CarafosLearningLog Ver2

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Name: Danielle Carafos

Class Activities/Primary Work Work Submitted/Due Next Steps (on my own, in

professional development, to extend
work done in and for class)
8/25 Explore delicious Look over syllabus
Introduction to the class
Registered for a delicious account
(9/8) Take Alan November quiz Add additional RSSS to delicious
Register for wiki Rss
(9/15) Turned in Ticket number 2 Look up my own RSS feeds and look
We reviewed and revised the syllabus and (Alan November quiz) at anything that may be interesting
wrote down important dates. bout education.
We reviewed the learning log and all of its Ticket number 3 due next class
Became familiar with RSS feeds and
subscribed what we found was interesting.
Learned how to use “easy edit” on our class
(9/22) Turned in Ticket 3 (posted Subscribe to more RSS feeds.
Anchor DI quiz on the Wiki)Differentiated Check the RSS feeds I have
Homebase groups Instruction Homework subscribed to, and see if there is
Auto summary on word RSS commentary. any new and interesting
Watched a video about a classroom where information.
the teacher used Differentiated Instruction
and my particular homebase group took notes
on how the teacher assessed her students
with Differentiated Instruction. Other
homebase groups took notes on other aspects
of the video.
(9/29) Ticket 4 (DI quiz) Catch up on all homework on angel
Left our home base groups and became experts Finish last week’s and our wiki.
on what we learned and then taught it to our new Homework Start working on ideas for project
formed group. Web review drop box on wiki.
Gave blackout dates Pick one tough vocabulary
Went over homework word to teach
Read my chapter in the
book and become an
expert on it so I can make
a good page on our class
(10/6) All back work was due Start to think about how we are going
Went over project. including all tickets. to teach our “slice”. Make a planner,
Met with others who are becoming experts on the next week is drop in time or
same chapters as us, and divided up who was independent time.
going to take what slice of each chapter. Continue to work on my “slice” of
I ended up selecting the section on reading the chapter for our class wiki.
comprehension guides.
10/13) Prepare for the project.
We didn’t meet as an entire class. However, if we
had any questions about our assigned project, we
could go and see her at the time of our class.
“Drop in time/ Independent time”
(10/20) No work was due Complete tickets
Paired off in two’s and taught my partner the For next class do 2 tickets Become familiar with new sites I
vocabulary we chose. including a post to the wiki signed up for in the lab.
Organized strategy, by which we learned the term and a quiz on survey
in a graphic organizer on the board. monkey.
Watched Marzano’s Six step video on how to
learn new vocabulary. Each group had to focus
on one of the six aspects of the video.
Answered homework (secession 8 on wiki)
Reviewed information on secession 8 in the lab
to complete the quiz for our next class.
(10/27) Redo tickets that have the Make sure to complete classmate’s
We got together with safety nets to talk about LL. opportunity to be handed quizzes before Sunday at midnight!
Went over how the learning logs should look in again. Revise Alan November quiz by next
like. time if needed.
Talk at internet postings Learn the basics about the big 6
We looked over graded tickets as a class. We research model.
went over the rubric for ticket # 5.
First group of people presenting on the wiki
went today, their focus was phonemic
(11/3) Quizzes were due from Re-submit D.I Quiz
We met in the distance learning lab for class. previous class. Make sure to take classmates
Talked about projects for next class. Alan November ticket quizzes by Sunday at midnight.
Went over quiz submission deadlines. deadline.
Filled out a flash card if you were presenting Review Blooms Taxonomy
your wiki project next class. information.
Showed the literacy instructional resource guide Revise WebQuest ticket #1,
drop box. if needed.
We went over the Differentiated Instruction Play with Big 6
quiz and talked about the opportunity to redo information on the wiki.
the quiz.
Went over the Big 6 Model
We became familiar with the smartboard
using “Walk in the Woods” virtual field trip.
(11/10) Ticket number 10- Complete Complete ticket # 11 to replace an
Students that were presenting gave a brief over a comparison table on excel entire ticket grade.
view of their wiki. on a literacy concept. Do a Complete quizzes for chapters 12 and
We got into groups so we would work out of our screenshot on all of your 13. (7 total)
comfort zones. online postings to the wiki. Set up your wiki page for portfolio
We watched a video review guide on a web quest Deadline for re-doing and invite Professor Gradel.
and wrote down answers to the questions that WebQuest 1. Read the chapters for the students
were written on the board. Explore a virtual field trip who are presenting their wiki next
site and post it for extra class.
(11/17) All the quizzes from Start your E portfolio!
Students that were presenting gave a brief over students wiki pages were Make sure that the tickets being used
view of their wiki. due by Sunday night(11/23) in the portfolio are done well and
Dr. Gradel suggests seeing her during lab hours if Any tickets that were something you are proud of.
any questions, Except December 1st. incomplete (zero’s) needed Read chapters for the students who
We made a house keeping list of all the due dates to be done by November 30th are presenting their wiki next class.
of tickets and final projects. at 11:59PM.
Went over the E portfolio briefly.
(11/24) Any tickets that were Prepare for E portfolio
We didn’t have class because of thanksgiving incomplete (zeros) needed to
break. be done by November 30th at
(12/1) Same as the previous week. The final project is very time
Students that were presenting gave a brief over (Incomplete Tickets needed consuming, make sure to start putting
view of their wiki. to be done by November things together day by day.
We talked about what needs to be fixed on the 30th) Figure out what exact tickets you
wiki’s to improve our grade. Talk to Dr. Gradel for any need to use for your portfolio.
Looked more in depth on what to do for the E clarifications or questions Make your wiki reflect on how well
portfolio. during the lab hours. you have done throughout the
Went over Cinnamon’s portfolio reflection log Most students went to the semester. Add any other work from
for reference when we have to do ours. lab and completed other classes that you are proud of
Talked about the copyright of our assignments everyone’s quizzes. that would make the page reflect
that are posted on the internet. more on whom you are as an
In the lab we took quizzes pertaining to individual.
spelling in chapters 6 and 20. Read the chapters for the students
who are presenting their wiki next
12/8 Finish e-portfolio by final Make sure to take classmates
Discussed any final questions anyone may exam date. quizzes by Sunday at midnight.
have had concerning the e-portfolio and what
should compromise it.
12/15 E-portfolio due 11/18 by
Exam Week midnight

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