marlboro Township Auxiliary for the Greater Freehold Fair on closing day, Sunday. Area Hospital will hold a dance in the Marlboro Fire House Nov. The class mothers of the Mor- 27 at 9 p.m. Music will be by the ganville Parent-Teacher Associa- Lances. Co-chairmen are Mrs. tion met at the home of the chair- John Bennett Jr. and Mrs. Miman, Mrs. Albert Harrison, Marl- chael Ryniewicz. In the committee boro St., Monday. Plans were are Mrs. Lawrence Youngman, made to provide Halloween treats Mrs. Joseph LaMura, Mrs. Thursfor all classes. ton Whitson and Mrs. Garret Vanderwiel Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wapelhorst, Roosevelt Ave., celebrated Need Money? Sell those things the birthdays of t h e i r sops James, 4, and Thomas 2, with a you really don't need with a joint party at their home Oct Daily Register Classified Ad. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wajpel Call now.


The Chifl Ch%trfur-like whi^epi'ls, quilt lining.

Th Toggle Coat Wool, melton, plaid lining. Navy, cranberry. $35


SCHLACHTER for Governor


Th Thundepbird Melton with furry pile lining. Camel. . $30



Paid for by Scfilachter for Governor Commitfw 700 Rt. 202, Somervlllt

You'll live in Suburban Coats from the first cold day

Here are the coats that look as smart over suits as (lacks . . . that go from shopping to the P.T.A., from a Sunday drive to a dste at the bowling alley. They have a young, raady-to-go look that's fun to wear, flattering to everyone. Each is warmly lined to keep you cozy. We

Introducing Gloria Sachs fashions for the ^re-teen exclusive with us!
Don't miss this exciting, new collection. Everything for the pre-teen, from sportswear to dresses and coats. A smash hit at leading stores across the country and now exclusive with SteinbacVs at the New Jersey shore.

show just 3 from a collection, in mines' sizes. Other Suburban coats, $23 to 150.

Shown from our selection:

Red wool crochet dress with whit* collar, cuffs; fully

lined. 8-14.
STEINBACH'S SPORTSWEAR, Strttt Floor, alls Aibury P.rlt, IrlelTown STEINJACH'S ME-TEEN SHOP, S.cend tlio Albury Park

*" A

Re-elect eovernor Huohas


, ,, IOO n coxmn of H OIMOOMTIO tiAn coxxmn of Hi* j m i r t.MTir,itrMi,.,i. Kotur j.i

SHOP Red Bank, A$(niry Park Wdnti<Jay n^ FHI*y Nights 'til 9 rMvt

*':"> ",'"Y

A Special Section For Yoimg Adults


Gun Club Finds Haven in a Coal Bin

MonmouthStudents Revive Organization
By TOM IMERITO WEST LONG BRANCH - T h e cracks heard in the rooms above the boiler room in the Mam Building of Monmouth College Wednesday afternoon were exactly what they sounded like . . . gunshots. No violence was involved, however. The newly reorganized Monmouth College Gun Club was holding its first actual firing meeting. The Gun Club was organized originally in 1351 but lack of enthuasism caused it to disintegrate. Last March a firearms entihusiast by the name of Charles Miller was looking for a target range that would be convenient for this use, and, in the words of MUler, it was oy "pure snoopin' around" that he discovered the range in the lower level of the college. Upon consulting the administration as to whether he could use the range for his private use, he was encouraged to try to find some other interested students and to brm a club. Miller and another gun-enthusiast friend Rich Bortolametti began to clean up tne 50 foot regulation range and the four backstops. Hie pair worked hand in hand to get the old range in shape. They are still working together, with Millar as president of the club and Bortolametti as vice president. From its beginning, last March, to now, the club has grown to 15 members. The rifle range, which Ls a converted coal bin, now also serves as a fall-out shelter. Says Miller, "In case of an attack we've got the guns, the ammo and the food . . . We can hold 'em off." The college has given the club four .22 caliber single shot target rifles, which Iccause they are designed to give the bullet maximum stability, give the appearance oi shotguns. Counting those that belong to the members, the club has the use of at least 30 guns. All club members must join the National Rifle Association. The club which uses small bore firearms exclusively, plans to organize into a team sometime after February. Lack of funds will probably prevent the team from traveling to matches. The Student Government Association has given the club $100 this year, most of which will be used for imimunit'on. Charles Knoef, faculty adviser, has helped the club in its organization, but for the most part leaves the responsibility of use and maintainence of the range to the members. Club members are: Charles Miller, president; Richard Bortolometti, vice president; Frank Brecka, secretarj; Nick Julianno, treasurer; Art Arfurd, range officer; F. J. Keenan, Rich Predmore, Ray Maick, Art Furiello, Teddy Fieeman, Gerald Girard, Bruce Gaeter, Bill Wess, Fran Scannell, <md Stan Sobolewski.

TAKING Aitvl in trie converted coal bin that serves ai a rifle range for Monmouth College's new gin club are Richard Bortolametti, left, and Charles Miller, founders of the club.

24 Monmouth County Students Enrolled at Tusculum College

Thirteen Monmouth County students, eight of whem, are Middletown residents, are "members of the freshman class at Tusculura College, Greenville, Tenn. Eleven others from this area are Upperclassmen, bringing the total Monmouth representation at Tusculum to 24. In the Middlctown freshman Contingent arc Edward Aras, son Of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Aras, 48 Lakeshore Dr., majoring in history; Miss Elizabeth Dates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E, Bates, 21 Danemar Dr., education major; Miss Carolyn Diedlich, daughter of Mrs, Grace Diedrich, 1140 West Kings Hwy., education major; Miss Jacqueline Frisco, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frisco, 11 Blossom La., education major; Miss Eugenia Poletis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Poletis, Rt. 35; Wallace G. Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Thomson, 7 Conover La., sociology major; Miss Jfulianne Vlgglano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ugo Viggiano, 7 Tilton Place, sociology major, and Miss Carolyn Wilklns, daughter of Harold Wilkins, 6 Melrose Ter., education major. Also from Monmouth County arc freshmen Donald Schatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schatz, Green Acres Manor, Freehold, business and economics major; Miss Carol Schneider, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Schneider, 121 Ravine Dr., Matawan, education major; Miss Linda Lunbersoit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey, Latnberson, 1 Center Ave., also Matawan, education'major; Miss Mlchele Dua* yak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunyak, 6 Chestnut Dr., Haxlet, religion major;. Miss Barbara Best, daughter of Mrs. Vera Best, Box 132, Matawan, education major. Mkldletown students who are sophomores at the college are Edward J. Ludwig, Jr., son of Mr. apd Mrs. lidward J. Ludwig, Sr., 48 Hosford Ave., Leonardo, pre-mimsterial associate major; Miss Sandrc Randolph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Randolph, 31 Tilton Ave., education major; Michael Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W, Wallace, 52 Cherry Tree Farm Rd., business and economics major; Miss Beverly J, Erodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Brooks, 97 Pelican Rd., elementary education major; Miss Susan S. Dunham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dunham, 32 Melfose Ter., elementary education major; Miss Victoria Heck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George DeLorme, 49 Burlington Ave., Leonardo, sociology major; Miss Nancy Hazelwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hazelwood, 50 Sunset PL, East Keansburg, nursing major. In the junior class are Herbert Eigenrauch, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Eigenrauch, Sr., 31 Foster St., River Plaza, law major; and Miss Susan Goodman, daughter of Mrs. Robert Goodman, Monmouth Ave. Navesink education major. Seniors are Bruce Babcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Babcock, 2 Hillside Ave., Middletown, history major and Miss Janice LeLong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LeLong, 585 Summer Ave., Belford, sociology major.

A Place For You

You can be placed. The Youth Employment Service of the Greater Red Bank Area reports on finding part-time employment for students since the opening of school. A case In point is a 17-yearold senior at Monmouth Regional High School who has become an assistant to a New Shrewsbury dentist. She works after school four days a week and on Saturdays. This young adult is being trained on the job and her salary will Increase accordingly. Her employer says, "She is doing beautifully it is working out very well." Students aged 14 to 19 are urged to list their skills and their jobs-wanted with YES YMCA Building, 40 Riverside Ave.f Red Bank.

Shopping Around

Boom's On for Bench-Warmers

By DOLLY THIEME Beginning with this issue, we're going to devote some time each week searching through the local stores for items of particular interest to you clothes, records, Jewelry, cosmetics, anything that we think might "turn you on." We'll be keeping you up to date on all facets of your Interests what the stores are featuring that's new and timely, or going to be. At Clayton and Magee, 19 Broad St., Red Bank, we talked with BUI Magee about their turn Una of warm-nip jackets, la the .Young Men's department and they seem to be great things to wear while watching the game and afterward. Patterned after those worn by players sitting on the bench, the Jackets are mid-thigh or surcoat length, have patch or slash packets, and permanent hoods. They're mostly in wool, natural or green in color, and are priced at $25 for those with zipout linings, $29.95 for the pile lined. Also very good looking are the waist - length, shearling - lined ranch coats. .They are mainly made up In corduroy-, at $19.95, coton suede, at $25, and leather suede at (39.95. Most of these, too, have permanent hoods. Hats are definitely "out," but, since ears do get cold, hoods are better yet. Incidentally, Mr. Magee claims he has almost no demand for other than prep or college style clothes. "Mostly conservative," he declared. Vito Cannavo, manager of the Young Men's Department at Kridel's, 2 Broad St., Red Bank, agreed entirely. He also said, / T h e young men today are the style setters for their fathers, and very often for their sisters and girl friends. In many cases they are picking the color and fashion trends." He added, "I feel that corduroys are the biggest fashion item in pants, and pants are bigger items today than shirts or sweaters." He says while white (actually a light sand shade) ls still the top seller, whiskey, a deeper tone, is the newest color, with black burgundy a fast comer. He has wide wale corduroy jeans, with western pockets, at (See BENCH WARMERS, Page 4)


Dr. Butler on Rock and Roll


Ask Mom to Read This One

o 'O
By EDWARD S. BUTLER, Ph.D. EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. ButJer, a clinical psychologist and Fair Haven resident, in addition to bis weekly discussion of subjects of interest to teenagers and parents, will answer questions in this column addressed to htm in care of The Daily Register, 40 Broad St., Red Bank. Names will be withheld on request, A mother of teenage children recently wrote us the following letter. "I'm just about at my wits' end. The only musk, if you can caH it that, my children are interested in is rock and roll. I

ho c

c o

Miss Mary Casby

Receives Traineeship
SYRACUSE, N. Y.-Miss Mary Casby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Casby, 40 Cooper Rd., Middletown, has been awarded a full tuition senior traineeship by Syracuse University where she is completing work toward her degree in special education. She formerly attended the College of Steubenviite in Ohio and taught retarded children for two years hi Jefferson County, Ohio. She is a 1961 graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School. ENGLISH FADS Newest teen fashion fads in England and pea jackets, knitted navy watch caps and Beatle boots for boys; ruffly baby doll dresses and Maryjanes for girls. Canned mushroom gray is fine to serve with broiled flank steak. Remember that the flank steak must be broiled briefly and sliced diagonally or it will be tough.

come from a good home where having good taste was considered very important. We were only allowed to listen to classical and sometimes good semi-classical music. "You have no idea how it irritates >ne to hear the loud blaring junk my chHdren- listen to. My husband says to leave them alone, they'll outgrow it, but I can't help feeling that I'm failing my duty to help them develop good taste. Won't rock and roll have an adverse affect on their character? What can I do to help them learn about the finer things in We? We have had some unpleasant arguments about this but that has only seemed to make things worse."

Receive National Merit Letters of Commendation

RED BANK Three seniors at Red Bank High School have received letters of commendation for their performance in the National Merit Scholarship program. The threer honored are Holly Ling, Loraine Rudolph and Douglas Haneline. Miss Ling, an officer in the high school chapter of Future Teachers of America, is planning to study art education in college. Miss Rudolph and young HaneSine are members of the National Honor Society. Miss Rudolph i on the editorCANWDATE FOR OFFICE M1DDLET0WN - David McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. David McDowell, Jr., 16 Orphanboy Ct., is running for president of the sophomore class at Oklahoma City University. ial staff of The Log, the senior yearbook, and A member of the staff of the Buccaneer, the school newspaper. She hopes to major in political science or secondary education at Douglass College, and then to join the Peace Corps. Young Haneline i$ a member of the Forensic League and the Student Council. He wants to attend Middlebury College to prepare for a career in the United States foreign service.

First of all we wonder if this good woman has really listened to "rock and roll" music. She might find if she did that much of it is more complicated and interesting than she supposes, both musically and lyrically. We were told, for example, by a professional musician that the Beattles are technically quite good and their harmonies rather rich and imaginative. After a closer listening we couldn't agree more. Hie Rolling Stones also strike tis as a group offering subtle musical intwpretations. And there are, we're sure, mwy others that could be mentioned. People of all ages want music and lyrics that communicate something to them and articulate their own half formed thoughts and feelings. Careful scrutiny of rock and roil lyrics, hard as many of them are to^ follow, offer some insight into matters of concern to young people. Song writers such as Roger Miller and Bob Dylan are, we believe, particularly good examples of such lyrics. Regardless of the ultimate value placed upon rock and roM musk v/e have to accept that it's wiiat'e happening. "Good taste," according to Walter Herr, noted drama critic and writer, "is developed through experience not by insistence, parental or otherwise."

One definition of good taste to appreciation of the more subtle and complicated forms of art. Mr. Korr argues that one Is motivated to seak out more dlf ficult forms as one becomes bored will; other art forms, seems :o follow that one w$H seek out more intricate art forms as one experiences and, becomes bored with otehr art forms. Providing, of course, that one has the aesthetic and intellectual capacity to develop and providing there are opportunities fcr exposure. Liking classical music simply because one is supposed to like it does not necessarily Imply good taste but rather conformity to authority. We certainly agree that argu* ing with or criticising admirem of rock and roll is not the solution to the problem. Thje only deepens the necessity to defend what one likes and serves to make it a way of rebelling against authority. Furthermore, if and when one Decomes bored it will be hnpo$> stole to try new things beams* to do so would mean "giving in" or "losing face." Opportunity and encouragement would appear to be better means of helping people remain open to the possibility of enjoying all kinds of art forme, each of which may have their own rewards.

To Sing Madrigals
MJDDLETOWN-Richard Oley, vocal instructor at Middletown Township High School, has organized a madrigal ensemble of mixed voices. The name Madrigal is derived from a type of jinging performed in the 16th and 17th centuries. Sung without instrumental accompaniment, madrigals are usually lyrical poems set to music and written Tor three to eight or more voices. The 18 members selected by audition are: sopranos, Sue Crawford, Linda Johnson, Elizabeth Noto, Sally Seibert, and Janet Tindall; altos, Linda Cain, Cathy Cox, Jeanne Clark, Helen Ludwig and Cheryl Rader; tenors, Diana Cline, Ruth Johnson, Harold Gutormsen and James Marsen; basses, Russ Howard, James Laine, Kurt Weinheimer and Peter Borohard. The signing group meets for rehearsals every Tuesday evening under the leadership of Mr. Otey.

Out ons limb!


for tfie future you wont tomorrow.

Bnai Brith Elects Slate

FREEHOLD Bnai Brith Young Adults, a community service organization for young working adults 18 and over, will meet Sunday at 1 p.m. in Congregation Agudith Achim, Broad and Stokes Sts. Informal dancing will follow the meeting. Recently-elected officers of the group are David Gross, Freehold, president; Doris Baeff, also of Freehold, secretary; Hariet Harbor, Asbury Park, treasurer and Alvin Bohcr, Bradley Beach, councillor. Board members serving as committee chairmen are Arlene Bell, Englishtown, programs; Frank Pincus, Farmingdale, education; Roberta Rubin, Interlaken, publicity, and Richard Ascher, Bradley Beach, service. The group's objective is "to afford the young working adult the opportunity to aid the community."

Diamond Dandy by Cameo

Branch out into something sensational this season: textured nylons with an dandy new diamond design by Cameo, They'll conquer the campus for you. Or make you the star of the supermarket-post office-PTA circuit. And meanwhile, your legs will be warm. Black diamonds on red, olive, camel. Seamless with nude heel, reinforced toe. All sizes. $2.00,

Mainstay Federal Savings and Loan Association

36 MONMOUTH ST. Telephone 741-0663 RED BANK, NEW JERSEY

"Tfa Foundation of Fashion**

From Our Readers

the Register's Young Adult faction welcomes letters front its readers, provided they contain signature, address and telephone number. Letters should be limited to ISO words. present our show Before the game. Not even a third of our routine wag presented when one of the rudest things I've ever witnessed in my life happened. Matawan's Huskies stormed into the center of our routine just like a herd of Huskies. Even though we were Inaudible, we continued on with our show hoping the team would realize what they did and get off the field. However, hoping was not good enough. Their ignorance was shown, as they didn't even attempt to move. They just continued on noisily clapping their hands and yelling chants. Seeing that we were being in essence "Wcked off the field," Mr. Runfolo gave the signal to move off. Now, I ask you, is this good sportsmanship? Dorothy Young

I 9O


Avid Reader
98 Liberty Ft. West Keansburg, N. J. To the Editor: Friday I noticed a little clipping headlined "Band Readies Flag Display" in your Young Adult Section which you publish weekly, and of which I'm a very avid reader. This clipping stated that Raritan Township High School's band, twirlers, drill team, color guard and cheerleaders were preparing a, spectacular flag show portraying the history of the American flag up until now. We worked on this routine very hard, so that we Could present something which was truly ours. Under the direction of Mr. George Del Monte and Mr. Peter Ruofolo, we marched out on Mat>WM ftegional's football field to


Display of Rudeness
Haztet, N. J. To the Editor: Thank you for the very nice write-up you gave Raritan High School vs. Matawan. I WM at the game and it was exciting all the way through except for the pre-game show. Rtritan was doing our flag show and we were almost halfway finished when the Huskies Varsity team stormed the field. Mr. Peter Runfolo, our band director, had to stop the show due to their display of rudeness. We were very humiliated and angered that Matawan would treat guests likethU. I think ftU of the students would appreciate it if at some time you could make note of their unsportsmanlike conduct in your newspaper. Thank you very much. Linda Oiup

Takes Part

In Exhibit

OVERSEAS CANDIDATES Lynn Lucatwtn and Ralph Manna, seated, both juniors at Shore Regional High School, West Long Branch, are the school's candidates for tit Americans Abroad Program* a branch of tite American Field Service. The proud pair behind Mtem ore Hbert HopperwteoH, left, tuperintendent of Shore Regional, and John J. Kolfbas, principal. Lynn and Ralph wttl compe'e against 7,000 otfter ihi* dents in the U. S. for the privilege of spending one year abroad as student* in a European high

He Teaches Because He 'Likes

By GAIL SHERMAN FREEHOLD Carl C. Schafer, Jr., Southern Freehold Regional High School's Distributive Education teacher, was the recipient of a Sears scholarship this summer. At Rider College, he attended classes for'people interested in working towards certification or masters degrees; The Sears Company has been involved in this program for many years. Mr. Schafer has been teaching distributive education at Southern for two years. Before this he was in business for himself. His liking for teenagers helped to change his vocation to teaching. Mr. Schafer says, "I enjoy kids." Distributive Education is a cooperative work experience program. The students' morning hours are spent in school learning about wholesaling and re* tailing. The afternoon or evening hours are spent working in department or food stores participating with the school. Credits are given for this work and grades are given by Mr. Schafer as well as by the store manager.

Expresses Feelings
Hazlet, N. J. To the Editor: I would like to express my feelings about the way in which the Matawan Regional High School football players showed sportsmanship. I am a student at Raritan Township High school. I am on the drill team. We played Matawan last weekend and we won. We were in the middle of doing our show, when their football players came right out in the middle of the field. We waited for awhile, but the team would not move. When asked to move, they still refused to move. I think this shows very poor sportsmanship on their part. I would appreciate it if you would write an article on proper sportsmanship. Maybe you could teach the students of Matawan Regional High School some manners. In your special section for young adults you could write an article on sportsmanship. Maybe this could teach some people manners when they have guests. Thank you very much. I would appreciate it. Carol Doherty

Up ill the Pants Barn at J. Kridel


Mist Virginia Haag

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Miss Virginia Haag, a freshman at Douglass College, is one of the artists participating in the Student Art Exhibit being held during the month of October in the Hear 'N See Gallery, G First O Ave,, Atlantic Highlands. An alumna of Henry Hudson Regional High School, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haag, 251 East Highland Ave., Atlantic Highlands, and has studied art with Elizabeth Gallagher, art Instructor in the borough's public school. She will exhibit two oils, "Decay" and "Pottery and Fruit," and two water colors, "El Matador" and "Bennington Depot." At Douglass, Miss Haag Is majoring in chemistry. She also U a pianist and designs and gews her own clothes.

the look of the wide open spaces is in slim Vaquero jeans of wide wale corduroy by Dickies.

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Oi?er New Section

RED BANK - Helene Moore, women's editor of The Daily Register, has been assigned as. editor of the Young Adult Section, as an additional duty. Mrs. Moore was formerly a copy editor for the New Orleans Item a member of the news staffs of the Beaumont, Tex., Journal; The Port Arthur, Tex., News and the Plainfield CourierNews in New Jersey. She joined The Register in 1980. In 1962 she won a first place award for women's pages in the New Jersey Press Association competition, In 1963 and again in 1964 she was awarded first prize for page layouts in statewide competitions sponsored by the New Jersey Daily Newspaperwomen. In 1963 Mrs. Moore also won second prize in the NJDN contest for a series of feature stories written with Jane E. Morrow. At Hunter College, New York City, she was editor of the student newspaper and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She was graduated cum laude with a BA degree in political science and was awarded a. graduate fellowship in political science at City College of New York. RECEIVE DEGREES RUTHERFORD-Mary Maier, 217 Washington Ave., Malawan, and Walter Spengler, i31 Cherry Tree La., Middletown, completed degree requirements during summer sessions at Fairleigh Dickinson University, here. Miss Maier received a BS, and Mr. Spengler, an MBA. TRIP TO PRINCETON RUMSON Senior English classes at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School will travel to Prmceton Nw. 3 to view the play "Mother Courage."

Statistics Tell A Story

By BOB BRAMLEY On a recent weekend from Saturday night until Monday morning, there were nine traffic deaths in New Jersey. Four of the nine killed were teenagers two young men and two girls. All of the drivers, one of whom died, were 21 or younger. All of the accidents were singlecar crashes; the vehicles skidded off the roadway and smashed into trees. In Newark^ Branch Brook Park, a place of trees and winding roads, an 18-year-old Nutley girl was killed when a 21-yearold driver totaled his car hitting a tree. In Pittsgrove Township in Salem County, another car sailed off the road and hit a tree the same night. The driver was 18,. his passenger 19. Both young men are dead.

MTHS Seniors Join Chorus

MIDDLETOWN - Three Middletown Township High School seniors will join the All-State Chorus when it appears at Uie New Jersey Education Association's convention at Atlantic City in November. Elizabeth Note, Linda Cam, and James Laine will represent their school in the chorus which is composed of high school students selected from all over the state for their vocal excellence. The chorus also will appear at the Mosque in Newark On Nov. 21 for a concert performance. Their vocal teacher, Richard Otey, member of the music faculty, will accompany them.

S o


Mrs. Helene Moore

Ocean High Teacher Listed in Who's Who9

In Mount Laurel Township* near Bordentown, still another car skidded off the road and hit a tree. That car was driven by ft 19-year-old youth out with hit date, a girl of 16. She's dead, We don't know what caused these fatal accidents. It doesn't really matter knowing, won't bring back four dead teenagers.. Maybe a wheel came off, maybe there was a blowout, maybe a dog was in the road. We don't know. We do know, however, from accident statistics compiled by the Division of Motor Vehicles, that drivers 24 or younger have nearly twice their proportionate share of fatal accidents, every year. Maybe this record isn't caused by immature driving habits. Perhaps our younger drivers are just unlucky. But do you believe that fate, picks on them consistently, year after year?

Miss Helen McDonnell By George Ford OCEAN TOWNSHIP Miss Helen McDonnell, chairman of the English department at Ocean Township High School, has been included in the list of women whose names will appear in the fourth edition of "Who's Who in American Women." It is the biographical directory of the best known and most notable women in America. Last year Miss McDonnell spent six weeks of study at Oxford University in England after receiving a scholarship from the County English-Speaking Union. Through her position on the national advisory board of Teenage and Campus Book Clubs she has had various articles published in many national educational publications, as well. She is an authority on the use of paperbook books as teaching material in the secondary schools. Aside from her position on the school's staff, she is active in other organizations including the Monmouth County Education Association, the Monmopth Mineral and Gem Club, Uie National Council of Teachers of English, the New Jersey Teachers of English, and the New Jersey Education Association, She received her bachelor's degree from Monmouth College, West Long Branch, and is presently completing her doctoral work in English at Rutgers University Graduate School.

Rugged, brawny parka

HOCKBY JAC...Ahutky-lookit>iwool plaid parka with smart atylinf and a fresh approach to comfort* Topped off with a warm, ,bqitny-aoftf acrylic pile lining antlhooit, An twbtttabJ* laihion. 25.fl

Bench Warmers
(Conti nued) For cold weather, ail weather, C and ] tapered,; belt-loop slacks (best worn with madras- any time boots', Miller Itas waterreversible - to - harness - leather repellent styles in heights from belts) at $6.95. The colors are ankle to knee, high heeled and flat, all leather and completely whiskey and bronze* fleece-lined from ,$14 to $19, in Surprisingly, or maybe not, black,, gray and brown, An esVito said that 25 per cent of pecially pretty pair were multihis sales in the corduroy and colored suede, ankle high, at' $14. denim dungarees are to the Real stormy weather boots are gals, who must make slight the U.S. Rubber "Eskiloos," waist adjustments to get the acrylic lined, and generally in correct hip fit! black and brown. These . a r e At Miller Shoe Co., 18 Broad calf or knee height, at $12,95 to St., Red Bank, R. W. Angle $17.95. and Ed Strohmenger have More ways to spend allowances boots, boots, boots. or hard-earned wages to best adLooking strictly at the gal's vantage next week. styles, Mr. Strohmenger said the "go go" boots for casual Need Money? Sell those things wear with slacks will be a big you really don't need with a favorite again this year. AnkleDailj Register Classified Ad. high and flat heeled, they are in black and bronze, at $11.88. Call now.

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Open Wednesday and Friday till 9 p.m.

The Students Speak Up

By DOM LORBI PLACE: Henry Hudson Regional High School. QUESTION: Do you think juvenile delinquency is on the increase? MARTINA MALAR1K, 74 LaurRANDY HANCOCK, tt East el Dr., Highlands, Senior: Garfield Ave., Atlantic Highlands, , Juvenile delin- Junior: quency is on the Yes, I do beincrease because more parents tocause it's easier day are so busy; to get into more they don't worry trouble, easier about what their to get alcoholic 'children are dobeverage* now, ,ing. Kids today and there are iare idle so they ore opportunij resort to stealjjties t o r o b Jlng, drinking and 'houses and cars. I destroying propterty. If more ROBIN LONG, 249 East High'parents took an Interest, the, children would work land Ave., Atlantic Highlands, Jutoward being somebody, nior: Yes, there are MICHAEL KING, 12 Cameron ** more juvenile Ctr,, Atlantic Highlands, Senior: ,: delinquents but No, I do not , there are also : think it is on the more teenagers Irise because the who are doing I kids have it i good work for [ e a s i e r . They the community. I don't have to Young p e o p l e i steal to live to| are put under |day. The big i thing today is to [ m o r e pressure |graduate f r o m {than ever to be high school and a c c e p t e d into jto go on to col- good colleges and to get better 1 lege and to jobs. Some respond by achieving make something of yourself; all these goals while Others rebel. SUSAN DRAY, 28 By Bayside Dr., Atlantic Highlands, Junior: No. There are more delinquents but there are also more teenagers. Teenagers now have places to go that are set up for the purpose of recreation. This helps keep kids off the j streets and out of trouble. There are also many more scholarships that help young people go to college. FRED FARINA, 58 Barberie Ave., Highlands, Sophomore: Y e s , because there is too much stress put on s t e a l i n g , smoking, drinking and such by I today's teenagers. Today parI cuts do not take ] such things as I seriously as they jsed to. The teenagers of today do, by far, more wrong than the teenagers of yesterday.

First Council Session At Mon. Regional

By LEE LAURINO NEW SHREWSBURY Student Council organizational meeting, the first of the term, was held recently in Monmouth Regional High School. Newly-elected officers who assumed their positions were Nancy M. Feyereisen, president; Richard Taylbr, vice president; Susan Berglund, recording secretary, and Richard Ruda, treasurer. Approximately 40 representatives, alternates, and other i terested studfents attend the meeting. Representatives from the four grades are: Robert Russel, Penny Steen, Judy Moreau, Linda Grossman, Donna Trocchia, Susan Tubilewicz, Richard Cureton, Ronald Austin, Bruce Rodman, Mike Denny, Ricky Binaco, and Les Callahan. Others are Mady Eisenburg, Connie Forest, Jane Delatush, Kathy Debold, Barbara Watts, COLLEGE 'OPEN HOUSE' GLASSBOROGlassboro State College will hold its "Fall Open House" Sunday between 1 and 5 p.m. , Parents of dormitory students have been requested to register at the student's dormitory while the parents of commuter and town resident students are requested to register in the Memorial Hall Lounge. Following registration, parents will visit with students and tour the campus. All dormitories and classroom buildings will be open. Harriet Dresing, Kay Boose, Lin Guise, Pam Hamblen and John Werner A special student parking lot committee was formed. Pete

Morgenthal and Rick Taylor will head the group and try to obtain driving rights for Monmouth students. A new members-at-Iarge act was passed at the meeting, enabling a non-representative to have an active vote in Student Council business. Persons desiring such a post must be approved by two-thirds of the voting representatives.



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717 Coekmcm Avt., Atbury Park

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Class of '69 Elects Slate

LONG BRANCH - Frank RaViele was elected president of the class of 1969 in the freshman voting held in Long Branch High School. Other officers elected were Prank Blaisdell, vice president; Sharon Crawford, recording secretary; Donna Acerra, corresponding secretary, and Laurie Singer( treasurer. The ninth grade class officers were elected from among 14 home room representatives who 'will from the. freshman executive , council for the class of 1969. ! Council members are Donna Acerra representing homeroom 5; Blaisde)], 3, Sharon Crawford, 8; Caren Fiore, 16; Nancy Gizzi, 17; Mary Ann Iankelli, 45; Janice Kaye, 37; Eddie MacDonald, 42; Oona O'Connell, 54; Tricia Oxley, 55; Frank Raviele, 56; Laurie Singer, 57; Jackie Tickman, 9; and Rosata Walton, 29. Milton Belford is the faculty coordinator for the freshman class. Other faculty advisors are Thomas Angerio, Robert Brown, Mrs. Joan ComeHa, Mrs. Louise Fitzpatrick, William Harvey, Robert Irvine, Roy Juckett, Irving Kurinsky, Jay Olans, Joseph Sharkey, Frank Sorrentino, Merrick, Tomaine, Robert Walsack and Ralph York),, : ^ '

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County Students Win Campus Honors



By ELEANOR MARKO Miss Patricia A. Kolarsick, daughter of Dr. rnd Mrs, A. J. Kolarsick. 251 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, was among the students at Salve Regina College honored at formal convocation ceremonies on the Newport, R.I., campus. Miss Kolarsick, a member of the class of 1906, has been on bhe dean's "ist for six semesters.

son, 205 Milford Rd., Neptune, mathematics, and Donna L. Qttackenbush, 91 West Washington Ave., Atlantic Highlands, home economics. Jeffrey FitzGcrald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beni'ey FitaGeraLd, 2 Meredith Dr., New ShrewsG bury, has returnftd to Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., for his senior year. He ^as been selected as prefect for th;r<? floor in his dormHory.

bury, was transferred as a ju- ver, also in his second year at nior from Carnegie Technical In- Laurelcrest Preparatory School, stitute in Pittsburgh to the Uni- is a prefect, serving as a liaison versity, of Pennsylvania where he between the administration and will major in English, facuHy and the student body. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Spahn, 16 Thayer Dr., New Shrewsbury, are back at college. Sally is a dean's list junior at Seton Hill, Grensburg, Pa., where she took part In Shakespearan dramas recently. Stephen is a senior at St. Michael's College, Winooski Park, Vt.

tend Fairleigh Dickinson University at Rutherford for two semesters. Miss Griesmer, a graduate of Freehold-Regional High School, is one of 33 freshmen.

a PC

Named to the dean's list at Jersey City State College is Miss Margaret Timlen, ! Linden Ave,, < Walter J. Kerr of Rumson has Red Bank, a member of the ju- been named a class agent for Paul LaRocquc, son of Mr. and nior class. Duke University's 1865-66 Loyalty Fund Drive. He is one of 378 Mrs. A. P. LaRocque, 165 RiverVassar College ofened its 101st class agents in ?8 states. Their edge. Rd., New Shrewsbury, is yjear at a convocation of its 1635 major responsibiUty is to rea-eh in his final year at Niagara Uniundergraduates at the Pough- a goal of $675,0<X) tc be given to versity, Niagara Falls, N. Y. He keepsie, N. Y, campus. Shore the university through the fund, expects to take his law.boards in November and to continue on area students honored were Miss Miss Florence Walker of Sea the varsity rifle team. Marilyn Joan Flood, class of Bright, a doctoral candidate in 19$, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Students at Penn Hall Junior Nicholas J. Flood, 79 White St., the field of household economics and management at Cornell- Uni- College at Charr.bersburg, Pa., Shrewsbury; Miss Sandra Carolyn Blodgett, class of 1D68, daugh- versity, Ithaca, N. Y., during are freshmen Miss Carolyn Leitfi ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe S. the summer was awarded the Hand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blodgett, 54 Wai-dell Ave., Rum- Ruth Ada Birk Eastwood Schol- Stuart C. Hand, 27 Glenwood Dr., son; Miss Tirrell Edwina Bar- arship, given in the name of a New Shrewsbury; Miss Kathryn Weri, class of 1367, daughter of former graduate assistant in the F. Lyon, daughter of Mrs. NiMr. and Mrs. Aldo Barbieri, 74 department of household econom- na B. Lyon, Locust, and Charles W. Lyon, Red Bank; Miss CathRivington Ave., West Long ics and management. leen Elizabeth Carney, daughter Branch. They were named to the honors list. Miss Mary ?4argaret Quinn, of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. CarNamed to the honors list for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ney, 18 Ward Ave., Rumson, and the second successive year was Quinn, 47 Kemp Ave., Fair Ha- Miss Jane Van Horn, daughter Miss Nancy Potts, class of 1967, ven, has entered the Katharine of Mr. and Mrs. W. Raymond daughter of Mr. and Mr. Rob- Gibbs School in Boston, Mass. Van Horn, 111 Battin Rd., Fair ert G. Potts, East Larchmont She is an alumna of Red Bank Haven. Miss Donna Lynn Sparling, Dr., Colts Neck. Catholic High School. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miss Diane Chambers Wise, J. Murphy, 8 PaJ: Ave., Rumclass of 1966,. daughter of Mrs. Gerald J. Celeste, 24 Park PL, son, and Miss April Lynne MorVera N. Wise arvl James A. G. River Plaza, a freshman at Park rison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Jr., Red Hank, was named College, ParkviHe, Mo., was ac- Albert A. Morrison, Sttlwell Dr., to the honors list for the third cepted as a member of the Or- HolmdeJ, are in the junior class successive year and designated ion-Aurora social club on cam- of the preparatory department of a Matthew Vassal Scholar for pus. Penn Hail Junior College and the fourth time. She was elected Preparatory Sciwo!, to Phi Beta Kappa. A freshman at Walnut Hill School in Natick, Mass., is MarOn the dean's Hst at Rhode IsNamed to the dean's list at got Anne Beck, daughter of Mr. land School of Design at ProviMontclair State College are Vir- and Mrs. Alfred E. Beck, 27 dence is David R. Hocker, 173 ginia M. Gonzales, 404 Tenth Oakes Rd., Runuon, White St., Shrewsbury. Ave., Belmar, Spanish Major; and Dale M. Rauch, 51 Foster Entering the fourth form at J. Scott Hopkins, son of Mr. St., River Plaza, English major, Lawrenceville School is Thomas and Mrs. Stockton H. Hopkins, both freshmen; sophomore Pat- Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- 80 Main St., Matawan, is enricia E. Smith, 21i Edward Ave., ward Carroll, 29 Meredith Dr., rolled for the second year at Long Branch, Spanish major; New Shrewsbury. Tom finished Laurelcrest Preparatory School juniors Joyce A. iVTallon, 3 Ken- the third form "head boy" in his in Bristol, Conn,, and has mainwood Dr., Middletown, English house and has been placed in tained a high academic average. major, and Frederick P. Mon- honors class in mathematics and tana, 1321 Warron Ave., Spring French this year. Five area residents among the Lake, science major and seniors 106 student nurses from ElizaRachelle S. Ashbaugh, 702 Eight Miss Karl Mi as. daughter of beth and Perth Amboy General Ave., Belmar, speech major; Mr. and Mrs. Tohn Mras, Jr., Hospitals who began their acaBarbara S. Evans, ? Chanceville Si Willshire Dr., New Shrews- demic studies at Union Junior PI., New Monmotith, buoiness ed- bury, returned early to the Uni- College, Cranford, are Miss linucation major; Oian P.I. Fulton, versity of Dayton, in Ohio. Karol da Marie Leach, 14 Turner St., X Queens Dr., Little Silver, is a sophomore majoring in bi- Eatontown; M!ss Vlckey Y, Spanish major; John R. Lord, ology. Turner, 32 Bund PI., Freehold; 1601 Clinton Ave, Belmar, EngMiss Charlene Fopia, 114 Bethlish major; Lucy P. Pace, 407 William Schweers, son of Mr. any Rd., Hazlet; Miss Anne LouRumson Rd., Litf'e Silver, mfith- and Mrs. Herbert A. Schweers, ise Groves, 1 Chestnut Dr., 2 ematics major: Eugene D. Pear- 86 Willshire Dr., New Shrews- Matawan and Miss Donna Ann Donohue, 145 Princeton PI., Middletown, Miss Donohue Is enrolled in the School of Nursing of Elizabeth General Hospital. The others are enrolled in the School of Nursing of Perth Amboy General Hospital.

Miss Gail Irene Griesmer, Miss Martha Ann Cox of K daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-Etmwood L*., Fair Haven, was uel I. Griesmer O Colts Neck, among the 260 University of FlorK is a freshman student at the ida co-eds who received InvitaPresbyterian Hospital Unit School tions to membership in sororities of Nursing, United Hospitals of following the fall trimester forNewark, in that city. Founded in mal rushing period. Miss Con 1912, the school has an accredited was pledged to Alpha Omicron three-year course. Students at- Pi.

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/NBand Contest For Teens

KEYPORT - Rev. Edward D. Strano, moderator of St. Joseph's Catholic Youth Organizations announces a teenage band contest to be held Dec. 30 as part of the teenager New Year's Eve celebration in the auditorium of St. Joseph's School. Father Strano said he hopes there will be 10 to 15 bands competing as finalists that evening, A trophy will be awarded identifying the ^winner as "The Top Teenage Band of New Jersey of 1965." The winning band will also receive a prize of $200. Consolation prizes will be $50 second prize, and $25 third prize. An entry fee of $10 will be charged and all entries must be submitted by Nov. 7. Information is available from the CYO social chairman, Mrs. Joseph D'AIoia, 14 Overhill Rd., Matawan. .




THREE BICYCLES IS" Imported bike, needs tlrea, 2; 20" bike, rideable. S3; 26" balloon tiro bike, S9. Call 741-1463/


rUli. SIZE BOY'8 BICYOUE Aa la $10. Call after 8 p.m. Or weekends. 7*7-0030.

AT THE DRAFTING TAtLE in Keyport High School's mechanical drawing elan, left to right, are Sharon Collins, instructor Norman Zweiacher, Betty Jean Mahawage and Judith Millar.

PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER For home study uae. Call 747-1333 artel & p.m. WANTED TOBOGGAN In sood condition. Call 871-5973 after 6 p.m.

THREE-QUARTER Mini-forward Mat, semi-roiled English saddle. Excellent condition. Call 946-4168 afltr S p.m. 8L1NGERLAND DRUMSGuitar, clrlnet, bicycle*, aquarluma. Scout uniform, animal cages, rood race. T4HH53.

Mechanical Drawing Attracts Senior Girls at Keyport High

By DIANE VAN GLAHN KEYPORT For many years, mechanical drawing has been Mid to be subject for boys dnry. But now, Keyport High School, a well as other schools, hs made this subject co-educa* tiOMl. For the first time in the history of the school, girls have become interested in the field. The sfentor girls who are taking this course and intend to use it to further their education are Sharon its importance In the lives of the Merita ki his classes. He feels it la a good idea to let girls Collins, Betty Jean Mahawage, Judith MiHer, and Madaline Skv venz. Norman Zweiacher, instructor of the course, Is well aware of

Eight week count on guitar, drums, piano, piano accordion, sax, clarinet, trumpet, flute, bass and banjo.

Organize Club For Forensics

By LEE LAURINO NEW SHREWSBURY - For the first time in the history of Monmouth Regional a Forensic Club will be established. Anton J. Davidson will be the club adviser. Mr. Davidson previously taught English and public speaking at Central High School, Pennkigton. He has attended Monmouth College, Emporia (Kans.) State College, and Kansas State University, where he received a BS degree. Five students together with Mr. Davidson attended a debate workshop at Rutgers University. Tlie session was designed to help the beginning debater and give pointers to the advanced. Among those attending the club's organizational meeting were Lionel Chapman, Debbie Chastun, Jay Dunbar, Nancy Feyereisen, Wayne Gattis, Bradfor Hamingsberg, Joel Klein, William Placek, Jane Purvis, Victor Ransom, Judy Rodgers, Paul Scoles, Edith Steckham and Steve Temko.

have the chance they deserve. "Since the women are playing a more important role in the world today, the more skill and knowledge they absorb while they are in school the better. All of the" four girls are in some way interested in the field of ait. Sharon Collins, Madalkie Slovenz, and Judith Miller are interested in drafting. Betty Jean Mahawage is interested in interior decorating. She plans, as the other three girls do, to go on to school to become a decorator of homes, window displays, or perhaps clothes designing.


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GAA Elects New Officers

NEW SHREWSBURY - New officers of the Girls Athletic Association at Monmouth Regional High School are Jan Schneider, president; Helen Cox, vice president; Carol Hawkins, secretary, and Beth Bradford, treasurer. According to Miss Susanne Grant and Miss Mary Lansdowne, advisers, the GAA's fall program will include hockey and intramural soccer. Inter-school competition is planned and Monmouth girls will be playing against Shore Regional and other schools. Winter activities will feature basketball, volleyball, apparatus, bowling and possibly modern dance.

Seminar At CBA
By ROBERT DREYFUSS L1NCROFT - What is the social significance of the James Bond philosophy? What is the author's purpose in writing "The Catcher in the Rye?" What is the existentialist philosophy as portrayed in Sartre's "No Exit?" These are just some of the questions to be discussed in the newest addition to CBA's college preparatory schedule, an afternoon seminar under the guidance of Brother John, FSC. The .seminar is composed of about 28 seniors, divided into three groups, each meeting on a different day. The seminars are very informal discussion groups, with all participants free to make their ideas known. Brother John's function at the meetings is simply to start the ball rolling. The major responsibility for discussions rests with the students. The first book to be discussed is "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, and Brother John has supplemented this book with articles from Harper's and the National Catholic Reporter. Brother John has stressed the fact that the meetings are to be very informal, with the boys aranged in a circle and coffee served. The seminar is for pure intellectual advancement and gives no credit as far as school grades go. There are no regularly scheduled meetings of the groups. They are held whenever the members feel it would be convenient. If the seminar is a success this year, Brother John hopes to expand the program next year to include more students, but will still keep the membership in any one group to 10 or fewer to insure good discussion.

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How to Get Into

Choose Your College Carefully

Bf LESLIE J. NASON, Ed. D. Uaiversily of Southern California Choosing a college carelessly i$ a luxury you cannot afford. Neither can you afford to wait until the last minute. It is your responsibility, to choose the one which will best meat your needs. No one else is going to do this for you. U you are in the upper 10 per cent of your class and your counselor gives you encouragement, barge ahead1 Your choice of colleges is more or less unrestricted. However, if you are in the lower 75 per cent of your class it would be of lit'le use to apply to a college thit normally accepts only those in the upper quarter. If you were accepted you would have such a struggle keeping your heul above water that you probably would be very1 unhappy there. There are many good colleges open to students not in the top .10 per cent of their classes. If your counssior says your aptitude scores show that you have the. ability but that yaur record to date gives indication that you are not willing io work up to potential, gird up your loins and start making a valiant try right inow. Prove to yaur counselor that you ARE willing to work up to your ability'hat you do have what it takes. Get Halj, Find mere efficent ways of studying. Ta!!; wiio each of your teachers about how to study his Course. Get some he'.p from the counselor. It WJ'! be worth every bit of effort. However, if tii: counselor feels that not only your school marks but your scores on aptitude tests indicate that yoi would be happier and more successful someplace else than m college, it may be best to set soals, at least temporarily, for accomplishment in a vocational ih:d where a coltege degree is not a must. Even in this situation you will want to improve your success as a student. Skill in learning is now required for success in any field. In the process you may find that not only you! grades improve but that your scores on aptitude tests improve. And while an extra year of preparation in a junior collie or technical school may be required, it may be possible for you eventually to prove that 1I12 counselor's prediction was too pessimistic. Having taken a gcod look at your own qualifications and desires, your next step is to gather facts on specific colleges. While the jnain consideration is always h;w well the college wilt forward your career, there are other factors to consider. What kind of a college would be best for yo'.i? A small college or a large one? One located in a rural community or in a cifcyi? A men's (or women's) college or a co-educational school? A public or private school, church-connected or noti-churchoonnected? Dr. Nason's booklet, "How to Gtt Into College and Succeed," is available by writing to: College Booklet Red Bank Register Box*I7 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202 Enclose $1 lor each booklet Please make check or money order payable to "College Booklet." ' Be sure to include your name and address. Such things can affect your happiness in college. They are personal and shouid be discussed not only with counselors, college authorities and aiumni of the colleges being considered, but with your parents. Consider large as well as small institutions. You are not as likely to be lost in a large institution as you might thmk. You will be working with fairly small groups within your own major. Through them, or otherwise, you will make contacts witli dormitory groups or other semi-social groups on the campus. KINDS OF COLLEGES There is a i>reat selection of colleges, roughly divided into the following types: There are nearly 800 liberal arts Colleges; .mostly private. Many are church related. If you are looking for a small college many of these range from 300 to 1500 students. They offer from 15 to 30 majors, primarily in humanities and sciences. Some, but not all, are quite successful in pre-law and pre-medicine. The university is a group of colleges or schools. Each school or college is operated as a unit. Freshmen enrolling in the college of arts and sciences may, after two, three or four years, under differing requirements, apply for admission to the school of medicine, dentistry, law, education or others. In many universities, however, a freshman may enroll immediately in the schools of engineering, architecture, nursing, home economics, etc. It is obvious that in shopping for a college you do not merely choose a university but a school or college within the university. Such a choice must be made before application for admission can take place. Technical Institutions At about 50 four-year institutions some public, some private, you may specialize in science and engineering. At schools like Pratt Institute, California Institute of Technology, Renssclaer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, students with high aptitudes and grades can get high calibre training. These schools provide basic training which can lead to masters and doctors degrees. Other technical institutions specialize in art, business, nrchitecture and other special majors. Although teachers colleges are rapidly developing into state colleges and universities by broadening their offerings, there are still almost 200 public colleges specializing in teacher-traii;Mig courses; most offer board liberal arts as well. Over 700 two-year colleges, many free, offer pre-professional, vocational ina liberal arts courses. Courses that parallel the lower division of the university with full university credit are offered on the sa:>ie campus with terminal, 'iberal arts, vocational

and technical courses. Again, the but WHICH Junior college choice is not }ust a junwJr college, gram will meet ykwr dh

See a most complete selection




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