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Math Vertical Team Meeting October 7, 2011

CES Benchmarks
o Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership

Items to be Discussed Common Core Practices What do you think so far? What experiences have you had with using the practices in your classroom? Where are the practices in your lesson plans? How are you using the practices in your instruction?

Practices are just good math teaching Not anything new Connects with Van de Walle Verbiage is confusing and not user friendly Easier to develop plans around them because they are broad Ideas for including within your lesson plan- simply write the practice or number, create a chart of all practices and highlight the practice/s addressed in the lesson When the practices are written in the lesson plan we are able to see which we are using more regularly and which we need to use, which are developmentally appropriate to various age groups, which we as teachers understand better. We need to build an understanding of what the practices are with students using appropriate vocabulary. ? Which is more important students can really think through these processes and use the skills or that they know the words of the practice Include practices in our objectives and unpack with students. Thoughtwhen we do get to teach the standards we need to be diligent in making sure students have a deep understanding because with the set up of the standards they may not see that skill the next year BUT we are hopeful that students will be able to develop a deeper understanding because we will have more time to devote to the big ideas that are appropriate to our students levels and needs. Watched Math with Mr. Almeida video- overview of all 8 core standards and example of using practice #1. Like the KWC chart- What you know, What you want to find out, Constraints/Limitations It was determined that unpacking the practices should be done at each grade level so that appropriate language and examples are used to ensure understanding. Vocabulary is personalized this way. Important aspects of the practice: Pull the problem apart before trying to solve it Use a KWC chart Pay attention to constraints Students need to be taught to read closely Find connections Sort the given information Teachers should model/think aloud explaining the meaning of the problem. Build on skills that are related Try strategies used but on different problems Keep a list of how others solved the same problem in a different way, gallery walk and take an idea to help you, create a strategies

Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership

Unpacking Practice #1 What does it really mean? How can we explain it to students? Examples of how this practice can be implemented in the classroom

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Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership

Follow-Up Plan a lesson that showcases Math Practice #1. Bring the lesson with you next time.

chart Visualize the problem and solution (concrete objects may not always be available) Enforce student thinking of Does this make sense? Note: This practice emphasizes the importance of thinking through a problem before solving it and then working at it in necessary steps but when it comes to testing reality there just is not enough time for students to think this critically and be able to finish the assessment. Makers of assessment should keep this in mind IF this thinking is expected. Talk about and post things good mathematicians do for each practice (as we discuss them) Unpack Practice #1 with students and be prepared to share.

Logistics Plan date for the next meeting. Leadership

Next meeting will be Monday Nov. 7 at 2:30 PM in Paces room. During my leave a rotation will be used for leading meetings: o Bill/Patrick- Dec. o Ginny K/Tammy- Jan. o Julie- Feb.

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