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Print: Appendix A: ''Travel'' Dermatology

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Note: Large images and tables on this page may necessitate printing in landscape mode. Copyright 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Fitzpatrick Dermatology Atlas>Appendices>AppendixA:"Travel"Dermatology>


With the marked increase in international travel in the past decades among persons of all walks of life and all ages, it is necessary to ask patients with skin lesions where they have lived and traveled. This is particularly true for infectious skin disease or infectious systemic disease with skin manifestations. Website gives information on diseases endemic in different parts of the world and on modes of acquisition. Links provide updated information relevant to diagnosis and thus appropriate treatment. It is important to keep in mind that a patient with an infection acquired in one geographic location may undergo medical evaluation in another location where the infection is not endemic. Also, many infections may be rare or sporadically acquired in regions outside of endemic areas. An example is anthrax. Sporadic infection may be acquired in any geographic location by way of contact with imported contaminated animal products. Equally important to note is that infections that require a specific vector for transmission have a distribution limited by the vector distribution. However, presence of the vector is not sufficient for disease to occur. For example, a mosquito competent to transmit dengue is found in many states in the southern United States. However, in recent years, transmission of dengue has been documented only rarely within the United States (Texas).
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