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Since I was very young, I have always had interests in building and arts.

It started from a couple of scribbles and my family members deduced that arts is my major talent. Since then I have an ambition of becoming an architect and improve my skills. Leonardo Davinci, Ibnu Sinan Pasha, and other historic figures have been inspirations to my life ambition. I would do everything that I could to achieve my dreams just like them. Studying abroad had been a dream for all teenagers with excellent results in SPM examination. MARA is a Malaysian government agency that provide learning facilities for bright students. More importantly, it offers scholarships for young SPM leavers to learn in local or foreign universities with the best facilities, accommodations, and of course: academia. This is an opportunity for me to gain new knowledge, experience, creative new ideas and learn other country cultures. Day by day, the job market is becoming more competitive. This makes harder for one to succeed although that we are working very hard and diligently. In other words, I will need more back up support with the best academia and facilities for my studies if I want to excel and achieve my ambitions. Furthermore, it supports students with financial problems, grooms, and nurtures students to become leaders and test their abilities to think out of the box and be professionals in their future career. As a result, I can be a more independent and reliable person for my friends, family, and country in the future. No doubt this opportunity will provide the best platform to jump start my career given my past achievements. After I accomplished my studies, I will surely try my best to support the government creating Malaysia a high-flying commonwealth metropolis by applying what I have learned throughout my studies to my work. I will also share and contribute the knowledge that I have earned to the citizens of Malaysia so that we all as 1 Malaysia, together can help the government to flourish Malaysia by helping each other.

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