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Do's And Don'ts

Wear loose comfortable clothing. The best time to do yoga is early in the morning on an empty stomach, however if you are practicing in the evening, give a gap of two hours after light meal & four hours after heavy meal. Compete with yourself and not with others. Please stop and rest in case of dizziness, nausea or any other physical discomfort. People suffering from hernia, spinal disorders, high BP should consult the doctor before practicing. Not to be practiced by pregnant / Nursing women. Women may avoid the practice during menstruation period.

Event Rules & Regulations

The participant must present himself / herself at least half an hour prior to the event. The participants should not leave the venue before the event is declared over by the Organisers. It is mandatory that you register to participate by filling in the Yogathon Registration Form. Please specify clearly if you would like to take part in Yogathon Challenge or Spirit of yoga. Every registered participant is eligible to get 'Spirit of yoga Certificate'. In case the registered participant completes 54 sets (108 rounds) of Surya Namaskar then he will get 'Gold Certificate'.

Competition Rules
The participant must perform the asanas as demonstrated by the event instructor at the start of the event. The Surya Namaskar asanas will be performed to the count of the instructor. There are twelve poses in the Surya Namaskar series, and one set consists of performing two rounds. During the second round, practitioners move the opposite leg from the one involved in movement during the first round. The Organisers reserve the rights to disqualify a participant if he or she is not performing the asanas as demonstrated. Gold Certificate will be given to the participants who successfully completes 54 sets (108 rounds) as per the above said competition rules.

Terms and Conditions

The applicant must agree to abide by all the rules and regulations as changed by the Organiser from time to time. Rights of admission reserved. Reasons for rejection need not be specified. Disclaimer: Agreeing to the rules and regulations means that I accept the risks involved in participating in this event including cause of any injury. I do not hold the Organisers or the volunteers responsible for any mishap.

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