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The Renaissance began at the start of the 14th century and then lasted until roughly the 17th

century. Its roots began in Italy during the latter part of the Middle Ages. One of the major catalysts of the Renaissance was the advancement in printing. There was a major increase in how quickly information could be printed, which led to a spread of knowledge and ideas across a large area. The Renaissance is more specifically seen as a cultural movement. The arts had come alive and science was beginning to flourish. Italy was divided into small city- states and territories. The kingdom of Naples had power over the southern area. Florence had control of the papal states in the center. The Milanese and the Genoese had power of the North and West. And finally, the Venetians maintained their presence in the East. A bishop named Otto of Freising stated that Italy appeared to be moving into a feudalistic society which is based on merchants and commerce. The Renaissance is heavily known for its advances in art. Highly realistic pieces of art had begun to makes its way into the spotlight. Artists had a new focus on capturing the aesthetics of the natural world. New techniques in lighting and using the human anatomy for art was became very popular. Realism found its self on the main stage during the Renaissance. Inspiration came from almost every aspect of life. Architecture, science, mathematics; They all had some role in shaping this new style of art. Science: Religion:

Comment [JA1]: Reviwed by John Angelesco

Comment [JA2]: What large area?

Comment [JA3]: What southern area, more specific?

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