Prepositions With Geographical Names

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Prepositions with Geographical Names

For cities, islands, and groups of islands that are not countries or provinces: o Use the preposition to express to or in Je vais Londres. o Use the preposition de/d to express from Il vient de Dakar. For singular feminine names of countries, continents, feminine states, masculine singular names of states and countries beginning with a vowel sound and French/Canadian provinces: o Use the preposition en to express to or in Nous voyageons en Afrique. o Use the preposition de/d to express from Je viens de Virginie. For singular masculine names of countries, provinces and states: o Use the preposition + definite article (au) to express to or in Vous allez aller au Maroc pour deux semaines. o Use the preposition de + definite article (du) to express from Paul est du Canada. For all plural names of geographical areas: o Use the preposition + definite article (aux) to express to or in Ils vivront aux Etats-Unis. o Use the preposition de + definite article (des) to express from Elles reviendront des Antilles. When talking about states, you can use the following constructions:

o Use dans lEtat de/d to express to or in for feminine states and masculine states that begin with a vowel sound, and dans lEtat du for other masculine states. Tu habites dans lEtat de Calafornie.

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