Club Info

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Greetings BMS Family!

We are now finalizing the clubs being offered this school year, and we need your help and support. We understand that you have the students interest at heart so we would like to share this information with you: Research shows that students that participate in clubs affect students performance because they have better attendance, higher grades, and are more likely to graduate and go on to college. Club activities prepare students for the future, and improve their abilities to grasps things as a whole because they will have received a more-rounded education. Group activities encourage motivation and teamwork, personal sacrifice for group goals, and empathy qualities that benefit young people in their studies, their jobs, and their personal lives, as well as help them become responsible and successful adults (Zill, Nord, and Loomis. 1995).

****Please consider the important part you play in the lives of our children at Bertie Middle School. Together we can make a difference! There are many selection choices, and on the attachment you will find the clubs that were previously listed and fulfilled along with suggestions for new clubs. Please send an email to verify the club that you will be interested in advising. If you previously had chosen a club to advise your name remains on the list unless you request to remove it. Please send your request by October ___5th___2011 Via email to Or Thank you for ALL you do to make a difference!

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