Question 4

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Who Would Be My Target Audience?

Based on the feeback I received, my target audience would be between the ages of 18-30, mainly male. I have chosen 18 because the film involes a lot of gore and would probably have a certificate 18. Younger audiences are less likely to be offended by the horror. Other films that have a similar amount of gore would include Saw.This film has been given a certificate 18 so I believe it would be approiate for my film to have the same.

I have chosen to go up to 30 because it has a more complex theme than some thrillers so may appeal to an older generation. Another thriller that has a complex theme and narrative is Batman, The Dark Knight. This film has a much wider auidence to that of Saw. This is because the focus is on the narrative, rather than the gore.

I have chosen males as my target audience because of the violence. Most films that have a lot of violance are aimed towards the male gender because of their violant nature. Another film that is targeted towards a male auidence is Fight Club. This film is based aeound fighting and pain so is perfect for a male audience.

Another audience group would be goths or people into the afterlife etc. I have chosen this because of the dark religious theme that would interest these kinds of people. Another film that has a dark religious theme is The Exorcist.

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