Histoical Inquiry Project Propsal Final Draft

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Matthew Irvine Mr.

Anthony Borrero Engl 1102 1/26/12

Concept and Research Proposal Final Draft

My idea is to create an RPG video game about a man of eighteen who is a colonial during the American Revolution. He is torn between being a patriot with the rebellion and being a loyalist siding with the British. He can choose to be a patriot or a loyalist and the games story develops from either side. Whichever side you choose with your character your older brother will choose the other and you will be in conflict with him throughout the storys progression. Customization of your character will also be an option. The historical event is the American Revolution and it keys in on a couple of important battles as well as the times in between. The battle of Saratoga will be refrenced but benedict Arnold will be the focus point and the character in the game knows of his betrayel and either aids Arnold and tries to get him to switch or tries to stop him as a patriot. There will be various things that Ill need to carefully research. I need to find out the specific common and military attire of the time. Also I need to find out the details of all the battles I choose to put the character through such as who lead the battle, where it took place, the date and weather of the time, and the death toll that each battle had. Of course similar research will need to be done regarding the British as well. I also need to extensively research the core of the story behind benedict arnolds betrayal and the players in the evenets that conspired around him.

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