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1. Whats the main idea or theme? 2. Is there a specific situation? 3. Something to learn/obey (command) or understand? 4.

How does the larger system relate to this text? The Intellectual: What you think/argue (Logos) Danger: abstraction

Text as Picture

1. Who is doing what and why? 2. What ethics are expressed here? 3. How do I feel? 4. What are others responses? 5. Do I need or want whats being expressed? 6. Expectations or hobby horses? The Kitchen Sink: What you do/apply (pathos) Danger: hagiography or moralizing

Normative Ideal, the rule or the principle the text

Text as Window

Existential Emotion and intuition

Situational Context; both local and larger

Text as Mirror

The Arts: What you see/illustrate (ethos)

1. Historical and personal? 2. Big picture and details? 3. Whats the cultural setting, then and now? 4. What direction is this text heading? 5. How have things changed? 6. Something to change / compare and contrast? 7. Mysteries, controversies, heresies?

Danger: via media: loosing the details and the big-picture

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