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Happy Easter

d Happy be blesse ur Easter May yo ity, love h, longev with healt ess! of happin and a lot y you awa d keeps Let Go sudden tongues, from evil enemies e, clever misfortun friends! -minded and small ster! Happy Ea fill your is Easter May th rgettable ith unfo heart w joy! u all the d give yo May Go the joye best, all best of th zy! ful and co

C= cant live without u L= love u I= i miss u C= care about u K= kiss from my heart 2 u So whenever u miss me just say CLICK.
LOVE U . I Kn o w Yo u r Life Ca n Go On With o u t Me , Th a t Yo u Ca n B e This Easter Im sending you Ha p p y With o u t Me , these three wishes Th a t Yo u Ca n S u rv iv e Peace, With o u t Me , B u t I c a n t Ev e n If Joy, and Yo u Tu rn Me Aw a y , Love. I Will S till Ch o o s e To Happy Easter! S ta y With Yo u ,

To my wonderful Love at Easter. Youre a wonderful and a friend to me as well; Thats why I love you so much more than any words can tell. All my heart is in this wish that you will always beas happy and contented as the way that you make me! Happy Easter, Honey!

From Hirut G.mariam

To Aklilu G.mariam

a nd d's love M a y Go po wer, with r heart ill you F joy er d fo rev day an To u ster To appy Ea H
O my dear Whats life ? Life is love. Whats love ? Love is giving hurt to someone . How can u give ur hurt ? It has key. Where is the key? Come here and take it; its free only for Any one cant take the key.

May the angels protect you May the sadness forget you May goodness surround you And may Lord Jesus Christ always bless you

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