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What should a child know before Kindergarten starts?

Reading 1. enjoys reading activities 2. hold book right side up and turn pages front to back 3. recognize print such as stop 4. retell stories 5. predict next steps in story 6. knows that a picture stands for a real object 7. recognize own first name in print 8. can identify 5-10 letters of the alphabet Writing 1. enjoys drawing and writing during play 2. attempts to write own name 3. uses scribbling and drawing to represent his/her ideas Listening 1. listens and responds to conversation with adults and other children while playing 2. listens attentively to books 3. follows directions with 2 or more steps 4. recognizes some rhyming words Speaking 1. can repeat songs, rhymes, and phrases 2. speaks in play situations and everyday activities 3. uses complete sentences 4. asks questions 5. can answer questions

Math 1. count to 20 2. count items in a group up to 10 objects 3. count backwards from 5 4. name numbers from 1-9 5. use the terms first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last 6. add items up to 4 7. subtract items to 4 Geometry and Algebra 1. recognize circle, triangle, rectangle, and square 2. match shapes 3. sort shapes by color, shape, or size 4. demonstrate up, down, over, under, top, bottom, inside, outside, in front, behind, between, and next to 5. making patterns (red block, blue car, red block, blue car) Measurement and Statistics 1. compare bigger, longer, taller, least, most, same 2. penny equals 1 cent 3. identify tools such as ruler, scales, measuring cups, thermometer, clock, and calendar 4. uses words such as day and night correctly Self-Help 1. bathroom routine unassisted 2. personal hygiene (cough, sneeze, blow nose) 3. snap, button, tie, zip Social 1. taking and waiting turns, sharing 2. respect everybody and property 3. dealing with conflict in a peacefully manner 4. self discipline (using words)

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