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Analysis and Interpretation Simple random sampling Stratified sampling Cluster sampling The first step in any marketing research project and is critical to its success Focus on the real research problem. not the symptoms Anticipate how the information will be used All parties involved must Avoid prescribing a specific study until the problem is fully understood and defined

Propability Sampling Types of Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Sampling Frame Sampling Size Response Rates 6. Sample design

1. Problem Definition

The collection of marketing research information involves construction of a data collection onstrument called survey or questionaire Multiple Choice Open-ended Survey research Scaled questions Categorical Double-barreled wording Loaded wording Ambiguous wording Inappropriate wording Missing alternatives

Exploratory Research

Unaware of Problem Carried out to satisfy researcher's desire for better understanding, or to develop preliminary background and suggest issues for a more detailed follow-up study Aware of Problem Normally directed by one or more formal research questions or hypotheses

2. Determining Research Designs 5. Determining on Data Collection Instruments Marketing Research Process

Descritive Research

Cross-sectional study Longitudinal research

5 Errors in Question design

Casual Research

Problem Clearly Defined Experiments in which researchers manipulate independent variables and then observe or measure the dependent variables of interest.

Most common exploratory procedure Involve a small group (8-12 ppl) in a discussion for no more than 2 hours Group interaction stimulates thiniking and reactions Designed to get in-depth, open-ended responses Relatively cost-effective Wide geographical area Centralized control of data collection


Direct Indirect Disguised Public

Primary Data Focus Groups 3. Decision on Data Types 4. Determining Data Collection Methods

Mail Interview Telephone Interview Personal Interview Panel Interview Company records Data from Marketing design support systems Proprietary External Data Nonproprietary Customer research Sydicated Services Published reports Census data Periodicals

Internal Data

Telephone Surveys Secondary Data Mail Surveys Personal Interviews Mail Intercepts Internet Surveys

Projective techniques and observations

Marketing Research Process.mmap - 4/16/2012 - Mindjet

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