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Sanchit Kumar Sawyer Brooks Team Zelda ESE350 ESETROYER Abstract The University of Pennsylvania has established a reputation

for developing unmanned autonomous vehicles, particularly quadrotors that can fly, balance payloads, avoid obstacles, and fly in synchronized patterns with other vehicles with little to no human input controlling or affecting the flight path. Our project extended this autonomous functionality to a vehicle operating on ground level, a radio controlled Humvee tank, to automate some of the functions on the tank. Our primary objective was to control the tanks turret such that it could automatically detect a target in sight, turn its turret to face the target, and fire at the target, all without human input. This would require processing the area in front of the tank, recognizing the target, and adjusting the turret position accordingly. We used a Beaglebone paired with a USB Web Camera to process the image in front of the turret and detect a target, a yellow ball. The Beaglebone then transmits the coordinates of the target over a serial connection to an mBed, which controls the motors responsible for adjusting the tanks turret orientation to face the target. To expand the project, we used the mBed to control the motors responsible for driving and turning the tank, and incorporated limited autonomous control of the movement.

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