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Pomer English 1103-025

Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:28 AM Comment [1]: Reviewed By: Bill Moll Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:36 AM Comment [2]: MLA Format

In the 1920s and 30s, the Great Depression led to people becoming financially unstable, resulting in drastic lifestyle changes for most people. Although notorious for their criminal backgrounds, Bonnie and Clyde's main motivation was to help the suffering community from the hardships of this time. Sometimes after a bank heist, the couple would not see a penny of their labor as they would dispense the money throughout the needy neighborhoods on the way to their safe house. This idea of doing wrong for the greater good of society is a repeating theme throughout history and is viewed as admirable by most people. This concept is present in the life of Frank Lucas, and in the story of Robin Hood. Robin Hood would steal from the rich and give to the poor, whereas Frank Lucas sold heroin in New York City and would use the profits to help out the poor neighborhoods by providing food, money, and jobs to those in need. With good intentions, nevertheless, Bonnie and Clyde have become famous, but not in the way they had originally intended.

Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:38 AM Deleted: that was suffering

Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:40 AM Deleted: in need Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:42 AM
Deleted: theme

Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:42 AM Deleted: something Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:45 AM Deleted: in fact in the history Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:45 AM Deleted: fiction with Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:45 AM Deleted: in the story of Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:45 AM
Deleted: , the man

Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:45 AM Deleted: however Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:49 AM Deleted: been commonly viewed unfairly and Bill Moll 2/15/12 11:49 AM Deleted: to be viewed

I understand where you are going with it, and it sounds interesting. Make sure you dont get too repetitive with your word choice. There were a few times that I had to delete repetition. Otherwise, good job with what you had so far.

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