In An Alternative Universe

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A Report on intergalactical motor racing

In an Alternative Universe, on a world much like ours, there was a dark, dark time for the planets premier racing series. Corruption and manipulation were rife amongst those that ran the sport. The teams, tired of receiving less than a third of the revenues from their labours decided it was time for a change. They formed WGPTA (World Grand Prix Teams Association), comprising of 12 motor racing franchises. Each Franchise is owned by either a company or wealthy individual and they have a Franchise Committee of 12 representatives that decide certain matters by democratic vote. A Franchise can be sold on, but only with agreement of a certain number of the other Franchisees. The number of Franchisees can be increased or shrunk by agreement of the WGPTA. There is a series of motor races across the world called the World Grand Prix Championship - WGPC. The logistics of the calendar and the fees due from TV companies, venues and sponsors are managed for the WGPTA by a sub-ordinate organisation called WGP Commercial. All subject to final agreement from the WGPTA. There is a travelling highly specialized TV crew who provide unbiased coverage in every country of all teams and drivers regardless of race or politics. This company, the WGPTV, costs are met by the RTA. The rules by which the teams compete and their policing are managed by the WGPA (World Grand Prix Authority). The head of this authority is nominated, appointed and retired on an annual basis. The decision as to who will head the organisation for the next year rotates among the members of the RTA. The WGPA is also responsible for safety. These organizations are governed financially by international legislation and publish all matters financial on an annual basis, thus keeping them above any accusations of collusion and corruption. All funds are received by the WGPTA, which then pays for the running costs of the personnel etc of WGP Commercial, WGPTV and the WGPA and the rest is divided amongst the franchisees. The division of profits is based upon the finishing positions of each franchisees racing team in the World Grand Prix Championship. The WGPTA is master of its own domain, restrained by its collective need to find continual agreement. It supports charitable organisations across the world and is known to be an icon of unity across nations. The individual who conceived this organisation was a shadowy, mysterious individual who is spoken of reverently in the annuls of WGP history.

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